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skunkworks's Introduction

Gitcoin is a constellation of Ethereum-based smart contracts designed to Push Open Source Forward. Learn more at

Star and watch this github repository to stay up to date, we're pushing new code several times per week!

Why cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency allows end-users to send tips and issue funding for Github Issues without

  • bureacracy
  • trusted intermediaries
  • international payment fees
  • credit card fees
  • plus it allows funding in ERC20 tokens!

More about how/why cryptocurrency here

What is Gitcoin?

Gitcoin is an open source distributed network that makes it easy to monetize your work in open source software.

Network Values, Mission, and Culture

Read about our culture and mission here

Open Funded Issues

View our open funded work via this link:


A tip is a tool to send ether or any ethereum token to any github account. The flow for tips looks like this:

Send (party 1) => receive (party 2)

Funded Issues are a way to fund open source features, bugs, or security bounties. The flow for funded issues looks like this:

Fund Issue (party 1) => claim funds (party 2) => accept (party 1)

What kinds of issues make great funded issues?

Gitcoin supports bug, feature, and security funded issues. Any issue that you need done is a good candidate for a funded issue, provided that:

  • It’s open today.
  • The repo README clearly enumerates how a new developer should get set up to contribute.
  • The task is well defined.
  • The end-state of the task is well defined.
  • The pricing of the task reflects (market rate * complexity) of the task.
  • The issue is on the roadmap, but does not block other work.

To get started with funded issues today, it might be good to start small. Is there a small bug that needs fixed? An issue that’s been open for a while that no one is tackling? An administrative task?

Post your issue on the Issue Explorer.

Project Repos

Adding your token to Gitcoin.

Have an ERC20 compatible token that you'ud like to add support for? Great!

Here is an example of how to do it

Getting Started

Check out the developer guide at

Check out the repo maintainer guide at

Check out the Case Study doc at

Dogfood Gitcoin

Here's a list of active Funded Issues that were made for building gitcoinco.

About the team

Kevin Owocki has a BS in Computer Science, 15 years experience in Open Source Software and Technology Startups. He is a volunteer in the Boulder Community for several community organizations, and an avid open source developer. His work has been featured in TechCrunch, CNN, Inc Magazine, The New York Times, BoingBoing, WIRED, Forbes, and TechDigest.

Also, we are hiring!

skunkworks's People


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skunkworks's Issues

mentorship product

Idea that came out of Ethereum Denver meetup last night:

It'd be interesting to assign a mentor/mentee relationship to a bounty. Basically, if developer decides to make a go to a bounty, they can ask another project member with more experience to mentor them on details where they'd add value, in exchange for some amount of the final payout.

figure out daily coding challenge spec

a daily coding challenge module or email that allows folks to stay engaged and learn solidity over time

do we need 'tracks'? ie solidity track, Ethereum basics track, etc..

ethwallpaper: charge 0.005 ETH per wallpaper generated


  1. allow user to create a very small resolution wallpaper without paying.
  2. for full res wallpapers, charge 0.005 ETH per wallpaper generated. this should only work on the mainnet (not testnet or testrpc)
  3. payments should go to 0x4331B095bC38Dc3bCE0A269682b5eBAefa252929
  4. upload and wallpaper generation should occur when payment is made.

sell schwag

might be worth throwing up a simple shopify site to sell schwag

job board.

people can stake some ETH to put up a job post... and it only gets paid out if the JD is filled

professional networking, but with an economic cost to contact someone

from the consensys slack, posted with permission

Free idea. I think I've talked about this 10 times before. I would do this myself if I wasn't doing other things.

LinkedIn is terrible because it's free to try and connect with me, and because it's free there's no reason you wouldn't try. Very low signal! Very high noise!

To connect with me, you should have to make a deposit of some amount I set. 10 Dai, say. If I accept the connection, you get the deposit back. If I reject it, I keep your money.

That's it. That's all you have to do. Just LinkedIn, but with that. LinkedIn is terrible.

Looking for help with Ethereum Wallet Handling book

I am looking for help with my Ethereum Wallet Handling guide.

The work is essentially administrative, just copying and organizing already written sections into a GitBook. You will receive full accreditation and may become a bit of an expert on handling Ethereum wallets.

I can offer 1-2 ETH for project completion. Please contact me via email: nick . dodson @ consensys [DOT] net

testing bounties

ability to automatically accept abounty when a certain set of test pass

dataviz of pending transactions


  • 2d dataviz of pending ethereum transactions
  • the higher the txs are in the space, the most gas prices they are paying
  • the further to the right they are... they longer they have been unconfirmed... they will continue across the sky across the users browser.
  • if you hover over a tx, you can see it's hash and a link to it on etherscan
  • transactions that came from my coinbase will be highlighted as a different color

kind of like clouds floating in the sky:

scam / phishing registry

A service that lets you lookup your public #ethereum address and see which scam/phish it was victim to, something like HIBP. Also including “bios” on known phishing/scams as well as resources to read for best practices to keep you safe. Maybe some quizzical games for education.

deploy ethwallpaper website


how to claim

  1. claim the issue on gitcoin
  2. message me on slack or leave a comment here.
  3. i will spin up an ubuntu EC2 instance and give you credentials
  4. you login, deploy the code in a manner that's suitable for production (ex: using gunicorn or equivilent, instead of ./ runserver, using postgres instead of sqllite, etc)
  5. i payout bounty

Turn any image into an ethereum wallpaper


  • Python script that uses PIL
  • input is a png, jpg, or gif image
  • output is an image that has an ethereum logo on it (see below samples)




  • Please submit the python script is a PR back to this repo.
  • Please include some sample before/after images.

staking app

basic transaction

  1. funder sends ETH
  2. smart contract allows fundee to withdraw X ETH per (day|week|month)
  3. funder can revoke ETH at any time if they're not happy with how their staked $$$ is being used

v2: RFF

Request for funding
-- users can submit requests for funding for their projects

distributed sprint planning

just had an interesting convo with a community member for gitcoin.

basically her vision for gitcoin’s toolset was that a funder could a sprint of development work.. then all the tickets get prioritized and estimated… and then bountied in a batch

which i think is interesting an aggressive because its taking the traditional sprint cycle and making it into a DAO

pasting some notes below:

	when a sprint is planned, the sprint is funded then all the bounties are placed on github
	estimates flow into the funding of each bounty
	that type of integration would be useful eventually
	theyre using asana
		they added a custom field for bounties so far
	not talking about her business.  talking about the DAO[
	discoverability: integration with our website... we can show the issues... and then it sends the user to github or gitcoin
	shooting for this quarter to build this
	sometime this month building the community```

this webpage would be a one link refutation of articles like this

what it needs

  • crowdsourced repository of live dapps
  • information about how much tx volume each of them are driving.
  • nice frontend to view the information by

note that already exists... but doesnt have good information about growth / tx volume. what i'm envisioning is more of a, but for dapps

educational tool for young adults

i really would like to launch some sort of educational tool … not sure what it looks like, but incentivizing kids and young adults to contribute to OSS from very young

code ethwallpaper website



  1. Take the winning design from #4
  2. and the code from #3
  3. create a website that can accept image uploads, validate them, and then spit out the resultant 'eth wallpaper' image.
  4. after image is uploaded, it should be displayed to the user with an option to tweet it.


  1. any generated ethwallpaper image should go into the gallery.
  2. two dynamic pieces of functionality should exist on each gallery image. 'like' and 'report'
  3. any offensive images can/should be removed, if an image has more 'report's than 'likes' it should be hidden from the gallery

Other Reqquirements

I'd prefer python/django be used for this, but it's up to the submitter at the end of the day. Choose the right tool for the job.


  1. To claim this bounty, please comment below and claim it on
  2. Please do not start work until you've claimed the bounty.



third party recruiters add little value to the ecosystem, and are ripe for disintermediation. see my body of writing on the subject at

i think the future is one wherein individuals recruit for their own projects, with the help of software.

i would like to provide a tool for repo owners to write cold emails that aren't so off-putting. keeping in mind that as repo maintainers, we have to recruit talent for our projects, it is important to provide tools that guide a user into forming meaningful connections with recruitees.


i would like to build a tool that creates good cold outreach emails.

by syncing the linkedin profile of a user when they first land on the tool, we could get information about the senders place of employment, skills, schooling, living location.

from there, we provide an interface wherein one could paste the linkedin profile of a candidate one wants to reach out to..

and receive a MOSTLY custom recruitment email to send to the other party.

Design is done!

Please see the design referenced on
#20 (comment)

Bounty: Code this up!

Coded pages

  1. ladning page
  2. 'connect with linkedin' page
  3. paste candidate profile url page
  4. generated email page


Technical considerations

  • python django app pls :)
  • stores LinkedInUser row in the database.
  • stores the profile URL of anyone they retrieve in the database.
  • copy: i will change the copy after it's all coded up
  • please implement the 'send this email', and 'randomize message', and copy buttons. you can remove the 'reset' and 'save for later' buttons. batch upload (and other upload form improvements)


  1. Enable the upload mechanism to accept up to 10 images at once in batch.
  2. Size of ethereum logo field Title, author email, tags, will apply to all images in batch
  3. Copy updates: Upload Wallpaper => Upload Wallpapers
  4. Add a subheader below "Upload Wallpaper" that says "Upload up to 10 images. Each image must be jpg, png, gif format, and less than X MB" where X is the max size the script can handle.
  5. Kill the 'author' and 'tags' field on the upload page.
  6. Rename Title to be 'Description', and have whatever the user inputs as description on the frontend populate into the 'title', 'author', and 'tags' field on the backend.
  7. Add a subheader under 'Description' that reads 'Used for search functionality on'.

vision of gitcoin as a web3 talent services org

1:1 interviews with community members to learn about them and their career needs. high touch service; during which we solicit their 1) skillsets, 2) seniority level 3) career growth direction and become the “matchmaker” guys for when someone has an idea and wants a team behind it.. or we just feed them ideas like a web3 incubator or accelerator. there is a market for matching teams together… i KNOW it.

we also drop hints about upcoming events and how we want to evolve people who contributed early.

triple purpose:

  1. get super buy in early to the community from an extrinsic motivation part of things
  2. toy with copying the business models of the top web2 accelerators (techstars, yc) or… recruitment firms
  3. our face time with community members == higher NPS, engagement with the brands

on demand technical mentorship

like google helpouts before it collapsed, build a product that allows people to find on demand code mentorship to build a side project or join their team.. or otehrwise get 1;1 help

How do we sustain Open Source Software at Scale


this thread is to solicit ideas for how open source software can be sustained at Scale.

to participate

leave a github comment on this thread with your idea.


at the end of the day, the criteria for this bounty will be managed by the crowd. to me, a good idea

  1. is backed by fully-baked ideas about incentivization mechanics
  2. is testable via a small MVP, but also has potential to scale if that MVP is successful.
  3. can leverage blockchain in some way.
  4. allows OSS projects with an audience/users to sustain themselves.

payout mechanics

after the bounty expires, i will send around a poll allowing people to vote on which ideas are most promising.

i will payout 70% of the bounty to the number 1 submission, 20% to the 2nd one, and 10% to the third one.

building a systemic skills engine

meta question: how do you take a junior engineer (or someone who wants to learn software), and bend the learning curve to set them on a path to be a senior engineer?

the only silver bullets i’ve seen have been

  1. a lot of gumption on behalf of the indivudal to learn (maybe call this intellectual curiousity and drive)
  2. mentorship

Eth avatar - gravatar for ethereum addresses


An important part of the Ethereum Ecosystem

ETHAvatar - a gravatar-like app, but instead of attaching images to emails, it attaches avatars to ETHereum addresses.

what, technically

  • create a basic webapp that, when a form is submitted, uploads an image avatar to IPFS.
  • webapp should then attach your ETHavatar to your web3.eth.coinbase in a smart contract which you build and deploy to rinkeby, and then, once tested, to mainnet
  • smart contract should store an IPFS hash of a metadata blob with metadata like title, image width, image height, etc...
  • smart contract should have a 'getter' so the user can get the image IPFS hash and the IPFS metadata hash
  • if a 2nd image is uploaded, it will overwrite the first image
  • if the get is called on an image that does not exist, return an IPFS hash which contains an identicon


do not worry about the frontend design. once you have built an app that works functionally, we will apply a design to it.


code this application up, open source the code (both the webapp and the smart contract), and deploy it to heroku (or similar) so it can be tested without having to deploy it.

if you wouldnt mind delivering code samples for posting an ETHavatar and GETing an ethavatar, thatd be great too. wed like to display these on the landing page of the site

how do we coordinate our research so each us don't have to be separately opening 1000 pages each to research all the ICOs in the space?

here needs an easy way to get an ICO TLDR

  • basically a table that has a name of hte project
  • what its meant to do in 5 words or less
  • who the team is
  • maybe a rating of the viability of the team, idea
  • market size

Sponsor a student/ Sponsor a junior developer

When I was a junior dev, I received mentorship from smoeone who became a lifelong friend to me.

As being a software developer is the path to a middle class life for millions worldwide, I think we bare a responsibility to "pay it forward" and to help mentor each other.

This thread is a placeholder for a product tentatively called 'sponsor a student'.. which will match junior developers to people who can help their careers, and allow folks to donate their time (or ETH) to said junior devs.

Code ETHWallpaper v2.

  1. Move ethwallpaper app to a ethwallpaper/ folder within skunkworks repo. Main readme should just be an index of all projects in the repo (currently, just ethwallpaper)
  2. capture (and validate) the email address of user uploadeding. send them a plaintext email when their upload is done with the subject "You upload is complete" with body "View your ETHWallpaper here: [link]".
  3. some method to manage the scale of the server. even though things have been massively optimized (Thanks @stojce !), we will need some way to queue the image generation if server is already processing an image
  4. search should be case insensitive
  5. google analytics (owocki to provide code)
  6. the script should add a watermark to the image that says on it
  7. should be https (and should autorenew)
  8. favicon should be ethereum logo
  9. indivudal ethwallpaper links ( e.g. ) should unfurl with the image associated with them in the preview. right now, the main image unfurls whenever you share a link to the site.
  10. "with <3 from gitcoin community" should link to

Design: Cold outreach email generator -


third party recruiters add little value to the ecosystem, and are ripe for disintermediation. see my body of writing on the subject at

i think the future is one wherein individuals recruit for their own projects, with the help of software.

i would like to provide a tool for repo owners to write cold emails that aren't so off-putting. keeping in mind that as repo maintainers, we have to recruit talent for our projects, it is important to provide tools that guide a user into forming meaningful connections with recruitees.


i would like to build a tool that creates good cold outreach emails.

by syncing the linkedin profile of a user when they first land on the tool, we could get information about the senders place of employment, skills, schooling, living location.

from there, we provide an interface wherein one could paste the linkedin profile of a candidate one wants to reach out to..

and receive a MOSTLY custom recruitment email to send to the other party.

nice to haves

  • ability to 'randomize' and generate a new recruitment email
  • ability to provide some copy about the opportunity you're hunting for, which can be inserted into the - generated emails, as say, the 2nd or 3rd paragraph.
  • color coded UI element that denotes how custom the generated email is
    (red == we couldnt find anything in common, generated a totally form email)
    (yellow == we added a few bits of custom info)
    (green == you have a lot in common with candidate.. lots of custom info added)
  • expected percentage response rate per customization level:


I'd love to see mockups of a brand identity for this project, and also of a very simple mockups of the following pages:

  1. 'connect with linkedin'
  2. paste candidate profile url
  3. generated email

coin tax calculator

supports gdax and any eth wallet
tells you your long term / short term cap gains

Ethwallpaper website design



Take #3 and make it into a one page website

  • hosted at (or similar)

Above the fold

  • user can upload an image
  • backend validates that it's an image, and runs #3 on it
  • outputs the new ethwallpaper for the user

Below the fold

  • there is a gallery of recent images, ranked by popularity
  • users can tweet about their favorite image (or the site in general)
  • somewhere in the footer it says "with <3 from the colorado community

Customer Development

screen shot 2017-12-08 at 1 47 27 pm


it's just an index of all dapp tutorials out there


marketplace where people who want to learn to build dapps can be connected with people who want dapps built

debtors-prison rescue dapp

i think one of the most heartbreaking things out there is the debtors prison that exists for millions of lower class americans

side 1 of the market

it basically goes like this.. you have a medical emergency or need your car repaired -- you go into $10k or $20k of debt at an insane interest rate.. like 25%..

and you can.. never.. get... out..

side 2 of the market

then there's these crypto people... who have made tons of $$$ off of bitcoin and ethereum price rises. these people are doing things like

  1. HODLing for the long term
  2. paying off their student loans / mortgaes


what if we connected these two sides of the market.. basically allowing crypto people to 'rescue' people from their debtors prison by

  1. just wiping the debt clean (for charity)
  2. making a loan at a reasonable interest rate.

basic functionality of the dapp

  1. side 1 of the market submits an application with pictures, their story, etc
  2. there is some sort of review functionality to do fact checks, prevent abuse.
  3. side 2 of the market can stake their crypto to help pay side 1's loans.
  4. the dapp distributes funds to side 1.

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

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  • D3 photo D3

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  • server

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  • Machine learning

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  • Game

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