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speckle-browser-extension's Introduction

Speckle browser extension

license issues LoC



Universal browser extension for Web 3 and the Polkadot ecosystem. Development is still work in progress. Stay Tuned!

Good to know before developing:


How to run:

In terminal or command prompt

yarn install
yarn run prod 
yarn run watch (to watch code changes)

If you're using Ubuntu

sudo apt install curl
sudo apt install git
git clone
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo npm install -g yarn
cd speckle-browser-extension/
yarn install
yarn run prod

In Brave web browser

  1. Go to: brave://extensions
  2. Toggle: "developer mode" on.
  3. Click on: "Load unpacked"
  4. Select the newly created folder "dist" from the project folder.
  5. That's it.

In Chrome web browser

  1. Go to: chrome://extensions
  2. Toggle: "developer mode" on.
  3. Click on: "Load unpacked"
  4. Select the newly created folder "dist" from the project folder.
  5. That's it.

In Firefox web browser

  1. Go to: about:debugging
  2. Select: "Enable add-on debugging"
  3. Click on: "Load Temporary Add-on…"
  4. Open the newly created folder "dist" from the project folder, and choose the "manifest.json" file.
  5. That's it.



speckle-browser-extension's People


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speckle-browser-extension's Issues

SessionStorage for Account creation process


Opening a popup in chrome extension means it is reloading the web app, and it will not save the last state upon account creation.

What I can do

Apply sessionStorage

Cute animal picture


Top Toolbar UI Enhancements #1

List of UI enhancements for the top toolbar:

  1. Polkadot at the top should be accompanied by the polkadot icon (also, it should be viewable when clicked);

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 4 07 35 pm


  1. It should say the name of the network connected and not just 'Polkadot' (e.g. Alexander for the POC testnet etc and have the Polkadot icon next to it, so users know its a Polkadot-related network - this will be important UI for when users want to connect to testnets etc even when Polkadot is live)

  2. Dropdown should have less height
    Screen Shot 2019-05-10 at 9 06 42 am

  3. Icon sizes look smaller than designs; and

  4. Distancing between icons and dropdown looks different to designs.

Public Key doesn't automatically switch between chains

An account's public key doesn't automatically change when switching between Kusama and Polkadot. This may cause the user to accidentally copy the wrong key.

This may not be a huge issue because funds are still received but exchanges will throwback errors and there may be other unforeseen consequences.

Global Settings (Change Colour Theme and Log Out)

Settings list in the top right toolbar.

Breakdown of designs and functionality:
Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at 11 20 57 pm

  1. User clicks top right profile icon, and it drops a number of options (similar to this animation: - but not as dramatic and not with expanding tiles - gentle dropdown of options one after another but at a quickened pace so it doesnt take too long )

  2. Options hovered over come to the foreground to demonstrate it is potentially selected (ie more shadowing behind the tile)

  3. Log out button is moved to these options, and keeps the same functionality - old log out button is removed

Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at 11 21 04 pm

  1. When a tile is clicked it moves to the top to demonstrate it is selected, and it drops down sub-option(s)

  2. X tile closes the options list and resets the top tab to the profile icon. Additionally, clicking on the top tab above the divider will retract all options and reset to profile icon.

  3. Back arrow moves user back to previous options

Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at 11 21 10 pm

  1. User picks a colour, which changes the application theme to one of the other colours that are selectable at the beginning when you first install the application (should show all options except the colour theme already selected)

Additional info: you may have to resize/reposition some of the elements (except the 'Speckle' logo) in the toolbar to fit the button in

NOTE: Please keep this well-documented because we will need to add more options, settings etc down the track. If we can keep this modular and easily upgraded/maintained that would be preferable.

General Dashboard UX Enhancements #1

Dashboard UX Enhancements list:

  1. Dashboard should display the custom name of the account and not "My Polkadot Wallet"
  2. Dashboard should display the newly created account and not go back to the previous account
  3. Can't see or copy full public key anymore (suggestion: make the account icon clickable to copy address, and have a '+' icon appear when mouse hovers over it)
  4. Closing and opening extension or logging in/out defaults back to the first account in the dropdown list - it should be the last selected account

Generate QR codes for Public Keys

Full breakdown:
Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at 4 33 27 pm

  1. Clickable QR code button sits next to the public key
  2. QR code needs to change for each account selected in the dropdown
  3. When clicked, the body of the extension below the banner fades out and the QR code screen fades in (needs to also accommodate the different banner sizes for send screen etc)
  4. QR code button needs to persist across the whole extension and not just home screen (so send and other buttons)
  5. Display the full public key below the QR code (not the truncated version in the banner)

Firefox: Can't import or drag keyfile for 'import account'

When importing an account from the dashboard and selecting 'import via keyfile', both options (either by dragging or clicking to import the file) are not possible on Firefox because the browser extension closes and resets back to the dashboard.

Upgrade polkadot libs to support edgeware nodes

While speckle is still using @polkadot/api 0.76.1 and @polkadot/keyring 0.76.1, @polkadot/api 0.81.1 and @polkadot/keyring 0.93.1 are already released as of writing.
edgeware-node-types relies on those new libs, hence speckle cannot support edgeware until we upgrade to those versions. Certain interfaces are changed in those versions, keyring-vault needs to be updated accordingly

Phantom Public Key When Creating New Account

When creating a new account, the first public key displayed by the wallet is not reproducible. If you click the account list, the public key displayed will be different.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create New Account (e.g. 'Account 1')
  2. Record first public key (the "phantom" address)
  3. Click on account list drop down
  4. Observe account public key
  5. Click Account 1
  6. Public Key changes

I have tested sending funds to this "phantom" address and the account still receives it. So it may be an undefined key on the keyring or something. However, exchanges throwback errors for being invalid.

First Public Key displayed when account created:

Public Key displayed in drop down:

Public Key displayed every time account is selected:

Miscellaneous UI bugs

  1. Address and amount sent doesn't properly align within frames


  1. Error notifications hang across routes and pushes all information down (sometimes making it impossible to send transactions because the "confirm" button is offscreen)



  1. Clicking "confirm" has no button feedback and hangs for a few seconds (which makes it look stuck to the end user while it processes)


  1. "Select Chain" screen should have "Polkadot" and "Kusama" pre-selected with "More Chains coming soon". User doesn't need to select them because it has no effect.

Reposition Logout Button

Need to reposition logout button to the top toolbar: either as a dedicated power button or as a dropdown under the profile icon

Governance UI Suggestions

  1. Have DOT/KSM amount of the account show somewhere on the screen (e.g. in the Amount field, so the user knows how much they can lock for their vote or keep the existing amount frame and make the progress bar smaller).


  1. The Proposal/Referenda Tabs are misaligned with an excess grey line to the right. Needs to be more centred and symmetrical.


Unknown error code 1010


After the recent update for Polkadot JS API, the error shows whenever the transaction happens. @jacogr can you describe error with the code 1010?

Firefox: UI Bug List

Forefox has some weird UI bugs that aren't present on the chrome extension

  1. Account Drop down menu causes the background to turn white Partially fixed. Name turns into a grey box now, and background still turns white if Account Name is too long
    Screen Shot 2019-05-12 at 2 49 31 pm

2. If the account name is too long it causes UI bugs in the account dropdown, such as scroll bar disappearing and create/import moving to the right-hand-side (solution, and this was recommended in another issue: character limit on account names)

Balance Update only queries for first account created

There are two sub-issues here:

  1. Balance is only updated for the first account; and

  2. Lets say the first account created is called 'A', and I import a second account called 'B'. I change to account B. It will display the balance as '0' or 'N/A'. If I send DOTs to A, it will change B's balance from 0 to the balance of A.

Dashboard UI Enhancements #1

List of Dashboard UI Enhancements:

  1. Firefox: Dropdown selection sits under Account Name (also, we need to enforce character limits for Account Names so that it doesn't flow past the screen or push the drop down below the name)

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 3 56 08 pm

  1. Contents need to sit closer together (Account name + address) + Balance Box needs to sit a bit higher (per the designs) to make room for more transaction information below

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 4 01 09 pm

  1. White line to separate top toolbar from the body of the dashboard, see below as reference:

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 10 03 48 pm

Warning about existential minimums

We need a warning somewhere (I'm thinking the send screen) that sending an amount that leaves an account below its existential deposit will cause a wipe of funds

Polkadot minimum: 1 DOT
Kusama minimum: 0.01KSM (?)

Create Account via Dashboard allows user to click back to change password, resulting in strange behaviour

User is able to click back and change passwords, which leads to weird bugs: one of which involved the mnemonic confirmation not registering. Also, its not clear to the user what password is required to decrypt the keyfile (At the moment, its the very first one used to login) - especially if they click back thinking they can change it.

Possible solution: A new restrictive screen for creating account via dashboard that only allows for account name + mnemonic.

Foreseeable issue: Once we implement parachain selection in step 3, user will be forced to this screen when creating an account via dashboard.

Chain selection screen

We need third step in the account creation process, which prompts user to select the substrate chains they want to use. By default, we should have Polkadot Relay Chain auto-selected and Edgeware as an option.

Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at 9 40 04 pm

Move api (network connection) to background to improve UX

Currently api (network connection) is opened when user opens extension and closed when user closes the extension. The benefit is there is no unnecessary network connection. The side effect is user may experience waiting time for first balance display (It takes about 3 seconds to establish an api connection).

If we move the api connection to background, that means once user opens browser, the connect will get opened until the browser is closed. Given nowadays most people keep browser opens, api connection is probably ready whenever user opens the extension, which means user does not have to wait the 3 seconds whenever she/he opens the extension.

Another benefit is if user start a transaction in extension, the connection won't be lost if impatient user closes the extension straightaway, which will cause unnoticed tx failure.

Onboarding experience feedback

As promised, here is the issue recap of my on-boarding experience and the little quirks or remarks I have.

First of all it looks nice, great job !
When testing I usually put myself in the situation of a real use case, as if I was on mainnet. I wanted to do things well and when creating my account I decided to store the seed in a password manager. So when the extension is giving me a seed, I copy/paste it on my local password manager. That's actually what the UI is asking me to do (pasting it somewhere secure). Now the next step asks for a verification of that seed.. right so I have to pop up my account manager to check the seed. But at this point the extension looses focus and goes back to the account creation with password. Entering the same strong password gives a new seed.. hence I have no other way than actually writing down this seed phrase whenever it's given to me, pasting it anywhere will never work because the extension will loose focus.

Writing down the seed on a piece of paper is actually what crypto wallets usually recommend, but I'd tend to go the other way: not talking about the seed too much (other than for validators it shouldn't be needed, it's too insecure to "paste it somewhere", and because you create a sr25519 account by default validators aren't your target, so the seed isn't a big deal).

Another approach which I like, is to not bother users with the backup unless they have significant amount of funds say 50$. Don't bother users at account creation, on board them quickly and then teach them slowly, it's a matter of timing.

I did notice after messing up with the UI that I was able to copy/paste the seed in the verification field. But that's not a suitable and safe solution as many users will not paste it anywhere else and potentially lose it.

Account creation/confirm mnemonic flow issue

  1. On initial account creation process - If a user closes extension screen at the mnemonic generate or confirm step, the user will be taken back to enter their new password when they open extension next time, which may be confusing if they have already done so - it should take them directly back to the mnemonic seed; To achieve this, we may need to store password temporarily but we probably need a timer or something to control how long we want to save the password for.

  2. If the user creates a second account but clicks away from the screen, we want to resume directly back to the mnemonic seed when the extension is clicked again and not re-generate the mnemonic again until they leave that screen - this again should have a timer.

Account Selection Dropdown UX Enhancements #1

List of Account Selection Dropdown UX Enhancements:

1. Line separating accounts, and creation + import should not be selectable;

  1. The highlighting effect when cursor moves over options isn't noticeable enough; It just needs to be added for create/import

3. Dropdown highlight selection always defaults to the first account in the list, even if another account is selected; This was removed altogether.

4. The highlighted box doesn't cover the whole field (wallet name and public address - maybe move these closer or make the box larger)

  1. Dropdown box should be bigger, centered and closer to designs + text should also be a bit bigger (hard to read);

6. Selected account should be highlighted in the dropdown or go to the top of the list, and not always highlight the first account - also, the highlight isnt that noticeable; Removed

  1. Sometimes clicking to change accounts doesnt work - extension wont respond and requires a few clicks (firefox and chrome);

  2. Ability to move and reorganise accounts in the list; and

9. Grey box on account name when clicking dropdown

Bottom Toolbar UI Enhancements #1

List of bottom toolbar UI enhancements:

  1. Have selected option stay highlighted;

  2. Can we have icon colors reflect color theme chosen by user (or a universal lighter color closer to designs)

Sending transaction to one account, updates the balance for other accounts

When the balance of one account is updated (e.g. someone sends DOTs to it), it changes the currently selected accounts balance to the recipient account.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Select an account in the wallet;
  2. Send dots to another account in the wallet (that account must have a minimum of 103 dots to be recognised in the nodedb);
  3. Balance will update for the currently selected account

See gif of reproduced steps
ezgif com-video-to-gif (1)

Support for injected accounts & polkadot-js/apps

Sadly I have not been following development as closely as I want to as a user. So instead of figureing things out, I'm logging.

If the extension has the capability to inject accounts in dapps, I would really it listed as a supported extension on the polkadot-js/apps UI. Specifically here -

So when a user connects with no extension, it will show the use the list of available with the appropriate links via Here I would really like to have coverage for the full ecosystem.

No pressure, but if the functionality is there (or planned), would love to get it on the list.

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