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bartycrouch's Issues

#bc-ignore! for NSLocalizedString

Is it possible to exclude NSLocalizedStrings that have #bc-ignore! in comment? The use case is that when we use .stringsdict to handle pluralization, we don't need to add these keys into Localizable.strings file.


String.localizedStringWithFormat(NSLocalizedString("%d minute(s) ago", comment: "x minute(s) ago"), components.minute)

The %d minute(s) ago key will be taken from Localizable.stringsdict file, not from Localizable.strings.

Another possible solution is to scan Localizable.stringsdict file for keys and exclude them from Localizable.strings file.

Empty title?


When I run BartyCrouch it nicely adds new UIElements in interface files to the strings file, but the title is always empty. For example, when I add a new label and run BartyCrouch the strings file reads

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "New Label"; ObjectID = "6F2-Kl-Hfp"; */
"6F2-Kl-Hfp.text" = "";

The same happens with new buttons. What could be the reason for this?

Thanks and regards,
Sebastian Mecklenburg

Looking for a video tutorial.

Looking for a video tutorial. Anybody wanna take a shot at this? I'm confused on how to set bartycrouch up with Xcode 8.3 with the default preexisting localized procedures.

Installing bartycrouch isn't the problem. Its integrating bartycrouch with current existing Xcode project with a prior Localized strings.

Also I've also been arriving at a Sementation fault: 11 but it doesn't show where the fault is coming from when I run the following command.

bartycrouch code -p "localization1" -l "localization1/" -a

Also, does BartyCrouch allow or enable user to switch between languages of the user choosing without through device settings?


Homebrew issue

Today when updating homebrew repositories I receive the following:

> brew up
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
Error: Fetching /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/flinesoft/homebrew-bartycrouch failed!

Translations with newlines are moved and replaced with empty string


Command: bartycrouch interfaces -p ./

Several translations, all with newlines, are affected. The original has \n but the translations contain actual newlines, which BartyCrouch does not seem to like very much.


-/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "LIVE RECORDING\n00:00:00"; ObjectID = "y9M-C2-74f"; */
-"y9M-C2-74f.text" = "实时录制

******* some other translations ***********

+/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "LIVE RECORDING\n00:00:00"; ObjectID = "y9M-C2-74f"; */
+"y9M-C2-74f.text" = "";

So the problem is two-fold:

  1. The translation goes from working to translation to empty (should not be touched by BartyCrouch)
  2. Is relocated to another place in the file

How do I handle this properly?

Add --default-to-base option for code command?

Hi, thanks for releasing this tool, it's very helpful.

At present, when running the code command, BartyCrouch adds blank strings to the target locale files, which results in blank strings in the app until translations are provided. It would be nice if it provided a --default-to-base options (like the interfacecommand provides), that copies the base language string to the target files instead, so the UI at lease has some text. Is there a specific reason why this option is only available for interface?

Many thanks.

Missing Support of Generating Multiple Comments of Same Key?

Suppose I have the following code:

let s1 = NSLocalizedString("test", comment: "test comment 1")
let s2 = NSLocalizedString("test", comment: "test comment 2")

BC generated .strings file becomes:

"test" = "test";

However, with the original genstrings, the generated file would become:

/* test comment 1
   test comment 2 */
"test" = "test";

Microsoft Translators "unescaped double quotes" issue

The Microsoft Translator translates some Strings that contain a single quoted substring so that the result replaces the single quoted substrings with double quotes. This happens for some languages like Hungarian or Slovakian.

BartyCrouch could try prevent issues in these cases by simply adding a backslash in front of each double quoted translation result. It could also be that the right place to tackle this is in the Polyglot dependency, but it needs to be solved.

An english sentence like "She said: 'Stop!'" becomes "She said: "Stop"" for some languages. BartyCrouch should automatically escape the double quotes so that the result looks like this: "She said: "Stop!"".

Question on correct use of #bc-ignore!

I'd like to use #bc-ignore! in Interface Builder. For mostly personal preference, I'd rather put it in the comment section, rather then the actual value of a label.

screen shot 2017-03-02 at 3 37 56 pm

This works, and looking at StringsFileUpdater.swift, it doesn't seem to make a difference between keys and comments when looking for the special ignore strings.

I just want to confirm this is expected behavior. I don't want to depend on anything undocumented that might break in the future.

Thanks for all the work on this library, it is exactly what we needed.

How to work with multiple strings files

I have multiple string files in my project and I use them using

NSLocalizedString("Please add description.", tableName: "SellForm", bundle: NSBundle.mainBundle(), value: "", comment: "")

but BC doesn't seem to recognize my SellForm.strings file

Error! No file exists at output path '<path><file>.strings'.

I'm honestly having a hard time understanding why I have this error. I have a Storyboard localized in base + 1 language, Then I have a Localizable.strings file for the NSLocalizedString(s) in code (which I performed using in swift a ".localized" extension to String).
Here's the storyboard with its .strings file localized in italian
screen shot 2017-08-18 at 09 50 46
here some other xib localized (some using .strings some using localized .xib)
screen shot 2017-08-18 at 09 50 53

I have this error:

$ nowr-ios (master) $ bartycrouch interfaces -p .
BartyCrouch: Successfully updated strings file(s) of Storyboard or XIB file.
Error! No file exists at output path './nowr-ios/Code/it.lproj/LoginViewController.strings'.

Am I missing something obvious or is there a bug?

Fails to parse comments containing bracket characters

If I have the following code:

let s1 = NSLocalizedString("test", comment: "test comment containing ()")

The generated .strings file becomes:

"test" = "";

There seems to be a bug in the comment matching pattern in the recent multiline comment support. I took the solution from and adapted it a bit (removed newline characters thanks to .dotMatchesLineSeparators and added extra brackets to keep the third last capture group pointing to the comment), now it seems to work fine:

let translationRegexString = "(?:\\s*/\\*(((?:[^*]|(?:\\*+(?:[^*/])))*))\\*+/\\s*)?\\s*(?:^\\s*\"([\\S ]*)\"\\s*=\\s*\"([\\S ]*)\"\\s*;\\s*$)"

Use CommandLine library

Consider communicating with the command line using CommandLine. That would both provide handy features like help and make the code cleaner and more manageable.

Error! No `Localizable.strings` file found for output.


Why am i getting "Error! No Localizable.strings file found for output." ?

I use

if which bartycrouch > /dev/null; then
    # Incrementally update all Storyboards/XIBs strings files
    bartycrouch interfaces -p "$PROJECT_DIR"

    # Add new keys to Localizable.strings files from NSLocalizedString in code
    bartycrouch code -p "$PROJECT_DIR" -l "$PROJECT_DIR" -a
    echo "warning: BartyCrouch not installed, download it from"

Incrementally updated keys of file '/Users/utkudalmaz/Developer/Jemiyet/Jemiyett/tr-TR.lproj/LaunchScreen.strings'.
BartyCrouch: Successfully updated strings file(s) of Storyboard or XIB file.
Incrementally updated keys of file '/Users/utkudalmaz/Developer/Jemiyet/Jemiyett/tr-TR.lproj/Main.strings'.
BartyCrouch: Successfully updated strings file(s) of Storyboard or XIB file.
Error! No Localizable.strings file found for output.
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 64

Add option to retrieve new String keys from Code

BartyCrouch currently recognizes changes in Storyboards and XIBs and updates their localization strings appropriately. Adding basic support for Code files (written in Swift or ObjC) using the NSLocalizedString macro shouldn't be too hard so an addition should be considered.

The details could be more complicated of course, so maybe an alternative to NSLocalizedString may be introduced simplifying an automated update of the strings files.

Specify output languages

Currently it is only possible to pass output file paths, choose all or choose all with some excluded paths. When passing output file paths OR the excluded paths there should be an option to simply specify the locale code like so and it should use the paths found by -a to determine the full paths:

bartycrouch -i "path/to/Main.storyboard" -o en de ja zh-Hans
bartycrouch -i "path/to/Main.storyboard" -e en-GB es zh-Hant

This can be done by using a regex like this one: /\A[a-z]{2}[-]{0,1}\w*\z/

Error! Could not extract strings from Storyboard or XIB at path


I don't understand why I have this error message. I have a storyboard with 2 strings files in the project.

Error! Could not extract strings from Storyboard or XIB at path '/Users/Axel/Developer/Skipper/Skipper/Base.lproj/Activities.storyboard

screenshot 2016-08-02 10 41 37

screenshot 2016-08-02 10 44 32

Can you help please?

Crashes with 'Range or index out of bounds'

I have 11 languages in my project and I added the bartycrouch to my build phases and get the following error when building:
BartyCrouch: Successfully updated strings file(s) of Storyboard or XIB file.
2016-06-21 15:04:01.669 genstrings[26695:5181041] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '-[__NSCFString characterAtIndex:]: Range or index out of bounds'
*** First throw call stack:
0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff93f904f2 __exceptionPreprocess + 178
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff8f111f7e objc_exception_throw + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff93ff74bd +[NSException raise:format:] + 205
3 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff93f05cf6 -[__NSCFString characterAtIndex:] + 102
4 genstrings 0x0000000104d3296b genstrings + 10603
5 genstrings 0x0000000104d318d1 genstrings + 6353
6 genstrings 0x0000000104d3150c genstrings + 5388
7 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff882125ad start + 1
8 ??? 0x000000000000024f 0x0 + 591
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
Error! Could not extract strings from Code in directory '/Users/Arie/Developer/multilock-ios'.
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 69

Please help

Removes translations with emoji

I have a UILabel in a storyboard with 😀 as the text. I added a new locale through Xcode which gives me in the .strings file:

/* Class = "UILabel"; text = "😀"; ObjectID = "hi9-mx-Y1T"; */
"hi9-mx-Y1T.text" = "😀";

However, when I run BartyCrouch, it removes those two lines.

Improve automatic machine-translation Strings files detection

Currently when the machine translation feature is used each Storyboard or Strings file needs to be listed explicitly even when the goal is to list all existing Storyboards, XIBs and Strings files. For that case there should be an automatic finding algorithm with only a source language specified.

Option to Exclude path to avoid picking up localisation from Pods and imported libs

Would be great to have --exclude path option, to avoid picking up localisation from Pods and imported libraries

For example project has this structure:

  • Module1
  • Module2
  • Module3
  • Pods

running bartycrouch code -p . will include localization from Pods or any third party libraries happen to be relative to project root. It mixes those 3rd party strings into your Localizable.strings.

Yes, the sources can be organized under something like /src in root of project, but that never happens. Sources are never in their own separate subtree.

As workaround paths can be included by running command multiple times. bartycrouch code -p Module1 , bartycrouch code -p Module2 etc. but that is not sustainable.

Support install via CocoaPods

Thank you for creating a great tool 👍

Is it possible to install via CocoaPods like SwiftLint?
By version control via CocoaPods, it makes it easier for multiple people to develop, oss development and more.

Add unstripped option to keep newlines at beginning/end

Currently using the combination of BartyCrouch and PhraseApp results to some issues with newlines. The problem is that PhraseApp keeps no newline at the top of the file and two newlines instead at the bottom of it. BartyCrouch currently keeps each one newline at the top and bottom.

The requested feature would be a new command line option to keep the surrounding newlines (and other whitespace characters) the the top and bottom of the file. It could be called unstripped or -u as strip is typically a method on Strings that removes whitespaces from the beginning and end.

Build script fails with only interfaces subcommand


I don't want incrementally updates localizable.string but this code return "Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 78"

if which bartycrouch > /dev/null; then bartycrouch interfaces -p "$PROJECT_DIR" -b else echo "warning: BartyCrouch not installed, download it from" fi

What's wrong ?

Thanks in advance :D

findFiles() hanging indefinitely

In 3.9, w/ changing of the order of reading the standard output/error, /usr/bin/find is now hanging indefinitely for me.

If I swap the order so standardOutput is read first, it works as expected with ~1000 files found and 0 errors:

(lldb) po errdata.isEmpty


The magic number (on my machine, at least. macOS 10.12.6, Xcode 9.0 9A235) seems to be 983 files, anything over that and it seems to hang. I've attached a zip file with a file hierarchy that reproduced the bug on my machine. It is just a bunch of empty .swift/h/m files in folders.

Add option to sort translations by keys in resulting Strings files

Currently when a Strings file is saved the order of the translations isn't changed, new translations are simply added at the end of the list. There should be an option to sort them by keys which is especially useful for the code sub command when using structured keys like 'SETTINGS.USER_SECTION.LOGOUT'.

Automatically find all localized Storyboards/XIBs

Currently paths to the Storyboard or XIB files need to be specified explicitly. This is bad in terms of adding the script once and not thinking about it any more when new Interface Builder files are added over time. Currently the script would need to be updated each time a new files was created.

When there is no input file specified BartyCrouch could assume that all localized Storyboard and XIB files are meant and find them recursively in the current directory. The recommended build script would then also become much shorter.

Comments are not being updated with `code` option

Given that I have fully translated app with code String files
And I have String let sample = NSLocalizedString("category.sample", comment: "Sample")
When I change a comment for sample String to comment: "New Sample"
Then comment is not updated in Strings file.

Are you going to implement that feature in future?

Btw. super useful tool! Thanks

Add default to comment option to code sub-command

First, thank you for creating this great tool!

In our workflow we usually add the default localization in comments, there is a possibility to add keys as a default value to the localized files. I think option -c or --default-to-comment to add comments as default values for code sub-command would be a great complement to the --default-to-keys option.

What do you think about it?

Fails completely if a single translation file is missing

BartyCrouch isn't doing anything if any of the Storyboard files is missing a translation. For example if English, Polish and Russian are specified as the projects supported languages, and there are Main.storyboard and LaunchScreen.storyboard, both base-internationalized but only for Russian and Polish, not for English, then BartyCrouch currently fails completely with "Error! No input files found." which is too general.

We could do one of the following:

  1. make BartyCrouch more resilient against missing files (so that the existing ones work)
  2. improve the error by stating that all specified project languages must be met by all IB files
  3. combine both by introducing a check for each IB file, listing the missing ones as a warning but processing the existing

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException'

Help, latest xcode keep getting this no matter what I do. Runs fine if i disable the script?

BartyCrouch: Successfully updated strings file(s) of Storyboard or XIB file.
2016-10-30 21:21:49.855 bartycrouch[32900:1074407] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Couldn't posix_spawn: error 7'
*** First throw call stack:
0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff7d0e952b __exceptionPreprocess + 171
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff917c1cad objc_exception_throw + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff7d167a0d +[NSException raise:format:] + 205
3 Foundation 0x00007fff7eafcc7e -[NSConcreteTask launchWithDictionary:] + 3134
4 bartycrouch 0x000000010f5c504b bartycrouch + 192587
5 bartycrouch 0x000000010f5ccb57 bartycrouch + 224087
6 bartycrouch 0x000000010f5c6e77 bartycrouch + 200311
7 bartycrouch 0x000000010f5c7a8d bartycrouch + 203405
8 bartycrouch 0x000000010f5ca365 bartycrouch + 213861
9 bartycrouch 0x000000010f5ae54c bartycrouch + 99660
10 bartycrouch 0x000000010f597ef9 bartycrouch + 7929
11 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff9209f255 start + 1
12 ??? 0x0000000000000007 0x0 + 7
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

Keep generated contents in sync with Base localization values

For example, there is one generated comment:

/* Class = "UITableViewSection"; headerTitle = "Foo"; ObjectID = "HQs-Z9-d7P"; */
"HQs-Z9-d7P.headerTitle" = "Foo";

If the base localization "Foo" was changed to "Bar" in the base Main.storyboard, can .strings files be also updated to reflect the change? To become:

/* Class = "UITableViewSection"; headerTitle = "Bar"; ObjectID = "HQs-Z9-d7P"; */
"HQs-Z9-d7P.headerTitle" = "Bar";  /* gets the update too if it wasn't a translated value */

Localizing Info.plist


Is it possible to use BartyCrouch in order to localize the Info.plist file?
If not, do you have any plan to support this?

Support for ".localized" String extension in Swift

In my project I have the following String extension which I use to localize strings:

extension String {

    var localized: String {
        return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: Bundle.main, value: "", comment: "")

Could something like this be supported by BartyCrouch?

Error 260 - tmpstrings not found


i am trying to use BartyCrouch, but i always get the error 260 while domain is NSCocoaErrorDomain.

I am using this command (all my subfolders like en.lproj with the Localizable.strings files are in the subfolder Localizable. And Beatsnap is the root folder where all code is structures (also subfolders here)

bartycrouch code -p Beatsnap/ -l Beatsnap/Localizable -a -v

and getting this response

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “Localizable.strings” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=Beatsnap//tmpstrings/Localizable.strings, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f92a2600af0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Incrementally updated keys of file 'Beatsnap/Localizable/Base.lproj/Localizable.strings'.
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “Localizable.strings” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=Beatsnap//tmpstrings/Localizable.strings, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f92a251ea10 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Incrementally updated keys of file 'Beatsnap/Localizable/de.lproj/Localizable.strings'.
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “Localizable.strings” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=Beatsnap//tmpstrings/Localizable.strings, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f92a2700ec0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Incrementally updated keys of file 'Beatsnap/Localizable/en.lproj/Localizable.strings'.
BartyCrouch: Successfully updated strings file(s) of Code files.

And even though i added another NSLocalizedString and says "Successfully updated..." the file Beatsnap/Localizable/en.lproj/Localizable.strings is not changed

Support custom function names (genstrings option)

The genstrings command line tool which BartyCrouch uses also accepts an alternative function name than NSLocalizedString. There was a first attempt in #14 to support this feature in BartyCrouch, too.

This should be implement sooner or later. Currently I'm waiting for @crystalstorm to write a simple test to ensure this feature continues to work in the future.

infinite with xcode 9 GM


I tried my project with the new xcode 9 GM today, the BartyCrouch script never stops.
So I tried launching command :
bartycrouch interfaces -p [My Project Path] -v
The script is working for some files and then stops for one.
I tried launching with the source file and found that the problem comes from the file : Commander.swift , the line let outdata = outpipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile() never stops.

I reproduced the same issue with a second project.

My XCode version is : 9.0 (9A235).

Slow builds with high number of unchanged Localizables

When using the full automatic build style builds with unchanged IB files can take 5-10 seconds longer than without BartyCrouch even when nothing is changed with many files (say thousand translation target files) to check. This should be fixed, for example by using a build artifact file that keeps track of the last time BartyCrouch was run and skip files that didn't change since then.

Error! No `Localizable.strings` file found for output.

i cannot make "code" command work.
I tried both from build script and from terminal.

Code from build script gives me no error but code is not working (while interface works properly):

if which bartycrouch > /dev/null; then
bartycrouch interfaces -p "$PROJECT_DIR"
bartycrouch code -p "$PROJECT_DIR" -l "$PROJECT_DIR" -a
echo "warning: BartyCrouch not installed, download it from"

and from terminal I open a new terminal inside the folder containing my code files and my *.lproj folders and write:
bartycrouch code -p "/" -l "/" -a
here terminal writes

Error! No Localizable.strings file found for output.

The only way to make "code" working is open a new terminal inside one of my *lproj folder and then bartycrouch code -p "../" -l "../" -a

Thank's for Your help

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