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mui's Issues

Don't track some pages in history & memory

Hi, i don't want to track some critical pages in myapp so they don't get into history or be cached in memory. Is it somehow possible right now? I've searched the discussions and found some hacky way to clear history, but i wonder if pages are still cached in MUI somewhere?

Can you please point me to the code that is responsible for this process so i can have a look into it? Don't have much time to study the code, thanks!


WindowStyle="None" is ignored in version
Was working as expected in version

Shared project load failed on Visual Studio 2015

After downloading the source code and open it on VS 2015, the Shared Project fails to load.
It seems there is a problem with the following import:

It seems this Project is not found.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Thank you.

ModernDialog: change text of button

I'm using ModernDialog on my application.

I would replace the text of the button of MessageBoxButton with the text in my language, is it possibile?

For example:
replace "Yes" with "Si" and anymore.


Remove back button


I am very new to .net programming. Could you please tell me how to get rid of the back button that is shown by default in all themes?

Changing datagrid foreground color

is there a way to change row foreground color from codebehind?
the bellow code only seem to work if I remove this line from default assets.
SolidColorBrush x:Key="DataGridCellForeground" Color="#333333"

private void dg_LoadingRow(object sender, DataGridRowEventArgs e)
e.Row.Foreground = Brushes.Red;

e.Row.Background = Brushes.Red; it works correctly

Wizard Control

Is there a WPF wizard control which will play nicely with MUI? I tried using AvalonWizard ( but its styles don't play nicely with MUI and the dark theme I'm using.

how to use mui by vsto in ms office addin?


i tried to use the mui in an office addin and vsto.
As I know are the restrictions from vsto that I can't use wpf windows directly. The only way to use wpf is to use a wpf control in a wpf host element on a winforms window.
I tried to use the modernWindow or a wpf window in the host element and it is not working.
I am now at the point that I have no idea what is to change to use mui as a wpf control ?!

Have anyone another experience to solve this scenario?

Thanks for advice!

DataGridTextColumn Style


I'm new to WPF and found your MUI project very good and easy to follow.

I'm in the process of converting many of my WinForms to a modern WPF style, and started to go over your tutorials and guides for getting started with MUI.

I have an issue at the moment, in which I need to center the alignment of the headers in a DataGrid , which I have done, by applying a local resource style to the given page. This works and aligns the headers, however, because it is an explicit resource style, it also removes any application wide styles setters for that DataGrid header.

I can't seem to find the global setter that its altering the Modern-UI style for that header, and I wish to know where is located, so that I can move my two setters that allow me to center the header while retaining your style.

Any help would be appreciated.

Great work.


AppearanceManager PropertyChanged not fired for new Theme

I have added a new theme in SettingsAppearanceViewModel and corresponsing xaml files and image, (just like "hello kitty" one) but PropertyChanged is not being fired for My Theme change, Do i need to change somewhere else too ?

Been putting in some work in a fork.

The code is here. Large parts are rewritten, not sure merging is an alternative.
Been rewriting things to controls so they can be styled and used in a wpf way.
Still pretty unstable I think.

Title display changed?

I recently updated MUI to the latest version and now my title appears at the top of the window as displayed here:

title at top

But it used to be that the title was displayed vertically in the blue bar, as seen here with the text 'Form':

title vertical

Is this a new setting or just how the UI is going to be from now on? I quite liked the previous way.

ModernTab: how find child userControl?

i'm using the mui:ModernTab in my userControlParent.


I'm using VisualTreeHelpers.FindChild for get the items of UserControlA from userControlParent and it works, maybe because the UserControlA is defined as SelectedSource.

If I use VisualTreeHelpers.FindChild for get the items of UserControlB, it returns null, maybe because UserControlB is defined as Link.

How can I resolve?


OT. Are there a shortcode for post code in my post on github?

Drop shadow

How i can get drop shadow like this in ModernDialog in my custom Popup control?


How to make a link load its content in "_top"?

I have a ModernTab control, to which I'm dynamically adding a Link:

InstallationTab.Links.Add(new Link { DisplayName = "Review Configuration", Source = new Uri("/Views/InstallationProgress.xaml", UriKind.Relative) });

I'd like InstallationProgress.xaml to load in the top frame instead of the current content frame.

How can I do this?


SourceEventArgs should contain OldValue

Why doesn't SourceEventArgs contain only NewValue and not OldValue? This could really come in handy. I'm using ModernTab.SelectedSourceChanged and I'd like to be able to use OldValue to navigate back to the previous source if necessary.

Storing individual user settings

I really like MUI. It has helped me take my application from something that looked like 3rd grader built to something a 3rd grader has not built. I was wondering if someone could help me figure out or point me in the right direction (preferably somewhere that can show examples lol learning wpf/c# on my own) on how to implement save user settings feature. Like if I click the "dark" theme, how can I have it set to when I open the program again, its under the dark theme vs the light?

how to implement statusbar

Hi, I'm a little bit confused how to implement a statusbar, either fixed at the bottom or some kind of popup that disappears after a few seconds. everything i put in the Shell gets overwritten by the contentpage that is loaded and i don't want add a statusbar to every page i have. I've seen the status section in the wireframe of the example app but couldn't find out how to use it.

Menu Presentation Link EventHandler

Great work, very nice WPF UI.

I have a small application in which I am using mui. Everything is working as it should, however, I'm just wondering if there is a way to have a Menu Presentation Link generate an EventHandler, so that the main menu looks and feels the same for all the main actions. Such as Print, export, etc...?

In essence, I have an export to excel function in code behind, and I wish to simply have the same style within the menu group.

Any help is appreciated.


ModernTab: show content defined in the same UserControl

I'm using the ModernTab, where i defined two link, for example "Link 1" and "Link 2".

As source, I not want use the external page, but I want define the content of Link 1 and Link 2 in the same UserControl where I defined a section for link 1 and a section for link 2.

It's possibile? How?


[Wiki] ContentRoot doesn't exist

I'm following the tutorials in VS2013, with MUI installed via NuGet, and apparently ContentRoot doesn't exist when used as told in the wiki.

Handle NavigationEvents without code behind

I am building an application with F# and modernUI (great library btw.). My problem is, that I generate my menu dynamically and so I use the fragment navigation. But in F# I don't have a Code Behind of my UserControl. My question is, is there a way to handle the navigation events without a code behind?


Mui for wpf : I can't enable my listBox (or any other item) in my page

My main window is a modern tab with a group of links. Each link loads a different page.

the first link loads Page 0 which shows a listBox with several ListBox items.

The thing is when I put my listBox at the very top, or the very bottom of the page, it gets enabled, but if I move it anywhere else, it gets disabled. I've been searching for a solution for a while and I can't find a thing. Any help would be great.

How to customize ModernWindow Theme?


I am developing an WPF application using ModernUI Style version 1.0.5.
Few of my windows are used like a loading windows where I need the background to be solid color:


I set the background of these windows in UserControl page which is the Content of ModernWindow I am creating later:

var _loadingWindow = new ModernWindow
        Style = (Style) Application.Current.Resources["EmptyWindow"],
        Content = new LoadingPage(),
        SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight,
        ResizeMode = ResizeMode.CanMinimize

After I updated ModernUI to most recent version 1.0.6, my loading windows changed to this mix of solid background and ModernUI theme background:


Is there a way how to change background of this windows to be completely solid colored?

P.S. I have read your manual here in Wiki pages: Create a custom theme
but with this I change appereance of all ModernWindows in my application and I don't want that.

Thanks for help in advance.

Per monitor DPI Awareness causes issues with touch and pen input

On a Surface Pro 2 when I use [assembly: DisableDpiAwareness] it causes an issue where touch and stylus input has a large offset to the bottom right. This causes trouble when trying to manipulate onscreen controls such as a button click without a mouse (which works fine).

Modify appearance of back button

How can I easily override the styling of the back button. It's currently buried in ModernWindow.xaml, and I'd prefer not to compile in all of MUI into my solution.

<!-- back button -->
<controls:ModernButton Margin="8,10,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"
                       EllipseDiameter="24" IconWidth="12" IconHeight="12"
                       IconData="F1 M 33,22L 33,26L 19.75,26L 27,33L 20.5,33L 11,24L 20.5,15L 27,15L 19.75,22L 33,22 Z"
                       CommandTarget="{Binding ElementName=ContentFrame}" 
                       ToolTip="{x:Static modernui:Resources.Back}"
                       WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome="True" />

I just want to make it a little bigger and give it a background color of the current highlight color (i.e. blue).

I have a request to make it look more like the huge blue back button in Internet Explorer.

Problem navigating between LinkGroups

I'm with a problem with LinkGroups. My app got two LinkGroups (Principal, Cadastros), when I click for the first time on the Cadastros LinkGroup, the application continues showing the links of the Principal LinkGroup. Then I click on the Principal LinkGroup and again on Cadastros LinkGroup. Only then the links of the Cadastros LinkGroup is showed.
I don't have any clue of why this is happening.
Below is the MenuLinkGroup of the app.

        <mui:LinkGroup DisplayName="Principal">
                <mui:Link DisplayName="Início" Source="/Views/Home.xaml" />
                <mui:Link DisplayName="Gerenciar Nota" Source="/Views/Blank.xaml" />

        <mui:LinkGroup DisplayName="Cadastros">
                <mui:Link DisplayName="Emitente" Source="/Views/Blank.xaml" />
                <mui:Link DisplayName="Tomadores de Serviço" Source="/Views/Cliente/ClienteListView.xaml" />
                <mui:Link DisplayName="Serviços" Source="/Views/ServicoExecutado/ServicoExecutadoListView.xaml" />

Validation flickering bug on changing page


If validation (the red corner) is displayed and you navigate to another page, you can see a short, annoying flickering. The same occurs when you navigate to a page where validation is displayed.

Could this bug please be looked at is it's really annoying? Or is there a workaround available?


MUI isn't working

So I have been using MUI for a while now and for some reason it has just stopped working. Just out of no where. I'm really needing this to work. Does anyone have any idea how to fix it? I have attached a picture to show the error that I had received. I also installed it with the extension manager for VS 2015 and I'm using Windows 10.

MainWindow LogoData OnClick event

I want use LogoData as Notification center. Can I add MVVM command or OnClick event to LogoData?

Or is another way to add notification center like control to MainWindow?

Get color of current Theme selected


I want to use a canvas to use an image with a dynamaic color according to theme apply (for example)
How I can get the current color of a the current theme, something like that don'twork : {Binding Path=Color, Source={StaticResource WindowBackgroundColor}}
I want to get anyone property of theme like C:_Sources\mui-master\1.0\FirstFloor.ModernUI\Shared\Assets\ModernUI.Dark.xaml


Laurent BROUCK

Passing parameters when navigating

I have this LinkGroup in my Window:
C# <mui:LinkGroup DisplayName="Management"> <mui:LinkGroup.Links> <mui:Link DisplayName="Overview" Source="/Pages/Overview.xaml" /> <mui:Link DisplayName="Detail" Source="/Pages/Detail.xaml" /> </mui:LinkGroup.Links> </mui:LinkGroup>

In overview, a datagrid is shown. When an item is selected and than the detail link is clicked, I'd like to send a parameter to Detail where the details can be shown and edited.

Is there any way do do this properly? Or am I simply not supposed to use LinkGroups for this? If not, what should I use and how to do this??

Unable to navigate to (...)Settings.xaml, could not find a ModernFrame target ''

When I updated to the newest version of MUI (v1.0.6) I got this error while trying to navigate to the settings tab. Even though the code I used seemed to be the same as used in the MUI demo app.

While debugging though the code I noticed that in the class 'ModernWindow.cs' the 'e.Source' property was used in the OnNavigateLink method. the value of this property was different than from the demo (in the demo it was the ContentFrame from the ModernWindow.xaml, in my project it was the ModernWindow itself). this seemed to cause the code to not be able to find the correct frame, so I tried changing it to 'e.OriginalSource' wich fixed the problem for me.

I'm not sure if this is the correct fix for the problem, but thought you should know.

Kind regards,


MVVM problem

Hi everyone.
I have problem with MVVM light framework. When i raise change from ViewModel class, GUI don't change nothing

XAML code:

<Button Width="210" Height="35" Name="bmuiObiekt" Margin="5">
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=LabelObiekt, Mode=TwoWay}"/>

c# code:

private string _labelObiekt = "Obiekt [{1} szt.]";
public string LabelObiekt
   get { return _labelObiekt; }
       if (_labelObiekt != value)
           _labelObiekt = value;
           RaisePropertyChanged(() => LabelObiekt);

change button text from task

net.marcorp.charon.modernui.Threading.Tasks.AppTaskScheduler.Current.RegisterTask(this.GetType().FullName, () =>
    using (OracleCore.Charon.CharonDataSetTableAdapters.CHARON_TABLICA_INFTableAdapter tablica = new OracleCore.Charon.CharonDataSetTableAdapters.CHARON_TABLICA_INFTableAdapter())
        LabelObiekt = string.Format(
            "{0} [{1} szt.]",

Pleas Help

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