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feathersui-openfl's Issues

Link to original source files on Github from docs

When deploying to the web, must include specific tag, instead of master branch, just in case future refactoring breaks something (and to avoid confusion if bugs are fixed or new features are added that don't exist in the current stable release).

ToggleButton currentState not updated when selected programatically

The following code doesn't result in the background skin being updated as expected:

        var button = new ToggleButton();
        var skin = new RectangleSkin();
        skin.fill = FillStyle.SolidColor(0xcccccc);
        skin.setFillForState(ToggleButtonState.UP(true), SolidColor(0xcc0000)); //RED
        skin.setFillForState(ToggleButtonState.UP(false), SolidColor(0x00cc00)); //GREEN

        button.text = 'Toggle Button';
        button.backgroundSkin = skin;

        Timer.delay(() -> {
            button.selected = true;
        }, 5000);

        button.x = 50;
        button.y = 50;


Seems like the BaseToggleButton's changeState method needs to be called directly. It's currently only called via the PointerToState class.

ToggleButton hover state not set correctly if button is selected

The background for the following button will be green - HOVER(false) - on hover even though the button is selected, ie. when the state should be HOVER(true).

        var button = new ToggleButton();
        var skin = new RectangleSkin();
        skin.fill = FillStyle.SolidColor(0xcccccc);
        skin.setFillForState(ToggleButtonState.UP(true), SolidColor(0xcc0000)); //RED
        skin.setFillForState(ToggleButtonState.HOVER(true), SolidColor(0xcc0000)); //RED

        skin.setFillForState(ToggleButtonState.UP(false), SolidColor(0x00cc00)); //GREEN
        skin.setFillForState(ToggleButtonState.HOVER(false), SolidColor(0x00cc00)); //GREEN

        button.text = 'Toggle Button';
        button.selected = true;
        button.backgroundSkin = skin;


I don't understand what's happening with the code in BasicToggleButton->changeState.

			case HOVER(_):
				if (this._selected != selected) {
					toggleState = HOVER(this._selected);

Seems to me the condition will always be false so the toggleState won't get updated to HOVER(true). Maybe I'm missing something ...

No label text on cpp(mac) target

While compile to html5 target works great, but on mac target the label of the button componenet is gone.

import feathers.layout.AnchorLayoutData;
import feathers.layout.AnchorLayout;
import feathers.controls.Button;
import feathers.controls.Application;

class Main extends Application {
	private var button:Button;

	public function new() {

		trace("Hello, world!");

		this.layout = new AnchorLayout();

		this.button = new Button();
		this.button.addEventListener(TriggerEvent.TRIGGER, (event) -> {
                       trace("Hello World");

		this.button.layoutData =;
		this.button.text = "Hello";

styleProvider.applyStyles called twice

The applyStyles method of the FeathersControl.styleProvider is called twice.

class HomeView extends LayoutGroup {
    override private function initialize() {

        var button = new Button();
        button.styleProvider = new FunctionStyleProvider((target:Button) -> {
            trace('I WILL GET CALLED TWICE');
            target.backgroundSkin = new RectangleSkin();


The issues seems to be in FeathersControl.applyStyles:

// if there was a different style provider previously, clear old styles

Despite the comment it clears styles regardless of whether the styleProvider has changed.

The function used to apply the styles could be quite resource intensive so it would be a good idea to make sure it's not called unnecessarily.

PageNavigator component

Similar to TabNavigator, except has a PageIndicator instead of a TabBar

Useful for wizards, onboarding flows, and other instructional stuff.

Example of CustomItemRenderer

I can't find any documentation or example to how to create custom item renderer of ListView.
@joshtynjala can you explain me how to create and use a custom itemrenderer? I want to create an item renderer to show image, with passed url like this:


BasicToggleButton.currentState does not change when changing selected value

Right now currentState only updates when PointerToState catches mouse events, but when you change selected value there is no mouse events dispatched. I am not sure how to fix it correctly, but I did it by adding this line of code in selected setter in BasicToggleButton:

AnchorLayout: allow positioning relative to inside or outside of anchor display objects

Currently, the AS3/Starling version supports positioning relative to the outside edges of an anchor display object. It should also be possible to position relative to the inside edges too (which would behave similarly to how an item is positioned relative to the inside edges of the parent container, except it would be relative to the anchor display object instead).

Migration from AS3/Starling to Haxe/OpenFL 1.0.0 stable release

Status Name Notes
Ready Feature complete, no blocking issues
⚠️ In Progress Available, but may be incomplete or buggy
Not Started Not yet available, but still planned
☠️ Removed Permanently removed, but see notes for replacement
Postponed Delayed until a future release
AS3/Starling Component Haxe/OpenFL Component Status Since Notes
Alert Alert beta.3
Button Button alpha.1
ButtonGroup ButtonBar beta.3
Callout Callout alpha.1
Check Check alpha.1
DataGrid GridView alpha.2
DefaultListItemRenderer ItemRenderer alpha.1 see also: HierarchicalItemRenderer
Drawers Drawer beta.1 For drawers on more than one side, you must nest multiple Drawer components
GroupedList GroupListView alpha.3
Header Header beta.3
ImageLoader AssetLoader alpha.1
Label Label alpha.1
LayoutGroup LayoutGroup alpha.1
List ListView alpha.1
NumericStepper NumericStepper beta.4
PageIndicator PageIndicator alpha.2
Panel Panel alpha.1
PanelScreen ☠️ N/A replacement: Panel
PickerList PopUpListView alpha.1
ProgressBar HProgressBar/VProgressBar alpha.1
Radio Radio alpha.1
Screen ☠️ N/A replacement: LayoutGroup
ScreenNavigator ☠️ N/A replacement: StackNavigator or RouterNavigator
ScrollBar HScrollBar/VScrollBar alpha.1
ScrollContainer ScrollContainer alpha.1
ScrollScreen ☠️ N/A replacement: ScrollContainer
ScrollText ☠️ N/A replacement: TextArea with editable = false
SimpleScrollBar HScrollBar/VScrollBar alpha.1
Slider HSlider/VSlider alpha.1
StackScreenNavigator StackNavigator alpha.1
TabBar TabBar alpha.1
TabNavigator TabNavigator alpha.2
TextArea TextArea alpha.2
TextCallout TextCallout alpha.1
TextInput TextInput alpha.1
ToggleButton ToggleButton alpha.1
ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitch alpha.1
Tree TreeView alpha.2
WebView ☠️ replacement: native extension
New Component Status Since Notes
CalendarGrid beta.1
ComboBox alpha.1
DatePicker beta.7
Form beta.3
FormItem beta.3
PageNavigator alpha.2
PopUpDatePicker beta.7
RouterNavigator alpha.1
HDividedBox/VDividedBox beta.1
TreeGridView beta.8
Layout Status Since Notes
AnchorLayout alpha.1
FlowLayout beta.8 renamed: FlowRowsLayout
HorizontalLayout alpha.1 Non-virtualized (see also: HorizontalListLayout)
TiledRowsLayout beta.5 Non-virtualized (see also: TiledRowsListLayout)
VerticalLayout alpha.1 Non-virtualized (see also: VerticalListLayout)
New Layout Status Since Notes
FormLayout beta.3 Non-virtualized
HorizontalListLayout alpha.2 Virtualized (variable widths)
HorizontalDistributedLayout alpha.2 Replacement for distributeWidths
PagedTiledRowsListLayout beta.5 Virtualized
TiledRowsListLayout beta.5 Virtualized
VerticalListFixedRowLayout alpha.1 Virtualized (fixed heights)
VerticalListLayout alpha.2 Virtualized (variable heights)
VerticalDistributedLayout alpha.2 Replacement for distributeHeights

Android build failed

in components-explorer project when build android appears. (all haxelib plugins are up to date).

arm-linux-androideabi-g++ -Iinclude --sysroot=C:\_softwares\android-ndk-r15c-windows-x86_64\android-ndk-r15c/platforms/android-16/arch-arm -IC:\_softwares\android-ndk-r15c-windows-x86_64\android-ndk-r15c/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.9/include -IC:\_softwares\android-ndk-r15c-windows-x86_64\android-ndk-r15c/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.9/libs/armeabi/include -DHXCPP_ARMV7 -DHXCPP_VISIT_ALLOCS(haxe) -DHX_SMART_STRINGS(haxe) -DHXCPP_API_LEVEL=400(haxe) -IC:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/hxcpp/4,0,64/include -Iinclude -fpic -fvisibility=hidden -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector -fno-short-enums -Wno-overflow -D_LINUX_STDDEF_H -Wno-psabi -DHXCPP_CPP11 -DHXCPP_ARMV7 -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -fomit-frame-pointer -fexceptions -fno-strict-aliasing -finline-limit=10000 -DANDROID=ANDROID -DHX_ANDROID -DHXCPP_ANDROID_PLATFORM=16 -Wa,--noexecstack -O2 -DNDEBUG -c ... tags=[haxe,static]

  • src/boot.cpp
  • src/feathers/controls/ListView.cpp
  • src/openfl/display/GraphicsSolidFill.cpp [haxe,release]
    Error: ./src/feathers/controls/ListView.cpp: In member function 'virtual hx::Val feathers::controls::ListView_obj::__Field(const String&, hx::PropertyAccess)':
    ./src/feathers/controls/ListView.cpp:928:91: error: operands to ?: have different types 'int' and 'Dynamic'
    if (HX_FIELD_EQ(inName,"selectedItem") ) { return hx::Val( inCallProp == hx::paccAlways ? get_selectedItem() : selectedItem ); }

GroupListView incorrect update function called for header items

GroupListView always calls itemRendererRecycler.update even for header items. Should test and call headerRendererRecycler.update instead.

Relevant code:

	private function refreshItemRendererProperties(itemRenderer:DisplayObject, type:GroupListViewItemType, item:Dynamic, location:Array<Int>,
			layoutIndex:Int):Void {
		this._currentItemState.type = type; = item;
		this._currentItemState.location = location;
		this._currentItemState.layoutIndex = layoutIndex;
		this._currentItemState.selected = location.length > 1 && item == this._selectedItem;
		this._currentItemState.text = type == HEADER ? itemToHeaderText(item) : itemToText(item);
		var oldIgnoreSelectionChange = this._ignoreSelectionChange;
		this._ignoreSelectionChange = true;
		if (this._itemRendererRecycler.update != null) {
			this._itemRendererRecycler.update(itemRenderer, this._currentItemState);

[BUG] Unexpected )



Fix Attempt

I tried debugging the FeathersEvent.hx file to fix the error, but can't see where the code is wrong or where it has an extra ')'. I'm new to Haxe. Also went to Haxe documentation and tried adding a return type of FeathersEvent to the ObjectPool instance callback param.

OpenFL works fine on VSCode without any FeathersUI code and all the dependencies are ok and up to date (lime, actuate, openfl, haxe, haxelib, feathersui, etc.).


I am aware this is an alpha state because another developer mentioned it.

StackScreenNavigator popItem not working

The pushItem(item) is working well, but when try to popItem() or popToRootItem(), is noting happen.


private function servicePushScreen(params:Params):Void{
  private function servicePopScreen(params:Params):Void{
      log("Pop Screen");
  private function servicePopToRootScreen(params:Params):Void{
      log("Pop To Root Screen");

the log trace is show Pop Screen and PopTo Root Screen, but the screen is stay on the pushed screen

Macro for style metadata

A hand-written style property looks something like this:

public var layout(default, set):ILayout = null;

private function set_layout(value:ILayout):ILayout {
	if (!this.setStyle("layout")) {
		return this.layout;
	if (this.layout == value) {
		return this.layout;
	this.layout = value;
	return this.layout;

A macro should be available to generate that setter code automatically.

Typo in BaseSlider value setter

if (this.liveDragging && !this._dragging) {
FeathersEvent.dispatch(this, Event.CHANGE);

I guess _dragging should be true here.

GroupListView throws exception which clicking on Header item

The click handler is attached to header and standard renderers but it will cause an exception when trying to set the selected location for a header item.

	private function groupListView_itemRenderer_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):Void {
		if (!this._enabled) {
		if (!this._selectable || !this.pointerSelectionEnabled) {
		var itemRenderer = cast(event.currentTarget, DisplayObject);
		if (, IToggle)) {
			// handled by Event.CHANGE listener instead
		var data = this.itemRendererToData.get(itemRenderer);
		// use the setter
		this.selectedLocation = this._dataProvider.locationOf(data);
	private function set_selectedLocation(value:Array<Int>):Array<Int> {
		if (!this._selectable || this._dataProvider == null) {
			value = null;
		if (this._selectedLocation == value || this.compareLocations(this._selectedLocation, value) == 0) {
			return this._selectedLocation;
		if (value != null && value.length != 2) {
			throw new ArgumentError("GroupListView selectedLocation must have a length of 2");

The header item will not have a length of 2.

VerticalListFixedRowLayout incorrectly calculates getVisibleIndices when _paddingTop != 0

If I used the VerticalListLayout I can set the paddingTop and things work as expected - ie. the items fill up the screen as I scroll up past the paddingTop. But with the fixed layout it doesn't work.

Issue seems to be in getVisibleIndices:

		var startIndex = 0;
		var endIndex = 0;
		if (itemHeight > 0.0) {
			startIndex = Math.floor(this._scrollY / itemHeight);
			if (startIndex < 0) {
				startIndex = 0;

startIndex should factor in the _paddingTop no?

Does IStyleProvider need to implement IEventDispatcher?

I'm trying to port a theme over from the starling version and this is causing an issue. I can't see anywhere in the code that requires IStyleProvider to implement the IEventDispatcher interface.

Am I missing something?

Default Theme

  • The default theme is currently located in the components-explorer example. It should be activated for all components automatically.
  • The default theme is currently hard-coded within each UI component. It should use macros to link only the parts that are needed based on the components used in the project.
  • It should be possible to disable the default theme. --haxedef=disable_default_theme

a couple minor nitpicks

Hey! Thanks for open sourcing this project and I gotta say the code looks very nice and clean.

I'm just creating this issue to mention a couple things that you might not know about yet, for example here:

First, you can directly do for (item in items), that will generate pretty much the same code.

Second, the followed by a safe-cast will actually do the type-check twice, so probably using Std.downcast is better in this case.

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