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shapedrawer's Introduction

Shape Drawer

A library for libGDX, an open-source game development application framework written in java.

Draws simple shapes like libGDX's ShapeRenderer does, but uses a Batch to perform the drawing. This means it can be used in between Batch#begin() and Batch#end() without needing to flush the Batch.

Comes with overloaded methods to draw lines, paths, ellipses, regular polygons and rectangles.

Just needs to be provided with a Batch and a TextureRegion. However, note that if you want to draw filled shapes, it is more efficient to use a batch that implements PolygonBatch (eg a PolygonSpriteBatch) instead of a Batch that does not (eg a SpriteBatch).

Gif didn't load - see wiki for images!

Including in Project

To use this in your gradle project, add the version number and jitpack repository information to your root build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    ext {
        shapedrawerVersion = '2.5.0'
    repositories {
	maven { url '' }

And in your core project add the dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation "space.earlygrey:shapedrawer:$shapedrawerVersion"

For HTML5/GWT support, add the dependency to the html project:

project(":html") {
    apply plugin: "gwt"
    apply plugin: "war"

    dependencies {
        implementation "space.earlygrey:shapedrawer:$shapedrawerVersion:sources"

And add the following line to the GdxDefinition.gwt.xml file in the HTML project:

<inherits name="space.earlygrey.shapedrawer"/>

See the jitpack website for more info.

Alternatively, if you're using gdx-liftoff to create your project you can find shape drawer under the "third-party" tab.


To create a ShapeDrawer instance you just need a Batch and a TextureRegion. Typically this is a single white pixel so that you can easily colour it, and is best packed into an atlas with your other textures.

To instantiate a ShapeDrawer, use:

ShapeDrawer drawer = new ShapeDrawer(batch, region);

And to use it, simply call its drawing methods in between Batch#begin() and Batch#end(). Something like this:

drawer.line(0, 0, 100, 100);

That's it!

Check the wiki for more info, including:

Test application uses the Commodore 64 UI Skin created by Raymond "Raeleus" Buckley under the CC BY license. Check out the others!

shapedrawer's People


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shapedrawer's Issues

No implementation found for java.nio.ByteBuffer

I have successfully compiled my project with 'shapedrawer' and generated the apk file.
When run the application it gives error "No implementation found for java.nio.ByteBuffer ".

E/art: No implementation found for java.nio.ByteBuffer[], int, int, int) (tried Java_com_badlogic_gdx_graphics_g2d_Gdx2DPixmap_newPixmap and Java_com_badlogic_gdx_graphics_g2d_Gdx2DPixmap_newPixmap___3JIII)

No matter which variable i use "", "" , "" it crashes giving the "No implementation found"

How do i resolve this? Please help.

rectangle() with rotation is incorrect

Using the rectangle() calls with the rotation parameter produces incorrect results. The cause is presumably the following incorrect usage of the polygon() method (the variables passed to the method don't match with the parameters):

polygon(x + 0.5f*width, y + 0.5f*height, 4, lineWidth, rotation + ShapeUtils.PI_4, width, height, joinType);

Setting the correct scale is not super straightforward, because the rotation is applied after the scale. Something like the following could work:

float scaleFactor = (float) (0.5 / Math.sin(rotation + ShapeUtils.PI_4));
polygon(x + 0.5f*width, y + 0.5f*height, 4, width * scaleFactor, height * scaleFactor, rotation + ShapeUtils.PI_4, lineWidth, joinType);

If you want to avoid the transcendental functions, you could also use the float[] version of polygon(), but then you would have to create a Polygon object beforehand to apply the rotation.

[Feature request] Interpolated alpha gradient parameter

It would be nice to allow users to draw, say, a circle whose points "fade out" (i.e. with an alpha gradient) the further they are from the center. This would apply to any filled shape, and could even be applied to things such as lines.
Using LibGDX's Interpolation class might be interesting to allow more control on the function for the alpha according to distance.

If you want to go crazy on it, inputting any function that takes distance as a parameter could work too. Even a sin(distance) could be fun to play with.

Inaccurate arc overflows when rotating

Reproducible behavior with this basic code (L55-63 the most relevant):

When an arc rotates, it seems like we can't expect the sides to be "constant".

The current quick-fix I've found is to increase the precision of the ShapeDrawer:

    sd = new ShapeDrawer(batch, skin.getRegion("white")) {
        protected int estimateSidesRequired(float radiusX, float radiusY) {
            return 4*super.estimateSidesRequired(radiusX, radiusY);


I wanna draw the POINTs ) How ?

Projection only considered after 125 objects

Version: 2.5.0
libgdx: 1.10.0
lwjgl: 3.2.3

When using shape drawer in combination with orthographic camera it does not use the projection matrix for the first 125 objects.

With the example code below it draws 124 rectangles on the bottom left hand corner of the screen and draws one rectangle on the center of the screen.

public void setup() {
  camera = new OrthographicCamera();
  camera.translate( / 2f, / 2f);

  batch = new PolygonSpriteBatch();
  Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGB888);
  pixmap.drawPixel(0, 0);
  shapeTexture = new Texture(pixmap);
  TextureRegion region = new TextureRegion(shapeTexture, 0, 0, 1, 1);
  shapeDrawer = new ShapeDrawer(batch, region);

public void render() {
    ScreenUtils.clear(0, 0, 0.0f, 1);


    for (int i = 0; i < 126; i++) {
        shapeDrawer.rectangle(10, 10, 10, 10);

From debugging it looks like projection is not applied in first 125 objects than some sort of cache is flushed which applies the projection matrix to the next draws.

The expected result should be either none of the draw calls use the projection matrix or all calls use the projection matrix.

Happy to help debug / fix this issue if someone can help me pinpoint the cause.

Plot Interpolations

Hello. I'm largely putting this issue up so I can remember to make a PR in the future. Basically, I think it would be a great idea if ShapeDrawer can plot a given Interpolation. See

This will be great for level editors that want to visualize a movement or tween for example. The method would look something like drawInterpolationPlot(Interpolation interpolation, float width, float height, int samples).

I don't think it would take me a lot of effort to make the PR, so long as you think it's worth doing. I'm going to do something like that with SceneComposer anyway. What are your thoughts?

ring segment

Would it be possible to add ring segments to Shapedrawer?


I have just created a custom function for myself to draw this. Maybe someone else also finds it helpful if it is in ShapeDrawer.

fun ringSegmentPolygon(): Pair<FloatArray, ShortArray> {
  if (polygon != null) return polygon!!
  val deltaAngle = (ang2.radian + MathUtils.PI2 - ang1.radian) % MathUtils.PI2 //ang2 might be smaller than ang1, see below explanation
  val sides = max(3, ceil(deltaAngle / MathUtils.HALF_PI * 12))
  val dAnglePerSide = deltaAngle / sides
  // 2 points, 2 numbers (x,y) per segment
  val vertex = FloatArray((sides + 1) * 2 * 2)
  val triang = ShortArray(sides * 2 * 3)
  var angle = ang1.radian
  for (i in 0..sides) {
    val cos = cos(angle)
    val sin = sin(angle)
    angle += dAnglePerSide
    vertex[i * 4 + 0] = center.x + cos * rIn
    vertex[i * 4 + 1] = center.y + sin * rIn
    vertex[i * 4 + 2] = center.x + cos * rOut
    vertex[i * 4 + 3] = center.y + sin * rOut
    if (i < sides) {
      triang[i * 6 + 0] = (i * 2 + 0).toShort()
      triang[i * 6 + 1] = (i * 2 + 1).toShort()
      triang[i * 6 + 2] = (i * 2 + 2).toShort()
      triang[i * 6 + 3] = (i * 2 + 1).toShort()
      triang[i * 6 + 4] = (i * 2 + 2).toShort()
      triang[i * 6 + 5] = (i * 2 + 3).toShort()
  polygon = Pair(vertex, triang)
  return polygon!!

Explanation of the variables:
ang1.radian: starting angle in radian in range [ 0, 2PI ]
ang2.radian: end angle in radian in range [ 0, 2
PI ], Note: if the segment spans from e.g. 350° (start) to 10° (end) then the end angle (10° = 0.17 radian) is smaller than starting angle (350° = 6.10 radian)
center: Point with x,y floats (center of the full circle)
rIn: radius of the inner circle
rOut: radius of the outer circle

Code is in Kotlin, let me know if you want to add it and if you need any help with the code!

Cheers, judos

ShapeDrawer breaks on libGDX 1.9.12

I've noticed that ShapeDrawer has issues with the recently released libGDX 1.9.12. The tests in this repo breaks as well.

Tests I've noticed which fail are ellipse(), polygon() with JoinType Smooth, arc(), path() and graph() with JoinType Smooth.

Here's a screenshot showing the issue:
(Left is using libGDX 1.9.10 and Right is using libGDX 1.9.12)


PolygonBatchManager not drawing after increaseCacheSize

The first time the PolygonBatchManager is hitting the vertex-cache-limit and increaseCacheSize is called (drawing the outline and then the filling of a really big circle in my case), the PolygonBatchManager stops drawing anything. When I set the texture region again, it starts working again.
I tried to find the issue but I was not able to locate the bug.

This problem does not occur with SpriteBatch/BatchManager, it only happens with PolygonSpriteBatch/PolygonBatchManager .

Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks you in advance!

ShapeDrawerDrawable Rotation Not Applying

I have an Image that I'm using ShapeDrawerDrawable as the Drawable and it doesn't seem to be applying the rotation on the image when it renders. This works fine if the Drawable is a Texture.

Dotted lines?

Any plans for dotted line support? Dotted polygons?

Use repeateable textures as color.

I really like this lib. Would it be possible to use textures as colors?

My goal is to draw something like this:


But not just in this shape but also all other shapes supported by shapedrawer.

A way to make gradients smoother


This is more an help request post than a real issue, but I was wondering if there was any way to make gradients smoother ?
Maybe there is a way and I didn't find it ^^

This is the example of a gradient and as you can see, the different colors are very visible.

[Feature Request / Question] Mitered paths with different start/finish line widths

I'm trying to find a way to draw a mitered open path with a starting line width different from the ending line width. I'm thinking the approach is likely to involve interpolating between the two line widths at the point of the join (in relation to the entire path length) and using that line width (halved) as halfLineWidth in drawPathWithJoin. That might be enough, if lucky?

I was wondering if there was already a way to do this and I'm just not seeing it, or if you had a different approach in mind that might work better.

Add more joins and caps

I'm porting a game from java 2d to libgdx. For lines I'm missing some parts of

As a workaround I draw lines a half a linewith longer on each side for CAP_SQUARE and draw filled circles on each side for CAP_ROUND.

For JOIN_ROUND I also draw circles on the points of the polygon.

I would be nice if I could set the the line end cap and the joins on the Shapedrawer object and have the line and path drawings use them automatically.

Rounded corners?

Is it possible to draw a rectangle/line segment/path with rounded corners? For example, having a path of waypoints where the start and end don't have sharp corners.

Please copy Shape support from PlayN has amazing Shape support. You basically can draw/fill everything SVG supports. Quad curves etc.

One simple interface. Works on all platforms. Many perks like Antialias, etc.

Under the hood PlayN uses which has this Shape handling. Same feature rich platform-independent support for real TTF Fonts. Not bitmap fonts.

I still can't wrap my head around the fact that libgdx isn't copying this. At least as part of a third-party library that takes out all the useful parts of

[Feature request] Filled sectors

As it is, sectors will be completely filled, from their center, all the way up their radius.
It would be very cool if one could input an "inner radius" which basically dictates how far from the center should the drawing begin from.

To have a bit more of a visualization in your head, think of a circle, with an empty hole right in its middle.
Imagine all the doughnuts the LibGDX community could benefit from!!

Possibility of implement a fillPath() method

Hello! I'm wondering to know if, in this library, is viable to implement fill path behavior. For example, in standard Java we have the class Path2d (in float or double format) and we can easly choose between drawer.drawPath() and drawer.fillPath().

This should help a lot in some personal projects, once I saw that is very hard get a result for a filled custom shape in LibGDX.

I'll try to draft something here in my fork, anyway, let me know what do you think.

Thanks in advance!

BatchManager: Unset textureRegion?


I did not find a possibility to unset the texture region. Is there such an option?
In my game I only have one Batch used across multiple screens, so I'd also like to have only one ShapeDrawer.
Not every screen uses the shapedrawer and I load/unload the texture atlases for every screen on change.

I.e. I need to unset the texture region of the BatchManager somehow for the screens that do not use it, so it does not hold a reference to an old "unloaded" texture altas.
If I use BatchManager.setTextureRegion(null), there is a Nullpointer exception in this code obviously:

public TextureRegion setTextureRegion(TextureRegion region) {
TextureRegion oldRegion = this.r;
this.r = region;
float u = 0.5f * (r.getU() + r.getU2());
float v = 0.5f * (r.getV() + r.getV2());
for (int i = 0; i < verts.length; i+=VERTEX_SIZE) {
verts[i + SpriteBatch.U1] = u;
verts[i + SpriteBatch.V1] = v;
return oldRegion;

Do you have a solution to my problem or should I create a PR? (Do you want a PR for this at all?)

Thank you very much in advance!

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