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ultra-fast-lane-detection-v2's Issues



VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
lanes = [np.array(l['lanes']) for l in label_json_all] # 车道
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/wjy/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-V2/scripts/", line 202, in
'label_data_driver_161_90frame.json', 'label_data_driver_182_30frame.json'])
File "/home/wjy/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-V2/scripts/", line 63, in get_tusimple_list
line_txt_tmp = [None] * (len(h_samples[i][valid]) + len(lanes[i][j][valid]))
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()

culane_evaluator cant make

Hello,thanks for your research.
my os is windows 10
i got a problem for make culane evaluator.

i dont know what the problem is fall

i try to use install fot the windows,but also have trouble


How to demo the video?
Is it possible that you also share the visualization code?

About curvelanes to culane

I have change the format from curvelanes to culane, but when I run the evaluation I got -1 precision. In your code , you have given the
original format of curvelanes, but can you give the changed format from curvelanes to culane ? That is the format when I run your code to change the format from curvelanes to culane

Backborn question

How can i change the resnet backborn to vgg16?
I see the backborn in can change to resnet18,34,50....
but in form middle i see vgg16bn, Can the backborn change to vgg16bn?

Inference on custom dataset

To someone who's interested in testing multiple custom images (cut from video), save the following as and change the dataset path and output path, then run:
python configs/ --test_model path/to/your/model/file

import torch, os, cv2
from pylab import *
from utils.dist_utils import dist_print
from utils.common import merge_config, get_model
import tqdm
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from data.dataset import LaneTestDataset

def pred2coords(pred, row_anchor, col_anchor, local_width = 1, original_image_width = 1640, original_image_height = 590):
    batch_size, num_grid_row, num_cls_row, num_lane_row = pred['loc_row'].shape
    batch_size, num_grid_col, num_cls_col, num_lane_col = pred['loc_col'].shape

    max_indices_row = pred['loc_row'].argmax(1).cpu()
    # n , num_cls, num_lanes
    valid_row = pred['exist_row'].argmax(1).cpu()
    # n, num_cls, num_lanes

    max_indices_col = pred['loc_col'].argmax(1).cpu()
    # n , num_cls, num_lanes
    valid_col = pred['exist_col'].argmax(1).cpu()
    # n, num_cls, num_lanes

    pred['loc_row'] = pred['loc_row'].cpu()
    pred['loc_col'] = pred['loc_col'].cpu()

    coords = []

    row_lane_idx = [1,2]
    col_lane_idx = [0,3]

    for i in row_lane_idx:
        tmp = []
        if valid_row[0,:,i].sum() > num_cls_row / 2:
            for k in range(valid_row.shape[1]):
                if valid_row[0,k,i]:
                    all_ind = torch.tensor(list(range(max(0,max_indices_row[0,k,i] - local_width), min(num_grid_row-1, max_indices_row[0,k,i] + local_width) + 1)))
                    out_tmp = (pred['loc_row'][0,all_ind,k,i].softmax(0) * all_ind.float()).sum() + 0.5
                    out_tmp = out_tmp / (num_grid_row-1) * original_image_width
                    tmp.append((int(out_tmp), int(row_anchor[k] * original_image_height)))

    for i in col_lane_idx:
        tmp = []
        if valid_col[0,:,i].sum() > num_cls_col / 4:
            for k in range(valid_col.shape[1]):
                if valid_col[0,k,i]:
                    all_ind = torch.tensor(list(range(max(0,max_indices_col[0,k,i] - local_width), min(num_grid_col-1, max_indices_col[0,k,i] + local_width) + 1)))
                    out_tmp = (pred['loc_col'][0,all_ind,k,i].softmax(0) * all_ind.float()).sum() + 0.5

                    out_tmp = out_tmp / (num_grid_col-1) * original_image_height
                    tmp.append((int(col_anchor[k] * original_image_width), int(out_tmp)))

    return coords

if __name__ == "__main__":
    torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
    args, cfg = merge_config()
    cfg.batch_size = 1
    print('setting batch_size to 1 for demo generation')

    dist_print('start testing...')
    assert cfg.backbone in ['18', '34', '50', '101', '152', '50next', '101next', '50wide', '101wide']

    if cfg.dataset == 'CULane':
        cls_num_per_lane = 18
    elif cfg.dataset == 'Tusimple':
        cls_num_per_lane = 56
        raise NotImplementedError

    net = get_model(cfg)

    state_dict = torch.load(cfg.test_model, map_location='cpu')['model']
    compatible_state_dict = {}
    for k, v in state_dict.items():
        if 'module.' in k:
            compatible_state_dict[k[7:]] = v
            compatible_state_dict[k] = v

    net.load_state_dict(compatible_state_dict, strict=False)

    img_transforms = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Resize((int(cfg.train_height/cfg.crop_ratio), cfg.train_width)),
        transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)),

    pathname = "" # Dir of imgs to be detected
    imgs_path = os.listdir(pathname)
    i = 0
    for imgname in imgs_path:
        if imgname.endswith('.png') or imgname.endswith('.jpg') or imgname.endswith('.jpeg'):
            img = cv2.imread(pathname + '/' + imgname)
            im0 = img.copy()
            img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            img_h, img_w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
            img = img_transforms(img)
            img = img[:, -cfg.train_height:, :]
            img ='cuda:0')
            img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0)

            with torch.no_grad():
                pred = net(img)
            coords = pred2coords(pred, cfg.row_anchor, cfg.col_anchor, original_image_width=img_w,
            for lane in coords:
                for coord in lane:
          , coord, 5, (0, 255, 0), -1)
            resname = " " + str(i) + '.png' # Dir of inference result
            cv2.imwrite(resname, im0)
            i += 1
            print(imgname + " finished.")

Many thanks to @Yutong-gannis

Custom Video Inference

Hi, I'm on the verge of publishing my own paper and to provide a comparative study, I wanted to use your algorithm as an alternative method. In doing so, I need to get a custom video inference from your network but I'm struggling to obtain an accurate result. I used the file "" with some changes from the last version of v.2 of this network but it wasn't helpful. I would highly appreciate it if you could share your visualization code.

Thank you very much for your help in advance.



@cfzd 请教下readme里面开源的culane_res18.pth模型是使用git仓库里面代码训练的吗,我这边碰见的问题是

  • 使用culane_res18.pth转onnx然后转tensorrt,fp16和fp32结果都没有问题
  • 用git仓库训练自己的数据集,生成model_best.pth转tensorrt,fp32结果没问题,fp16结果完全不对


AttributeError: module 'my_interp' has no attribute 'run'

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 117, in
train(net, train_loader, loss_dict, optimizer, scheduler,logger, epoch, metric_dict, cfg.dataset)
File "", line 17, in train
for b_idx, data_label in enumerate(progress_bar):
File "/home/wjy/anaconda3/envs/lane-det/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tqdm/", line 1195, in iter
for obj in iterable:
File "/home/wjy/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-V2/data/", line 246, in next
points_row =, self.interp_loc_row, 0)
AttributeError: module 'my_interp' has no attribute 'run'

Some problem about my_interp in training

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 8, in
from utils.common import calc_loss, get_model, get_train_loader, inference, merge_config, save_model, cp_projects
File "/home/ubuntu/user_space/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-V2/utils/", line 2, in
from data.dali_data import TrainCollect
File "/home/ubuntu/user_space/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-V2/data/", line 11, in
import my_interp
ImportError: /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/my_interp-0.0.0-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg/ undefined symbol: _ZTIN3c1021AutogradMetaInterfaceE

and my gcc version is updated to 7.3.0, so I do not aware of the reason why this problem arise. Tks!

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './tmp/txt/out0_curve.txt'

i got FileNotFoundError when i try to evaluate the pretrained model on Curvelanes

i run the with following command
python configs/ --test_model ./work_dirs/curvelanes_res18.pth --test_work_dir ./tmp


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 36, in
eval_lane(net, cfg)
File "/home/powei/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-v2-master/evaluation/", line 853, in eval_lane
res = call_curvelane_eval(cfg.data_root, 'curvelanes_eval_tmp', cfg.test_work_dir)
File "/home/powei/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-v2-master/evaluation/", line 1057, in call_curvelane_eval
res_all['res_curve'] = read_helper(out0)
File "/home/powei/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-v2-master/evaluation/", line 960, in read_helper
lines = open(path, 'r').readlines()[1:]
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './tmp/txt/out0_curve.txt'

i have successfully built culane_evaluator

Scanning dependencies of target culane_evaluator [ 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/culane_evaluator.dir/src/counter.cpp.o [ 40%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/culane_evaluator.dir/src/evaluate.cpp.o [ 60%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/culane_evaluator.dir/src/lane_compare.cpp.o [ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/culane_evaluator.dir/src/spline.cpp.o [100%] Linking CXX executable culane_evaluator [100%] Built target culane_evaluator

cannot import my_interp


python3.8/site-packages/my_interp-0.0.0-py3.8-linux-x86_64.egg/ undefined symbol: _ZNK2at6Tensor8data_ptrIfEEPT_v

@cfzd 这个是CUDA版本不匹配吗


if name == "main":

torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

args, cfg = merge_config()
cfg.batch_size = 1
print('setting batch_size to 1 for demo generation')

dist_print('start testing...')
assert cfg.backbone in ['18', '34', '50', '101', '152', '50next', '101next', '50wide', '101wide']

if cfg.dataset == 'CULane':
    cls_num_per_lane = 18
elif cfg.dataset == 'Tusimple':
    cls_num_per_lane = 56
    raise NotImplementedError

net = get_model(cfg)

state_dict = torch.load(cfg.test_model, map_location='cpu')['model']
compatible_state_dict = {}
for k, v in state_dict.items():
    if 'module.' in k:
        compatible_state_dict[k[7:]] = v
        compatible_state_dict[k] = v

net.load_state_dict(compatible_state_dict, strict=False)

img_transforms = transforms.Compose([
    transforms.Resize((cfg.train_height, cfg.train_width)),
    transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)),

img_path = "D:/autodrive/images/00010.png"
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
img_h, img_w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
im0 = img.copy()
img = img_transforms(img)
img ='cuda:0')
img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0)
with torch.no_grad():
    pred = net(img)
coords = pred2coords(pred, cfg.row_anchor, cfg.col_anchor, original_image_width=img_w,
for lane in coords:
    for coord in lane:, coord, 5, (0, 255, 0), -1)
cv2.imshow('demo', im0)



Error when executing Mixed operator decoders__Image, instance name: "__Image_4", encountered:
Error in thread 0: nvml error (999): A nvml internal driver error occurred
Current pipeline object is no longer valid.



What's the meaning of the value

out_tmp_left = (loc_row_left[batch_idx,all_ind_left,cls_idx,lane_idx].softmax(0) * all_ind_left.float()).sum() + 0.5 
out_tmp_left = out_tmp_left / (num_grid-1) * 1640 + 1640./25

out_tmp_up = (loc_col_up[batch_idx,all_ind_up,cls_idx,lane_idx].softmax(0) * all_ind_up.float()).sum() + 0.5 
out_tmp_up = out_tmp_up / (num_grid-1) * 590 + 32./534*590

what's the meaning of the value 1640./25 and 32./534*590, if I change the dataset,how to set the value?

Points label is not aligned with lanes of training image

At data/ from line 152-160, points are transformed with image warp, at this step points are aligned with lanes on image

After warp affine (from line 163-176), the image is resized and cropped, but there's no further transform to the points, shows that the points are not at the correct spots of the image.

Is this a bug, or you did this with some purpose?






train.py中不使用res = eval_lane(net, cfg, ep = epoch, logger = logger)可以吗?

Some question about the parameters in the cls.

I found some parameters in the cls that I can't understand.

  1. In code self.input_dim = input_height // 32 * input_width // 32 * 8, I am wondering why there is an 8.
  2. I print the structure of model:
(cls): Sequential(
    (0): Identity()
    (1): Linear(in_feature=2000, out_features=2048, bias=True)
    (2): Relu()
    (3): Linear(in_feature=2047, out_features=39576, bias=True)
(pool): Conv2d(512, 8, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride(1, 1))

Why the out_features in line 5 is 39576, I know it's self.dim1 + self.dim2 + sel4.dim3 + sel4.dim4 but I just don't understand why. And why the output of line 7 is 8.
Looking forward to your reply, thanks.

Is there a way to tell how many lanes are detected

In the prev version, we could get the number of detected lanes like,

output_img, lane_points, lanes_detected = lane_detector.cfg.detect_lanes(frame)

lanes_detected = ['False', 'True', 'True', 'False']
The above would mean the two center lanes have been detected

Is there a way to do that here?


Hello, thank you for your excellent work. When will the code be released? thank you!

python configs/ --log_path out_culane FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out_culane/20220901_204530_lr_5e-02_b_32/txt/out0_normal.txt'

cached data loaded
100%|██████████████████████████████| 2778/2778 [56:40<00:00, 1.22s/it, col_top1=0.039, col_top2=0.107, col_top3=0.146, ext_col=0.946, ext_row=0.936, loss=5.363, top1=0.067, top2=0.174, top3=0.251]
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4335/4335 [39:22<00:00, 1.83it/s]
sh: 1: ./evaluation/culane/evaluate: Permission denied
sh: 1: ./evaluation/culane/evaluate: Permission denied
sh: 1: ./evaluation/culane/evaluate: Permission denied
sh: 1: ./evaluation/culane/evaluate: Permission denied
sh: 1: ./evaluation/culane/evaluate: Permission denied
sh: 1: ./evaluation/culane/evaluate: Permission denied
sh: 1: ./evaluation/culane/evaluate: Permission denied
sh: 1: ./evaluation/culane/evaluate: Permission denied
sh: 1: ./evaluation/culane/evaluate: Permission denied
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 120, in
res = eval_lane(net, cfg, ep = epoch, logger = logger)
File "/home/disk01/wyw/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-v2/evaluation/", line 899, in eval_lane
res = call_culane_eval(cfg.data_root, 'culane_eval_tmp', cfg.test_work_dir)
File "/home/disk01/wyw/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-v2/evaluation/", line 1022, in call_culane_eval
res_all['res_normal'] = read_helper(out0)
File "/home/disk01/wyw/Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-v2/evaluation/", line 960, in read_helper
lines = open(path, 'r').readlines()[1:]
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out_culane/20220901_204530_lr_5e-02_b_32/txt/out0_normal.txt'

自己的数据转成tusimple后 训练的时候出现loss=nan的情况

我想请问一下 我这边使用自己数据转成tusimple格式数据集进行训练 , 车道线的点我自己在原图上画出来也是没问题,但是训练途中在读取十几张图片后 loss变成了nan,这是什么原因造成的啊


t1=time.time() #0.015 s
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
im0 = img.copy()
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img_h, img_w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
img = img_transforms(img)
img = img[:, -cfg.train_height:, :]

    t2_3=time.time()  #0.005 s
    img ='cuda:0')
    img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0)
    with torch.no_grad():
        pred = net(img)
    t2_2=time.time()  #0.018 s
    coords = pred2coords(pred, cfg.row_anchor, cfg.col_anchor, original_image_width=img_w,

统计时间的片段代码如上。 mg_transforms这个函数要花费进15ms 网络回归花费5ms pred2coords函数花费18ms 。

The precision of the curvelanes

I have run your code successfully. In your paper ,the precision of resnet34 is 81.34. I didn't change your parameters in config, but I only got the precision about 71 and the epoch is 50 , can you give your parameters or your result ?

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


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