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bnm-android's Issues

Zygisk crashing -> Can not start Zygisk while having ByNameModding included as lib

I am running Magisk 26.1 on a Samsung Galaxy S10+ (SM-g975f).

I've a the ByNameMod in my cmake list Zygisk failed to start. There are no helpfull logs..


my settings

/********** USER AREA **************/

//#define UNITY_VER 171 // 2017.1.x
//#define UNITY_VER 172 // From 2017.2.x to 2017.4.x
//#define UNITY_VER 181 // 2018.1.x
//#define UNITY_VER 182 // 2018.2.x
//#define UNITY_VER 183 // From 2018.3.x to 2018.4.x
//#define UNITY_VER 191 // From 2019.1.x to 2019.2.x
//#define UNITY_VER 193 // 2019.3.x
//#define UNITY_VER 194 // 2019.4.x
//#define UNITY_VER 201 // 2020.1.x
//#define UNITY_VER 202 // From 2020.2.x to 2020.3.19 (They are probably same because BNM don't use things like Il2CppCodeGen)
//#define UNITY_VER 203 // From 2020.3.20 to 2020.3.xx
//#define UNITY_VER 211 // 2021.1.x (You need set UNITY_PATCH_VER to 24 if build 24 and upper)
//#define UNITY_VER 212 // 2021.2.x
#define UNITY_VER 213 // 2021.3.x
//#define UNITY_VER 221 // 2022.1.x
//#define UNITY_VER 222 // 2022.2.x - 2022.3.x
//#define UNITY_VER 231 // 2023.1.x+

#ifndef NDEBUG

#define BNM_DEBUG

#define BNM_INFO

#define BNM_ERROR



//! Include your string obfuscator
#define OBFUSCATE_BNM(str) str // const char *
#define OBFUSCATES_BNM(str) std::string(str) // std::string
#define BNMTAG OBFUSCATE_BNM("ByNameModding")

//! DobbyHook
//!!!!!!!! Recommended !!!!!!!!
#include "../Includes/Dobby/dobby.h"

template<typename PTR_T, typename NEW_T, typename OLD_T>
inline void HOOK(PTR_T ptr, NEW_T newMethod, OLD_T&& oldBytes) {
    if (((void *)ptr) != nullptr)
        DobbyHook((void *)ptr, (void *) newMethod, (void **) &oldBytes);

// If you need hide dl calls or use custom dl for external BNM initialization
#define BNM_dlopen dlopen
#define BNM_dlsym dlsym
#define BNM_dlclose dlclose
#define BNM_dladdr dladdr

#include <thread>
#define BNM_thread std::thread

// Disabling BNM automatic loading when your lib loaded
// Define it when you using BNM::HardBypass to speed up loading or when you externally loading BNM

// Can make game crashes on arm64
// #define BNM_USE_APPDOMAIN // Use System.AppDomain to find il2cpp::vm::Assembly::GetAllAssemblies

// Enable zero-padding of new il2cpp objects
// #define BNM_IL2CPP_ZERO_PTR

/********** USER AREA **************/

#include <android/log.h>

#ifdef BNM_INFO
#define LOGIBNM(...) ((void)__android_log_print(4,  BNMTAG, __VA_ARGS__))
#define LOGIBNM(...) ((void)0)

#ifdef BNM_DEBUG
#define LOGDBNM(...) ((void)__android_log_print(3,  BNMTAG, __VA_ARGS__))
#define LOGDBNM(...) ((void)0)

#ifdef BNM_ERROR
#define LOGEBNM(...) ((void)__android_log_print(6,  BNMTAG, __VA_ARGS__))
#define LOGEBNM(...) ((void)0)

#define LOGWBNM(...) ((void)__android_log_print(5,  BNMTAG, __VA_ARGS__))
#define LOGWBNM(...) ((void)0)

If I just remove the line including the ByNameModding/BNM.cpp it start normaly.

How to Inflate?

How to do this in BNM?


LoadClass PlayerController = LoadClass("", "PlayerController");
LoadClass GO = LoadClass("UnityEngine", "GameObject");
Method<void *> GetComponent = Go.GetMethodByName("GetComponent", 0);

void *componentInstance = GetComponent[instance].call(); //how to inflate PlayerController here?

Crash at AmongUs

at TWD and RAID SHADOW LEGENDS it works fine but on AmongUs it just crash I even set the proper settings.
you dont even have to do anything yet to trigger the error.. just include it on cmakelists.txt thats it and it will crash game wont open.


03-25 20:51:24.959  5049  5075 E CRASH   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
03-25 20:51:24.959  5049  5075 E CRASH   : Version '2020.3.22f1 (e1a7f79fd887)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'armeabi-v7a'
03-25 20:51:24.959  5049  5075 E CRASH   : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/z3qksx/z3qksx:9/PPR1.180720.122/6736742:user/release-keys'
03-25 20:51:24.959  5049  5075 E CRASH   : Revision: '0'
03-25 20:51:24.959  5049  5075 E CRASH   : ABI: 'arm'
03-25 20:51:24.960  5049  5075 E CRASH   : Timestamp: 2023-03-25 20:51:24+0800      
03-25 20:51:24.960  5049  5075 E CRASH   : pid: 5049, tid: 5075, name: UnityMain  >>> com.innersloth.spacemafia <<<
03-25 20:51:24.960  5049  5075 E CRASH   : uid: 10082
03-25 20:51:24.960  5049  5075 E CRASH   : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x6
03-25 20:51:24.960  5049  5075 E CRASH   : Cause: null pointer dereference
03-25 20:51:24.961  5049  5075 E CRASH   :     r0  00000006  r1  e9001f60  r2  00000003  r3  00000000
03-25 20:51:24.961  5049  5075 E CRASH   :     r4  e9002f78  r5  00000006  r6  e8ffbfe0  r7  e9001f60
03-25 20:51:24.961  5049  5075 E CRASH   :     r8  00000006  r9  f2c6ed9c  r10 ca1fefa0  r11 ca1fe590
03-25 20:51:24.961  5049  5075 E CRASH   :     ip  00000002  sp  ca1fe560  lr  0796a90c  pc  0b7ef894
03-25 20:51:24.961  5049  5075 E CRASH   :
03-25 20:51:24.961  5049  5075 E CRASH   : backtrace:
03-25 20:51:24.962  5049  5075 E CRASH   :       #00 pc 0001b894  /system/lib/arm/nb/ (strlen+36) (BuildId: f1478175a6e1d79b85bd0f9edf43ead1)
03-25 20:51:24.962  5049  5075 E CRASH   :       #01 pc 00696908  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 3d9623f6dd6025e28ffad5e8933cb29b979cbad2)
03-25 20:51:24.962  5049  5075 E CRASH   :       #02 pc 0067f08c  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 3d9623f6dd6025e28ffad5e8933cb29b979cbad2)
03-25 20:51:24.963  5049  5075 E CRASH   :       #03 pc 00653a5c  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (il2cpp_init+32) (BuildId: 3d9623f6dd6025e28ffad5e8933cb29b979cbad2)
03-25 20:51:24.963  5049  5075 E CRASH   :       #04 pc 002247e1  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 88606acb4b5775557e8641b5e649f467101a6ded)
03-25 20:51:24.964  5049  5075 E CRASH   :       #05 pc 00270855  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 88606acb4b5775557e8641b5e649f467101a6ded)
03-25 20:51:24.964  5049  5075 E CRASH   :       #06 pc 00271461  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 88606acb4b5775557e8641b5e649f467101a6ded)
03-25 20:51:24.964  5049  5075 E CRASH   :       #07 pc 00280ae1  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 88606acb4b5775557e8641b5e649f467101a6ded)
03-25 20:51:24.964  5049  5075 E CRASH   :       #08 pc 0007e65e  /system/lib/arm/nb/
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E CRASH   : Tombstone written to: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.innersloth.spacemafia/files/tombstone_01
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: UnityMain
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.innersloth.spacemafia, PID: 5049
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.Error: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: Version '2020.3.22f1 (e1a7f79fd887)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'armeabi-v7a'
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: Build fingerprint: 'samsung/z3qksx/z3qksx:9/PPR1.180720.122/6736742:user/release-keys'
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: Revision: '0'
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: ABI: 'arm'
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: Timestamp: 2023-03-25 20:51:24+0800
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: pid: 5049, tid: 5075, name: UnityMain  >>> com.innersloth.spacemafia <<<
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: uid: 10082
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x6
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: Cause: null pointer dereference    
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:     r0  00000006  r1  e9001f60  r2  00000003  r3  00000000
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:     r4  e9002f78  r5  00000006  r6  e8ffbfe0  r7  e9001f60
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:     r8  00000006  r9  f2c6ed9c  r10 ca1fefa0  r11 ca1fe590
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:     ip  00000002  sp  ca1fe560  lr  0796a90c  pc  0b7ef894
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime: backtrace:
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:       #00 pc 0001b894  /system/lib/arm/nb/ (strlen+36) (BuildId: f1478175a6e1d79b85bd0f9edf43ead1)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:       #01 pc 00696908  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 3d9623f6dd6025e28ffad5e8933cb29b979cbad2)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:       #02 pc 0067f08c  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 3d9623f6dd6025e28ffad5e8933cb29b979cbad2)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:       #03 pc 00653a5c  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (il2cpp_init+32) (BuildId: 3d9623f6dd6025e28ffad5e8933cb29b979cbad2)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:       #04 pc 002247e1  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 88606acb4b5775557e8641b5e649f467101a6ded)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:       #05 pc 00270855  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 88606acb4b5775557e8641b5e649f467101a6ded)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:       #06 pc 00271461  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 88606acb4b5775557e8641b5e649f467101a6ded)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:       #07 pc 00280ae1  /data/app/com.innersloth.spacemafia-QQBDcg3gjTMxFew6UL1vlg==/lib/arm/ (BuildId: 88606acb4b5775557e8641b5e649f467101a6ded)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:       #08 pc 0007e65e  /system/lib/arm/nb/
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:        at libc.strlen(strlen:36)   
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:        at libil2cpp.0x696908(Native Method)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:        at libil2cpp.0x67f08c(Native Method)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:        at libil2cpp.il2cpp_init(il2cpp_init:32)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:        at libunity.0x2247e1(Native Method)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:        at libunity.0x270855(Native Method)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:        at libunity.0x271461(Native Method)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:        at libunity.0x280ae1(Native Method)
03-25 20:51:25.125  5049  5075 E AndroidRuntime:        at libtcb.0x7e65e(Native Method)

The one version that work for me is the ByNameModding at


I dont think i will go back again on doing some offset xD after I discover your project xD its so hella easy to use <3 xD

something break on span of that old ByNameModding vs new one. i just dont know what xD also that old one doesnt have BNM::Method which is one of the feature i love sadly.

but it looks like it breaks on PrepareBNM part.. where u hook il2cpp_init

Hooking question

First of all sorry for noob question but i need help .

namespace Legion.Shared.Battles.Data.Stats

public class AbilityStats : StatsBase<AbilityStats>
	public float HealingRadius
			return 0f;

Imagine this is a game code , and i want to hook HealingRadius or say get_HealingRadius .

How would i do that ? i have tried multiple work arounds like -

auto Player = LoadClass("Legion.Shared.Model","AbilityStats");
HOOK(Player.GetMethodByName("get_Cooldown", 0.0).GetOffset(), get_CD, old_CD);

dll name - Legion.Shared.Model.dll

Help will be thankful .

Loading BNM

How can i load BNM if i already have a base address? I'm internal. And somehow i can't acess BNM_Internal.

Hook but game exit

unity version: 2021.3.17f1

log print:
Class: []::[PhotonPlayer] - not found

from source code:

BNM_NewStaticMethodInit(BNM::GetType(), MethodWithGameArgs, 1, BNM::GetType(OBFUSCATE_BNM(""), OBFUSCATE_BNM("PhotonPlayer")));

excuseme, why here GetType is empty string?-------> BNM::GetType(OBFUSCATE_BNM("")

full log:

2023-10-05 14:21:35.712 17568-17615/? E/ByNameModding: BNM_il2cpp_init start domain_name: IL2CPP Root Domain --------------
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? D/ByNameModding: [InitIl2cppMethods] il2cpp::vm::Class::Init in lib: 0x19f9f3c
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? D/ByNameModding: [InitIl2cppMethods] game has il2cpp_image_get_class. BNM will use it
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? E/ByNameModding: add hook 1 func start ------------
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? E/ByNameModding: add hook 1 func end ------------
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? D/ByNameModding: [InitIl2cppMethods] il2cpp::vm::Class::FromIl2CppType in lib: 0x19f9a14
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? E/ByNameModding: add hook 1 func start ------------
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? E/ByNameModding: add hook 1 func end ------------
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? D/ByNameModding: [InitIl2cppMethods] il2cpp::vm::Type::GetClassOrElementClass в библиотеке: 0x1989f64.
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? E/ByNameModding: add hook 1 func start ------------
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? E/ByNameModding: add hook 1 func end ------------
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? D/ByNameModding: [InitIl2cppMethods] il2cpp::vm::Image::FromName in lib: 0x1986164
2023-10-05 14:21:36.371 17568-17615/? D/ByNameModding: [InitIl2cppMethods] il2cpp::vm::Assembly::GetAllAssemblies by domain in lib: 0x19bd8e0
2023-10-05 14:21:36.961 17568-17615/? E/ByNameModding: We can't normally without hooks set args name, because names moved to metadata
2023-10-05 14:21:37.011 17568-17615/? E/ByNameModding: We can't normally without hooks set args name, because names moved to metadata
2023-10-05 14:21:37.307 17568-17615/? W/ByNameModding: Class: []::[PhotonPlayer] - not found

Any chance to call Java method of hooked game?

Hello. I want to call some Java method of hooking game from BNM. How can i achieve it?
For example:
class =; methodToast = class.showToast; methodToast("MOD by Bruno");


The last release of bnm crashes without a reason

App crash using BNM 1.4

Game tested: Subway Surfers
Crash Log

12-09 17:08:24.860 31517 31517 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 31449 (target tid = 31449)
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/beyond1qlteue/beyond1q:9/LMY48Z/901230529:user/release-keys'
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'x86'
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   : pid: 31449, tid: 31449, name: iloo.subwaysurf  >>> com.kiloo.subwaysurf <<<
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   : Cause: null pointer dereference
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   :     eax c9554040  ebx 80000009  ecx 00000001  edx f2df3494
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   :     edi 00000004  esi e7987580
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   :     ebp ea914760  esp ffd41e90  eip ea2f86a5
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   :
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
12-09 17:08:24.863 31517 31517 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 001366a5  /system/vendor/lib/
12-09 17:08:25.130  1643  1643 E /system/bin/tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_13
12-09 17:08:25.136  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:   Force finishing activity com.kiloo.subwaysurf/com.sybogames.chili.multidex.ChiliMultidexSupportActivity
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager: Exception thrown during pause
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager: android.os.DeadObjectException
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at$Stub$Proxy.scheduleTransaction(
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at
12-09 17:08:25.139  1801 31533 W ActivityManager:       at$

BNM Crash

Game - Standoff 2
BNM: 2.0
Unity Version: 2022.2.19
I'm trying to load BNM using dlfcn handle, but the game crashes. Here is the log:

2024-05-15 22:42:14.721 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

2024-05-15 22:42:14.721 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  Version '2022.3.19f1 (244b723c30a6)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'arm64-v8a'
2024-05-15 22:42:14.721 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  Build fingerprint: 'Redmi/selene_global/selene:13/TP1A.220624.014/V14.0.6.0.TKUMIXM:user/release-keys'
2024-05-15 22:42:14.721 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  Revision: '0'
2024-05-15 22:42:14.721 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  ABI: 'arm64'
2024-05-15 22:42:14.760 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  Timestamp: 2024-05-15 22:42:14.721650520+0300
2024-05-15 22:42:14.760 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  pid: 28750, tid: 28759, name: ebolt.standoff2  >>> com.axlebolt.standoff2 <<<
2024-05-15 22:42:14.760 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  uid: 10675
2024-05-15 22:42:14.760 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr --------
2024-05-15 22:42:14.760 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E      x0  0000000000000000  x1  0000000000000000  x2  0000000000000000  x3  0000007096d17938
2024-05-15 22:42:14.760 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E      x4  000000714b448340  x5  0000000000000000  x6  00000071528ab000  x7  00000000000603ca
2024-05-15 22:42:14.760 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E      x8  0000000002a51ea4  x9  6d6f632f302f7265  x10 00000000000000a0  x11 00000000074a1d04
2024-05-15 22:42:14.760 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E      x12 0000000000604540  x13 0000000000604540  x14 0000007096d175f8  x15 00003c78c4ec5e40
2024-05-15 22:42:14.760 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E      x16 000000713cabc140  x17 00000071528e4390  x18 000000702e778000  x19 0000006ff02ef370
2024-05-15 22:42:14.761 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E      x20 0000007096d17948  x21 00000000074a1da4  x22 0000000000000000  x23 0000007096d17948
2024-05-15 22:42:14.761 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E      x24 00000000074a1da4  x25 686361632f326666  x26 00000071529de4d0  x27 0000006ff02ef370
2024-05-15 22:42:14.761 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E      x28 0000000000000000  x29 0000007096d17840
2024-05-15 22:42:14.761 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E      lr  00000071528feb80  sp  0000007096d17840  pc  00000071528feb90  pst 0000000080000000
2024-05-15 22:42:14.761 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  backtrace:
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #00 pc 0000000000051b90  /apex/ (__dl__ZNK6soinfo10elf_lookupER10SymbolNamePK12version_info+240) (BuildId: 2131f550922a8d22b71d4b569ad09754)
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #01 pc 0000000000042c44  /apex/ (__dl__ZL24dlsym_handle_lookup_implP19android_namespace_tP6soinfoS2_PS2_R10SymbolNamePK12version_info+404) (BuildId: 2131f550922a8d22b71d4b569ad09754)
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #02 pc 000000000003c92c  /apex/ (__dl__Z8do_dlsymPvPKcS1_PKvPS_+892) (BuildId: 2131f550922a8d22b71d4b569ad09754)
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #03 pc 0000000000037308  /apex/ (__dl__Z10dlsym_implPvPKcS1_PKv+88) (BuildId: 2131f550922a8d22b71d4b569ad09754)
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #04 pc 00000000000373a0  /apex/ (__loader_dlsym+16) (BuildId: 2131f550922a8d22b71d4b569ad09754)
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #05 pc 0000000000001070  /apex/ (dlsym+16) (BuildId: 89abe049041fb6b3c44b0ca03c962304)
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #06 pc 000000000058fb48  <anonymous:0000007096f18000>
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #07 pc 000000000037d638  <anonymous:0000007096f18000>
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #08 pc 000000000037d1fc  <anonymous:0000007096f18000>
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #09 pc 00000000000fba4c  /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+204) (BuildId: 3908c7c57fa04c64df24425cf16523cf)
2024-05-15 22:42:14.762 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E        #10 pc 000000000008e5f0  /apex/ (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: 3908c7c57fa04c64df24425cf16523cf)
2024-05-15 22:42:16.998 28750-28759 CRASH                   com.axlebolt.standoff2               E  Forwarding signal 11
2024-05-15 22:42:16.998 28750-28759 libc                    com.axlebolt.standoff2               A  Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x6f632f3ac3ecf5 in tid 28759 (ebolt.standoff2), pid 28750 (ebolt.standoff2)
2024-05-15 22:42:18.219 29971-29971 DEBUG                   crash_dump64                         A  Cmdline: com.axlebolt.standoff2
2024-05-15 22:42:18.219 29971-29971 DEBUG                   crash_dump64                         A  pid: 28750, tid: 28759, name: ebolt.standoff2  >>> com.axlebolt.standoff2 <<<

BNM Crash

Any way to fix bootloop when the game has metadata version -30?
unity version: 2021.3.23f1
Game: Critical Ops
BNM Version: Latest

Availability of Lua support ?

Perhaps incorporating Lua libraries could simplify operations, as C++ can directly register functions in Lua, which might enable more operations.

проблема с инициализацией / troubles with init

игра - Pixel Combats 2
бнм 1.5
версия юнити 2023.1 (последняя)
когда инициализирую бнм через хард байпасс - краш
инициализирую другими способами - не работает ничего или краш
в логи ничего не пишет (или я неправильно пишу команду для фильтрации по тегам)

game - pixel combats 2
bnm ver 1.5
unity ver 2023.1 (last)
when i init bnm by using hard bypass - getting crash or crash
init by other - dont working
dont writing anything to logs (or i misspell the command for filtering by tags)

Request for Action, UnityAction, and UnityEvent support


// Token: 0x04000B48 RID: 2888
[Token(Token = "0x4000B48")]
[FieldOffset(Offset = "0x4")]
public Action<float> OnCrystalChange;

void Update(void* instance)
	auto OnCrystalChange = *(Action<float>**)((uint64_t)instance + 0x4);
	if (OnCrystalChange != NULL)


// Token: 0x04000B48 RID: 2888
[Token(Token = "0x4000B48")]
[FieldOffset(Offset = "0x4")]
public UnityAction<float> OnCrystalChange;

void Update(void* instance)
	auto OnCrystalChange = *(UnityAction<float>**)((uint64_t)instance + 0x4);
	if (OnCrystalChange != NULL)


// Token: 0x04000B48 RID: 2888
[Token(Token = "0x4000B48")]
[FieldOffset(Offset = "0x4")]
public UnityEvent<float> OnCrystalChange;

void Update(void* instance)
	auto OnCrystalChange = *(UnityEvent<float>**)((uint64_t)instance + 0x4);
	if (OnCrystalChange != NULL)

With parameter

// Token: 0x0400002F RID: 47
[Token(Token = "0x400002F")]
[FieldOffset(Offset = "0x4")]
public UnityAction<IAPOperationStatus, string, StoreProduct> OnCompleteMethod;

void Update(void* instance)
	auto OnCompleteMethod = *(UnityAction<int, monoString*, void*>**)((uint64_t)instance + 0x4);
	if (OnCompleteMethod != NULL)
		auto newString = BNM::CreateMonoString("Testing");
		auto newClassStore = NULL;
		OnCompleteMethod.Invoke(0, newString, newClassStore);

I tried but without success look what I did:

Hello, ByNameModding!

I hope you are doing well. I want to take this moment to express my admiration for the work you are doing on BNM. The effort and creativity you've applied are remarkable, and it really makes a difference in the community.

Recently, I tried exploring a bit of BNM. Although I faced some personal challenges in the process, it only reinforced my respect for the complexity and depth of your work.

I want to highlight that, even without mastering it, I am genuinely impressed with what you have accomplished. It's incredible to see how the project is evolving and contributing to our field.

Please continue with this excellent work. You have my full support and admiration. I'm looking forward to seeing the next developments for BNM.

A big hug and all the best to you!


I tried but without success look what I did:

Class: public sealed class FarmerNameManager : MonoBehaviour, IUserBlobCallbacks2, IUserBlobCallbacksBase
Method: public void CreateFarmerName(string farmerName) { }

using namespace BNM::Structures::Mono;
using namespace BNM::Operators;

BNM::LoadClass FarmerNameManagerClass{};
BNM::Method<monoString*> CreateFarmerNameMethod{};

void (*old_CreateFarmerNameA)(BNM::UnityEngine::Object*, monoString*);
void NewCreateFarmerName(BNM::UnityEngine::Object* instance, monoString* originalName) {
    monoString* newNameA = BNM::CreateMonoString("BILL GATES");
    old_CreateFarmerNameA(instance, newNameA);

void OnLoaded() {
    using namespace BNM;
    FarmerNameManagerClass = LoadClass(OBFUSCATE_BNM("Assembly-CSharp"), OBFUSCATE_BNM("FarmerNameManager"));
    CreateFarmerNameMethod = FarmerNameManagerClass.GetMethodByName(OBFUSCATE_BNM("CreateFarmerName"), 1);

    InvokeHook(CreateFarmerNameMethod, NewCreateFarmerName, old_CreateFarmerNameA);
 case 14: {

Thank you for posting BNM, even though I haven't gotten it yet, your work is perfect

BNM_NewStaticMethodInit problem

i make new class something like this

struct PlayerData : public BNM::UnityEngine::MonoBehaviour {
   BNM_NewClassInit("NewClass", PlayerData, {
      return BNM::LoadClass(OBFUSCATES_BNM("UnityEngine"), 
   static bool Move(BNM::Structures::Unity::Vector3 pos){
        //do something
        return true;
   BNM_NewStaticMethodInit(BNM::GetType<bool>(), Move, 1, BNM::GetType<BNM::Structures::Unity::Vector3>());

in BNM_NewStaticMethodInit(BNM::GetType<bool>(), Move, 1, BNM::GetType<BNM::Structures::Unity::Vector3>());
i got error In template: cannot initialize return object of type 'void *' with an rvalue of type 'bool'

can you help me ? @BNM-Dev

UnityEngine::Object Alive() Crash when Build release

Any trick to fix this issue?

Version '2019.4.33f1 (0)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'arm64-v8a'
Build fingerprint: 'samsung/p3sxxx/p3s:9/SP1A.210812.016/G998BXXU4BULF:user/release-keys'
Revision: '0'
ABI: 'arm64'
Timestamp: 2024-06-02 16:31:01+0700
pid: 23820, tid: 24054, name: Thread-11 >>> <<<
uid: 10078

Question? How to read text from byte array

Hello. I have arg (byte[] value);
How to read this byte array as a utf8 string?

Previously i can do this with frida like this:
Memory.readUtf8String(value.add(0x20), Memory.readInt(value.add(0x18)))
Where 0x18 is "value"'s length.

Can you help me?

Overloaded Method

how to hook method that have same name and params count but different type ?

// RVA: 0x8BD0E0 Offset: 0x8BD0E0 VA: 0x8BD0E0 Slot: 17
public void TargetMove(float speed, Transform targetTransform, float range, Action endCallBack) { }

// RVA: 0x8BD1E0 Offset: 0x8BD1E0 VA: 0x8BD1E0
public void TargetMove(float speed, Vector3 position, float range, Action endCallBack) { }

ModMenu(LGL) file

Thanks, could you show an example with a class

public class ProtoPartnerAnimalBreed : ProtoData // TypeDefIndex: 12771
// Fields
[ProtoMemberAttribute] // RVA: 0x3A5218 Offset: 0x3A5218 VA: 0x3A5218
public float OrderScore; // 0x10

add a value to

OrderScore = 10000.0f;

BNM can't find class

What's the issue here?

`Process com.aldagames.zombieshooter (PID: 16690) ended Process com.aldagames.zombieshooter created for next-top-act ivity {com.aldagames.zombieshooter/com.unity3d.player.UnityPl
PID: 30002 UID: GIDs:

      ByNameModding  D  [InitIl2cppMethods] il2cpp::vm::Class::Init in lib: 0x57b274
                     D  [InitIl2cppMethods] game has il2cpp_image_get_class. BNM will
                         use it
                     D  [InitIl2cppMethods] il2cpp::vm::Assembly::GetAllAssemblies by
                         domain in lib: 0x57b41c
                     W  Class: [UnityEngine]::[Screen] - not found
                     W  Class: [UnityEngine]::[Input] - not found
                     W  Class: [UnityEngine]::[Component] - not found
                     W  Class: [UnityEngine]::[GameObject] - not found
                     W  Class: [UnityEngine]::[Transform] - not found
                     W  Class: [UnityEngine]::[Camera] - not found
                     W  Class: []::[PhotonNetwork] - not found
                     W  Class: []::[PhotonPlayer] - not found
                     W  Class: []::[PlayerUtils] - not found
                     W  Class: []::[PlayerScript] - not found
                     Process com.aldagames.zombieshooter (PID: 30002) ended`

How to specialize parameters?

bool DoSomething(int, float, string);

BNM::Method<bool> DoSomethingByName;

How to define parameters to pass in bnm method?

Question: How to get value of "int" field of another class?

I have some fighting Unity game.
And every hit is calling method "void CritChance(void* attribute)"
I need to read field of this attribute and after read another int value from another filed. Before I use frida script and my snippet looks like that:
int player_id = Memory.readInt(Memory.readPointer(attribute.add(0x38)).add(0x8));

Which "add(0x38)" is field of current class.
"add(0x8)" is field of other class called.

How can I achieve it with BNM?
If you need I can show some part of dump of il2cpp.
Thank you.

There is an error on 64bit when using NewClasses and ModifyClasses

I tried modding using 64bit

Can't add component 'RectTransform' to TextSubtitle because such a component is already added to the game object!

[ line 1639933832]
Can't add component 'CanvasRenderer' to TextSubtitle because such a component is already added to the game object!

[ line 1639933832]
Can't add component 'RectTransform' to Locked because such a component is already added to the game object!

[ line 1639934200]
Can't add component 'CanvasRenderer' to Locked because such a component is already added to the game object!

[ line 1639934200]
Can't add component 'RectTransform' to Text (2) because such a component is already added to the game object!

[ line 1639933832]
Can't add component 'CanvasRenderer' to Text (2) because such a component is already added to the game object!

[Need help]What, Hook's the type?

public static bool[] NurseCannotRemoveDebuff = BuffID.Sets.Factory.CreateBoolSet(new int[]{28, 34, 87, 89, 21, 86, 199, 332, 333, 334, 165, 146, 48, 158, 157, 350, 215, 147);

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