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spmod's Issues

Handles for mod objects


We need create something similar to this
Uniquie index for all objects instead indexes from 0 to many.

How do we replicate the issue?

Create Handle base class

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

Other Comments

Menu manager


We need API for creating menus.
In amxx exists Old style menu and New menus.
I suggest create all in one.

enum Menu

enum MenuStyle

enum MenuProps
	// def 7 like amxx
	// def "\r#num#." like "1. item"
	// custom "\r[#num#]" like "[1] item"
	// show/hide exit item
	// custom name for exit, back, next
	// for hl, etc

enum ItemStatus

enum MenuItem
	MENU_EXIT = -3,
	MENU_NEXT = -2,

// typedef MenuHandler = function int (Menu menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2);

typeset MenuHandler
	// text style
	function void(
		Menu menu,
		int key,
		int player

	// item style
	function void(
		Menu menu,
		MenuItem item,
		int player,
		any data

typedef CallbackHandler = function ItemStatus (Menu menu, MenuItem item, int player);

methodmap Menu
	// param global if false then destroy after exit
	public native Menu(MenuHandler handler, MenuStyle style = STYLE_ITEMS, bool global = false);
	// param page only for STYLE_ITEMS
	public native void Show(int player, int time = -1, int page = 0);
	// only for STYLE_TEXT
	public native void AddText(const char text[]);
	public native void AddKeys(int keys);
	// only for STYLE_ITEMS
	public native void SetTitle(const char title[]);
	public native void AddItem(const char name[], any data = 0, CallbackHandler callback = 0);
	// for blank use AddText(0, "\n") or make "\n" by default instead ""
	// TODO: change native name
	public native void AddText(int slot = 0, const char text[] = "");
	public native void SetProp(MenuProps prop, any ...);
	property int Items {
		public native get();

// close any active menu
native void CloseMenu(int player);

How do we replicate the issue?

Create manager?

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

Other Comments

Project folders


Create folder scripting for plugins source files, includes and SP compiler
Change current scripts folder to plugins for compiled plugins

How do we replicate the issue?

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

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Convert cvar API to methodmap


Depends on #8.
Natives which access cvar by name could be entirely dropped in favor of pcvars.

Possible api:

enum Cvar

methodmap Cvar
    /* this constructor would register cvar */
    public native Cvar(const char[] name, const char[] value, CvarFlags = None);
    public native float GetFloat();
    public native void GetString(char[] value, int size);
    public native int GetInt();
    public native CvarFlags GetFlags();
    public native void SetFloat(float value);
    public native void SetString(const char[] value);
    public native void SetInt(int value);
    public native void SetFlags(CvarFlags flags);
native Cvar FindCvar(const char[] name);
  • Operating system: n/a
  • ReHLDS version: n/a
  • Metamod version: n/a
  • SPMod version: n/a

How do we replicate the issue?


Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

Methodmap API to work with cvar.

Other Comments


Python-like localization support

Not really python-like, but inspired by it and by #18 of course.

First of all instead of capsing, like DID_DMG_HITS, we can use some default translation text (e.g. english text).
Secondly instead of %L we can use function style: L(player, "He did {damage:d} damage to you with {hits:d} hit(s)\nand still has {health:d}hp and {armor:d}ap.")

This simplifies localization process of plugin that doesn't support it. Look:

Format("He did {damage:d} damage to you with {hits:d} hit(s)\nand still has {health:d}hp and {armor:d}ap."
  , FmtArg("damage", damage)
  , FmtArg("hits", hits)
  , FmtArg("health", player.Health)
  , FmtArg("armor", player.Armor)


Format(L(player, "He did {damage:d} damage to you with {hits:d} hit(s)\nand still has {health:d}hp and {armor:d}ap.")
  , FmtArg("damage", damage)
  , FmtArg("hits", hits)
  , FmtArg("health", player.Health)
  , FmtArg("armor", player.Armor)

Just adding L(player, and )!


  • Plurals
  • SetLanguageContext(player); to remove repetitive player's index in L for localized arguments or using last passed player's index if it isn't passed
  • Translation file auto-creation, on runtime or maybe some source code analyze tool
  • FMTARG macro that will expand FMTARG(var) to FmtArg("var", var)
  • Something that i forgot or don't know about python-like localization

SPMod version in plugins


Add info about SPMod version to plugin info struct.
Can help with detection old plugins after breakable changes in API.

How do we replicate the issue?

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

Other Comments

Timer manager


Timer manager should responsible for creating, executing, removing tasks.
Timer would be destroyed after finished execution (one time task) or by using Remove().
Timer with repeat flag could be destroyed returning PluginStop in its callback or by executing Remove().

Example plugin api:

enum TimerFlag
    None = 0,
    Repeat = (1<<0)

typeset TimerCallback
    function PluginReturn (Task task);
    function PluginReturn (Task task, any data);

methodmap Task
    Task(float time, TimerCallback func, any data = 0, TimerFlag flags = None);
    Change(float interval, bool trigger = true);
  • Operating system: n/a
  • ReHLDS version: n/a
  • Metamod version: n/a
  • SPMod version: master

How do we replicate the issue?


Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

SPMod should expose api for plugins and modules to manage timers.

Other Comments


Command manager


We should be able to create commands.

There could be natives responsible for creating only console commands (not in say).

typeset CmdCallback
    // For client cmd
    function PluginReturn (int client);
    // for srv cmd
    function PluginReturn ();
// Client console
RegisterClCmd(const char[] cmd, CmdCallback func, int flags = 0, const char[] info = "")
// Server console
RegisterSrvCmd(const char[] cmd, CmdCallback func, const char[] info = "")

For say we would have forward which is executed on "say" and "say_team" commands.

//1st variant
forward PluginReturn OnSayCommand(int client, bool say_team)
//2nd variant (argv would store first argument of say command, f.e. for "say /test" argv param would store "/test")
forward PluginReturn OnSayCommand(int client, const char[] argv, bool say_team)

Example of registering say command

//1st variant
public PluginReturn OnSayCommand(int client, bool say_team)
    char argv[32];
    CmdGetArgv(1, argv, sizeof(argv)); //Not existent native for now
    if (!StrCmp(argv, "/test"))
        return PluginStop;
    return PluginContinue;

//2nd variant
public PluginReturn OnSayCommand(int client, const char[] argv, bool say_team)
    if (!StrCmp(argv, "/test"))
        return PluginStop;
    return PluginContinue;

Commands permissions

In amxx we have to check permissions manually by executing cmd_access in command callback. I think it would be better to check them in SPMod and execute command callback whenever client has right permissions.

  • Operating system: n/a
  • ReHLDS version: n/a
  • Metamod version: n/a
  • SPMod version: master

How do we replicate the issue?


Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

We should be able to register commands.

Other Comments

Any thoughts on this?

Handling of pressing buttons


Create hook for handling of pressing buttons

How do we replicate the issue?

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

Other Comments

Consider using clang-format


Code style starts getting a little bit inconsistent across the codebase.

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

clang-format could unify the code style in SPMod.

Other Comments


Controlling loading of plugins


The main idea is to control loading procces of plugins. For example this might be useful to enable some plugins at day and other at night. Or some plugins can depend by map name or other factors. But it is so hard to create configuration system that can take all possible options. Thats why i propose to create sm plugin where users can do it manually. Inside this should be only one hook thats can return enable or disable plugin. And of course some natives for getting date/time or map name. For example
forward PluginReturn OnPLuginLoading(PluginInfo pluginInfo);

How do we replicate the issue?

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

Other Comments

Architecture changes


My suggestion is move binds for other languages to extentions, in core create only interfaces for another modules.
With this we can easier create binds for more languages(if someone will want add support for other language).

Question for discussion:
Maybe better develop metamod instead metaplugin for interfaces?

Python-like format syntax


Format("Hello, {:s}!", "world"); // "Hello, world"
Format("{0:s}{1:s}{0:s}", "abra", "cad"); // "abracadabra"
Format("The answer is {:d}.", 42); // "42"
Format("Hello, {name:s}! The answer is {number:d}. Goodbye, {name:s}.", FmtArg("name", "World"), FmtArg("number", 42)); // "Hello, World! The answer is 42. Goodbye, World."

There is tagof operator in SP, can we use it for type auto-examination? Can we use it at least for FmtArg? If not, should we add argument in FmtArg to pass the type?

Also we can choose default type for {}, but there are several frequently used types, so I don't prefer it.


Could you add curl module support?

Players natives


Create get_players analog with own conditions.

// return players in array
native int GetPlayers(int players[32], int flags = 0, ConditionHandler func);

enum PlayerReturn {

public PlayerReturn PlayerCondition(int player)
        return PlayerAllowed;
    return PlayerDenied;

Create menu with players and own conditions.
Something like native Menu CreatePlayersMenu(MenuHandler handler, int flags, ConditionHandler condition);

How do we replicate the issue?

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

Other Comments

String manager


An awesome methodmap for strings to get rid of char arrays and simplify tones of code. Not sure it all possible, but would be great

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

String str = "Hello world." // Overloading `=` operator.
str.Format("Foo. %s Bar.", str) // Self formatting,  => `Foo. Hello world. Bar.`
int len = str.Length // `Length` property. => characters count of `Foo. Hello world. Bar.`
str = "Foo. " + str + " Bar." // Overloading `+` operator => `Foo. Hello world. Bar.`
str == "Foo. Hello world. Bar." // Overloading `==` operator => strings equal or not
str.Equals("Foo. Hello world. Bar.", false) // Same as above, but with case sensitivity parameter

Example usage in player class.

String name = player.GetName() // GetName should return String instead of char[]
//Just instead of
new name[33]
player.GetName(name, charsmax(name))

Other Comments


Player iterators


Create iterators for player loops. Do this for SPMod and for SPMod plugins.

Player player;
  player = PlayersItterGetPlayer();
  // Do some stuf


for(Player p = GetFirstPlayer(SOME_SEARCH_FLAGS); p; p.NextPlayer(/* flags? */))
	// code

How do we replicate the issue?

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

Other Comments

camelCase or CamelCase styling for natives


First natives use camelCase styling, but recently added ones #3 use CamelCase. I think we should decide which one we should go with. Personally I don't mind any of them, but I prefer to keep naming unified.

  • Operating system: n/a
  • ReHLDS version: n/a
  • Metamod version: n/a
  • SPMod version: master

How do we replicate the issue?


Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

We should go with camelCase or CamelCase styling for natives, not both.

Other Comments

What are your thoughts?

Suggestion: safe precache


Check if file exists before precache, so server wont crash if user forgot to put resource in folder. But we need to stop plugin if resource not precached(SetFailState)

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Message manager


In amxx we have register_message and register_event where event is message_post but have filters(alive, dead, global, etc.)
Maybe we need create something unified?

  • Operating system:
  • ReHLDS version:
  • Metamod version:
  • SPMod version:

How do we replicate the issue?

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

Other Comments

Visual studio project

Meson has built-in VS project generator but its completely fucked up and needs a lot of fixes after generation. Why dont just create project once and add it to repository?

Split include/public

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Each module/adapter adds headers to include/public so in the course of time there will be too many headers there. One idea is to separate include/public into each module/adapter.

Additional context
├── public
│ ├── core
│ ├── module 1
│ ├── module 2
│ └── adapter 1

Cvar manager


Create manager for cvar.
We should know what plugin create a cvar.
Cvar access from plugin should be faster than now, we don't have any cache system.

  • Operating system:
  • ReHLDS version:
  • Metamod version:
  • SPMod version:

How do we replicate the issue?

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

Other Comments

Issue for projects list

FileSystem and localization


I think we can fully port FileSystem natives from SourceMod. But it depends by localization, so we need to extend format to support localization(maybe port translations from sourcemod too?)

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

  • Implement localization
  • Implement natives to work with file system

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