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importer-exporter's Issues

Additional DBOperation Panel to change SRS in database schema

The new release should finally provide a way to let users change the reference system of 3DCityDB instance via the Importer/Exporter GUI. I think, the database operation panel is a suitable place. I would create another tab called SRS.

Regarding the code I would reuse the DatabaseSrsComboBox and put two (labesl +) text fields, one checkbox and one button beneath it. Each element in one row. For the text fields I would use the same terminology than in the org.citydb.modules.database.gui.preferences.SrsPanel class (impexp-client module). Not sure, if I should add the check button as well, but probably it makes sense to do so.

I've already added the functions calls to the UtilAdapters. That was pretty easy. But the GUI development might take up more time. Have I missed something?

On-the-fly glTF creation

Is it possible to create glTF from 3DcityDB on demand? For now we can only export by export tool once in a while. So if data in the database changes, we have to reexport changed models once again.

Ideally it could be a database function that returns glTF-encoded data for a requested object.

improvement idea for spreadsheet generator

Could you add a total number to that generation window and a percentage of completion? This is taking a long time and I would like to see how far it's from completion.

Image below shows what it currently looks like when generating spreadsheet. This is just a minor improvement, but it would be much appreciated.

GLTF format is not formed after exporting CityGML file

Hello I am Fadel.
I am currently trying to visualize a dataset of shape file multipatch into Cesium using 3D web client.
I exported the shp multipatch to CityGML using fme. It was successfull.
After that I exported the GML into KML/GLTF using BBox option and with the tiling option was clicked. It was succesfull.
However when I try to call the data in the web browser, It only shows a blue line of border (which was Bbox) with no 3d model loaded in the box. I have tried to zoom in but I still found no model.
Then I checked the Console in the browser, There are warnings telling that this kind of ID model with .GLTF format is not found.
I checked the root directory and trace the ID. I found that the file with such ID only in .DAE format.
I tried to search any file with GLTF format in the TILES directory. I found none.
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Thank you.

No Altitude for extruded Buildings

because i use a elevation Modell i have to move extruded buildings in height. But it only use building height. I think the altitude parameters only works for geometry export.
so, absolut and offset should be add to extruded export

Collada/Gltf Export: Missing UV-Coords

The Importer/Exporter exports GLTF-models without texture coordinates.
Apparently, the Collada files a malformed, so the collada2gltf tools ignores the texture coords.


<effect id="_tex4666_eff">
                <newparam sid="_tex4666_surface">
                    <surface type="2D">
                <newparam sid="_tex4666_sampler">
                <technique sid="COMMON">
                            <color>0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0</color>
                            <texture texture="_tex4666_sampler" texcoord="TEXCOORD"/>
                    <technique profile="GOOGLEEARTH">

According to the schema specs (, site 225), when texcoord="TEXCOORD" is used, there also needs to be a line like this later on:

< bind_vertex _input semantic=" TEXCOORD" input_semantic=" TEXCOORD " />

But no such line exists in the generated Collada-file.. This causes the collada2gltf tool to just drop the TexCoord attribute in the GLTF-file. To fix this, either remove the texcoord="TEXCOORD" attribute or add the bind_vertex node in.

question about importer exporter installation


i am trying to understand how things work with 3dcitydatabase, so i am installing the importer/exporter and the 3d web client...

Is there a forum where i can make some questions?
I would like to know if i can use a command line process in order to install the importer/exporter, as far as i understand it requires a graphical interface... Am i wrong?

Im using a remote virtual machine, equipped with Ubuntu 16.04, and i can only use the terminal...

I have downloaded this project, but i cannot find "3dcitydb-impexp.jar" as stated in the 3DCityDB manual starting from page 202 - chapter 5.8.

thank you for your help and support

Collada export Flat shading

Dear all,

this is not a 3DCityDB issue, but I would like to check with you how we can solve a problem in our conversion process.
We completed and tested our workflow to convert CityGML to BGLTF (automatically starting from the import in 3DCityDB) in order to ingest 3D datasets in CesiumJS and visualize them on the globe.
Everything works fine, but we have some problems in the visualization, in particular with 3D objects without textures.

The CityGML model source has no appearance/theme and the export to COLLADA (and then to GLTF) creates flat shaders.
It seems that there is no algorithm to calculate the normals of the surfaces (as you can check form the image).
schermata 2015-10-30 alle 10 19 04
Do you have any idea on how to solve this issue?

DB password should not be mandatory (if postgres credential uses the unix account directly)

On Debian, it's possible to create a postgres user without password, the authentication is done directly with the unix credential (ex: if the user "citydb" starts pgsql and the postgres user "citydb" exists, then the
user can have acces to his database directly).

The java importer/exporter imposes to enter a db password, the password should be optional in this case.

Failed to find config file


I'm trying to use the command line Importer/Exporter. I saved the project from the GUI as "myconf.xml".
When i save myconf.xml on the desktop i get an error message Failed to find config file 'filepath'
When i save myconf.xml in the same folder with the Importer/Exporter and use relative path i get an error message Failed to read project settings file 'filepath'
I run the command line tool from the Importer/Exporter installation path.


Error while validating CityGML file in 3DCityDB

Error: Invalid content at [11,58]: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '5da6322c-9e7b-4e35-a604-e931d7f40072' is not a valid value for 'NCName'
Error: Invalid content at [11,58]: cvc-attribute.3: The value '5da6322c-9e7b-4e35-a604-e931d7f40072' of attribute 'gml:id' on element 'tran:Road' is not valid with respect to its type, 'ID'

If am editing the gml file line containing gml_id:5da6322c-9e7b-4e35-a604-e931d7f40072 to gml_id: "any_name"_5da6322c-9e7b-4e35-a604-e931d7f40072.
Then it is not showing error. Features will be validated and successfully imported.
Please help. Thanks

Programmatic import on AWS?

Is there a way to run a database import via command line arguments or some other programmatic method? I would like to deploy an xml file to a cloud server & DB along with the importer/exporter tool and then have the import happen there rather than tie up my own machine.

Possible precision issue on import/export

Apologies if this would be better served in a different 3Dcitydb repo.

Hi all, I have a project,, which is the process of going from OSM, to 3D, to CityGML for 3DCityDB. Latest version isn't committed just yet, but for the most part, it works quite well minus some coordinate translation + axes rotations issues.

However, I do have an issue which appears to be a precision issue related to imports/exports. On the left of the picture is 1WTC first in Cesium, exported as GLTF and the right is the original CityGML, when viewed in FME. All the way along, the OBJs and CityGML look good with no visible gaps except for when viewed as exported tiles. I haven't tried with WFS or exporting a CityGML and double checking.


I'm not sure, but I suspect perhaps the issue is in import and data precision.

If you want, I can provide the GML and even a dump of the DB.

by exporting KML/COLLADA/glTF Export the glTF files are missing

i´m using the 4.0.0 version of the the importer/exporter, when i export a little area of my database as KML/COLLADA/glTF the glTF files are missing. I only get the dae files. Have i to convert these files by my self (the examples if the web client are using gltf)?

best regards

Maven and integration with IFC


It's not my intention to publish an issue, but merely ask a question about the 3dcitydb project.
I am used to work with Maven repositories and pom.xml files.
It helps a lot when developing in, for example, Eclipse.
The whole dependency stuff is taken care of then.
My question is, why the 3dcitydb project doesn't use Maven ?

The two last days I attended a 3dcitydb workshop at the TU Delft, organised by Jantien Stoter and Thomas Kolbe.

Greetings from the Netherlands

Do exported glTF models follow the 3D Tiles specification?


I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask questions, I apologise otherwise.

I want to use Cesium to visualise BIM files as 3D buildings and 3DCityDB looks like a great solution. However, I plan to use the standalone Cesium viewer once they release the 3D Tiles branch.

Do you know if it is possible to load the 3DCityDB glTF tiles as a Cesium3DTileset into Cesium? In the other case, do you plan to implement 3D Tiles in the future?

Thanks and congratulations on the recent realease!

Problem with importing all features into the database.

I have .gml file I want to import to the database. This dataset consist of more features (Relief, Building, TrafficArea, PlantCover,...). Validation is fine. But after import, just Building class is imported a none of the other classes.

Export problem with texture

Hello, I'm in engineering school and I'm a beginner on the citygml format.

I try to create a 3D Visualization, I use '3DCityDB Tutorial for Beginners 3.3.0' but I'm blockin on the exercise 6 'KML Export'.

When I do my export,, i have this message :
[11:07:49 INFO] Initializing database export...
[11:07:49 INFO] Checking for spatial indexes on geometry columns of involved tables...
[11:07:49 INFO] 1 (1x1x1) tiles will be generated.
[11:07:49 INFO] Exporting to file: C:\Users\admin\Desktop\json_files\Eglise\Tiles\0\0\Eglise_Tile_0_0_collada.kml
Exception in thread "db_exporter_pool 1" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.awt.image.DataBufferByte.(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel.createDataBuffer(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.image.Raster.createWritableRaster(Unknown Source)
at javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier.createBufferedImage(Unknown Source)
at javax.imageio.ImageReader.getDestination(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader.readInternal(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.citydb.modules.kml.database.KmlGenericObject.fillGenericObjectForCollada(Unknown Source)
at org.citydb.modules.kml.database.Building.readBuildingPart(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.citydb.modules.kml.concurrent.KmlExportWorker.doWork(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
[11:09:08 INFO] Exported CityGML features:
[11:09:08 INFO] BUILDING: 1
[11:09:08 INFO] Processed geometry objects: 199951
[11:09:08 INFO] Total export time: 01 m, 18 s.
[11:09:08 INFO] Database export successfully finished.

The citygml doesn't appear in the 3D city web map.
Thanks for your help.

Errors on importing CityGML models generated by FME

I am writing my graduation thesis, "Based on CityGML 3DGIS Application Studies", I use the 3DCityDB Importer Exporter tool to import my own CityGML data into the 3DCityDB database, but it is wrong to show Failed to resolve XLink reference '# fme-gen-3010b1e6 -9537-4a87-8e67-f72ebcf0b4f3 ', I feel very depressed, how can I do?
Best Regards,

command line interface

On the website it says:

The 3D City Database Importer/Exporter is shipped with both a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for end-user interaction and a Command Line Interface (CLI)

Is there any documentation or examples for the CLI?

Using it in an Eclipse Spring project.

Hi. I would like to create a function that parses the citygml file and puts it into 3dcityDB in the Spring project. What jar files are needed? Is there a document I can refer to?

importer-exporter does not work

I downloaded and set up 3d city database for my study. When I tried to run the importer I receive the massege ;

[14:37:39 INFO] Starting 3D City Database Importer/Exporter, version "3.2-build1"
[14:37:39 INFO] Loading plugins
[14:37:39 INFO] Initializing application environment
[14:37:42 INFO] Loading project settings
Exception in thread "main" java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key pref.kmlexport.lod0footprint.mode.label.footprınt
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(Unknown Source)
at org.citydb.config.project.kmlExporter.Lod0FootprintMode.toString(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(Unknown Source)
at$WindowsComboBoxRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.updateLayoutState(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.maybeUpdateLayoutState(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI$Handler.valueChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel.fireValueChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel.fireValueChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel.fireValueChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel.changeSelection(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel.changeSelection(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel.setSelectionInterval(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JList.setSelectedIndex(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup.setListSelection(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup.access$300(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup$Handler.itemStateChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComboBox.fireItemStateChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComboBox.selectedItemChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComboBox.contentsChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractListModel.fireContentsChanged(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel.setSelectedItem(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel.addElement(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComboBox.addItem(Unknown Source)
at org.citydb.modules.kml.gui.preferences.BuildingRenderingPanel.initGui(Unknown Source)
at org.citydb.modules.kml.gui.preferences.BuildingRenderingPanel.(Unknown Source)
at org.citydb.modules.kml.gui.preferences.KMLExportPreferences.(Unknown Source)
at org.citydb.modules.kml.KMLExportPlugin.(Unknown Source)
at org.citydb.ImpExp.doMain(Unknown Source)
at org.citydb.ImpExp.main(Unknown Source)

Select a part from building in web map (Cesuim)

I'm working on 3D Cadastre, I want to select different parts (lots) from a building and display attribute it.

Can you help me for this?

I don't want to select whole of a building, Do you have code for selecting different parts from building?

Thank you,

Replace DOS paths in KML network links

When exporting to KML/COLLADA/glTF, the root KML file containing the network links to the generated tiles uses DOS paths as <href> reference:


The backslashes should be replaced with normal slashes: Tiles/0/0/kml_Tile_0_0_collada.kml

Possible bug in (textured) relief feature export?


I guess there is a little bug in the export function of the importer/exporter when it comes to exporting a triangulated relief feature with textures.

The issue seems to be that during export the gmlid of the triangles (linestrings) are added a "0", but this is not consistently done in the appearance.
Hence, when importing a dataset previously exported, you get an error message due due unresolved XLinks.

I have prepared a little example. In the zipped file (see later) you find the original input gml (tin_example.gml) and the corresponsing export (tin_example_export.gml).
You can import the first one, export it, but you cannot reimport the second one.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?



GLTF and WGS84 or ECEF

Quick question, I have 3DCityDB exports working nicely now, and I've tested imports in EPSG:3857 and EPSG:4326. I'm doing large scale imports from OSM (eg, state-wide and larger) so I'm looking to use EPSG:4326 for accuracy. EPSG:3857 works for KML+GLTF exports but of course is distorted in Cesium.

I've done KML extracts in EPSG:4326 which look okay, but are very slow to render in-browser. Unfortunately exports in the GLTF format don't show up. Is there a fundamental reason why GLTF doesn't show up? I realize it may have to do with showing the vertices in degrees, but I didn't think this was a limitation of GLTF.

Export as geometry doesn't work as expected

The KML/glTF export function works fine for footprint/extruded/glTF... although some glTF for my DB doesn't show up nicely in Google Earth Pro.
However, exporting as geometry only provides 2D data. The wall and roof surfaces seem to be represented without any variation in height. The altitude mode attribute is not defined in the geometry case, but setting this manually in file doesn't help.

heights for the extruded polygon of 1 building go from 0 to 13.6 using altitude mode "relative to Ground".

Heights for the geometry polygon of the same building go from 17 to 31 ... ie. they seem to be set not 'relative to Ground'. The geometry polygon produces different entities for Wall and Roof surface. But I don't see why this should matter?
(kml files attached, rename txt to kml).

leuvenshow2_Tile_0_0_geometry - Copy.txt
leuvenshow2_Tile_0_0_extruded - Copy.txt

errors on exporting CityGML in 3D Database

I use the 3DCityDB Importer Exporter tool to export my own CityGML data in the 3DCityDB database, but when the process finished, the FME Inspector show there is no geometry about the export file. I open the file with Notepad++(see figure 1), the right one should be figure 2. It looks like I miss some part during the process. I don't know which part is wrong, is the import part, the export part or the setup database part? Thanks for help

Kind regards,
Wang Benshuo

Possible import different EPSGs?

It's possible to use a geographic Projection (4326) for a Project and then to load different projected citygml files?
For example i have different epsgs for germany (25832, 25833,...) and want to load whole germany or europe or the whole world.

KML Export - Extruded - Problem (Tutorial for Beginners)

Hello, I'm in engineering school and I'm a beginner on the citygml format.

I try to create a 3D Visualization, I use '3DCityDB Tutorial for Beginners 3.3.0' but I'm blockin on the exercise 6 'KML Export'.

When I do my export, I have three files (Layer1.kml, extruded_MasterJSON.json, Layer1.json), I drop the KML file into Google Earth, but only 'tile border' appear in Google Earth.


Thanks for your help.

Where do i have to find another the SRID and SRS?

I want to set the CREATE_DB but i want enter myself the SRID and SRS, Can i enter the Berlin SRID and SRS and the Tehran (WGS84 UTM Zone 39N) SRID and SRS together?

I don't know where must find it? This is: “urn:ogc:def:crs,crs:EPSG:6.12:25833,crs:EPSG:6.12:5783", Where do i can to find that?

Best Regards,

I want to import the Citygml file from within Java.

Hi. I'm using your library well. Thank you. I want to import the Citygml file from within Java.
I created the database according to the manual, and verified the connection through the program.
I also set the database information in the DBconnection class to import gml via Java.
I then used the code below.
However, the following error occurs.

What's wrong?

Support For Raster Reliefs

we recently came across more and more files with raster relief features, which seam to be not supported at the moment. Are there plans to add support for these files in the near future?


File not Found during Collada Export Process

Dear all,

we would like to export our CityGML dataset to Collada but we are facing some issues during the export process.

In particular, from the 3D City DB log, the errors are raised up by a File Not Found Exception in the __temp folder (as you can see from the attachment image)

schermata 2015-10-16 alle 13 47 25

Which is the problem? With other dataset generated in the same way everything works fine.

Thank you for the support and best regards,

Exported glTF files don't include embedded textures


I'm using the Cesium branch of the importer-exporter and I'm trying to export a textured building into one single glTF file (with embedded textures). Next to the created .dae and .jpeg files there is a glTF file, but it doesn't include the textures (just links to the texture files):

    "images": {
        "textureAtlas_1360110664_0_img": {
            "name": "textureAtlas_1360110664_0_img",
            "uri": "textureAtlas_1360110664_0.jpeg"
        "textureAtlas_1360110664_1_img": {
            "name": "textureAtlas_1360110664_1_img",
            "uri": "textureAtlas_1360110664_1.jpeg"

When I'm running an export without glTF (creating solely the .dae and .jpeg files) and then perform a manual conversion using the collada2gltf tool (with option -e), it results in a glTF file that also includes the textures:

    "images": {
        "textureAtlas_1172405395_0_img": {
            "name": "textureAtlas_1172405395_0_img",
            "uri": "...
        "textureAtlas_1172405395_1_img": {
            "name": "textureAtlas_1172405395_1_img",
            "uri": "...

I had a look a the KmlExporterManager and saw that the call to the collada2gltf tool happens before the images are saved to disk. So I changed the order (first saving the images, then calling collada2gltf), but the result is still the same. Any idea why the textures don't get embedded into the glTF file during the export but they do when I'm executing the collada2gltf tool inside my windows CLI?

Best regards,

Connection to database could not be established

When I installed the 3D city database importer-exporter,I run it.I click the database connect to the postGIS.However the log show:"Connection to database could not be established".Why?I input the correct infomation by the psql tools.Anyone can help me,thank you!

visualize 3d model on the 3dwebclient directly from 3dCityDB


I'm working on my MSc thesis with topic: "DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION A VIRTUAL GLOBE BY WEBGL-BASED FOR 3D CADASTRE" , I have to visualize the 3D cadastre web-based Vitual Globe (Cesium), I install 3dCity-DB Importer Exporter 3.0 and import 3d model in 3dCityDB, But i install 3dCity-DB Importer Exporter 3.3 and 3.3.1 but it not runing. Do you know about this problem?

I have a question, Can i visualize 3d model on the 3dwebclient directly from 3dCityDB (Without import the model in the dae, glTF and etc and store in cloud service)? I don't want to use from the cloud service. Can i it?

Best Regards,
Sabah Motamedi

import citygml

Hello, thanks for your work!
I have some problem with import citygml file lod2.
I try to import the citygml lod2 file which is made in FME Desktop, but I have similar errors in console
"BUILDING_WALL_SURFACE 'fme-gen-4333644a-d071-46f6-a850-769f245feaa6': Skipping import since this is not a top-level feature type"

maybe you advise me better way to create citygml file.


No geometries exported when choosing CityObjectGroup as feature class


I tried to export my buildings using the KML/COLLADA exporter, but choosing CityObjectGroup as feature class in addition to other feature classes always results in 0 processed geometry objects.

The documentation about the feature class filter says:

The feature class filter in general behaves like for the CityGML import. However,
regarding city object groups the following rules apply:

  1. If only the feature type CityObjectGroup is checked, then all city object groups
    and all their group members (independent of their feature type) are exported.
  2. If further feature types are selected in addition to CityObjectGroup, then only
    group members matching those feature types are exported. Of course, all features
    that match the type selection but are not group members are also exported.

So I expected that checking every feature class would result in exporting my buildings. But to successfully export the buildings I have to uncheck the CityObjectGroup feature first.

Best regards,
Donato Marro

How to import/export citygml ADE data?

Hi? I have developed a CityGML ADE for Cadastre(UML and XSD). I am look for help to figure out the roadmap for importing and exporting the Cadastre-ADE examples data into 3d city db.

I have searched the web, but seemly there is no evident infomation about integrating CityGML ADEs into 3d city db?

My superficial roadmap is:

  • ADE(XSD, UML, some examples data)
  • develop cadastre-ade module for citygml4j just like noise-ade
  • let importer-exporter based on the newly devleoped citygml4j
  • ?develop postgresql db schemas?( I am not sure for this step)

Can someone point out a reasonable way to accomplish my goal storing/exporting the ade data in postgresql?

Export a group of CityGML features using a Bounding Box (question)

I used the Tutorial „3DCityDB_V3.3_Hands-On_Tutorial“.
Exercise 4.1 export of one or several buildings are no problem.
I open the results within the software FZKviewer. All OK.
if I want to use the bounding box, I get errors:
After click on „apply“ (übernehmen):
[18:16:47 ERROR] Failed to transform bounding box to WGS 84: FEHLER: Input geometry has unknown (0) SRID
[18:17:03 ERROR] Failed to transform bounding box to WGS 84: FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert

Another try I got the message
[16:56:05 INFO] Database export successfully finished.
but the gml file is only 3kb without buildings. FZKViewer have only 0 values for model boundingbox (SRS Dialog).

What should I change to get any result? Any ideas?

Thank you and greetings,

I use:
Windows 10, PostgreSQL, local system

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