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jarvis-chatgpt's Introduction

JARVIS-ChatGPT: A conversational assistant equipped with J.A.R.V.I.S's voice

A voice-based interactive assistant equipped with a variety of synthetic voices (including J.A.R.V.I.S's voice from IronMan)

image by MidJourney AI

Ever dreamed to ask hyper-intelligent system tips to improve your armor? Now you can! Well, maybe not the armor part... This project exploits OpenAI Whisper, OpenAI ChatGPT and IBM Watson.


Many times ideas come in the worst moment and they fade away before you have the time to explore them better. The objective of this project is to develop a system capable of giving tips and opinions in quasi-real-time about anything you ask. The ultimate assistant will be able to be accessed from any authorized microphone inside your house or your phone, it should run constantly in the background and when summoned should be able to generate meaningful answers (with a badass voice) as well as interface with the pc or a server and save/read/write files that can be accessed later. It should be able to run research, gather material from the internet (extract content from HTML pages, transcribe Youtube videos, find scientific papers...) and provide summaries that can be used as context to make informed decisions. In addition, it might interface with some external gadgets (IoT) but that's extra.

APRIL 5th 2023 UPDATE: New Voice Models (F.R.I.D.A.Y), Expanding Local Search Engine and More

I finally decided to upgrade the voice model from @ConrentinJ to @CoquiAI. This model works on the same principle (Transfer Learning from Speaker Verification to Multispeaker Text-To-Speech Synthesis) but is much faster, more versatile and offers more options to explore. Right now, I just want to push this version live, it works by default with one of the models offered by the TTS package. In the future, I'll explore the differences and strengths of all the other models (you can do it by changing the name of the model when the Voice is initialized inside, as shown in the Moreover, this model is multilanguage so if you find any clean interviews of voice actors you can use them as models when the answer needs to be spoken in your (or any) language.
Secondly, I've made some improvements to the Local Search Engine. Now it can be accessed with voice. In particular:

  1. Once you've made a prompt, LocalSearchEngine.analyze_prompt() will try to interpret the prompt and it will produce a flag, ranging from 1 to N (where N is the number of Actions the Assistant can make);
  2. If the flag corresponds to "1" the associated action will be "Look for a file" and that protocol will be triggered;
  3. The system will first communicate its intentions and if you confirm, the assistant will ask you to provide some search keywords;
  4. The system will utilize a pandas DataFrame, where some topic tags are associated to the conversation, to detect relevant discussions;
  5. Finally, the system will rank all the files from the most relevant to the least pertinent;
  6. The natural following step would be to recover one of the files, but this is still a work in progress;

Minor updates:

  • Bug fixes;
  • Added langid, TextBlob and translators to get faster translations and reduce GPT credit usage;
  • Improved Speech-to-text by reducing the possible languages to the ones specified in the Assistant model;

What you'll need:

  • An OpenAI account
  • ffmpeg
  • python virtual environment (my venv runs on python 3.7, venv_requirements.txt are compatible with this version only)
  • Some credit to spend on ChatGPT (you can get three months of free usage by making signing up to OpenAI)
  • An OpenAI API key
  • An IBM Cloud account to exploit their cloud-based text-to-speech models (tutorial: (optional);
  • A (reasonably) fast internet connection (most of the code relies on API so a slower connection might result in longer time to respond)
  • mic and speaker (if you have many microphones you might be required to tell which audio you plan to use in the
  • CUDA capable graphic engine (my Torch Version: 1.12.1+cu113, CUDA v11.2 pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url
  • Patience :)

Connecting with ChatGPT: 3 ways

The easiest way to get answers from ChatGPT is to connect to the service via cloud service using an API. To do this you can adopt 2 strategies:

  1. Using unofficial chatgpt-wrapper: someone amazing made this wrapper to have an ongoing conversation on ChatGPT from the Command line or from your Python script (
  2. Using your OpenAI API key you'll be able to send and receive stuff from the DaVinci003 model (the one that powers ChatGPT3) or from the ChatGPT3.5 Turbo engine [what we are going to do]
  3. using unofficial SDK: it's a further option that should be viable (

Option 2 is the most straightforward from March 2023 since the latest OpenAI API support chats. However, you need to have some sort of credit on your account (whether paid or got for free when subscribing). This option is implemented in the script; Option 1 was my earlier choice: it uses a wrapper to connect to your chatGPT account so you need to authenticate manually every time and follow instructions on the author's GitHub. It is a sub-optimal option because you can't have the system integrated at PC startup since it needs login. Moreover, you might be exposed to fails due to server traffic limitations unless you are subscribed to a premium plan (see more at ChatGPT Plus ) You'll find this option implemented at but it's not being updated any longer.


GitHub overview

MAIN script you should run: if you want to use the latest version of the OpenAI API. If you rely on the wrapper open instead. Inside the deemos folder you'll find some guidance for the packages used in the project, if you have errors you might check these files first to target the problem. Mostly is stored in the Assistant folder: stores all the functions to handle mic interactions, implements some basic aspects of the Virtual Assistant, describes a (very) rough Voice class
The remaining scripts are supplementary to the voice generation and should not be edited.

Step 1: installation, accounts, APIs...


  1. Make a new, empty venv with Python 3.7 and activate it (.\venv_name\Scripts\activate );
  2. pip install -r venv_requirements.txt; This might take some time (~45 mins); if you encounter conflicts on specific packages, install them manually without the ==<version>;
  3. install manually PyTorch: pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url (mind your CUDA version);
  4. install manually Whisper from OpenAI with pip install whisper-openai
  5. install TTS;
  6. run their script and check everything is working (it should download some models);
  7. KEEP ONLY TTS and TTS.egg-info folders
  8. download the Assistant and other scripts from this repo DO NOT owerwrite the TTS and TTS.egg-info folders or your code might fail;
  9. Check everything works (following)


  • Verify your graphic engine and CUDA version are compatible with PyTorch by running torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) inside Pyhton;
  • Get the OpenAI API key from their official website. This will allow us to send and receive material to Whisper and ChatGPT.
  • Authorize yourself by copying-pasting the API key inside openai.api_key = 'your key' (edit these code lines on the MAIN script with your key);
  • Get an IBM Cloud account up and running by following the youtube video (it will require a credit card at some point but there is a service that allows limited usage free of charge);
  • Copy-paste the URL and the API key when authorizing and setting up the cloud service inside the main() function of the principal script;
  • [WARNING] If you get errors try to run demos ( * to see if the problem is with openai/wrapper. In case: check pip openai --version; if the problem is with the wrapper, check if you followed the instructions at the author's GitHub and try to run chatgpt install with an open Chrome tab; this got me some trouble at first as well.
  • You can check the sources of error by running demos in the demos folder

Step 2: Language support

  • Remember: The loaded Whisper is the medium one. If it performs badly in your language, upgrade to the larger one in the __main__() at whisper_model = whisper.load_model("large"); but I hope your GPU memory is large likewise.

Step 3: Running (

When running, you'll see much information being displayed. I'm constantly striving to improve the readability of the execution, this is still a beta, forgive slight variations from the screens below. Anyway, this is what happens in general terms when you hit 'run':

  • Preliminary initializations take place, you should hear a chime when the Assistant is ready;
  • When awaiting for triggering words is displayed you'll need to say ELEPHANT to summon the assistant. This magic word can be switched, but it needs to be English. At this point, a conversation will begin and you can speak in whatever language you want (if you followed step 2). The conversation will terminate when you say a stop word or when you stop making questions for more than 30 seconds (still unstable, needs to be improved)

  • After the magic word is said, the word listening... should then appear. At this point, you can make your question. When you are done just wait (3 seconds) for the answer to be submitted;
  • The script will convert the recorded audio to text using Whisper;
  • The text will be analyzed and a decision will be made. If the Assistant believes you want to perform an action (like looking for a past conversation) the respective protocols will be initiated;
  • Elsewise, the script will then expand the chat_history with your question it will send a request with the API and it will update the history as soon as it receives a full answer from ChatGPT (this may take up to 5-10 seconds, consider explicitly asking for a short answer if you are in a hurry);
  • The say() function will perform voice duplication to speak with Jarvis/Someone's voice; if the argument is not in English, IBM Watson will send the response from one of their nice text-to-speech models. If everything fails, the functions will rely on pyttsx3 which is a fast yet not as cool alternative;

  • When any of the stop keywords are said, the script will ask ChatGPT to give a title to the conversation and will save the chat in a .txt file with the format 'CurrentDate-Title.txt';
  • The assistant will then go back to sleep;

I made some prompts and closed the conversation


  • to stop or save the chat, just say 'THANKS' at some point;
  • To summon JARVIS voice just say 'HEY JARVIS' at some point;

not ideal I know but works for now


  • [11 - 2022] Deliver chat-like prompts from Python from a keyboard
  • [12 - 2022] Deliver chat-like prompts from Python with voice
  • [2 - 2023] International language support for prompt and answers
  • [3 - 2023] Jarvis voice set up
  • [3 - 2023] Save conversation
  • [3 - 2023] Background execution & Voice Summoning
  • [3 - 2023] Improve output displayed info
  • [3 - 2023] Improve JARVIS's voice performances through prompt preprocessing
  • [4 - 2023] Introducing: Project memory store chats, events, timelines and other relevant information for a given project to be accessed later by the user or the assistant itself
  • [x][4 - 2023] Create a full stack VirtualAssistant class with memory and local storage access
  • [x][4 - 2023] Add sound feedback at different stages (chimes, beeps...)
  • [x][4 - 2023] International language support for voice commands (beta)

currently working on:

  • Making a step-by-step tutorial
  • fixing chat length bug (when the chat is too long it can't be processed by ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo)
  • Extending voice commands and Actions (make a better active assistant)
  • expanding Memory


  • Include other NLP free models if ChatGPT is unavailable (my credit is about to end)
  • Connect the system to the internet
  • Refine memory and capabilities

waiting for ChatGPT4 to:

  • add multimodal input (i.e. "Do you think 'this' [holding a paper plane] could fly" -> camera -> ChatGPT4 -> "you should improve the tip of the wings" )
  • Extend project memory to images, pdfs, papers...

Check the of the project for more insights.

Have fun!


INSTALL: I have conflicting packages while installing venv_requirements.txt, what should I do?

1)Make sure you have the right Python versison (3.7) on the venv (>python --version with the virual enviroment activated). 2) Try to edit the venv_requirements.txt an removing the version requirements of the incriminated dependancies. 3) Remove the package from the txt file and install them manually afterwards.

INSTALL: I meet an error when running saying: TypeError: LoadLibrary() argument 1 must be str, not None what's wrong?

The problem is concenring Whisper. There are many ways of installing it and the venv_requirements.txt installs it in the wrong way. You shoul re-install it manually as described at some step of the installation tutorial

INSTALL: I can't import 'openai.embeddings_utils' or 'openai.datalib'

This happens because pip sometimes won't download some files. I had this problem and solved by manually downloading and inside ./<your_venv>/Lib/site-packages/openai/

INSTALL: I encounter error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''

Requirements are not updated every commit. While this might generate errors you can quickly install the missing modules, at the same time it keeps the environment clean from conflicts when I try new packages (and I try LOTS of them)

RUN TIME: I encounter some OOM memory when loading the Whisper model, what does it means?

It means the model you selected is too big for your CUDA device memory. Unfortunately there is not much you can do about it except loading a smaller model. If the smaller model do not satisfy you, you might want to speak 'clearer' or make longer prompts to let the model predict more accurately what you are saying. This sounds inconvenient but, in my case, greatly improved my english-speaking :)

RUN TIME: Max lenght tokens for ChatGPT-3.5-Turbo is 4096 but recieved ... tokens.

This is a bug still present, don't expect to have ever long conversations with your assistant as it will simply won't have enough memory to remeber the whoole conversation at some point. A fix is in development, it might consist of adopting a 'sliding windwows' approach even if it might cause repetition of some concepts.

GENERAL: I finished my OPENAI credit / demo, what can I do?

1: pay. The price is not that bad and you might en up paying few dollars a month since pricing depends on usage. 2) create a new account every 3 months :)

GENERAL: For how long will this project be updated?

Right now (April 2023) the project is at it's

if you have questions you can contact me at [email protected]

Gianmarco Guarnier

jarvis-chatgpt's People


gia-guar avatar

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