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harm's Introduction


The official repo of the Hint-Based AsseRtion Miner


Table of contents

Project info

Quick start

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Build the project
  3. Run default tests

How to use the miner

The configuration file

How to check an assertion

Optional arguments




Project info

HARM (Hint-based AsseRtion Miner) is a tool to generate Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) assertions starting from a set of user-defined hints and the simulation traces of the design under verification (DUV). The tool is agnostic with respect to the design from which the trace was generated, thus the DUV source code is not necessary. The user-defined hints involve LTL templates, propositions and ranking metrics that are exploited by the assertion miner to reduce the search space and improve the quality of the generated assertions. This way, the tool supports the work of the verification engineer by including his/her insights in the process of automatically generating assertions.

Quick start

For now, we support only Linux and Mac OS (both x86 and arm64) with gcc (c++17) and cmake 3.14+.


(skip this step if you already have the required dependencies on the path)

  • Install all the dependencies manually or simply run the commands below.
sudo apt-get install -y uuid-dev pkg-config
  • Install all dependencies in the local repository (all the dependencies will be compiled from source);
cd third_party

Build the project

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

(you can use option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/directory/ of cmake to specify where to install harm and its dependencies)


Mac OS only

  • Install the libraries (specify a proper path usig cmake)
make install
  • Add the libraries to the runtime library path
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/install/directory/harm/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

Run default tests

ctest -V -R

How to use the miner

HARM has two main inputs, a trace in the form of a vcd/csv file and a set of hints. Hints consist of a set of propositions, templates and metrics; they are defined in a separate xml configuration file. The user can find several working examples in the "tests" directory .

Run with a vcd trace

./harm --vcd trace.vcd --clk clock --conf config.xml
  • clock is the signal used to sample time (every posedge).
  • config.xml is the configuration file containing propositions and templates.
  • use --vcd-dir to give as input a set of .vcd traces

Run with a csv trace

./harm --csv trace.csv --conf config.xml
  • use --csv-dir to give as input a set of .csv traces
  • Note that you do not have to specify a clock signal when using a csv file, as each row is already considered a clock event.
  • A CSV trace must contain the declaration of the design's variables in the first row, following a C/Verilog style.

Example of valid csv file:

int var1, bool var2, float var3
23, 1, 34.7
34, 0, 99.912

Automatically generating a configuration file

To simplify the creation of a new test, HARM is capable of generating a sample configuration file using the variables found in the trace. The user might want to modify the generated configuration file to adapt it to her/his needs.

For vcd:

./harm --vcd trace.vcd --clk clock --conf path/to/newConfig.xml --generate-config

For csv:

./harm --csv trace.csv --conf path/to/newConfig.xml --generate-config

HARM will create the configuration file on the path given as argument.

The configuration file

It is recommended to always start from an automatically generated configuration file (using the --generate-config option). Hints are organised in contexts, each context contains three types of expressions: propositions, templates and metrics (see the configuration file below).

   <context name="c1">
   	<prop exp="var1 && var2" loc="a"/>
   	<prop exp="var3 + var4 > 100" loc="a"/>
   	<prop exp="!var5 || !var6" loc="c"/>
   	<prop exp="var8" loc="c"/>
   	<numeric clsEffort="0.3" exp="var7 + var8" loc="c"/>
   	<template dtLimits="4A,3D,2D,-0.1E,R,O" exp="G({..#1&..}|-> X(P0))" /> 
   	<filter name="causality" exp="1-afct/traceLength" threshold="0.45"/>
   	<sort name="pRepetitions" exp="1/(pRepetitions*2+1)" />
   	<sort name="frequency" exp="atct/traceLength"/>


Propositions are non-temporal boolean expressions used to fill the empty spots (placeholders) of the templates; metrics are used to perform the final ranking of assertions. Propositions can be written using all boolean, relational an arithmetic operators of the C/C++ language. For the full grammar of propositions, check "src/antl4/propositionParser/grammar/proposition.g4".

A proposition is defined inside the "exp" attribute

  • WARNING: if you are using a vcd trace, the variables must include the hierarchical path as a prefix, ex. "test1::modn::a" is the variable "a" in module "modn" instantiated in module "test1". Check the vcd file to retrieve the path.
  • Do not include the prefix common to all variables in the vcd, ex. If all design's variables are contained inside the global scope "test1", then variable "a" must be referenced as "modn::a"

Propositions are labelled (using the 'loc' attribute of 'prop') with "a", "c", "ac" and "dt"

  • "a" propositions will be used only to fill antecedent's placeholders (not the dt operator)
  • "c" propositions will be used only to fill consequent's placeholders (not the decision tree operators)
  • "ac" propositions will be used only in placeholders appearing in both the antecedent and the consequent.
  • "dt" propositions will be used only to fill decision tree operators


The user can specify a set of tuples N = {(ne_i, loc_i, th_i) | i =1, ..., k} to automatically generate propositions (using a clustering algorithm) predicating over arithmetic expressions, like c==ne, c>= ne, c<= ne, c_l<= ne <= c_r, with c, c_l, c_r representing constants of numeric type, and ne indicating numerical expressions involving DUV variables.

  • ne_i is a numeric expression ("exp" attribute)
  • loc_i is a location label (among 'a', 'c', 'ac', and 'dt', following the same meaning as in a proposition, "loc" attribute).
  • th_i is a numeric threshold (from 0 to 1, "clsEffort" attribute) that is used to specify how much effort the tool must put in to generate propositions including the numeric expression ne_i (for technical reasons, a threshold close to 0 is considered high effort while a threshold close to 1 is low effort).


Templates can be written using all LTL operators, they must follow the form "G(antecedente -> consequent)"; all variables (inside the template) of the form P<N> are considered placeholders. For instance, template "G(P0 && P1 -> P2 U P3)" has 4 placeholders. For the full grammar of templates, check "src/antl4/templateParser/grammar/temporal.g4".

There are three special placeholders: ..&&.., ..##<N>.. and ..#<N>&..; when employed, the miner will try to replace them with a corresponding expression using a decision tree (DT) algorithm.

  • ..&&.. will be replaced with an expression of type v1 && v2 && .. && vn
  • ..##1.. will be replaced with an expression of type v1 ##1 v2 ##1 .. ##1 vn
  • ..#1&.. will be replaced with an expressions of type (..&&..)_1 ##1 (..&&..)_2 ##1 .. ##1 (..&&..)_n

These placeholders can only be used once in the antecedent.

A template using a Decision Tree Operator (DTO) is associated with a configuration (defined in the 'dtLimits' attribute of 'template') involving several adjustable parameters:

  • <uint>A : the maximum number of operands to be added to the DT operator.
  • <uint>D : the maximum number of temporal operands to be added to the DT operator. Adding a temporal operands increases the temporal depth of the DT operator.
  • <uint>W : the maximum number of propositions to be added at a certain depth in the dt operator
  • S, R: this parameter states if a DT operator with a temporal dimension must construct expressions following a sequential (S) or an unordered (R, random) approach. To understand this, consider a DTO ..##2.. with parameter 3D, the resulting expression must follow the implicit template o_1 ##2 o_2 ##2 o_3; however, the order in which o_1, o_2, o_3 are substituted greatly changes the outcome of the DT algorithm. A sequential DTO adds the operands in order from o_1 to o_3 while an unordered DTO can add operands in any order. The first one can only generate the expressions "o_1", "o_1 ##2 o_2", "o_1 ##2 o_2 ##2 o_3" while the latter can generate expressions such as "o_1 ##4 o_3" or "##4 o_3".
  • E is used to adjust the computational effort of the DT algorithm, in practice, it is used to decide the number of candidates selected by the DT algorithm to split the search space. Legal values: from 0 to 1. If E is associated with a negative value, then the algorithm will put in the least possible effort to mine assertions.
  • O: this parameter states that the DT algorithm must return the assertions belonging to the offset; such assertions are obtained by negating the consequent of an implication that is false each time the antecedent is true (G(ant -> !con)), making the implication always T on the trace.


A metric is a numeric formula measuring the impact of an assertion's feature in the assertion ranking. The more prominent the feature, the higher its impact on the final ranking of the assertion. The elements of the contingency table are examples of features of an assertion. Metrics can be used either to filter or sort the assertions.

  • Filtering metrics are associated with a threshold; assertions with a score below the threshold of any filtering metric are directly discarded.
  • Sorting metrics are used to perform the ranking. The ranking is computed according to an overall score.

Currently available assertion features (more will be added):

  • atct : number of time units in which antecedent true implies consequent true
  • afct : antecedent false and consequent true
  • auct : antecedent uknown and consequent true
  • atcf
  • afcf
  • aucf
  • atcu
  • afcu
  • aucu
  • traceLength : length of the trace (the sum of lengths in case of multiple input traces)
  • complexity : number of propositions in the assertion
  • pRepetition : number of repeated propositions in the assertion

How to check an assertion

The template expression has an additional parameter "check", if it is set to "1" then the miner analyses the corresponding assertion on the given trace, if the assertion does not hold on the input traces, it reports the cause of failure. Example:

<template check="1" exp="G({v1} |-> {(v2<10 && v3) && (v4==8 && v5)})" />

Note that the template must be fully instantiated (no placeholders).

Optional arguments

  • --cls-alg : type of clustering algorithm; , kernel density estimation, hierarchical (default is kmeans)
  • --dont-fill-ass : do not populate assertions with values (saves memory)
  • --dump : dumps all assertions and their contingency matrix in the current folder
  • --dump-stat : dump mining statistics to file
  • --dump-to : dump assertions to file on given path
  • --fd : path to the directory containing the faulty traces (for fault coverage)
  • --find-min-subset : find the minimum number of assertions covering all faults (must be used with --fd)
  • --help : show options
  • --interactive : enable interactive assertion ranking
  • --dont-normalize : discard assertions using the absolute value (not normalized) of filterig metrics
  • --isilent : disable all infos
  • --max-ass : the maximum number of assertions to keep after the ranking
  • --max-threads : max number of threads that HARM is allowed to spawn
  • --name : name of this execution (used when dumping statistics);
  • --psilent : disable all progress bars
  • --silent : disable all outputs
  • --split-logic : generate a config file where all bitvecots are split into single bit variables (must be used with --generate-config)
  • --sva : output assertions in SystemVerilog Assertion format
  • --vcd-r : recursively add signals for all sub-scopes
  • --vcd-ss : select a scope of signals in the .vcd trace
  • --wsilent : disable all warnings


Integrate HARM in your project


  • Specify the install path using cmake
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/directory ..
  • Install the header and binaries in the specified location
make install

Using cmake

  1. Clone HARM into your project
git clone
  1. Use cmake to compile the source code:
  1. Link devharm to your project (headers will be automatically included)
target_link_libraries(YOUR_PROJECT devharm)

Simple example of using the API (src/api/cpp/example/example.cpp)

The following example uses the HARM API to mine assertions given a short trace "bl_master1h.vcd" and a configuration file "bl_masterConfig.xml".

#include "harm.hh"
#include "harm/Assertion.hh"
#include <iostream>
int main() {
  harm::Parameters p;
  p.configFile = "bl_masterConfig.xml";
  p.selectedScope = "::sim1::p::core::master_interface";
  p.clk = "wb_clk";
  p.parserType = "vcd";
  p.dontPrintAss = 1;
  auto res = harm::mine(p);
  //print the mined assertions
  for (auto &[context, ass] : res) {
    std::cout << context << "\n";
    for (auto &a : ass) {
      std::cout << "\t\t\t " << a->_toString.second << "\n";
  • All applications using the HARM API must include "harm.hh"

  • "harm::Parameters" defines a set of parameters and inputs to control the behaviour of HARM.

  • "p.traceFiles" specifies the paths to the input traces (only one in this case)

  • "p.configFile" specifies the configuration file with the hints

  • "p.selectedScope" specifies the scope of the VCD input files to be considered in the mining

  • "p.clk" specifies the clock signal used to sample time

  • See harm.hh for the whole list of available parameters (they are equivalent to the command-line arguments)

  • "harm::mine(p)" is the only available API (for now). Given a set of parameters p as input, it returns a map [contextName] -> [vector], where vector is a list of Assertions ranked according to the specified metrics.


Download the docker image:

docker pull samger/harm:latest

Run it:

docker run -it samger/harm:latest


If you need to reference HARM in an academic publication, refer to the following paper:

S. Germiniani and G. Pravadelli, "HARM: A Hint-Based Assertion Miner," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 4277-4288, Nov. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCAD.2022.3197525.

harm's People


samuelegerminiani avatar

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