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rest-api-documentation's Introduction

Yudu Publisher REST API v2.0

Looking for v1.0? The documentation is still available here.

See the changelog for major changes since v1.0.

Table of Contents


This Document outlines the web service interface provided by YUDU to enable management of readers, purchases and subscriptions for digital editions.

Access to the service requires a Yudu Publisher account with the "REST API" permission and a valid API token created through the Yudu Publisher interface.


The Yudu API uses the "Representational state transfer" (REST) architectural style. In particular, it applies the "hypermedia as the engine of application state" (HATEOAS) principle in the design of the resources. If you are not already familiar with these principles then we recommend reading REST in Practice as an introduction before diving further into the Yudu API.


The following terminology is used in this document:

  • Reader - An end user that will be reading your digital editions
  • Edition - A Yudu digital edition
  • Permission - Refers to the granting of access to one edition for one reader
  • Reader login - A particular instance of a reader accessing an edition
  • Publication - A Yudu publication (also known as a "group")
  • Subscription - A Yudu subscription
  • Subscription period - Refers to the granting of access to a subscription for a time period
  • Authorised device - A single device which has been used by a reader to access an edition
  • Web Edition SSO token - A Single Sign-On (SSO) token valid for authentication for some set of (Web) Editions
  • Node - The Yudu Publisher system is arranged into a hierarchy of nodes. For most users you won't need to worry about the node ID of your Readers, however if you would like to place them at different levels within your part of the hierarchy you can by specifying it.
  • Stored file - A file stored in AWS S3, which is associated with a node


This service is arranged into resources, such as readers and their permissions. Each resource can be operated on by using different HTTP methods or verbs such as such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and OPTIONS.

Sample code

All code samples can be found in the examples directory and each is accompanied by a file which contains the documentation.

Please note that these examples generally do not represent best practices for implementing clients of the API. For example, as noted below, rather than using the URIs as described, you are encouraged to make use of the hypermedia present in the resources to navigate the API, decoupling your implementation from ours. Unless otherwise stated, these examples should be treated as proof-of-concepts only, and not as applications ready for production use.

A sample PHP application that shows the use of the API. In particular, this example is not extensively tested and does not handle every possible error case in a suitable manner for production use.

A sample GUI java application that can be used to build and send requests to our service.

A sample .NET console application that demonstrates how to build and send requests to our service.

A basic ruby command line tool to calculate the correct Base64 encoded HMAC SHA256 hash for any string and shared secret (see Request Authentication). This can be used to check that your signing method is creating the correct signature.



Resources are the objects you interact with through the service. Each resource is accessible by a unique URI and supports a number of operations (see Verbs). Examples of resources in this service are Readers, Editions and Subscriptions.

As well as URIs for individual resources, the API defines URIs for lists of resources. These URIs can be used to create new resources by appending them to the list, or search for resources with certain properties. We will often refer to these lists of resources as resources for convenience.


HTTP Methods or Verbs are the actions which can be used on each resource. There are 5 verbs supported by this API:

  • GET - Retrieve the current representation of a resource.
  • POST - Create a new resource.
  • PUT - Update an existing resource.
  • DELETE - Delete an existing resource.
  • OPTIONS - Get a list of verbs which are supported by the given resource.


Relations or Link Relations provide a way to navigate this service. Each XML representation of a resource will contain a number of links which reference other URIs. These URIs indicate the logical next steps when using this system.

Resource representations returned by this service may contain a links element which contains a list of link elements detailing a link to another resource or list of resources. They are represented in XML as follows:

  <link rel="" name="editions"

The attributes of the link element are:

  • rel - The relation. This identifies the resource being accessed as documented for each resource in Resources.
  • name - The name of the relation. This is often the name of the linked resource is too but can convey different information, such as in links used for pagination or Get requests to resource lists.
  • href - The URI of the linked resource.
  • type - The content type of the representation of the resource.

In order to determine which verbs can be used to interact with a resource, it is recommended to make an OPTIONS request to the URI given in the link relation. This will return an Allow header containing a comma-separated list of allowed verbs.

URI Summary

The following table summarises all the available resource URIs, and the effect of each verb on them. Each of them is relative to the base URI for our API:

/ Returns a list of links to the other available URIs N/A N/A N/A
/readers/ Returns a list of readers Creates a new reader N/A N/A
/readers/{id} Returns the details of a single reader N/A Updates a reader Deletes a reader
/editions/ Gets a list of all editions N/A N/A N/A
/editions/{id} Gets the details of a single edition N/A N/A N/A
/permissions/ Lists all edition permissions by readers Creates a new permission for a reader N/A N/A
/permissions/{id} Gets the details of a single permission N/A Updates a permission Removes an existing permission
/readerLogins/ Gets a list of all reader logins N/A N/A N/A
/readerLogins/{id} Gets the details of a single reader login N/A N/A N/A
/publications/ Gets a list of all publications N/A N/A N/A
/publications/{id} Gets the details of a single publication N/A N/A N/A
/subscriptions/ Gets a list of subscriptions N/A N/A N/A
/subscriptions/{id} Gets the details of a single subscription N/A N/A N/A
/subscriptionPeriods/ Gets a list of subscription periods N/A N/A N/A
/subscriptionPeriods/{id} Gets the details of a single subscription period Creates a new subscription period Updates a subscription period Removes an existing subscription period
/readers/{id}/authorisedDevices N/A N/A N/A Removes all authorised devices for a reader
/readers/{id}/authentication N/A N/A Authenticates a reader's password N/A
/targetedNotifications N/A Sends a targeted notification N/A N/A
/nodes/{nodeId}/storedFiles/supportedFileUsages Gets the file usages supported at the given node and the corresponding file types N/A N/A N/A
/nodes/{nodeId}/storedFiles/ N/A N/A (Re-)uploads a file with a given usage N/A


This section describes the various resources accessible within this API, their XML representations, the verbs that can be used to interact with them, and the relations they define. All unqualified URIs given throughout this section are relative to the base URI for our API:

The XML representations of the resources have some common features:

  • Resource elements contains an id attribute which corresponds to the ID in the URI for the resource.
  • Resource elements contains a links element which contains a list of link elements defining the relations for the resource.

The XML representations of the lists of resources also have some common features:

  • The root element of a list of resources representation contains "pagination" attributes. See Pagination for details.
  • The root element contains a {resourceName}List element which itself contains a list of resource representations.
  • The root element contains a links element which contains a list of link elements for navigating the list if it has been paginated.

Further, the root element of any XML returned from or sent to the server must contain the namespace attribute: xmlns=""

In the XML descriptions of each resource the link elements within the links elements have been omitted for brevity. Similarly the returned resource representations within the {resourceName}List elements in a list representation have been omitted.

Service Description

While not technically a resource this endpoint is the starting point for any interaction with the API. It is assumed that a user of the API does not know how to construct the URIs for any resource or the IDs or URIs of any existing resource. Instead a user starts at the service description and follows links to navigate the resource.

XML Representation

The service description is represented in XML as a root service tag with a single links tag containing the links for all the lists of resources.

<service xmlns="">
      ⋮ // some link elements

Supported Verbs

URI Relation Verbs

A GET request returns the XML representation of the service: a list of links to the other available URIs in the service.


The reader corresponds to a "Subscriber" in Yudu Publisher.

XML Representation

Single Reader
<reader xmlns="" id="1234">
  <emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>
    ⋮ // some link elements

Note: The password field can be included by the user to update the password but will not be returned by the service.

Reader List
<readers xmlns="" limit="100" offset="0" total="1293" truncated="true">
    ⋮ // some reader elements
    ⋮ // some link elements

Permissible Fields

Element / Attribute PUT POST
id Required Forbidden
username Allowed Required
emailAddress Allowed Required
firstName Allowed Required
lastName Allowed Required
nodeId Allowed Allowed
password Allowed Required
authorisedDeviceLimit Allowed Allowed
links Forbidden Forbidden

Sortable Fields

Readers can be sorted by the following fields (see Pagination for details):

  • id
  • node
  • emailAddress
  • username
  • firstName
  • lastName

Reader List

URI Relation Verbs
/readers/ GET, POST

A GET request returns the XML representation of a list of readers, optionally filtered using the following query string parameters, as well as the pagination parameters described in Pagination.

Filter Type Description
emailAddress String Filter by email address prefix
username String Filter by username prefix
firstName String Filter by given name prefix
lastName String Filter by family name prefix
nodeId Integer Return only readers created at the given node ID
subscription Integer Return only readers subscribed to the subscription with the given ID

A POST request creates a new reader. The request body must contain the XML representation of a reader with the required fields as detailed in Permissible Fields.

A successful POST will result in a 201 CREATED response with a Location header specifying the URI of the newly created resource and the response body will contain the XML representation of the resource (including the id and links).

Single Reader

URI Relation Verbs
/readers/{id} GET, PUT, DELETE

A GET request returns the XML representation of the reader. Note that any fields which do not have a value may not be included in the XML representation.


A PUT request updates an existing reader. The request body must contain the XML representation of a reader with the required fields as detailed in Permissible Fields. Of the fields marked "Allowed", only those which you wish to update should be included.


A DELETE request deletes an existing reader.


The edition corresponds to an "Edition" in Yudu Publisher.

XML Representation

Single Edition
<edition xmlns="" id="1234">
  <name>My Edition</name>
  <onDeviceName>My Edition</onDeviceName>
    ⋮ // some link elements
Edition List
<editions xmlns="" limit="100" offset="0" total="1293" truncated="true">
    ⋮ // some edition elements
    ⋮ // some link elements

Sortable Fields

Editions can be sorted by the following fields (see Pagination for details):

  • id
  • name
  • publishedDate

Edition List

URI Relation Verbs
/editions/ GET

A GET request returns the XML representation of a list of editions, optionally filtered using the following query string parameters, as well as the pagination parameters described in Pagination.

Filter Type Description
name String Filter by edition name prefix
subscription Integer Return only editions shipped to the subscription with the given ID
publishedDate_after Date Return only editions with an official publication date after the given date
publishedDate_before Date Return only editions with an official publication date before the given date
flashPublished Boolean Return only editions which are published (or not published) on the flash platform
iOSPublished Boolean Return only editions which are published (or not published) on the iOS platform
androidPublished Boolean Return only editions which are published (or not published) on the android platform
htmlPublished Boolean Return only editions which are published (or not published) on the HTML5 platform
webPublished Boolean Return only editions which are published (or not published) on the combined web platform

Single Edition

URI Relation Verbs
/editions/{id} GET

A GET request returns the XML representation of the edition. Note that any fields which do not have a value may not be included in the XML representation.


The permission corresponds to an "Edition Permission" in Yudu Publisher.

XML Representation

Single Permission
<permission xmlns="" id="1234">
  <reader id="567"/>
  <edition id="890"/>
    ⋮ // some link elements
Permission List
<permissions xmlns="" limit="100" offset="0" total="1293" truncated="true">
    ⋮ // some permission elements
    ⋮ // some link elements

Permissible Fields

Element / Attribute PUT POST
id Required Forbidden
reader Forbidden Required
edition Forbidden Required
creationDate Forbidden Forbidden
expiryDate Allowed Allowed
links Forbidden Forbidden

Sortable Fields

Permissions can be sorted by the following fields (see Pagination for details):

  • id
  • reader
  • edition
  • creationDate
  • expiryDate

Permission List

URI Relation Verbs
/permissions/ GET, POST

A GET request returns the XML representation of a list of permissions, optionally filtered using the following query string parameters, as well as the pagination parameters described in Pagination.

Filter Type Description
reader Integer Return only permissions for the reader with then given ID
edition Integer Return only permissions for the edition with then given ID
creationDate_after Date Return only permissions with a creation date after the given date
creationDate_before Date Return only permissions with a creation date before the given date
expiry_after Date Return only permissions with an expiry date after the given date
expiry_before Date Return only permissions with an expiry date before the given date

A POST request creates a new permission. The request body must contain the XML representation of a permission with the required fields as detailed in Permissible Fields.

A successful POST will result in a 201 CREATED response with a Location header specifying the URI of the newly created resource and the response body will contain the XML representation of the resource (including the id and links).

Single Permission

URI Relation Verbs
/permissions/{id} GET, PUT, DELETE

A GET request returns the XML representation of the permission. Note that any fields which do not have a value may not be included in the XML representation.


A PUT request updates an existing permission. The request body must contain the XML representation of a permission with the required fields as detailed in Permissible Fields.


A DELETE request deletes an existing permission.


The subscription corresponds to a "Subscription" in Yudu Publisher.

XML Representation

Single Subscription
<subscription xmlns="" id="1234">
  <title>My Subscription</title>
  <onDeviceTitle>On Device Subscription Name</onDeviceTitle>
    ⋮ // some link elements
Subscription List
<subscriptions xmlns="" limit="100" offset="0" total="1293" truncated="true">
    ⋮ // some subscription elements
    ⋮ // some link elements

Sortable Fields

Subscriptions can be sorted by the following fields (see Pagination for details):

  • id
  • title
  • onDeviceTitle
  • disabled
  • subscriptionType
  • node

Subscription List

URI Relation Verbs
/subscriptions/ GET

A GET request returns the XML representation of a list of subscriptions, optionally filtered using the following query string parameters, as well as the pagination parameters described in Pagination.

Filter Type Description
title String Filter by subscription title prefix
onDeviceTitle String Filter by on device title prefix
disabled Boolean Return only subscriptions which are disable (or not disabled)
subscriptionType SubscriptionType Filter by the subscription type
node Integer Return only subscriptions at a particular node
reader Integer Return only subscriptions to which the reader with the given ID is subscribed
edition Integer Return only subscriptions to which the editions with the given ID is shipped

Single Subscription

URI Relation Verbs
/subscriptions/{id} GET

A GET request returns the XML representation of the subscription. Note that any fields which do not have a value may not be included in the XML representation.

Subscription Period

The subscription period corresponds to a "Subscription Period" in Yudu Publisher.

XML Representation

Single Subscription Period
<subscriptionPeriod xmlns="" id="1234">
  <reader id="567"/>
  <subscription id="890"/>
    ⋮ // some link elements
Subscription Period List
<subscriptionPeriods xmlns="" limit="100" offset="0" total="1293" truncated="true">
    ⋮ // some subscriptionPeriod elements
    ⋮ // some link elements

Permissible Fields

Element / Attribute PUT POST
id Required Forbidden
reader Forbidden Required
subscription Forbidden Required
startDate Allowed Required
expiryDate Allowed Allowed
links Forbidden Forbidden

Sortable Fields

Subscription periods can be sorted by the following fields (see Pagination for details):

  • id
  • reader
  • subscription
  • startDate
  • expiryDate

Subscription Period List

URI Relation Verbs
/subscriptionPeriods/ GET, POST

A GET request returns the XML representation of a list of subscriptionPeriods, optionally filtered using the following query string parameters, as well as the pagination parameters described in Pagination.

Filter Type Description
reader Integer Return only subscription periods for the reader with then given ID
subscription Integer Return only subscription periods for the subscription with then given ID
startDate_after Date Return only subscription periods with a start date date after the given date
startDate_before Date Return only subscription periods with a start date date before the given date
expiry_after Date Return only subscription periods with an expiry date after the given date
expiry_before Date Return only subscription periods with an expiry date before the given date

A POST request creates a new subscription period. The request body must contain the XML representation of a subscription period with the required fields as detailed in Permissible Fields.

A successful POST will result in a 201 CREATED response with a Location header specifying the URI of the newly created resource and the repsonse body will contain the XML representation of the resource (including the id and links).

Single Subscription Period

URI Relation Verbs
/subscriptionPeriods/{id} GET, PUT, DELETE

A GET request returns the XML representation of the permission. Note that any fields which do not have a value may not be included in the XML representation.


A PUT request updates an existing subscription period. The request body must contain the XML representation of a subscription period with the required fields as detailed in Permissible Fields.


A DELETE request deletes an existing subscription period.

Reader Login

The reader login represents a single login of a reader into an edition or app.

XML Representation

Single Reader Login
<readerLogin xmlns="" id="1234">
  <reader id="567"/>
  <node id="890"/>
  <emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>
    ⋮ // some link elements
Reader Login List
<readerLogins xmlns="" limit="100" offset="0" total="1293" truncated="true">
    ⋮ // some readerLogin elements
    ⋮ // some link elements

Sortable Fields

Reader logins can be sorted by the following fields (see Pagination for details):

  • id
  • reader
  • node
  • loginDate
  • platform
  • emailAddress

Reader Login List

URI Relation Verbs
/readerLogins/ GET

A GET request returns the XML representation of a list of reader logins, optionally filtered using the following query string parameters, as well as the pagination parameters described in Pagination.

Filter Type Description
reader Integer Return only reader logins by the reader with the given ID
node Integer Return only reader logins to the given node ID
loginDate_after Date Return only reader logins after the given date
loginDate_before Date Return only reader logins before the given date
platform Platform Filter by the platform the reader logged in from
emailAddress String Filter by email address prefix

Single Reader Login

URI Relation Verbs
/readerLogins/{id} GET

A GET request returns the XML representation of the reader login. Note that any fields which do not have a value may not be included in the XML representation.


The publication corresponds to a "Group" in Yudu Publisher.

XML Representation

Single Publication
<publication xmlns="" id="1234">
  <name>A Publication</name>
    ⋮ // some link elements
Publication List
<publications xmlns="" limit="100" offset="0" total="1293" truncated="true">
    ⋮ // some publication elements
    ⋮ // some link elements

Sortable Fields

Publications can be sorted by the following fields (see Pagination for details):

  • id
  • name
  • iDeviceEnabled
  • androidEnabled

Publication List

URI Relation Verbs
/publications/ GET

A GET request returns the XML representation of a list of publications, optionally filtered using the following query string parameters, as well as the pagination parameters described in Pagination.

Filter Type Description
name String Filter by publication name prefix
iDeviceEnabled Boolean Return only publications which are enabled (or disabled) on the idevice platform
androidEnabled Boolean Return only publications which are enabled (or disabled) on the android / air platform

Single Publication

URI Relation Verbs
/publications/{id} GET

A GET request returns the XML representation of the publication. Note that any fields which do not have a value may not be included in the XML representation.

Authorised Device

An authorised device represents a unique device which a reader has used to log in to an edition or app. Note that this resource is a subresource of reader so a reader ID is required in the URI.

XML Representation

Authorised devices have no XML representation as the only permitted verb is DELETE on the list resource.

Authorised Device List

URI Relation Verbs
/readers/{id}/authorisedDevices/ DELETE

A DELETE request removes all authorised devices from a reader. The purpose of this request is to effectively reset the "authorised device count" of a reader.


The authentication resource allows a user to authenticate a given reader's password. Note that this resource is a sub-resource of reader so a reader ID is required in the URI.

XML Representation

Single Authentication
<authentication xmlns="">

Note: The password field must be included by the user to authenticate a reader but will not be returned by the service.

Permissible Fields
Element / Attribute PUT
password Required
authenticated Forbidden

Single Authentication

URI Relation Verbs
/readers/{id}/authentication/ PUT

A PUT request authenticates a reader.. The request body must contain the XML representation of an authentication with the required fields as detailed in Permissible Fields.

Web Edition SSO Tokens

The token resource allows a third party to generate a short-lifetime SSO token that can be passed to a Web Edition for user authentication without a login dialog. Note that multiple tiers of authorisation are available, meaning this resource is additionally available as a sub-resource of other resources. It requires a unique User ID for whom to generate the token.

XML Representation

Authentication Token
<authToken xmlns="">
    <validity>Single edition</validity>
Permissible Fields
Element / Attribute POST
key Required
tokenValue Forbidden
validity Forbidden

All Available Editions Token

URI Relation Verbs
/token/ POST

A POST request creates an authentication token for the specified User ID. The request body must contain the XML representation of an authentication with the required fields as detailed in Permissible Fields. The response body will contain the generated token value, as well as a human-readable description of the authorisation level granted for the token.

This URI will generate tokens that will authenticate for any edition available in your Edition List.

Single Publication Token

URI Relation Verbs
/publications/{publicationID}/token/ POST

A POST request creates an authentication token for the specified User ID. The request body must contain the XML representation of an authentication with the required fields as detailed in Permissible Fields. The response body will contain the generated token value, as well as a human-readable description of the authorisation level granted for the token.

This URI will generate tokens that will authenticate for all editions under the Publication specified in the URI.

Single Edition Token

URI Relation Verbs
/editions/{editionID}/token/ POST

A POST request creates an authentication token for the specified User ID. The request body must contain the XML representation of an authentication with the required fields as detailed in Permissible Fields. The response body will contain the generated token value, as well as a human-readable description of the authorisation level granted for the token.

This URI will generate tokens that will only authenticate for the Edition specified in the URI.

Using a Token

Given a User ID, the token resources generate a token value that, when used in combination with the ID, will authenticate a reader. Currently, these token values can only be passed directly to an edition by means of the edition's URL. By inserting both the ID and the token value into the URL as query parameters, the edition can be authenticated without requiring interaction by the reader.

In order to improve the seamless experience for your users, when a token generated by this API is used to authenticate a reader, the server will automatically provide that reader with another token. This new token will continue to authenticate the reader for future visits for the rest of that day. This token will be stored in the browser's local storage and so will be available for any visit from the same device and browser. However, should token details be provided in the URL your reader follows, these will take precedence over any locally-stored token.

Note that since these tokens have a limited lifetime, if a user does attempt to reuse a URL with a token after the token has expired, they may be presented with a login screen as other users would be. If the intention is to provide users with a seamless experience, then fresh URLs may need to be generated for them frequently, and they should be alerted to the limited lifetime of the URLs thus generated. A token-less URL may be intentionally provided to allow users to use locally-stored token details.

Token URL Query Parameters

To successfully authenticate an edition using the token details, the following query parameters should be specified:

Query Parameter Name Token Parameter Name Description
yuduAuthId key The unique User ID for whom the token was generated
yuduAuthToken tokenValue The generated value of the token returned in the response body

For example, if your edition URL is http://hosted.edition.domain/path/to/edition/index.html then the token above could be used by directing the user to the destination http://hosted.edition.domain/path/to/edition/index.html?yuduAuthId=uniqueUserIdentification&yuduAuthToken=0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstu. A simple use-case could be as follows:

  1. A reader clicks on a link on your webpage indicating they wish to view an edition.
  2. Your server reacts to that request by:
    1. sending a request to this API for a token for that user
    2. retrieving the token value from the response
    3. inserting the token value and user ID into the edition's target URL
    4. returning a 303 redirect with the modified edition URI as the target
  3. The reader's browser redirects to the edition and the edition uses the token to authenticate.

Targeted Notifications

A targeted notification represents a notification to be sent to a specified list of Yudu subscribers and/or third-party subscribers, via Firebase and APNS.

The targeted notification resource is different to other resources within the REST API, in that it doesn't represent an object of some kind, and therefore cannot be specified by an id. In addition to this, it never contains link elements defining relations of the resource and there are no pagination options necessary.

In addition to the "REST API" account permission, the "Send Custom Notifications" permission is also required for sending targeted notifications.

XML Representation

The targeted notification resource is represented in XML with a targetedNotification root element.

<targetedNotification xmlns="">
    <message>Notification body</message>
    <title>Notification title</title>

Permissible Fields

Element Description Type POST
nodeId Publication node ID Integer Required
message The body of the notification String Required
title The title of the notification String Allowed
notificationPriority The priority of the notification NotificationPriority Allowed
disableSound Disable the notification sound Boolean Allowed
iDeviceDeepLink The deep link to be followed on iDevice apps String Allowed
androidDeepLink The deep link to be followed on Android apps String Allowed
subscribers The list of subscribers to send the notification to Subscriber elements Required

The notificationPriority enumeration represents the priority of the notification being sent. The permissible values are:

  • HIGH

Please note that high priority notifications must be enabled at the publication for this to take effect. If no priority is specified or high priority notifications are not enabled, a notification with default priority will be sent.

Subscriber Elements

The subscribers element can contain multiple third party subscribers and/or Yudu subscribers, but must contain at minimum one of either.

Subscriber Element Description Type
thirdPartySubscriberToken Third party subscriber identifier String
subscriberUsername Yudu subscriber username String
Disable Sound

The priorities in iOS are differentiated by the sounds which are used thus disabling the sound would make the priority selected redundant.

Deep Links

The deep links that are currently supported are:

  • <appScheme>://pageLink/editionId/<editionId>/ - to navigate to the given edition
  • <appScheme>://pageLink/editionId/<editionId>/pageNumber/<pageNumber>/ - to navigate to the given edition at the given page number
  • <appScheme>://latest-edition/ - to navigate to the latest edition
  • <appScheme>://<tabName> - to navigate to the given tab. Note that the names of the default tabs are the same as those used for setting up the order of the tabs, while the names of the custom tabs are the same as those used in the custom tabs settings, with no whitespace if using multiple words.

Supported Verbs

URI Relation Verbs
/targetedNotifications POST

A POST request sends a targeted notification to the specified list of subscribers, and returns an XML representation of the response.

Targeted Notification Response

A targeted notification response will be returned as an XML representation, providing information about the success of iOS push notifications and Firebase cloud messages, and reasons for failures.

XML Failure Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<targetedNotificationResponse xmlns="">
            Firebase certificate details are missing for this node.
            Please ensure the Firebase private key has been uploaded and selected,
            and the project ID supplied on the "editPublication.htm" page.
            Push notification certificate details are missing for this node.
            Please ensure the APNS security certificate has been uploaded and selected,
            and the password supplied on the "editPublication.htm" page.
XML Success Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<targetedNotificationResponse xmlns="">
            Successfully completed sending Firebase messages.
            There were 1 messages to send, and 1 sent successfully.
            Completed sending iOS push notifications.
            There were 1 messages to send, and 1 sent successfully.

Stored File

A stored file represents a file which is associated with a node and which is stored in AWS S3.

XML Representation

Single Supported File Usage
<supportedFileUsage name="SOME_FILE_USAGE">

Note: The file type list can consist of one or more elements.

Supported File Usage List
<storedFiles xmlns="">
        // some supported file usage elements
        <link rel="" name="storedFiles"
              href="<the_given_node>/storedFiles" type="application/vnd.yudu+xml"/>

Permissible Fields

This section refers to the fields relevant to the main stored files requests, not the supported file usages request.

Element / Attribute PUT
file Required
usage Allowed

Supported File Usage List

URI Relation Verbs
/nodes/{nodeId}/storedFiles/supportedFileUsages GET

A GET request returns the XML representation of a list of supported file usages.

Stored File List

URI Relation Verbs
/nodes/{nodeId}/storedFiles PUT

A PUT request uploads a file at the specified node. It must be a multipart request with a multipart/form-data Content-Type. The body must contain the required field file as mentioned in Permissible Fields. If the usage field is missing, it defaults to NOT_SPECIFIED. A full list of file usages supported at a given node can be obtained via the Supported File Usage List request. If a file is uploaded with the same name and the same usage as an existing file, it replaces the original.

A successful PUT will result in a 200 OK response except for uploading a PDF file with a NOT_SPECIFIED usage which results in a 201 ACCEPTED response, as the file is processed asynchronously.

If a request fails, the response body will contain an XML representation of the error, including the code, customError (if relevant), and detail elements, as illustrated in the example below.

<error xmlns="">
  <detail>This file is empty. Please upload a valid file.</detail>

See the following table for more information about errors.

Response status code Code Custom error Description
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1001 Empty file
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1002 Type of node does not support selected usage
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1003 Invalid file
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1004 Invalid mapping or table of contents file in HTML articles zip file
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1005 Invalid HTML articles mapping file
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1006 Invalid HTML articles table of contents file
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1007 Invalid table of contents file
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1008 Invalid smart catalog file
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1009 Malformed smart catalog file
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1010 Invalid read aloud timings file
409 CLIENT_ERROR 1011 Temporary file exists
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1012 A PDF file with the same name but a different usage already exists
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1013 PDF file uploaded at non-edition node
400 CLIENT_ERROR 1014 Existing PDF file is too old to allow re-uploading
500 SERVER_ERROR An internal server error has occured

Technical Details

Request Authentication


Each request must be accompanied by a two piece authentication scheme. To access the service a key and shared secret must be used. These can be obtained and managed through the Yudu Publisher interface. The key is used for identification and the shared secret is used to sign each request. Both the key and signature should be included in specific request headers.

Authentication Header

The API key must be supplied with each request as a request header called Authentication.

Timestamp Query Parameter

The query parameters in the URI of each request must include timestamp - a unix epoch timestamp (in seconds) of the request. The timestamp is checked on our server to protect against replay attacks. You must make sure your server time is set accurately otherwise your requests may be rejected.

Signature Header

The shared secret should be used as the signing token used to generate a base-64 encoded HMAC-SHA256 hash of a specific string.

The signed string is constructed from the following parts:

  1. The HTTP method of the request, in upper case. (e.g. PUT)
  2. The absolute path of the service URI (e.g. /Yudu/services/2.0/permissions/)
  3. The query string of the URI, including a timestamp parameter as detailed above, before they have been URL encoded, and sorted alphabetically (e.g. ?edition=123&reader=456&timestamp=1234567890 or [email protected]&timestamp=1234567890)
  4. The full body of the request if appropriate - for PUT and POST requests - including whitespace if the body includes whitespace (e.g. <permission xmlns="" id="1234"><expiryDate>2014-06-01T00:00:00Z</expiryDate></permission>)
Example 1:

When making a GET request to the following URI and query string:

you should generate the HMAC using the string


Example 2:

When making a POST request to the following URI and query string:

and with the post data:

<subscriptionPeriod xmlns="">
  <reader id="1234"/>
  <subscription id="5678"/>

you should generate the HMAC using the string

POST/Yudu/services/2.0/permissions/?reader=1234&timestamp=123456789<subscriptionPeriod xmlns="">
  <reader id="1234"/>
  <subscription id="5678"/>

Note that the whitespace, including line breaks, is included in the signed string.


Errors will be signified by the using the relevant HTTP Status Code. For example "405 Method Not Allowed" if you attempt to PUT to a resource that does not support it, or "400 Bad Request" if the request was not valid. Many errors will have a response body containing an XML document describing the error in detail.

XML Representation

<error xmlns="">
  <detail>Validation failed: Username is already in use</detail>

All error representations will contain the code and detail elements. Only errors with the code VALIDATION_FAILURE will contain the validationFailures element.

Error Codes

In addition to standard HTTP status codes the service returns a descriptive code in the code element. The possible values are:

  • NOT_FOUND - The resource could not be found.
  • DUPLICATE_ITEM - The resource already exists.
  • AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE - The authentication credentials were not correct.
  • VALIDATION_FAILURE - The XML in the request body was invalid.
  • UNKNOWN_ERROR - An unknown error occurred.
  • CLIENT_ERROR - A bad request has been sent by the client.
  • SERVER_ERROR - An unknown internal error occurred.

A Word About Request Media Types

The media type of all communications with the server should be of the form application/vnd.yudu+xml. Thus this type should always be included in an appropriate Accept header, and when necessary, specified as the type of any POST data. Please see the Example Sessions to see how this should affect the requests you send. If you encounter an HTTP 406 status code, or a "Not Acceptable" error message without any further details, please check you have included this header in your request.


The response to a GET request to a list of resources is paginated. By default the resulting XML contains at all the resources if there are less than 100 and truncated the results to 100 if there are more.

The root element of a list of resources representation contains the following pagination attributes:

  • limit - The number of resource representations returned in this request.
  • offset - The offset from the first resource in the list.
  • total - The total number of resources in the list.
  • truncated - A boolean value whose value is false if all editions in the list have been returned in this response and true otherwise.

It is possible to set limit, offset and sort query parameters in order to access other resources.


The limit query parameter can be set to change the number of resources returned. The limit parameter must be between 1 and 1000 inclusive.


The offset query parameter can be set to request resources starting at a particular offset from the start. The offset parameter cannot be less than 0. This allows the client to access all the resources available by making multiple requests with a different offset. If the offset value is greater than the total, no resources will be returned. If the sum of the offset and limit is greater than the total, less resources than the limit will be returned.

For example, we could make one request with offset=0 to obtain the first 100 items and offset=100 to obtain the next 100 items, and so on.


The sort query parameter allows the client to choose the order in which the resources are returned. The sort parameter value is an ordered comma separated list of attribute names concatenated with _asc or _desc to signify whether the results should be sorted by that attribute in ascending or descending order. Each resource defined above is accompanied by list of permissible sort attributes names.

For example, suppose we wanted to list editions sorted first by name (ascending) and then by official publication date (descending). That is, we wish for the editions be sorted by the name, and for any two editions with the same name will be sorted with the latest publication date first. In this case we would use the following query parameter:


Note that the order of the attributes is important. We must include the name_asc part first to ensure that this is the primary sort criteria.


The list representations contain a links element just like the singular resource representations. If the list is truncated several links may be available for navigating the paginated list.

The next link will be available if there are more resources accessible by increasing the offset parameter. The link relation is the list resource, the name is next and the href will have the same limit and sort parameters and an adjusted offset parameter to obtain the next resources.

The previous link will be available if there are more resources accessible by decreasing the offset parameter. The link relation is the list resource, the name is previous and the href will have the same limit and sort parameters and an adjusted offset parameter to obtain the previous resources. Note that since the offset cannot be less than 0, if offset is less than limit, following the previous link may result in some of the same resources being presented as are available on the current page.


Date parameters are used throughout this API, both in XML and in the URI query strings. All dates must be given in ISO 8601 format.


Boolean parameters are used throughout this API, both in XML and in URI query strings.

  • In XML documents the only strings permissible as boolean values are true and false.
  • In XML returned by the server, the strings true and false will be used to specify boolean values.
  • In query strings the following boolean pairs are accepted:
    • true and false
    • t and f
    • yes and no
    • y and n
    • 1 and 0


Certain fields of the resource representations are enumerations. That is, there are a set number of permissible string values for the field. Such enumerations and their values are listed here.


The subscriptionType enumeration represents the type of subscription which is chosen when the subscription is created in Yudu Publisher. The permissible values are as follows:

  • ios - iOS subscription
  • ios_club - iOS club subscription
  • ios_node - iOS node subscription
  • android - Android subscription
  • android_club - Android club subscription
  • android_node - Android node subscription
  • flash - Flash subscription
  • flash_club - Flash club subscription
  • flash_node - Flash node subscription
  • universal - Universal subscription
  • universal_club - Universal club subscription


The platform enumeration represents a device or platform type. The permissible values are as follows:

  • flash - a web based app (flash or HTML5)
  • air - an air based app (Android or Desktop)
  • idevice - an iOS based app
  • unknown - platform could not be determined

Example Sessions

Creating A New Reader

We wish to create a new reader at the node "1234". Request the base URI, which provides links to the other resources:

GET /Yudu/services/2.0/?timestamp=1412586000 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: YmYtVK8Se2GuFNlGNsRoiBT1WApfF85pPMVETI/FkFo=
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<service xmlns="">
    <link rel="" name="permissions"
    <link rel="" name="readerLogins"
    <link rel="" name="subscriptions"
    <link rel="" name="readers"
    <link rel="" name="editions"
    <link rel="" name="publications"
    <link rel="" name="subscriptionPeriods"

This tells us that there are seven links, with the relations defined as above.

We want to create a new reader, and we know from the link relations that we can do this by submitting a POST request containing a reader to a link of type We check this operation is permitted by submitting an OPTIONS request to the URI provided in the readers link.

OPTIONS /Yudu/services/2.0/readers?timestamp=1412586005 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: 6XjiQUH2PTRDLXFtzRSGZQ20Fl7yOSOA2h2DA/V/jtw=
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:05 GMT

The Allow header tells us that the POST method is allowed for this resource so we submit a POST request containing a reader representation.

POST /Yudu/services/2.0/readers?timestamp=1412586010 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: YmYtVK8Se2GuFNlGNsRoiBT1WApfF85pPMVETI/FkFo=

<reader xmlns="">
  <emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 10:00:10 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<reader xmlns="" id="5678">
  <emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>
    <link rel="" name="self"
    <link rel="" name="permissions"
    <link rel="" name="readerLogins"
    <link rel="" name="subscriptions"
    <link rel="" name="authorisedDevices"
    <link rel="" name="authentication"

The response has returned the location of our new reader object in the Location header and the representation of the resource.

Finding An Edition

We wish to find all editions with a name starting with "Example". Make a GET request to the editions endpoint with the query parameter name=Example:

GET /Yudu/services/2.0/editions?name=Examp&timestamp=1412586015 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: k9PUkF0Vy9nQPnd5Dm6zRsXTyseOdlF+3F3/Bm0XUqY=
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:15 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<editions xmlns="" limit="100" offset="0" total="2" truncated="false">
    <edition id="5678">
      <name>Example 1</name>
        <link rel="" name="self"
        <link rel="" name="permissions"
        <link rel="" name="subscriptions"
    <edition id="9012">
      <name>Example 2</name>
        <link rel="" name="self"
        <link rel="" name="permissions"
        <link rel="" name="subscriptions"

The response body contains an edition list representation. Note that since the resulting list has not been truncated the editions element contains an empty links element as there are no further pages of results to navigate.

Creating And Updating A Permission

Given the above examples, we can now create a permission for this reader and one of the editions we found:

POST /Yudu/services/2.0/permissions?timestamp=1412586020 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: Xmvv80WIub0NazhL8TV50h4wxWxHuUs9cVYeASnoTFE=

<permission xmlns="">
  <reader id="5678"/>
  <edition id="9012"/>
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:20 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<permission id="3456">
  <reader id="5678"/>
  <edition id="9012"/>
    <link rel="" name="self"
    <link rel="" name="reader"
    <link rel="" name="edition"

Now we update the permission and add an expiry date:

PUT /Yudu/services/2.0/permissions/3456?timestamp=1412586025 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: 4fUApJWR72cBwYfB00AtcJht5OhwhpuW9QCNq9jFePY=

<permission xmlns="" id="3456">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:25 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<permission id="3456">
  <reader id="5678"/>
  <edition id="9012"/>
    <link rel="" name="self"
    <link rel="" name="reader"
    <link rel="" name="edition"

Updating A Reader

Suppose we need to change a reader's password:

PUT /Yudu/services/2.0/readers/5678?timestamp=1412586030 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: VN7B4U5Uv4X4Yx+2qt7WUzCLBbb7Ssejaf1XHOmtACI=

<reader xmlns="" id="5678">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:30 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<reader xmlns="" id="5678">
  <emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>
    <link rel="" name="self"
    <link rel="" name="permissions"
    <link rel="" name="readerLogins"
    <link rel="" name="subscriptions"
    <link rel="" name="authorisedDevices"
    <link rel="" name="authentication"

Finding All iDevice Enabled Publications

Suppose we wish to find all iDevice enabled publications. Suppose further that we wish to see 2 publications at a time and navigate through the whole list:

GET /Yudu/services/2.0/publications/?iDeviceEnabled=true&limit=2&timestamp=1412586035 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: qXRVLXasp6li50Z2WAsn9WSiWeDWz54seyFdisRYbew=
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:35 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<publications xmlns="" limit="2" offset="0" total="3" truncated="true">
    <publication id="2345">
      <name>Publication 1</name>
        <link rel="self" name="self"
    <publication id="6789">
      <name>Publication 2</name>
        <link rel="self" name="self"
    <link rel="" name="next"

We can see that there were 3 results and we are only seeing the first two, as per our limit parameter. Now we can see the next result by following the next link, which adds an offset=2 parameter.

GET /Yudu/services/2.0/publications/?iDeviceEnabled=true&limit=2&offset=2&timestamp=1412586040 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: 5P4EF0iS/trLXUWZ0e6U+WSbfX3oBAy0YirfWOwx6KM=
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:40 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<publications xmlns="" limit="2" offset="2" total="3" truncated="true">
      <name>Publication 3</name>
        <link rel="self" name="self"
    <link rel="" name="previous"

Now the service returns the final publication and the only link available is the previous link to take us back to an offset of 0.

Finding A Subscription

Suppose we wish to find all subscriptions which contain the edition with id 5678. Furthermore, suppose we wish to order the results by subscriptionType, in descending order:

GET /Yudu/services/2.0/subscriptions/?edition=5678&sort=subscriptionType_desc&timestamp=1412586045 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: ipNslQR4oH6lWhx9Kqr5pNKs7T8zg6TNzgifWnQtl8M=
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:45 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<subscriptions xmlns="" limit="100" offset="0" count="2" truncated="false">
    <subscription id="9876">
      <title>Universal Subscription</title>
      <onDeviceTitle>subscription on device</onDeviceTitle>
        <link rel="" name="self"
        <link rel="" name="readers"
        <link rel="" name="editions"
    <subscription id="5432">
      <title>Example Subscription</title>
      <onDeviceTitle>A Subscription</onDeviceTitle>
        <link rel="" name="self"
        <link rel="" name="readers"
        <link rel="" name="editions"

Creating A Subscription Period

Given the above examples, we can now create a subscription period for a reader and subscription:

POST /Yudu/services/2.0/subscriptionPeriods/?timestamp=1412586050 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: azckQ5GtqtDQe0EW6v5EBsC79QMXg9e/k1yezUKPFjA=

<subscriptionPeriod xmlns="">
  <reader id="1234"/>
  <subscription id="9876"/>
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:50 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<subscriptionPeriod xmlns="" id="7654">
  <reader id="1234"/>
  <subscription id="9876"/>
    <link rel="" name="self"
    <link rel="" name="reader"
    <link rel="" name="subscription"

Resetting Authorised Devices

Suppose a reader has logged in from too many different devices and you would like to reset their authorised devices so that they can log in from a new collection of devices. This is achieved by deleting all authorised devices associated with the reader:

DELETE /Yudu/services/2.0/readers/1234/authorisedComputers/?timestamp=1412586055 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: bGCNgoiseJ7qom8R1czUxoBlmMTSkpRgeccVOQO+VoY=

Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:00:55 GMT

Authenticating A Reader

Given a the username and password for a reader we can check whether such a reader exists and whether the password submitted by the reader is correct. First find a reader.

GET /Yudu/services/2.0/readers/?username=example&timestamp=1412586060 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: h/jKtsHKkNvAb87mElz5xFr9y7/9XaZGcD8qDwjgiFo=

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 10:01:00 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<readers xmlns="" limit="100" offset="0" count="1" truncated="false">
  <reader id="5678">
    <emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>
      <link rel="" name="self"
      <link rel="" name="permissions"
      <link rel="" name="readerLogins"
      <link rel="" name="subscriptions"
      <link rel="" name="authorisedDevices"
      <link rel="" name="authentication"

Then follow the authentication link for the reader and make a PUT with an authentication representation:

PUT /Yudu/services/2.0/readers/?username=aUsername&timestamp=1412586065 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.yudu+xml
Authentication: abcd1234
Signature: ujp8wI5gGPwIBON3lzQD/ZY5qtR3zLBd/zKc4aNF5/c=

<authentication xmlns="">

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 10:01:05 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.yudu+xml

<authentication xmlns="">

The reader's password is not correct.

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