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ionic3-components's Issues

tree component

I'm submitting a tree component

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Hello Yann,
Awesome repository, many thanks for sharing this! Have you thought about adding/developing an ionic tree component, in a kind of similar way as this Angular Tree Component ? It would be very helpful I guess!

Login Page constructor call twice

import { AppState } from './';
import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { Nav, Platform,MenuController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { StatusBar } from '@ionic-native/status-bar';
import { SplashScreen } from '@ionic-native/splash-screen';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { Menu } from 'ionic-angular/components/menu/menu';

// import { HomePage } from '../pages/home/home';
// import { ListPage } from '../pages/list/list';

templateUrl: 'app.html'
export class MyApp {

@ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;

rootPage: any = 'LoginPage';
activePage = new Subject();

pages: Array<{ title: string, component: any, active: boolean, icon: string }>;
state: any;

[Warning] Native: tried calling Diagnostic.requestRuntimePermissions, but the Diagnostic plugin is not installed.

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Related code:

  // You can use this kind of method, which is passing a permission value..
  requestPermission(permission) {
    this.diagnostic.requestRuntimePermission(permission).then((status) => {
      if (status === this.diagnostic.permissionStatus.GRANTED) {
        alert('Permission granted!');
      } else {
        alert('Permission not granted. STATUS: ' + status);
    }, error => {
      console.error('permission error:', error);
  // There is also a method that takes an array of permissions to ask for them at once
  requestAllPermissions() {
    const permissions = Object.keys(this.PERMISSION).map(k => this.PERMISSION[k]);
    this.diagnostic.requestRuntimePermissions(permissions).then((status) => {
    }, error => {
      console.error('permission error:', error);

Important information:

diagnostic.requestRuntimePermissions and diagnostic.requestRuntimePermissionss only support platform android?


we try run this app on ios,

[Warning] Native: tried calling Diagnostic.requestRuntimePermissions, but the Diagnostic plugin is not installed. (vendor.js, line 184286)
[Warning] Install the Diagnostic plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add cordova.plugins.diagnostic' (vendor.js, line 184286)
[Error] permission error: – "plugin_not_installed"

How to resolve ESLint warnings

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The ESLint threw many warnings, when I run 'ionic serve' in WebStorm 2017.2.
I don't know how to configure it. Could anyone give some information about this?

Steps to reproduce the bug:

Related code:

A space is required after '{'
A space is required before '}'
Exceeds maximum line length of 120
This type is not allowed in the operand for the '||' operator because it is a number. Only booleans are 

Important information:

The version :
node 6.11.1
ionic 3.13.0
cordova 7.0.1
webstorm 2017.2
I never changed the package.json

Timeline Layout bug

[x ] bug report
[ ] feature request
[ ] support request

Steps to reproduce the bug:
Removing or Reducing the content of the ion-card-content, makes whole layout buggy.
Screens taken from Chrome's iPad Pro, iPad and Nexus 6P are attached below.
Tested and confirmed to have same behavior on real devices as well (OnePlus One, Galaxy S7 Edge
and Moto G(1st gen))

Please help, thank you.
timelinebug ipad pro
timelinebug ipad
timelinebug nexus 6p

Error on iOS build


First I would like to say a big thanks for putting all together all these stuff, very good and useful work.

Then so exiting after downloading I tried to deploy it on my iPhone using Xcode.

Just run an "ionic platform add ios" command and open the project in xCode 8.3 (running on macOS sierra 10.12.3)

Build failed whit issue :

/Users/lionel/Desktop/Ionic Dev Local/ionic3-components-master/platforms/ios/Advanced Ionic2 Components/Images.xcassets: None of the input catalogs contained a matching app icon set named "AppIcon".

After what I tried to build with "ionic build ios" before re-open it in Xcode and then I have the following error:


The following build commands failed:
CompileStoryboard PROJECT_NAME/CDVLaunchScreen.storyboard
CompileXIB PROJECT_NAME/Classes/MainViewController.xib

(2 failures)

Error: Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args: -xcconfig,/Users/lionel/Desktop/Ionic Dev Local/ionic3-components-master/platforms/ios/cordova/build-debug.xcconfig,-workspace,Advanced Ionic2 Components.xcworkspace,-scheme,Advanced Ionic2 Components,-configuration,Debug,-sdk,iphonesimulator,-destination,platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5s,build,CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/lionel/Desktop/Ionic Dev Local/ionic3-components-master/platforms/ios/build/emulator,SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=/Users/lionel/Desktop/Ionic Dev Local/ionic3-components-master/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch

Hope I gave you enough informations


ModalController cssClass option

How to dynamically pass cssClass in ModalController.
As per document
let profileModal = this.modalCtrl.create(Profile, { userId: 8675309 }, {cssClass: 'classname'});

But getting error - cssClass does not exist in the type model options.
May i know how to use dynamically cssClass while creating ModalController .

Petition: Styled sidemenu

Hi, i was looking for some sidemenu styled for ios and android, can you add it as an example on your app?

Will appreciate it so much :)

Thank you so much

Side menu Integration

I am trying to use the Avatar side menu for my app, but I cant integrate it into my app. What all code and files are needed to be copied?
Could anyone help me out with it please as I need it for my project asap?
Thank you.

P.S: I'm a newbie to ionic

errors when run ionic serve

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I upgraded to ionic 3.2.1 and when i run your app, I run before npm install and then ionic serve and I get errors

"Free Mode Slides" resizes visibly

When I go to the "Free Mode Slides" page I can see them getting "loaded" and then resized. Seems at first they are 100% width and then get resized to 50%.

Server return html not render in ionic 3 and angular 4

I try to implement ccavenue payment gateway in ionic 3 app, i am calling request api then server return html code in json. i want to render html code as page, but html code not render.
If any other option to show return html code, please help me

Masonary style cards

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How about showcasing masonary style ionic cards which adjust themselves during screen size change. Usage of Grid provides less flexibility.

Had problem when build windows/android

Cannot build it on android/windows

Steps to reproduce the bug:
Error: ./src/pages/miscellaneous/real-estate-listing/real-estate-listing.ts
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (40:653)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| RealEstateListingPage = __decorate([
| Component({
| selector: 'page-real-estate-listing',template:/ion-inline-start:"/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/src/pages/miscellaneous/real-estate-listing/real-estate-listing.html"/<ion-header no-border>\n <ion-navbar>\n <ion-title>\n {{}}\n </ion-title>\n </ion-navbar>\n</ion-header>\n\n<ion-content fullscreen elestic-header>\n <section class="housing-image"\n [ngStyle]="{ \'background-image\': \'url(\' + estateProperty.image + \')\'}">\n <section class="housing-banner" padding>\n <span class="housing-title">{{}}</span>\n <span class="price">${{estateProperty.price}}</span>\n </section>\n </section>\n <section class="main-content">\n <ion-grid class="main-features">\n <ion-row>\n <ion-col text-center *ngFor="let feature of estateProperty.features">\n <ion-icon [name]="feature.icon"></ion-icon>\n <span class="item-block">{{feature.title}}</span>\n </ion-col>\n </ion-row>\n </ion-grid>\n <ion-grid class="listing-details">\n <ion-row>\n <p margin-left margin-right no-margin-top style="text-align: justify">\n {{estateProperty.description}}\n </p>\n </ion-row>\n <ion-row>\n <ion-col>\n <ion-icon name="home"></ion-icon>{{}}\n </ion-col>\n <ion-col>\n <ion-icon name="pin"></ion-icon>{{estateProperty.size}}\n </ion-col>\n </ion-row>\n <ion-row *ngFor="let a of [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]">\n <ion-col>\n info here\n </ion-col>\n </ion-row>\n </ion-grid>\n </section>\n</ion-content>\n<ion-footer>\n <button ion-button large full no-margin color="danger" >\n get in touch now\n </button>\n</ion-footer>/ion-inline-end:"/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/src/pages/miscellaneous/real-estate-listing/real-estate-listing.html"/,
| }),
| __metadata("design:paramtypes", [NavController])
@ ./src/pages/miscellaneous/real-estate-listing/real-estate-listing.module.ts 10:0-62
@ ./src lazy
@ ./node_modules/ionic-angular/util/ng-module-loader.js
@ ./node_modules/ionic-angular/util/module-loader.js
@ ./node_modules/ionic-angular/components/popover/popover-component.js
@ ./node_modules/ionic-angular/index.js
@ ./src/app/app.module.ts
@ ./src/app/main.ts
at new BuildError (/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/node_modules/@ionic/app-scripts/dist/util/errors.js:16:28)
at callback (/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/node_modules/@ionic/app-scripts/dist/webpack.js:121:28)
at emitRecords.err (/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:269:13)
at Compiler.emitRecords (/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:375:38)
at emitAssets.err (/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:262:10)
at applyPluginsAsyncSeries1.err (/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:368:12)
at next (/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/node_modules/tapable/lib/Tapable.js:218:11)
at Compiler.compiler.plugin (/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/node_modules/webpack/lib/performance/SizeLimitsPlugin.js:99:4)
at Compiler.applyPluginsAsyncSeries1 (/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/node_modules/tapable/lib/Tapable.js:222:13)
at Compiler.afterEmit (/home/tri/Desktop/ionic3-components-master/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:365:9)

Important information:

crop upload image.

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in the camera.provider.ts, I set 'crop = true' when I choose img from photolibrary. But it doesn't do anything. It does work for getPictureFromCamera(). I wonder this is intended or it's a bug.

getPictureFromPhotoLibrary() {
    return this.getImage(, true);

code ionic view not working

Hi !
The project in the repository of ionic view , is public ?
Because i cant download with this code bd1b6d71.

demo does't work

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Steps to reproduce the bug:

Related code:

    insert any relevant code here

Important information:


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Steps to reproduce the bug:

Related code:

    insert any relevant code here

Important information:

Feature: Accordion

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It would be great if you include an accordion list component 😃

Nested Page Ionic 2/3

Is there any way to created nested pages in ionic 2/3? Just like android an Activity can be used for multiple fragments.

Some of the content is fixed for a parent page and just want to add child pages in this way parent pages fixed content will be at the same state and in same position but navigate only child pages.

When android hardware back key preesed it will pop from last child page to parent page and kill the app.

How can i achieve it?

In case of component use t in a page then how to maintain the navigation stack?

Can you please help me out?

Enhance project structure with angular modules

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Important information:
The project needs to be better organized in terms of code architecture. It should follow good angular practices so it would have a module for components, another for pipes, etc.

Any discussion is greatly appreciated, this way the project could be used as reference for good practices in Angular, but right now it needs to be better worked on.

modal with navigation

Hi there,
i am trying to use your modalNav page which works half way>
When i push a page the old one get destroyed in the stack so the back button functionality is broken

log error is : Uncaught (in promise): navigation stack needs at least one root page

Appart from ModalWithNavigationPage, ModalNavPage and MoveDocumentPage, is there any thing i have missed ?

Lazy load and routes

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Steps to reproduce the bug:
I'm wondering if using lazy loaded component and pages might help performance on start.
For web browsers it's interesting to have also hash routes to go through a determined state or route.
There are some examples about this:

Related code:

tab1 = MyClientsPage; // from import

// can be
tab1:string = 'MyClientsPage';

Componentize stuff!

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Important information:
So there are many pieces of code that could be extracted to components, so any help on this would be greaty appreciated 🥇

Unable to perform click on floating action button

I am using a hybrid app(with ionic framework). I am trying to automate it using appium.
I can click on other tabs and buttons present in the app but unable to perform the click on floating action "+" button. I tried following code:
After Executing this appium is not giving me any error but not perform the click on button even.
With another native app I could perform the same operation.

Ionic 2 runtime Permission

Hi ,

Can you please share a sample code or link, showing Marshmallow runtime permission using ionic 2 framework in Hybrid app

display live data in chart

Hi, with ionic 1 it was easy to bind the chart-data to a variable and the chart always adapted live to the actual values
Do you know how to do this now with ionic 2?
the chart loads with the right data, but I have to recall the chart-function to update the chart with the new data completely.

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