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my-weekly-stars-langcat's Introduction

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Table of Contents


  • ZuodaoTech/everyone-can-use-english - 人人都能用英语

  • zu1k/bs-core - Easy and blazing-fast book searcher, create and search your private library.

  • klembot/twinejs - Twine, a tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories

  • nianhua99/PandoraHelper - 轻松使用 Pandora 并在网页中管理所有Token!一键和你的小伙伴共享GPT PLUS服务!

  • jackyzha0/quartz - 🌱 a fast, batteries-included static-site generator that transforms Markdown content into fully functional websites

  • alan2207/bulletproof-react - 🛡️ ⚛️ A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications.

  • grafana/grafana - The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.

  • weaigc/bingo - Bingo,一个让你呼吸顺畅 New Bing。

  • SXAU-HOLE/hole-app - 山西农业大学树洞app 由React Native实现

  • dubinc/dub - Open-source link management infrastructure. Loved by modern marketing teams like Vercel, Raycast, and Perplexity.

  • 14790897/paper-ai - 搜索真实文献并生成引用对应文献的AI论文

  • gothinkster/realworld - "The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more

  • n-WN/sagemath-vscode-enhanced - Bringing the power of SageMath to VS Code with this extension that offers specialized syntax highlighting, quick run capabilities, and additional coding tools.

  • takayama-lily/oicq - Tencent QQ Bot Library for Node.js

  • wulkano/Kap - An open-source screen recorder built with web technology

  • kwaroran/RisuAI - Make your own story. User-friendly software for LLM roleplaying

  • Dovakiin0/Kitsune - Stream anime with no Ads

  • Eugeny/tabby - A terminal for a more modern age

  • Hiram-Wong/ZyPlayer - 跨平台桌面端视频资源播放器,免费高颜值.

  • immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.

  • clash-verge-rev/clash-verge-rev - Continuation of Clash Verge - A Clash Meta GUI based on Tauri (Windows, MacOS, Linux)

  • ifyour/deeplx-for-cloudflare - 🔥 Deploy DeepLX on Cloudflare

  • Bin-Huang/chatbox - User-friendly Desktop Client App for AI Models/LLMs (GPT, Claude, Gemini, Ollama...)

  • lobehub/lobe-chat - 🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design LLMs/AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / Bedrock / Azure / Mistral / Perplexity ), Multi-Modals (Vision/TTS) and plugin system. One-click FREE deployment of your private ChatGPT chat application.

  • meowtec/diffani - Diff code and render to animation video

  • surmon-china/vue-codemirror - @codemirror code editor component for @vuejs

  • vbenjs/vue-vben-admin - A modern vue admin. It is based on Vue3, vite and TypeScript. It's fast!

  • LokerL/tts-vue - 🎤 微软语音合成工具,使用 Electron + Vue + ElementPlus + Vite 构建。

  • ill-inc/biomes-game - Biomes is an open source sandbox MMORPG built for the web using web technologies such as Next.js, Typescript, React and WebAssembly.

  • RealKai42/qwerty-learner - 为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers

  • nicepkg/gpt-runner - Conversations with your files! Manage and run your AI presets!

  • xiangsx/gpt4free-ts - Providing a free OpenAI GPT-4 API ! This is a replication project for the typescript version of xtekky/gpt4free

  • latentcat/qrbtf - AI & parametric QR code generator. AI & 参数化二维码生成器。

  • DIYgod/RSSHub - 🧡 Everything is RSSible

  • miurla/babyagi-ui - BabyAGI UI is designed to make it easier to run and develop with babyagi in a web app, like a ChatGPT.

  • jina-ai/auto-gpt-web - Set Your Goals, AI Achieves Them.

  • reworkd/AgentGPT - 🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.

  • ConnectAI-E/AutoGPT-Next-Web - 🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.一键免费部署你的私人AutoGPT 网页应用

  • FlowiseAI/Flowise - Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow

  • langgenius/dify - Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you quickly go from prototype to production.

  • doki-theme/doki-theme-assets - The infrastructure setup for all of the Doki Theme assets!

  • InkTimeRecord/TTime - 🚀 Screenshots, word marking, OCR, AI, translation software || 截图、划词、文字识别、AI、翻译软件

  • liou666/polyglot - 🤖️ Cross-platform AI language practice app (跨平台AI语言练习应用)

  • ohmplatform/FreedomGPT - This codebase is for a React and Electron-based app that executes the FreedomGPT LLM locally (offline and private) on Mac and Windows using a chat-based interface

  • tailwindlabs/tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.

  • shuding/nextra - Simple, powerful and flexible site generation framework with everything you love from Next.js.

  • angular/angular - Deliver web apps with confidence 🚀

  • ChatGPTNextWeb/ChatGPT-Next-Web - A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。

  • domeccleston/sharegpt - Easily share permanent links to ChatGPT conversations with your friends

  • gaozhangmin/aliyunpan - 小白羊网盘 - Powered by 阿里云盘。

  • visiky/resume - 🚀 在线简历生成器

  • ztjhz/BetterChatGPT - An amazing UI for OpenAI's ChatGPT (Website + Windows + MacOS + Linux)

  • FoundTheWOUT/15s-music - Listen music in 15 second.

  • electron/fiddle - :electron: 🚀 The easiest way to get started with Electron

  • ourongxing/chatgpt-vercel - Elegant and Powerfull. Powered by OpenAI and Vercel.

  • labring/laf - Laf is a vibrant cloud development platform that provides essential tools like cloud functions, databases, and storage solutions. It enables developers to quickly unleash their creativity and bring innovative ideas to life with ease.

  • supabase/supabase - The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.

  • pixijs/pixijs - The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.

  • anse-app/chatgpt-demo - Minimal web UI for ChatGPT.

  • miku-gg/miku - mikugg is a Frontend for "Generative Visual Novels"

  • transitive-bullshit/agentic - AI agent stdlib that works with any LLM and TypeScript AI SDK.

  • GuMengYu/music-you - 🪗 一个美观简约的Material Design 3 (Material You) 风格pc音乐播放器

  • pd4d10/hashmd - Hackable Markdown Editor and Viewer

  • illacloud/illa-builder - Low-code platform allows you to build business apps, enables you to quickly create internal tools such as dashboard, crud app, admin panel, crm, cms, etc. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, Supabase, GraphQL, MongoDB, MSSQL, Rest API, Hugging Face, Redis, etc. Automate workflows with schedule or webhook. Open source Retool.

  • bili-vd-bak/biliroaming-ts-server-vercel - 为BiliRoaming、哔哩UWP 等提供支持。包括支持基本功能、搜索替换、黑白名单的哔哩漫游服务端。部署在Vercel HK1或CFP(调试中)。

  • spencerwooo/onedrive-vercel-index - OneDrive public directory listing, powered by Vercel and Next.js

  • Voxelum/x-minecraft-launcher - An Open Source Minecraft Launcher with Modern UX. Provide a Disk Efficient way to manage all your Mods!

  • WindrunnerMax/TKScript - 油猴脚本 & 浏览器扩展

  • OI-wiki/OI-wiki - 🌟 Wiki of OI / ICPC for everyone. (某大型游戏线上攻略,内含炫酷算术魔法)

  • whyour/qinglong - 支持 Python3、JavaScript、Shell、Typescript 的定时任务管理平台(Timed task management platform supporting Python3, JavaScript, Shell, Typescript)

  • rowfishjs/rowfish - A better docusaurus theme and a fullstack development learn site

  • facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.

  • microsoft/vscode - Visual Studio Code

  • project-yuki/YUKI - YUKI Galgame Translator

  • zolrath/obsidian-auto-link-title - Automatically fetch the titles of pasted links

  • CopyTranslator/CopyTranslator - Foreign language reading and translation assistant based on copy and translate.

  • Cveinnt/ - 👨‍💻👩‍💻 Write Markdown. Together.

  • yzhang-gh/vscode-markdown - Markdown All in One

  • excalidraw/excalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams

  • CSS-ZEN/garden -

  • bitwarden/web - The website vault (

  • the1812/Bilibili-Evolved - 强大的哔哩哔哩增强脚本

  • crimx/ext-saladict - 🥗 All-in-one professional pop-up dictionary and page translator which supports multiple search modes, page translations, new word notebook and PDF selection searching.




  • fvbock/endless - Zero downtime restarts for go servers (Drop in replacement for http.ListenAndServe)

  • junegunn/fzf - 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder

  • tmedwards/tweego - Tweego is a free (gratis and libre) command line compiler for Twine/Twee story formats, written in Go.

  • linux-do/new-api - 基于One API的二次开发版本,仅供个人管理渠道使用,请勿用于商业API分发!

  • Calcium-Ion/new-api - AI模型接口管理与分发系统,支持将多种大模型转为OpenAI格式调用、支持Midjourney Proxy、Suno、Rerank,兼容易支付协议,仅供个人或者企业内部管理与分发渠道使用,请勿用于商业用途,本项目基于One API二次开发。

  • julienschmidt/httprouter - A high performance HTTP request router that scales well

  • XIU2/CloudflareSpeedTest - 🌩「自选优选 IP」测试 Cloudflare CDN 延迟和速度,获取最快 IP !当然也支持其他 CDN / 网站 IP ~

  • juicedata/juicefs - JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.

  • spf13/afero - A FileSystem Abstraction System for Go

  • v2rayA/v2rayA - A web GUI client of Project V which supports VMess, VLESS, SS, SSR, Trojan, Tuic and Juicity protocols. 🚀

  • pingcap/tidb - TiDB is an open-source, cloud-native, distributed, MySQL-Compatible database for elastic scale and real-time analytics. Try AI-powered Chat2Query free at :

  • gorilla/mux - Package gorilla/mux is a powerful HTTP router and URL matcher for building Go web servers with 🦍

  • casdoor/casdoor - An open-source UI-first Identity and Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform with web UI supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML, CAS, LDAP, SCIM, WebAuthn, TOTP, MFA, Face ID, RADIUS, Google Workspace, Active Directory and Kerberos

  • centrifugal/centrifugo - Scalable real-time messaging server in a language-agnostic way. Self-hosted alternative to Pubnub, Pusher, Ably. Set up once and forever.

  • qifengzhang007/GinSkeleton - 基于go语言gin框架封装的web项目骨架

  • volatiletech/sqlboiler - Generate a Go ORM tailored to your database schema.

  • tmrts/go-patterns - Curated list of Go design patterns, recipes and idioms

  • openimsdk/open-im-server - IM Chat

  • cherish-chat/xxim-server - 惺惺 —— 属于你的社交地盘!惺惺是一个100%开源社交平台,每个人都可以搭建自己的服务器,掌握数据的所有权。此APP非盈利项目!

  • cloudreve/Cloudreve - 🌩支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (Self-hosted file management and sharing system, supports multiple storage providers)

  • bincooo/chatgpt-adapter - 集成了openai-api、bing、gemini、coze、claude、绘画 多款AI的聊天接口适配到 OpenAI API 标准接口服务端。

  • jaegertracing/jaeger - CNCF Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing Platform

  • filebrowser/filebrowser - 📂 Web File Browser

  • chromedp/chromedp - A faster, simpler way to drive browsers supporting the Chrome DevTools Protocol.

  • gotd/td - Telegram client, in Go. (MTProto API)

  • iyear/pure-live-core - ✨ Make Live Pure Again

  • LockGit/gochat - goim server write by golang !🚀

  • hashicorp/raft - Golang implementation of the Raft consensus protocol

  • gogf/gf - GoFrame is a modular, powerful, high-performance and enterprise-class application development framework of Golang.

  • bilibili/overlord - Overlord是哔哩哔哩基于Go语言编写的memcache和redis&cluster的代理及集群管理功能,致力于提供自动化高可用的缓存服务解决方案。

  • bilibili/discovery - A registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.

  • godot-go/godot-go - Go bindings for Godot 4.2 GDExtension API

  • sashabaranov/go-openai - OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, DALL·E, Whisper API wrapper for Go

  • Apipost-Team/runnerGo - A tool similar to apache bench (ab)

  • gorilla/websocket - Package gorilla/websocket is a fast, well-tested and widely used WebSocket implementation for Go.

  • golang-design/clipboard - 📋 cross-platform clipboard package that supports accessing text and image in Go (macOS/Linux/Windows/Android/iOS)

  • amitshekhariitbhu/go-backend-clean-architecture - A Go (Golang) Backend Clean Architecture project with Gin, MongoDB, JWT Authentication Middleware, Test, and Docker.

  • avelino/awesome-go - A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software

  • Tnze/go-mc - Collection of Go libraries for Minecraft

  • alberliu/gim - golang写的IM服务器(服务组件形式)

  • iawia002/lux - 👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go

  • jeessy2/ddns-go - Simple and easy to use DDNS. Support Aliyun, Tencent Cloud, Dnspod, Cloudflare, Callback, Huawei Cloud, Baidu Cloud, Porkbun, GoDaddy, Namecheap, NameSilo...

  • go-kratos/kratos - Your ultimate Go microservices framework for the cloud-native era.

  • cnsilvan/UnblockNeteaseMusic - Revive unavailable songs for Netease Cloud Music (Golang)

  • dominikh/go-tools - Staticcheck - The advanced Go linter

  • TremblingV5/DouTok - DouTok is a backend server for a simple Douyin/TikTok

  • the-web3/wallet-chain-node - wallet-chain-node is a completely open-source wallet api service coded in go, supporting 40+ public chains such as BTC, ETH, Tron, Eos, Aptos, Dot, Sui, etc.

  • etcd-io/etcd - Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system

  • rosedblabs/rosedb - Lightweight, fast and reliable key/value storage engine based on Bitcask.

  • ByteStorage/FlyDB - The high-performance kv storage engine based on bitcask paper made in golang

  • ybkuroki/go-webapp-sample - golang, echo, gorm

  • labstack/echo - High performance, minimalist Go web framework

  • gin-gonic/examples - A repository to host examples and tutorials for Gin.

  • gothinkster/golang-gin-realworld-example-app - Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin

  • eddycjy/go-gin-example - An example of gin

  • woodpecker-ci/woodpecker - Woodpecker is a simple yet powerful CI/CD engine with great extensibility.

  • go-gitea/gitea - Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD

  • zincsearch/zincsearch - ZincSearch . A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go.

  • ollama/ollama - Get up and running with Llama 3.1, Mistral, Gemma 2, and other large language models.

  • prometheus/prometheus - The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.

  • xiaoxuxiansheng/redmq - a message queue client sdk based on redis

  • BaiZe1998/go-learning - 一个存放Go语言/计算机相关学习资料的仓库

  • golang/groupcache - groupcache is a caching and cache-filling library, intended as a replacement for memcached in many cases.

  • mind1949/googletrans - G文⚡️: Concurrency-safe, Free and Unlimited google translate api for Golang. 🔥免费、无限、并发安全的谷歌翻译包

  • geektutu/7days-golang - 7 days golang programs from scratch (web framework Gee, distributed cache GeeCache, object relational mapping ORM framework GeeORM, rpc framework GeeRPC etc) 7天用Go动手写/从零实现系列

  • panjf2000/gnet - 🚀 gnet is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.

  • spf13/cobra - A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions

  • alibaba/IOC-golang - 一款服务于 Go 开发者的依赖注入框架,方便搭建任何 Go 应用。 A Golang depenedency injection framework, helps developers to build any go application.

  • divyam234/teldrive - Telegram Drive

  • valyala/fasthttp - Fast HTTP package for Go. Tuned for high performance. Zero memory allocations in hot paths. Up to 10x faster than net/http

  • zhanghanyun/backtrace - 三网回程路由测试

  • xyhelper/chat2api - chatgpt接口模拟API接口转换网关

  • go-task/task - A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go

  • taxze6/Go-Chat-Craft -

  • deanxv/coze-discord-proxy - 代理Discord对话Coze-Bot,实现以API形式请求GPT4模型,提供对话、文生图、图生文、知识库检索等功能。

  • hanjm/file_download_proxy - [综合型GO练手项目]A self-hosted remote downloader

  • lib-x/deepl - free deepl translate api in go

  • xyhelper/xyhelper-web - xyhelper网页版 快速自建chatgpt

  • photoprism/photoprism - AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈💎✨

  • marmotedu/iam - 企业级的 Go 语言实战项目:认证和授权系统(带配套课程)

  • apache/incubator-answer - A Q&A platform software for teams at any scales. Whether it's a community forum, help center, or knowledge management platform, you can always count on Apache Answer.

  • zeromicro/go-zero - A cloud-native Go microservices framework with cli tool for productivity.

  • kataras/iris - The fastest HTTP/2 Go Web Framework. New, modern and easy to learn. Fast development with Code you control. Unbeatable cost-performance ratio 🚀

  • cloudwego/hertz - Go HTTP framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services.

  • aaamoon/copilot-gpt4-service - Convert Github Copilot to ChatGPT

  • dghubble/go-twitter - Go Twitter REST and Streaming API v1.1

  • x1unix/go-playground - Better Go Playground powered by Monaco editor

  • docker/compose - Define and run multi-container applications with Docker

  • golangci/golangci-lint - Fast linters runner for Go

  • colinmarc/hdfs - A native go client for HDFS

  • flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin - 🚀Vite+Vue3+Gin的开发基础平台,支持TS和JS混用。它集成了JWT鉴权、权限管理、动态路由、显隐可控组件、分页封装、多点登录拦截、资源权限、上传下载、代码生成器【可AI辅助】、表单生成器和可配置的导入导出等开发必备功能。

  • idodo/golang-bot -

  • hmgle/delaytask - A library which provides a way to run the delay task.

  • milvus-io/milvus - A cloud-native vector database, storage for next generation AI applications

  • usememos/memos - An open source, lightweight note-taking service. Easily capture and share your great thoughts.

  • nkanaev/yarr - yet another rss reader

  • Go-To-Byte/DouSheng - 极简版抖音API —— 获字节跳动第五届青训营一码平川奖(文档编写中,可查看👇)

  • jlaffaye/ftp - FTP client package for Go

  • bytedance-casual/tiktok-server - Douyin project server high-performance distributed optimization version implementation project. 第五届字节跳动青训营后端大作业“超级码力奖(二等奖)”获奖项目

  • SagerNet/sing-box - The universal proxy platform

  • rocboss/paopao-ce - 🔥An artistic "twitter like" community built on gin+zinc+vue+ts 清新文艺微社区

  • acheong08/ChatGPT-to-API - Scalable unofficial ChatGPT API for production.

  • qjfoidnh/BaiduPCS-Go - iikira/BaiduPCS-Go原版基础上集成了分享链接/秒传链接转存功能

  • black7375/Breeze-Cursors-for-Windows - KDE Cursors for Windows

  • bangumi/server - The next-generation api backend server for

  • fyne-io/fyne - Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design

  • acheong08/ShareGPT - To allow the sharing of API keys to create a free OpenAI API.

  • msterzhang/onelist - 一个类似emby的专注于刮削alist聚合网盘形成影视媒体库的程序。

  • JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh - The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer

  • OwO-Network/DeepLX - Powerful Free DeepL API, No Token Required

  • HammerCloth/tiktok - The simple TikTok backend which supports video Feed stream, video contribution, personal information, like list, user comments, follow list, fan list, etc.

  • iyear/tdl - 📥 A Telegram toolkit written in Golang

  • JasonKhew96/biliroaming-go-server -

  • Waifu-im/waifu-api - An easy to use API that allows you to get waifu pictures from an archive of over 4000 images and multiple tags!

  • go-mysql-org/go-mysql - a powerful mysql toolset with Go

  • dianhsu-official/cf-tool - 📊 Codeforces CLI (Submit, Parse, Test, etc.). Support Contests, Gym, Groups, acmsguru, Windows, macOS, Linux, 4 MB

  • hajimehoshi/ebiten - Ebitengine - A dead simple 2D game engine for Go

  • alist-org/alist - 🗂️A file list/WebDAV program that supports multiple storages, powered by Gin and Solidjs. / 一个支持多存储的文件列表/WebDAV程序,使用 Gin 和 Solidjs。

  • zu1k/proxypool - Automatically crawls proxy nodes on the public internet, de-duplicates and tests for usability and then provides a list of nodes

  • EndlessCheng/codeforces-go - 算法竞赛模板库 by 灵茶山艾府 💭💡🎈

  • xalanq/cf-tool - 📊 Codeforces CLI (Submit, Parse, Test, etc.). Support Contests, Gym, Groups, acmsguru, Windows, macOS, Linux, 7 MB

  • YanxinTang/clipboard-online - Share content between 💻Windows and 📱iOS

  • Wox-launcher/Wox - A cross-platform launcher that simply works






  • HMCL-dev/HMCL - A Minecraft Launcher which is multi-functional, cross-platform and popular

  • daimajia/AnimeTaste - Taste global original animation

  • subhra74/snowflake - Graphical SFTP client and terminal emulator with helpful utilities

  • xpipe-io/xpipe - Your entire server infrastructure at your fingertips

  • Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit - A Reddit client for Android

  • Baseflow/PhotoView - Implementation of ImageView for Android that supports zooming, by various touch gestures.

  • NelsonRocha27/TranslateMeThat - An Android application that consists of a floating button allowing you to translate all the text that is currently on the screen.

  • SpongePowered/SpongeAPI - A Minecraft plugin API

  • Yanyutin753/PandoraNext-TokensTool - 【更方便更安全的管理PandoraNext】通过手机端和电脑端使小白能快速部署属于自己的免费Open API中转站。tokensTool支持通过PandoraNext管理刷新所有token,支持分享,支持share_token,pool_token一键自定义放入oneapi。tokensTool全面支持PandoraNext部署方法且支持热部署,自定义后缀,登录黑名单IP和登录日志,保护隐私安全,已打包好docker镜像,且有详细部署和使用文档,小白也能免费部署,一键启动!

  • TrackerControl/tracker-control-android - TrackerControl Android: monitor and control trackers and ads.

  • CeuiLiSA/Pixiv-Shaft - Pixiv第三方Android客户端

  • yrom/ScreenRecorder - Implement screen capture without root on Android 5.0+ by using MediaProjectionManager, VirtualDisplay, AudioRecord, MediaCodec and MediaMuxer APIs

  • janishar/mit-deep-learning-book-pdf - MIT Deep Learning Book in PDF format (complete and parts) by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville

  • polymorphicshade/NewPipe - A fork of NewPipe with SponsorBlock functionality.

  • LSPosed/LSPosed - LSPosed Framework

  • bytedance/scene - Android Single Activity Applications Framework compatible with Fragment.








  • bcit-ci/CodeIgniter - Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)

  • CodelyTV/php-ddd-example - 🐘🎯 Hexagonal Architecture + DDD + CQRS in PHP using Symfony 6

  • zabbix/zabbix - Real-time monitoring of IT components and services, such as networks, servers, VMs, applications and the cloud.

  • pandora-next/deploy - Pandora Cloud + Pandora Server + Shared Chat + BackendAPI Proxy + Chat2API + Signup Free = PandoraNext. New GPTs(Gizmo) UI, All in one!

  • flarum/framework - Simple forum software for building great communities.

  • Audi-1/sqli-labs - SQLI labs to test error based, Blind boolean based, Time based.

  • mirai-mamori/Sakurairo - 一个多彩、轻松上手、体验完善,具有强大自定义功能的WordPress主题(基于Sakura主题,支持简繁英日多语言)A Colorful, Easy-to-use, Perfect Experience, and Powerful Customizable WordPress Theme (Based on Theme Sakura. Support Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English and Japanese languages)


  • hiddify/hiddify-next - Multi-platform auto-proxy client, supporting Sing-box, X-ray, TUIC, Hysteria, Reality, Trojan, SSH etc. It’s an open-source, secure and ad-free.

  • AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.

  • miru-project/miru-app - 🎉 A versatile application that is free, open-source, and supports extension sources for videos, comics, and novels, available on Android, Windows, and Web platforms.

  • KRTirtho/spotube - 🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!

  • dihak/flutter-istiqomah - Istiqomah Application - A habit tracker App

  • xpavle00/Habo - Habo is an open-source habit tracker. Created in a flutter.

  • edwardez/BangumiN - BangumiN - Bangumi unofficial Cross-platform Experience

  • jonjomckay/fritter - A privacy-friendly Twitter frontend for mobile devices

  • Notsfsssf/pixez-flutter - 一个支持免代理直连及查看动图的第三方Pixiv flutter客户端

  • localsend/localsend - An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop

  • deckerst/aves - Aves is a gallery and metadata explorer app, built for Android with Flutter.


  • tisfeng/Easydict - 一个简洁优雅的词典翻译 macOS App。开箱即用,支持离线 OCR 识别,支持有道词典,🍎 苹果系统词典,🍎 苹果系统翻译,OpenAI,Gemini,DeepL,Google,Bing,腾讯,百度,阿里,小牛,彩云和火山翻译。A concise and elegant Dictionary and Translator macOS App for looking up words and translating text.


  • LufsX/rime - Rime(中州韵)全拼与双拼的自用配置方案

  • LunarVim/Neovim-from-scratch - 📚 A Neovim config designed from scratch to be understandable

  • ssnhd/rime - Rime Squirrel 鼠须管配置文件(朙月拼音、小鹤双拼、自然码双拼)

  • MT-CTF/capturetheflag - Capture the Flag game using the Minetest Voxel Engine

  • iDvel/rime-ice - Rime 配置:雾凇拼音 | 长期维护的简体词库





  • shuhongfan/NavicatCracker - navicat 激活 Navicat所有版本破解 A keygen for Navicat 16 Navicat16破解 Navicat Keygen Navicat 16 Keygen注册机(NavicatCracker) Navicat 16 破解 Navicat Premium 16 破解 Navicat破解 绿色版 MySQL


  • oven-sh/bun - Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager – all in one

Jupyter Notebook




  • sdias/win-10-virtual-desktop-enhancer - An application that enhances the Windows 10 multiple desktops feature by adding additional keyboard shortcuts and support for multiple wallpapers.

Inno Setup


  • serge-chat/serge - A web interface for chatting with Alpaca through llama.cpp. Fully dockerized, with an easy to use API.

Vim Script

  • bilibili/vim-vide - Lightest vimrc, while strong enough. 最轻的vim配置,却足够强!

  • ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM - vim输入法 / Vim Input Method by pure vim script, support: user word, dynamic word priority, cloud db files

Vim script







  • ccd0/4chan-x - Adds various features to anonymous imageboards.




  • Keldos-Li/typora-latex-theme - 将Typora伪装成LaTeX的中文样式主题,本科生轻量级课程论文撰写的好帮手。This is a theme disguising Typora into Chinese LaTeX style.


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