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nmake-jumpstart's Introduction

WARNING: '80s tech! Still in early development! ;)

It aims to have the following features, though:

- [x] Single-file drop-in build to kickstart simple C/C++ projects
- [x] Flexible and scaleable enough to allow reasonable growth without
      worrying about a real build sytem
- [x] Familiar config macros, with ready-to-use defaults for common setups
- [x] Basic facilities to configure external deps. (libs)
- [x] Doesn't impose any additional external deps. itself
- [x] Handle src. subdirs transparently (something NMAKE hates to do...)
- [x] Build a lib from (part of) the sources
- [x] Build executable(s), too, of course
- [ ] Basic (configurable) smoke-testing of build results
- [x] DEBUG/release build alternatives (DEBUG=1/0, default: 0)
- [x] Static/DLL CRT build alternatives (CRT=static/dll, default: static)
- [x] Separate target trees for the (incompatible) build alternatives
- [x] Cleanup tasks (either a build alternative only, or all outputs)
- [ ] Debug/release executables can be the same file (with overwrite)
      (may require "Auto-detect changes in the build command line")
- [ ] Header dependency auto-tracking
- [ ] (Some?) support for C++ modules
- [ ] Auto-detect changes in the build command line or in env. vars
      to trigger full rebuild (might be possible even without a thin
      runner script to capture the make command line)

(Note: the "src" and "include" dirs. in the repo are just examples/tests.)


* Due to NMAKE's inability to handle arbitrary subdirs flexibly in the 
  source/target tree (namely, in inference rules), recursive dir traversal
  has to be delegated to shell commands (e.g. in a wrapper script, or some
  "driver" rule) instead.

  (While NMAKE can execute shell commands during preproc. time to gather
  files or subdirs recursively anywhere, the problem is that the results
  of those commands can't be assigned to macros. Also, !INCLUDE files could
  be created on-the-fly during preprocessing time, but only very simple ones,
  as the hostile "programming environment" of the !IF [...] directive combined
  with the CMD command-line it provides makes a failed Mars-mission feel
  like a dream holiday in comparison.)

* To avoid having to name the taget modules one by one, especially across
  multiple directories, the only sane way to enumerate them (with most make
  tools) is

    1. to assume a 1-to-1 relationship between the (relative) paths of
       certain source file types (i.e. the C/C++ translation units) and
       their corresponding targets (i.e. object files),

    2. and map those source names to their matching target names to allow
       compiling -- via inference rules -- implicitly, identifying them by
       their types and locations, not their names.

  However, due to two other inabilities of NMAKE, i.e. that a) it can't do
  pattern-matching for paths in inference rules, and b) it can only match
  wildcards on dependency lines -- which is too late for using the results
  as target lists in other rules (note: not even its false-hope-inducing
  EXIST() function can deal with wildcards) --, a recursion trick is used,
  as described below (with its core idea having been borrowed from
  (Note: GNU make does support path patterns in inference rules, and also
  has macro facilities to manipulate paths with wildcards during preproc.
  time, *and* lets you set the results as macro values, all of which make
  processing filesystem trees practically effortless there.)

  With NMAKE, where wildcard-expansion results can only propagate from
  dependency lines downward to command blocks, there's one more "secret"
  place, however, where those wildcard-matching results can still make their
  way to rule definitions (as targets): the make command-line itself.

  So, we can call NMAKE again, now with the expanded target list, and
  just let it then apply the matching rules to build them.

  Well, almost... Because of its crippled path matching in inference rules,
  we also have to pass it the current dir path explicitly, so it can use
  that in those rules. This also means that we must process the source tree 
  dir-by-dir, can't just grab all the sources, `patsubst` them to their
  corresponding target name pairs, and pass the whole list to a new make
  subprocess in one go. Alas, every dir will need a new child NMAKE process.
  (But at least the dir traversal itself is not recursive...)

  (Of course, with the abomination NMAKE is, even this will entail a lot
  of convoluted workarounds, so this is easier said than done -- but at
  least it _can_ be done, somehow, eventually...
  What's still a long way away, though, is header autodependecy tracking.
  GCC is, again, way ahead of MSVC in this regard, unfortunately. I.e. the
  `CL -showIncludes` option is an insulting joke.)

nmake-jumpstart's People


xparq avatar



nmake-jumpstart's Issues

Eliminate the `.` placeholder hack for empty dirs to avoid path concatenation issues...

The usual $(MY_BASE_DIR)/$(SUBDIR) -> /subdir errors with empty base.

The (also usual) hack of replacing empty dirs with . just to avoid this is a) a weak, brittle protection (forget it just once!...), b) results in ugly paths, c) can be avoided, too.

The cost is that avoiding it requires even more cumbersome path construction macro clutter. So, it's questionable whether it's worth it at all.

Option to disable auto-dispatching to separate subtrees

But how can this be made sensible?! Any leftover files from an (incompatible) altertnative would make it just fail to link, in the best case, or even silently fail later!
A warning about the impending danger of mismatching incompatible (object) code, is probably not enough -- this would still be just stupid...

The real use case here is to overwrite the top-level targets (only)! -- But even then: if the previous build was a different alternative, and more up-to-date than the sources... -> #29 (Autodetect build option changes to trigger full rebuild) -- which is still kinda hamfisted for this, i.e. for the implied use case of "Switch to DEBUG exe" etc...

NMAKE: Cumulative target rules, even with ::, seem to kill inference rules?!

An old doc. specifically said it will not (esp. when there's no command).

However, the presence of this $(obj_dir)\main.obj:: $(HASH_INCLUDE_FILE) dep. line blocked (re)compiling main.obj if it didn't exist! :-/

$(obj_dir)\main.obj:: $(HASH_INCLUDE_FILE)

    $(ECHO) "	Make last commit ID available for #including..."
    $(BB) sh tooling/git/

Now, with a deleted main.obj, the build proc. went straight to linking, which failed... (Adding an echo to that dep. rule confirmed that it had indeed been picked up.)

NG: Test also with SFML!

Should be able to build the lib with just telling it it's a lib, and setting the inc. path.

  • Actually... It could even just add every dir with headers to the inc. path
    • Obviously, it would cause trouble for some source layouts e.g. with multiple identically named local headers (incl. name clashes across aux stuff (not ext. but) embedded into the src tree), so it could be disabled by default

Allow customizing the main targets to build (& delete)

This is to ease updating the Makefile in client projects -- which is still a manual process of copy-pasting portions of the Makefile! (-> also: #33)

Adding them by hand is pretty much trivial, but clean would know nothing about it, and leave them around.

(Doing the same for extra libs is far less of a pressing issue.)

Something like renaming finish: ... and delegating it to the prj layout config, so e.g. sfw would have it like

finish: $(main_lib) $(main_exe) $(test_exe)

Well, OK, using the target directly in the cfg. section is impossible, as all the macros that are typically used in those names would then get prematurely expanded (with incorrect/empty values)! So, another macro would be needed for that, to list the targets separately... :-/

  • main_lib/main_exe can just be not set (commented out)
  • extra targets can also be listed in a new build = ... macro now
  • also delete those in clean!

Space-in-paths support!

UPDATE: Gradually getting there, though. v0.09 can build Thor in a dir named like SFML-master (pre3). (Note that those parentheses might also spook out CMD et al.! Exclamation marks certainly do!)

Investigate the space error seen with OON on GitHub!

If the NMAKE path in $(MAKE) contains spaces, this command failed, _until I removed the quotes from the supposedly unrelated DIR= clause!... :-o

rem ... !_make_! ... "DIR=!_dir_!" would FAIL if the NMAKE path has spaces! :-ooo
if exist %%i\*.%%x !_make_! /c compiling DIR=!_dir_! SRC_EXT_=%%x $(custom_build_options) || if errorlevel 1 exit -1

-> xparq/Out_of_Nothing#194, #5!

-> Also, I've seen it locally on a fresh Win10 test OON setup: the problem there was double-quoting $(MAKE)! (Fixed only there yet!) It seems NMAKE does it already for paths like "C:\Program Files"!

NMAKE: inconclusive tests with inheriting cmdline macros... WTF?

  • On the one hand, I had the initial experience, when I first learned about the problem at all... It seemed to not have (working) support for that actually (hence the cringy workaround).
    • This assumption was later reinforced by learning that NMAKE 1.20 used to have /V for inheriting macros, but (my current) v14 doesn't have that option any more. (But that proved to be a red herring: it meant inheriting all macros, in addition to those defined on the cmdline! (Still very interesting why they abandoned that feature. I guess it may have introduced issues regarding what should override what; also.)
  • OTOH, I can't reproduce it now (-> e.g. x1ab: NMAKE studies...).
  • But even there, I did have a failure case, when it had broken the propagation of that macro (when I tried to also add a loop guard macro to the child cmdline)...
  • But, but... then again, after getting rid of that (by not looping), and adding another macro on the cmdline later...: just can't seem to get the same error yet again... :-o

Make the DEBUG/CRT suffixes configurable

OK, and these are the (new) defaults:

# Output dir/file suffixes for build alternatives
# NOTE: Must differ from their "no ..." counterparts to avoid code (linking)
#       mismatches!

Ideally, suffixes like /crtdll, /debug should also Just Work, but unfortunately the MSVC toolchain would stubbornly refuse to implicitly create any intermediate directories... :-/

Solve that `/` vs `\` mystery in the `objs` rule...

objs: $(src_dir)/$(units_pattern).$(SRC_EXT_)
# Amazingly, using backslashes (instead of /) in the `patsubst` below would kill the inf. rule matching! :-o
# (Despite also changing it to backslash above, in the rule, of course.
# And despite inf. rules being quite robust against / vs \ otherwise.
# What am I missing here, on this late night hour?...)
    @$(MAKE_CMD) RECURSED_FOR_COMPILING=1 DIR=$(DIR) $(custom_build_options)\
	    $(patsubst $(src_dir)/%,$(obj_dir)/%, $(subst .$(SRC_EXT_),.obj,$**))

Well, OK, the need for escaping \ was what I had been missing! :)

objs: $(src_dir)\$(units_pattern).$(SRC_EXT_)
    @$(MAKE_CMD) RECURSED_FOR_COMPILING=1 DIR=$(DIR) $(custom_build_options)\
	    $(patsubst $(src_dir)\\%,$(obj_dir)\\%, $(subst .$(SRC_EXT_),.obj,$**))

What to do with the "cmdline macros can't be modified" NMAKE lameness?

The macro-def. precedence rules don't say that "take precedence" doesn't just mean the order they will be initialized, but also that they can only be set where they had been initialized! :-o (Actually, GNU make does it similarly, except they do provide the override keyword to control this!)

So, this will be either able or unable to fixup inputs depending on where their initial (e.g. default) value comes from! :-o

!if "$(out_dir)" == "" || "$(out_dir)" == "\"
!message out_dir is empty, fixing up!...
out_dir = .$(out_dir)
!message out_dir = $(out_dir)

(E.g. out_dir will always remain empty with nmake out_dir=!...)

OK, well, even though capitalizing the cfg. macro names (fortunately, NMAKE, too (like GNU make) is case-sensitive) + the normalizing step from / to \ provides a perfect reconciliation point, bridging the "externs" into "locals", but... it needs to be documented that they are still impossible to set on the command-line, because the recursive NMAKE calls will lose them anyway! :-(

-> Well, added the comment: # Note: the cfg. options can't be set on the NMAKE command line, only here!

Exe build: link can't find LIBCMT.lib

Creating executable: out/example.exe...
link    out/obj/main.obj out/example.lib -out:out/example.exe
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.35.32215.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'LIBCMT.lib'

When running the exact same (copy-pasted) link command manually, it just works fine.

Stop regenerating the lib no matter what...

Since lib creation is cheap (fast) and relatively simple, whereas the actual dep. checking with the current multi-stage tree-traversal (thanks, NMAKE) would be cumbersome and daunting, and, well, I haven't got 'round to it, currently it just does a blatant lib reassembly on every run...

However, the real issue is that it then triggers relinking all the executables, too, that depend on the lib... :-/

Legacy/pending notes to digest...

#!!Would fail with fatal error U1037 dunno how to make *.ixx, if they don't happen to exist!
#!!objs:: $(src_dir)/$(units_pattern).ixx
#!!	@$(MAKE) -nologo RECURSED_FOR_COMPILING=1 DIR=$(DIR) $(patsubst $(src_dir)/%,$(obj_dir)/%,$(**:.ixx=.ifc))

To avoid the issue when a given source type -- used as a wildcard dependency
-- doesn't exist in the given source dir, this hackey won't work, because they
will catch all the existing cases, too:

#!! Well, no `%|eF` either: it "requires a dependent"! ;)
	@echo Bu! Silencing the "Dunno how to make *.cpp" error, when no such file exists.
	@echo Bu! Silencing the "Dunno how to make *.cxx" error, when no such file exists.
	@echo Bu! Silencing the "Dunno how to make *.c" error, when no no such file exists.
	@echo Bu! Silencing the "Dunno how to make *.ixx" error, when no no such file exists.

To mitigate the stupid "can't build unmatched wildcard" error, the combined
objs: c* rule can (coincidentally...) cover in one rule the cases, where
at least some .c* source exists in the given dir...

Recompiling an .ifc doesn't trigger relinking...

-> #45!

It goes in 2 stages after deleting an .ifc:

  1. Recomp. .ixx -> .ifc, and also -> an .obj. Yet, no linking -- despite Storage.obj listed in the link deps! :-o
  2. Strangely, a subsequent build, however, now does perform a fresh linking!...

Anyway, I guess obj. files should depend on ifcs (like on headers?), which is not yet represented.

Subproject mode, via `!include`-ing other Jumpstart makefiles

The main use case is automating/simplifying the integration of libs into other (lib or app) projects.

  • The output of a subproject should be trivially "chained" as input to an enclosing (parent) project.
  • Generic build options (like toolchain selection, build modes etc.) should be controlled top-down, by parent projects.

Capitalize the cfg. options

  • Replace all occurrences
  • Sync the cfg. sections of the "beta" client makefiles (sfw, thor)
  • Mark it as done in the README then.

Stop the main loop on error from a child NMAKE

FWIW (also -> #21!):

nmake /f nonexisting || echo %ERRORLEVEL% -> 0
dir nonexisting || echo %ERRORLEVEL% -> 0
nonexisting || echo %ERRORLEVEL% -> 0...

I can't ever get a non-0 with this idiom on the CMD command line. (Haven't tried in a batch file now, but would be (kinda-sorta, "historic'ly") interesting to find out what the hell...)

This form still works (in the same context), though: nmake /f nonexisting || if errorlevel 1 echo FAILED!
Still can't capture & forward the original exit code of the failed process.

But at least this form also works with if: if something nmake /f nonexisting || if errorlevel 1 echo FAILED!

Custom build options: propagate them through recursion

This is to ease updating the Makefile in client projects -- which is still a manual process of copy-pasting portions of the Makefile! (-> also: #12)

OK, for custom build options there's the custom_build_options macro now, which, if set as documented (in its comment), will propagate the custom macros to the recursed NMAKE processes.

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