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OpenXR Conformance Test Suite

OpenXR Conformance Test Suite is a collection of tests covering the breadth of the OpenXR API. Some tests have been grouped by tags depending on the involvement of the tester/invoker (e.g. [interactive]) and the area of the test (e.g. [composition] and [actions]). Interactive tests for validating layer composition must run for all graphics APIs supported by the runtime and action tests must run for all interaction profiles supported by the runtime. For this reason the suite of tests is run multiple times with different configurations.

conformance_cli, a command-line interface application, is provided for running on PCs and other devices and platforms which support this form of application. conformance_cli also demonstrates how to build an application which can interop with the conformance_test shared library. If the device being tested does not support a command-line interface, a host application must be built for the device which the OpenXR runtime will run on. The conformance host must invoke conformance_test, the test suite shared library.

Running CTS

For each run, you will also need to preserve the console output (or equivalent) as it is important for interpreting the results.

  1. Run the automated tests (non-interactive tests) for every graphics API that is supported.


     conformance_cli "exclude:[interactive]" -G d3d11 --reporter ctsxml::out=automated_d3d11.xml
     conformance_cli "exclude:[interactive]" -G d3d12 --reporter ctsxml::out=automated_d3d12.xml
     conformance_cli "exclude:[interactive]" -G vulkan --reporter ctsxml::out=automated_vulkan.xml
     conformance_cli "exclude:[interactive]" -G vulkan2 --reporter ctsxml::out=automated_vulkan2.xml
     conformance_cli "exclude:[interactive]" -G opengl --reporter ctsxml::out=automated_opengl.xml


    • Some tests require that a begun session progresses to XR_SESSION_STATE_FOCUSED.
    • Some tests require valid view tracking (XR_VIEW_STATE_ORIENTATION_VALID_BIT & XR_VIEW_STATE_POSITION_VALID_BIT).
    • If you need to specify a different environment blend mode than XR_ENVIRONMENT_BLEND_MODE_OPAQUE, pass something like the following additionally: -B Additive or --environmentBlendMode Additive
  2. Run the interactive composition tests for every graphics API that is supported.


     conformance_cli "[composition][interactive]" -G d3d11 --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_composition_d3d11.xml
     conformance_cli "[composition][interactive]" -G d3d12 --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_composition_d3d12.xml
     conformance_cli "[composition][interactive]" -G vulkan --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_composition_vulkan.xml
     conformance_cli "[composition][interactive]" -G vulkan2 --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_composition_vulkan2.xml
     conformance_cli "[composition][interactive]" -G opengl --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_composition_opengl.xml


    • The runtime must support khr/simple_controller to manually pass or fail each test through the input/menu/click and input/select/click input paths. The tester must evaluate the composed output and pass or fail the tests by comparing it to the provided expected result image. While khr/simple_controller isn't required for conformance, it is strongly encouraged. If it cannot be included for some reason, use of another interaction profile may be performed through the porting process
  3. Run the interactive scenario tests. Run the tests for at least one graphics API.


     conformance_cli "[scenario][interactive]" -G opengl --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_scenarios.xml


    • The runtime must support khr/simple_controller. If it cannot be included for some reason, use of another interaction profile may be performed through the porting process
  4. Run the interactive action tests for every interaction profile your runtime can bind completely to a device. Run the tests for at least one graphics API.


     conformance_cli "[actions][interactive]" -G d3d11 -I "khr/simple_controller" --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_action_simple_controller.xml
     conformance_cli "[actions][interactive]" -G d3d11 -I "microsoft/motion_controller" --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_action_microsoft_motion_controller.xml
     conformance_cli "[actions][interactive]" -G d3d11 -I "oculus/touch_controller" --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_action_oculus_touch_controller.xml
     conformance_cli "[actions][interactive]" -G d3d11 -I "htc/vive_controller" --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_action_htc_vive_controller.xml

    Note that the microsoft/xbox_controller interaction profile only needs to run against the [gamepad] tests:

     conformance_cli "[gamepad]" -G d3d11 -I "microsoft/xbox_controller" --reporter ctsxml::out=interactive_action_microsoft_xbox_controller.xml


    • A person must use the OpenXR action system input by following the displayed instructions.
    • The interaction profile paths specified with -I must have the "/interaction_profile/" prefix stripped to avoid a parsing bug in Catch2.
  5. Bundle up the conformance test suite output XML files, the console output, and the other requirements of the OpenXR section of the Conformance Process document, and submit to Khronos for review and approval by the OpenXR Working Group.

Android Specifics

The APK includes a NativeActivity that runs the CTS tests, along with the Conformance Layer. The activity accepts the equivalent of the command line arguments described above using "Intent Extras" instead. adb shell may be used to start the CTS and pass intent extras, for example as follows:

 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "exclude:[interactive]" -e graphicsPlugin vulkan -e xmlFilename automated_vulkan.xml

which is the rough equivalent of the Vulkan-related command in item 1 above.

  • --esa specifies a "string array" extra. The activity checks for one named args to treat as command line arguments to pass to the core test. This is comma-delimited, a comma may be escaped using \, per the am documentation.
  • After processing the string array, if any, a number of the string-related command line arguments are checked as their own separate string intent extras. For example, you may specify the graphics plugin as Vulkan by -e graphicsPlugin vulkan. The extra name is the "full" option name. Any of these found to be non-empty are appended to the end of the simulated command line arguments.
  • If a graphics plugin has not been specified in the preceding steps, arguments are added to use the OpenGLES plugin by default, to make usage from launchers easier.
  • Finally, unless a boolean extra named skipXml is found and true, arguments are added to generate a file with xml output in the application's writable data. You can see this path in logcat and retrieve it from the device using adb or other methods (USB file transfer mode, etc.). The filename may be set using a string intent extra named xmlFilename.

You will need to translate the sample command lines in the preceding section to this format using intent extras, or create a launcher activity that generates those intents. Samples translated include:

 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "exclude:[interactive]" -e graphicsPlugin vulkan -e xmlFilename automated_vulkan.xml
 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "exclude:[interactive]" -e graphicsPlugin vulkan2 -e xmlFilename automated_vulkan2.xml
 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "exclude:[interactive]" -e graphicsPlugin opengles -e xmlFilename automated_opengles.xml

 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "[composition][interactive]" -e graphicsPlugin vulkan -e xmlFilename interactive_composition_vulkan.xml
 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "[composition][interactive]" -e graphicsPlugin vulkan2 -e xmlFilename interactive_composition_vulkan2.xml
 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "[composition][interactive]" -e graphicsPlugin opengles -e xmlFilename interactive_composition_opengles.xml

 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "[scenario][interactive]" -e xmlFilename interactive_scenarios.xml

 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "[actions][interactive],-I,khr/simple_controller" -e xmlFilename interactive_action_simple_controller.xml
 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "[actions][interactive],-I,microsoft/motion_controller" -e xmlFilename interactive_action_microsoft_motion_controller.xml
 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "[actions][interactive],-I,oculus/touch_controller" -e xmlFilename interactive_action_oculus_touch_controller.xml
 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "[gamepad],-I,htc/vive_controller" -e xmlFilename interactive_action_htc_vive_controller.xml

 adb shell am start-activity -S -n org.khronos.openxr.cts/ --esa args "[actions][interactive],-I,microsoft/xbox_controller" -e xmlFilename interactive_action_microsoft_xbox_controller.xml

If you need to specify a different environment blend mode than XR_ENVIRONMENT_BLEND_MODE_OPAQUE, pass something like the following additionally: -e environmentBlendMode Additive

Alternatively, you may pass space-separated args using setprop debug.xr.conform.args "args here" as in earlier versions of the CTS; however, this does not allow you to specify arguments with spaces and does not allow you to set the output filename. A property set this way persists until the device restarts.

Conformance Submission Package Requirements

The submission package must include:

  1. The bundle of output XML files as generated in the above Running CTS section
  2. The console output produced by the CTS runs above.
  3. Information on the build of conformance used in generating the results.
  4. Conformance statement.


  1. The bundle of output XML files:

    One or more automated test result XML files, 1 per graphics API supported, therefore one or more of the following generated output files:


    The output XML file(s) from running the interactive tests, 1 per supported graphics API, therefore one or more of the following generated output files:


    At least one output file from running the interactive scenario tests on a single graphics API (more is better):


    The output XML file(s) from running the interactive action tests, 1 per supported interaction profile, therefore one or more of the following generated output files. This list below are example files, each platform may have their own controllers though simple_controller is expected to be supported at a minimum.

  2. The console output produced by the CTS runs above.

    Each test suite run starts by printing test configuration data, and ends by printing a "Report" showing details of the runtime and environment (extensions, etc) used in that run. A few tests produce console output in-between that does not show up in the result XML. It is important to have this data for the interpretation of the results.

  3. Information on the build of conformance used in generating the results:

    Files containing the result of the commands, git status and git log from the CTS directory:


    If there were changes required to pass the conformance test suite, a diff of the changes from a tagged release build of the suite should be included as well:


    Note that only the tagged releases on the OpenXR-CTS repo are accepted without a diff: the latest such release will always be on the "approved" branch. The default "devel" branch is useful during development, but has not yet been voted on by the working group and is thus ineligible for submissions without a full diff. If the devel branch works better for you, you may consider encouraging the working group to tag a new release of conformance.

  4. Conformance Statement

    A file containing information regarding the submission called statement-<adopter>.txt

     CONFORM_VERSION:         <git tag of CTS release>
     PRODUCT:                 <string-value>
     CPU:                     <string-value>
     OS:                      <string-value>
     WARNING_EXPLANATIONS:    <optional> <paragraph describing why the warnings present in the conformance logs are not indications of conformance failure>
     WAIVERS:                 <optional> <paragraph describing waiver requests for non-conformant test results>

    The actual submission package consists of the above set of files which must be bundled into a gzipped tar file named XR<API major><API minor>_<adopter><_info>.tgz. <API major> is the major version of the OpenXR API specification, <API minor> is the minor version of the OpenXR API specification. <adopter> is the name of the Adopting member company, or some recognizable abbreviation. The <_info> field is optional. It may be used to uniquely identify a submission by OS, platform, date, or other criteria when making multiple submissions. For example, a company XYZ may make a submission for an OpenXR 1.0 implementation named XR10_XYZ_PRODUCTA_Windows10.tgz.


Any test failures due to presumed bugs in the conformance tests not matching specification behavior should be submitted as issues with potential fixes against the conformance suite. Waivers are requested for test failures where the underlying platform fails to meet the expected specification behavior. These are requested in the statement file as described above. Enough detail should be provided such that submission reviewers can judge the potential impact and risk to the ecosystem of approving the submission.

Conformance Criteria

A conformance run is considered passing if all tests finish with allowed result codes, and all warnings are acceptably explained to describe why they are not a conformance failure. Test results are contained in the output XML files, which are an extension of the common "*Unit" schema with some custom elements. Each test case leaf section is reached by a run of its own, and is recorded with a testcase tag, e.g.:

<testcase classname="global" name="Swapchains/Swapchain creation test parameters" time="1.207" status="run">

If all assertions in that case passed, there are no child elements to the testcase tag. However, testcase tags may contain a warning, failure, or error:

<cts:warning type="WARN">


<failure message="" type="">


<error message="" type="">

With the results of the entire run summarized in testsuite tag (listing the number of assertions):

<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" tests="<number of successful assertions>" time="1.407">

as well as in the cts:results tag in cts:ctsConformanceReport (listing the number of top level test cases):

<cts:results testSuccessCount="1" testFailureCount="0"/>

Any error or failure when testing core or KHR extension functionality means your runtime is not conformant.

Any warnings may indicate non-conformance and should be explained in the submission package.

Test Tags

Tests should be categorized using tags. The following common tags are used:

  • [actions]: indicates that this test is an "Action" test.
  • [composition]: indicates that this test requires the tester to do a visual comparison.
  • [interactive]: indicates that this test requires user input.
  • [no_auto]: indicates that this interactive test cannot be automated by the XR_EXT_conformance_automation extension.
  • [scenario]: indicates that the tester must perform a certain set of actions to pass the test.

If a test requires an extension the extension name should be listed as a tag. See for example the test_XR_KHR_visibility_mask.cpp

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