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threadpool-using-pthread's Introduction

基于pthread的linux c 并发线程库

  • 概览:

    • 线程借助pthread_cond_t, 通过pthread_cond_wait睡眠,通过pthread_cond_signal唤醒
    • 通过链表作为容器容纳 thread和task
    • 特点:
      • 简答解决task并发(线程池并发)
      • 简单解决log并发(mutex和tls)(同步log)
      • 简单实现list泛型
      • posix api风格
  • 编译: gcc threadpool.c main.c log.c list_t.c -o main -lpthread

  • 主要线程函数循环(简化版):

    void* thread_routine(void* arg) {
      threadpool_t* pool = (threadpool_t*)arg;
      pthread_t tid = pthread_self();
      thread_t thread;
      thread_init(&thread, &tid);
      thread_t* t = (thread_t*)push(&pool->thread_list, &thread);
      while (1) {
        int wake_flag = 0;
        while (pool->task_list.total_size == 0) {
          // 可能惊群? 不过是库实现,不管他了
          if (wake_flag == 1) {
            LOG(_LOG_DEBUG, "线程:%ld 阻塞  无效唤醒", pthread_self());
          } else {
            LOG(_LOG_DEBUG, "线程:%ld 阻塞  等待唤醒", pthread_self());
          pthread_cond_wait(&pool->cond_var, &pool->mutx);
          // 理想的实现是wait的同时,idle_size--; -->因此,弃用idle_size
          wake_flag = 1;
        wake_flag = 0;
        thread_set_state(t, THREAD_RUN);
        thread_set_state(t, THREAD_IDLE);
  • 测试函数(线程库的用法):

    int main() {
      threadpool_t pool;
      threadpool_init(&pool, 10);
      char fn_name[20] = {0};
      LOG(_LOG_DEBUG, "Begin Add Task");
      for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
        snprintf(fn_name, sizeof(fn_name), "test_%d", i);
        task_t task;
        task_set(&task, test_sum_fn, &i, fn_name);
        pool_add_task(&pool, &task);
        // sleep(1);
      LOG(_LOG_DEBUG, "最终线程状态:");
      // threadpool_wait(&pool);
  • 文件组织

  • threadpool.h

    • 用于实现线程库主功能函数

    • 各个主要数据类型

      typedef struct thread_t {
        pthread_t tid;
        thread_state_t state;
      } thread_t;
      typedef struct task_t {
        _work_func fn;
        char fn_name[20];
        void* arg;
      } task_t;
      typedef struct threadpool_t {
        size_t idle_size;
        pthread_t tid_list[128];
        list_t thread_list;
        list_t task_list;
        pthread_mutex_t mutx;
        pthread_rwlock_t rw_lock;
        pthread_cond_t cond_var;
      } threadpool_t;
    • 辅助的常量,宏,类型别名等

      typedef void* (*_work_func)(void* arg);
      typedef enum THREAD_STATE {
        THREAD_IDLE = 1,
        THREAD_RUN = 2,
        THREAD_DELETE = 3,
        THREAD_INIT = 4,
      } thread_state_t;
    • 函数原型

      int threadpool_init(threadpool_t* pool, int n_threads);
      int threadpool_wait(threadpool_t* pool);
      int threadpool_destroy(threadpool_t* pool);
      int thread_init(thread_t* t, pthread_t* tid);
      int thread_set_state(thread_t* thread, thread_state_t state);
      int task_init(task_t* t);
      int task_set(task_t* task, _work_func fn, void* args, char* fn_name);
      pthread_t pool_add_thread(threadpool_t* pool);
      int pool_add_task(threadpool_t* pool, task_t* task);
      void* thread_routine(void* arg);
      void* consume_taskq(list_t* list);
      int get_pool_idle_size(threadpool_t* pool);
      int decre_pool_idle_size(threadpool_t* pool);
      int incre_pool_idle_size(threadpool_t* pool);
      int str_thread_state(int thread_state, char* buf);
  • log.h/.c

    • 实现一个并发安全的log
      • 即每次调用log函数是原子的
      • 改进方向:按log来源进行分类排序
    • 技术要点
      • 一方面是log锁,另一方面是tls,绝对不能共用log_buffer,很容易错
        static pthread_mutex_t log_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
        __thread char log_buffer[LOG_BUFFER_MAXSZ] = {0};
    • 辅助的枚举常量,宏
      #define DEBUG_2
      #define DEBUG
      enum LOG_SEVERITY {
        _LOG_INFO = 1,
        _LOG_WARN = 2,
        _LOG_ERR = 3,
        _LOG_DEBUG = 4,
        _LOG_DEBUG_2 = 5,  // 详细debug
    • 函数:
      • 改进:应该将几个内置宏(func,line...)作为参数传进去log_helper的,这样就不用写LOG宏了
      /* n: serverity code  */
      #define LOG(n, fmt, ...)                                                       \
        do {                                                                         \
          log_helper(n, get_prefix("[%s:%d:%s]", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__), fmt, \
                    ##__VA_ARGS__);                                                 \
        } while (0);
      const char* get_prefix(const char* fmt, ...);
      void log_helper(enum LOG_SEVERITY severity,
                      const char* prefix,
                      const char* fmt,
  • list

    • 实现了一个简单泛型list,用于装task和thread
      • 技术要点:
        • 利用void*指针
        • 利用data_size
    • 头文件:
      #ifndef NULL
      #define NULL ((void*)0)
      typedef struct list_node_t {
        void* data;
        struct list_node_t* next;
      } list_node_t;
      typedef struct list_t {
        pthread_mutex_t mutx;
        pthread_rwlock_t rw_lock;  //访问total_size
        list_node_t* head;
        list_node_t* tail;
        int total_size;  //计数,增加一个node,total_size++
        int data_size;
      } list_t;
      void* list_init(list_t* list, int data_size);
      void* push(list_t* list, void* elem);
      void* pop(list_t* list, void* elem);
      void print_list(list_t* list);
      int get_list_size(list_t* list);

Thread Pool


  • 可以看出每次唤醒的线程都是不一样的! 测试代码:
int main() {
  threadpool_t pool;
  threadpool_init(&pool, 10);
  char fn_name[20] = {0};

  LOG(_LOG_DEBUG, "Begin Add Task");
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    snprintf(fn_name, sizeof(fn_name), "test_%d", i);
    task_t task;
    task_set(&task, test_sum_fn, &i, fn_name);
    pool_add_task(&pool, &task);
  LOG(_LOG_DEBUG, "最终线程状态:");
  // threadpool_wait(&pool);
liwm29@lwm:~/pthreadpool$ gcc threadpool.c main.c log.c list_t.c -o main -lpthread
liwm29@lwm:~/pthreadpool$ ./main 
[INFO] [threadpool_init:14:threadpool.c] Begin thread pool init
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_INIT  | 
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447441553152 task size:0 pool size:1 idle size:0 thread_state:THREAD_INIT
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447441553152 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447433099008 state:THREAD_INIT  | 
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447433099008 task size:0 pool size:2 idle size:1 thread_state:THREAD_INIT
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447433099008 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447433099008 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447424644864 state:THREAD_INIT  | 
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447424644864 task size:0 pool size:3 idle size:2 thread_state:THREAD_INIT
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447424644864 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447433099008 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447424644864 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447416190720 state:THREAD_INIT  | 
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447416190720 task size:0 pool size:4 idle size:3 thread_state:THREAD_INIT
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447416190720 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447433099008 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447424644864 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447416190720 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447407736576 state:THREAD_INIT  | 
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447407736576 task size:0 pool size:5 idle size:4 thread_state:THREAD_INIT
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447407736576 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447433099008 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447424644864 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447416190720 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447407736576 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447399282432 state:THREAD_INIT  | 
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447399282432 task size:0 pool size:6 idle size:5 thread_state:THREAD_INIT
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447399282432 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447433099008 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447424644864 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447416190720 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447407736576 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447399282432 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447390828288 state:THREAD_INIT  | 
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447390828288 task size:0 pool size:7 idle size:6 thread_state:THREAD_INIT
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447390828288 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447433099008 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447424644864 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447416190720 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447407736576 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447399282432 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447390828288 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447041128192 state:THREAD_INIT  | 
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447041128192 task size:0 pool size:8 idle size:7 thread_state:THREAD_INIT
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447041128192 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447433099008 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447424644864 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447416190720 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447407736576 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447399282432 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447390828288 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447041128192 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447032674048 state:THREAD_INIT  | 
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447032674048 task size:0 pool size:9 idle size:8 thread_state:THREAD_INIT
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447032674048 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447433099008 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447424644864 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447416190720 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447407736576 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447399282432 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447390828288 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447041128192 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447032674048 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447024219904 state:THREAD_INIT  | 
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447024219904 task size:0 pool size:10 idle size:9 thread_state:THREAD_INIT
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447024219904 阻塞  等待唤醒
[INFO] [threadpool_init:30:threadpool.c] Thread_pool init OK
[DEBUG] [main:21:main.c] Begin Add Task
[INFO] [pool_add_task:68:threadpool.c] 加入任务:test_0
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:test_0  
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:118:threadpool.c] 线程:140447441553152 唤醒
线程:140447441553152   sum= 4950   i=0
[INFO] [consume_taskq:141:threadpool.c] 线程:140447441553152, 消费任务:test_0 完成
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表: 空
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447441553152 task size:0 pool size:10 idle size:9 thread_state:THREAD_IDLE
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447441553152 阻塞  等待唤醒
[INFO] [pool_add_task:68:threadpool.c] 加入任务:test_1
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:test_1  
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:118:threadpool.c] 线程:140447433099008 唤醒
线程:140447433099008   sum= 4950   i=1
[INFO] [consume_taskq:141:threadpool.c] 线程:140447433099008, 消费任务:test_1 完成
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表: 空
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447433099008 task size:0 pool size:10 idle size:9 thread_state:THREAD_IDLE
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447433099008 阻塞  等待唤醒
[INFO] [pool_add_task:68:threadpool.c] 加入任务:test_2
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:test_2  
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:118:threadpool.c] 线程:140447424644864 唤醒
线程:140447424644864   sum= 4950   i=2
[INFO] [consume_taskq:141:threadpool.c] 线程:140447424644864, 消费任务:test_2 完成
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表: 空
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447424644864 task size:0 pool size:10 idle size:9 thread_state:THREAD_IDLE
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447424644864 阻塞  等待唤醒
[INFO] [pool_add_task:68:threadpool.c] 加入任务:test_3
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:test_3  
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:118:threadpool.c] 线程:140447416190720 唤醒
线程:140447416190720   sum= 4950   i=3
[INFO] [consume_taskq:141:threadpool.c] 线程:140447416190720, 消费任务:test_3 完成
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表: 空
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447416190720 task size:0 pool size:10 idle size:9 thread_state:THREAD_IDLE
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447416190720 阻塞  等待唤醒
[INFO] [pool_add_task:68:threadpool.c] 加入任务:test_4
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:test_4  
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:118:threadpool.c] 线程:140447407736576 唤醒
线程:140447407736576   sum= 4950   i=4
[INFO] [consume_taskq:141:threadpool.c] 线程:140447407736576, 消费任务:test_4 完成
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表: 空
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140447407736576 task size:0 pool size:10 idle size:9 thread_state:THREAD_IDLE
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140447407736576 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG] [main:32:main.c] 最终线程状态:
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140447441553152 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140447433099008 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140447424644864 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140447416190720 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140447407736576 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140447399282432 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447390828288 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447041128192 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447032674048 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140447024219904 state:THREAD_INIT  |


  • 可以看出只会有一个线程被唤醒 测试代码:
int main() {
  threadpool_t pool;
  threadpool_init(&pool, 10);
  char fn_name[20] = {0};

  LOG(_LOG_DEBUG, "Begin Add Task");
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    snprintf(fn_name, sizeof(fn_name), "test_%d", i);
    task_t task;
    task_set(&task, test_sum_fn, &i, fn_name);
    pool_add_task(&pool, &task);
    // sleep(1);
  LOG(_LOG_DEBUG, "最终线程状态:");
  // threadpool_wait(&pool);
liwm29@lwm:~/pthreadpool$ gcc threadpool.c main.c log.c list_t.c -o main -lpthread
liwm29@lwm:~/pthreadpool$ ./main 

[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表: 空
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:140019255543552 task size:0 pool size:10 idle size:9 thread_state:THREAD_IDLE
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:140019255543552 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:140019238635264 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:140019155011328 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:140019146557184 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:140019247089408 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [main:31:main.c] 最终线程状态:
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140019255543552 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140019247089408 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140019238635264 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140019155011328 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140019146557184 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140019138103040 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140019129648896 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140019121194752 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140019112740608 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:140019104286464 state:THREAD_INIT  | 

  • 加大任务量,task=20,thread=10
    • 无效唤醒增多,最终还是只有一个线程持续在做任务
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表: 空
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:97:threadpool.c] 线程:139911795312384 task size:0 pool size:10 idle size:9 thread_state:THREAD_IDLE
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:106:threadpool.c] 线程:139911795312384 阻塞  等待唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:139911176849152 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:139911803766528 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:139911705265920 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:139911696811776 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:139911679903488 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:139911713720064 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:139911688357632 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:139911671449344 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [thread_routine:104:threadpool.c] 线程:139911662995200 阻塞  无效唤醒
[DEBUG] [main:31:main.c] 最终线程状态:
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:139911803766528 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:139911795312384 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:139911713720064 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:139911705265920 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:139911696811776 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:139911688357632 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:139911679903488 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:139911671449344 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:139911662995200 state:THREAD_INIT  | tid:139911176849152 state:THREAD_INIT  | 

  • 给予线程休息时间(做完一个任务后sleep(1)) task =20, thread =10
    • 结果: 线程全部有效唤醒!
[DEBUG_2] [print_list:110:list_t.c] 线程/任务列表:tid:140132566763264 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140132558309120 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140132549854976 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140132541400832 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140132532946688 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140132524492544 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140132516038400 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140132166338304 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140132157884160 state:THREAD_IDLE  | tid:140132149430016 state:THREAD_IDLE  | 

threadpool-using-pthread's People


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    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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