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software-engineering-abbreviations-acronyms's Introduction


Ordered by alphabet




  • CA
    • Certificate / Certification Authority
  • CaaS
    • Container as a Service
  • CAN
  • CAP theorem
    • Consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance
  • CASE
    • Computer Aided Software Engineering
  • CBD
    • Component-Based Development (Same with CBSE)
  • CBSE
    • Component-Based Software Engineering
  • CC
    • Carbon Copy
  • CCP
    • Common-Closure Principle
  • CD
    • Continuous Delivery
    • Continuous Deployment
  • CDA
    • Content Delivery Application
  • CDC
    • Change Data Capture
  • CDD
    • Configuration-Driven Development
  • CDN
  • CDT
    • Central Daylight Time
  • CEO
    • Chief Executive Officer
  • CEP
    • Complex Event Processing
  • CFD
  • CFO
    • Chief Financial Officer
  • CI
    • Continuous Integration
  • CI/CD / CICD
    • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery / Deployment
  • CL
  • CLOB / clob
  • CLI
  • CLT
    • Command-Line Tool
  • CM
    • Content Management
  • CMO
    • Chief Marketing Officer
  • CMP
    • Certificate Management Protocol
  • CMS
  • CO
    • Commitment Ordering
  • COO
    • Chief Operating Officer / Chief Operation Officer
  • CPS
    • Connections Per Second
  • CPU
    • Central Processing Unit
  • CQRS
    • Command and Query Responsibility Segregation
  • CQS
    • Command-Query Separation (principle)
  • CR
    • Code Review
  • CRM
  • CRP
    • Common-Reuse Principle
  • CRUD
  • CSA
    • Cloud Security Alliance
  • CSO
    • Chief Security Officer
  • CSP
  • CSS
    • Cascading Style Sheets
  • CST
    • Central Standard Time
  • CSV
  • CTDD
  • CTO
    • Chief Technology Officer
  • CUI
  • C2B
    • Consumer to Business
  • C2C
    • Consumer to Consumer



  • EAI
    • Enterprise Application Integration
  • EB
    • Exabyte
  • EBC
    • Entity-Boundary-Control (Same with ECB)
  • EC
    • Eventual Consistency
  • ECB
    • Entity-Control-Boundary
  • ECM
    • Enterprise Content Management
  • ECO
    • Extended Commitment Ordering
  • ECRS
    • Expense and Cost Recovery System
  • EDA
    • Event-Driven Architecture
  • EDD
    • Example-Driven Development
  • EDH
    • Enterprise Data Hub
  • EDI
    • Electronic Data Interchange
  • EDW
    • Enterprise Data Warehouse (Same with DW)
  • ELK
    • Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (tech stack)
  • ELT
  • EM
    • Engineering Manager
  • EMV
    • Europay, Mastercard and Visa
  • EOD
    • End of Day
  • EOF
    • End of File
  • EOL
    • End of Line
  • EOM
    • End of Month
    • End of Message
  • EOT
    • End of Transmission
  • EOW
    • End of Week
  • ER
    • Entity Relationship
  • ERD
  • ERP
  • ES
  • ESB
    • Enterprise Service Bus
  • ESP
    • Event Stream Processing
  • EST
    • Eastern Time Zone
  • ETA
    • Estimated Time of Arrival
  • ETL
  • EUT
    • Equipment Under Test
  • E2E
    • End-To-End
  • e.g.
    • for example





  • IaaS
  • IaC
    • Infrastructure as code
  • IAM
    • Identity and Access Management
  • IC
    • Individual Contributor
  • ICN
    • Information-Centric Networking
  • IDE
    • Integrated Development Environment
  • IDL
    • Interface Definition Language
  • IdM
    • Identity Management
  • IEEE
    • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
  • IETF
    • Internet Engineering Task Force
  • IIRC
    • If I Recall/Remember Correctly
  • IIUC
    • If I Understand Correctly
  • IM
    • Instant Messaging
  • IMAP
    • Internet Message Access Protocol
  • IMO
    • In My Opinion
  • IMHO
    • In My Honest/Humble Opinion
  • IoT
    • Internet of Things
  • IOW
    • In Other Words
  • IP
    • Internet Protocol
    • Intellectual Property
  • IPC
    • Inter-Process Communication / InterProcess Communication
  • IPv4
    • Internet Protocol version 4
  • IPv6
    • Internet Protocol version 6
  • ISO
    • International Organization for Standardization
  • ISP
  • ISV
    • Independent Software Vendor
  • IT
    • Information Technology
  • ITSM
    • Information Technology Service Management
  • i.e.
    • in other words


  • JAD
    • Joint Application Design
  • JDBC
    • Java Database Connectivity
  • JDK
    • Java Development Kit
  • JMS
    • Java Message Service
  • JRE
    • Java Runtime Environment
  • JS
    • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • JVM
    • Java Virtual Machine


  • KB
    • Kilobyte
  • KBps
    • Kilobyte per second
  • KISS
    • Keep It Simple, Stupid! (principle)
  • KMS
    • Key Management Service
  • KPI
    • Key Performance Indicator


  • LAMP
    • Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python (tech stack)
  • LAN
  • LB
  • LCME
    • Linux, Yaws, CouchDB, Erlang (tech stack)
  • LDAP
    • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
  • LDF
    • Longest Distance First
    • Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard
  • LeSS
    • Large-Scale Scrum
  • LGTM
    • Looks Good to Me
  • LIFO
    • Last In, First Out
  • LMK
    • Let Me Know
  • LMS
  • LRU
    • Least Recently Used
  • LYME
    • Linux, Yaws, Mnesia, Erlang (tech stack)


  • MAC
    • Message Authentication Code
  • MAN
    • Metropolitan Area Network
  • MB
    • Megabyte
  • MBaaS
  • MBps
    • Megabyte per second
  • MDM
    • Master Data Management
  • MEAN
    • MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS and Node.js (tech stack)
  • MERN
    • MongoDB, Express.js, React and Node.js (tech stack)
  • MEVN
    • MongoDB, Express.js, VueJS, Node.js (tech stack)
  • MFA
    • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • MFT
    • Managed File Transfer
  • MIME
    • Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
  • MIS
    • Management Information System
  • ML
    • Machine Learning
  • MOM
    • Message-Oriented Middleware
  • MPA
    • Multi-Party Authorization
  • MQ
    • Message Queue
  • MR
    • Merge Request
  • MS
    • Microsoft
  • MTBF
    • Mean Time Before Failure
  • MTDC
    • Multi-Tenant Data Center
  • MTTA
    • Mean Time To Acknowledge
  • MTTF
    • Mean Time To Failure
  • MTTR
    • Mean Time To Recovery
    • Mean Time To Repair
    • Mean Time To Respond
    • Mean Time To Resolve
  • MVA
    • Model–View–Adapter
  • MVC
    • Model–View–Controller
  • MVCC
    • Multi-Version Concurrency Control
  • MVCO
    • Multi-Version Commitment Ordering
  • MVD
    • Minimum Viable Documentation
  • MVNO
    • Mobile Virtual Network Operator
  • MVP
    • Model–View–Presenter
    • Minimal Vaable Product
  • MVVM
    • Model–View–View Model
  • MWN
    • Municipal Wireless Network


  • NaaS
  • NACK
    • Negative-Acknowledgement
  • NAK
    • Negative-Acknowledgement (Same with NACK)
  • NFU
    • Not Frequently Used
  • NIS
    • Network Information Service
  • NIT / nit
    • nit-pick / nitpicking / Nitpick
  • NLP
    • Natural Language Processing
  • NLU
    • Natural Language Understanding
  • NTFS
    • New Technology File System


  • OAuth
    • Open Authorization
  • OCC
  • OCO
    • Optimistic Commitment Ordering
  • ODBC
    • Open Database Connectivity
  • ODS
    • Operational Data Store
  • OIDC
    • OpenID Connect
  • OKR
    • Objectives and Key Results
  • OLAP
    • Online Analytical Processing
  • OLEP
    • Online Event Processing
  • OLTP
    • Online Transaction Processing
  • OMT
    • Object-Modeling Technique
  • OOA
    • Object-Oriented Analysis
  • OOAD
    • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  • OOD
    • Object-Oriented Design
  • OOO
    • Out Of Office
  • OOP
    • Object-Oriented Programming
  • OOUI
  • OpenUP
    • Open Unified Process
  • ORB
    • Object Request Broker
  • ORM
    • Object–Relational Mapping
  • OS
    • Operating System
  • OSI
    • Open Systems Interconnection (model)
  • OSS
    • Open-Source Software
    • Object Storage Service (Alibaba Cloud)
  • OTAC
    • One-Time Authorization Code (Same with OTP)
  • OTP


  • PaaS
  • PAC
    • Presentation–Abstraction–Control
  • PAN
  • PAT
    • Personal Access Token
  • PB
    • Petabyte
  • PBI
    • Product Backlog Item
  • PC
    • Personal Computer
  • PCC
  • PCI
    • Payment Card Industry
    • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
  • PEP
    • Python Enhancement Proposals
  • PIC
    • Personal In Charge
  • PIN
    • Personal Identification Number
  • PK
  • PKI
    • Public Key Infrastructure
  • PM
    • Project Manager
    • Product Manager
  • POC / PoC
    • Proof of Concept
    • Point of Contact
  • POJO
    • Plain Old Java Object
  • POLA
    • Principle Of Least Astonishment
  • POR
    • Plan Of Record
  • POV / PoV
    • Proof of Value
  • PR
    • Pull Request (Same with CL)
  • PRD
    • Product Requirements Document
  • Protobuf
    • Protocol Buffers
  • PSP
  • PST
    • Pacific Time Zone
  • PTAL
    • Please Take A Look
  • PTE
    • Part-Time Employee
  • PTO
    • Paid Time Off
  • PuTTY
    • A free and open-source terminal emulator, serial console and network file transfer application
  • P2P
    • Peer-to-Peer


  • QA
    • Quality Assurance
  • Q&A
    • Question-and-Answer
  • QBR
    • Quarterly Business Review
  • QC
    • Quality Control
  • QPS
    • Queries Per Second
  • QTR
    • Quarterly Tech Review


  • RA
    • Registration Authority
  • RAB
    • Rapid Application Building (Same with RAD)
  • RAD
  • RAID
    • Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks / Redundant Array of Independent Disks
  • RAM
    • Random Access Memory
  • RAN
    • Religious Area Network
  • RCA
    • Root Cause Analysis
  • RDUF
    • Rough Design Up Front (principle)
  • RE
    • Release Engineering
  • regex / regexp
    • Regular Expression
  • REP
    • Reuse-release Equivalence Principle
  • RERO
  • REST
    • Representational State Transfer
  • RFC
  • ROM
    • Read Only Memory
  • RPC
    • Remote Procedure Call
  • RPO
    • Recovery Point Objective
  • RPS
    • Requests Per Second
  • RSA
    • Rivest–Shamir–Adleman
  • RT
    • Response Time
  • RTO
    • Recovery Time Objective
  • RUP
    • Rational Unified Process
  • R&D
    • Research and Development


  • SaaS
  • SAFe
    • Scaled Agile Framework
  • SAML
    • Security Assertion Markup Language
  • SAN
  • SAP
    • Stable-Abstractions Principle
  • SASE
    • Secure Access Service Edge
  • SBA
    • Space-Based Architecture
  • SBE
    • Specification By Example 
  • SCA
    • Service Component Architecture
  • SCM
    • Software Configuration Management
    • Supply Chain Management
  • SCO
    • Strict Commitment Ordering
  • SDD
    • Story-Driven Development
  • SDK
    • Software Development Kits
  • SDLC
    • Systems Development Life Cycle
  • SDN
    • Software-Defined Networking
  • SD-WAN
    • Software-Defined WAN
  • SDO
    • Service Data Object
  • SDP
    • Stable-Dependencies Principle
  • SECaaS
    • Security as a Service
  • SEO
  • SFTP
    • SSH File Transfer Protocol
    • Secure File Transfer Protocol
  • SGML
    • Standard Generalized Markup Language
  • SLA
  • SLI
  • SLO
    • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound (goal setting framework)
  • SMS
    • Short Message Service
  • SMTP
    • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  • SN
    • Shared-Nothing (architecture)
    • Serial Number
  • SOA
    • Service-Oriented Architecture
  • SOAP
    • Simple Object Access Protocol
    • Single-responsibility principle, Open–closed principle, Liskov substitution principle, Interface segregation principle, Dependency inversion principle
  • SOP
    • Standard Operating Procedure
  • SPOF
    • Single Point Of Failure
  • SPOT
    • Single Point Of Truth (Same with SSOT)
  • SQA
    • Software Quality Assurance
  • SQL
  • SRE
    • Site Reliability Engineering
  • SRLC
    • Software Release Life Cycle
    • Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method
  • SSD
  • SSH
    • Secure Shell (Protocol)
  • SSL
    • Secure Sockets Layer
  • SSO
    • Single Sign-On
  • SSOT
  • SS2PL
    • Strong Strict 2-Phase Locking
  • SUT
    • System Under Test
  • SVOT
  • SWE
    • SoftWare Engineer
  • S2PL
    • Strict 2-Phase Locking


  • TB
    • Terabyte
  • TBA
    • To Be Announced
  • TBD
    • To Be Done/Decided/Determined
  • TBH
    • To Be Honest
  • TBR
    • To Be Reviewed
  • TBps
    • Terabyte per second
  • TC
    • Technical Candidate
  • TCC
    • Try-Confirm/Cancel
  • TCO
    • Total Cost of Ownership
  • TCP
    • Transmission Control Protocol
  • TDD
  • TDS
    • Transaction Data Store
  • TE
    • Test Engineer
  • TL
    • Tech Lead
  • TLM
    • Tech Lead Manager
  • TLS
    • Transport Layer Security
  • TLDR / TL;DR
    • Too Long, Didn't Read
  • TMS
    • There's More Than One Way To Do It (principle)
  • TPM
    • Technical Program Manager
    • Technological Protection Measure
  • TO
  • TOC
    • Table Of Contents
  • TOT
    • Top Of Tree (The newest code in the code base)
  • TOTP
  • TPA
    • Third-Party Authenticator
  • TPS
    • Transactions Per Second
  • TSV
  • TTL
    • Time To Live
  • TTP
    • Trusted Third Party
  • TUI


  • UAP
    • Uniform Access Principle
  • UAT
    • User Acceptance Testing
  • UCaaS
    • Unified Communication as a Service
  • UCD
    • User-Centered Design
  • UDD
    • User-Driven Development (Same with UCD)
  • UDDI
    • Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
  • UDP
    • User Datagram Protocol
  • UI
  • UML
    • Unified Modeling Language
  • URI
    • Uniform Resource Identifier
  • URL
  • USD
    • Unified Software Development
  • UTC
    • Coordinated Universal Time
  • UTF-8
    • Unicode Transformation Format - 8-bit
  • UUT
    • Unit Under Test
  • UX
    • User Experience



  • WAL
    • Write-Ahead Logging (PostgreSQL)
  • WAN
  • WBAN
    • Wireless BAN (Same with BAN)
  • WCM
    • Web Content Management
  • WFH
    • Work From Home
  • WIP
    • Work In Progress
  • WLAN
  • WS
    • Web Service
  • WSDL
    • Web Service Description Language
  • W3C
    • World Wide Web Consortium






Group by prefix or suffix


  • CEO: Chief Executive Officer
  • CFO: Chief Financial Officer
  • COO: Chief Operating Officer / Chief Operation Officer
  • CTO: Chief Technology Officer
  • CMO: Chief Marketing Officer
  • CSO: Chief Security Officer


  • EOD: End of Day
  • EOF: End of File
  • EOL: End of Line
  • EOM: End of Message
  • EOM: End of Month
  • EOT: End of Transmission
  • EOW: End of Week


  • SLA: Service Level Agreement
  • SLI: Service Level Indicator
  • SLO: Service Level Objective



  • TDD: Test-Driven Development
  • BDD: Behavior-Driven Development
  • DDD: Domain-Driven Design


  • CMS: Content Management System
  • DBMS: Database Management System
  • GMS: Globalization Management System (Same with TMS)
  • KMS: Key Management Service
  • TMS: Translation Management System
  • LMS: Learning Management System


  • TPS: Transactions Per Second
  • QPS: Queries Per Second
  • RPS: Requests Per Second
  • CPS: Connections Per Second
  • bps: bits per second
  • Bps: Bytes per second
  • KBps: Kilobyte per second
  • MBps: Megabyte per second
  • GBps: Gigabyte per second
  • TBps: Terabyte per second



  • DUT: Device Under Test
  • EUT: Equipment Under Test
  • SUT: System Under Test
  • UUT: Unit Under Test

Group by topic


Data engineering

Data interchange format

Incident metrics

  • MTBF: Mean Time Before Failure
  • MTTA: Mean Time To Acknowledge
  • MTTF: Mean Time To Failure
  • MTTR: Mean Time To Recovery/Repair/Respond/Resolve

Risk management

  • DR: Disaster Recovery
  • DRP: Disaster Recovery Plan
  • BC: Business Continuity
  • BCP: Business Continuity Planning
  • RTO: Recovery Time Objective
  • RPO: Recovery Point Objective
  • MTPoD: Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption
  • MTD: Maximum Tolerable Downtime
  • MTO: Maximum Tolerable Outage
  • MAO: Maximum Allowable Outage
  • RCO: Recovery Consistency Objective
  • RCC: Recovery Consistency Characteristics
  • ROG: Recovery Object Granularity
  • BIA: Business Impact Analysis
  • TRA: Threat and Risk Analysis

Service level terminologies


OSI model

  • Layer 7: Application layer
  • Layer 4: Transport layer
    • TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
    • UDP: User Datagram Protocol
  • Layer 3: Network layer
    • IP: Internet Protocol
    • IPv4: IP (Internet Protocol) version 4
    • IPv6: IP (Internet Protocol) version 6


  • AML: Anti-Money Laundering
  • FACTA: Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act
  • HIPPA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  • DMCA: Digital Millennium Copyright Act


  • Synchronous
    • Web service
      • REST: Representational State Transfer
      • SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol
    • RPC: Remote Procedure Call
  • Asynchronous
    • MQ: Message Queue


  • AC: Acceptance Criteria
  • APM: Agile Project Management
  • PBI: Product Backlog Item

Cloud service provider

  • AWS: Amazon Web Services
  • GCP: Google Cloud Platform



  • CPU: Central Processing Unit
  • HDD: Hard Disk Drive
  • SSD: Solid-State Drive
  • RAM: Random Access Memory
  • ROM: Read Only Memory

Microservice design patterns

Tech stacks

  • LAMP: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python (tech stack)
  • ELK: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (tech stack)
  • LYME: Linux, Yaws, Mnesia, Erlang (tech stack)
  • LCME: Linux, Yaws, CouchDB, Erlang (tech stack)
  • MEAN: MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS and Node.js (tech stack)
  • MERN: MongoDB, Express.js, React and Node.js (tech stack)
  • MEVN: MongoDB, Express.js, VueJS, Node.js (tech stack)

Concurrency control

Factor-driven software development methodologies

Software development process

  • RAD: Rapid Application Development
  • ASD: Adaptive Software Development
  • USD: Unified Software Development
    • RUP: Rational Unified Process
    • OpenUP: Open Unified Process
    • AUP: Agile Unified Process
  • RAB: Rapid Application Building (Same with RAD)
  • DSDM: Dynamic Systems Development Method

Software design methodologies

  • DDD: Domain-Driven Design
  • UCD: User-Centered Design
  • VDD: Value-Driven Design
  • SSADM: Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method
  • HOOD: Hierarchic Object-Oriented Design

Software development principles

Programming paradigms

  • OOP: Object-Oriented Programming
  • FP: Functional Programming
  • XP: Extreme Programming
  • AOP: Aspect-Oriented Programming

Software architecture paradigms

  • EDA: Event-Driven Architecture
  • SBA: Space-Based Architecture
  • SN: Shared-Nothing (architecture)
  • SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture

Software architectural patterns

  • ADR: Action–Domain–Responder
    • MVC: Model–View–Controller
    • PAC: Presentation–Abstraction–Control
    • MVP: Model–View–Presenter
    • MVA: Model–View–Adapter
    • MVVM: Model–View–View Model
  • HMVC: Hierarchical Model–View–Controller
  • ECB: Entity-Control-Boundary
  • EBC: Entity-Boundary-Control (Same with ECB)
  • BCE: Boundary-Control-Entity (Same with ECB)

Software life cycles

  • SDLC: Systems Development Life Cycle
  • SRLC: Systems Release Life Cycle



  • JDBC: Java Database Connectivity
  • JDK: Java Development Kit
  • JMS: Java Message Service
  • JRE: Java Runtime Environment
  • JVM: Java Virtual Machine
  • POJO: Plain Old Java Object

File system

  • GFS: Google File System
  • HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System
  • NTFS: New Technology File System
  • FAT: File Allocation Table

Page replacement algorithms

  • LRU: Least Recently Used
  • NFU: Not Frequently Used
  • LDF: Longest Distance First
  • FIFO: First In, First Out


  • ISO: International Organization for Standardization
  • IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
  • IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
  • W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
  • LEDES: Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard

Data-size units

  • b: bit
  • B: Byte
  • KB: Kilobyte
  • MB: Megabyte
  • GB: Gigabyte
  • TB: Terabyte
  • PB: Petabyte
  • EB: Exabyte
  • ZB: Zettabyte
  • YB: Yottabyte

Data-rate units

  • bps: bits per second
  • Bps: Bytes per second
  • KBps: Kilobyte per second
  • MBps: Megabyte per second
  • GBps: Gigabyte per second
  • TBps: Terabyte per second


  • UTC: Coordinated Universal Time
  • GMT: Greenwich Mean Time
  • PST: Pacific Time Zone
  • EST: Eastern Time Zone
  • CST: Central Standard Time
  • CDT: Central Daylight Time
  • DST: Daylight Saving Time


  • BC: Business Continuity
  • BCP: Business Continuity Planning
  • B2B: Business to Business
  • B2C: Business to Consumer
  • B2E: Business to Employee
  • C2C: Consumer to Consumer
  • C2B: Consumer to Business
  • IP: Intellectual Property
  • KPI: Key Performance Indicator
  • R&D: Research and Development
  • SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
  • UX: User Experience
  • QBR: Quarterly Business Review
  • OKR: Objectives and Key Results


  • CEO: Chief Executive Officer
  • CFO: Chief Financial Officer
  • CMO: Chief Marketing Officer
  • COO: Chief Operating Officer / Chief Operation Officer
  • CSO: Chief Security Officer
  • CTO: Chief Technology Officer
  • IC: Individual Contributor
  • PM: Project Manager
  • PM: Product Manager
  • TL: Tech Lead
  • TLM: Tech Lead Manager
  • TPM: Technical Program Manager
  • TC: Technical Candidate
  • EM: Engineering Manager
  • SWE: SoftWare Engineer
  • TE: Test Engineer


  • EOD
  • EOW
  • DM
  • FTE
  • PTE
  • HR
  • OOO
  • PTO
  • TLDR / TL;DR
  • WFH: Work From Home


  • AFAICT: As Far As I Can Tell
  • AFAIK: As Far As I Know
  • AFK: Away From Keyboard
  • AKA: As Known As
  • ASAP: As Soon As Possible
  • BRB: Be Right Back
  • BTW: By The Way
  • DOB: Date Of Birth
  • ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
  • FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
  • FWIW: For What It's Worth
  • FYI: For Your Information
  • IIRC: If I Recall/Remember Correctly
  • IIUC: If I Understand Correctly
  • IMO: In My Opinion
  • IMHO: In My Honest/Humble Opinion
  • IOW: In Other Words
  • LGTM: Looks Good to Me
  • LMK: Let Me Know
  • NIT: nit-pick / nitpicking / Nitpick
  • PTAL: Please Take A Look
  • TBA: To Be Announced
  • TBD: To Be Done/Decided/Determined
  • TBH: To Be Honest
  • TBR: To Be Reviewed
  • WIP: Work In Progress
  • e.g.: for example
  • i.e.: in other words


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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.