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Woohoo Labs. Yang

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Woohoo Labs. Yang is a PHP framework which helps you to communicate with JSON:API servers more easily.

Table of Contents


JSON:API specification reached 1.0 on 29th May 2015 and we also believe it is a big day for RESTful APIs as this specification makes APIs more robust and future-proof than they have ever been. Woohoo Labs. Yang (named after Yin-Yang) was born to bring efficiency and elegance to your JSON:API clients, while Woohoo Labs. Yin is its server-side counterpart.


  • 100% PSR-7 compatibility
  • 99% JSON:API 1.1 conformance (approximately)
  • Provides a Request Builder to setup JSON:API request more easily
  • Provides easy-to-use HTTP clients via PSR-18 and HTTPlug
  • Supports hydrators out-of-the-box in order to easily convert API responses to objects


The only thing you need before getting started is Composer.

Install an HTTP client and message implementations:

Because Yang requires a HTTP client implementation, you must install one first. You may use Guzzle 7 Adapter or any other library of your preference:

$ composer require php-http/guzzle7-adapter

Install Yang:

To install the latest version of this library, run the command below:

$ composer require woohoolabs/yang

Note: The tests and examples won't be downloaded by default. You have to use composer require woohoolabs/yang --prefer-source or clone the repository if you need them.

Yang requires PHP 7.4 at least. You may use Yang 2.3 for PHP 7.2.

Basic Usage

Yang can help you in three ways to communicate with JSON:API servers. The following subsections will cover these topics.

Request builder

Yang comes with a powerful request builder with which you are able to setup PSR-7 Request objects in a JSON:API compliant way. For this purpose, you may use the JsonApiRequestBuilder class as it can be seen in the following example.

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use WoohooLabs\Yang\JsonApi\Request\JsonApiRequestBuilder;

// Instantiate an empty PSR-7 request, note that the default HTTP method must be provided
$request = new Request('GET', '');

// Instantiate the request builder
$requestBuilder = new JsonApiRequestBuilder($request);

// Setup the request with general properties
    ->setHeader("Accept-Charset", "utf-8");

// Setup the request with JSON:API specific properties
    ->setJsonApiFields(                                      // To define sparse fieldset
            "users" => ["first_name", "last_name"],
            "address" => ["country", "city", "postal_code"]
    ->setJsonApiIncludes(                                    // To include related resources
        ["address", "friends"]
    ->setJsonApiIncludes(                                    // Or you can pass a string instead
    ->setJsonApiSort(                                        // To sort resource collections
        ["last_name", "first_name"]
    ->setJsonApiPage(                                        // To paginate the primary data
        ["number" => 1, "size" => 100]
    ->setJsonApiFilter(                                      // To filter the primary data
        ["first_name" => "John"]
    ->addJsonApiAppliedProfile(                              // To add a profile to the request (JSON:API 1.1 feature)
    ->addJsonApiRequestedProfile(                            // To request the server to apply a profile (JSON:API 1.1 feature)
    ->addJsonApiRequiredProfile(                             // To require the server to apply a profile (JSON:API 1.1 feature)

// Setup the request body
    ->setJsonApiBody(                                        // You can pass the content as a JSON string
           "data": [
             { "type": "user", "id": "1" },
             { "type": "user", "id": "2" }
    ->setJsonApiBody(                                        // or you can pass it as an array
            "data" => [
                ["type" => "user", "id" => 1],
                ["type" => "user", "id" => 2],
    ->setJsonApiBody(                                        // or as a ResourceObject instance
        new ResourceObject("user", 1)

// Get the composed request
$request = $requestBuilder->getRequest();

If you do not want to use the built-in Request Builder, you can freely setup any PSR-7 RequestInterface instances in order to proceed with the next steps:

$request = new Request('GET', '');
$request = $request
    ->withUri(new Uri("[users]=first_name,last_name"))
    ->withHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.api+json")
    ->withHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.api+json");

HTTP clients

The library comes with support for PSR-18 and HTTPlug, so you can choose how you want to send your requests. If you installed the php-http/guzzle6-adapter package, then you will be able to use Guzzle to do so:

use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client;

// Instantiate the Guzzle HTTP Client
$guzzleClient = Client::createWithConfig([]);

// Instantiate the syncronous JSON:API Client
$client = new JsonApiClient($guzzleClient);

// Send the request syncronously to retrieve the response
$response = $client->sendRequest($request);

// Instantiate the asyncronous JSON:API Client
$client = new JsonApiAsyncClient($guzzleClient);

// Send the request asyncronously to retrieve a promise
$promise = $client->sendAsyncRequest($request);

// Send multiple request asyncronously to retrieve an array of promises
$promises = $client->sendConcurrentAsyncRequests([$request, $request]);

Of course, you can use any available HTTP Clients or create a custom HTTP Client thanks to PSR-18 and HTTPlug.


As soon as you have retrieved the server response, you can start querying it. Yang uses the PSR-7 compatible JsonApiResponse class for this purpose. If you used a HTTP client introduced above, you will automatically get an object of this type, otherwise you have to take care of instantiating it with the right dependencies:

// Instantiate a JSON:API response object from a PSR-7 response object with the default deserializer
$response = new JsonApiResponse($psr7Response);

The JsonApiResponse class - above the ones defined by PSR-7 - has some methods to make the handling of JSON:API responses easier:

// Checks if the response doesn't contain any errors
$isSuccessful = $response->isSuccessful();

// Checks if the response doesn't contain any errors, and has the status codes listed below
$isSuccessful = $response->isSuccessful([200, 202]);

// The same as the isSuccessful() method, but also ensures the response contains a document
$isSuccessfulDocument = $response->isSuccessfulDocument();

// Checks if the response contains a JSON:API document
$hasDocument = $response->hasDocument();

// Retrieves and deserializes the JSON:API document in the response body
$document = $response->document();

The Document class has various methods too:

// Retrieves the "jsonapi" member as a JsonApiObject instance
$jsonApi = $document->jsonApi();

$jsonApiVersion = $jsonApi->version();
$jsonApiMeta = $jsonApi->meta();

// Checks if the document has the "meta" member
$hasMeta = $document->hasMeta();

// Retrieves the "meta" member as an array
$meta = $document->meta();

// Checks if the document has any links
$hasLinks = $document->hasLinks();

// Retrieves the "links" member as a DocumentLinks object
$links = $document->links();

// Checks if the document has any errors
$hasErrors = $document->hasErrors();

// Counts the number of errors in the document
$errorCount = $document->errorCount();

// Retrieves the "errors" member as an array of Error objects
$errors = $document->errors();

// Retrieves the first error as an Error object or throws an exception if it is missing
$firstError = $document->error(0);

// Checks if the document contains a single resource as its primary data
$isSingleResourceDocument = $document->isSingleResourceDocument();

// Checks if the document contains a collection of resources as its primary data
$isResourceCollectionDocument = $document->isResourceCollectionDocument();

// Checks if the document contains any primary data
$hasPrimaryData = $document->hasAnyPrimaryResources();

// Returns the primary resource as a ResourceObject instance if the document is a single-resource document
// or throws an exception otherwise or when the document is empty
$primaryResource = $document->primaryResource();

// Returns the primary resources as an array of ResourceObject instances if the document is a collection document
// or throws an exception otherwise
$primaryResources = $document->primaryResources();

// Checks if there are any included resources in the document
$hasIncludedResources = $document->hasAnyIncludedResources();

// Checks if there is a specific included resource in the document
$isUserIncluded = $document->hasIncludedResource("user", "1234");

// Retrieves all the included resources as an array of ResourceObject instances
$includedResources = $document->includedResources();

The DocumentLinks class features the following methods:

// Checks if the "self" link is present
$hasSelf = $links->hasSelf();

// Returns the "self" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$selfLink = $links->self();

// Checks if the "related" link is present
$hasRelated = $links->hasRelated();

// Returns the "related" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$relatedLink = $links->related();

// Checks if the "first" link is present
$hasFirst = $links->hasFirst();

// Returns the "first" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$firstLink = $links->first();

// Checks if the "last" link is present
$hasLast = $links->hasLast();

// Returns the "last" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$lastLink = $links->last();

// Checks if the "prev" link is present
$hasPrev = $links->hasPrev();

// Returns the "prev" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$prevLink = $links->prev();

// Checks if the "next" link is present
$hasNext = $links->hasNext();

// Returns the "next" link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$nextLink = $links->next();

// Checks if a specific link is present
$hasLink = $links->hasLink("next");

// Returns a specific link as a Link object or throws an exception if it is missing
$link = $links->link("next");

// Checks if the there is any profile defined
$hasProfiles = $links->hasAnyProfiles();

// Retrieves the profiles as an array of ProfileLink objects
$profiles = $links->profiles();

// Checks if there is a specific profile defined
$hasProfile = $links->hasProfile("");

// Retrieves a specific profile as a ProfileLink object
$profile = $links->profile("");

The Error class has the following methods:

// Returns the "id" member of the error
$id = $firstError->id();

// Checks if the error has the "meta" member
$hasMeta = $firstError->hasMeta();

// Retrieves the "meta" member as an array
$meta = $firstError->meta();

// Checks if the error has any links
$hasLinks = $firstError->hasLinks();

// Retrieves the "links" member as an ErrorLinks object
$links = $firstError->links();

// Returns the "status" member
$status = $firstError->status();

// Returns the "code" member
$code = $firstError->code();

// Returns the "title" member
$title = $firstError->title();

// Returns the "detail" member
$detail = $firstError->detail();

// Checks if the error has the "source" member
$hasSource = $firstError->hasSource();

// Returns the "source" member as an ErrorSource object
$source = $firstError->source();

The ResourceObject class has the following methods:

// Returns the type of the resource
$type = $primaryResource->type();

// Returns the id of the resource
$id = $primaryResource->id();

// Checks if the resource has the "meta" member
$hasMeta = $primaryResource->hasMeta();

// Returns the "meta" member as an array
$meta = $primaryResource->meta();

// Checks if the resource has any links
$hasLinks = $primaryResource->hasLinks();

// Returns the "links" member as a ResourceLinks object
$links = $primaryResource->links();

// Returns the attributes of the resource as an array
$attributes = $primaryResource->attributes();

// Returns the ID and attributes of the resource as an array
$idAndAttributes = $primaryResource->idAndAttributes();

// Checks if the resource has a specific attribute
$hasFirstName = $primaryResource->hasAttribute("first_name");

// Returns an attribute of the resource or null if it is missing
$firstName = $primaryResource->attribute("first_name");

// Returns an attribute of the resource or the default value if it is missing
$lastName = $primaryResource->attribute("last_name", "");

// Returns all relationships of the resource as an array of Relationship objects
$relationships = $primaryResource->relationships();

// Checks if the resource has a specific relationship
$hasAddress = $primaryResource->hasRelationship("address");

// Returns a relationship of the resource as a Relationship object or throws an exception if it is missing
$relationship = $primaryResource->relationship("address");

The Relationship object supports the following methods:

// Checks if it is a to-one relationship
$isToOneRelationship = $relationship->isToOneRelationship();

// Checks if it is a to-many relationship
$isToManyRelationship = $relationship->isToManyRelationship();

// Returns the name of the relationship
$name = $relationship->name();

// Checks if the relationship has the "meta" member
$hasMeta = $relationship->hasMeta();

// Returns the "meta" member of the relationship as an array
$meta = $relationship->meta();

// Returns the "links" member of the relationship as a RelationshipLinks object
$links = $relationship->links();

// Returns the first resource linkage of the relationship as an array (e.g.: ["type" => "address", "id" => "123"])
// or null if there isn't any related data
$resourceLinkage = $relationship->firstResourceLink();

// Returns the resource linkage as an array of array (e.g.: [["type" => "address", "id" => "123"]])
$resourceLinkage = $relationship->resourceLinks();

// Checks if a specific resource object is included
$isIncluded = $relationship->hasIncludedResource("address", "abcd");

// Returns the resource object of a to-one relationship as a `ResourceObject` instance
// or throws an exception otherwise or when the relationship is empty
$resource = $relationship->resource();

// Returns the resource objects of a to-many relationship as an array of `ResourceObject` instances
// or throws an exception otherwise
$resources = $relationship->resources();


JSON:API responses with many related resources are not easily to process with the above approach. For example, if you want to retrieve the value of an attribute of a related resource, you need the following code:

$dogResource = $response->document()->primaryResource();

$breedName = $dogResource->relationship("breed")->resource()->attribute("name");

This is a bit too much code to write, and it gets a lot worse when you want to map complex response documents with many relationships to objects:

$dogResource = $response->document()->primaryResource();

$dog = new stdClass();
$dog->name = $dogResource->attribute("name");
$dog->age = $dogResource->attribute("age");
$dog->breed = $dogResource->relationship("breed")->resource()->attribute("name");
foreach ($dogResource->relationship("owners")->resources() as $ownerResource) {
    $owner = new stdClass();
    $owner->name = $ownerResource->attribute("name");

    $addressResource = $ownerResource->relationship("address")->resource();
    $owner->address = new stdClass();
    $owner->address->city = $addressResource->attribute("city");
    $owner->address->addressLine = $addressResource->attribute("city");

    $dog->owners[] = $owner;

This is the situation when using a hydrator can help you. Currently, Yang has only one hydrator, the ClassDocumentHydrator which - if the response was successful - maps the specified document to an stdClass along with all the resource attributes and relationships. It means that errors, links, meta data won't be present in the returned object. However, relationships are very easy to access now.

Let's use the document from the last example for demonstrating the power of hydrators:

// Check if hydration is possible
if ($document->hasAnyPrimaryResources() === false) {

// Hydrate the document to an stdClass
$hydrator = new ClassDocumentHydrator();
$dog = $hydrator->hydrateSingleResource($response->document());

That's all you need to do in order to create the same $dog object as in the first example! Now, you can display its properties:

echo "Dog:\n";
echo "Name : " . $dog->name . "\n";
echo "Breed: " . $dog->breed->name . "\n\n";

echo "Owners:\n";
foreach ($dog->owners as $owner) {
    echo "Name   : " . $dog->owner->name . "\n";
    echo "Address: " . $dog->owner->address->city . ", " . $dog->owner->address->addressLine . "\n";
    echo "------------------\n";

Note: The method ClassDocumentHydrator::hydrateSingleResource() throws DocumentException when the document doesn't have any primary data or if the primary data is a collection. Otherwise - when the primary data is a single resource - an stdObject along with all the attributes and relationships is returned.

Additionally, you may use the ClassHydrator::hydrateCollection() method for retrieving many dogs:

// Check if hydration is possible
if ($document->isSingleResourceDocument()) {

// Hydrate the document to an array of stdClass
$hydrator = new ClassDocumentHydrator();
$dogs = $hydrator->hydrateCollection($response->document());

Note: The method ClassHydrator::hydrateCollection() throws DocumentException when the primary data is a single resource. Otherwise - when the primary data is a collection of resources - an array of stdObjects along with all the attributes and relationship is returned.

Furthermore, there is a hydrate() method available for you when you don't care if the primary data is a single resource or a collection of resources.

Note: The method ClassDocumentHydrator::hydrate() returns an empty array when the document doesn't have any primary data. It returns an array containing a single stdClass if the primary data is a single resource. Otherwise - when the primary data is a collection of resources - an array of stdObjects is returned.

Advanced Usage

Custom serialization

Sometimes you might need to be tricky to serialize the request body in a custom way. For example, if you dispatch a server request internally (within the original request), then you can send the request body as an array thanks to this feature - so you don't need to serialize at client-side and then deserialize at server-size. If you use Woohoo Labs. Yin and a custom deserializer at server-side, then this is an easy task to do.

At client-side, if you use Yang with the Request Builder, then you only have to pass a second constructor argument to it like below to take advantage of custom serialization:

// Instantiate a PSR-7 request
$request = new Request();

// Instantiate your custom serializer
$mySerializer = new MyCustomSerializer();

// Instantiate the request builder with a custom serializer
$requestBuilder = new JsonApiRequestBuilder($request, $mySerializer);

You only have to make sure that your custom serializer implements the SerializerInterface.

Custom deserialization

Sometimes you might need to be tricky to deserialize a server response in a custom way. For example, if you dispatch a server request internally (within the original request), then you can receive the response body as an array thanks to this feature - so you don't need to serialize at server-side and then deserialize at client-size. If you use Woohoo Labs. Yin and a custom serializer at server-side, then this is an easy task to do.

At client-side, if you use Yang with the default HTTP Clients then you only have to pass a second constructor argument to them like below to take advantage of custom deserialization:

use Http\Adapter\Guzzle7\Client;

// Instantiate the Guzzle HTTP Client
$guzzleClient = Client::createWithConfig([]);

// Instantiate your custom deserializer
$myDeserializer = new MyCustomDeserializer();

// Instantiate the syncronous JSON:API Client with a custom deserializer
$syncClient = new JsonApiClient($guzzleClient, $myDeserializer);

// Instantiate the asyncronous JSON:API Client with a custom deserializer
$asyncClient = new JsonApiAsyncClient($guzzleClient, $myDeserializer);

Otherwise pass your deserializer to the JsonApiResponse as its second argument like below:

// Instantiate a JSON:API response from a PSR-7 response with a custom deserializer
$response = new JsonApiResponse($psr7Response, new MyCustomDeserializer());

You only have to make sure that your custom deserializer implements the DeserializerInterface.


Have a look at the examples directory for a really basic example.


This library follows SemVer v2.0.0.

Change Log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Woohoo Labs. Yang has a PHPUnit test suite. To run the tests, run the following command from the project folder:

$ phpunit

Additionally, you may run docker-compose up or make test in order to execute the tests.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Please see SUPPORT for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see the License File for more information.

yang's People


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yang's Issues

How to share common schemas/resources/etc between yin and yang

I am currently writing a JSON:API server implementation which will also have clients that will consume the API. The server is Symfony 4 using woohoolabs/yin. It contains a bunch of schemas, documents, resources, hydrators, etc.

I was looking in how to include these in a client-library, but everything extends stuff from the Woohoolabs\Yin namespace, whereas on the client side you are working from the Woohoolabs\Yang namespace.

Yang doesn't seem to share a base with Yin that would enable me to reuse code. What is the preferred way here? Write a totally separate client library, resulting in a high amount of duplicate code?

Add ability to set more complex filter query parameter

Accordingly JsonApi specification

JSON:API is agnostic about the strategies supported by a server. The filter query parameter can be used as the basis for any number of filtering strategies.

Current JsonApiRequestBuilder realization restrict filter strategy

The filter params can be represented only like filter[field1]=value&filter[field2]=val1,val2

But my strategy requires a more flexible form like filter[field1][like]=foo&filter[field2][lt]=100&filter[field2][gt]=5 (or even with more condition depth)

Right now is not possible even to override this method, because queryString property is private

If you are interested in solving this problem, we can discuss ways to fix it and I can create a PR

Unexpected Behaviour When To-One Relationship Data Is NULL


I'm working on a project that uses Yang to parse API responses we get from a JSONAPI server. It's worked wonderfully and I'm able to dig into the source code to understand it. I'm currently working with relationships and am running into an issue.

Given the following JSONAPI response:

  "data": {
    "type": "carts",
    "id": "d2a45f147d3508",
    "relationships": {
      "null-one": {
        "data": null
      "has-one": {
        "data": {"type": "items", "id": "a0481682dabc68"}
      "null-many": {
        "data": []
      "has-many": {
        "data": [
          {"type": "items", "id": "b0ed0f339887c8"},
          {"type": "items", "id": "6bd5ec9c9321c3"}

The null-one relationship returns {"data": null} which is JSONAPI spec but parsing it with Yang - as demonstrated by this example

$response = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response(200, [], $json);
$jsonapi = new \WoohooLabs\Yang\JsonApi\Response\JsonApiResponse($response);
$document = $jsonapi->document();

When running $document->toArray() I get the following results:

$results = [
    'jsonapi' => [
        'version' => '1.0',
    'data' => [
        'type' => 'carts',
        'id' => 'd2a45f147d3508',
        'relationships' => [
            'null-one' => [
                'data' => [], // array - expected null
            'has-one' => [
                'data' => [
                    'type' => 'items',
                    'id' => 'a0481682dabc68',
            'null-many' => [
                'data' => [],
            'has-many' => [
                'data' => [
                        'type' => 'items',
                        'id' => 'b0ed0f339887c8',
                        'type' => 'items',
                        'id' => '6bd5ec9c9321c3',

I would expect a relationship with its {"data": null} to return null instead of an empty array:

// truncated to relevant relationships
$expected = [
    'data' => [
        'type' => 'carts',
        'id' => 'd2a45f147d3508',
        'relationships' => [
            'null-one' => [
                'data' => null, // null
            'null-many' => [
                'data' => [],

This has been causing issues with our project and I would rather not make complicated test cases before passing the proper results through.

I've implemented a fix in WoohooLabs\Yang\JsonApi\Schema\Relationship to properly set its $isToOneRelationship to false when applicable which has the desired results.

I have not forked the project yet, only modified local composer.json source files for debugging. I'm running short on time so I'll fork and just use that in my composer.json for now.

Shall I make a pull request with my fixes once up? Or would you like to simply implement the following changes?

if (self::isArrayKey($array, "data") === false) {
    $isToOneRelationship = array_key_exists("data", $array) && is_null($array["data"]);
    return self::createEmptyFromArray($name, $meta, $links, $resources, $isToOneRelationship);

private static function createEmptyFromArray(
    string $name,
    array $meta,
    Links $links,
    ResourceObjects $resources,
    $isToOneRelationship = null
): Relationship {
    return new Relationship($name, $meta, $links, [], $resources, $isToOneRelationship);

Best practice to hydrate to a specific class?

Suppose I got a simple class:

namespace My\Domain;
class Article extends \stdClass
    /** @var int */
    public $id;

    /** @var string */
    public $name;

what would be the advised approach to hydrate results from a JSON API "into" such kind of class?

Maybe we can set some "mapping information" type => FQCN in the existing ClassDocumentHydrator which could be used when assembling a new object?

$classMap = [
  'article' => \My\Domain\Article::class,
  'user' => \My\Domain\User::class,
  /* ... */
$hydrator = new ClassDocumentHydrator();

and then consider the classMap in the ClassDocumentHydrator():

private function hydrateResource(ResourceObject $resource, Document $document, array &$resourceMap): object //Note the return type "was" stdClass
        // Fill basic attributes of the resource
        $className = $this->classMap[$resource->type()] ?? stdClass::class;
        $result = new $className();
        $result->type = $resource->type();
        /* etc */

Just thinking out loud, or am I missing some existing functionality here?

Another approach might be to make the ClassDocumentHydrator extensible (drop final) and have a protected function getClassNameForResourceType(string $resourceType) : string which defaults to 'stdClass'. This would allow users to do whatever they want ๐Ÿค“

Prepare for hydration of typed properties as supported by PHP 7.4

As of PHP 7.4, typed properties are supported. In case typed properties are used for "mapped" classes used during resource hydration as discussed in #20, the property types of the used class should be respected.

For example:

  • a property of type float can not be assigned a returned string value of 1.0
    • By detecting the type of the property, the value can be determined as (float) $value
  • a property of type DateTimeImmutable can not be assigned a returned string value of '2020-01-01T10:59:59.711148+02:00
    • By detecting the type, the value can be determined as new DateTimeImmutable($value)

Therefore, next to the DocumentHydratorInterface, a DocumentPropertyHydrator or DocumentAttributeHydrator interface would be nice to have to use prepare for this functionality to be used here. Note this requires PHP 7.4or higher.

Already have a working approach, just created this issue to get it out of my head and be able to discuss it before spending time on a PR and tests ๐Ÿ˜‰

@kocsismate What do you think?

php-http plugin AddHostPlugin does not work with JsonApiRequestBuilder

Hey first off awesome library!!

I was already playing with php-http and so I was using AddHostPlugin.

However, the plugin is currently not useable in combination with yang because when you use the JsonApiRequestBuilder to create a request. It will set a (default) host in the request, which will have precedence over the client configured host.

I will see if I can extend JsonApiRequestBuilder and change the behaviour of getRequest() later.

hasDocument and hasErrors shouldn't throw exceptions

hasDocument and hasErrors shouldn't throw exceptions if something wrong with structure of response, but it does
and breaks logic without chance to check programmatically does response returned some document or something else

Unify Schema/ResourceObject and Request/ResourceObject to improve developer experience

Just implementing some stuff using this library ๐Ÿ‘

One thing I've found rather confusing is having one ResourceObject entity for received resources and a different ResourceObject entity for when we need to create/update. Not only it was unexpected, it's cumbersome to use (class imports, converting one type into another) and very prone to error.

Also, the Request/ResourceObject entity is write-only, and the Schema/ResourceObject entity is read-only. This severely limits what can be done with the entities.

Use cases this separation gets in the way of include:

  • Reading a resource from the API, modifying, then sending back for updating
  • Unit tests on code that needs to evaluate ResourceObjects
  • Referencing ResourceObject on classes that use both - always need to alias imports

These two should really be the same entity, I can't quite see any reason they should be different things entirely since they're virtually the same thing, and indeed on JSONAPI they're the same thing.

"make test" fails for fresh clone + composer install

When using PHP 7.3.9 to run:

git clone
cd yang
composer install  //installs PHPUnit 8.3.4
make test

results in the following error:

This version of PHPUnit is supported on PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, and PHP 7.4.
You are using PHP 7.1.31 (/usr/local/bin/php).

Changing the image in docker-compose.yml to php:7.2-cli or php:7.3-cli resolves this. Not sure whether this is the "best" approach, just wanted to report it ๐Ÿ˜„

Allow access to

Currently the property is private and can therefore not be accessed once the object is instantiated. Is this on purpose?

I would like to be to access it, so the id can be used to (dynamically) generate a DELETE request like:


Something like:

$articleResource = ArticleResource::getInstance(123);
if( $apiClient->delete($articleResource)){
    echo 'deleted Article!';
public function delete(Resource $resource) : bool{
    $request = $this->someRequestBuilder->getDeleteRequest($articleResource)
    $response = $this->sendRequest($request);
    return $this->analyzeRespons($response);

Maybe the should not be accessed, that is possible, but in that case I would like to know "why" ๐Ÿ˜„

Resources with an ID of "0" disappear when using ClassHydrator

As far as I can tell from the spec the only requirement for an ID is that it's a string, there are no limitations otherwise, so an ID of 0 is valid.

Example JSON-API response from where a comment has an ID set to 0.

  "links": {
    "self": "",
    "next": "[offset]=2",
    "last": "[offset]=10"
  "data": [{
    "type": "articles",
    "id": "1",
    "attributes": {
      "title": "JSON API paints my bikeshed!"
    "relationships": {
      "author": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""
        "data": { "type": "people", "id": "9" }
      "comments": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""
        "data": [
          { "type": "comments", "id": "0" },
          { "type": "comments", "id": "12" }
    "links": {
      "self": ""
  "included": [{
    "type": "people",
    "id": "9",
    "attributes": {
      "first-name": "Dan",
      "last-name": "Gebhardt",
      "twitter": "dgeb"
    "links": {
      "self": ""
  }, {
    "type": "comments",
    "id": "0",
    "attributes": {
      "body": "I am a comment with an ID of 0!"
    "relationships": {
      "author": {
        "data": { "type": "people", "id": "2" }
    "links": {
      "self": ""
  }, {
    "type": "comments",
    "id": "12",
    "attributes": {
      "body": "I like XML better"
    "relationships": {
      "author": {
        "data": { "type": "people", "id": "9" }
    "links": {
      "self": ""
$hydrator = new ClassHydrator();
$articles = $hydrator->hydrate($response->document());

foreach ($articles[0]->comments as $comment) {
   echo $comment->body . "\n";

You would expect to see:

I am a comment with an ID of 0!
I like XML better

Actually see:

I like XML better

Missing type hinting

Ran into this error when trying to use this on my Drupal 10 site.

Fatal error: Declaration of WoohooLabs\Yang\JsonApi\Response\AbstractResponse::withStatus($code, $reasonPhrase = '') must be compatible with Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface::withStatus(int $code, string $reasonPhrase = ''): Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface in /var/www/site/vendor/woohoolabs/yang/src/JsonApi/Response/AbstractResponse.php on line 136

The error comes from psr/http-message:^2.0 which Drupal 10 requires.
Looks like we need to add some type hinting to the parameters and return types of some of the methods we are extending from ResponseInterface and MessageInterface

Empty PSR-7 request object not working anymore

This part of the README is not working anymore

// Instantiate an empty PSR-7 request $request = new Request("", "")

since the PRS-7 request got this update


The $method parameter cannot be empty anymore since they introduced this check right in the constructor:

private function assertMethod($method) { if (!is_string($method) || $method === '') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Method should be a non empty string.'); } }

Add HydratorInterface::hydrateDocument(): stdClass

Would it be an idea to add

public function hydrateObject(Document $document);

to the HydratorInterface ?

Or even (not sure about this), one with a return type

public function hydrateObject(Document $document) : \stdClass;

This way IDE autocompletion also allows hydrateObject() when the HydratorInterface is used fetch the actual implementation from a DIC.

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