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close-watcher's Introduction

Close Watchers

Read on for the full story, or check out the demo!

The problem

Various UI components have a "modal" or "popup" behavior. For example:

  • a <dialog> element, especially the showModal() API;
  • a sidebar menu;
  • a lightbox;
  • a custom picker input (e.g. date picker);
  • a custom context menu;
  • fullscreen mode.

An important common feature of these components is that they are designed to be easy to close, with a uniform interaction mechanism for doing so. Typically, this is the Esc key on desktop platforms, and the back button on some mobile platforms (notably Android). Game consoles also tend to use a specific button as their "close/cancel/back" button. Finally, accessibility technology sometimes provides specific close requests for their users, e.g. iOS VoiceOver's "dismiss an alert or return to the previous screen" gesture.

We define a close request as a platform-mediated interaction that's intended to close an in-page component. This is distinct from page-mediated interactions, such as clicking on an "x" or "Done" button, or clicking on the backdrop outside of the modal. See our platform-specific notes for more details on what close requests look like on various platforms.

Currently, web developers have no good way to handle these close requests. This is especially problematic on Android devices, where the back button is the traditional close request. Imagine a user filling in a twenty-field form, with the last item being a custom date picker modal. The user might click the back button hoping to close the date picker, like they would in a native app. But instead, the back button navigates the web page's history tree, likely closing the whole form and losing the filled information. But the problem of how to handle close requests extends across all operating systems; implementing a good experience for users of different browsers, platforms, and accessibility technologies requires a lot of user agent sniffing today.

This explainer proposes a new API to enable web developers, especially component authors, to better handle these close requests.


Our primary goals are as follows:

  • Allow web developers to intercept close requests (e.g. Esc on desktop, back button on Android, "z" gesture on iOS using VoiceOver) to close custom components that they create.

  • Discourage platform-specific code for handling modal close requests, by providing an API that abstracts away the differences.

  • Allow future platforms to introduce new close requests (e.g., the introduction of the swipe-from-the-sides dismiss gesture in Android 10), such that code written against the API proposed here automatically works on such platforms.

  • Prevent abuse that traps the user on a given history state by disabling the back button's ability to actually navigate backward in history.

  • Be usable by component authors, in particular by avoiding any global state modifications that might interfere with the app or with other components.

  • Specify uniform-per-platform behavior across existing platform-provided components, e.g. <dialog>, <input> pickers, and fullscreen. (For example: currently the back button on Android does not close modal <dialog>s, but instead navigates history. It does close <input> pickers and close fullscreen.)

  • Allow the developer to confirm a close request with the user, to avoid potential data loss. (E.g., "are you sure you want to close this dialog?")

  • Explain <dialog>'s existing close and cancel events in terms of this model.

The following is a goal we wish we could meet, but don't believe is possible to meet while also achieving our primary goals:

  • Avoid an awkward transition period, where the Android back button closes components on sites that adopt this new API, but navigates history on sites that haven't adopted it. In particular, right now users generally know the Android back button fails to close modals in web apps and avoid it when modals are open; we worry about this API causing a state where users are no longer sure which action it performs.

What developers are doing today

On desktop platforms, this problem is currently solved by listening for the keydown event, and closing the component when the Esc key is pressed. Built-in platform APIs, such as <dialog>, fullscreen, or <input type="date">, will do this automatically. Note that this can be easy to get wrong, e.g. by accidentally listening for keyup or keypress.

On mobile platforms, getting the right behavior is significantly harder. First, platform-specific code is required, to do nothing on iOS, capture the back button or swipe-from-the-sides gesture on Android, and listen for gamepad inputs on PlayStation browser.

Next, capturing the back button on Android requires manipulating the history list using the history API. This is a poor fit for several reasons:

  • This UI state is non-navigational, i.e., the URL doesn't and shouldn't change when opening a component. When the page is reloaded or shared, web developers generally don't want to automatically re-open the same component.

  • It's very hard to determine when the component's state is popped out of history, because both moving forward and backward through history emit the same popstate event, and that event can be emitted for history navigation that traverses more than one entry at a time.

  • The history.state API, used to store the component's state, is rather fragile: user-initiated fragment navigation, as well as other calls to history.pushState() and history.replaceState(), can override it.

  • History navigation is not cancelable. Implementing "Are you sure you want to close this dialog without saving?" requires letting the history navigation complete, then potentially re-establishing the dialog's state if the user declines to close the dialog.

  • A shared component that attempts to use the history API to implement these techniques can easily corrupt a web application's router.


The proposal is to introduce a new API, the CloseWatcher class, which has the following basic API:

const watcher = new CloseWatcher();

// This fires when the user sends a close request, e.g. by pressing Esc on
// desktop or by pressing Android's back button.
watcher.onclose = () => {

// You should destroy watchers which are no longer needed, e.g. if the
// modal closes normally. This will prevent future events on this watcher.
myModalCloseButton.onclick = () => {

If more than one CloseWatcher is active at a given time, then only the most-recently-constructed one gets events delivered to it. (Usually.) A watcher becomes inactive after a close event is delivered, or the watcher is explicitly destroy()ed.

Read on for more details and realistic usage examples.

Requesting close yourself

The API has an additional convenience method, watcher.requestClose(), which acts as if a close request had been sent by the user. The intended use case is to allow centralizing close-handling code. So the above example of

watcher.onclose = () => myModal.close();

myModalCloseButton.onclick = () => {

could be replaced by

watcher.onclose = () => myModal.close();

myModalCloseButton.onclick = () => watcher.requestClose();

deduplicating the myModal.close() call by having the developer put all their close-handling logic into the watcher's close event handler.

As usual, reaching the close event will inactivate the CloseWatcher, meaning it receives no further events in the future and it no longer occupies the "free CloseWatcher slot", if it was previously doing so.

Asking for confirmation

There's a more advanced part of this API, which allows asking the user for confirmation if they really want to close the modal. This is useful in cases where, e.g., the modal contains a form with unsaved data. The usage looks like the following:

watcher.oncancel = async (e) => {
  if (hasUnsavedData) {

    const userReallyWantsToClose = await askForConfirmation("Are you sure you want to close this dialog?");
    if (userReallyWantsToClose) {
      hasUnsavedData = false;

Note: the name of this event, i.e. cancel instead of something like beforeclose, is chosen to match <dialog>, which has the same two-tier cancel + close event sequence.

For abuse prevention purposes, this event only fires if the page has received transient user activation. Furthermore, once it fires for one CloseWatcher instance, it will not fire again for any CloseWatcher instances until the page gets user activation again. This ensures that if the user sends a close request twice in a row without any intervening user activation, the request definitely goes through, destroying the CloseWatcher.

Note that the cancel event is not fired when the user navigates away from the page: i.e., it has no overlap with beforeunload. beforeunload remains the best way to confirm a page unload, with cancel only used for confirming a close request.

If called from within transient user activation, watcher.requestClose() also invokes cancel event handlers, which would trigger event listeners like the above example code. If called without user activation, then it skips straight to the close event.

User activation grouping

In addition to the user activation restrictions for cancel events, mentioned above, there is a more subtle form of user activation gating for CloseWatcher construction. The basic idea is that if you have created more than one CloseWatcher without user activation, then the newly-created one will get grouped together with the most-recently-created close watcher, so that a single close request will close them both. This is meant to prevent abuse.

So for example:

window.onload = () => {
  // This will work as normal: it is the first close watcher created without user activation.
  (new CloseWatcher()).onclose = () => { /* ... */ };

button1.onclick = () => {
  // This will work as normal: the button click counts as user activation.
  (new CloseWatcher()).onclose = () => { /* ... */ };

button2.onclick = () => {
  // These will be grouped together, and both will close in response to a singe close request.
  (new CloseWatcher()).onclose = () => { /* ... */ };
  (new CloseWatcher()).onclose = () => { /* ... */ };

Note that for developers, this means that calling watcher.destroy() properly is important. Doing so is the only way to get back the "free" ungrouped close watcher slot, that allows you to create an ungrouped CloseWatcher even without user activation. Such CloseWatchers are useful for cases like session inactivity timeout dialogs, or urgent notifications of server-triggered events, that want to be closable with a close request but are not created via user activation.

Using AbortSignals to destroy CloseWatchers

As discussed above, destroying a CloseWatcher using watcher.destroy() is helpful to avoid any future events and free up the free CloseWatcher slot.

Another way to destroy CloseWatchers is by using AbortSignal objects, like so:

const controller = new AbortController();
const watcher = new CloseWatcher({ signal: controller.signal });

// ... later ...

If the AbortSignal is only being used for the CloseWatcher, this is not that helpful. But it works nicely when you are using the AbortSignal to abort many ongoing operations or dispose of many different resources.

Abuse analysis

As discussed above, we have various forms of user activation gating. These are meant to prevent abuse for platforms like Android where the close request is to use the back button. There, we need to prevent abuse that traps the user on a page by effectively disabling their back button.

In detail, a malicious page which wants to trap the user would be able to do at most the following using the CloseWatcher API:

  • If the user never interacts with the page:
    • Create its "free" (i.e., not user-activation-consuming, but also not grouped) CloseWatcher
    • The first Android back button press would destroy the CloseWatcher
    • The second Android back button press would navigate back through the joint session history, escaping the abusive page
  • If the user activates the page once:
    • Create its free CloseWatcher at page start
    • Install a cancel event handler that calls event.preventDefault()
    • The first Android back button press would hit the cancel event, which calls event.preventDefault(), and thus does nothing
    • The second Android back button press would ignore the cancel event, and destroy the CloseWatcher
    • The third Android back button press would navigate back through the joint session history, escaping the abusive page

Other variations are possible; e.g. if the user activates the page once, the abusive page could create two CloseWatchers instead of one, but then it wouldn't get cancel events, so three back button presses would still escape the abusive page.

In general, if the user activates the page N times, a maximally-abusive page could make it take N + 2 back button presses to escape.

Compare this to the protection in place today for the history.pushState() API, which is another means by which apps can attempt to trap the user on the page by making their session history list grow. In the spec, there is an optional step that allows the user agent to ignore these method calls; in practice, this is only done as a throttling measure to avoid hundreds of calls per second overwhelming the history state storage implementations.

Another mitigation that browsers implement against history.pushState()-based trapping is to try to have the actual back button UI skip entries that were added without user activation, i.e., to have it behave differently from history.back() (which will not skip such entries). Such attempts are a bit buggy, but in theory they woud mean an abusive page that is activated N times would require N + 1 back button presses to escape.

We believe that the additional capabilities allowed here are worth expanding this number from N + 1 to N + 2, especially given how unevenly these mitigations are currently implemented and how that hasn't led to significant user complaints. However, there are a number of alternatives discussed below which would allow us to lower this number:

Note that no confirmation dialogs would not reduce the number, since in our current design the user activations are shared between CloseWatcher creation and the cancel event, so removing just the cancel event does not change the calculus.

For now we are sticking with the current proposal and its N + 2 number, but welcome discussion from the community as to whether this is the right tradeoff.

Finally, we note that in most browser UIs, the user has an escape hatch of holding down the back button and explicitly choosing a history step to navigate back to. Or, closing the tab entirely. These are never a close request.

Realistic examples

The above sections give illustrative usage of the API. The following ones show how the API could be incorporated into realistic apps and UI components.

A sidebar

For a sidebar (e.g. behind a hamburger menu), which wants to hide itself on a user-provided close request, that could be hooked up as follows:

const hamburgerMenuButton = document.querySelector('#hamburger-menu-button');
const sidebar = document.querySelector('#sidebar');

hamburgerMenuButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  const watcher = new CloseWatcher();

  sidebar.animate([{ transform: 'translateX(-200px)' }, { transform: 'translateX(0)' }]);

  watcher.onclose = () => {
    sidebar.animate([{ transform: 'translateX(0)' }, { transform: 'translateX(-200px)' }]);

  // Close on clicks outside the sidebar.
  document.body.addEventListener('click', e => {
    if ('#sidebar') === null) {

Note that it never really makes sense to use the cancel event for a sidebar.

A picker

For a "picker" control that wants to close itself on a user-provided close request, code like the following would work:

class MyPicker extends HTMLElement {

  constructor() {
    this.#button = /* ... */;

    this.#overlay = /* ... */;
    this.#overlay.hidden = true;
    this.#overlay.querySelector('.close-button').addEventListener('click', () => {

    this.#button.onclick = () => {
      this.overlay.hidden = false;

      this.#watcher = new CloseWatcher();
      this.#watcher.onclose = () => this.overlay.hidden = true;

Similarly, picker UIs do not usually require confirmation on closing, so do not need cancel event handlers.

Platform close requests

With CloseWatcher as a foundation, we can work to unify the web platform's existing and upcoming close requests:

Explaining <dialog>

The <dialog> spec today states that "user agents may provide a user interface that, upon activation, [cancels the dialog]". In particular, here canceling the dialog first fires a cancel event, and if the web developer does not call event.preventDefault(), it will close the dialog.

The existing <dialog> implementation in Chromium implements this, but only with with Esc key on desktop. That is, on Android Chromium, the system back button will not close <dialog>s. (Perhaps this is because of the fears about back button trapping mentioned above?)

Our proposal is to replace the vague specification sentence above with text based on close watchers. This has a number of benefits:

  • It allows the Android back button to close dialogs, subject to anti-abuse restrictions. That is: the call to dialogEl.showModal() must be done with user activation or use up the free close watcher slot; and the cancel event will only fire if there's been an intervening user interaction; and if you open multiple <dialog>s within a single user activation, after using up your free one, a single close request will close both of them.

  • It makes it clear how <dialog>s interact with CloseWatcher instances: they both live in the same per-Window close watcher stack.

  • It drives interoperability in terms of user- and developer-facing <dialog> behavior by providing a more concrete specification, e.g. with regards to how the <dialog>'s cancel event is sequenced versus the keydown event for Esc key presses.

Note that the user activation "resource" is shared between everything that uses the general close watcher infrastructure: i.e., both <dialog> elements, and CloseWatchers. So, for example, creating a <dialog> without user activation uses up the free close watcher slot, so that if you then proceed to create another <dialog> and construct a CloseWatcher, all without user activation, that CloseWatcher and the second <dialog> will be grouped together and both be closed by a single close request.

Integration with Fullscreen

The Fullscreen spec today states "If the end user instructs the user agent to end a fullscreen session initiated via requestFullscreen(), fully exit fullscreen". Existing Fullscreen implementations implement this using the Esc key on desktop, the back button on Android, and a floating software "x" button on iPadOS. (iOS on iPhones does not appear to implement the fullscreen API.)

We propose replacing this with explicit integration into the close request steps. Again, this gives interoperability benefits by using a shared primitive, and a clear specification for how it interacts with <dialog>s, CloseWatchers, and key events.

Integration with popover=""

The popover="" attribute can benefit from similar integration as <dialog>. See our proposed spec text.

Integration with <input>?

We could update the specification for <input> to mention that it should use close watchers when the user opens the input's picker UI. This kind of unification fits well with the goals of this project, but it might be tricky since the existing <input> specification is intentionally vague on how UI is presented.

Alternatives considered

Integration with the history API

Because of how the back button on Android is a close request, one might think it natural to make handling close requests part of either the existing history API, or a revised history API. This idea has some precedent in mobile application frameworks that integrate modals into their "back stack".

However, on the web the history API is intimately tied to navigations, the URL bar, and application state. Using it for UI state is generally not great. See also the above discussion of how developers are forced to use the history API today for this purpose, and how poorly it works. In fact, we're hopeful that by tackling this proposal separately from the history API, other efforts to improve the history API will be able to focus on actual navigations, instead of on close requests.

Note that the line between "UI state" and "a navigation" can be blurry in single-page applications. For example,'s logged-in view lets you type directly into a "What's happening?" text box in order to tweet, which we classify as UI state. But if you click the "Tweet" button on the sidebar, it navigates to a new URL which displays a lightbox into which you can input your tweet. In our taxonomy, this new-URL lightbox is a navigation, and it would not be suitable to use the CloseWatcher API for it, because closing it needs to update the URL back to what it was originally (i.e., navigate backwards in the history list).

Automatically translating all close requests to Esc

If we assume that developers already know to handle the Esc key to close their components, then we could potentially translate other close requests, like the Android back button, into Esc key presses. The hope is then that application and component developers wouldn't have to update their code at all: if they're doing the right thing for that common desktop close request, they would suddenly start doing the right thing on other platforms as well. This is especially attractive as it could help avoid the awkward transition period mentioned in the goals section.

However, upon reflection, such a solution doesn't really solve the general problem. Given an Android back button press, or a PlayStation circle button press, or any other gesture which might serve multiple context-dependent purposes, the browser needs to know: should perform its usual action, or should it be translated to an Esc key press? For custom components, the only way to know is for the web developer to tell the browser that a close-request-consuming component is open. So our goal of requiring no code modifications, or awkward transition period, is impossible. We'd still need some API, a counterpart to our new CloseWatcher(), which tells the browser that the next close request should be turned into an Esc keypress. Given this, the strangeness of synthesizing fake Esc key presses in response to some other setup API does not have much to recommend it.

A single event

Why do we need the CloseWatcher class? Why couldn't we just fire a global close event or similar, which abstracts over platform differences in close requests?

The problem here is similar to the previous idea of translating all close requests into an Esc key press. On some platforms, a close request has an important fallback behavior. (Notably, on Android, where the fallback behavior is to perform a history navigation.) This means developers need some way of signaling to the browser that the next instance of such a close request should be directed to their code, instead of performing that fallback action. And, we need to gate the ability to redirect close requests in that way behind user activation.

A less fundamental benefit is for developer ergonomics. By having essentially one event per close watcher, we get a kind of stack for free. For example, if various modal or popup components (including <dialog> elements) use CloseWatchers, then we can be sure to always route the event to the "topmost" (i.e., most-recently-created) modal. If we had just one global event, then such components would need to coordinate with each other to ensure that only the topmost acts on the event, and the others ignore it. In other words, the stack of CloseWatcher instances, which is pushed onto by the constructor and popped off of by CloseWatcher destruction, is a nice bonus for web developers. Our experience implementing the close watcher concept in Chromium, and sharing the infrastructure between CloseWatcher, <dialog>, and popover="", supports this ergonomic argument; the close watcher stack infrastructure is somewhat complex, but can be nicely encapsulated away from its usage sites.

Browser-mediated confirmation dialogs

Previous iterations of this proposal had a different semantic for the cancel event, where calling event.preventDefault() would show non-configurable browser UI asking to confirm closing the modal.

The benefit of this approach is that, because the browser directly gets a signal from the user when the user says "Yes, close anyway", we can reduce the number of Android back button clicks that abusive pages can trap from N + 2 to N + 1. However, on balance this isn't actually a big win, because the user still has to perform N + 2 actions to escape: N + 1 back button presses, and one "Yes, close anyway" press.

Additionally, some early feedback we got was that custom in-page confirmation UI was very desirable for web developers, instead of non-configurable browser UI.

No confirmation dialogs

It's also possible to start with a version of this proposal that does not fire a cancel event at all. This means that pressing the Android back button will always destroy the close watcher.

However, by itself this this doesn't change what it takes to escape an an abusive page: it still takes N + 2 Android back button presses, since a maximally-abusive page will just take advantage of user activation to create new CloseWatcher instances, instead of bothering with cancel events.

In talking with web developers, this variant of the proposal was not as preferable:

  • By default, it would mostly be usable for cases like simple pickers or sidebars. It would not be suitable for anything that involved more complex data entry, like a custom dialog.

  • Developers of non-abusive pages that still wanted to use the CloseWatcher API would end up hacking around this limitation by trying to create new spare CloseWatchers on user activation, so that they could use up one of them for a confirmation and another for actually closing the dialog. Or, they would ignore the CloseWatcher API and go back to hacky history manipulations. Thus mainline use scenarios become much more awkward.

No free close watcher

As discussed above, this proposal gives pages the ability to create one "free" CloseWatcher, which doesn't get grouped with others, even without user activation. This is meant for cases like session inactivity timeout dialogs or urgent notifications of server-triggered events that want a presentation that is closable with a close request. However, it comes with a cost in terms of allowing abusive pages to add 1 to the number of Android back button presses necessary to escape.

We could remove this ability from the proposal, always grouping together CloseWatchers created without user activation. This would reduce the number of Android back button presses by 1, from N + 2 to N + 1.

Bundling this with high-level APIs

The proposal here exposes CloseWatcher as a primitive. However, watching for close requests is only a small part of what makes UI components difficult. Some UI components that watch for close requests also need to deal with top layer interaction, blocking interaction with the main document (including trapping focus within the component while it is open), providing appropriate accessibility semantics, and determining the appropriate screen position.

Instead of providing the individual building blocks for all of these pieces, it may be better to bundle them together into high-level semantic elements. We already have <dialog>; we could imagine others such as <toast>, <tooltip>, <sidebar>, etc. These would then bundle the appropriate features, e.g. while all of them would benefit from top layer interaction, <toast> and <tooltip> do not need to handle close requests.

Our current thinking is that we should produce both paths: we should work on bundled high-level APIs, such as the existing <dialog>, but we should also work on lower-level components, such as close requests, popover="", top layer management, or focus trapping. And we should, as this document tries to do, ensure these build on top of each other. This gives authors more flexibility for creating their own novel components, without waiting to convince implementers of the value of baking their high-level component into the platform, while still providing an evolutionary path for evolving the built-in control set over time.

Security and privacy considerations

Much of these issues were discussed above. See the W3C TAG Security and Privacy Questionnaire answers for more. To summarize:

Security considerations

The main security consideration with this API is preventing abusive pages from hijacking the fallback behavior in the last part of the close request steps. A concrete example is on Android, where the close request is the software back button, and this fallback behavior is to traverse the history by a delta of −1. If developers could always intercept Android back button presses via CloseWatcher instances and <dialog> elements, then they could effectively break the back button by never letting it pass through to the fallback behavior.

Much of the complexity of this specification is designed around preventing such abuse. Without it, the API could consist of a single event. (Although that would make it ergonomically difficult for developers to coordinate on which component of their application should handle the close request.) But with this constraint, we need an API surface such as the new CloseWatcher() constructor which can note whether transient activation was present at construction time, as well as the close watcher stack to ensure that we remove at least one close watcher per close request.

Concretely, the mechanism of creating a close watcher ensures that web developers can only create CloseWatcher instances, or call preventDefault() on cancel events, by attempting to consume user activation. If a CloseWatcher instance is created without transient activation, then after one "free" close watcher, any such close watcher is grouped together with the currently-top close watcher in the stack, so that both of them are closed by a single close request. This gives similar protections to what browsers have in place today, where back button UI skips entries that were added without user activation. Similarly, if there hasn't been any transient activation, the cancel event is not fired.

We do allow one "free" ungrouped CloseWatcher to be created, even without transient activation, to handle cases like session inactivity timeout dialogs, or urgent notifications of server-triggered events. The end result is that this specification expands the number of Android back button presses that a maximally-abusive page could require to escape from number of user activations + 1 to number of user activations + 2. (See above for a full analysis.) We believe this tradeoff is worthwhile.

Privacy considerations

We believe the privacy impact of this API is minimal. The only information it gives about the user to the web developer is that a close request has occurred, which is a very infrequent and coarse piece of user input.

In all cases we're aware of today, such close requests are already detectable by web developers (e.g., by using keydown listeners on desktop or popstate listeners on Android). In theory, by correlating these existing events with the CloseWatcher's close event, a web developer could determine some information about the platform. (I.e., if they correlate with keydown events, the user is likely on desktop, or at least on a keyboard-attached mobile device.) This is similar to existing techniques which detect whether touch events or mouse events are fired, and user agents which want to emulate a different platform in order to mask the user's choice might want to apply similar mitigation techniques for close watchers as they do for other platform-revealing events.

Stakeholder feedback


This proposal is based on an earlier analysis by @dvoytenko.

close-watcher's People


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close-watcher's Issues

Should the Esc key count as user activation?

When coding up the current spec/explainer draft, I realized that the Esc key counts as user activation. This means that on desktop, all the fancy abuse prevention mechanisms for the cancel event do nothing: since pressing Esc means there is always recent user activation, the cancel event will always fire (and can be preventDefault()ed).

On the one hand: that seems fine! On desktop we don't have to worry about back trapping, and we can already preventDefault() the Esc keydown event. No issues; this makes the API easier to use on desktop as you don't have to worry so much about user activation!

On the other hand: this is a weird divergence between desktop and Android (or desktop and other platforms where the close signal is not a user activation), and makes code harder to test. So maybe we should spec it so that an Esc keypress (or other user action) that sends a close signal, never counts as user activation, regardless of the platform.

The watcher stack design, and preventing creation of new CloseWatchers, is problematic

Consider the following setup:

function createCustomDialog(...) {
  let watcher;
  try {
    watcher = new CloseWatcher(...);
    watcher.onclose = ...;
  } catch {
    // oh well, we won't get close signal support for this dialog

  // ... etc. ...

button.onclick = () => {

The intention of this proposal in such a scenario, to avoid abuse, is that two of the dialogs are closable via close signals (such as the Android back button): one because we got user activation from clicking the button, and one as the "free close watcher". The third dialog is not closeable with close signals.

However, the code above is bad because it causes the dialog which fails to get close signals to be dialog 3, the topmost dialog.

This ends up with a very strange experience: three dialogs open, 3 on top of 2 on top of 1. You press the Android back button, and 2 closes. Then you press it again, and 1 closes. And you press it again, and you go back through the session history.

The user would expect the topmost dialog, dialog 3, to close first. But this is not what they got.

There is no easy way to do this in the current proposal! We need to change the API or behavior in some way. I think we need to ensure that most-recently-created CloseWatchers get priority. But this means the whole design of the constructor throwing is probably not right! Maybe we can go back to some sort of event-based approach?

Support blur as a close signal

When thinking about the new Popup API proposal, the close watcher currently supports a number of the close signals for a popup including esc and back button on certain UAs.

One of the new close signals however is focus leaving the popup.

Using keyboard or other navigation sources to move the focus off of the pop-up. When the focus changes, all pop-ups up to the "nearest open ancestral pop-up" for the newly-focused element will be hidden. Note that this includes subframes and the user changing windows (a window blur) - both will cause all open pop-ups to be closed.

I was thinking that it would be good if any new behavior provided automatically by the browser could be encapsulated in APIs that would allow component developers who could not use the popup API for one reason or another to still take advantage of the dismiss behavior.

Perhaps the API could be something like:

const hamburgerMenuButton = document.querySelector('#hamburger-menu-button');
const sidebar = document.querySelector('#sidebar');

hamburgerMenuButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  const watcher = new CloseWatcher({element: sidebar, blur: true});

  sidebar.animate([{ transform: 'translateX(-200px)' }, { transform: 'translateX(0)' }]);

  watcher.onclose = () => {
    sidebar.animate([{ transform: 'translateX(0)' }, { transform: 'translateX(-200px)' }]);

Rename signalClose()

Feedback from @annevk and @smaug---- is that signalClose() as a method name is too confusing with the existing AbortSignal. Especially after #13.

Probably the best alternate name is just close().

close() should not trigger cancel, at least by default

@josepharhar noticed that for <dialog>, dialogEl.close() does not trigger the cancel event. Only a proper user-driven close signal will trigger a cancel event.

I tend to think the CloseWatcher design is more useful for developers: if you have code like

dialog.oncancel = e => {
  if (userHasUnsavedData) {

dialog.querySelector(".close-button").onclick = () => dialog.close();

you probably would be surprised that clicking .close-button skips your unsaved-data check in the cancel event, and instead goes straight to the close event. You're forced to duplicate the unsaved-data check inside the onclick handler, which is silly.

However, symmetry between <dialog> and CloseWatcher is very important, to avoid web developer confusion. That's why we're using the close/cancel event names in the first place.

My proposal is that we provide both behaviors:

  • closeWatcher.close() behaves like dialog.close(), and goes straight to the close event.

  • closeWatcher.bikeshed() behaves as if a close signal has been sent, doing both cancel + close.

Naming for the cancel + close variant remains the tricky problem. I like signalClose() (meaning "send the close signal as if the user did"), but per #13 @annevk and @smaug---- did not. Some options:

  • cancelAndClose()
  • close({ withCancel: true })
  • Rename the whole "close signals" concept to something like "close command" or "close triggers", and then go with closeCommand() or triggerClose() or something like that.
  • Come up with some verb that is meant to indicate "the whole process of closing, which might possibly be canceled": e.g. exit(), shutdown().

The first two options seem nice and straightforward, but they have the minor drawback of making the cancel-and-close version more verbose, and demoting it to feeling second-class. (Whereas, per my above reasoning, I think it's actually the more likely behavior.) The latter two options are trickier but maybe worthwhile?

We can also consider porting whatever we come up with here to <dialog>.

This problem is not solved by `keydown`

On desktop platforms, this problem is currently solved by listening for the `keydown` event, and closing the component when the <kbd>Esc</kbd> key is pressed. Built-in platform APIs, such as [`<dialog>`](, [fullscreen](, or [`<input type="date">`](, will do this automatically. Note that this can be easy to get wrong, e.g. by accidentally listening for `keyup` or `keypress`.

I thought you might want to add another reason for this API. Make this dialog

<dialog>name: <input type="text"></dialog>

Write this code

const dialog = document.querySelector('dialog');;

window.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
  if (e.key === 'Escape') {

Switch to Japanese input, click in the input box, type some Japanese, See the Input Method Editor appear, press Esc to close the Input Method Editor. See the Dialog box get closed even though that was not the user's intent.

This might also inform the API's design.

iPhones don't have a consistent system close/cancel/exit gesture

iPhones don't have a consistent system close/cancel/exit gesture. Sometimes it's swipe down, sometimes it's swipe up, sometimes swipe sideways, sometimes it's an onscreen button. There's generally some kind of visual affordance that's specific to the particular scene being shown.

There's the home button or home affordance to return to the Home screen, but apps don't have the ability to override that.

That's not to say this API isn't useful but I'm not sure what the right thing to do would be on iOS. Don't expose the API at all? Expose, but close event never fires? Make up a close gesture for the web only (but then how would users know about it)?

(On iPad, Cmd+period is an equivalent to Escape that works even on the magic keyboard, but iPads can be used with no physical keyboard, and this key combination is somewhat obscure and mostly only known to old school Mac users).

Why not just an event?

Why does this API involve instantiating an object and assigning callback functions to it, instead of an event dispatched to window and/or to the currently keyboard focused element? I'm not saying it has to be that, perhaps there is a good reason, but there's no "alternatives considered" section to explain it.

Integrate with AbortSignal

Feedback from @annevk and @smaug---- is that you should be able to do something like this:

const controller = new AbortController();
const watcher = new CloseWatcher({ signal: controller.signal });


which will work the same as

const watcher = new CloseWatcher();

The advantage, of course, is for cases where you have a single AbortSignal tied to many different things, one of which might be a CloseWatcher.

<dialog> integration compat issue

The current spec attempts to integrate <dialog> with close watchers very directly. However, due to the anti-abuse restrictions, this breaks compat on desktop OSes in some cases.

As background, our anti-abuse restrictions are that you basically get to intercept one close signal per user activation, to avoid back trapping with the Android back button. If you try to intercept more, you will either not be able to create a CloseWatcher, or you will not get a cancel event.

However, we apply those restrictions uniformly across platforms, including on desktop platforms where the signal is the non-abusable Esc key. The idea is to avoid platform-specific differences and make it easier to test-once, run-on-any-user's-device.

This seems fine for the new CloseWatcher class. But for <dialog> this does have compat impacts:

  • If you showModal() many <dialog>s without user activation, only the first (bottommost) will be closeable with Esc. Others will ignore close signals. (This avoids creating tons of <dialog>s on Android which consume all the back button presses.)
  • If no user activation has happened since the dialog was shown, its cancel event will not fire. (Since the cancel event can be preventDefault()ed, which consumes a close signal, which we don't want to let happen an unlimited number of times.)

I think these behaviors are good for integrating the Android back button with <dialog>s. (Note that no browser has such integration today, so it's a question about whether the proposed integration, subject to the above restrictions, is better than nothing.)

And I think in the real world these restrictions should be survivable for <dialog>s even on desktop. People should generally not open more than one <dialog> without user activation. But, it is a concern.


  • Leave it as is, and take the compat hit. IMO it will be manageable, or at least worth trying, and the benefit of getting uniform behavior across mobile and desktop is worth it.

  • <dialog> gets special-casing for Esc key handling to preserve compat. Basically if the close signal is an Esc key, we bypass the usual checks and use a separate path for reacting to that, instead of using the close signal infrastructure.

    • This version does not really give <dialog> special powers compared to what a web developer could write. It's just messy. See below for more.
  • <dialog> still fires cancel events, but they are not cancelable if there haven't been enough user activation. This is a quick fix that might help people who happen to be using <dialog>'s cancel as a synonym for close instead of using it as a method of preventing the dialog from closing.

  • We change the close watcher infrastructure in general to only apply anti-abuse measures on close signals where it is necessary (e.g. Android). This means that if you are working on desktop, you can create unlimited CloseWatcher instances and get unlimited cancel events, since consuming Esc key presses is not dangerous. Similarly on iOS devices (although there close signals are rare). But if you are working on Android the new CloseWatcher() constructor might throw, or the resulting CloseWatcher might not fire a cancel event.

    • We can have a variant of this where instead of new CloseWatcher() throwing, it returns an already-deactivated CloseWatcher that will never fire events, which might be a bit less destructive for those who only test on desktop.
    • This might be especially desirable if we expect web developers to be hacking together this sort of solution on their own. I.e., maybe web developers will prefer non-uniform behavior if it gets them more reliable desktop close signals, and will start doing hacks like using CloseWatcher only on Android, or listening for Esc in addition to using the CloseWatcher.

/cc @smaug---- @annevk @josepharhar

Which document should be targeted?

Some close signals don't target a specific document, such as Android's 'back' action. In a page containing iframes, which document gets the signal?

Option 1: Always the top level.
Option 1a: …unless an element in an iframe is full-screen, in which case it goes to the iframe.
Option 2: Whichever document last had focus.
Option 3: The stack is moved to the traversable. If the close action targets a particular document (such as esc key), then it takes the last item on the stack for this document. Otherwise, it's the last item on the stack.

Option 3 could get complicated due to all the thread hopping.

Potential editorial improvement: give close watchers cancel and close actions

In @josepharhar stumbled across a mismatch between implementation and spec techniques that made me think we could improve the spec.

In particular, right now conceptual close watchers have close actions.

The close action for the CloseWatcher class's close watcher is to signal close. The close action for the <dialog> element's close watcher is to cancel the dialog.

These two close actions consist of very similar steps. Roughly:

  • If allowed to do so,
    • Fire a cancel event on the object
    • Consume the user-activation-for-close-watchers
    • Bail out if the cancel event was canceled
  • Do actual closing stuff

We can probably move this infrastructure into the conceptual close watcher, by giving them "cancel actions" and "close actions", and then wrapping up that logic. This better ensures that all close watcher users actually do the correct thing with regard to checking whether cancel steps are allowed and consuming the user activation. And it makes it easier to write any future specs that use close watchers.

Scoping close events

This looks very interesting! As someone who works on component libraries, this is something I've often wanted - especially the ability to tie into hardware back button and screen reader close signals. Apologies if the proposal isn't ready for feedback yet - feel free to disregard if so.

One question I had is if it makes sense for close events to be scoped. At the moment, my understanding is that the proposal is that they are global. If multiple CloseWatcher instances are created, then the most recently created instance is triggered. This feels like it could be potentially problematic in cases where you might have multiple open "panels" or some such UI. Did you consider whether it might make sense to scope close events to a DOM element and trigger the event by bubbling from the activeElement? Another potential advantage to that approach would be the ability to include pointer events such as clicking outside the element as a close signal.

Another question is whether JavaScript can potentially cancel a close signal. For example, if you had a custom input within a dialog that cleared when you pressed the escape key, you wouldn't want the dialog to close. Would preventDefault on the keyboard event prevent the close signal from firing (i.e. does the event need to bubble all the way back to the document - or whatever element the handler is scoped to if the above option is used)?

PlayStation button

In Europe the circle button is the one that goes back. (It used to be triangle in the early models.)

Support out-of-bounds clicks as a close signal

When thinking about the new Popup API proposal, the close watcher currently supports a number of the close signals for a popup including esc and back button on certain UAs.

One of the new close signals however is clicking or tapping outside of the bounds of the popup.

Clicking or tapping outside the bounds of the pop-up. Any mousedown event will trigger all open pop-ups to be hidden, starting from the top of the pop-up stack, and ending with the nearest open ancestral pop-up of the mousedown event's target Node. This means clicking on a pop-up or its trigger or anchor elements will not hide that pop-up.

I was thinking that it would be good if any new behavior provided automatically by the browser could be encapsulated in APIs that would allow component developers who could not use the popup API for one reason or another to still take advantage of the dismiss behavior.

In the explainer there is the example of the sidebar click, which adds an event listener and then calls into the close watcher directly.

I wonder whether we can have an automatic option instead. So that example would become:

const hamburgerMenuButton = document.querySelector('#hamburger-menu-button');
const sidebar = document.querySelector('#sidebar');

hamburgerMenuButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  const watcher = new CloseWatcher({element: sidebar, outOfBoundsClick: true});

  sidebar.animate([{ transform: 'translateX(-200px)' }, { transform: 'translateX(0)' }]);

  watcher.onclose = () => {
    sidebar.animate([{ transform: 'translateX(0)' }, { transform: 'translateX(-200px)' }]);

Potential issue with late-arriving initial popover

I'm thinking specifically of cookie banners, as these seems to load particularly late.

Let's say a site contains a cookie banner that uses CloseWatcher:

  1. User navigates to site.
  2. Time passes, because the cookie banner loads slowly.
  3. Cookie banner appears.
  4. User presses esc and the cookie banner closes.

Great, but…

  1. User navigates to site.
  2. Time passes, because the cookie banner loads slowly.
  3. User opens a sidebar, which also uses CloseWatcher.
  4. Cookie banner appears over the top.
  5. User presses esc expecting the cookie banner to disappear, but the sidebar closes.

Right now the spec only allows a CloseWatcher to be created without user activation if the close watcher stack is empty (roughly). Maybe it should change so that the stack may only contain one close watcher that was created without user activation?

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