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fivem-appearance's Issues

Enhancement: DE Translate

Dont know why a PR dont work, so heres a German locale - Translation ;)

  "modal": {
    "save": {
      "title": "Änderungen übernehmen",
      "description": "Du hast dich kein bisschen verändert..."
    "exit": {
      "title": "Anpassungsbereich verlassen",
      "description": "Keinerlei Änderungen gespeichert."
    "accept": "Ja",
    "decline": "Nein"

  "ped": {
    "title": "Ped",
    "model": "Modell"

  "headBlend": {
    "title": "Vererbung",
    "shape": {
      "title": "Gesicht",
      "firstOption": "Vater",
      "secondOption": "Mutter",
      "mix": "Ähnlichkeit"

    "skin": {
      "title": "Hautfarbe",
      "firstOption": "Vater",
      "secondOption": "Mutter",
      "mix": "Ähnlichkeit"

  "faceFeatures": {
    "title": "Gesichtsmerkmale",
    "nose": {
      "title": "Nase",
      "width": "Breite",
      "height": "Höhe",
      "size": "Größe",
      "boneHeight": "Höhe Nasenbein",
      "boneTwist": "Versatz Nasenbein",
      "peakHeight": "Höhe Nasenspitze"

    "eyebrows": {
      "title": "Augenbrauen",
      "height": "Höhe",
      "depth": "Tiefe"

    "cheeks": {
      "title": "Wangen",
      "boneHeight": "Höhe Wangenknochen",
      "boneWidth": "Breite Wangenknochen",
      "width": "Breite"

    "eyesAndMouth": {
      "title": "Augen / Mundbereich",
      "eyesOpening": "Augengröße",
      "lipsThickness": "Lippendicke"

    "jaw": {
      "title": "Kiefer",
      "width": "Breite",
      "size": "Größe"

    "chin": {
      "title": "Kinn",
      "lowering": "Höhe",
      "length": "Länge",
      "size": "Größe",
      "hole": "Kerbengröße"

    "neck": {
      "title": "Nacken",
      "thickness": "Dicke"

  "headOverlays": {
    "title": "Aussehen",
    "hair": {
      "title": "Haar",
      "style": "Stil",
      "color": "Farbe",
      "highlight": "Sekundärfarbe", 
      "fade": "verblassen"

    "opacity": "Intensität",
    "style": "Stil",
    "color": "Farbe",
    "blemishes": "Hautunreinheiten",
    "beard": "Bart",
    "eyebrows": "Augenbrauen",
    "ageing": "Alterung",
    "makeUp": "Schminke",
    "blush": "Rötung",
    "complexion": "Teint",
    "sunDamage": "Sonnenschäden",
    "lipstick": "Lippenstift",
    "moleAndFreckles": "Sommersprossen",
    "chestHair": "Brustbehaarung",
    "bodyBlemishes": "Körperunreinheiten",
    "eyeColor": "Augenfarbe"

  "components": {
    "title": "Kleidung",
    "drawable": "Modell",
    "texture": "Farbe/Variation",
    "mask": "Maske",
    "upperBody": "Hände",
    "lowerBody": "Hose",
    "bags": "Taschen",
    "shoes": "Schuhe",
    "scarfAndChains": "Halschmuck und Accessoires",
    "shirt": "Unterbekleidung",
    "bodyArmor": "Schusswesten",
    "decals": "Aufnäher",
    "jackets": "Oberbekleidung"

  "props": {
    "title": "Accessoires",
    "drawable": "Modell",
    "texture": "Variation",
    "hats": "Kopfbedeckungen",
    "glasses": "Brillen",
    "ear": "Ohrschuck",
    "watches": "Uhren",
    "bracelets": "Armreif"

  "tattoos": {
    "title": "Tattoos",
    "items": {
      "ZONE_TORSO": "Oberkörper",
      "ZONE_HEAD": "Kopfbereich",
      "ZONE_LEFT_ARM": "Arm Links",
      "ZONE_RIGHT_ARM": "Arm Rechts",
      "ZONE_LEFT_LEG": "Bein Links",
      "ZONE_RIGHT_LEG": "Bein Rechts"
    "apply": "Akzeptieren", 
    "delete": "Entfernen"

Tattoos won't save


In the lastest version, tattoos won't get saved on skin even if you pay them.

Fade's don't work

Unsure why but the fade's (haircuts) don't actually work for some reason, unsure why but im going to look into it

Server callback does not exist

[ script:es_extended] [WARNING] Server callback "fivem-appearance:getPlayerSkin" does not exist. Please Check The Server File for Errors!

Hello, how do I fix this error? I checked the common issues and there's nothing about it.

Issue: Not Solved! (#42) Always start with an "Male" Ped - even if you say "Female" in esx_identity

I am now on latest Version.

The Main-Problem is:

  • Register a New Character
  • Choose Female at Register
  • You start in Char-Creation with a MALE Ped

Again, i deactivate the "PED" Selection in Initial-Char Creation Menu.
Because it is not RP-Friendly to let any Player on Char-Creation Choose any Existitent Peds in Gta-Lore
It will be Abused.
So in my Opinion it is a Heavy-Problem, because actually the only Workarround is to let the palyer choose Custom Peds ... And this is...yaaah

So any Way to provide an Export to put in esx_identity or make sure when press on Female - You get a Female Ped ?!

french translation

"modal": {
"save": {
"title": "Enregistrer la personnalisation",
"description": "Tu resteras moche"
"exit": {
"title": "Quitter la personnalisation",
"description": "Aucune modification ne sera enregistrée"
"accept": "Oui",
"decline": "Non"
"ped": {
"title": "Ped",
"model": "Model"
"headBlend": {
"title": "Héritage",
"shape": {
"title": "Visage",
"firstOption": "Père",
"secondOption": "Mère",
"mix": "Mix"
"skin": {
"title": "Peau",
"firstOption": "Père",
"secondOption": "Mère",
"mix": "Mix"
"faceFeatures": {
"title": "Face Features",
"nose": {
"title": "Nez",
"width": "Largeur",
"height": "Hauteur",
"size": "Taille",
"boneHeight": "Bone height",
"boneTwist": "Bone twist",
"peakHeight": "Peak height"
"eyebrows": {
"title": "Sourcils",
"height": "Hauteur",
"depth": "Profondeur"
"cheeks": {
"title": "Joues",
"boneHeight": "Bone height",
"boneWidth": "Bone width",
"width": "Largeur"
"eyesAndMouth": {
"title": "Yeux et Bouche",
"eyesOpening": "Eyes opening",
"lipsThickness": "Lip thickness"
"jaw": {
"title": "Mâchoire",
"width": "Largeur",
"size": "Taille"
"chin": {
"title": "Menton",
"lowering": "Lowering",
"length": "Length",
"size": "Size",
"hole": "Hole size"
"neck": {
"title": "Cou",
"thickness": "Épaisseur"
"headOverlays": {
"title": "Apparence",
"hair": {
"title": "Cheveux",
"style": "Style",
"color": "Couleur",
"highlight": "Highlight"
"opacity": "Opacité",
"style": "Style",
"color": "Couleur",
"blemishes": "Imperfections",
"beard": "Barbe",
"eyebrows": "Sourcils",
"ageing": "Ageing",
"makeUp": "Make up",
"blush": "Bblush",
"complexion": "Complexion",
"sunDamage": "Sun damage",
"lipstick": "Rouge à lèvres",
"moleAndFreckles": "Mole and Freckles",
"chestHair": "Poils du torse",
"bodyBlemishes": "Imperfections du corps",
"eyeColor": "Couleur des yeux"
"components": {
"title": "Vêtements",
"drawable": "Drawable",
"texture": "Texture",
"mask": "Masque",
"upperBody": "Mains",
"lowerBody": "Jambes",
"bags": "Sacs et Parachute",
"shoes": "Chaussures",
"scarfAndChains": "Écharpe et Chaînes",
"shirt": "Shirt",
"bodyArmor": "Gilet pare-balles",
"decals": "Decals",
"jackets": "Vestes"
"props": {
"title": "Objets",
"drawable": "Drawable",
"texture": "Texture",
"hats": "Chapeaux et Casques",
"glasses": "Lunettes",
"ear": "Oreille",
"watches": "Montres",
"bracelets": "Bracelets"
"tattoos": {
"title": "Tattoos",
"items": {
"ZONE_TORSO": "Torse",
"ZONE_HEAD": "Visage",
"ZONE_LEFT_ARM": "Bras gauche",
"ZONE_RIGHT_ARM": "Bras droit",
"ZONE_LEFT_LEG": "Jambe gauche",
"ZONE_RIGHT_LEG": "Jambe droite"
"apply": "Appliquer",
"delete": "Supprimer"

Fivem appearance in esx_identity

I have a question, how can I add the Fivem appearance in esx_identity when people sign up? The code in the documentation doesn't work

Blip name didn't support my languages

I see something wrong when I used the latest, when I change the string code ,change ENG to Chinese, the name will be empty.But I when I use the vesion 1.0.5 ,then it work good. I don't kown what happend,hope U could write back

Hair and Face features dont save or load with outfits

Hey there! I've noticed that face features, along with hair, skin colour etc, do not save (or load) with outfits.
If you save an outfit, load another, then load the outfit you just saved, it only loads your clothes.

Problems with removing clothes

When I click to remove the clothes to put on the tattoos, I get the character with clothes that I have to touch so that he is in his underwear.

With the old skinchanger script it will be fixed but here in the
fivem-appearance I don't know how to do it if someone can help me fix this, I would appreciate it a lot.

Sin título


My game is crashing when i join to the server if the script is ensured! Fix pls

Request for compatibility with rcore_tattoos

Hello wasabi, I am dev at rcore script studio, we have been previously talking about a problem with fivem-appearance and our rcore_tattoos script and I have been told to create an issue here.

Our customers are reporting that when they use both of the scripts at once, your fivem-appearance removes our tattoos from their ped. There is a really simple one line fix for this.

Everytime ClearPedDecorations is used, tattoos are deleted. Each time ClearPedDecorations is used, please reapply our tattoos with one of these events, depending on client/server side:

From server
TriggerClientEvent('rcore_tattoos:applyOwnedTattoos', playerId)

From client

It could also be configurable, something like Config.ReapplyRcoreTattoos, but that's up to you.

Thanks a lot! 🔥

Charging money for buying outfit


I'd like to know if there is a chance to add a price when a player buys a new outfit.

In the clothes shop, barber and tattoo.


Issue with Tattoo's & Fades

I am Currently on the latest Version of both ESX and Wasabi's Version of five-appearance

The Main-Problem is as follows in steps:

  • User Creates New Character
  • Fully Configs Their Character(does not show any tattoos but shows the fade of the hair style they picked)
  • Spawns At Default Location
  • Character appears with tattoos and fade of primary character( this also causes issues with users on my server who play as animals since those animals come in with Human Ped Fades aka having a cow running around with a fade texture on its head)

Would Greatly Welcome any solution that resolves this issue so users are able to rp with out RP breaking Problems

fivem appearence

I have a problem and I can't solve it in any way. After passing the character creation screen, the appearance is automatically random pad, I wonder how do I convert it to default pads?

a bad error comes after each player connects to server

script:fivem-appeara] SCRIPT ERROR: @fivem-appearance/server.lua:22: attempt to index a nil value (local 'xPlayer')
[script:fivem-appeara] > TriggerServerCallback (@es_extended/server/functions.lua:160)
[script:fivem-appeara] > handler (@es_extended/server/common.lua:124)

Add hair fade category?

Hello, is there a way to add the hair fade category? my hair fades are mixed in with the hair styles and messing some of them up. Thank you

feat. request: Add more Labels for Clothe-Shops

Hey there,
ya like the Title, an option for make as an example "suburban" / "Binco" and "Ponsonbys"

got here an description:
"There are only three types of stores: cheap (normal clothes, sometimes the same like in Binco but cheaper), Binco (sports, normal clothing), Suburban (more relaxed clothes) and Ponsonboys (expensive, luxury clothes - suits, shirts etc)."

Also it would be nice to configure Mask Shop separately aswell as Glasses Shop and Bags Shop.


Issue: Always start with an "Male" Ped - even if you say "Female" in esx_identity

If you create a character with esx_identity you get into the Char-Creation with an Male Ped.
Even if you Press on Female.

I Personally hide the "Ped-Selection" in the Char creator because it is not really Roleplay friendly to offer other Players to select any Ped in GTA-Lore.
This will be abused by Players for 10000%

So is there a solution when i press on Female -> preselect the Female Ped
and if you Select Male -> Preselect the Male Ped.

"en" locale not setting by default

Using a wrong locale or missing it on .cfg could lead to never showing UI
it can be reproduced by using a random convar for locale like
setr fivem-appearance:locale "issue"

Tattoos and fades disappearing

Occasionally (can't get it to happen every time) when you leave the clothing store without changing or saving anything it removes tattoos and fades.

New language

Hello, i am providing a new language. Estonian.

"modal": {
"save": {
"title": "Salvesta",
"description": "Valik on lõplik"
"exit": {
"title": "Katkesta",
"description": "Muudatusi ei salvestata"
"accept": "Jah",
"decline": "Ei"
"ped": {
"title": "Ped",
"model": "Model"
"headBlend": {
"title": "Pärimus",
"shape": {
"title": "Nägu",
"firstOption": "Isa",
"secondOption": "Ema",
"mix": "Sega"
"skin": {
"title": "Nahk",
"firstOption": "Isa",
"secondOption": "Ema",
"mix": "Sega"
"faceFeatures": {
"title": "Näoomadused",
"nose": {
"title": "Nina",
"width": "Laius",
"height": "Pikkus",
"size": "Suurus",
"boneHeight": "Luu pikkus",
"boneTwist": "Luu kalle",
"peakHeight": "Nina otsa"
"eyebrows": {
"title": "Kulmud",
"height": "Pikkus",
"depth": "Sügavus"
"cheeks": {
"title": "Põsk",
"boneHeight": "Põse kõrgus",
"boneWidth": "Põseluu laius",
"width": "Laius"
"eyesAndMouth": {
"title": "Silmad ja suu",
"eyesOpening": "Silmad",
"lipsThickness": "Huulte paksus"
"jaw": {
"title": "Lõualuu",
"width": "Laius",
"size": "Suurus"
"chin": {
"title": "Lõug",
"lowering": "Langetamine",
"length": "Pikkus",
"size": "Suurus",
"hole": "Lõuaotsa suurus"
"neck": {
"title": "Kael",
"thickness": "Paksus"
"headOverlays": {
"title": "Välimus",
"hair": {
"title": "Juuksed",
"style": "Stiil",
"color": "Värv",
"highlight": "Heledus",
"fade": "Tuhmus"
"opacity": "Läbipaistvus",
"style": "Stiil",
"color": "Värv",
"blemishes": "Armid",
"beard": "Habe",
"eyebrows": "Kulmud",
"ageing": "Vanus",
"makeUp": "Make up",
"blush": "Põsepuna",
"complexion": "Jume",
"sunDamage": "Päikesekahjustus",
"lipstick": "Huulepulk",
"moleAndFreckles": "Vistrikud ja tedretähnid",
"chestHair": "Rinnakarvad",
"bodyBlemishes": "Keha armid",
"eyeColor": "Silma värv"
"components": {
"title": "Riided",
"drawable": "Riie",
"texture": "Variatsioon",
"mask": "Mask",
"upperBody": "Käed",
"lowerBody": "Jalad",
"bags": "Kotid ja langevarjud",
"shoes": "Jalatsid",
"scarfAndChains": "Sallid ja kettid",
"shirt": "Särk",
"bodyArmor": "Vestid",
"decals": "Lisad",
"jackets": "Jakkid"
"props": {
"title": "Rekvisiidid",
"drawable": "Riie",
"texture": "Variatsioon",
"hats": "Mütsid ja kiivrid",
"glasses": "Prillid",
"ear": "Kõrv",
"watches": "Kellad",
"bracelets": "Käekettid"
"tattoos": {
"title": "Tattoveeringud",
"items": {
"ZONE_TORSO": "Ülakeha",
"ZONE_HEAD": "Pea",
"ZONE_LEFT_ARM": "Vasak käsi",
"ZONE_RIGHT_ARM": "Parem käsi",
"ZONE_LEFT_LEG": "Vasak jalg",
"ZONE_RIGHT_LEG": "Parem jalg"
"apply": "Rakenda",
"delete": "Kustuta"

language FR+ add

"modal": {
"save": {
"title": "Enregistrer ?",
"description": "Tu resteras moche"
"exit": {
"title": "Annuler",
"description": "Aucune modification ne sera enregistrée"
"accept": "Oui",
"decline": "Non"
"ped": {
"title": "Ped",
"model": "Model"
"headBlend": {
"title": "Héritage",
"shape": {
"title": "Visage",
"firstOption": "Père",
"secondOption": "Mère",
"mix": "Mélange"
"skin": {
"title": "Skin",
"firstOption": "Père",
"secondOption": "Mère",
"mix": "Mélange"
"faceFeatures": {
"title": "Caractéristiques du visage",
"nose": {
"title": "Nez",
"width": "Largeur",
"height": "Hauteur",
"size": "Taille",
"boneHeight": "Hauteur",
"boneTwist": "Torsion",
"peakHeight": "Hauteur maximale"
"eyebrows": {
"title": "Sourcils",
"height": "Hauteur",
"depth": "Profondeur"
"cheeks": {
"title": "Joues",
"boneHeight": "Hauteur",
"boneWidth": "Largeur",
"width": "Largeur 2"
"eyesAndMouth": {
"title": "Yeux et bouche",
"eyesOpening": "Bridage des yeux",
"lipsThickness": "Épaisseur des lèvres"
"jaw": {
"title": "Mâchoire",
"width": "Largeur",
"size": "Taille"
"chin": {
"title": "Menton",
"lowering": "Abaissement",
"length": "Longueur",
"size": "Taille",
"hole": "Taille du trou"
"neck": {
"title": "Cou",
"thickness": "Épaisseur"
"headOverlays": {
"title": "Apparence",
"hair": {
"title": "Cheveux",
"style": "Style",
"color": "Couleur",
"highlight": "Souligner",
"fade": "Ride"
"opacity": "Opacité",
"style": "Style",
"color": "Couleur",
"blemishes": "Défauts",
"beard": "Barbe",
"eyebrows": "Sourcils",
"ageing": "Vieillissement",
"makeUp": "Maquillage",
"blush": "Blush",
"complexion": "Teint",
"sunDamage": "Dommages causés par le soleil",
"lipstick": "Rouge à lèvres",
"moleAndFreckles": "Taupe et taches de rousseur",
"chestHair": "Poil",
"bodyBlemishes": "Défauts corporels",
"eyeColor": "Couleur des yeux"
"components": {
"title": "Vêtement",
"drawable": "Variable",
"texture": "Texture",
"mask": "Masque",
"upperBody": "Mains",
"lowerBody": "Jambes",
"bags": "Sacs et parachute",
"shoes": "Chaussures",
"scarfAndChains": "Foulard et chaînes",
"shirt": "Chemise",
"bodyArmor": "Gilets pare-balles",
"decals": "Décalcomanies",
"jackets": "Vestes"
"props": {
"title": "Accessoires",
"drawable": "Variable",
"texture": "Texture",
"hats": "Chapeaux et casques",
"glasses": "Lunettes",
"ear": "Oreille",
"watches": "Montres",
"bracelets": "Bracelets"
"tattoos": {
"title": "Tattoos",
"items": {
"ZONE_TORSO": "Torse",
"ZONE_HEAD": "Tête",
"ZONE_LEFT_ARM": "Bras gauche",
"ZONE_RIGHT_ARM": "Bras droit",
"ZONE_LEFT_LEG": "Jambe gauche",
"ZONE_RIGHT_LEG": "Jambe droite"
"apply": "Appliquer",
"delete": "Supprimer"

UI issue

For some weird reason, the mouse courser disappears on character creation.

Save fraction outfits

Can I save the outfits for the other faction members in the outfits menu and in another menu they can see the outfits they have saved and can pick them up, and the faction leader can delete them and have a code for the outfits you are wearing, which if someone else inserts in the menu, then they can add the outfits I have generated a code for.

Make tattoo shop options not pick and show


Sorry for being so picky, but, is there a way the tattoo menu could be more like a list?

I mean, now is hard to go one by one to see the tattoo on the body.

It would be awesome to beable to just click down arrow and see all the tattoos going by so people dont take forever to choose one.

Thanks in advanced.

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