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ci_bootstrap_3's Introduction

CodeIgniter 3 Bootstrap

Latest Build: 2017-03-24

Note: This project is still in progress, but welcome for any issues encountered

A starter template that supports multi-tenant (Frontend / Admin Panel / API) website in a single application.

This repository is developed upon the following tools:


This repository contains setup for rapid development:

  • Multi-tenant (e.g. Frontend Website, Admin Panel, API) website in single application
  • Modular design by CodeIgniter HMVC extension
  • Custom config files (sites.php, locale.php) for easy configuration of website behavior
  • Admin Panel with AdminLTE v2 theme, and Grocery CRUD integration
  • Admin Panel includes usage of Sortable library
  • API Site with Swagger UI integrated, via annotations supported by swagger-php library
  • API Site to handle RESTful endpoints, with shortcut functions to grab parameters and display results
  • User authentication for Frontend Website (Sign Up, Login, Forgot Password, etc.)
  • User authentication for Admin Panel (Login, Change Password, etc.)
  • Preset layouts and templates
  • Preset asset pipeline (e.g. minify scripts, image optimization) via gulp (reference from gulp-starter)
  • Preset data structure for Blogging (with pagination) and Cover Photos (carousel), which can be managed from Admin Panel
  • Form Builder library to help with form rendering with Bootstrap theme, form validation, etc.
  • Breadcrumb and Pagination handling fit with Bootstrap theme
  • Custom 404 pages for Frontend Website and Admin Panel
  • Multilingual support
  • Email config setup
  • Functions to be called from CLI (e.g. daily cron job, database backup)
  • ... more coming!

Demo Project

A demo repository can be found from:

Server Environment

Below configuration are preferred; other environments are not well-tested, but still feel free to report and issues.

  • PHP 5.6+
  • Apache 2.2+ with rewrite mod enabled
  • MySQL 5.5+ (not tested on MariaDB)

Setup Guide

  1. git clone this repo
  2. Create a database (e.g. named "ci_bootstrap_3"), then import /sql/latest.sql into MySQL server
  3. Make sure the database config (/application/config/database.php) is set correctly
  4. You should be able to access Frontend Website, Admin Panel and API Site (with Swagger Doc) respectively
  5. Visit the Demo Controllers (exist in both Frontend / Admin Panel / API) for sample usage

Note For more advanced workflow (includes repo upgrade), please have a look on my suggestion in this issue. After release the v1.0 version, I will try to keep the upgrade procedure more developer friendly.

Admin Users (and default login accounts)

There are 4 preset users for Admin Panel:

  • Webmaster (default username & password are both "webmaster", belongs to the webmaster group)
  • Admin (default username & password are both "admin", belongs to the admin group)
  • Manager (default username & password are both "manager", belongs to the manager group)
  • Staff (default username & password are both "staff", belongs to the staff group)

Folder Structure

Explanation on the folder structure which supports HMVC (only showing the highlighted folders and files).

application/                    --- Main CodeIgniter source files
        production/             --- Configuration when ENVIRONMENT is set as "production"
        autoload.php            --- By default, some files are loaded for this repo
        ci_bootstrap.php        --- Core configuration file for all sites
        database.php            --- Need to verify to ensure connection with MySQL database
        email.php               --- Created to centralize email configuration (default: using Mailgun)
        form_validation.php     --- Created to centralize validation forms for all forms, include ReCAPTCHA settings
        routes.php              --- Changed default controller from Welcome to Home
    controllers/                --- Controllers for Frontend Website; extends from MY_Controller (except Cli)
        Cli.php                 --- Utility function that can only be called from command line
        Home.php                --- Default controller for Frontend Website
    core/                       --- Extending CodeIgniter core classes; can also be used within modules
        MY_Controller.php       --- Important class which contains shared logic of all controllers
        MY_Loader.php           --- Required for HMVC extension
        MY_Model.php            --- Contains shared function for model classes
        MY_Router.php           --- Required for HMVC extension
    helpers/                    --- Contains custom helper functions being used throughout this repo
    language/                   --- Preset language files
    libraries/                  --- Custom libraries (e.g. Form Builder, System Message)
        MY_Email.php            --- Enhanced email library, includes work with Mailgun API
    models/                     --- Sample model extending from MY_Model
    modules/                    --- Each module can be accessed by http://{base_url}/{module_name}/{module_controller}/, etc.
        admin/                  --- Module for Admin Panel
            config/             --- Configuration for Admin Panel (overriding application/config/)
            controllers/        --- Controllers for Admin Panel; also extends from MY_Controller
            libraries/          --- Libraries specific for Admin Panel
            models/             --- Models only being used in Admin Panel
            views/              --- Views for Admin Panel; can reuse Frontend views, or override by using same path/filename
        adminlte/               --- Module with AdminLTE widgets
        api/                    --- Another module specific for API endpoints
    third_party/				--- 3rd party files (HMVC extension, Grocery CRUD, Rest Server, etc.)
    views/                      --- Views for Frontend Website, can also be used by modules unless overrided
assets/                         --- Folder for public files
    api/                        --- Swagger UI assets
    dist/                       --- Post-processed scripts and images via gulp tasks (don't manually edit files here!)
    grocery_crud/               --- Asset files from Grocery CRUD library
    image_crud/                 --- Asset files from Image CRUD library
    uploads/                    --- Default folder for upload files, where permission should set as writable
gulpfile.js/                    --- Task runner following gulp-starter practice
    tasks/                      --- Gulp tasks
    config.js                   --- Configuration for Gulp tasks
screenshots/                    --- Screenshot images for preview
sql/                            --- MySQL files
    backup/                     --- Files which will be created when backup database from CLI
    core/                       --- Files contains core data (e.g. Ion Auth)
    latest.sql                  --- Latest version of all preset data
src/                            --- Folder for non-public source files
    css/                        --- Custom CSS files append to each site
    images/                     --- Source image files before optimization
    js/                         --- Custom CSS files append to each site
    sass/                       --- SASS files for styling
    theme/                      --- Default folder for additional theme files
system/                         --- CodeIgniter core files (unchanged as clean CI3 installation)
.htaccess                       --- URL rewrite for Apache web server (require mod enabled)

Preset Gulp Tasks

The gulpfile.js folder is prepared with following tasks available:

  • default: run build task first, then watch for file change
  • build: run imagemin, cssmin and uglify tasks in parallel
  • rebuild: run clean task first, then copy, imagemin, cssmin and uglify tasks in parallel
  • clean: remove all files inside the dist folder (default: /assets/dist)
  • copy: copy required files to dist folder
  • cssmin: concat and minify CSS files
  • imagemin: optimize images (jpg, png, gif, svg) and output to dist folder (default: /assets/dist/images)
  • uglify: concat and minify (uglify) JS files
  • watch: monitor JS / CSS / image files and execute specific tasks upon changes


Frontend - Home:

Admin Panel - Home:

More screenshots can be viewed from the screenshots folder under this repository.


  • Changelog file
  • Better documentation (e.g. on Gitbook)
  • Enhance Form Builder library to support more field types
  • Grocery CRUD / Image CRUD file upload - add Amazon S3 integration
  • Grocery CRUD / Image CRUD image upload - add cropping feature

ci_bootstrap_3's People


towerx avatar waifung0207 avatar walaman avatar


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ci_bootstrap_3's Issues

swagger documentation


How can I add more definition and path in Swagger controllers?
Also I can see Error at the bottom of page and when click on it give following error

        "level": "error",
        "message": "Can't read from file http://vmcms.local/api/swagger"

Please find attached screenshot


and json response is as bellow

    "swagger": "2.0",
    "info": {
        "description": "API documentation for CI Bootstrap 3",
        "version": "v1",
        "title": "CI Bootstrap 3 API",
        "termsOfService": "",
        "contact": [],
        "license": []
    "host": "vmcms.local/",
    "basePath": "api/v1",
    "schemes": [
    "externalDocs": [],
    "tags": [
            "name": "user123",
            "description": "(For demo only)"
            "name": "user",
            "description": "(For demo only)"
    "definitions": {
        "User": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "id": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "format": "int32",
                    "description": "Unique ID"
                "name": {
                    "type": "string"
    "securityDefinitions": [],
    "paths": {
        "/users": {
            "get": {
                "tags": [
                "summary": "Get list of users",
                "description": "",
                "parameters": [
                        "name": "status",
                        "in": "query",
                        "description": "Filter by user status",
                        "required": false,
                        "collectionFormat": "csv",
                        "type": "array",
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "enum": [
                        "name": "tags",
                        "in": "query",
                        "description": "Filter by user tags",
                        "required": false,
                        "collectionFormat": "csv",
                        "type": "array",
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                "responses": {
                    "200": {
                        "description": "successful operation",
                        "schema": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {
                                "$ref": "#/definitions/User"
        "/users/{id}": {
            "get": {
                "tags": [
                "summary": "Get user info",
                "description": "",
                "parameters": [
                        "name": "id",
                        "in": "path",
                        "description": "Record ID",
                        "required": true,
                        "type": "integer",
                        "format": "int32"
                "responses": {
                    "200": {
                        "description": "successful operation",
                        "schema": {
                            "$ref": "#/definitions/User"
                    "404": {
                        "description": "Record not found"

Thank you,

Error on creating user

When creating first user I got an error.
Placing this:

    if ($query && $query->num_rows() > 0) {
        return $query->row();
    return false;

instead of this:

    return $query->num_rows()->row();

on application/core/MY_Model.php in function "get_by($where, $joins = array())" solved the problem.

Note: Mandrill integration is working fine :)

Multi Level Menu


I'm trying to integrate multi level menu from

Added following code to MyController _setup function

$this->load->model("menu_model", "menu");
$items = $this->menu->all();

// load the library and pass the array data

And in /layouts/default.php I've added

multi_menu->render(); ?>

But I am getting following error .

Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: League\Plates\Template\Template::$multi_menu
Filename: _layouts/default.php

Can anyone guide me how to set the variable.


About the implementation of hmvc

After some time spent on using this "codeigniter+ distro" :-D i have a little question about hmvc implementation in ci_bootstrap_3.

As i sow, the MY_model extend CI_model and not MX_model. There can a lot of reason to have completly separated modules but extending MX_controller can be a way to implement widgets with some simple modules template.

Have a nice day ;-)

integration with sendgrid?

first of all thanks for putting up this amazing set of tools together..

i was trying to integrate sendgrid rather than mailgun but couldn't make it work.
Is it possible to use email client for sending emails via sendgrid smtp or even web api?

group user level

i try to create a new group from database, then i create a new user with that group.
but when i'm try login.
it seems that the user that using that group level not worked and cannot login.

how i can add a new group login. that can login??

Turn CI_bootstrap into a real HMVC Framework


First of all thank you for your awesome work in this project.

im using your framework since the last two months and i see that you are continuously pushing new updates and improvements, and i think that this awesome project will be a must have if you make it full HMVC, and what i mean by a full HMVC is to move the default controllers and views of the demo (frontend) into a module, and i believe that it will be more easy to maintain and to update in the future, when you will push new update we can keep the change we have made in our module and simply update the core files.

also it will be great if you can integrate later an auto update that we can set on a cronjob, also to integrate more caching driver like the popular xcache, and maybe a plugin folder that we can use with short-codes or hooks like "wordpress", and a store for plugins, modules and templates, free or premium.

thank you and please excuse my little english.

PHP 5.4 or Greater

Because you use the short array syntax [], your code will only work on PHP 5.4 or greater. Sadly, that means I can't use it.

Bleading edge, means one less user

Can't login or create user


nice project. I tried to set this up on my machine, but have a little trouble logging in.

When I try to login with "admin" as defined in the sql dump it always sais:

The Email field must contain a valid email address.

As far as I can see in the database there is no column "email"

When I try to register a new user it says:

The Email field must contain a unique value.

It also looks like there is no access to the database...
Or I just can't find where exactly the db access happens

Anybody having the same issues?

Error Creating User when production mode is on

Love the work you are doing with this project so far, I have one error when production mode is enabled and trying to create a user. after submit on the the signup page I get the error below. You will not see the issue in development mode because the ReCaptcha check is skipped. Is there a library I am missing?
Fatal error: Class 'ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha' not found in application/libraries/Form_builder.php on line 412

Headers already sent

Hi Waifung,
I admire this project and forked it.
I changed config/database.php to connect to my database and tested the code as it is today (18-jun-2015).
The site works fine. Changing language works fine. Going to login page (or forms example), I get this error presented bellow.

Do you have any clue on why this might be happening? Don't know if this is an issue or just me not doing something correctly.

Thank you
--- Begin of what appears on the page
Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /home/my_app_path/application/controllers/Account.php on line 33

A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/my_app_path/application/controllers/Account.php:33)
Filename: core/Common.php
Line Number: 564

A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Compile Error
Message: Can't use method return value in write context
Filename: controllers/Account.php
Line Number: 33
--- End of what appears on the page


How to manage languages enabled on lang switcher?

different menu for user levels

Hey nice start-up, am trying to give user levels different menus.... like the admin can access every thing(i added the admin users in the sidemenu) but the staff should not see the admin users link. you also disabled it in the script. i thought of if ($user->role=='admin') in site.php but am getting a non-object error coz $user is not defined. In sidemenu.php i see $menu which i think is an array coming from site.php, is there a way to access this array maybe i can hide the desired link before its echoed. u have any solution for this...

[1.0.0] Documentation

  • Changelog file (since version 1.0.0)
  • Revamp overall documentation
  • Includes tutorials on different topics (or "recipes") - e.g. using Image CRUD, using theme files and gulp tasks to minify assets, setup cron job to call Cli controller, etc.

embedded scripts position

Is there any way to handle embedded scripts like this as it was handled previously?

start('scripts_foot'); ?>


MY_Form_validation callbacks are not working with HMVC

In order to make the callbacks work inside a module, MY_Form_validation should have a public property $CI and then add a reference to the controller after loading the form_validation library, just as wiredesignz explained in the documentation:

/** application/libraries/MY_Form_validation **/ 
class MY_Form_validation extends CI_Form_validation 
    public $CI; // make the CI_Form_validation::CI property public
class Xyz extends MX_Controller 
    function __construct()

        $this->form_validation->CI =& $this;

Role based page auth

dear @waifung0207 Role based page auth works on admin side very well but I couldnt make it work on front end. For example, I want to add an /account link on frontend but I want to hide if from non-logged in users. Is there something missing on frontend side related this issue.

Question on Plates Template Engine


Trying to get some basic functionality working, but the template engine is errors.
e.g. If I want to access $this->session->flashdata('message') from inside the (base) template, how would I go about doing that, maybe I am tiered but I am just not seeing it.
Tried looking through the plates documentation but not seeing a solution.


figured it out, needed to edit MY_controller
// set global view data
$this->mViewData['ci'] = $this; // uncomment this line if need to use CI instance, e.g. $ci->benchmark->elapsed_time()

MY_Form_validation.php is not loading properly

Form_validation it is a library and not a core component, so in order to rewrite using the MY_ functionality it have to reside inside application/libraries and not inside application/core. Currently ci_bootstrap_3 is not grabbing MY_Form_Validation.php.


For my projects on top of ci_bootstrap_3 i am using this extension of grocerycrud (

This extension is powerfoul for searching and simple to add via your Crud (wrapper) lib by adding the library file and inserting two lines. (and replacing of one file of the flexgrid theme).

    // Initialize CRUD table via Grocery CRUD library
    // Reference:
    public function generate_crud($table, $subject = '')
        // create CRUD object
                $this->CI->load->library('Grocery_CRUD_MultiSearch'); //those
        $crud = new grocery_CRUD_MultiSearch();                    //lines 
       ..... ecc. ecc.

Here a simple screenshot of the results

search_3 1

If you think this can be a future to add i can make a pull request. Bye ;-)

Problem with controllers when I upload to the server.

Once uploaded my web to the server seems that calls to controllers returns 404.
So there is maybe .htaccess wrong?

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

User Management

This is indeed a wonderful work done. Thank you for that. But the Role based implementation is not done all correctly. Though the configuration is done in site.php but when I login as staff or when I login as admin, that makes no difference in the Side Menu. Also, if I type the URL in the address bar directly, there are no restrictions.
In case, these two implementation are done, this will really be great. :)

Problems executing Gulp

I installled everything with npm.
Seems that everything works fine but when I execute gulp. The gulp script "clean" the dist folder but doesn't add the new .js/.css/fonts. I tried to revise the gulpfile.js but I can't see anything. :(

[1.0.0] Transactional Email API integration

Currently Mandrill SMTP is preset in configuration, but as long as its free plan quota is greatly reduced silently (from 12,000 emails per month, to non-renewing 2,000 emails), I am going to switch back to Mailgun(or perhaps SendGrid) instead.

In the mean time, I will update the repo with ability to send email through REST API instead of traditional SMTP protocal, which means the sending process should be more responsive.

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent

I pulled the latest version of you app and set it up on a LAMP stack. The home page works (html), however, every other page results in errors. The message reads - Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context. See the screenshot for more details. Can it be a dependency issue?

By the way... Great app. Looking forward to test it and collaborate!

ReCaptcha Validation on Form submission

I really like the feature of ReCaptcha but unfortunately it is not working :
Reference is given below:
ReCaptcha is not validated on forms (other forms fields are validated but recaptcha does not):

Can you assist?

User management

Hi @waifung0207,

You did an awesome work. Congratulations. I have an issue if it is possible.
I have codeigniter membership script which has only one login page for users and admin users.
On my script when you type http://localhost/codeigniter/admin you go nowhere. But if you type this after logged in as admin from common login page, you can access to admin page. This is a very good idea to hide admin panel from public.

Another issue is login with social media. There is a library named hybridauth. Is it possible to add this library to ci_bootstrap_3 if not I will give it a try.

Again thank you very much for this very awesome work.

form_builder lib

It seems that the form_builder lib is duplicating the CI object in the returning form object. So, passing them to the view ($this->mViewData['form1'] = $form1;) duplicate near everything (if i 'm not wrong) :-D

This is the screenshot of the kint debugged form obj

And this is the code

        // form_builder lib 
        // Update Info form
        $form1 = $this->form_builder->create_form('admin/account/update_info');
        //$this->mViewData['form1'] = $form1;


CSS: "icon" class conflict with AdminLTE

The "icon" class from this css at assets/css/admin.css seem to be conflict with AdminLTE "small-box icon", makes the icon on small-box placed outside

 * Align custom icon fonts with FontAwesome
.icon {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 20px;

Changing this class to different class-name could solved the issue

related file:

// Demo to add sections with subpages
        'demo' => array(
            'name'      => 'Demo',
            'url'       => 'demo',
            'icon'      => 'icon ion-gear-b',   // use non-FontAwesome icon (with "icon" class to align styling)
            'children'  => array(
                'Pagination'    => 'demo/pagination',
                'Sortable'      => 'demo/sortable',
                'Item 1'        => 'demo/item/1',
                'Item 2'        => 'demo/item/2',
                'Item 3'        => 'demo/item/3',
        // end of demo

Working with non-plural db table names

Hello @waifung0207

Have been working on a project which uses your ci_bootstrap_3 framework and have found it very useful and helpful to get the project going, so Thank You!

Something seems to be pluralizing the database table names, i.e. "country" becomes "countries" so the queries fail. Is there a workaround to disable this functionality?

I've tried specifying this in my public function:

My functions work fine if I rename the tables, but that will cause other issues.

Is there a global setting which I'm overlooking, or a way to declare the table name explicitly?

Thank you

Admin Controllers User algo cambio¿?

En este controlador es el crud de users en la
linea 13 hace referencia a una relacion "role" (el cual es un campo de los admin_users), pero creo que debería ser a group_id de la tabla user_groups.
tenia entendido que este controlador seria para los user del front..


$crud->columns('group_id', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'active', 'created_at');
$crud->set_relation('group_id', 'user_groups', 'name');


$crud->columns('role', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'active', 'created_at');

Error en leer config site

accedo a http://localhost/ci/account/sign_up

A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Parsing Error
Message: syntax error, unexpected '['
Filename: libraries/Form_builder.php
Line Number: 375
Line Number: 409

en general parece ser un problema con la lectura de $this->CI->config->item('recaptcha')['site_key'];
y también tengo el mismo problema cuando lee $this->CI->config->item('site')['auth']

mi info sistema
PHP Version 5.3.6;
Apache 2.0

i got error when open demo cover photos

Message: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Image_moo has a deprecated constructor

Filename: libraries/Image_moo.php

Line Number: 69

File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\ci_admin\application\third_party\MX\Modules.php
Line: 157
Function: _error_handler

File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\ci_admin\application\third_party\MX\Modules.php
Line: 157
Function: include_once

File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\ci_admin\application\third_party\MX\Loader.php
Line: 177
Function: load_file

File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\ci_admin\application\modules\admin\libraries\Image_crud.php
Line: 493
Function: library

File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\ci_admin\application\core\controllers\Admin_Controller.php
Line: 132
Function: render

File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\ci_admin\application\modules\admin\controllers\Demo.php
Line: 82
Function: render_crud

File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\www\ci_admin\index.php
Line: 292
Function: require_once

Few words about the last commits

First of oll ... thank you for this very very nice piece of software 👏, and soon after some reporting:

  • GroceryCrud now have not problems whith ckeditor ... but I think it remain disabled for me 👍
  • After some modifications on the image crud example ad some other work whith a custom photo-crud i notice that is impossible to append a value after the url - base/class/method/value - becouse it returns an arror that make impossible to pass a value to the function. 👎
A Database Error Occurred
Error Number: 1064

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= '1' ORDER BY `pos`' at line 3

SELECT * FROM `cover_photos` WHERE = '1' ORDER BY `pos`

Filename: modules/admin/libraries/Image_crud.php
Line Number: 363

It seems like there be a where clause ...

  • Blog example: the gcrud /ci_bootstrap_3/admin/blog/post/edit/1 seems to duplicate the tags section. If i add tag1, on the next read/edit access to the record i can see two "tag1" bootstrap icon and so for tag2 and 3. ☔

Thank's again ;-)

Multiple file upload

Hello Dear,

you have created awesome CI3 admin panel. i am using your CI admin panel Thank you for creating and share as publicly.
Is there multiple file upload code in that CI3 admin panel ? if yes how do i check it

Thanks in Advance

[1.0.0] Auth library integration

Going to pick an authentication library into CI Bootstrap 3.

Quite likely I will prefer Community Auth first, since I have tried Ion Auth before but its workflow is a little bit different from my projects (and some reasons that I forgot).

Sentinel / Sentry integration will include lots of composer packages due to its dependencies, which is less preferable because I want to keep the project as lightweight as it can. Another reason is for some hosted servers, the developers may not have root access so cannot use composer via SSH.

comment module

as you perform blog module, do you intent to create comment module?
or if you have any reference, could you share with us?


ps: I love your work, great!!


Hi, I don't know if this resolve or not issue but when I'm trying to edit frontend.css nothings happen to front end specially in home page. I try to configured out but I can't, would you please help me?


By the way thanks for this work.

Please add KCFinder integration on CKEditor

Hi Waifung,please add KCFinder integration on CKEditor, CI3 session is different from CI2, so it's hard to call session to limit the authorized access only in KCFinder. Thanks

Starting with copying user model

Hi waifung0207

I am trying starting (from admin module) with this perfect for me template. Actually i am copying User.php controller to use grocery_crud with a new table in the db, so doing that:
(File: E:\xampp\htdocs\ci_bootstrap_3\application\modules\admin\controllers\Progetti.php)

crud->generate_crud('progetti'); //$crud->columns('role', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'active', 'created_at'); $this->mViewData['crud_data'] = $this->crud->render(); $this->render('crud'); } ``` ![cattura di schermata 2]( View and delete are right. Invoking the edit (http://localhost/ci_bootstrap_3/admin/progetti/index/edit/8) rendere the right gcrud page ![cattura di schermata 3]( Can this be a bug of the g_crud integration ? Thanks for you efforts in this repo :-D (and for the answer) P.S. The same (as up) with admin_user (crontroller using gcrud and admin_users table) give a good normal crud for admin users. Cheers P.S.2 It can be a specific problem with my table ... i am trying with more simple tables and it seems it's ok.

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