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language-tools's Introduction

Vue Language Tools

⚡ High-performance Vue language tooling based-on Volar.js

💬 #language-tools on our Discord Server


Community Integration

yaegassy/coc-volar ⚡ 🤝 🅿️
Vue language client for coc.nvim

neovim/nvim-lspconfig ⚡ 🤝
Vue language server configuration for Neovim

How to configure vue language server with neovim and lsp?

Hybrid mode configuration (Requires @vue/language-server version ^2.0.0)

Note: The "Take Over" mode has been discontinued. Instead, a new "Hybrid" mode has been introduced. In this mode, the Vue Language Server exclusively manages the CSS/HTML sections. As a result, you must run @vue/language-server in conjunction with a TypeScript server that employs @vue/typescript-plugin. Below is a streamlined configuration for Neovim's LSP, updated to accommodate the language server following the upgrade to version 2.0.0.

-- If you are using mason.nvim, you can get the ts_plugin_path like this
-- local mason_registry = require('mason-registry')
-- local vue_language_server_path = mason_registry.get_package('vue-language-server'):get_install_path() .. '/node_modules/@vue/language-server'

local vue_language_server_path = '/path/to/@vue/language-server'

local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')

lspconfig.tsserver.setup {
  init_options = {
    plugins = {
        name = '@vue/typescript-plugin',
        location = vue_language_server_path,
        languages = { 'vue' },
  filetypes = { 'typescript', 'javascript', 'javascriptreact', 'typescriptreact', 'vue' },

-- No need to set `hybridMode` to `true` as it's the default value
lspconfig.volar.setup {}

None-Hybrid mode(similar to takeover mode) configuration (Requires @vue/language-server version ^2.0.7)

Note: If hybridMode is set to false Volar will run embedded tsserver therefore there is no need to run it separately.

For more information see #4119

Make sure you have typescript installed globally or pass the location to volar

Use volar for all .{vue,js,ts,tsx,jsx} files.

local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')

-- lspconfig.tsserver.setup {} 
lspconfig.volar.setup {
  filetypes = { 'typescript', 'javascript', 'javascriptreact', 'typescriptreact', 'vue' },
  init_options = {
    vue = {
      hybridMode = false,

Use volar for only .vue files and tsserver for .ts and .js files.

local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')

lspconfig.tsserver.setup {
  init_options = {
    plugins = {
        name = '@vue/typescript-plugin',
        location = '/path/to/@vue/language-server',
        languages = { 'vue' },

lspconfig.volar.setup {
  init_options = {
    vue = {
      hybridMode = false,

Vue language server auto configuration for vim-lsp

sublimelsp/LSP-volar 🤝
Vue language client for Sublime

Vue language client for Atom

emacs-lsp/lsp-mode (jadestrong/lsp-volar) ⚡ 🤝
Vue language client for Emacs

Vue language client for Nova

Vue language client for Lapce

Vue language support for Monaco on Browser

Built-in integration for @vue/language-server

Eclipse WildWebDeveloper
Vue language server configuration for Eclipse

* ⚡ support multiple servers
* 🤝 support take over mode
* 🅿️ support extra preview features

Contribution Guide

If you want to work on the volar extension follow these commands to set up your local development environment.

🔎 Note that you will need pnpm - you can download it here:

git clone
cd language-tools
pnpm install
pnpm run build

The recommended way to develop the volar extension is to use the Debug Tools provided by VSCode. Alternatively, you can run one of the scripts defined in the package.json file.

❗ You should always use the debug launch configs or package.json scripts defined in the root of the project.

Additional info for contributing to open source projects can be found here:

To develop with upstream Volar.js modules, you can setup workspace with

High Level System Overview

flowchart LR
	%% IDEs

	%% Language Clients

	click COC_VUE ""
	click NEO_VUE ""
	click VIM_VUE ""
	click SUBLIME_VUE ""
	click ATOM_VUE ""
	click EMACS_VUE ""
	click NOVA_VUE ""
	click LAPCE_VUE ""

	%% Volar - Extensions

	click VSC_VUE ""
	click VSC_TSVP ""

	%% Volar - Packages

	click VOLAR_VUE_TS ""
	click VOLAR_VUE_CORE ""
	click VUE_TSC ""
	click TS_VUE_PLUGIN ""

	%% External Packages
	%% TS[typescript]
	%% VITE_PLUGIN_CHECKER[fi3ework/vite-plugin-checker]
	%% COMPILE_VUE_SFC[leonzalion/compile-vue-sfc]

	click HTML_SERVICE ""
	click CSS_SERVICE ""
	click JSON_SERVICE ""
	click TS ""
	click VSC_TS ""
	click VUE_REPL ""
	click MONACO_VOLAR ""
	%% click COMPILE_VUE_SFC ""

	subgraph VUE_CLIENTS[Language Clients]
	  direction LR
	  VUE_CLIENT_SEMANTIC[Semantic Features]
	  VUE_CLIENT_SYNTACTIC[Syntactic Features]


	subgraph Embedded Language Services
	  direction LR



	VUE_CLIENTS -- Language Server Protocol --> VOLAR_VUE_SERVER





Full-time Support by

Boot a fresh environment in milliseconds.

language-tools's People


amour1688 avatar blake-newman avatar cereschen avatar dependabot[bot] avatar elevatebart avatar g-plane avatar github-actions[bot] avatar herringtondarkholme avatar iifelix avatar iwanabethatguy avatar jfparadis-appomni avatar johnsoncodehk avatar linusborg avatar merceyz avatar qwerty084 avatar rchl avatar roydukkey avatar sapphi-red avatar segevfiner avatar sight-wcg avatar simon-he95 avatar so1ve avatar stafyniaksacha avatar sxzz avatar tsukkee avatar wenfangdu avatar xiaoxiangmoe avatar yaegassy avatar zardoy avatar zhiyuanzmj avatar


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language-tools's Issues

Couldn't start client Volar - Document

This is a great project. Vue 3 is good with Ts but it could be better. I installed this extension but it throws some errors.

  • Couldn't start client Volar - Document
  • A request has failed. See the output for more information.
  • Request initialize failed with message: host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames is not a function

Hope you'll look into these errors. Thank you.

Format everything with prettier

I'm trying to use Prettier as formatter for every block, how do I do that? I tried workspaceExtensions but didn't work for the <template> block.

Nuxt and volar

Volar does not work with a generated nuxt project with typescript and composition api support using nuxt modules.

Getting ts(2304) error in the template.

  <button @click="inc">{{ count }}</button>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

export const count = ref(0)
export const inc = () => count.value++

Might have something to do with #37 because the project is using yarn.

defineProps in pure type syntax not working

Hi, I recently tried out the new <script setup> syntax in Typescript and found out that things start to get a bit wonky when I tried to use defineProps() in pure type syntax. For example, from my system, Volar fails to recognize the following props definition:

<script lang="ts" setup>
const props = defineProps<{
  valid: Ref<boolean>;
  save: () => void;
  reset: () => void;

It's kinda hard to describe in words, here is how it looks on my project:
Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 01 54 07

Volar underlined two @click definitions because it couldn't recognize the save() and reset() function in defineProps(). And somehow, after that fails, Volar also fails to recognize the msg() function as well.

Support stylelint.

I don't know if I'm doing it the wrong way, but I've disabled css validation in the workspace settings. How should I switch the default css validation to stylelint?



Add support of PropType checking in Vue 2

Thank you for very useful extension, it helps me a lot.
And it would be more helpful if you add PropType checking like when project uses vue 3.
Currently this feature doesn't support vue 2 projects :(



Truncates React elements

Below is a valid React 404.tsx file. Volar complains of unreachable code. After making a trivial change, e.g. add an extra blank line. When saving, VScode running Volar truncates half the return() expression, including the </p> closing tag, turning it into illegal syntax.

import React, { ReactElement } from "react";

export default function FourOhFourPage(): ReactElement {
  return <p>Hey - That page doesn't exist!!</p>;

Reverse inference event types from `$emit`

I spent a lot of time on this issue, and current TS version seems can't solve it.


Given a $emit type with unknow overloads length:

type Emit = {
  (event: 'event-1', str: string): void;
  (event: 'event-2', num: number): void;
  (event: 'event-3', bool: boolean): void;
  // more events...
  (event: 'event-n', str: string, num: number, bool: boolean): void;

How to get the event function type with specify event name?

type EmitEvent<F, E> = ...;

type Event_1 = EmitEvent<Emit, 'event-1'>; // (str: string) => void
type Event_2 = EmitEvent<Emit, 'event-2'>; // (num: number) => void
type Event_3 = EmitEvent<Emit, 'event-3'>; // (bool: boolean) => void
// more events...
type Event_n = EmitEvent<Emit, 'event-n'>; // (str: string, num: number, bool: boolean) => void

What Now

For limited overloads length (for example 1 ~ 4), it can resolve with:

type EmitEvent<F, E> =
   F extends {
      (event: E, ...payload: infer P): infer R // match 'event n - 3'
      (...args: any): any
      (...args: any): any
      (...args: any): any
   } ? (...payload: P) => R
   : F extends {
      (event: E, ...payload: infer P): infer R // match 'event n - 2'
      (...args: any): any
      (...args: any): any
   } ? (...payload: P) => R
   : F extends {
      (event: E, ...payload: infer P): infer R // match 'event n - 1'
      (...args: any): any
   } ? (...payload: P) => R
   : F extends {
      (event: E, ...payload: infer P): infer R // match 'event n'
   } ? (...payload: P) => R
   : unknow /* or `(...payload: any[]) => any` whatever */; // match 'event n < n - 3'

(Note: Increasing the number of overloads in this way inferred time will increase exponentially, so it is not feasible to detect the number of overloads dynamically generating EmitEvent<F, E>.)

Some libraries have more than 10 events overloads, so this is still a problem to be solved.


ref type error

:ref="'music'" is ok

and Seems like miss the type file in node_modules while find something to import?

In Vue-class files, private property will report an error
Private keyword doesn't do anything, but a lot of people get used to writing it

It's nice to see that you're still maintaining the project, and it's now much faster than Vetur

Methods not found when using mapGetters

First I would like to say that I like this extension. It's working well!

In my code I'm using mapGetters to well.. map the getters from my Vuex store.
Unfortunately, this is not working with Volar. It says it can't find these methods.

A "solution" would be to not use the mapGetters of course, but to me that's not really an option.
Hope this can be fixed!

Support for script syntactical sugar "setup"

I attempted to use the setup="props" shorthand with TS but it doesn't seem to work - is there a plan to support this while it is experimental?

Heres an example of what i'm attempting:


<script lang="ts" setup="props">
import { ref } from "vue"

declare const props: {
  msg: string

export const count = ref(0);

    {{ count }}
    <button @click="count++">Add</button>

Import the HelloWorld component; the props aren't registered when hovering over the component in the template, prop completion and type checking aren't working, and missing a prop doesn't error highlight the component.

  • Create vite app
  • Add typescript pkg and vue shim
  • Add volar shims
  • Update files to use TS (index.html and .vue files' script tag)

BTW this is looking great so far, really good work! Thanks for your time 😄

SASS language support

When declaring a <style lang="sass"> block, the brace-less SASS syntax doesn't seem to be properly recognized:


Volar can't see Type which is declared in "script setup"

When I use this volar say's "Couldn't find Tabs"

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { defineProps, PropType } from 'vue';
type Tabs = 'home' | 'album' | 'whatshot';
const props = defineProps({
   name: {
      type: String as () => PropType<Tabs>,
      required: true,

export from script setup sugar showing error in editor.

Hii @johnsoncodehk ,

So recently while using volar in a project, I got an error saying Modifiers cannot appear here.ts(1184).

This came from the following code. Please have a look.

<script lang="ts" setup="props">
import { User } from '@/utils/models';
import { toRef } from 'vue';

declare const props: {
  list: Array<User>;

export const userList = toRef(props, 'list'); // the error is shown right on top of the export keyword

  <div class="chat-list">
    <div v-for="u in userList" :key="">
      <span> {{ }} </span>

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.chat-list {

I'm actually not sure if it's a problem with volar or vue. Also this is not throwing any error in dev server or while rendering. Please have a look!

Script setup + eslint = unused vars

Is there any way to let eslint check whether the constants in a script tag with 'setup' sugar are being used in the template? I would prefer it to keep using the rule in my projects.

The following code triggers the '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars' eslint rule for the props and increment consts.

    <h1> {{ msg }} </h1>
        Clicks {{ count }}
        <button @click="increment">

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, defineProps } from 'vue';

const props = defineProps({
    msg: {
        type: String,
        required: true,

const count = ref(0);

const increment = (): number => count.value++;


Typing setup props interferes with type inference

I have this simplified component. With version v0.20.8, Volar doesn't know the type of value in my template.

  <div class="component">
    {{ value }}

<script lang="ts">
export default {
  props: {
    foo: {
      type: String,
      required: true,

  setup(props: { foo: string }) {
    return {
      value: 0,

However, if I remove the type annotation from props and change that line to setup(props) {, Volar suddenly knows that value is a number, and the red error lines in VS Code go away. Removing the props: { ... } definition (by renaming it to _props, for example) also gets rid of the errors. Using destructuring syntax without a type annotation and replacing the setup line to setup({ foo }) { also gives errors.

This is an amazing and tremendously helpful extension! 🎉 Keep up the great work!

Does not work well if dependencies are installed with pnpm

Hi, I've tried installing the dependencies on vite-starter-ref-sugar with yarn, and the extension works perfectly. But when the dependencies are installed with pnpm, Volar will think all variables used in the template don't exist.

It happens no matter if setup is used or not. I am using Windows 10.

With setup Without setup
image image

(So either way, it doesn't work)

pnpm is pretty cool, but it installs packages a bit differently.

It uses a lot of symlinks (junctions on Windows actually) to create a global package storage, so that every package only exists on the disk once. It also creates a non-flat node_modules structure, that prevents your code from requiring a package you don't depend on.

And it is probably one of those things that causes a compatibility issue with Volar.

pnpm is normally 100% compatible with Node.js and package bundlers. Even if it creates a different structure from npm, it is completely compliant. Voltar probably makes an assumption at some point about the structure of the node_modules folder that makes it unable to work with it... Or maybe it dislikes symlinks for some reason.

I've found a workaround: Installing @vue/runtime-dom directly, as suggested for Vue 2, makes Volar work as expected. Although I am on Vue 3 so that wouldn't normally be required

Add support for inline event handling

Hi, first of all thanks for this plugin! It's almost been working flawlessly for my exploration with Vue.

I've encountered one issue; When handling an event in a parent component by using an arrow function, the parameter becomes of type unknown instead of the type that the child passes on to the parent. Any idea's if there is support for this?

In the following example, I would expect the Todo.vue component to be aware that the toDoItem is of type TodoItem.

repository can be found here:

Semantic highlighting not working in *.vue files

Let me first start by thanking you for such an amazing extension! It is amazing that you support semantic scopes in *.vue files. This is something that is really missing in other extensions such as Vetur or VueDX to make coding experience closer to what I get in WebStorm.

However, speaking of the semantic tokens, I have noticed that the semantic highlighting does not work in *.vue files despite semantic scopes clearly being visible when I use the scope inspector and even some additional semantic scopes being defined in the package.json file. I have the editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled property set to true in the VSCode settings.json file and semantic highlighting works without any problems in .ts files. Any idea what could be the issue here?

`<script setup>` variables declared with destructure

It seems <script setup> binding analysis is not accounting destructure patterns. This works:

<script setup>
const link = useEditLink()
const url = link.url
const text = link.text

This doesn't:

<script setup>
const { url, text } = useEditLink()

ref intellisense enchancement

please check vuejs/vetur#2605 ,I think this is quite useful and worth to integrate in volar, the cost may be much cheeper than vetur... vetur is too big to add a new feature...

Can we do that ?

Duplicate identifier "class"

First off, i'm blown away by your work. Volar is very fast on a big Typescript project. I always had infuriating performance issues with Vetur.

Volar throws error when using valid vue code and v-bind

<span class="font-semibold" :class="{ 'text-text10': anime.isActivated }">Désactiver</span>


Workaround for now:

<span :class="['font-semibold',{ 'text-text10': anime.isActivated }]">Désactiver</span>

How can I disable volar to check style block?

I use tailwindcss and postcss and I don't want volar to check the style block. How can I config it ?

// postcss.config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    'postcss-preset-env': {
      features: {
        'nesting-rules': true,
    tailwindcss: {},
    autoprefixer: {},

incremental parser support

tree-sitter is a error tolerant and incremental parser, which is blazing fast for editor scenario, i took a glance at our codebase, which has using a lot of Regular Expression and hardcoding parsing, which is inefficient. I am pretty familiar with tree-sitter , and I am willing to integrate it with our project. However i am not familiar with our project , maybe you could write a more detailed infrastructure to me ?

Multiple <script> tags raised an error

<script lang="ts">
/* eslint-disable vue/no-v-html */
    <v-container fluid>
            <v-col cols="10">
                <div v-highlight v-html="readme" /><!-- Cannot find name 'readme'. -->

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from '@vue/composition-api'
import readme from '../../'
export default defineComponent({
    name: 'Readme',
    props: {},
    setup(props, ctx){
        return {

Changing the order can solve the problem

<script lang="ts">
/* eslint-disable vue/no-v-html */
import { defineComponent } from '@vue/composition-api'
import readme from '../../'
export default defineComponent({
    name: 'Readme',
    props: {},
    setup(props, ctx){
        return {
    <v-container fluid>
            <v-col cols="10">
                <div v-highlight v-html="readme" />


I wanted to make sure I'm not missing something with Volar. I seem to not be able to add breakpoints or other debugging when Volar is enabled vs Vetur.

Is this expected?

standalone LSP support?

hey, thanks for volar it's very nice

Is it possible to run volar as a standalone LSP server? (for use with eg. vim/emacs/sublimetext LSP clients)
I image the functionality would be not 100% complete with the VS code plugin but just wondering if it's possible?


Type checking failed on files that contain `[]` in the path

First of all, awesome work on the extension! I am really impressed to see how good it works for <script setup> 👍.

I am trying to use Volar on Vitesse, found a weird bug.

Type checking failed on files that contain [] in the path.


While I renamed it out, everything works great.


[] is used in Vitesse to serve dynamic routes params.

Guess it's related to path convention. Would love to help if you can share some hints about where could it potentially happens.


Template validation fails with defineProps in JavaScript

So I got a fairly specific case where I get an error: Cannot find name 'X'., that only appear when I have a jsconfig.json in my Project and use defineProps in script setup.

I use the jsconfig for path aliases, these don't work with autocompletion in vetur so "can't" switch to that.

My jsconfig.json looks like this:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "checkJs": true,
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@/*": ["./*"]

And a Vue component that throws the stated error looks like this:

<script setup>
  import { defineProps } from 'vue';

  const props = defineProps({});

  const NOOP = () => {};

  <button @click="NOOP">click me</button>

I just checked and it seems that the same error also appears with a tsonfig.json, which I did not use yet, since I currently only use plain JavaScript.

bug report

I often get this error, even without writing any code.
It has occasionally appeared in previous and the latest version.

Request textDocument/codeLens failed.
Message: Request textDocument/codeLens failed with message: Invalid count value
Code: -32603

v-else is unexpected token

I just installed this extension, and I must say it's really well done! My only complaint is that v-else is not recognized when using Pug, as in the following image:


The issue is solved when doing v-else="", but that's far from ideal.

Renaming (F2 Refactor) within the Vue model throws an error

After the 1.20 update, renaming (F2 Rename Symbol) inside a Vue file causes the following error to occur:

This bug is limited specifically to inside the Vue file script tags. Renaming inside the template view works fine. For some reason it only breaks when renaming inside the script tags. Another odd caveat, is if I rename immediately after loading into VSCode, it works just fine, but if I edit anything inside the template or other Vue files, it breaks randomly.

I noticed this is only an issue with the 1.20+ versions.

Pug class literal support

Hello, first of all I'm using this extension for about 3 weeks and feels really nice!

I found this strange behavior when using CSS classes on pug elements, basically in some scenarios the fact of using a CSS class on any element between a variable declaration with v-for makes the variable to no longer be recognized.


The first reference of lang variable throws no error when the first span has no classes.


The first reference of lang variable throws no error when is used in the first element that has classes afer the v-for declaration.


when there is no classes at all it works as expected.


Thanks in advance.

Throws "Volar - API" errors on text completion

While editing a Vue file, the following messages are spammed in the console. As far as I can tell, this is only happening with Volar v0.21.7 and the latest version of VSCode v1.53.2.

As far as I'm aware, I didn't get this issue with VSCode v1.53.0. But as I didn't do any extensive testing with the different versions of VSCode, I'm not entirely sure.

The errors being spammed:

try to add some e2e-test

Aiming to make a production ready vue vscode-extension, It's necessary add some test, like vetur

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