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pwa's Introduction

Maintenance Mode

The code in this repo is in maintenance mode, with limited plans for future changes. Our focus moving forward is adding PWA support to Vue CLI 3.0, using its new pwa plugin. We encourage this work to be used for new projects as it is being actively developed. If you have issues with the current codebase, give the new version a spin and let us know what you think.


A full-featured PWA template with webpack, hot-reload, lint-on-save, unit testing & css extraction.


  • This template builds on top of the main webpack template, so please refer to the webpack template docs.

  • Check out the official Vue.js guide for general information about Vue that is not specific to this template.


This is a project template for vue-cli. It is recommended to use npm 3+ or yarn for a more efficient dependency tree.

$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init pwa my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

This will scaffold the project using the master branch. If you wish to use the latest version of the PWA template, do the following instead:

$ vue init pwa#development my-project

⚠️ The development branch is not considered stable and can contain bugs or not build at all, so use at your own risk.

If port 8080 is already in use on your machine you must change the port number in /config/index.js. Otherwise npm run dev will fail.

What's not Included

  • You should configure your web server to add HTTP headers to prevent caching of critical service worker files. If you don't do this, browsers might cache the content for up to 24 hours. In addition, you should add HTTP headers to prevent the contents of the static folder to be cached unintentionally long.

See "Configuring your Web server to prevent caching" in the docs for more information.

What's Included

  • Service Worker precaching of application shell + static assets (prod)
  • Script (async chunk) preloading using <link rel="preload">
  • Web Application Manifest + favicons
  • Mobile-friendly meta-viewport
  • Lighthouse score of 90+/100
  • npm run dev: first-in-class development experience.

    • Webpack + vue-loader for single file Vue components.
    • State preserving hot-reload
    • State preserving compilation error overlay
    • Lint-on-save with ESLint
    • Source maps
  • npm run build: Production ready build.

    • JavaScript minified with UglifyJS v3.
    • HTML minified with html-minifier.
    • CSS across all components extracted into a single file and minified with cssnano.
    • All static assets compiled with version hashes for efficient long-term caching, and a production index.html is auto-generated with proper URLs to these generated assets.
    • Use npm run build --reportto build with bundle size analytics.
    • Generates a Service Worker for offline caching your static assets using sw-precache-webpack-plugin
  • npm run unit: Unit tests run in PhantomJS with Karma + Mocha + karma-webpack.

    • Supports ES2015+ in test files.
    • Supports all webpack loaders.
    • Easy mock injection.
  • npm run e2e: End-to-end tests with Nightwatch.

    • Run tests in multiple browsers in parallel.
    • Works with one command out of the box:
      • Selenium and chromedriver dependencies automatically handled.
      • Automatically spawns the Selenium server.

Fork It And Make Your Own

You can fork this repo to create your own boilerplate, and use it with vue-cli:

vue init username/repo my-project


This project is a modified copy of the vue-webpack-boilerplate template.

While we welcome contributions from the community, please note that changes to configuration that is shared between this project and vue-webpack-boilerplate should be made against vue-webpack-boilerplate first.

Once the upstream PR is merged, please file an additional PR against this project making the equivalent changes. This will help ensure that the shared configuration does not diverge too much.

Any changes that are specific to this project—related to service workers, or other PWA functionality—do not need an equivalent upstream PR.

pwa's People


addyosmani avatar ahus1 avatar anubhav7495 avatar codincat avatar danielpintilei avatar danikane avatar eddyerburgh avatar ffloriel avatar gucong3000 avatar jeffposnick avatar linusborg avatar maoberlehner avatar markpieszak avatar naramsim avatar ragingwind avatar samkitano avatar sudo-suhas avatar yyx990803 avatar zhenhappy avatar


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pwa's Issues

Add Material toolbar with Vue theme colors

Simple Material-style shell with Vue theme colors (raw HTML + CSS) would work here. After talking it over with Evan we're going to avoid pulling in a whole Material library for this and just keep it pretty simple.

Question: Why is the routes file in a routes folder and labeled 'index.js'?

See below image for subject line visualization:

screen shot 2017-06-06 at 6 37 09 pm

I would have thought that the routing file would be labeled 'routes.js' or something similar.

So I guess I'm wondering if this folder structure is to encourage splitting up routing into multiple files, and if so, is there any documentation on how to go about doing so, and when it would be appropriate?

Thank you in advance for your assistance and clarification :-)

Minify service worker script before in-lining in html


Currently build/service-worker-prod.js is inlined into HTML file without any minification.
This results in index.html to be 4.07 KB in size.

If we minify the file with uglify-es plugin before inlining, the resulting index.html is only 2.42 KB in size.

I have used this in my hnpwa-vue app to get a much lower TTI.

I would love to open a pull request to add something like that to the template.

Chromedriver install fails behind corporate proxy

For those who want to do e2e testing, the chromedriver install may fail behind a corporate proxy.

There is an opened PR on the lib that seems to fix the issue. We just need to wait for it to be merged.

If you are struggling with this, you can update the package.json to use the fix before it gets merged

-    "chromedriver": "^2.27.2",
+    "chromedriver": "Toilal/node-chromedriver.git#feature\/request",

TypeError: Cannot read property 'Symbol(Symbol.iterator)' of undefined

Just followed this instructions:

$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init pwa my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
$ npm run dev


Html Webpack Plugin:
  TypeError: Cannot read property 'Symbol(Symbol.iterator)' of undefined
  - 1:5 eval
  - 1:20 module.exports
  - index.js:264 
  - From previous event:
  - index.js:252 HtmlWebpackPlugin.executeTemplate
  - index.js:137 
  - From previous event:
  - index.js:132 Compiler.
  - Tapable.js:188 Compiler.applyPluginsAsyncSeries
  - Compiler.js:308 Compiler.emitAssets
  - Compiler.js:52 onCompiled
  - Compiler.js:499 
  - Tapable.js:184 next
  - CachePlugin.js:62 Compiler.
  - Tapable.js:188 Compiler.applyPluginsAsyncSeries
  - Compiler.js:496 
  - Tapable.js:177 Compilation.applyPluginsAsyncSeries
  - Compilation.js:649 self.applyPluginsAsync.err
  - Tapable.js:177 Compilation.applyPluginsAsyncSeries
  - Compilation.js:640 self.applyPluginsAsync.err
  - Tapable.js:177 Compilation.applyPluginsAsyncSeries
  - Compilation.js:635 self.applyPluginsAsync.err
  - Tapable.js:177 Compilation.applyPluginsAsyncSeries
  - Compilation.js:631 sealPart2
  - Tapable.js:177 Compilation.applyPluginsAsyncSeries
  - Compilation.js:579 Compilation.seal

It works if I remove this section from index.html:

<% for (var chunk of webpack.chunks) {
        for (var file of chunk.files) {
          if (file.match(/\.(js|css)$/)) { %>
    <link rel="<%= chunk.initial?'preload':'prefetch' %>" href="<%= htmlWebpackPlugin.files.publicPath + file %>" as="<%= file.match(/\.css$/)?'style':'script' %>"><% }}} %>

Missing mask-icon for safari-pinned-tab.svg in the index.html


I have noticed that the template includes static/img/icons/safari-pinned-tab.svg file but it is not referenced in the index.html.

I believe that index.html should include the following:

<link rel="mask-icon" href="<%= htmlWebpackPlugin.files.publicPath %>static/img/icons/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#4DBA87">

Thanks Romans

Explore switching to runtime only build

From @yyx990803:

FYI if we use the runtime only build we can shave off another ~7kb

From the docs, just switching over to:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js' // 'vue/dist/vue.common.js' for webpack 1

with a comment linking up to why we're doing this should do the trick.

We currently already have this kinda setup here but requires switching to a standalone build. Perhaps we should just nix the standalone check and run it by default.

Is there a way to upgrade

Hi, many thanks for this project,
i used it to do a test app, and i was pretty happy,
i just saw the update, and i wanted to upgrade my app to this newer version.

but i couldn't find a good way to do that ?
is there a preferred way ? a good way ? or any doc about this ?


Next steps

Where should this live?

@yyx990803 Do we want to keep the PWA template on the vuejs org or on the templates org?

What do we want the template package to be called?


Where should we call out the template on the Vue site?

Should we add an extra note to saying this is available or would a dedicated PWA page on the Vue site be better?

cc @sdras in case she has any thoughts on this too.

PWA offline mode not working

I did a fresh install of a new project:

vue init pwa testingpwa
cd testingpwa

After that I generate the build for production:

npm run build

Then start that build using a local server:

cd dist
started my web server: http://localhost:8080

I access the app using Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 using the IP of my computer


The web app opened and I added the application to Homescreen
After I go offline using airplane mode and try to open application using the icon on my homescreen.
The PWA not worked, It show offline. My browser is Google Chrome 58.0.3029.83


Grouping components in folders seems to break routing...

I have all my components in my components folder, but when i try to group them in sub folders, the whole app breaks. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here, though...

screen shot 2017-06-06 at 3 32 33 pm

As you can see, I grouped all my view-1 content into a view-1 folder, then added that to the file path, but in the browser...

screen shot 2017-06-06 at 3 32 59 pm

The files can no longer be found. This is odd, as this is standard behavior for vue app folder structure. The only thing that I noticed is different is the @ instead of a dot.

Any help on this issue will be much appreciated.

Thank you!

Favicon Support or Not?

I just tested out this template for the first time. After a prod build and deployment, there doesn't seem to be a favicon displayed in the browser (usually the V in most vue-cli templates).

Is that intended as a feature of a PWA? I know that the other vue-cli templates definitely ship a favicon but I haven't done many PWAs so I can't determine if that's intended or not, or if I just didn't do something right. I saw something about using simple favicons in the base PWA checklist.

Failed to register a ServiceWorker: 404

I just created a new project using this template (I answered y to everything except eslint), then ran yarn followed by yarn run dev.

When I opened the Chrome console I noticed this error message:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker:
A bad HTTP response code (404) was received when fetching the script.

On Windows 10, Chrome version 58.0.3029.96 (64-bit)

Edit: some additional related errors popped up after a while:

Error on npm install after update to Node 8

I know it's not directly related to vue, but I don't know where to open this issue, so if anyone can help me with that... After I updated to Node 8 and tried to npm install in the project folder using this template got the following errors:

> [email protected] install /Users/me/Projetos/testpwa/node_modules/fsevents
> node install

node-pre-gyp ERR! Tried to download(404): 
node-pre-gyp ERR! Pre-built binaries not found for [email protected] and [email protected] (node-v57 ABI) (falling back to source compile with node-gyp) 
  SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/.node
  CXX(target) Release/
  SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/fse.node
  COPY /Users/me/Projetos/testpwa/node_modules/fsevents/lib/binding/Release/node-v57-darwin-x64/fse.node
  TOUCH Release/

iOS icon not working out of the box

When Save to HomeScreen, the code <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/static/img/icons/icon-152x152.png"> do not show the intended icon. To make it work, I have to change it to <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/static/img/icons/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png"> .


@addyosmani First off, thanks for such a great template. I managed to integrate this template with a clean ASP.NET Core 1.1 project with almost no hassle.

The only thing I haven't managed to hash out is how to handle SSR cleanly. Vue recommends using vue-server-renderer (, but I've been running into issues due to the PWA requirements. In the ASP.NET Core world, SSR can be achieved with the SPAServices package (good example at, and adding a pre-render tag to one of the Razor Views and all the magic happens in the background. E.g.

<div id="my-app" asp-prerender-module="VuesStuff/renderOnServer" ... ></div>

but this can't be achieved with this vue template because it builds off of index.html where the pre-rendered tags are obviously not available.

Just trying to pick the communities brain on a path forward...?

(FYI this guide in particular made it super simple to integrate with your template

Baseline PWA features

Cross-posting from our original discussion at vuejs/vue-cli#381. Will make a start on this shortly.

There are a few different options for what this could include:

Web Application Manifest
Default favicons (minimalist setup from
Service Worker precaching + runtime caching via sw-precache-webpack-plugin
Application Shell architecture
Code-splitting by default with vue-router
If we wanted to go even more ambitious we could cover:

PRPL pattern support (using something like preload-webpack-plugin)
Simple server-side rendering + pre-fetching
CSS extraction for production

Aim to score as close to 100/100 on Lighthouse
Must be straight-forward to use. If we make it inherently complex, it will lose value to end users.
Prior-art - PWA templates and boilerplates 🎨
Vue.js PWAs (open-source) 👐 (not yet fully released)
Other references 📚

PRPL pattern with Webpack and React
Initially, I would love to get a feel for what would considered palatable for an MVP. There's technically nothing stopping us baking in everything in the above list, but let's talk and figure out a path forward 🚀

Custom service worker

After diggin into this template I found out the SWPrecache plugin generates the service worker that's used in the build version. I have no clue how to edit this service worker when I want to edit the service worker and add push messaging. I was told maybe change de service-worker-prod.js in the build folder. But I assume files the build folder should generally not be changed? Please add a sw file where I can build my own service worker file instead of auto generating one.

service-worker-dev causes syntax error in IE 11

In IE 11, the following line from service-worker-dev.js that gets injected into index.html throws a syntax error:

self.addEventListener('install', () => self.skipWaiting());

I assume it's because IE 11 does not support arrow functions.

Vue PWA Template + Firebase Hosting = Routes not working...

Soooo...deployed my vue-pwa to firebase hosting and it generally works ok, except for when I navigate to a sub route, like '' and then hit refresh...and I get this...

screen shot 2017-06-07 at 5 14 15 pm

So basically what is happening is if I start at the home route, then I can navigate just fine, but if I type in a subroute or just reload the page at that subroute then firebase does not seem to know that it exists.

So, I wasn't sure where to ask this, but I figured that even if this isn't the right place, somebody could at least point me in the right direction...

Anyway, thank you in advance for any help that you can spare :-)

Add path to static assets in head

Add the public path variable to the static assets in the HTML head so that if the path is changed in config/index.js the assets will resolve properly.


    <!-- Add to home screen for Android and modern mobile browsers -->
    <link rel="manifest" href="/static/manifest.json">
    <meta name="theme-color" content="#4DBA87">

    <!-- Add to home screen for Safari on iOS -->
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="vuepwa">
    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/static/img/icons/icon-152x152.png">
    <!-- Add to home screen for Windows -->
    <meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="/static/img/icons/icon-144x144.png">
    <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#000000">


    <!-- Add to home screen for Android and modern mobile browsers -->
    <link rel="manifest" href="<%= htmlWebpackPlugin.files.publicPath %>static/manifest.json">
    <meta name="theme-color" content="#4DBA87">

    <!-- Add to home screen for Safari on iOS -->
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="vuepwa">
    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<%= htmlWebpackPlugin.files.publicPath %>static/img/icons/icon-152x152.png">
    <!-- Add to home screen for Windows -->
    <meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="<%= htmlWebpackPlugin.files.publicPath %>static/img/icons/icon-144x144.png">
    <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#000000">

How to display a refresh message in Vue

I want to show a message when a new service worker has been installed and found this comment in the service-worker-prod.js file.

It's the perfect time to display a "New content is available; please refresh." message in the page's interface.

So my question is, how do I do this the best way? Can i some how access my App.vue´s methods or is it best to use vuex store to show a message box?

[Question] use specified IP:PORT for HMR


I'm trying to embed the HMR debug bundle in a page rendered by my python backend server. Everything works fine except the bundle is trying to get the delta from http://localhost:<my-server-port>/__webpack_hmr instead of http://localhost:<webpack-devserver-port>/__webpack_hmr

Is there a way to specify the port for HMR?


Ability to use sass

I tried adding <style lang='sass'> but I am getting an error

This dependency was not found:

* !!vue-style-loader!css-loader?{"minimize":false,"sourceMap":false}!../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-compiler/index?{"vue":true,"id":"data-v-3b85b268","scoped":true,"hasInlineConfig":false}!sass-loader?{"indentedSyntax":true,"sourceMap":false}!../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector?type=styles&index=0!./List.vue in ./src/components/List.vue

It will be great if it comes out of the box.

What is the 'static' folder for?

I see that there is a folder called 'static' and it has logos and a json file in it, but why not put assets like logos in the assets folder? Does the static folder serve a purpose that the assets folder inside the src folder does not? Should I be using it for anything, because it does cooler stuff than the assets folder does?

Seems a little odd to name a folder based upon a state of being...?

Anyway, thanks! XD


Questions & Suggestions

Few questions/suggestions about the project...

  • Is there a reason why you are using the precache plugin vs the offline plugin? ( vs
    -- seems like the precache plugin doesn't support appcache (ios) while the offline one does, but maybe there's something i dont know

  • we need a standard for moving files to the root instead a static folder. This is sometimes required by services like Firebase, etc... Maybe a 'root' folder alongside the 'static' one?

Add Conditionally loaded fetch and promise polyfill

I think that we should also have an option asking the user for whether he wants to include polyfills for fetch and promise that are loaded conditionally using webpack.

I have seen preact-cli do that and I think it would be a nice to have feature.

Or we can also put in the documentation on how to set that up manually.

@addyosmani @ragingwind What are your thoughts?

Tag and publish new release

The last official release was at the end of May and I'd like to move the project to a more regular release schedule. Let's aim to get out a new tag this week with release notes.

I've gone ahead and done a sanity check locally against master. npm run dev and npm run build are both performing as I would expect. @ragingwind @anubhav7495 could you perhaps help with a double check that working off master is functioning as intended?

Happy to write up some release notes once we know nothing is breaking :)

Explore HTTP/2 Server Push manifest generation

Both polymer-cli and angular-cli are planning on adding support for automatically generating a HTTP/2 Server Push manifest if the user would like one. This can be useful for filling up "server think time" for the initial push.

Polymer/polymer-cli#646 have their implementation up. We could use something like for the manifest generation on our side and wire it up as both a prompt question + run at build time.

Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression

I am using this template for my vue project and i got this error after installing NEM-sdk but i don't how to solve it and it seems related to webpack configuration. #196

 warning in ./~/ajv/lib/async.js

96:20-33 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression

 warning  in ./~/ajv/lib/async.js

119:15-28 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression

 warning  in ./~/ajv/lib/compile/index.js

13:21-34 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression

Your help is highly appreciated.

Pushing to gh-pages

Hi all, is there an extra step necessary to push to a gh-pages branch? I get the fallback about no javascript and inspecting shows js and css assets are not loading from the static/

I've tried deploying dist/ to gh-pages branch and also using vue-gh-pages module both give same result.


Service worker not updating without force update


I installed Vue PWA template and tested on Apache localhost with offline feature (Dev tool). It works as expected.
I deployed same code to the production environment on Heroku. where it is not working as expected.
Even when I reload the page old service worker is still running and cached version of app which I get in offline mode is stale.
When I force update the service worker (From dev tool) then newer version of service worker is installed and only then it fetches fresh copy of project.

Here's my production webpack config.

    new SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin({
      cacheId: 'my-vue-app',
      filename: 'service-worker.js',
      staticFileGlobs: ['dist/**/*.{js,html,css}'],
      minify: true,
      stripPrefix: 'dist/',
      mergeStaticsConfig: true, // if you don't set this to true, you won't see any webpack-emitted assets in your serviceworker config
      staticFileGlobsIgnorePatterns: [/\.map$/], // use this to ignore sourcemap files

I have not changed service worker code in index.html

Is there anything I am missing?

Is it possible to upgrade this vue-pwa template to the latest version easily?

As per the subject line, I'm not sure what version of the template I'm using, but is it easy, and even possible, to simply update the template to the latest version?

Or do I need to generate a instance of the template to get the latest version? I suppose I would then copy my src folder over, I guess...

Anyway, not clear on that aspect of the template 🤔


Service worker error

I got the error from Chrome 59 on console

service-worker.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Quota exceeded.

Can any one help, explain or solution?

Kind regards
Supachai Chaimangua (Tor)
screenshot from 2017 07 15 13 19 40 png 1366x768

Not working in IE11

pwa template not working in IE11

[vuex] vuex requires a Promise polyfill in this browser.

v-binding an image from an object to an img src not working...


...doing this:

screen shot 2017-06-15 at 7 12 40 pm

...from this:

screen shot 2017-06-15 at 7 13 14 pm

...and getting this:

screen shot 2017-06-15 at 7 23 57 pm

The first row in the above pic are from the v-for version and the second row are the static hard coded HTML versions of the same things.

So I dunno why the images are not loading, when all the other data, including the alt stuff is loading...checked the file path of the images, which are fine, so I must be doing something wrong, just don't know what...🤔

Any thoughts are most welcome, thanks! XD

working only in chrome browser


I have build vue pwa and it working great in chrome browser but it is showing nothing in android default browser, ucweb and opera.

No hashbang, Android

Hello, my pwa is not working on android until I add the hashbang in it. I'd like to use this without hashbang on the web, don't mind much when it's installed since it's not visible.
Is there any way we can fix this?
I'm thinking of a workaround to get if it's on mobile, I switch from:

hashbang: false,
mode: 'history'

but this doesn't work when someone is clicking a link from a social media, will be redirected on the responsive web design and since the link doesn't have hashbang, the user will be redirected to the starting page.

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