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imbo's Introduction

Imbo - Image box

Imbo is an image "server" that can be used to add/get/delete images using a REST interface. There is also support for adding meta data to an image. The main idea behind Imbo is to have a place to store high quality original images and to use the REST interface to fetch variations of those images. Imbo will resize, rotate, crop (amongst other features) on the fly so you won't have to store all the different variations.

Current build Status


Imbo requires PHP-5.3, the Imagick extension for PHP, a running MongoDB and the Mongo extension for PHP.


Since this is a work in progress there is no automatic installation. Simply clone the repository or make your own fork. Automatic installation using PEAR will be provided later.


Imbo uses a REST API to manage the images. Each image will be identified by a public key and an MD5 sum of the file itself and the original file extension. The latter will be referred to as <image> for the remainder of this document.

The resources supporting GET also supports HEAD which will return only the headers.

GET /users/<publicKey>/images/<image>

Fetch the image identified by <image>. Read more about applying image transformations later on.

GET /users/<publicKey>/images/<image>/meta

Get meta data related to the image identified by <image>. The meta data will be JSON encoded.

GET /users/<publicKey>/images

Get information about the images stored in Imbo for the user with the public key <publicKey>. Supported query parameters are:

  • (int) page The page number. Defaults to 1.
  • (int) limit Number of images pr. page. Defaults to 20.
  • (boolean) metadata Wether or not to include metadata in the output. Defaults to false ('0'). Set to '1' to enable.
  • (int) from Fetch images starting from this unix timestamp.
  • (int) to Fetch images up until this timestamp.


  • GET /users/<publicKey>/images?page=1&limit=30&metadata=1

GET /users/<publicKey>

Fetch information about a specific user.

PUT /users/<publicKey>/images/<image>

Place a new image on the server. The output from the server is important as the image identifier of the result image might differ from the one on the URL. This is because event listeners such as Imbo\EventListener\MaxImageSize changes images before they are added to the database/storage.

POST /users/<publicKey>/images/<image>/meta

Edit the meta data attached to the image identified by <image>.

PUT /users/<publicKey>/images/<image>/meta

Replaces the meta data attached to the image identified by <image>.

DELETE /users/<publicKey>/images/<image>

Delete the image identified by <image> along with all meta data.

DELETE /users/<publicKey>/images/<image>/meta

Delete the meta data attached to the image identified by <image>. The image is kept on the server.


All write operations (PUT, POST and DELETE) requires authentication using an Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC). The data Imbo uses when generating this code is:

  • HTTP method (PUT, POST or DELETE)
  • The URL to request
  • Public key (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, minimum 3 characters)
  • GMT timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ, for instance: 2011-02-01T14:33:03Z)

These elements are concatenated in the above order with | as a delimiter character and a hash is generated using a private key and the sha256 algorithm. The following snippet shows how this can be done using PHP:

// Auth info
$publicKey  = '<some random value>';
$privateKey = '<secret value>';
$timestamp  = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z');

// The identifier of the image (MD5 sum of the image file)
$imageIdentifier = '7cf1ec1233fd72896f71094548afb67a';

// The URL to the image
$url = sprintf('', $publicKey, $imageIdentifier);

// The method to request with
$method = 'DELETE';

// Generate the hash
$data = $method . '|' . $url . '|' . $publicKey . '|' . $timestamp;
$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $data, $privateKey);
$url = sprintf('%s?signature=%s&timestamp=%s',

The above code will generate a signature that must be sent along the request using the signature query parameter. The timestamp used must also be provided using the timestamp query parameter so that the signature can be regenerated server-side. A generated signature is only valid for 5 minutes. Both the signature and the timestamp must be url encoded (by using for instance PHPs rawurlencode.

The public and private key pair used by clients must be specified in the server configuration. More information on the configuration file can be found later in this document.

Image transformations

Imbo supports some image transformations out of the box using the Imagick PHP extension.

Transformations are made using the t[] query parameter. This GET parameter should be used as an array so that multiple transformations can be made. The transformations are made in the order they are specified in the url.


If you want to add a border around the image, use this transformation.

  • (string) color Color in hexadecimal. Defaults to '000000' (also supports short values like 'f00' ('ff0000')).
  • (int) width Width of the border on the left and right sides of the image. Defaults to 1.
  • (int) height Height of the border on the top and bottoms sides of the image. Defaults to 1.


  • t[]=border
  • t[]=border:color=000
  • t[]=border:color=f00,width=2,height=2


Adds a canvas around the image,

  • (int) width Width of the surrounding canvas.
  • (int) height Height of the surrounding canvas.
  • (string) mode The placement mode of the original image. "free", "center", "center-x" and "center-y" are available values. Defaults to "free".
  • (int) x X coordinate of the placement of the upper left corner of the existing image.
  • (int) y Y coordinate of the placement of the upper left corner of the existing image.
  • (string) $bg Background color of the canvas. Defaults to #fff.


  • t[]=canvas:width=200,height=200,mode=center
  • t[]=canvas:width=200,height=200,x=10,y=10,bg=000
  • t[]=canvas:width=200,height=200,x=10,mode=center-y
  • t[]=canvas:width=200,height=200,y=10,mode=center-x


Compress the image on the fly.

  • (int) quality Quality of the resulting image. 100 is maximum quality (lowest compression rate)


  • t[]=compress:quality=40


This transformation is not applied like the rest of the transformations. It is triggered when specifying a custom extension to the <image>.


  • GET /users/<publicKey>/images/<image>.gif
  • GET /users/<publicKey>/images/<image>.jpg
  • GET /users/<publicKey>/images/<image>.png


This transformation will crop the image. All four arguments are required.

  • (int) x The X coordinate of the cropped region's top left corner.
  • (int) y The Y coordinate of the cropped region's top left corner.
  • (int) width The width of the crop.
  • (int) height The height of the crop.


  • t[]=crop:x=10,y=25,width=250,height=150


Flip the image horizontally.


  • t[]=flipHorizontally


Flip the image vertically.


  • t[]=flipVertically


This transformation will resize the image. Two parameters are supported and at least one of them must be supplied to apply this transformation.

  • (int) width The width of the resulting image in pixels. If not specified the width will be calculated using the same ratio as the original image.
  • (int) height The height of the resulting image in pixels. If not specified the height will be calculated using the same ratio as the original image.


  • t[]=resize:width=100
  • t[]=resize:height=100
  • t[]=resize:width=100,height=50


This transformation will resize the image using the original aspect ratio. Two parameters are supported and at least one of them must be supplied to apply this transformation. Note the difference from the resize transformation: given both height and width, the resulting image will not be the same width and height as specified unless the aspect ratio is the same.

  • (int) width The max width of the resulting image in pixels. If not specified the width will be calculated using the same ratio as the original image.
  • (int) height The max height of the resulting image in pixels. If not specified the height will be calculated using the same ratio as the original image.


  • t[]=maxSize:width=100
  • t[]=maxSize:height=100
  • t[]=maxSize:width=100,height=50


Use this transformation to rotate the image.

  • (int) angle The number of degrees to rotate the image.
  • (string) bg Background color in hexadecimal. Defaults to '000000' (also supports short values like 'f00' ('ff0000')).


  • t[]=rotate:angle=90
  • t[]=rotate:angle=45,bg=fff


Transformation that creates a thumbnail of the image.

  • (int) width Width of the thumbnail. Defaults to 50.
  • (int) height Height of the thumbnail. Defaults to 50.
  • (string) fit Fit style. 'inset' or 'outbound'. Default to 'outbound'.


  • t[]=thumbnail
  • t[]=thumbnail:width=20,height=20,fit=inset


Creates a vertical mirror image by reflecting the pixels around the central x-axis while rotating them 90-degrees.


  • t[]=transpose


Creates a horizontal mirror image by reflecting the pixels around the central y-axis while rotating them 270-degrees.


  • t[]=transverse

Access token

All GET and HEAD requests will need to include an access token in the URL. This is enforced by an event listener (Imbo\EventListener\AccessToken). This token must be supplied in the URL using the accessToken query parameter. The value of this token is a SHA256 hash using the URL with query parameters as data and must be signed with the private key of the user. Below is an example on how to generate the hash:

$publicKey  = '<some random value>'; // The public key of the client
$privateKey = '<secret value>';      // The private key of the client
$image      = '<image>';             // The image identifier

// Create the URL to an image
$url = sprintf('', $publicKey, $image);

// Add some transformations
$transformations = array('t[]=thumbnail:width=40,height=40,fit=outbound',
$query = implode('&', $transformations);

// Data for the HMAC
$url .= '?' . $query;

// Generate the token
$accessToken = hash_hmac('sha256', $url, $privateKey);

// Output the URL with the access token
echo $url . '&accessToken' . $accessToken;

If you requestn an URL from Imbo without an access token or if the access token is not correct Imbo will respond with 400 Bad Request. If the event listener enforcing the token check is removed, Imbo will no longer require the accessToken query parameter.

Extra response headers

Imbo will usually inject extra response headers to the different requests. All response headers from Imbo will be prefixed with X-Imbo-.


When installing Imbo you need to copy the config/config.php.dist file to config/config.php and change the values to suit your needs. Documentation on the different configuration settings are located in the config.php.dist file.

Event manager

Imbo comes with an event manager that can be used to inject custom code in different parts of the application. Which event listeners to use is specified in the configuration file.

Event listeners will listen for specific events that Imbo triggers. Each resource in Imbo triggers pre and post events for all supported HTTP methods. The following events are defined for the image resource:

  • image.get.pre
  • image.head.pre
  • image.delete.pre
  • image.put.pre

Imbo includes the following resources:

  • user
  • images
  • image
  • metadata

The executable code you attach to an event will receive a single parameter, an instance of Imbo\EventManager\EventInterface. This interface defines the following methods:

  • getRequest(): Returns the current request instance.
  • getResponse(): Returns the current response instance.
  • getImage(): Returns the current internal image instance. This method will return null for all resources except image.
  • getName(): Returns the full name of the event that triggered your code (for instance

Bundled event listeners

Imbo ships with some event listener implementations. One of them is also enabled pr. default in the default configuration file.


The access token listener enforces a valid access token to be present for all URLs. This event listener does not have any constructor parameters and is enabled in the default configuration file.

'eventListeners' => array(
        'listener' => new Imbo\EventListener\AccessToken(),

    // ...

It is advised to keep this event listener first.


Transforming images again and again on the server can be avoided by enabling this event listener. The listener takes one argument, which is a path to where to store the cached images:

'eventListeners' => array(
    // ...

        'listener' => new Imbo\EventListener\ImageTransformationCache('/var/cache/imbo'),

    // ...

Imbo will automatically create subdirectories inside the cache dir passed to the constructor of the event listener. If the listener is unable to write to the specified directory it will generate warnings, but will still be able to deliver the image to the client. If you want to clean up the cache dir you can for instance have a crontab run once a day that deletes old files:

find /var/cache/imbo -ctime +7 -type f -delete

The above example will delete all files in /var/cache/imbo older than 7 days.


If you want your Imbo installation to only store images below a certain size you can use the MaxImageSize listener. The constructor of this class takes two arguments: $width and $height. If an image exceeds these sizes it will be resized when initially PUT.

'eventListeners' => array(
    // ...

        'listener' => new Imbo\EventListener\MaxImageSize(2000, 2000),

    // ...

Developer/Contributer notes

Here you will find some notes about how Imbo works internally along with information on what is needed to develop Imbo.

Developers who want to contribute will need to do one or more of the following steps:

Fork Imbo and checkout your fork

Click on the fork button on github and clone your fork:

git clone [email protected]:<username>/imbo.git

Software needed

To fully develop Imbo (as in run the complete build process, which most likely you will never do) you will need to have the following software installed:

Run the following commands as root to install the software (on Ubuntu):

pear channel-discover
pear channel-discover
pear channel-discover
pear channel-discover
pear channel-discover
pear channel-discover
pear channel-discover

pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit
pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHP_CodeBrowser
pear install pat/vfsStream-beta
pear install pecl/mongo
pear install phpDocumentor
pear install phpunit/phploc
pear install pdepend/PHP_Depend
pear install phpunit/phpcpd

apt-get install ant

For MongoDB I followed the steps on when I installed it.

It's worth noting that you don't need all of the above software to just do a quick fix and send me a pull request. If you want to run the complete test suite or the whole build process you will need all of it.

If you send me a pull request I would appreciate it if you include tests for all new code as well and make sure that the test suite passes.

Front controller

The Imbo\FrontController class is responsible for validating the request, and picking the correct resource class for the request. It will create an instance of the resource, execute plugins and the resource logic and then return the response.


The following resources are defined in Imbo:


This resource delivers the image data.


This resource can be used to query Imbo for stored images.


This resource delivers the metadata associated with an image.


This resource handles information about a single user.

Storage drivers

Imbo supports plugable storage drivers. All storage drivers must implement the Imbo\Storage\StorageInterface interface.

Database drivers

Imbo supports plugable database drivers. All database drivers must implement the Imbo\Database\DatabaseInterface interface.

imbo's People


christeredvartsen avatar rexxars avatar matslindh avatar androa avatar


Espen Volden avatar


Espen Volden avatar James Cloos avatar

imbo's Issues

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