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c2v's Issues

Error when translating multiple variable assignments on one line

Seems like c2v has a hard time with multiple, comma separated variable assignments on the same line

Test case

fn aes256_set_encryption_key(key &u8, expandedkey &u32)  {
	nb := 4, nr := 14, nk := 8, i := u32(0)
	tmp := u32(0)
        // ...


C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating ./tgcrypto/aes256.c ... tgcrypto/aes256.v:119:9: error: this number has unsuitable digit `n`
  117 |
  118 | fn aes256_set_encryption_key(key &u8, expandedkey &u32)  {
  119 |     nb := 4nr := 14nk := 8i := u32(0)
      |            ^
  120 |     tmp := u32(0)
  121 |

A `wrapper` translates enum parameter in a wrong way

Test code -> TheMachinery log.h -

Error message

log.v:101:12: error: parameter name must not begin with upper case letter (`Enum`)
   99 |     add_logger fn (&Tm_logger_i)
  100 |     remove_logger fn (&Tm_logger_i)
  101 |     print fn (Enum tm_log_type, &i8)
      |               ~~~~
  102 |     C.printf fn (Enum tm_log_type, &i8, ...) int
  103 |     default_logger &Tm_logger_i

Problem with parentheses in for loop params

  1. Download source to sqlite release:
  2. Extract source.
  3. cd sqlite
  4. v translate tool/srcck1.c
C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating tool/srcck1.c   ... tool/srcck1.v:103:17: error: unexpected token `=`, expecting `)`
  101 |     c := i8(0)
  102 |     prevc := 0
  103 |     for i = 0 ; (c = z [i] ) != 0 ; prevc = c , i ++ {
      |                    ^
  104 |         if c == `
  105 | ` {

Internal vfmt error while formatting file: tool/srcck1.v.
Encountered a total of: 1 errors.
 took    92 ms ; output .v file: tool/srcck1.v
Translated   1 files in    92 ms.

SDL error

macos m1



additional_flags = "-I/opt/homebrew/include -L/opt/homebrew/lib -lSDL2"
% ./c2v ../../../lab/pong_game
C to V translator 0.3.1
"../../../lab/pong_game" is a directory, processing all C files in it recursively...

  translating ./racket.c      ... 

Unhandled expr() node {CompoundLiteralExpr} (ast line nr node.ast_line_nr "./racket.c"):
{CompoundLiteralExpr} name:"" value:"" loc:Loc{
    offset: 0
    file: ''
    line: 0
    col: 0
    tokLen: 0
    included_from: IncludedFrom{
        file: ''
    spelling_loc: IncludedFrom{
        file: ''
    range: Range{
        begin: Begin{
            spelling_loc: IncludedFrom{
                file: ''
}  #c: 1 typ:"SDL_Rect"
0   c2v                                 0x00000001047f7830 main__C2V_expr + 2920
1   c2v                                 0x00000001047f724c main__C2V_expr + 1412
2   c2v                                 0x00000001047fd764 main__C2V_statement + 1048
3   c2v                                 0x00000001047fb944 main__C2V_statements + 124
4   c2v                                 0x00000001047f906c main__C2V_fn_decl + 2836
5   c2v                                 0x0000000104804104 main__C2V_top_level + 156
6   c2v                                 0x00000001048038c0 main__C2V_translate_file + 2640
7   c2v                                 0x0000000104802d48 main__main + 1088
8   c2v                                 0x000000010480757c main + 84
9   dyld                                0x0000000104a5108c start + 520 

Error: `c++ top level` when Translating C Files & Memory Leak Warning

Was trying to run v translate (which compiled c2v automatically) on raudio.c from:
and it failed like this:

neko-san@ARCH /m/e/D/raylib (master)> v translate *
C to V translator 0.3.1
"src" is a directory, processing all C files in it recursively...

  translating ./raudio.c      ... GC Warning: Repeated allocation of very large block (appr. size 576020480):
        May lead to memory leak and poor performance
C++ top level
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/D/raylib (master) [4]> cd src
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/D/r/src (master)> v translate raudio.c 
C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating raudio.c        ... GC Warning: Repeated allocation of very large block (appr. size 574701568):
        May lead to memory leak and poor performance
C++ top level
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/D/r/src (master) [4]> cd ../../
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/Development> git clone --recurse --recurse-submodules
Cloning into 'c2v'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 233, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (108/108), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (67/67), done.
remote: Total 233 (delta 46), reused 67 (delta 23), pack-reused 125
Receiving objects: 100% (233/233), 151.90 KiB | 1.58 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (87/87), done.
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/Development>  cd /mnt/extraStorage/Development/c2v
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/D/c2v (master)> v -gc none .
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/D/c2v (master)>  cd /mnt/extraStorage/Development
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/Development>  cd /mnt/extraStorage/Development/raylib-vlang
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/D/raylib-vlang (master)>  cd /mnt/extraStorage/Development/raylib-vlang/src
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/D/r/src (master)> mv ../../c2v/c2v .
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/D/r/src (master)> ./c2v raudio.c 
C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating raudio.c        ... C++ top level
neko-san@ARCH /m/e/D/r/src (master) [1]>

(I just moved the aforementioned glfw folder somewhere else temporarily, so this shouldn't be related?
I mention that because leaving the "glfw" folder in the project throws other errors)

@ medvednikov said this about it on Discord:
"it sounds like a bug, it shouldn't allocate this much memory"

c2v cannot translate enums

fails to translate



C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating c:/library/variable.h ... ================ V panic ================
   module: builtin
 function: get()
  message: array.get: index out of range (i == 8, a.len == 8)
     file: F:/(PROGRAMMING)/Hydrus/v/vlib/builtin/array.v:384
   v hash: 16a6972
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..F:\(PROGRAMMING)\Hydrus\v\vlib\builtin\builtin.c.v:53: at panic_debug: Backtrace
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..F:\(PROGRAMMING)\Hydrus\v\vlib\builtin\array.v:384: by array_get
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\argit\.vmodules\c2v\c2v.v:1031: by main__C2V_enum_decl
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\argit\.vmodules\c2v\c2v.v:2323: by main__C2V_top_level
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\argit\.vmodules\c2v\c2v.v:2274: by main__C2V_translate_file
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\argit\.vmodules\c2v\c2v.v:2205: by main__main
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\argit\AppData\Local\Temp\v_0\c2v.exe.tmp.c:17591: by wmain
0056ded8 : by ???
0056e03b : by ???
7ff802197034 : by ???
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

operator precedence with bitwise operations

OS: linux, "Arch Linux"
V full version: V 0.2.4 e5bbb23.ccc3271

C and V have difference operator precedence for bitwise operations, programs converted using C2V are inherently broken.

Take this C code as an example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    if ( 0b00001000 & 1 << 3 ) {
        printf("*** is ***\n");
    } else {
        printf("*** is not ***\n");

Creates the following output:

> $ gcc bug.c && ./a.out
*** is ***
> $ v translate bug.c && v run bug.v                                        
C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating bug.c           ... Reformatted file: /home/liaml/bug.v
 took    57 ms ; output .v file: bug.v
Translated   1 files in    57 ms.
*** is not ***

This is because of the line inside the if statement being translated as it is.
0b00001000 & 1 << 3 should be 0b00001000 & (1 << 3) inside the V programming language. There is no need for the brackets in C.

Having differing operator precedence is not a bug, however translated code has to account for this.

Thank you for reviewing this issue.

c2v wrap sql.h encountered error (typedef enum)

Hi, I am wrapping the odbc sql.h in linux using c2v but seems like the out file does not compile.

Repro steps: (I copied the sql.h from /usr/include to v repo)

bash:~/code/vlang/v/vlib/mssql$ ~/code/vlang/c2v/c2v wrap ./sql.h 
C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating ./sql.h         ... sql.v:101:15: error: unexpected token `(`, expecting name
   99 |     interval_type SQLINTERVAL
  100 |     interval_sign SQLSMALLINT
  101 |     intval Union (anonymous union at /usr/include/sqltypes.h
      |                  ^
  102 | }
  103 | type SQLBIGINT = int

Internal vfmt error while formatting file: ./sql.v.
Encountered a total of: 1 errors.
 took  1254 ms ; output .v file: ./sql.v
Translated   1 files in  1254 ms.

Problematic c code is this typedef enum in sqltypes.h

#if (ODBCVER >= 0x0300)
typedef enum
	SQL_IS_YEAR						= 1,
	SQL_IS_MONTH					= 2,
	SQL_IS_DAY						= 3,
	SQL_IS_HOUR						= 4,
	SQL_IS_MINUTE					= 5,
	SQL_IS_SECOND					= 6,


Corresponding v code is :

	interval_type SQLINTERVAL
	interval_sign SQLSMALLINT
	intval Union (anonymous union at /usr/include/sqltypes.h

c2v commit:

commit d7ac0c7b6830943c5441c94e17e62667a62e4934 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Alexander Medvednikov <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Jun 26 17:06:18 2022 +0300

    tests: remove unused files

v version:

V 0.2.4 28068e8

c2v cannot translate bool

OS: windows, Microsoft Windows 10 Home v19044 64-bit
Processor: 24 cpus, 64bit, little endian, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor
CC version: Error: exec failed (CreateProcess) with code 2: The system cannot find the file specified.
 cmd: cc --version

getwd: C:\Users\argit
vmodules: C:\Users\argit\.vmodules
vroot: F:\(PROGRAMMING)\Hydrus\v
vexe: F:\(PROGRAMMING)\Hydrus\v\v.exe
vexe mtime: 2022-07-13 18:32:29
is vroot writable: true
is vmodules writable: true
V full version: V 0.3.0 28fd176

Git version: git version
Git vroot status: 0006e8d1-dirty (13553 commit(s) behind V master)
.git/config present: false
thirdparty/tcc: N/A
bool a_bool; // this cannot be translated to V apparently

What did you expect to see?
translated to V

What did you see instead?

C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating c:/SoEm_Chaos.c ... c:/SoEm_Chaos.c:944:1: error: unknown type name 'bool'
bool a_bool;
1 error generated.

The file c:/SoEm_Chaos.c could not be parsed as a C source file.
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

C2V fails to translate C file

Steps to reproduce:

$ git clone --depth=1
$ cd scrcpy/app/src
$ v translate clock.c

C2V is not installed. Cloning C2V to /Users/tedstoychev/.vmodules/c2v ...
Compiling c2v ...
C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating clock.c         ... In file included from clock.c:1:
In file included from ./clock.h:4:
./common.h:4:10: fatal error: 'config.h' file not found
#include "config.h"
1 error generated.

The file clock.c could not be parsed as a C source file.
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

V: v0.3.0 00dfce6
OS: macOS Monterey 12.4

Incorrect output when translating function header for fputs


Here's a minimal example showing incorrect output when translating fputs on MacOS:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
   FILE *f;
   f = fopen("file.txt", "w+");
   fputs("test", f);
   return 0;

The output from c2v:

C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating test.c          ... test.v:4:11: error: parameter name must not begin with upper case letter (`Char`)
    2 | module main
    3 | 
    4 | fn fputs( Char *restrict,  FILE *restrict) int
      |           ~~~~
    5 | 
    6 | fn main()  {

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Copy C segment into a new file, test.c
  2. Run v translate test.c

Functions with uppercases are wrongly wrap

When calling c2v wrapper test.h on this file :

void testFunc() {

It generates this file :

module .

fn C.testFunc() 

pub [c:'testFunc']
fn testfunc()  {

There is two errors here :

  • pub keyword should be right before the fn keyword
  • the call to C.testfunc() should be C.testFunc()

Wrong anonymous enums values translation

C code

enum myEnum {

typedef enum {
} myAnotherEnum;

typedef enum myStrangeEnum {
} myStrangeEnum;

enum { J = 1 };

int main() {
    enum myEnum myEnumVar = A;
    myAnotherEnum myEnumVar2 = D;
    myStrangeEnum myEnumVar3 = G;
    int myIntVar = J;
    return 0;

V translated

module main

enum MyEnum {

enum MyAnotherEnum {

enum MyStrangeEnum {

const ( // empty enum
	j = 0

fn main() {
	myenumvar := MyEnum.a
	myenumvar2 := MyAnotherEnum.d
	myenumvar3 := MyStrangeEnum.g
	myintvar := j


module main

enum MyEnum {

enum MyAnotherEnum {

enum MyStrangeEnum {

const ( // empty enum
	j = 1

fn main() {
	myenumvar := MyEnum.a
	myenumvar2 := MyAnotherEnum.d
	myenumvar3 := MyStrangeEnum.g
	myintvar := j

j value must be 1, but in V version it's 0

`doom_regression` GitHub Action random fails

Randomly throws the following error

Run ./ /tmp/fail.png
Delete page:
Haven't copied to the clipboard: no xsel or xclip
Delete page:
Haven't copied to the clipboard: no xsel or xclip
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.


Block comment cause `translate` to fail

Flecs repo -
V 0.2.4 (fe673e7 commit)

Error message

[๐Ÿ”ด] ร— v translate ~/Projects/KolciaEngine/flecs-v/
C to V translator 0.3.1
"/home/yuart/Projects/KolciaEngine/flecs-v/" is a directory, processing all C files in it recursively...

  translating ./flecs.c       ...

Unhandled expr() node {FullComment} (ast line nr node.ast_line_nr "./flecs.c"):
{FullComment} name:"" value:"" loc:Loc{
    offset: 120754
    file: ''
    line: 3883
    col: 4
    tokLen: 0
    included_from: IncludedFrom{
        file: './flecs.c'
    spelling_loc: IncludedFrom{
        file: ''
    range: Range{
        begin: Begin{
            spelling_loc: IncludedFrom{
                file: ''
}  #c: 1 typ:""
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/yuart/Projects/v/vlib/builtin/builtin.c.v:639: at print_backtrace: Backtrace
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/yuart/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2013: by main__C2V_expr
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/yuart/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:1711: by main__C2V_global_var_decl
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/yuart/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2318: by main__C2V_top_level
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/yuart/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2271: by main__C2V_translate_file
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/yuart/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2196: by main__main
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../tmp/v_1000/c2v.tmp.c:17588: by main
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

Unhandled expr() node {AtomicExpr}

  1. Download source to sqlite release:
  2. Extract source.
  3. cd sqlite
  4. ./configure
  5. make
  6. v translate .
C to V translator 0.3.1
"." is a directory, processing all C files in it recursively...

  translating ./sqlite3.c     ... 

Unhandled expr() node {AtomicExpr} (ast line nr node.ast_line_nr "./sqlite3.c"):
{AtomicExpr} name:"" value:"" loc:Loc{
    offset: 0
    file: ''
    line: 0
    col: 0
    tokLen: 0
    included_from: IncludedFrom{
        file: ''
    spelling_loc: IncludedFrom{
        file: ''
    range: Range{
        begin: Begin{
            spelling_loc: IncludedFrom{
                file: ''
}  #c: 3 typ:"void"
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/jamie/git/v/vlib/builtin/builtin.c.v:639: at print_backtrace: Backtrace
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/jamie/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2013: by main__C2V_expr
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/jamie/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:1141: by main__C2V_statement
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/jamie/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:1091: by main__C2V_statements
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/jamie/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:537: by main__C2V_fn_decl
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/jamie/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2314: by main__C2V_top_level
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/jamie/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2271: by main__C2V_translate_file
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/jamie/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2196: by main__main
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../tmp/v_1000/c2v.tmp.c:17589: by main
C2V command: '/home/jamie/.vmodules/c2v/c2v' '.'
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

[WORKAROUND] cannot find clang in PATH error Windows 10

X:\v>v doctor
OS: windows, Microsoft Windows 10 Home v19044 64-bit
Processor: 24 cpus, 64bit, little endian, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor
CC version: Error: exec failed (CreateProcess) with code 2: The system cannot find the file specified.
cmd: cc --version

getwd: X:\v
vmodules: C:\Users\argit.vmodules
vroot: F:(PROGRAMMING)\Hydrus\v
vexe: F:(PROGRAMMING)\Hydrus\v\v.exe
vexe mtime: 2022-07-13 05:38:33
is vroot writable: true
is vmodules writable: true
V full version: V 0.3.0 d12a8ae.28fd176

Git version: git version
Git vroot status: 0.3-121-g28fd1765
.git/config present: true
thirdparty/tcc status: thirdparty-windows-amd64 125e21e2

try to translate c

What did you expect to see?
a translated primes.c

What did you see instead?

X:\v>v translate primes.c
================ V panic ================
   module: main
 function: find_clang_in_path()
  message: cannot find clang in PATH
     file: ./c2v.v:97
   v hash: 16a6972
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..F:\(PROGRAMMING)\Hydrus\v\vlib\builtin\builtin.c.v:53: at panic_debug: Backtrace
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\argit\.vmodules\c2v\c2v.v:97: by main__find_clang_in_path
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\argit\AppData\Local\Temp\v_0\c2v.exe.tmp.c:17578: by _vinit
C:/Users/argit/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\argit\AppData\Local\Temp\v_0\c2v.exe.tmp.c:17590: by wmain
0056ded8 : by ???
0056e03b : by ???
7fffa64b7034 : by ???
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

Cannot translate switch without explicit break

this translates:

const int a = 0;

void f() 
    case 0:

this fails:

const int a = 0;

void f() 
    //break; // this line is the only change
    case 0:

wrapper doesn't wrap function declaration

When trying to use wrapper command on header files, I realize that wrapper doesn't wrap function declaration but needs a function definition.

It would be very convenient if it were able to create wrapper only based on function declaration.

Example test.h :

void test();

c2v wrapper test.h Sould lead to :

module .

fn C.test() 

pub fn test()  {

But it lead to nothing for now.

module .

A `wrapper` commands adds `C.` prefix for method that is not actually a C method in that case

Test file (for which wrapper was generated; The Machinery header api_registry,h) ->

Error message

api_registry.v:94:2: error: struct embedding must be declared at the beginning of the struct body
   92 |     api_registry_version fn () Tm_version_t
   93 |     set fn (&i8, Tm_version_t, voidptr, u32)
   94 |     C.remove fn (voidptr)
      |     ~~~~~~~~
   95 |     get fn (&i8, Tm_version_t) voidptr
   96 |     get_optional fn (&voidptr, &i8, Tm_version_t)

Internal vfmt error while formatting file: ./api_registry.v.
Encountered a total of: 1 errors.

Translation with is_prime example not working correctly on windows 10 64

this what i get

module main

type Uintptr_t = i64
type Va_list = &i8
type Size_t = i64
type Ptrdiff_t = i64
type Intptr_t = i64
type Wchar_t = U16
type Errno_t = int
type Wint_t = U16
type Wctype_t = U16
struct Crt_locale_data_public { 
	_locale_pctype &u16
	_locale_mb_cur_max int
	_locale_lc_codepage u32
struct Crt_locale_pointers { 
	locinfo &crt_locale_data
	mbcinfo &crt_multibyte_data
type _locale_t = &crt_locale_pointers
struct Mbstatet { 
	_Wchar u32
	_Byte u16
	_State u16
type Mbstate_t = Mbstatet
type Time_t = Time64_t
type Rsize_t = Usize
struct FILE { 
	_Placeholder voidptr
type Fpos_t = i64
fn is_prime(x int) bool {
	for i := 2 ; i <= x / 2 ; i ++ {
		if x % i == 0 {
		return false
	return true

fn main()  {
	for i := 2 ; i < 100 ; i ++ {
		if is_prime(i) {
			C.printf(c'%i\n', i)

and error

v main.v
main.v:9:16: error: unknown type `U16`.
Did you mean `FILE`?
    7 | type Ptrdiff_t = i64
    8 | type Intptr_t = i64
    9 | type Wchar_t = U16
      |                ~~~
   10 | type Errno_t = int
   11 | type Wint_t = U16
main.v:11:15: error: unknown type `U16`.
Did you mean `FILE`?
    9 | type Wchar_t = U16
   10 | type Errno_t = int
   11 | type Wint_t = U16
      |               ~~~
   12 | type Wctype_t = U16
   13 | struct Crt_locale_data_public {
main.v:12:17: error: unknown type `U16`.
Did you mean `FILE`?
   10 | type Errno_t = int
   11 | type Wint_t = U16
   12 | type Wctype_t = U16
      |                 ~~~
   13 | struct Crt_locale_data_public {
   14 |     _locale_pctype &u16
main.v:19:11: error: unknown type `crt_locale_data`.
Did you mean `Crt_locale_data_public`?
   17 | }
   18 | struct Crt_locale_pointers {
   19 |     locinfo &crt_locale_data
      |              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   20 |     mbcinfo &crt_multibyte_data
   21 | }
main.v:20:11: error: unknown type `crt_multibyte_data`
   18 | struct Crt_locale_pointers {
   19 |     locinfo &crt_locale_data
   20 |     mbcinfo &crt_multibyte_data
      |              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   21 | }
   22 | type _locale_t = &crt_locale_pointers
main.v:22:18: error: unknown type `crt_locale_pointers`.
Did you mean `Crt_locale_pointers`?
   20 |     mbcinfo &crt_multibyte_data
   21 | }
   22 | type _locale_t = &crt_locale_pointers
      |                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   23 | struct Mbstatet {
   24 |     _Wchar u32
main.v:29:15: error: unknown type `Time64_t`.
Did you mean `Time_t`?
   27 | }
   28 | type Mbstate_t = Mbstatet
   29 | type Time_t = Time64_t
      |               ~~~~~~~~
   30 | type Rsize_t = Usize
   31 | struct FILE {
main.v:30:16: error: unknown type `Usize`.
Did you mean `Rsize_t`?
   28 | type Mbstate_t = Mbstatet
   29 | type Time_t = Time64_t
   30 | type Rsize_t = Usize
      |                ~~~~~
   31 | struct FILE {
   32 |     _Placeholder voidptr

unexpected token `*`, expecting `,` Translating `OpenDoas` "timestamp.c"

Translating timestamp.c from the Arch Linux opendoas repo throws an "unexpected token" error.

v version: 0.3.0 3ad22eb

C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating timestamp.c     ... timestamp.v:34:24: error: unexpected token `*`, expecting `,`
   32 | fn strtoul( &i8,  &&u8,  int) u32
   33 | 
   34 | fn strtoul(__nptr Char *restrict, __endptr Char **restrict, __base int) u32
      |                        ^
   35 | 
   36 | fn strtoull( &i8,  &&u8,  int) i64

Internal vfmt error while formatting file: timestamp.v.
Encountered a total of: 1 errors.
 took   206 ms ; output .v file: timestamp.v
Translated   1 files in   206 ms.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. git clone
  2. Enter the project directory
  3. Place this c2v.toml in the root project directory and the libopendoas directory:
uses_sdl = false
output_dirname = "c2v_out.dir"
additional_flags = "-I. -I.. -I../.. -I./libopenbsd"
  1. Run ./configure --with-timestamp
  2. Run v translate *

System Info:
OS: Arch Linux x86_64

Fix translation of assign expression in parens

You can run this test in C2V folder -> tests -> v run run_tests.vsh

tests/5.if_paren_call.v:6:8: error: unexpected token `=`, expecting `)`
    4 | fn main()  {
    5 |     a := 0
    6 |     if (a = C.puts(c'Hello World')) {
      |           ^
    7 |         C.puts(c'noes')
    8 |     }
Internal vfmt error while formatting file: /home/yuart/Projects/c2v/tests/5.if_paren_call.v.
Encountered a total of: 1 errors.
tests/5.if_paren_call.v:6:8: error: unexpected token `=`, expecting `)`
    4 | fn main()  {
    5 |     a := 0
    6 |     if (a = C.puts(c'Hello World')) {
      |           ^
    7 |         C.puts(c'noes')
    8 |     }
Internal vfmt error while formatting file: /home/yuart/Projects/c2v/tests/5.if_paren_call.v.
Encountered a total of: 1 errors.
module main
fn main() {
	a := 0
	a = C.puts(c'Hello World')
	if a {
	a = C.puts(c'Hello World')
	if a != 0 {
	cacatua := 0
	cacatua = C.puts(c'Hello World')
	if cacatua {
module main
fn main()  {
	a := 0
	if (a = C.puts(c'Hello World')) {
	if (a = C.puts(c'Hello World')) != 0 {
	cacatua := 0
	if (cacatua = C.puts(c'Hello World')) {
--- /tmp/expected.txt	2022-06-30 20:06:52.722390175 +0200
+++ /tmp/got.txt	2022-06-30 20:06:52.722390175 +0200
@@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
 module main
-fn main() {
+fn main()  {
 	a := 0
-	a = C.puts(c'Hello World')
-	if a {
+	if (a = C.puts(c'Hello World')) {
-	a = C.puts(c'Hello World')
-	if a != 0 {
+	if (a = C.puts(c'Hello World')) != 0 {
 	cacatua := 0
-	cacatua = C.puts(c'Hello World')
-	if cacatua {
+	if (cacatua = C.puts(c'Hello World')) {
\ No newline at end of file

C2V cannot translate wayland-egl-backend.h


C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating ./wayland-egl-backend.h ... ================ V panic ================
   module: builtin
 function: get()
  message: array.get: index out of range (i == 99, a.len == 99)
     file: /home/aakash/.local/bin/v_lang/vlib/builtin/array.v:384
   v hash: ac7e809
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/aakash/.local/bin/v_lang/vlib/builtin/builtin.c.v:53: at panic_debug: Backtrace
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/aakash/.local/bin/v_lang/vlib/builtin/array.v:384: by array_get
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/aakash/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:788: by main__C2V_record_decl
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/aakash/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2049: by main__C2V_top_level
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/aakash/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2004: by main__C2V_translate_file
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/aakash/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:1938: by main__main
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../tmp/v_1000/c2v.tmp.c:17582: by main
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

Source file:

Get a weird V panic when translating stivale2

i get this:

$ v translate .
C to V translator 0.3.1
"." is a directory, processing all C files in it recursively...

  translating ./stivale2.c    ... ================ V panic ================
   module: builtin
 function: get()
  message: array.get: index out of range (i == 134, a.len == 134)
     file: /home/vox/Documents/v/vlib/builtin/array.v:384
   v hash: 298dc77
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/vox/Documents/v/vlib/builtin/builtin.c.v:53: at panic_debug: Backtrace
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/vox/Documents/v/vlib/builtin/array.v:384: by array_get
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/vox/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:875: by main__C2V_record_decl
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/vox/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2316: by main__C2V_top_level
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/vox/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2271: by main__C2V_translate_file
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/vox/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:2196: by main__main
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../tmp/v_1000/c2v.tmp.c:17589: by main
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

Link to stivale2

cannot find clang in PATH from v translate

V version: 0.3.1 1c63ce4
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

What did you do?

Execute command v translate Kml.c

What did you expect to see?

Generated code in v

What did you see instead?

Compiling c2v ...
================ V panic ================
   module: main
 function: find_clang_in_path()
  message: cannot find clang in PATH
     file: ./c2v.v:96
   v hash: 4bd49a0
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../opt/v/vlib/builtin/builtin.c.v:53: at panic_debug: Backtrace
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../home/cristovao/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:96: by main__find_clang_in_path
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../tmp/v_1000/c2v.tmp.c:17579: by _vinit
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../tmp/v_1000/c2v.tmp.c:17591: by main
C2V command: '/home/cristovao/.vmodules/c2v/c2v' 'Kml.c'
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

Cannot translate v.c

I downloaded v.c from vc repo and then: v translate v.c

getting the following output:

C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating v.c             ... V panic: 2352798600 cast to int results in -1942168696)
v hash: a75a12e
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../path/to/vlang/vlib/builtin/builtin.c.v:104: at _v_panic: Backtrace
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../path/to/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:1983: by main__C2V_translate_file
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../path/to/.vmodules/c2v/c2v.v:1940: by main__main
/tmp/v_1000/../../../../../../tmp/v_1000/c2v.tmp.c:17592: by main
C2V command: '/path/to/.vmodules/c2v/c2v' 'v.c'
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

Add ability to translate comments with `translate wrapper` command

For now, when using translate wrapper command on .h file, it creates methods without comments. I think copying original comments will be a good idea in some cases.

I think a flag preserve-comments need to be used, and this feature will be turned off by default.

What do you think?

C2V generates invalid sourcecode on Windows

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    printf("Hello World!\n");
    return 0;

translates to:

module main

type Size_t = i64
type Ssize_t = i64
type Rsize_t = Usize
type Intptr_t = i64
type Uintptr_t = i64
type Ptrdiff_t = i64
type Wchar_t = U16
type Wint_t = U16
type Wctype_t = U16
type Errno_t = int
type Time_t = Time64_t
type Pthreadlocinfo = &Threadlocaleinfo*
type Pthreadmbcinfo = &Threadmbcinfo*
struct Locale_tstruct { 
	locinfo Pthreadlocinfo
	mbcinfo Pthreadmbcinfo
type _locale_t = &Localeinfo_*
struct LC_ID { 
	wLanguage u16
	wCountry u16
	wCodePage u16
type LPLC_ID = &TagLC_ID
struct Threadlocinfo { 
	_locale_pctype &u16
	_locale_mb_cur_max int
	_locale_lc_codepage u32
struct FILE { 
	_Placeholder voidptr
type _off_t = int
type Off32_t = int
type _off64_t = i64
type Off64_t = i64
type Off_t = Off32_t
type Fpos_t = i64
fn main()  {
	C.printf(c'Hello World!\n')

which cannot compile due to:

main.v:15:40: notice: script mode started here
   13 | type Errno_t = int
   14 | type Time_t = Time64_t
   15 | type Pthreadlocinfo = &Threadlocaleinfo*
      |                                        ^
   16 | type Pthreadmbcinfo = &Threadmbcinfo*
   17 | struct Locale_tstruct {
main.v:16:1: error: all definitions must occur before code in script mode
   14 | type Time_t = Time64_t
   15 | type Pthreadlocinfo = &Threadlocaleinfo*
   16 | type Pthreadmbcinfo = &Threadmbcinfo*
      | ~~~~
   17 | struct Locale_tstruct {
   18 |     locinfo Pthreadlocinfo

Problem with "complex" for loop

  1. Download source to sqlite release:
  2. Extract source.
  3. cd sqlite
  4. v translate tool/varint.c
C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating tool/varint.c   ... tool/varint.v:70:2: error: unexpected name `j`, expecting `;`
   68 |     buf [0]  &= 127
   69 |     for i = 0 , n - 1
   70 |     j = i = 0 ; j >= 0 ; j -- , i ++ {
      |     ^
   71 |         p [i]  = buf [j] 
   72 |     }

Internal vfmt error while formatting file: tool/varint.v.
Encountered a total of: 1 errors.
 took    79 ms ; output .v file: tool/varint.v
Translated   1 files in    79 ms.

Strange error message about binary number with unsuitable digit

  1. Download source to sqlite release:
  2. Extract source.
  3. cd sqlite
  4. v translate tool/sqldiff.c
C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating tool/sqldiff.c  ... tool/sqldiff.v:1145:17: error: this binary number has unsuitable digit `e`
 1143 |         iblock := 0
 1144 |         
 1145 |         bestcnt := 0
      |                     ^
 1146 |         bestofst := 0bestlitsz := 0
 1147 |         hash_init(&h, &zout [base] )

Internal vfmt error while formatting file: tool/sqldiff.v.
Encountered a total of: 1 errors.
 took   347 ms ; output .v file: tool/sqldiff.v
Translated   1 files in   347 ms.

`translate wrapper` doesn't generate module name

C2V - c08add0
V - 0.2.4 (ccc3271493019feb13ed1c96b035199e159fe863)

.h file -

cat flecs.v

File: flecs.v
module                            <- no module name!

type Ecs_flags8_t = u8
type Ecs_flags16_t = Uint16_t
type Ecs_flags32_t = u32
type Ecs_flags64_t = i64
type Ecs_size_t = int
type Ecs_comparator_t = fn (voidptr, voidptr) int
type Ecs_map_key_t = i64
struct Ecs_bucket_entry_t {
    next &Ecs_bucket_entry_t
    key Ecs_map_key_t
struct Ecs_block_allocator_block_t {
    memory voidptr
    next &Ecs_block_allocator_block_t
struct Ecs_block_allocator_chunk_header_t {
    next &Ecs_block_allocator_chunk_header_t


C2V repo Github Workflows are broken

  • expected V code after translation probably in an old version (now C2V also adds [translated] attribute and module main)
  • make sure Ubuntu runs .vsh files with tests too (but not Doom translation since it requires Chocolatey and complex setup)

Doom translation - m_menu.v - `invalid expression: unexpected token '='`

doom_v/m_menu.v:1137:18: error: invalid expression: unexpected token `=`
 1135 |                     key = 13
 1136 |                 }
 1137 |                 else {
      |                       ^
  translating ./m_menu.c      ...  took   930 ms ; output .v file: ./doom_v/m_menu.v
 1138 |                     if currentMenu == &SaveDef {
 1139 |                         joypadSave = true

Internal vfmt error while formatting file: /home/runner/code/doom/chocolate-doom/src/doom/./doom_v/m_menu.v.
Encountered a total of: 1 errors.

This is on actual c2v repo, doom-regressions GitHub Action, step "Translate the whole game in project/folder mode"
I suppose this is not that should happen

Finding clang in windows path

Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but when compiling c2v I get this error:

$ v translate test.c
Compiling c2v ...
================ V panic ================
   module: main
 function: find_clang_in_path()
  message: cannot find clang in PATH
     file: ./c2v.v:98
   v hash: 5cd5d55
C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\User\V_FOLDER\v\vlib\builtin\builtin.c.v:53: at panic_debug: Backtrace
C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\User\.vmodules\c2v\c2v.v:98: by main__find_clang_in_path
C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\v_0\c2v.tmp.c:17576: by _vinit
C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/v_0/../../../../../..C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\v_0\c2v.tmp.c:17596: by wmain
0056d868 : by ???
0056d9cb : by ???
7ffd793c7034 : by ???
C2V failed to translate the C files. Please report it via GitHub.

As you can see the error is because of this. I guess it's because my clang command is clang.exe (screenshot) and not just clang, but I don't know.

I tried adding 'clang.exe' to the array but it gives another error (don't know if it's related or not).

$ cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

$ v translate test.c
Compiling c2v ...
C to V translator 0.3.1
  translating test.c          ... The system cannot find the path specified.
 took   422 ms ; output .v file: test.v
Translated   1 files in   422 ms.

$ cat test.v
module main

type Uintptr_t = i64
type Va_list = &i8
type Size_t = i64
type Ptrdiff_t = i64
type Intptr_t = i64
type Wchar_t = U16
type Errno_t = int
type Wint_t = U16
type Wctype_t = U16
struct Crt_locale_data_public {
        _locale_pctype &u16
        _locale_mb_cur_max int
        _locale_lc_codepage u32
struct Crt_locale_pointers {
        locinfo &crt_locale_data
        mbcinfo &crt_multibyte_data
type _locale_t = &crt_locale_pointers
struct Mbstatet {
        _Wchar u32
        _Byte u16
        _State u16
type Mbstate_t = Mbstatet
type Time_t = Time64_t
type Rsize_t = Usize
struct FILE {
        _Placeholder voidptr
type Fpos_t = i64
fn main()  {

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