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syff's Introduction


SYFF (Synthetic Font Functions), IPA: [/saɪff/ >= /sɪff/], "σύνθεση" (sýnthesi), is an Open Source project of VivaRado, Think of it as CSS but for fonts.



SYFF (Synthetic Font Functions) is a set of cascading functions that recombine and alter a set of initially provided letters to create new letters.



Introduction / Profile

Project Overview

Introduction / Project Overview

  • Project Name: SYFF (Synthetic Font Functions)
  • Code Name: Recombinator
  • Test Type Family: Aeolum
  • Proposal Date: 28/05/2022

Phase Introduction

Introduction / Phase Introduction

For the sake of simplicity we will only present the following phases:

  • Initiation Phase
  • Planning Phase

Initiation Phase

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase

  • Initiation Phase Components ∞0.001:

    1. Business Case:
      • Strategic case
      • Management case

Business Case

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase / Business Case

We want to get lots of letters from a few, by running recombining and altering functions whose instructions look like CSS.

While working with Advent the Variable variant, we noticed the multiplicity of instances that makes variable fonts great, is exactly what bores the human as a function has to be repeated across all of them. We decided to test a few functions that would take a set of initial letters and twist and stretch them to the point of creating the whole capital letter encoding of three languages, and here is the initial plan for that., since the script we call "recombination" was reusing letters after some functions where applied to them or cascading, a floating idea was to also make these instructions more approachable to the designer by making them appear similar to CSS.

  • Business Case Components ∞0.001:
    1. Strategic case
    2. Management case
      • Achievability

Strategic case

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase / Business Case / Strategic case

The ability to have a set of simple looking instructions that reduce the repetitive nature of letters would increase the time spent on actually designing the look of the font and improve the time it takes to increase linguistic coverage and deploy the font. Most importantly you can still meddle with your font after the scripts are done doing what you told them.

Management case

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase / Business Case / Management case

The management case tests the feasibility of the preferred option, in terms of its deliverability within various tolerances.


We have been working with editing fonts with code for a few years now and much of the code and font plumbing existed from projects like Variomatic or VRD TYPL, the one piece we needed was to make the otherwise complicated list of instructions inside the recombination script, a little more readable and implement a CSS like parser, for that we chose to harvest CSSUtils code.

Achievements Plan

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase / Business Case / Management case / Achievements Plan

  1. Milestones
    1. Recombination Script
    2. Synthetic Font Functions (SYFF Parsing)
  2. Dependencies
    1. In Lib
  3. Skillset Requirements
    1. Variable Font comprehension.
    2. Python Programming
    3. Web Application Development
    4. Type Design
    5. 2D Vector Math

Project Charter

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase / Project Charter

  • Project Charter Components ∞0.001:
    • Project Introduction
    • Project Goals
    • Deliverables
    • Duration

Project Introduction

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase / Project Charter / Project Introduction

  • Project Introduction Components ∞0.001:

    • Project Statements
      • Vision Statement
      • Mission Statement
    • Project Definition
      • Problem
      • Opportunity

Project Statements

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase / Project Charter / Project Introduction / Project Statements

Vision Statement:

To make SYFF (Synthetic Font Functions) a viable tool in the belt of the type designer.

Mission Statement:

To make the idea of using SYFF (Synthetic Font Functions) functions the norm during font development and design.

Project Goals

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase / Project Charter / Project Goals

  • Goals for ∞ 1.00:
    • Cascading recombining functions
    • SYFF Parsing
      • Media Query Defined Instance
    • Basic Alterations:
      • Copy
      • Transform
      • Mirror
      • Fontex
      • Partial
  • Goals for ∞ 2.00:
    • Add to Alterations


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase / Project Charter / Deliverables

  • Deliverables Components ∞0.001:
    • SYFF (Synthetic Font Functions)
    • Aeolum Font


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Initiation Phase / Project Charter / Duration

  • Duration of SYFF ∞1.00:

    • 01/04/2022 to 31/05/2022.
  • Duration of SYFF ∞2.00:

    • Stakeholder Decision Pending.
  • Duration of Aeolum ∞1.00:

    • Depends on SYFF ∞1.00.

Planning Phase

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase

The Planning Phase, is where the project solution is further developed in as much detail as possible and the steps necessary to meet the project’s objectives. The project's Work Plan / Project Plan is created outlining the activities, tasks, dependencies, and timeframes.

The Planning Phase consists of:

  1. Project Plan:
  2. Work Plan:
  3. Schedule Plan:
  4. Stakeholders
  5. Quality Plan (PQP)

Project Plan

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan

Decide on the encoding sets and supported language scripts. Decide and plan the weights and how you will generate each weight. Understand the procedures and steps. Calculate or keep track of timelines, steps procedures and pitfalls.

  1. Project Plan Components ∞0.001:
    1. Design
    2. Production
    3. Alteration Functions


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Design



Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Production



Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Syntax

  • The selector represents to the letter you want to create and the attribute in the square brackets represents the source of that letter.

  • The declaration block contains one or more declarations separated by semicolons.

  • Each declaration includes a SYFF property name and a value, separated by a colon.

  • Multiple SYFF declarations are separated with semicolons, and declaration blocks are surrounded by curly braces.

  • SYFF selectors outside of Instance Queries, apply to all the instances of a given font. Selectors inside Instance Queries apply to specific instances of the font, like Media Queries with devices or sizes.


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Syntax / Blocks

Initial Letter Definitions:

Π {

	out: "P_i";


Synthesized Letter Definitions:

/* produced (character) [ receiving (character) = "name, unicode" ] */

Ш [ Π = "uni0428, 0428" ] {

	transform: fontex("width","right", 100, 0);
	transform: mirrorX();


Instance Query

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Syntax / Instance Query

SYFF selectors outside of Instance Queries, apply to all the instances of a given font. Selectors inside Instance Queries apply to specific instances of the font, like Media Queries and devices or sizes.

/* Define the existing letter */

A {

	out: "A_lpha";


/* Translate -50 for all instances */

Α [ A = "Alpha, 0391" ] {

	transform: translate(-50, 0);


@instance ("bold") {

	/* Translate another -20 for only bold instance */

    Α [ A = "Alpha, 0391" ] {

		transform: translate(-20, 0);



Alteration Functions

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Alteration Functions

Review and document the Alteration Functions:


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Alteration Functions / Copy

The definition of a SYFF rule is a copy function.

A [ B = "name, unicode" ] {}


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Alteration Functions / Translate

Translate a partial or the whole letter.

A [ B = "name, unicode" ] {

	transform: translate("partial_name", X, Y);
	transform: translate(X, Y);


Transform Translate Function:

transform: translate("partial_name", X, Y);
transform: translate(X, Y);

<transform()> = translate( <partial-name-string>?, <number>, <number>  )


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Alteration Functions / Mirror

Mirror a partial or the whole letter.

A [ B = "name, unicode" ] {

	transform: mirrorX();
	transform: mirrorX( "hand_copy" );
	transform: mirrorY();
	transform: mirrorY( "hand_copy" );


Transform Mirror Function:

transform: mirrorX();
transform: mirrorY("hand_copy");

<transform()> = mirrorX( <partial-name-string>? )
<transform()> = mirrorY( <partial-name-string>? )


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Alteration Functions / Fontex

Fontex is defined as an instance like all the rest of the instances of your font, but it includes areas, instead of letters, defined by you for specific purposes.


Here we can translate the points in the left width region.


A [ B = "name, unicode" ] {

	transform: fontex("type","position", X, Y);


Transform Fontex Function:

transform: fontex("type","position", X, Y);

<transform()> = fontex( <type-string>, <position-string>, <number>, <number> )

Here is a GLIF with some areas defined by fontex, using these areas we can then manipulate the included points. Since fontex is tied to the first instance of your font, and we are dealing with a variable font, those points are at the same index and same partial across all other instances too.

We can then use these fontex to move points and make letters wider or other detailing.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<glyph name="Pi" format="1">
  <advance width="679"/>
  <unicode hex="03A0"/>
      <point x="-25" y="-20" type="line" name="{type:width,position:left}"/>
      <point x="152" y="-20" type="line" />
      <point x="152" y="674" type="line" />
      <point x="-25" y="674" type="line" />
      <point x="385" y="-20" type="line" name="{type:width,position:right}"/>
      <point x="562" y="-20" type="line" />
      <point x="562" y="674" type="line" />
      <point x="385" y="674" type="line" />


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Alteration Functions / Partial

You can divide your letter in partials which you can use across your other letters, you could also make one letter that includes all the partials you will need and then run the appropriate SYFF functions to create the whole font.

A [ B = "name, unicode" ] {

	partial: keep("partial_a", "partial_b");
	partial: remove("partial_b");
	partial: get("Π","partial_a", "partial_a_rename");
	partial: copy("partial_a", "partial_a_rename");


Partial Keep Function:

partial: keep("partial_a", "partial_b");

<partial()> = keep( [<partial-name-string> , <partial-name-string>, ...] )

Partial Remove Function:

partial: remove("partial_b");

<partial()> = remove( [<partial-name-string> , <partial-name-string>, ...] )

Partial Get Function:

partial: get("Π","partial_a","partial_a_rename");

<partial()> = get( <letter-name-string> , <partial-name-string>, <partial-new-name-string> )

Partial Copy Function:

partial: copy("partial_a");
partial: copy("partial_a", "partial_a_rename");

<partial()> = copy( <partial-name-string>, <partial-new-name-string>? )

<partial-new-name-string> = <string>.<int>


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Alteration Functions / Logging

A basic log function should exist to cover some of the alteration functions.

A [ B = "name, unicode" ] {

  log: /* In Planning */;


Logging Function:

log: /* In Planning */;

<log()> = function( <string> , <string>? )


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Examples

E to F to Γ to T

Here is an example of the letter E becoming F, then Γ and T. The first point of each part of this letter have a piece of code in the name definition that allows us access with SYFF.



Ε {

	out: "E_psilon";


/* We create a new letter out of the Epsilon glyph */

E [ Ε = "E, 0045" ] {}

We create a new letter F and then use the partial function, 
by keeping and removing the curved "leg" partial,
we need a new straight leg - stem for F and we can grab that from the letter I

F [ E = "F, 0046" ] { 

	partial: keep("hand","arm","tie","leg"); /* Demonstrating Partial Keep and Remove */
	partial: remove("leg");
	partial: get("I","leg","leg_new"); /* get and rename */


We create a new letter Γ (Gamma) and then use the partial function and removing the "tie" partial.

Γ [ F = "Gamma, 0393" ] { 

	partial: remove("tie");


We create a new letter Τ (Tau) and then use the partial function and removing the "arm" partial, 
then we copy the "hand" partial which gives us "hand_copy" (or hand_001 subject to change), 
finally we mirror "hand_copy" and translate it -100 on the X axis.

Τ [ Γ = "Tau, 03A4" ] { 

	partial: remove("arm");
	partial: copy("hand", "hand_copy");
	transform: mirrorY( "hand_copy" );
	transform: translate("hand_copy", -100, 0);


And here is a copy of Tau to create T

Τ [ T = "T, 0054" ] {}

The glif in question:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<glyph name="Epsilon" format="1">
  <advance width="415"/>
  <unicode hex="0395"/>
      <point x="115" y="559" type="line" name="{type:part,position:hand}"/>
      <point x="115" y="650" type="line"/>
      <point x="415" y="650" type="line"/>
      <point x="415" y="580" type="line"/>
      <point x="360" y="559" type="line"/>
      <point x="0" y="338" type="line" name="{type:part,position:arm}"/>
      <point x="0" y="579" type="line"/>
      <point x="64" y="650" type="line"/>
      <point x="119" y="650" type="line"/>
      <point x="119" y="559" type="line"/>
      <point x="105" y="559" type="line"/>
      <point x="91" y="544" type="line"/>
      <point x="91" y="338" type="line"/>
      <point x="278" y="293" type="line" name="{type:part,position:tie}"/>
      <point x="67.6692" y="292.585" type="line"/>
      <point x="67.6692" y="383.588" type="line"/>
      <point x="320.628" y="383.715" type="line"/>
      <point x="320.628" y="336" type="line"/>
      <point x="91" y="342" type="line" name="{type:part,position:leg}"/>
      <point x="91" y="106" type="line"/>
      <point x="105" y="91" type="line"/>
      <point x="119" y="91" type="line"/>
      <point x="119" y="0" type="line"/>
      <point x="64" y="0" type="line"/>
      <point x="0" y="71" type="line"/>
      <point x="0" y="342" type="line"/>
      <point x="115" y="0" type="line" name="{type:part,position:foot}"/>
      <point x="115" y="91" type="line"/>
      <point x="360" y="91" type="line"/>
      <point x="415" y="70" type="line"/>
      <point x="415" y="0" type="line"/>


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Delivery

SYFF will be delivered in this repository.


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Project Plan / Usage

To apply the SYFF:


python3 '/' -s '/font.designspace' -c '/font.syff' --output-path '/adventpro-VF.ufo'

Current Test:

python3 '/' -s '/demo.syff'

Work Plan

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Work Plan

SYFF Work Plan is created outlining the activities, tasks, dependencies, and timeframes.

  • Work Plan:
    • Tasks Assignments
    • Dependencies

Task Assignments

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Work Plan / Task Assignments

  • Docs Update:
    • VivaRado, Andreas Kalpakidis (∞1):
  • SYFF:
    • VivaRado, Andreas Kalpakidis (∞1):


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Work Plan / Dependencies

SYFF currently has all the dependencies met for a successful delivery.

Schedule Plan

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Schedule Plan


    title SYFF (Synthetic Font Functions)
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    section Aeolum
    AEO-0001 Aeolum Initial Letters Design (thn,reg,bld,blk):           done, des1,  2022-04-01, 2022-04-15
    section SYFF
    SYFF-0001 Basic Cascading Font Sheet Implementation:                done, des2,  2022-04-16, 2022-05-26
    SYFF-0002 SYFF Parsing:                                             done, des3,  2022-05-26, 2022-05-27
    SYFF-0003 Further Implementation of Alteration Functions:           done, des5,  2022-06-01, 2022-06-30
    SYFF-0004 SVG to GLIF:                                                    des6,  2022-10-13, 2022-10-31
    section Documentation
    DOC-0001 Documentation:                                             done, des4,  2022-05-27, 2022-05-31

  • Current:
    • AEO-0001 / from April 01 2022 to April 15 2022:
      • Aeolum ∞1.000
        • Design of the first 9 letters of Aeolum
    • SYFF-0001 / from April 16 2022 to May 26 2022:
      • Recombinator ∞1.000
      • Copy ∞1.000
      • Partials ∞1.000
      • Fontex ∞1.000
    • SYFF-0002 / from May 26 2022 to May 27 2022:
      • SYFF Parsing ∞1.000
    • DOC-0001 ∞1.000 / from May 27 2022 to May 31 2022:
      • Formulating the Documentation Structure
      • Explaining the Alteration Functions
    • SYFF-0003 / from June 01 2022 to June 30 2022:
      • Implementing the Alteration Functions
    • SYFF-0004 / from October 13 2022 to October 31 2022:
      • Implementing SVG to GLIF

Strike Through Equals Completion

Task Codes:

  • AEO-∞-∞: Aeolum Test Font
  • SYFF-∞-∞: Synthetic Font Functions
  • DOC-∞-∞: Documentation


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Schedule Plan / Timeline

  • 2022-05-27: After having the basic parts of the scripts in question and the required design files, we proceed to create the documentation and explore all the rest of the parts that need further development and refining.


Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Stakeholders

We identify the Stakeholders by a Personnel Plan and create a Communication Plan to keep the Stakeholders informed.

  • Stakeholders Components:

    • Applicable Stakeholders (Concious and Unconcious Entities):
      • clients
      • personell
      • funders
      • suppliers
      • equipment
    • Glyph Design Team (GyT)
    • Kern Testing Team (KeT)
    • Quality Assurance Team (QaT)
    • Programming Team (PgT)

Personnel Plan

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Stakeholders / Personnel Plan

  • Personnel Plan
    • Organizational Structure
      • team members
        • internal
          • Andreas Kalpakidis (∞1)
          • Madina Akhmatova (∞1)
    • Responsibilities and Qualifications
      • Project Management and Accounting: Madina Akhmatova (∞1)
      • Planning, Development and Design: Andreas Kalpakidis (∞1)

Communication Plan

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Stakeholders / Communication Plan

  • Communication Plan
    • Stakeholder Feedback Mechanisms
      • Weekly Notifications
        • Twitter
        • LinkedIn
    • User Feedback Mechanisms:

Quality Plan

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Quality Plan

A Quality Plan describes the activities, standards, tools and processes necessary to achieve quality in the delivery of a project.

We can now create a Quality Plan by identifying the valid Quality Targets we want to achieve. Identify the Quality Policies that will be required to achieve them. Identify how to do Quality Measurement. Lastly identify how to maintain quality with Quality Management.

  • Quality Plan (PQP) Components:

    1. Quality Targets
    2. Quality Management

Quality Targets

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Quality Plan / Quality Targets

Quality Targets we want to achieve and what are their Acceptance Criteria, Quality Management Procedures, for each Applicable Category

  1. Quality Targets Components:
    • Acceptance criteria
    • Quality Management procedures

Quality Management

Introduction / Phase Introduction / Planning Phase / Quality Plan / Quality Management

Quality Management, the nature of the Audits, Work Verification by assigning responsible personnel for Task Fulfillment and Task Checking.

  1. Quality Management
    • Audits
    • Tool Scheduling
    • Work Verification
      • Task fulfillment responsible personnel
        • VivaRado
      • Task checking responsible personnel
        • VivaRado


SYFF: SYFF (Synthetic Font Functions), IPA: [/saɪff/ >= /sɪff/].


CSSUtils: cssutils on

syff's People


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syff's Issues

Test SSTORE reconstruction.

@eliheuer @davelab6

The size of a font on SSTORE:

This is from FontRegistry codebase:

    // our font is 115KB
    // contract storage is < 24KB
    // we need to chunk our font into 5 partitions to store it fully

From the email, identified chunks:

  • SYFF instructions: 1 - 5 KB max
  • Initial Coordinates: 10 KB
  • Kerning: 20 KB (still needs compression but I got a few ideas like classes ontop of classes)

We get all that build the font on the client with Javascript like with fontkit and varLib models that exists in JS already with client-side code.

Or we provide an API service that builds the font with Python or whatnot, but this defeats the purpose cause KBs on the net, while it could be done on the client with no bandwidth. Hints at SYFF but in JS.

Cost $13.82/KB? Advise on GAS please.
The font would be about 35KB reconstructed a lot bigger but client side. 483.7$ per font. But keep in mind the alterations also cost in case we have to change the content.

Design Decisions

@ctrlcctrlv of MFEK pointed out, the similarities of SYFF with MetaFont and MetaPost, that able through a specially designed syntax of drawing and creating graphics using PostScript, PostScript to MetaPost compared to CSS to SYFF means we will have to come up with the things we would like to see SYFF be able to do.

Keep in mind that SYFF has to be embeddable in font editors that already exist, just like Xpresso in C4D or like Grasshopper in Rhino, but keeping things non intrusive against the font editor (more on that later), or even able to leverage the font editors API.

For the time being we are keeping things as simple as possible, the example bellow draws a circle-plus

Here's an example from file /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cm/ on my system:

iff known o_plus: cmchar "Circle-plus operator";
beginarithchar(o_plus); pickup light_rule.nib; autorounded;
lft x6=hround u; x2=w-x6; y2=math_axis; top y8=h;
circle_points; draw_circle;  % circle
draw z2--z6; draw z4--z8;  % bar and stem
labels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar;

If I run...

mpost '&mfplain' "\\mode:=localfont; mag := 20.0; outputtemplate := \"%j-%c.svg\"; outputformat := \"svg\"; input /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/cm/;"



Originally posted by @ctrlcctrlv in #6 (comment)

Here is how PostScript would draw a circle

     4 5 3 0 360 arc closepath
/* place at (4,5) with a radius of 3, draw arc 360*/

In CSS syntax, ehm... SYFF syntax...

Ο {
     pivot: 4 5;
     radius: 3;
     arc: 0 360;

/* place at (4,5) with a radius of 3, draw arc from 0 to 360 (0 redundant) */

Circle A

Here is what we can see from drawing a circle with CSS.

.circle {
     height: 50px;
     width: 50px;
     border-radius: 50%;

That we draw a square, and then we make it rounded.

Circle B

Then we can add more points to the circle and keep the ability to round them?

Ο {
     pivot: 4 5;
     radius: 3;
     arc: 0 360;
     segment: 4;
     border-radius: 80%;
     /* Imagine if we said constraint: false = wonky circle just in case */

/* place at (4,5) with a radius of 3, draw arc from 0 to 360 (0 redundant) with 4 segments, essentially a square in terms of points, but with 100% rounded */

Circle C

With parallel constraint ( call them cubic constrained IDK ) we get to draw circles with less points, 4 anchors instead of 8 and if we remove the inner controls, an equal amount of controls, so why have more points but the same shape, well beats me...

But lets go on and ask for 3 points...

Circle D

and two points...

Circle E

and one point.
Circle F 🤣

Then control points to infinity are equal to parallel constraint, don't ask me in what space. Because pivot pulls the line in, based on border-radius value.

How many points do I need on a circle, not how many points the machine needs to designate a circle.

got em!

Instance Queries are not supported.

We can parse but we do not recurse instance queries yet. For example here is an instance query for the bold weight.

@instance (bold) { 

	A [ B = "name, unicode" ] {

		partial: keep("partial_a", "partial_b");
		partial: remove("partial_b");
		partial: get("Π","partial_a","partial_a_rename");
		partial: copy("partial_a", "partial_b");



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