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The Versity S3 Gateway:
A High-Performance S3 Translation Service

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Apache V2 License

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Use Cases

  • Turn your local filesystem into an S3 server with a single command!
  • Proxy S3 requests to S3 storage
  • Simple to deploy S3 server with a single command
  • Protocol compatibility in posix allows common access to files via posix or S3
  • Simplified interface for adding new storage system support


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Versity Gateway, a simple to use tool for seamless inline translation between AWS S3 object commands and storage systems. The Versity Gateway bridges the gap between S3-reliant applications and other storage systems, enabling enhanced compatibility and integration while offering exceptional scalability.

The server translates incoming S3 API requests and transforms them into equivalent operations to the backend service. By leveraging this gateway server, applications can interact with the S3-compatible API on top of already existing storage systems. This project enables leveraging existing infrastructure investments while seamlessly integrating with S3-compatible systems, offering increased flexibility and compatibility in managing data storage.

The Versity Gateway is focused on performance, simplicity, and expandability. The Versity Gateway is designed with modularity in mind, enabling future extensions to support additional backend storage systems. At present, the Versity Gateway supports any generic POSIX file backend storage and Versity’s open source ScoutFS filesystem.

The gateway is completely stateless. Multiple Versity Gateway instances may be deployed in a cluster to increase aggregate throughput. The Versity Gateway’s stateless architecture allows any request to be serviced by any gateway thereby distributing workloads and enhancing performance. Load balancers may be used to evenly distribute requests across the cluster of gateways for optimal performance.

The S3 HTTP(S) server and routing is implemented using the Fiber web framework. This framework is actively developed with a focus on performance. S3 API compatibility leverages the official aws-sdk-go-v2 whenever possible for maximum service compatibility with AWS S3.

Getting Started

See the Quickstart documentation.

Run the gateway with posix backend:

mkdir /tmp/vgw
ROOT_ACCESS_KEY="testuser" ROOT_SECRET_KEY="secret" ./versitygw --port :10000 posix /tmp/vgw

This will enable an S3 server on the current host listening on port 10000 and hosting the directory /tmp/vgw.

To get the usage output, run the following:

./versitygw --help

The command format is

versitygw [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

The global options are specified before the backend type and the backend options are specified after.

Versity gives you clarity and control over your archival storage, so you can allocate more resources to your core mission.


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+1 844 726 8826


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versitygw's Issues

scoutfs backend filesystem optimizations

This is a general ticket covering the scoutfs filesystem optimizations. The backend is in place now, and the move blocks mutlipart upload optimizations are done. Next up is interfaces for the tiered filesystem workflows.

developer documentation

Let's add a section to the wiki for developer focused docs such as how to go about adding a new backend type.

UploadPartCopy currently not implemented

The aws cli seems to make use of UploadPartCopy and fails with some basic tests. We need to get this one implemented.
Marking this as bug since it fails some basic cli tests, but really this is just a "needs to be implemented".

In backend interface, we have both of these:

	CopyPart(srcBucket, srcObject, DstBucket, uploadID, rangeHeader string, part int) (*types.CopyPartResult, error)
	UploadPartCopy(*s3.UploadPartCopyInput) (*s3.UploadPartCopyOutput, error)

I think these are the same thing, so we can just go with UploadPartCopy() for now, and remove CopyPart.

Test framework

Starting to put together a test framework for server validation and performance testing.

Th initial idea is to split up tests into groups, such as "quick", "perf", "stress", etc. The framework would allow running all or a subset of tests against a running server.

There should be clear test pass/fail status, and maybe some debug output on failure for further investigation.

S3 Directory and file objects with the same key.

Describe the bug
put-object action does not allow to create a directory and a file objects with the same key.

To Reproduce
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:7070 s3api put-object --bucket my-bucket-1 --key foo/bar

aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:7070 s3api put-object --bucket my-bucket-1 --key foo/bar/xyzzy
Result: An error occurred (ExistingObjectIsDirectory) when calling the PutObject operation: Existing Object is a directory.

Expected behavior
It should allow to create both directory and file objects.

cleanup backend interface args

We have some interface functions that take a bunch of args, and others that just get the s3 arg type. We need to just standardize on the s3 types if possible. This will allow us to pass all the info to the backends and not have to keep changing the interface as we add functionality.

internal server error log

The internal server errors usually mean something happened server side that an admin would like to know about. We should consider an internal serve error log so that we can monitor for when these types of errors happen.

document multi-tenant capabilities

This issue is just to track that we need to update IAM service interactions in the wiki, and expected gateway behavior when running multiple user accounts.

v4 auth signature fails in some cases

We need to add support for


also, sometimes I am finding that the authorization header has spaces, and other times not, for example:

Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=user/20230701/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=0c5624bf2dcd65e02a3a9e90f7e4ee0bdde51a4851613d467659e1b5a9dfe0e3
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=user/20230701/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date;x-amz-decoded-content-length,Signature=c79650f388295ef8dc7e82158a1134c50483814cc857e4f5b70ffd748c28d8aa

Remove GetObject args etag

I think the etag should be retrieved from the backend and sent back in the response. So we probably don't want this as a arg passed to GetObject.

GetObject don't set all the necessary headers

Describe the bug
GetObject action does not set x-amz-tagging-count and content-range headers.

To Reproduce
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:7070 s3api get-object --bucket text-content --key dir/my_data --range bytes=8888-9999 my_data_range

Expected behavior
It has to set all the necessary response headers.

Investigate more scalable IAM service options

The internal IAM service is just meant to be a simple IAM service for a handful of local accounts. For a more scalable approach, we would probably want to interface with a more scalable system. We will want to maintain the internal IAM service for the simple cases with no outside dependencies.

Some ideas to investigate:
Redis cluster

We will want to make this modular as well, so that we can implement more of these as different sites have different needs. Part of this investigation will determine if the current IAM interface is sufficient for all of the implementations:

// IAMService is the interface for all IAM service implementations
type IAMService interface {
	CreateAccount(access string, account Account) error
	GetUserAccount(access string) (Account, error)
	DeleteUserAccount(access string) error
	ListUserAccounts() ([]Account, error)

The important one to implement would be GetUserAccount, where the others are only needed if we want to manage users through the versitygw admin API.

IAM service compatible with AWS

Describe the solution you'd like
Change the implementation of IAM service to make it more compatible with AWS.

  1. Remove Admin CLI and use aws iam CLI as client side admin CLI.
  2. Register proper api handlers for user access creation and deletion.

Additional context
Helpfull resources:

GET request results in "wrong api call"

server side:

08:59:04 | 500 |      0s | | GET     | /mybucket/test/file  | wrong api call

client request:

2023-06-06 08:59:02,726 - ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 - botocore.auth - DEBUG - CanonicalRequest:


2023-06-06 08:59:02,726 - ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 - botocore.auth - DEBUG - StringToSign:
2023-06-06 08:59:02,726 - ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Signature:

ListObjects incorrect marker.

Describe the bug
ListObjects takes incorrect marker as an argument. Now it takes continuation-token query arg as marker, instead it has to be "marker" query arg.

To Reproduce
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:7070 s3api list-objects --bucket my-bucket --marker mrk

Expected behavior
It has to take the correct marker value.

Object ACLs

Since the first pass authorization only included Bucket ACLs, I'm opening a ticket to backlog Object ACL work. This is lower priority right now, so we will come back to this one after a few other higher priority tasks done.

ListObjectsV2/ListObjects should ignore hidden dot files

Describe the bug
ListObjectsV2/ListObjects actions return .DsStore files as s3 objects on MacOs, which is a file created in every directory, containing some metadata about the folder.

To Reproduce
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:7070 s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket my-bucket
run in the bucket which contains directory objects.

Expected behavior
It has to skip these files as s3 objects.

head object doesnt handle attributes map

21:30:41 | 500 |      0s | | HEAD    | /mybucket/  | xml: unsupported type: map[string]string
$ aws --endpoint-url s3api head-object --bucket mybucket --key

An error occurred (500) when calling the HeadObject operation (reached max retries: 2): Internal Server Error

CompleteMultipartUpload empty upload

Describe the bug
When calling CompleteMultipartUpload with empty multipart-upload, it has to return MalformedXML error.

To Reproduce
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:7070 s3api complete-multipart-upload --bucket my-bucket --key 'multipart/01' --upload-id dfRtDYU0WWCCcH43C3WFbkRONycyCpTJJvxu2i5GYkZljF

Expected behavior
It has to return MalformedXML error and 400 as http status code.

user account is allowed to make buckets

Describe the bug
This will be non-standard (from AWS) behavior, but I think in the gateway case we only want to allow admin accounts to create buckets. This will allow admins to better control use of the system. We could decide later to add an option to allow user bucket creation.

To Reproduce
create user account

$ ./versitygw admin -a user -s password create-user -a acct1 -s password1 -r user

make a bucket

$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=acct1 AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password1 aws --endpoint-url s3 mb s3://bucket1
make_bucket: bucket1

Expected behavior
We should return an error that prevents user from creating buckets.

list buckets not serializing response

[{CreationDate:2023-05-30 21:21:18.936973823 -0700 PDT Name:0xc00032efb0 noSmithyDocumentSerde:{}}]
21:33:50 | 200 |      0s | | GET     | /               

but client gets

$ aws --endpoint-url s3api list-buckets
    "Buckets": [

add signal handler for shutdown

We need to catch termination signals and shutdown backends cleanly. I'm filing this as a bug since there is a shutdown method on the backend that never gets called currently.

aws sdk put object signature mismatch

SDK 2023/06/06 11:50:22 DEBUG Request Signature:
---[ CANONICAL STRING  ]-----------------------------

amz-sdk-request:attempt=1; max=3

---[ STRING TO SIGN ]--------------------------------
SDK 2023/06/06 11:50:22 DEBUG Request
PUT /testbucket1 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: aws-sdk-go-v2/1.17.1 os/macos lang/go/1.20.4 md/GOOS/darwin md/GOARCH/amd64 api/s3/1.29.4
Content-Length: 0
Accept-Encoding: identity
Amz-Sdk-Invocation-Id: 42d3bdd9-b354-4295-9308-c7afdb277af0
Amz-Sdk-Request: attempt=1; max=3
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=myaccess/20230606/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept-encoding;amz-sdk-invocation-id;amz-sdk-request;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=c7d29992e5fdc027174bc2ce723fe7e48baf35102d59c79b62718ccff8fb4612
X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
X-Amz-Date: 20230606T185022Z

SDK 2023/06/06 11:50:22 DEBUG Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2023 18:50:22 GMT

SDK 2023/06/06 11:50:22 DEBUG Request Signature:
---[ CANONICAL STRING  ]-----------------------------
amz-sdk-request:attempt=1; max=3

---[ STRING TO SIGN ]--------------------------------
SDK 2023/06/06 11:50:22 DEBUG Request
PUT /testbucket1/myobject?x-id=PutObject HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: aws-sdk-go-v2/1.17.1 os/macos lang/go/1.20.4 md/GOOS/darwin md/GOARCH/amd64 api/s3/1.29.4
Content-Length: 1234567
Accept-Encoding: identity
Amz-Sdk-Invocation-Id: bdc4044b-fbec-4d45-bcea-b079961764e5
Amz-Sdk-Request: attempt=1; max=3
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=myaccess/20230606/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept-encoding;amz-sdk-invocation-id;amz-sdk-request;content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=688e213f08f4d6fe1b6024ae8ac79f3c259b132d58886bec9fb4278d0e3a1467
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
X-Amz-Content-Sha256: 55f0788794756e3c48c17af4cd4bcfab00d981c1fb8575995cbc060a001ead73
X-Amz-Date: 20230606T185022Z

SDK 2023/06/06 11:50:22 DEBUG Response
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Length: 281
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2023 18:50:22 GMT

SDK 2023/06/06 11:50:22 DEBUG request failed with unretryable error https response error StatusCode: 403, RequestID: , HostID: , api error SignatureDoesNotMatch: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

LlistObjectsV2 KeyCount property

Describe the bug
ListObjectsV2 action does not return KeyCount property, which is the total number of objects inside the bucket.

To Reproduce
Create a bucket, upload an object in it. List the bucket objects with:
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:7070 s3api list-objects --bucket my-bucket

Expected behavior
The result should include KeyCount property

first pass authorization

We need to implement the put/get bucket/object ACLs for the backend. Then we need something that will parse the ACLs and decide if the request is authorized. Here is documentation on AWS ACLs:

Do we need to worry about policies here too?

The most common policy for anticipated multi-tenant use of the gateway would be a superuser creates a bucket, and then gives full access to the bucket to a specific account. Maybe this workflow can help us fast-path an MVP here.

first pass authentication

Let's see if we can re-use the aws sdk v4 auth signer that already exists:

The PresignHTTP does not modify the request, so we should be able to pass the incoming request to the PresignHTTP and validate signatures match.

Get the account from the request headers, and use the secret key from the GetIAMConfig() IAM service interface. We may want to store the full aws.Credentials instead of just secret key from the IAM interface.[email protected]/aws#Credentials

Be careful of special cases such as:
The payloadHash is the hex encoded SHA-256 hash of the request payload, and must be provided. Even if the request has no payload (aka body). If the request has no payload you should use the hex encoded SHA-256 of an empty string as the payloadHash value.
Some services such as Amazon S3 accept alternative values for the payload hash, such as "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD" for requests where the body will not be included in the request signature.

We should have an admin account defined outside of the IAM config so that the gateway can be useful without adding accounts (mainly useful for testing and quickstart, etc).

The rest of the accounts will come from GetIAMConfig() from an IAM service interface.

Authorization is done through ACL checks, and is out of scope for this feature.

add requestid for better request tracking

CompleteMultipartUpload ETag error

Describe the bug
When calling CompleteMultipartUpload with incorrect ETag values in parts, it doesn't return error.

To Reproduce
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:7070 s3api complete-multipart-upload --multipart-upload file://mpustruct --bucket my-bucket --key 'multipart/01' --upload-id dfRtDYU0WWCCcH43C3WFbkRONycyCpTJJvxu2i5GYkZljF.Yxwh6XG7WfS2vC4to6HiV6Yjlx.cph0gtNBtJ8P3URCSbB7rjxI5iEwVDmgaXZOGgkk5nVTW16HOQ5l0R

Expected behavior
It has to return InvalidParts error and 400 as status code.

list buckets from user account gets error

Describe the bug
A user level account is unable to list their buckets. Only admin is able to list buckets.

To Reproduce
create user account

$ ./versitygw admin -a user -s password create-user -a acct1 -s password1 -r user

issue list buckets

$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=acct1 AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password1 aws --endpoint-url s3 ls s3://

An error occurred (InternalError) when calling the ListBuckets operation (reached max retries: 2): We encountered an internal error, please try again.

server side error:

2023/07/21 09:08:59 Internal Error, only admin users have access to this resource
09:08:58 | 500 |      0s | | GET     | /               

Expected behavior
A user issuing list buckets should get a list of their buckets.

posix: list objects not honoring prefix

$ aws --endpoint-url s3api list-objects --bucket mybucket --prefix file1
    "Contents": [
            "Key": "",
            "LastModified": "2023-05-30T21:21:18.936778-07:00",
            "ETag": "",
            "Size": 132533,
            "StorageClass": ""

should not be listing any objects that dont match prefix

server logging

This is different than audit logs which is a separate issue. This one will track server logging such as access, error, etc logs like would be typical from http services.

Do we need this to be modular? So we can plug into other types of logging services?
Should we use syslog when available?
Allow enable/disable of logging?

audit logs

We need to think about a way to do audit logging. I think we will want flexibility here so that the user can select if they want:

  • none
  • syslog
  • webhooks
  • other?

And we need to decide how much detail goes into the audit logs. Probably almost everything about the incoming requests and the return status.

quickstart documentation

Once we have the ability to start running the command, we should document a quickstart guide in the wiki.

posix: temp file naming not correct

For the fallback openTmpFile, we are using os.CreateTemp(). The current args are not correct though. The file can't have a path separator, the directory must exist, and the file shouldn't end with a newline. We should also have the name be . with the . between name and random strong.

GetObject invalid range error

Describe the bug
When calling GetObject action with invalid range values, it has to return InvalidRange error.

To Reproduce
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:7070 s3api get-object --bucket text-content --key dir/my_data --range bytes=8888-9999 my_data_range

Expected behavior
It has to return InvalidRange error(http status code 416)

gateway metrics

This issue is just to capture the feature for general metrics. This should be something that can track request rates, throughput, etc. At a minimum we should allow configuring a statsd endpoint, but like everything else we may want to allow configuration of different types of metrics endpoints.

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