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Comments (49)

ejulen avatar ejulen commented on April 29, 2024 25

@impronunciable I assume @dlindenkreuz means rendering an application written with Next to static HTML that could be served up without a backend.

from next.js.

sebastianmacias avatar sebastianmacias commented on April 29, 2024 12

Static site rendering would allow to save the output of all pages once and host it in S3 or any other static hosts without the need of running a server/node.js see:

Would definitely be a huge plus to have.

from next.js.

rauchg avatar rauchg commented on April 29, 2024 11

from next.js.

stretchkennedy avatar stretchkennedy commented on April 29, 2024 9

Building on @jferrettiboke's wget, I've been using

#!/bin/bash -e


echo "starting server..."
next build
next start 2>&1 > /dev/null &

echo "downloading static assets..."
wget --html-extension \
     --recursive \
     --convert-links \
     --page-requisites \
     --no-parent \
     --directory-prefix "$DEST" \
     --no-host-directories \
     --restrict-file-names=unix \
     --quiet \
     --retry-connrefused \
     --waitretry 2 \
     --tries 5 \
     -i <(find "$PAGES_DIR" -type f | \
                 sed "s:^$PAGES_DIR\(.*\)\.js\$:\1:g" | \
                 sed 's:/index$:/:g' | \
                 sed "s,\(.*\),$ADDR\1,g")

echo "closing server..."
pkill -INT -g $$ node

echo "done"

from next.js.

dlindenkreuz avatar dlindenkreuz commented on April 29, 2024 5

Exactly @ejulen @sebastianmacias: a statically rendered website would eliminate the need for a Node server.

This is certainly only possible in some scenarios e.g. without dynamic routes or user input processing but would allow things like Github Pages hosting.

from next.js.

rauchg avatar rauchg commented on April 29, 2024 5

Basically next export will output all the pages/ into a static directory as .html. getInitialProps gets invoked on the client exclusively, including on first render. That's it!

from next.js.

acamarata avatar acamarata commented on April 29, 2024 3

This would definitely be a huge plus for me. I wanted to use Next.js for a couple specific projects but front-end code must be statically hosted and then using GraphQL and API's with a back-end for anything that must be needed. Static Hosting can still use JS so Webpack, Babel, React, Router, Redux, etc. are all still on the table but it has to be purely "front-end" with anything back-end done as a request (or as we will be doing in our app an Apollo/GraphQL subscribe for live-data to a separate back-end). Next.js seemed unable to do this so we went with create-react-app and built things the harder way... would like to know if this is an idea liked by the core team and will happen.

Note: since I do a lot of static sites just some solid advice.. anyone considering GitHub Pages should really look at instead as they do not limit plugins, do continuous deployment to a GitHub repo (push triggers deploy), allows you to state your build command, env vars, outpur dir, etc. as well as give custom domain and SSL in the free tier. (They also have free Pro tier for open-source projects).

from next.js.

acamarata avatar acamarata commented on April 29, 2024 3

Just noticed the "Feature Request: build mode which outputs all html files #162" and I would suggest that this can be done more in a SPA (Single Page App), PWA (Progressive Web App) using Service Workers, offline support, etc. if it is enabled to do "front-end only" builds... no need for "static html only files" unless that was also wanted. I think SPA/PWA/SW with router and "front-end only" is easier and not a big change from a standard Next.js just takes detaching the back-end and making it something "plug and playable" by services like and others that can give you a back-end as a service with database and auth api's.

(my 2 cents)

from next.js.

matthewmueller avatar matthewmueller commented on April 29, 2024 2

I'm definitely +1 to this feature, but in gathering my thoughts on this topic, I've come to some conclusions that I think are worth pointing out:

All the static hosting services mentioned have a server in the backend that is doing more than just serving static files – they provide a routing layer, handle caching, etc.

The problem next.js will run into trying to support this is the dynamic nature of getInitialProps.

So what we really want is either next.js to work on more platforms (Github Pages, Netlify, Surge, S3 + Cloudfront) or for these platforms to become more capable like Heroku, Dokku, Now, EC2.

If we focus on making next.js work on more platforms, I don't think a truly dynamic getInitialProps is the solution but there may be some other slightly less dynamic flavor we could adopt like create pages from your data at build time, something that would be great for building blogs, but not so great for building a social network.

from next.js.

matthewmueller avatar matthewmueller commented on April 29, 2024 2

FWIW, i've done this successfully on the last project i worked on:

"routes": {
  "/": "/landing",
  "/signup": "/signup",
  "/signup/*": "/signup",
  "/login": "/login",
  "/me/edit/password": "/me-edit-pass",
  "/me/edit/bio": "/me-edit-bio",
  "/article/manual": "/article-manual",
  "/article/manual/*": "/article-manual",
  "/article/auto": "/article-auto",
  "/about": "/about",
  "/404": "/404",
  "/access-restricted": "/access-restricted",
  "/privacy": "/privacy",
  "/tos": "/tos",
  "/imprint": "/imprint",
  "/:author": "/profile",
  "/:author/:article": "/profile"

Allowing static pages with dynamic routing. This was in the package.json, but since there's a next.config.js, it could go in there.

from next.js.

jonaswindey avatar jonaswindey commented on April 29, 2024 1

For static pages we'll also have to switch to hash history instead of html5 browser history (so url's use #/path instead of /path since I think most static hosting don't support url rewritings.

from next.js.

MoOx avatar MoOx commented on April 29, 2024 1

So we won't be able to handle dynamic routes? For example let's say I want dynamic pages to list pages with a given content (eg: I have a collection of blog posts and want to have pages for each tags - /tag/{a tag}), there won't be a way to support that?
That would be nice to be able to have a way to add url to render via a callback or something.

from next.js.

impronunciable avatar impronunciable commented on April 29, 2024

Hi @dlindenkreuz what do you mean with static site rendering?

from next.js.

tiye avatar tiye commented on April 29, 2024

For dynamic routes, it's possible if you name the paths like a.html. I'm not sure if every router library handles it correctly, but it works as I tried with my tools.

from next.js.

dlindenkreuz avatar dlindenkreuz commented on April 29, 2024

@jiyinyiyong Can you elaborate on that? I checked your examples and don't understand the relation to this issue in particular.

from next.js.

tiye avatar tiye commented on April 29, 2024

@dlindenkreuz I was trying to explain that dynamic router will still work when the app is built into static files. For example in this demo:

There is also an about.html page. After you navigate to that page and reload, it works as normal. The reason is there is .html suffixed in the path, it's part of the path. So dynamic router will work as long as the router allows .html in the path.

There are also more demos, well, I didn't try react-router or the router provided by next.js , but I'am sure it works in theory since I tried several times:

And it's true not all routes can work perfectly, for example /a/:b or /:b/a while b can not be enumerated, then we can not prepare all of them. If your "dynamic router" referred to this case, well, that's what I mean.

from next.js.

lpil avatar lpil commented on April 29, 2024

I'd also like this. The problem with conventional static sites is that the
compilation process is slow yup work with in dev, however if in dev you
work on a browser based react app served from webpack dev server this
problem is removed. It'd be nice if you'd project could make this pattern
easier and more accessible.


On Wed, 26 Oct 2016, 04:15 Sebastian Macias, [email protected]

Static site rendering would allow to save the output of all pages once and
host it in S3 or any other static hosts without the need of running a
server/node.js would definitely be a huge plus
to have.

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from next.js.

dlindenkreuz avatar dlindenkreuz commented on April 29, 2024

@jiyinyiyong Ah, thanks for the explanation! Indeed, the page tree would need to be fixed and determinable at the time of compilation. Handling suffixes like .html should be left up to the server used for hosting the compiled site, although I'd love to customize the file name extension of generated files at build time.

Figuring out that tree should probably happen automatically in regards to the Next.js "spirit" of dropping components in /pages to have them render as a page.

@lpil You might want to check out Gatsby.js until this is available in Next.js 😉

from next.js.

altaywtf avatar altaywtf commented on April 29, 2024

Hi guys, I wonder how this feature will affect the usage of getInitialProps method.

Doesn't it give us to opportunity of prefetching data on the server side? (like async-props and redux-connect)

from next.js.

dlindenkreuz avatar dlindenkreuz commented on April 29, 2024

@altayaydemir Yes, but the thing is that some projects do not need or can not have a dynamic backend (like GitHub Pages). In these cases, a bunch of static HTML files and directories are created at compile time.

Prefetching data e.g. from JSON files can still happen at compile time but won't happen again when opening a page, because the page is then just a standalone HTML file. After you compile once, no Node.js server is involved anymore.

from next.js.

lucasconstantino avatar lucasconstantino commented on April 29, 2024

This would definitely be a huge plus for me. I started to migrate a static website to Next just to notice it's "build" command didn't really built an static structure :(

from next.js.

altaywtf avatar altaywtf commented on April 29, 2024

@dlindenkreuz ok, I get it. I thought I've missed something about the getInitialProps part.

I've made a similar config to one of my active projects (with webpack / react-router code splitting) and I totally agree with you about this.

from next.js.

sylvainbannier avatar sylvainbannier commented on April 29, 2024

Isn't that "just" a matter of recusive wget ?

from next.js.

jferrettiboke avatar jferrettiboke commented on April 29, 2024

As an alternative, I tried to get the static content using wget. Although it works with other of my projects (without using next), it does not work well here with next.

I use wget and everything is OK, except the links. If I inspect the links, there is no href attribute for any local link. Even though there is no href attribute when I inspect the link, after compiling the app to static files and clicking the link, it tries to open the slug name plus the ".json" extension. So, as result, I get a 404 error in my terminal saying: "GET /about.json" Error (404): "Not found".

Does anyone of you know the reason of this? Could it be a conflict with the Link component?

Here the commands that I use with wget.

wget --html-extension --recursive --convert-links --page-requisites --no-parent --directory-prefix dist --no-host-directories --restrict-file-names=unix http://localhost:3000/

from next.js.

sylvainbannier avatar sylvainbannier commented on April 29, 2024

I may be wrong but if you use client side routing, what's the point of having ?
There's others react based static generator around.

from next.js.

foxyblocks avatar foxyblocks commented on April 29, 2024


For static pages we'll also have to switch to hash history instead of html5 browser history (so url's use #/path instead of /path since I think most static hosting don't support url rewritings.

Why would you need URL rewriting?

from next.js.

acamarata avatar acamarata commented on April 29, 2024

from next.js.

matthewmueller avatar matthewmueller commented on April 29, 2024

There's definitely a use case for both, but what's missing right now from next.js is generating HTML pages that only require the JS that they need (code-split across pages).

A SPA with client-side routing is quite a bit simpler and could probably be done without next.js

from next.js.

jferrettiboke avatar jferrettiboke commented on April 29, 2024

Give a try to next export.

from next.js.

pex avatar pex commented on April 29, 2024

@jferrettiboke I don't think so. Where did you read about an export feature?

from next.js.

jferrettiboke avatar jferrettiboke commented on April 29, 2024

Read here, @pex. Although, at this point in time, it does not work properly for me. I opened #348 to go further. I think, there is no documentation about this.

from next.js.

ejulen avatar ejulen commented on April 29, 2024

@jferrettiboke I think you misunderstood Guillermo Rauch. Pretty sure he was saying he wanted static site generation, too, and gave an example of what that command could look like.

from next.js.

jferrettiboke avatar jferrettiboke commented on April 29, 2024

Thanks @ejulen. I think you are right. I had a misunderstood. Sorry for the inconvenience.

from next.js.

MoOx avatar MoOx commented on April 29, 2024

@rauchg any comment about your "export" idea?

from next.js.

flybayer avatar flybayer commented on April 29, 2024

Could this somehow support the prefetch Link component, so we can preserve instentanious page transitions on the client?

from next.js.

rauchg avatar rauchg commented on April 29, 2024

@MoOx I hadn't considered that. I think we should absolutely contemplate that
@flybayer absolutely. I don't see why client-only mode would lose that.

from next.js.

MoOx avatar MoOx commented on April 29, 2024

For now here is what I do to allow people to generate whatever routes they want:

  1. I consume people react-router routes
  <Route component={ AppContainer }>
    <Route path="showcase" component={ Showcase } />
    <Route path="showcase/tag/:showcaseTag" component={ Showcase } />
    <Route path="*" component={ DocsPageContainer } />
  1. I create all possible routes by playing with all :params. This part may be a bit specific in my case: I read all possible values by browsing a collection of data.
    To be more specific: people most of the time pass markdown files, and I read the entire front-matter to build a index - this allows me to have all possible values for random keys - eg: authors, tags - in my previous routes showcaseTag ).
    I guess we could find a more elegant way to allows people to define some parameters that can be used to resolve routes?

  2. At this point I have an array with all URLs to render, so the next step is easy: just iterate on all urls and render those.

This thing will not work (or with a lots of limitation) for me at some point since react-router v4 API is totally different and people can defined recursive urls by creating small piece of urls in any components. That's a good idea but it's just not really compatible with my approach (or I will need to tell people that there are many limitation like "hey you can use react-router v4 but not really as you need to explicitly pass a bundle of routes and nested routes will be ignored").

From my knowledge of next, there is no router (fs is the router) and the only way to have dynamic urls is using the programmatic API.
If I am correct I guess at some point we should maybe only allow a "thing" to be called before trying to only export urls based on ./pages directory.

next export will probably need to read all ./pages path, so I guess we should open this step somehow to people so we can add some logic (or replace it?!) so they can add anything they want. Maybe it's too dangerous (we don't want people to generate 404 for a bunch of urls, do we?)

For now I cannot think of another way: since there is no router with routes defined, we cannot really guess what value to map.

Another thing to think about is "redirection". It will be nice to be able to define urls to generate redirect code like jekyll-redirect does (tldr: you just output a meta refresh tag with the new url - it's not very clean but works and is considered as 301 by google (I asked on a google forum, I get an answer for a google engineer that said "lots of people still use that so we have to")

from next.js.

rauchg avatar rauchg commented on April 29, 2024

@MoOx it's still possible that for the purpose of next export specifically we can supply a route map

from next.js.

MoOx avatar MoOx commented on April 29, 2024

That would be awesome and will offer full control to developers :)

from next.js.

MoOx avatar MoOx commented on April 29, 2024

from next.js.

MoOx avatar MoOx commented on April 29, 2024

I think at some point, programmatic API and "no routes" will never be enough if you want to support stuff like pagination.
Let's say I want to have /tag/{tag}/page/{page}. You will need to be able to statically know how many tags and page for each tags you will need before you even render anything.
With the current new API I plan to introduce for phenomic (in short HoC that you use for components specified in your routes) it will be easy to get those params but that will only works with a static check so we can "compute" all routes to render.

from next.js.

rauchg avatar rauchg commented on April 29, 2024

@MoOx yep i've kept thinking about this, and for exporting statically, a route map option (via JSON for example) will be pretty interesting.

from next.js.

rauchg avatar rauchg commented on April 29, 2024

Very cool!

from next.js.

intermundos avatar intermundos commented on April 29, 2024

@matthewmueller can you please provide more information on routing map? Thanks.

from next.js.

rauchg avatar rauchg commented on April 29, 2024

Pretty impressive! Hopefully next export will make that a breeze :)

from next.js.

rauchg avatar rauchg commented on April 29, 2024

We'll move the discussion from here to #604

from next.js.

Maxhodges avatar Maxhodges commented on April 29, 2024


.All the static hosting services mentioned have a server in the backend that is doing more than just serving static files – they provide a routing layer, handle caching, etc.****

That's not quite right. There's no server-side router. Caching is prepared at build time then the site is literally served over CDN. What "etc."?

So what we really want is either next.js to work on more platforms (Github Pages, Netlify, Surge, S3 + Cloudfront) or for these platforms to become more capable like Heroku, Dokku, Now, EC2.

What we want want is to build react apps with client-side (JS) routing to work as static sites. I think you're confused by the word "static"--which is not uncommon. Static sites can do a lot of dynamic things thanks to client-side JS scripts and third-party APIs. . But the "server" only does the same thing every time: it runs a build process once per atomic build. Nothing more.

"Netlify is a build tool with CDN hosting--having that become like Heroku is not what we what. That would miss the whole point of static sites.

from next.js.

matthewmueller avatar matthewmueller commented on April 29, 2024

@Maxhodges take a look at At some layer in their stack there is dynamic server-side routing. The difference is that either we are managing that infrastructure or they are. Of course I'd love next.js to be managed by them.

In other news, if anyone would find this useful, I created a standalone module for doing what I described here: #70 (comment)

Right now this is for the server, but I'm hopeful that once next has static builds, this will be the format of the routing.

from next.js.

Maxhodges avatar Maxhodges commented on April 29, 2024

Redirects aren't really what I'd consider application routing. Redirects transform the URL before the router creates a router state out of it.

we are going with gatsbyjs

from next.js.

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