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vectfit's Introduction

Vectfit for python


This is vectfit implementation for Python, expanded and modified for python 3 from the original Python 2 package by Phil Reynolds. It is a duplication of the vector fitting algorithm for MATLAB. The purpose of this module is to fit rational transfer functions that can be represented in the form

where $a_m$ are the poles, $c_m$ are the residues, while parameters $d$ ("offset") and $e$ ("differentiator" or "slope") are optional.

All credit goes to Bjorn Gustavsen for his MATLAB implementation, and the following papers:

[1] B. Gustavsen and A. Semlyen, "Rational approximation of frequency domain responses by Vector Fitting", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1052-1061, July 1999.

[2] B. Gustavsen, "Improving the pole relocating properties of vector fitting", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1587-1592, July 2006.

[3] D. Deschrijver, M. Mrozowski, T. Dhaene, and D. De Zutter, "Macromodeling of Multiport Systems Using a Fast Implementation of the Vector Fitting Method", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 383-385, June 2008.

How to use

Unlike the original MATLAB package, the module is designed with aim of making the interaction with it as automatic and high-level as possible. The main interface for fitting is provided by a function vectfit_auto(). This functions runs the fitting process iteratively for a given number of iterations. It can either generate automatically a linear or logarithmic distribution of initial poles, or it can take an explicit distribution of initial poles as an argument. See help(vectfit.vectfit_auto()) for details and an example of use below.

Arguments for vectfit_auto()

Argument Default value Meaning
n_complex_pairs 10 Number of complex pole pairs to use
n_real_poles 0 Number of real poles to use
n_complex_poles 10 Number of complex poles to use (if allow_nonconj==True)
init_spacing 'lin' Initial spacing between complex poles or pole pairs ('lin' or 'log')
loss_ratio 1e-2 Loss ratio for the initial set of complex poles or pole pairs
init_poles [] Use user-provided initial poles (automatic generation is switched off)
asymp 2 The value controls the model as follows:
1 -> $d=0$, $e=0$;
2 -> $d\ne 0$, $e=0$;
3 -> $d\ne 0$, $e\ne 0$
allow_nonconj False Allow isolated complex poles
allow_unstable False Allow unstable poles
allow_rescale True Scale the values down automatically if the matrix is ill-conditioned
show False Draw Bode plots of the original transfer function and the fit result
track_poles False Return the 2D list of poles, with rows representing pole sets at each iteration
suppress_warnings False Suppress vectfit warnings


Other functions provided by the module:

  • model_polres(s, poles, residues, d=0, h=0): Evaluate a transfer function, defined by poles, residues, offset d, and slope h, at points given by s.
  • model_zpk(s, zeros, poles, k): Evaluate a transfer function, defined by zeros, poles, and gain k, at points given by s.
  • vectfit.polres_to_zpk(poles, residues, d=0, h=0): Convert poles-residues representation into zeros, poles, and gain (zpk) representation. See section "From residues to zeros, poles, and gain (zpk)" below for details.
  • print_params(poles, residues, d=0, h=0, switch_to_Hz=False): Print the results, automatically convert to Hz if the corresponding evaluates to True.
  • print_zpk_params(zeros, poles, k, switch_to_Hz=False): Print the results, automatically convert to Hz if the corresponding evaluates to True.

Fitting complex poles that do not form conjugated pairs

Fitting transfer functions with isolated complex pairs is enabled if allow_nonconj=True argument is specified. In this case, the number of generated initial complex poles is set by n_complex_poles instead of n_complex_pairs. See example_cvectfit.ipynb for details and a use example.

Example of use

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import vectfit

# List of frequencies in Hz
# List of arguments of the transfer function in the Laplace domain
s = 2*np.pi*freqs*1j

# Test transfer function 1, given by poles, residues, offset, and slope:
tst_poles = 2*np.pi*np.array([-1e-2+1e-2j,-1e-2-1e-2j,-1e-2+1j,-1e-2-1j,-1e1,-5e1]) # poles
tst_residues = -tst_poles # residues
tst_d=0 # offset (optional)
tst_h=0 # slope (optional)

# Evaluation of test function 1: list of complex values to fit
tst_tf = vectfit.model_polres(s, tst_poles, tst_residues, tst_d, tst_h)

# Vector fitting
# 1. using default parameters (10 iterations, 10 complex pole pairs), make a plot
fit1_poles, fit1_residues, fit1_d, fit1_h = \
    vectfit.vectfit_auto(tst_tf, s, show=True) 

# 2. giving an explicit number of poles (2 complex conjugated pairs and 2 real poles, 10 iterations)
fit2_poles, fit2_residues, fit2_d, fit2_h = \
    vectfit.vectfit_auto(tst_tf, s, n_complex_pairs=2, n_real_poles=2) 

print("Test parameters:")
vectfit.print_params(tst_poles, tst_residues, tst_d, tst_h, switch_to_Hz = True)

print("Fitted parameters:")
vectfit.print_params(fit2_poles, fit2_residues, fit2_d, fit2_h, switch_to_Hz = True)

From residues to zeros, poles, and gain (zpk)

As in the original MATLAB package, results produced by vectfit_auto() are returned in the form of $N_p$ poles $a_m$, $N_p$ residues $c_m$, offset $d$, and slope $e$. This package, however, also includes function polres_to_zpk() that allows for switching into zpk formalism, so that the resulting transfer function is expressed as

where $z_n$ are the zeros, $k$ is the total gain (that can be complex), and $N_z$ is the number of zeros. Note that due to the nature of the pole-residue representation, the number of zeros in the fit is fixed by the number of poles:

  • If $d = 0$ and $e = 0$ then $N_z = N_p - 1$;
  • If $d \ne 0$ and $e = 0$ then $N_z = N_p$;
  • If $e \ne 0$ then $N_z = N_p + 1$
Special case of complex total gain k ($\mathrm{Im~} k \ne 0$)

A special case where vectfit does not work too well yet is the case where the transfer function has complex total gain $k$, $\Im k \ne 0$. Due to internal representations of functions in matrix calculations, fitting in this case requires calling vectfit_auto() with allow_unstable=True argument setting, even if the resulting poles are stable, plus the number of specified complex pairs should be significantly higher than the number of actual complex pairs. This issue will be addressed in the future.

Evaluating zpk transfer functions

A transfer function that is defined by zeros, poles, and gain can be evaluated at points given by array s using function model_zpk(s, zeros, poles, k).

Example with zpk fitting

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import vectfit

# Defining transfer function with poles and zeros
tst_poles = 2*np.pi*np.array([-5, -1, -5-100j, -5+100j])
tst_zeros = 2*np.pi*np.array([-0.2, 4])
tst_k = 42.42 # total gain
# tst_k = 42.42+50j # complex total gain

# Evaluation of the test transfer function
tst_tf = vectfit.model_zpk(s, tst_zeros, tst_poles, tst_k)

# Fitting the transfer function
fit_poles, fit_residues, fit_d, fit_h = \
    vectfit.vectfit_auto(tst_tf, s, n_complex_pairs=1, n_real_poles=2, n_iter = 10, show=True) 

# # Replace the above with the commented function call below to fit the case of complex total gain k
# fit_poles, fit_residues, fit_d, fit_h = \
#     vectfit.vectfit_auto(tst_tf, s, n_complex_pairs=10, n_real_poles=2, n_iter = 100, allow_unstable=True, show=True) 

# Converting results into zpk
fit_zeros,fit_poles,fit_k = vectfit.polres_to_zpk(fit_poles, fit_residues, d=0, h=0)

print("Test parameters:")
vectfit.print_zpk_params(tst_zeros, tst_poles, tst_k, switch_to_Hz = True)

print("Fitted parameters:")
vectfit.print_zpk_params(fit_zeros, fit_poles, tst_k, switch_to_Hz = True)

Vectfit modification for non-conjugated complex poles


If the signals that are present in a system are complex, then the impulse responses in this system can also be complex. Correspondingly, the transfer function of this system can include complex poles that do not form complex conjugated pairs (i.e., frequency response becomes asymmetric with respect to zero frequency). For example, optical systems, such as laser interferometers, are often described as operators acting on complex amplitudes of the electromagnetic field. Many results of control theory remain applicable in the complex domain without any changes. However, some calculation methods need to be modified in order to work in the complex domain.

Unlike the original MATLAB package, vectfit for python can fit system transfer functions for complex-valued signals. Mathematically, the difference between such transfer functions and those that describe systems with real signals, is that the latter can only have complex poles that form conjugated pairs, whilst the former can have lone complex poles, or complex pole "pairs" of the form (i.e. are "symmetric" with respect to some axis $\Im s = \omega_0$ instead of $\Im s = 0$).

This generalisation is based on the idea for vectfit modification described the following paper:

  • Spina, D., Ye, Y., Deschrijver, D., Bogaerts, W. and Dhaene, T. (2021), Complex vector fitting toolbox: a software package for the modelling and simulation of general linear and passive baseband systems. Electron. Lett., 57: 404-406.

In that paper, the authors remove the conjugateness constrain on from the original vectfit approach, described in

  • Gustavsen, B. (2009). Fast passivity enforcement for S-parameter models by perturbation of residue matrix eigenvalues. IEEE Transactions on advanced packaging, 33(1), 257-265

How to use

The functionality for complex-valued systems is included in the main tool of the module -- vectfit_auto() function. Passing the argument allow_nonconj=True to this function enables the complex vector fitting algorithm. In this case, an initial distribution of single complex poles is generated instead of complex conjugate pairs. The iterative process uses functions in which the requirement for the poles being in complex conjugated pairs is removed according to the method suggested in Spina, D. et al, 2021 (referenced above).


# List of frequencies in Hz
# List of arguments of the transfer function in the Laplace domain
s = 2*np.pi*freqs*1j

# Test transfer function 1, given by poles, residues, offset, and slope:
tst_poles = np.array([-1e-2+1e-2j,-1e-2-1e-2j,-1e-2+1j,-1e1,-5e1])
tst_residues = -tst_poles

# Evaluation of test function: list of complex values to fit
tst_tf = vectfit.model_polres(s, tst_poles, tst_residues, tst_d, tst_h)

# Vector fitting
# 1. standard vector fitting (bad result even for many parameters and lots of iterations
# because we have a lone complex pole)
fit1_poles, fit1_residues, fit1_d, fit1_h = \
    vectfit.vectfit_auto(tst_tf, s, n_complex_pairs=20, n_real_poles=2, n_iter=100) 
# 2. using allow_nonconj (gives a reasonably good fit with small number of initial poles)
fit2_poles, fit2_residues, fit2_d, fit2_h = \
    vectfit.vectfit_auto(tst_tf, s, \
                         allow_nonconj=True, \
                         n_complex_poles=3, \
                         n_real_poles=2 \

fit1_tf = vectfit.model_polres(s, fit1_poles, fit1_residues, fit1_d, fit1_h)
fit2_tf = vectfit.model_polres(s, fit2_poles, fit2_residues, fit2_d, fit2_h)

# Plotting results
plt.title("Vectfitting a function with an isolated complex pole")
plt.loglog(freqs, np.abs(tst_tf), label = "original function", color='black')
plt.loglog(freqs, np.abs(fit1_tf), label = "standard vectfit", ls=":", color='b')
plt.loglog(freqs, np.abs(fit2_tf), label = "modified vectfit (allow_nonconj=True)", ls="--", color='r')
plt.semilogx(freqs, np.angle(tst_tf)*180/np.pi, label = "original function", color='black')
plt.semilogx(freqs, np.angle(fit1_tf)*180/np.pi, label = "standard vectfit", ls=":", color='b')
plt.semilogx(freqs, np.angle(fit2_tf)*180/np.pi, label = "modified vectfit (allow_nonconj=True)", ls="--", color='r')
plt.xlabel("Frequency, Hz")
plt.ylabel("Phase, degrees")

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