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cakephp-opauth's Introduction

CakePHP plugin for Opauth

CakePHP 2.x plugin for Opauth.

Opauth is a multi-provider authentication framework.


CakePHP v2.x
Opauth >= v0.2 (submoduled with this package)

Using Composer?

You can install CakePHP-Opauth plugin directly from Composer at uzyn/cakephp-opauth.
It works for Opauth strategies too!

View notes and Composer-enabled plugin code at composer branch.

Tutorial & sample app

Check out CakePHP bakery for tutorial and the sample branch for a quick sample app.

How to use

  1. Install this plugin for your CakePHP app.
    Assuming APP is the directory where your CakePHP app resides, it's usually app/ from the base of CakePHP.

    cd APP/Plugin
    git clone git:// Opauth
  2. Download Opauth library as a submodule.

    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  3. Add this line to the bottom of your app's Config/bootstrap.php:

    CakePlugin::load('Opauth', array('routes' => true, 'bootstrap' => true));

    Overwrite any Opauth configurations you want after the above line.

  4. Load strategies onto Strategy/ directory.

    Append configuration for strategies at your app's Config/bootstrap.php as follows:

    CakePlugin::load('Opauth', array('routes' => true, 'bootstrap' => true));
    // Using Facebook strategy as an example
    Configure::write('Opauth.Strategy.Facebook', array(
        'app_id' => 'YOUR FACEBOOK APP ID',
        'app_secret' => 'YOUR FACEBOOK APP SECRET'
  5. Go to http://path_to_your_cake_app/auth/facebook to authenticate with Facebook, and similarly for other strategies that you have loaded.

  6. After validation, user will be redirected to Router::url('/opauth-complete') with validated auth response data retrievable available at $this->data.

    To route a controller to handle the response, at your app's Config/routes.php, add a connector, for example:

        array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'opauth_complete')

    You can then work with the authentication data at, say APP/Controller/UsersController.php as follows:

    <?php // APP/Controller/UsersController.php:
    class UsersController extends AppController {
        public function opauth_complete() {

    Note that this CakePHP Opauth plugin already does auth response validation for you with its results available as a boolean value at $this->data['validated'].

  7. (optional) The submoduled Opauth core library may not be of the latest build, to update to the latest:

    git submodule foreach git pull origin master


If your CakePHP app does not reside at DocumentRoot (eg. http://localhost), but at a directory below DocumentRoot (eg. http://localhost/your-cake-app),
add this line to your app's APP/Config/bootstrap.php, replacing your-cake-app with your actual path :

<?php // APP/Config/bootstrap.php
Configure::write('Opauth.path', '/your-cake-app/auth/');

Issues & questions

Used this plugin in your CakePHP project? Let us know!


The MIT License
Copyright © 2012-2013 U-Zyn Chua (

Package building instructions

Instructions for making into a nice zipped package for download.

git checkout master
git submodule update --init --recursive

rm -rf `find . -type d -name .git`

cd ..
mv cakephp-opauth Opauth

zip -mr Opauth


U-Zyn Chua is the Principal Consultant at Zynesis Consulting, specializing in CakePHP.
Looking for PHP web development solutions or consultation? Drop me a mail.

cakephp-opauth's People


ceeram avatar jazzmind avatar josegonzalez avatar kahwee avatar katsukii avatar krolow avatar l4ci avatar sirikkoster avatar uzyn avatar


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cakephp-opauth's Issues

Undefined index: strategy

Notice (8): Undefined index: strategy [APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\Opauth.php, line 120]
Code Context
Opauth::run() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\Opauth.php, line 120
OpauthAppController::index() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Controller\OpauthAppController.php, line 31
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - CORE\Cake\Controller\Controller.php, line 485
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 103
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 85
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 93
Fatal Error (256): Unsupported or undefined Opauth strategy - [APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\Opauth.php, line 120]
Code Context
public function index(){



Opauth::run() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\Opauth.php, line 120
OpauthAppController::index() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Controller\OpauthAppController.php, line 31
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - CORE\Cake\Controller\Controller.php, line 485
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 103
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 85
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 93

Any ideas?

Issue when using the plugin with SecurityComponent enabled

Security component is black holing my callback requests.

If i put:

if($this->action == 'opauth_complete') {
$this->Security->validatePost = false;
$this->Security->csrfCheck = false;

Inside my beforeFilter in AppController.php then 'it' (opauth) works, without it my callback gets black-holed by SecurityComponent.

I thought this issue had previously been fixed, but for some reason on my app the code from app/Plugin/Opauth/Controller/OpauthController.php (lines 16,17,18) are not executing? - does that mean the IF statement on line 16 ( " if (is_object($this->Security)) { ") is not returning true?

2 questions then:

  1. Why is this broken for me?
  2. Is disabling the validation and csrfCheck really sensible?

/auth/callback - Opauth-completeController could not be found


I have set this up with the facebook login, I click my facebook login button if goes off to facebook and comes back to

I am getting this error on that page:

Missing Controller

Error: Opauth-completeController could not be found.

Error: Create the class Opauth-completeController below in file: app/Controller/Opauth-completeController.php

'users', 'action' => 'opauth_complete') ); If I go to I am getting an empty array. Any idea what is going on? Thanks

Class 'Opauth' nor found

Hey there... I am getting an error when I try to go to /auth/facebook and I did follow every step.
Fatal error: Class 'Opauth' not found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/phpal-cakephp/app/Plugin/Opauth/Controller/OpauthAppController.php on line 131.

I appreciate your help! Thanks in advance!

Strategies will not validate

I have the Facebook strategy setup, including app ID and app secret. Auth returned the following error in my UsersController.php with this method:

public function opauth_complete() { debug($this->data); print_r($this->data['validated']); exit; }

Error message:

/app/Controller/UsersController.php (line 11) array( 'error' => array( 'provider' => null, 'code' => 'invalid_auth_missing_components', 'message' => 'Invalid auth response: Missing key auth response components.' ), 'validated' => false )

I also have the Google strategy setup. I receive the following error when the I run Path_to_app/auth/google:

    'error' => array(
        'provider' => null,
        'code' => 'invalid_auth_missing_components',
        'message' => 'Invalid auth response: Missing key auth response components.'
    'validated' => false

Security Concern

This plugin uses a redirection (to /opauth-complete) to let you handle authenticated users data and try to identify them against your database. Thus anyone sending a post request with consistent auth response data ( existing 'uid' in database, 'validated' => true ) will login successfully !

A possible solution to this issue would be to call (from OpatuhController) a protected "_callback" function defined in AppController. Another would be to use CakePHP 2.1+ EventSystem to dispatch an 'Opauth.complete' event with auth data as parameter.

Facebook reporting back false validation

'error' => array(
'provider' => 'Facebook',
'code' => 'invalid_auth_failed_validation',
'message' => 'Invalid auth response: Auth response expired'
'validated' => false

this is from the bottom of the debug($this->data);

this is my code from bootstrap

// Using Facebook strategy as an example
Configure::write('Opauth.Strategy.Facebook', array(
'app_id' => '_',
'app_secret' => '
'scope' => array('email')

API data withheld.

Unsupported or undefined Opauth strategy

Unsupported or undefined Opauth strategy - login on line 120

I try to insert he code inside oscommerce in my login page. Do you have a solution.
I downloaded the pack with facebook, google, twitter and configure only twitter for test.

response handling

Since validation is taken care of in the plugin itself, is it not very easy to just do the following to fake the validation?

<form method="POST" action=/users/opauth_complete">

    <input type="text" name="auth[uid]">
        <input type="text" name="validated" value="1">
    <button type="submit">submit</button>


Now for example i just submit the uid of a random facebook user and i'm logged in..

Am i doing something wrong? The only check i have is the following:

if (
    isset($this->data['error']) || 
    (isset($this->data['validated']) && !$this->data['validated']) ||
) {
    // Error handling here...
} else {
    // User passed validation

Best way to set a referring URL?

Hi, I'm curious about the best way to set the referring URL after a successful third party login, at the moment I'm setting a session variable but I feel like there's a better way.


FriendOfCake's Crud plugin & Opauth not playing well together


When FriendOfCake's Crud plugin is loaded, Opath no longer works, giving the error message:

"No model loaded in the Controller by the name "Opauth". Please add it to $uses."

.. when trying to access http://localhost/myapp/auth/github. This works as expected when the Crud plugin is not setup in $components.

// AppController.php
    public $components = array(
        // Auth stuff
        'Auth' => array(
            'loginRedirect' => array(
                'controller' => 'pages',
                'action' => 'display',
            'logoutRedirect' => array(
                'controller' => 'pages',
                'action' => 'display',
        // Crud scaffolder stuff
// Enabling this breaks Opauth
//      'Crud.Crud' => array(
//          'actions' => array(
//              'index', // 'view', 'edit', 'delete', 'add'
//          ),
//          'listeners' => array( // <- new
//              'api' => 'Crud.Api'
//          )
//      ),

I installed Opauth using Composer:

        "name": "myapp",
        "repositories": [
                "type": "pear",
                "url": ""
        "require": {
            "pear-cakephp/cakephp": ">=2.4.0",
            "uzyn/cakephp-opauth": "dev-composer",
            "opauth/facebook": "*",
            "opauth/github": "*",
            "opauth/twitter": "*",
            "friendsofcake/crud" : "3.*"

And my bootstrap.php has this part added:

// Load Composer autoload.
// Based on

require ROOT . DS . 'vendor'. DS . 'autoload.php';

// Remove and re-prepend CakePHP's autoloader as composer thinks it is the most important.
// See
spl_autoload_unregister(['App', 'load']);
spl_autoload_register(['App', 'load'], true, true);

    'Opauth' => array('bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true),

Configure::write('Opauth.path', '/myapp/auth/');

// Stragegies configuration
Configure::write('Opauth.Strategy.Github', array(
   'client_id' => 'x',
   'client_secret' => 'y',

My directory tree looks like this:

dir tree

Error: Unsupported or undefined Opauth strategy - auth

I have seen this error again in other issue but I haven't find the solution for me.
I have already installed opauth and now when U try to login with facebook I retrieve this error:
Error: Unsupported or undefined Opauth strategy - auth
File: /Users/my_user/Sites/my_app/app/Plugin/Opauth/Vendor/Opauth/lib/Opauth/Opauth.php
Line: 120

This is my bootstrap:
CakePlugin::load('Opauth', array('routes' => true, 'bootstrap' => true));
//Configure::write('Opauth.path', '/my_app/auth/');
Configure::write('Opauth.Strategy.Facebook', array(
'app_id' => 'XXXX',
'app_secret' => 'XXXX'

I have tried to uncomment the line of COnfigure::Write but after tell me that the url isn't valid when I authenticate in facebook

What can I do to solve this?
I don't understand because some weeks ago seems that this code working fine

Error: FacebookStrategy config parameter

getting this error
Error: FacebookStrategy config parameter for "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" expected.
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\abcde\app\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php
Line: 201

can you tell me how can i solve this issue??

"Invalid auth response: Missing key auth response components."

Ubuntu 13.10, Apache2, PHP, Mysql Configuration.
Using CakePHP 2.5.1
Using latest cakephp-opauth component

Was working before system upgrade from Ubuntu 12 to Ubuntu 13.10

Php allow_fopen is set to On.

$this->Auth->allow('*'); was added to BeforeFilter in OpauthController - but triggered an error. It seems $this->Auth->allow(); doesn't trigger an error though.

Using, Facebook, Twitter and Google strategies (All three return the following error)

array(2) { ["error"]=> array(3) { ["provider"]=> NULL ["code"]=> string(31) "invalid_auth_missing_components" ["message"]=> string(60) "Invalid auth response: Missing key auth response components." } ["validated"]=> bool(false) }

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Issue in codeigniter Opauth

getting this error

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: User Error

Message: Unsupported or undefined Opauth strategy - auth

Filename: Opauth/Opauth.php

Line Number: 120

Error 400 Bad Request on Google Strategy

I access (feel free to see yourself) and I am redirected to callback, but with this error. I have tried everything I found on Google Group and here, to no avail.

This is what is returned to the callback method:

'error' => array(
'code' => 'access_token_error',
'message' => 'Failed when attempting to obtain access token',
'raw' => array(
'response' => (int) 0,
'headers' => 'HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 08:15:32 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Server: GSE'
'provider' => 'Google'
'timestamp' => '2013-02-06T03:15:32-05:00',
'validated' => false

Pulling contacts through CakePHP-Opauth

I'm not sure if you already have this functionality elsewhere, but while tinkering and getting this working on my website, I also got the contacts of the person logging in by using this:

'scope' => ''

Under oauth2callback() I added:

$usercontacts = $this->usercontacts($results->access_token);

Last, I copied the userinfo() function and modified it for contacts:

private function usercontacts($access_token){
    $usercontacts = $this->serverGet('', array('access_token' => $access_token, 'alt' => 'json'), null, $headers);

    if (!empty($usercontacts)){
        return $this->recursiveGetObjectVars(json_decode($usercontacts));
        $error = array(
            'code' => 'userinfo_error',
            'message' => 'Failed when attempting to query for user information',
            'raw' => array(
                'response' => $usercontacts,
                'headers' => $headers


The alt => json returns the data as json instead of the default. I just store the $usercontacts variable in a session afterwards to dig through the data.

If you already have something like this coded, let me know! Pulling contacts would be very useful to have on other services as well.

Seeking maintainers

I am no longer maintaining this repository and have been out of touch with PHP.

With the issues and pull requests opened, it seems that there are still users of this package. Perhaps someone would like to volunteer to maintain this repository?

The URL you entered is not permitted by the application configuration.

Hi all, I have a little problem inside my app whn I try to login by facebbok.
I am in localhost and I don't know of this can be a problem.
But the error is that when I click login with facebook
The URL you entered is not permitted by the application configuration.: One or more of the URLs entered are not allowed by the application settings. The URL must match that of the Website or the main page of the application and the domain must be a subdomain of one of the domains.

Here is my bootstrap.php the part of facebook
CakePlugin::load('Opauth', array('routes' => true, 'bootstrap' => true));
Configure::write('Opauth.path', '/');
Configure::write('Opauth.Strategy.Facebook', array(
'app_id' => 'XXX',
'app_secret' => 'XXX'

This is the part of routes.php
Router::connect( '/opauth-complete/*', array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'opauth_complete'));

I have an action insde controller UsersController.php called opauth_complete.

What I'm wrong?


Cakephp Opauth with Google

I have a site developed in cakephp. I wanna be able to login with facebook, Twitter and Google. With Facebook I haven't problem but with Google I receive this error:

Fatal Error
Error: GoogleStrategy config parameter for "client_id" expected.
File: /my_site/html/app/Plugin/Opauth/Vendor/Opauth/lib/Opauth/OpauthStrategy.php
Line: 201
Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/View/Errors/fatal_error.ctp
I have follow the instructions at the letter from this page:

And I have copied into my bootstrap.php (like with facebook) my app Id like this:

Configure::write('Opauth.Strategy.Facebook', array(
'app_id' => 'FBID',
'app_secret' => 'FBPAssword'

Configure::write('Opauth.Strategy.Google', array(
'app_id' => 'GoogleID',
'app_secret' => 'GooglePWD'
Why I retrieve this error?


I think that the problem I have download a version of google opauth not for cakephp is possible?

.gitignore on Strategy

Why on earth? If I pull down the repo, I can't add submodules to the Strategy/ folder because of the .gitignore file.

Also, is it possible to add the Google Strategy as a submodule instead, as you have done with Vendor? It would really simplify build process..


Issue with Dispatch in Cakephp 3.0

when i convert this plugin into cakephp 3.0 with minimal changes,i got the following error.

⟩ Cake\Routing\Dispatcher->dispatch
ROOT\plugins\Opauth\src\Controller\OpauthAppController.php, line 129

**Error: Controller could not be found.
Error: Create the class Controller below in file: src\Controller\Controller.php

Problem with Google Opauth redirect after app authorization

My demo Opauth CakePHP install is sitting at 'localhost/cake' and I've also added a 2.x Cake library to the app folder that comes with the demo. I added my client ID and secret and got the app to authorize with Google, but here is where I'm getting redirected to after that:


and here is the content being displayed in the body:

Notice (8): Undefined property: stdClass::$picture [APP\Plugin\Opauth\Strategy\Google\GoogleStrategy.php, line 89]
Code Context
GoogleStrategy::oauth2callback() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Strategy\Google\GoogleStrategy.php, line 89
OpauthStrategy::callAction() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php, line 188
Opauth::run() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\Opauth.php, line 117
OpauthAppController::index() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Controller\OpauthAppController.php, line 31
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - CORE\Cake\Controller\Controller.php, line 490
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 187
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 162
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 92

Warning (2): session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\cake\lib\Cake\Utility\Debugger.php:804) [APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php, line 174]
Code Context
session_start - [internal], line ??
OpauthStrategy::shipToCallback() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php, line 174
OpauthStrategy::callback() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php, line 119
GoogleStrategy::oauth2callback() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Strategy\Google\GoogleStrategy.php, line 100
OpauthStrategy::callAction() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php, line 188
Opauth::run() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\Opauth.php, line 117
OpauthAppController::index() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Controller\OpauthAppController.php, line 31
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - CORE\Cake\Controller\Controller.php, line 490
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 187
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 162
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 92

Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\cake\lib\Cake\Utility\Debugger.php:804) [APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php, line 306]
Code Context
header - [internal], line ??
OpauthStrategy::redirect() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php, line 306
OpauthStrategy::shipToCallback() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php, line 177
OpauthStrategy::callback() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php, line 119
GoogleStrategy::oauth2callback() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Strategy\Google\GoogleStrategy.php, line 100
OpauthStrategy::callAction() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\OpauthStrategy.php, line 188
Opauth::run() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Vendor\Opauth\lib\Opauth\Opauth.php, line 117
OpauthAppController::index() - APP\Plugin\Opauth\Controller\OpauthAppController.php, line 31
ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??
Controller::invokeAction() - CORE\Cake\Controller\Controller.php, line 490
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 187
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php, line 162
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 92

3.0 Upgrade

Are there any plans to upgrade this plugin to 3.0?

After facebook authorization , the redirection to proper url does not happen

My app is located at http://localhost/messages, even with all correct configuration

When i go to http://localhost/messages/auth/facebook , I am taken to facebook for authorization when I Click go to app, I return to http://localhost/auth/callback#_=_ and the page says

Not Found

The requested URL /auth/callback was not found on this server.

If I manually go to http://localhost/messages/users/opauth_complete , i see an empty array for $this->data

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