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reaction's Issues

[Suggestion] Nearest Enemy/Ally

I had made this suggestion on MOActions as well, but I'd like to request/suggest a "Nearest Enemy" and "Nearest Ally" option in the targeting list. The main purpose for this for enemy-targeting would be for cone and line attacks, which for no readily apparent reason require a target in FFXIV (despite them being AoE). Annoys me to no end when my current target dies in AoE and my AoE buttons just stop working until I notice the target died and tab to another. Ideally, this should work like tab targeting, so if you have Cone selected as the tab-select, it only selects in the forward cone (which makes it more reliable with conal AoEs as well, since those only work if your target is in the forward 90 degrees).

For Nearest Ally, honestly the only use case I could think of for it would be Dragon Sight. But really, it's here more for parity than a distinct need. The Nearest Enemy is the one I'm more interested in.

An alternative, if feasible and easier to implement, would be to simply invoke the tab target functionality in the client when that target set is selected and no higher target option is valid.

[Suggestion] Modifier Keys

Hello, I would like to suggest adding the ability to use modifier keys, such as holding ALT, CTRL or Shift, will allow the stack play out. Otherwise, the ability acts normally. It adds functionality for abilities like TBN or HoC where you may want it on your bars twice. The first one is so you can weave it on to yourself and the second is to weave on to your co-tank if you're not the one MTing without having to create a stack strictly for mousing over your frames. The plugins work great btw, big fan. :)

Edit: A word.

PvP combo actions unusable in stack

Tried making a stack with PvP combo actions (the ones that automatically cycle through) and couldn't make it work. Used mnk in this case. Tried using everything related to the combo. The oGCD actions work fine.

Auto Cast Ground Target at Max Range

I don't know if this is possible, but I would love this option: if attempting to cast a ground target spell and the reticle is out of range, instead of failing, cast the spell at the maximum range on the vector from the character to the reticle. This would stack with both the "Enable Ground Target Queuing" and "Enable Instant Ground Targets" options. This would make max range casts of abilities such as Ninja's Shukuchi or Blue Mage's Loom much easier. Thank you!

[Suggestion] Import/Export Settings

For some people who might have two computers and/or just for sharing with someone else, I think having an Import/Export option would be an amazing QoL.

Thanks for the plugin so far, its amazing.

Documentation request

First of all thank you so much for making this! I appreciated your easy to follow installation instructions. Would it be possible to get some documentation on the various target types? Things like SoftTarget vs UITarget vs FocusTarget etc.

thanks again!

GCD queuing does not appear to function

A prime QOL that MOAction functionality had was that spells, when stacked, behave like they would normally, adhering to global cooldown queuing (0.5 seconds button press before GCD is done queues the next action).

It does not appear that currently ReAction allows for this to function, basically meaning that it follows the same janky FFXIV macro system of not allowing actions to be queued when macro'd and is the prime cause of rendering the built-in macro system of FFXIV useless for combat.

Example: stacking Gemshine and Ruin together for SMN worked perfectly and allowed action queuing using the (now outdated) MOAction plugin. This functionality does not appear to work for ReAction and would mean the world of difference if it did.

Game FPS drops to 2FPS on ability search

As the title says, whenever I try to add an ability to a stack, opening the ability search window and then starting to type a name drops the game's framerate down to single digits. The framerate returns once the window is closed. This makes it essentially impossible to use the plugin because the low framerate makes the textbox incredibly unresponsive. There is no heightened CPU, RAM or GPU usage while this happens, everything stays normal.
Note, however, that I'm running the game on Linux through Wine. I haven't seen a problem like this with other plugins, though.

"Enable Queuing More" seems to prevent usage of all items now.

It seems like this commit have broke something.

After updating, when "Enable Queuing More" option is toggled on, using items will now play the animation, the item will go on CD, but no item is consumed and no effect is applied.

For example, 85 Dex Pots here:


After using one, the animation will play, the "skill" will go on CD,


But the amount of Dex Pots is still 85, and no buff is received.

The same thing happens for Food, so I assume all items are like this.

Meanwhile, sprint functions perfectly now! So I think the commit fixed what it needs to fix lol.

Salted Earth Auto Target Issue

65ce890 Causes the dark knight skill salted earth to trigger a auto target unnecessarily

(personally i also would only want the tab auto target to trigger if i have 'no' active target, so if that could be made it own toggle that would be great)

[Issue] Target self and block stack

While doing pvp I usually have an issue when I mouse over a target to heal it: if is out of range or out of sight, I end up healing myself.

So what did I do? I used fail if out of range and block original on stack fail, but by doing this if I have no target it won't cast the spell on me, so I tried adding target self to the stack but this is basically preventing the out of range fail from working...

Is it possible to have "No Target = Target Self" by default or as an option in the stack?


[QoL] Sort/Reorder Stack Entries

It is visually confusing to search for/organize the spells in a given stack - would love an option to have them sorted by job, alphabetically, or in a manual order. Currently, new entries are added from the bottom which means that if I later add another action from a job, it is going to be separated from the other actions I'd already added from that job - alternatively I can make a lot of different stacks for each job, but result in a lot of clutter in the stack list..


Enhanced Auto Face Target?

Can you explain which skills are affected by this setting? The description says "Actions that don't require facing a target will no longer auto face the target", but I am confused as to how this applies to effect a noticeable gameplay change.

[Suggestion] Option to ignore backwards dashes for "Camera Relative Dashes"

Any chance you could add a way to separate elusive jump from the rest of the dashes for "camera relative dashes"? Unlike en avant or hell ingress, if you want to move forward with elusive jump it actually works better if you to turn your character around while camera is facing where you want to go. The way it works with the plugin I have to turn around and blindly jump backwards.

[Suggestion] Enable Auto Change Target for Soft Targeting

Hello! I discovered your plugin today and, first, I just want to say its absolutely lovely!

TL;DR at the top - I don't know if its possible, but I would love it if 'Enable Auto Change Target' also worked on soft targeting rather than only working on normal targeting, or maybe if there was an extra option to allow it to work for soft targeting.

I play on controller and occasionally I trigger soft self-targeting when using D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down skills because I'm bad. Corresponding keybinds for mouse and keyboard would be under System, -> "Move Cursor up(down)/Cycle up(down) through Party List" near the top of the list. Your plugin is already amazing, but if it could fix this soft targeting problem I have, it would be an absolute godsend.

[Suggestion]Auto level sync

I have been using this to brain off grind some atmas, and was thinking about how lovely an auto level sync option would be , can trigger as soon as you try to attack a fate mob andget the error maybe

'Auto Target' does not trigger on Melee Limit Breaks

Minor issue but I had this crop up when trying to use Limit Break when coming back from an invuln period.

I also noticed that it erroneously triggers on Salted Earth even though it isn't a targeted ability.

[Issue] Ground target skills not being placed on target

When it comes to abilities that use the ground reticle (tested with AST's Earthly Star and SCH's Sacred Soil), the "target" or "UI target" options don't work, it doesn't apply the bubbles centered on the target, it just displays the reticle like usual.
The only way to circumvent the reticle is to turn on the option called "Enable instant ground targets", but that will place the skills where the cursor is pointing, never on the target selected or mouse-over'd.
Other than this nitpick, this plugin is perfect and amazing!

Export or Import all stacks?

This may be a feature request, but if not then its a help request. Is it possible to import or export all stacks instead of one at a time?

FiledTarget behavior


so i only use 1 FieldTarget spell (Icarus, a SGE spell that makes me rush to a targets location). In general it is working fine BUT now when I hover about any FieldTarget and I use any spell BUT Icarus (has to be one of the other mouse over spells I declared e.g Diagnosis as UiTarget) it uses Icarus, even though I did not press Icarus.

Is this intended or a bug? Kinda risky if ur mouse is idling and u press a wrong button by accident. If this is working as intended just close the ticket ^_^


"Enable Ground Target Queuing" and "Enable Instant Ground Targets" settings being enabled together seems to overwrite "Block Original on Stack Fail" settings

"Enable Ground Target Queuing" and "Enable Instant Ground Targets" settings being enabled together seems to overwrite "Block Original on Stack Fail" settings.

Basically, it seems like if you have those two options on together, then sometimes when you queue a ground targeted skill, even if you set it as "Block Original on Stack Fail", you will still place the ground target skill on where your cursor is.


So, like here, I set Earthly Star as placed on my Target, and if it fails, block original.

However, if "Enable Ground Target Queuing" and "Enable Instant Ground Targets" are both on, sometimes when you queue Earthly Star, the ability still gets placed on your cursor.

After turning off "Enable Instant Ground Targets", this problem no longer occurs.

I assume the fix would be to prevent Instant Ground Targets from triggering when the stack blocks original on stack fail?

Suggestion : Auto target nearest enemy

Just a suggestion if you could add an option to auto target the nearest enemy as well as the auto change target (just like in the keybinds "Target Nearest Enemy"), the game's targeting system is so horrendous.

Thanks again for this amazing plugin! Keep doing what you do best!

[Suggestion] Custom Combos

Hello, I would like to suggest adding an option to be able to separate Earthly Star placement ability from the actual detonation ability. It would function similarly to how Meditation+ Steel Peak/Forbidden Chakra ​was separated for Monk. This helps when spamming the star placement, the player wouldn't accidently queue up or press the detonation right away.

One concern that can be seen right away is that the star placement ability and detonation ability are the same [Ability ID : 7439]. However, there also already exists the Stellar Detonation ability [Ability ID: 8324 ADV] so all that needs to be created is an option that prevents the star placement skill from transforming into the detonation skill if possible (similar to the option to "Enable Uncombo'd Meditation").
Thank-You for the wonderful Addon, love every bit of it.

[Question]Stacks to Import?

Hi! I've snooped around and I wasn't sure if there's like a discord community because the official dalamud server doesn't support custom repositories. I wanted to ask if anyone had a stack I can possibly import for healer spells and whatnot? Thank you!

Suggestions: Beneficial/Harmful group

It would be nice if in addition to "all action" there was also "beneficial actions" (all actions like heal/cure/etc... that can be used on friendlies) and "harmful actions" (all actions that can be used against enemies).
Just to be able to have 2 main settings 1 for friends and 1 for foes without manually adding all spells in 2 stacks... :)

Also another feature that could be nice to have (not sure if it's doable tho), is the target of the focus target. As a healer I usually set the main tank as focus target (so I won't lose sight of it), so it would be useful if I could just cast attack spells on his target without actually targeting him to check his current target. This way I'll always know I'm attacking the right thing and not ninjapulling something because the tab decided to pick the wrong enemy :D

In any case thanks for the great plugin, this is MUCH better than the buggy uber-limited moactions :D

Detectable by server?

Hey, not really an issue or suggestion, mostly a question. I apologize for asking here, but haven't found where else to. Anyway, I'm wondering how possible it is that the server detects I'm using an addon when I activate some of the "Other Settings". For example auto dismount when using an action or auto targeting. Asking because those do not follow the "1 keypress = 1 action"-rule any more, since the addon sends 2 actions to the server with almost no interval. I'm loving the addon and its functionality but was mostly wondering.

Auto self target question

Is there anyway to still use the auto self target when you have no target selected, while also keeping the "fail if out of target" option?

Auto Target/Auto Change Target not as reliable as manual targeting.

Heyo UnknownX7,

I have been playing with ReAction for a while now and noticed, that the Auto Target/Auto Change Target Routine is not the same as pressing A/X on a Gamepad and tends to end up in not being able to find a target, even if there are enough targets within the screen space and which manual targeting would select properly.
I also noticed, that the targeting routine tends to target actors which should clearly not be target-able. I usually tend to notice that when I do the Beast Tribe quests in La Noscea and roam around in the Mines. I am then able to target NPCs behind walls and gates, which manual targeting can't select.
No idea, if this can be improved or something, but I thought I'd "report" it.

Keep up the great work!



Playing with a PS5 Controller, so not sure if there is a difference between M+KB Tab Targeting and GamePad Targeting.

Suggestion: Option to skip to the next stack entry if target is out of range.

I have to admit I didn't test this plugin on a full party yet, only on small 3 people parties but currently what I'm trying to make on DRG's Dragon Sight action is to make a priority stack that goes: UI MouseOver > P2 > P3 > P4 > Self.
So if I choose to ignore the mouse over it simply goes to party member 2, but if p2 is out of range it goes to p3, if p3 is out of range it goes to p4, if all fails then uses on self.

Thanks for the plugin it works great on all other areas I've set up.

[Issue] Auto Change Target

Even if I try to use a skill on a target outside my range, it doesn't switch to a closer target to use the skill.

Suggestion/bug: Setting mutiple abilities per action fails.

So this is a pretty annoying bug/oversight when trying to combine some abilities using priorities...
So im trying to set Sidewinder to use Empyreal Arrow > Bloodlettter when it's on cooldown, but it seems it's unable to distinguish what is on cooldown when on the same target.
It was fine when i combined Shadowbite with Rain of Death, but that's because Shadowbite is a weaponskill and not an ability. In fact, it still uses ogcds as a gcd...
The only workaround i've been able to find so far is to set them on field/ui target, but that just feel clunky...
I had the same problem when i was trying to combine Interject with Shield Lob (eg. use Interject when in melee range, Shield Lob when not in melee range) and had to work around with using fieldtarget there as well.
Would it be possible to fix this? It's one of the few "features" that i actually miss.

App crash at Main Scenario

hi! First of all thanks for your plugin and for the work, it's very useful.

I want to report an app crash it reproduces 100% at Main Scenario Castrum Meridianum nearly in the middle of dung completion. (I've crashed 3 times in a row)

Stack trace:
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at Dalamud.EntryPoint.VehCallback(IntPtr dumpPath, IntPtr logPath, IntPtr log) in C:\goatsoft\companysecrets\dalamud\EntryPoint.cs:line 68
   at ReAction.ActionStackManager.TryTabTarget(UInt32 actionID, Int64 objectID, Int64& newObjectID) in D:\a\ReAction\ReAction\ActionStackManager.cs:line 260
   at ReAction.ActionStackManager.OnUseAction(ActionManager* actionManager, UInt32 actionType, UInt32 actionID, Int64 targetObjectID, UInt32 param, UInt32 useType, Int32 pvp, Boolean* isGroundTarget) in D:\a\ReAction\ReAction\ActionStackManager.cs:line 96
   at DelvUI.Helpers.InputsHelper.HandleRequestAction(Int64 arg1, UInt32 arg2, UInt32 arg3, Int64 arg4, Int32 arg5, Int32 arg6, Int32 arg7, Byte* arg8) in D:\Projects\delvui\DelvUI\Helpers\InputsHelper.cs:line 193
   at Dalamud.Game.Framework.HandleFrameworkUpdate(IntPtr framework) in C:\goatsoft\companysecrets\dalamud\Game\Framework.cs:line 269


This is my settings for ReAction:


The stacks are empty for now.

It seems to me that it crashes when the cutscene begins but we still have alive enemies. It tries to target an enemy and crashes, but I can be wrong

Backward jumps like Elusive Jump with flip camera


I really love the camera relative gap closers but it seems the flip camera doesn't change the direction of gap closers like Elusive Jump. I would really like if you flip your camera, the camera relative gap closers adjust to that, because right now they ignore if you flip the camera with the keybind.

Can't recreate Dragon Sight macro

I cannot seem to recreate the traditional Dragon Sight macro with ReAction. I have previously with moaction as shown on the left here. The stack should work like the macro does in game, but queueable. So, check to see if its usable on party members 2/3/etc., then failing that because of range, use it anyways to give just myself the buff. Instead though, it seems to stop at the top of the stack. It'll work on 2, but if 2 is out of range, it fails completely and I can't press the button to buff 3 or myself instead. I've tried a bunch of different things but nothing works. Apologies if I'm an idiot and missing something obvious

drg stuff

(I consider this part resolved as per below comment) Also, a different issue I've noticed for Dragoons, when using Auto Target for our aoe attacks (that have to target the first mob), only Draconian Fury and Nastrond automatically tab. None of our other line attacks tab. Our jumps don't auto target either but I don't know if those are supposed to nor have I tested that much since I prefer hover jumping.

Thanks for the help either way. I love the work you've put in here.

[Suggestion] Auto Target changes

Is it possible that if you have a friendly targeted that auto target will auto target the nearest enemy for a "harmful" ability/spell?

Alternatively, another feature could be disabling clicking friendly bodies while in combat (which is what tends to cause this issue in the first place).

Phantom Kamaitachi and Bunshin combo

At the moment, much like meditation and Forbidden chakra without the split, as ninja, mashing your Bunshin key might queue a Phantom Kamaitachi that you did not want to use.
Placing either of those through both stack option and place on hotbar option just creates a new button that does the same as the in game default button does.
Is it possible to add a toggle to break this combo?

Bunshin ID 16493
Phantom kamaitachi ID 25774

Add Chocobo Target

Pretty much the title, to use it when we are in the open world and want to use a skill on the chocobo automatically.

Recreating MO functionality


I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how to precisely set up your plugin to perform MO actions.
I add the action to the top right pane of a single stack (named 'Healer Stack' in this instance). After I add the action (i.e Benefic II) to the top right.. on the bottom I've tried UITarget as well as Soft Target in the hopes of getting it to work. I've been unsuccessful. Could you provide any guidance in regards to this?

High Jump/Jump and Mirage Dive

Suggestion identical to #47 But for DRG's High Jump/Jump and Mirage Dive.
New patch now makes High Jump/Jump change to Mirage Dive while under the effect of Mirage Dive Ready.
An option to separate the actions like how it was before the patch would be amazing.

Jump action# 9
High Jump action# 16478
Mirage Dive action# 7399

Instant Ground Targets - displaying reticle in combat

Didn't have any issues with this option beforehand in instances, would set ground targets down instantly wherever.

However, now whenever I use Earthly Star in a duty it will display the reticle and won't place instantly - I have to spam my keybind to set it down. Out of duty, in the housing area for example, this option works flawlessly without the reticle displaying and instantly sets the Earthly Star down.

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