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Perform async work synchronously in Node.js using worker_threads with first-class TypeScript and Yarn P'n'P support.




# yarn
yarn add synckit

# npm
npm i synckit


// runner.js
import { createSyncFn } from 'synckit'

// the worker path must be absolute
const syncFn = createSyncFn(require.resolve('./worker'), {
  tsRunner: 'tsx', // optional, can be `'ts-node' | 'esbuild-register' | 'esbuild-runner' | 'tsx'`

// do whatever you want, you will get the result synchronously!
const result = syncFn(...args)
// worker.js
import { runAsWorker } from 'synckit'

runAsWorker(async (...args) => {
  // do expensive work
  return result

You must make sure, the result is serializable by Structured Clone Algorithm


export interface GlobalShim {
  moduleName: string
   * `undefined` means side effect only
  globalName?: string
   * 1. `undefined` or empty string means `default`, for example:
   * ```js
   * import globalName from 'module-name'
   * ```
   * 2. `null` means namespaced, for example:
   * ```js
   * import * as globalName from 'module-name'
   * ```
  named?: string | null
   * If not `false`, the shim will only be applied when the original `globalName` unavailable,
   * for example you may only want polyfill `globalThis.fetch` when it's unavailable natively:
   * ```js
   * import fetch from 'node-fetch'
   * if (!globalThis.fetch) {
   *   globalThis.fetch = fetch
   * }
   * ```
  conditional?: boolean


  1. execArgv same as env SYNCKIT_EXEC_ARGV
  2. globalShims: Similar like env SYNCKIT_GLOBAL_SHIMS but much more flexible which can be a GlobalShim Array, see GlobalShim's definition for more details
  3. timeout same as env SYNCKIT_TIMEOUT
  4. transferList: Please refer Node.js worker_threads documentation
  5. tsRunner same as env SYNCKIT_TS_RUNNER


  1. SYNCKIT_EXEC_ARGV: List of node CLI options passed to the worker, split with comma ,. (default as []), see also node docs
  2. SYNCKIT_GLOBAL_SHIMS: Whether to enable the default DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SHIMS_PRESET as globalShims
  3. SYNCKIT_TIMEOUT: timeout for performing the async job (no default)
  4. SYNCKIT_TS_RUNNER: Which TypeScript runner to be used, it could be very useful for development, could be 'ts-node' | 'esbuild-register' | 'esbuild-runner' | 'swc' | 'tsx', 'ts-node' is used by default, make sure you have installed them already



If you want to use ts-node for worker file (a .ts file), it is supported out of box!

If you want to use a custom tsconfig as project instead of default tsconfig.json, use TS_NODE_PROJECT env. Please view ts-node for more details.

If you want to integrate with tsconfig-paths, please view ts-node for more details.


Please view esbuild-register for its document


Please view esbuild-runner for its document


Please view @swc-node/register for its document


Please view tsx for its document


It is about 50x faster than sync-threads but 10x slower than native for reading the file content itself 1000 times during runtime, and 40x faster than sync-threads but 10x slower than native for total time on my personal MacBook Pro with 64G M1 Max.

And it's almost 5x faster than deasync but requires no native bindings or node-gyp.

See benchmark.cjs and benchmark.esm for more details.

You can try it with running yarn benchmark by yourself. Here is the benchmark source code.


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Detailed changes for each release are documented in



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synckit's Issues

Starting with tsx does not execute correctly.


// main.ts
import { createSyncFn, TsRunner } from 'synckit'

const syncFn = createSyncFn(require.resolve('./worker.ts'), {
    tsRunner: TsRunner.TSX,

// worker.ts
import { runAsWorker } from 'synckit'

console.log('worker started')

runAsWorker(async function main(...args) {
    return 'hello'

After starting with yarn tsx main.ts, work is not executed.

Directly accept JS function rather than worker path

Is there any way or example to provide JS function to runAsWorker function instead of file path? Here is what I am trying to do:

// this.__latest is an async function
    latest = () => {
        if (this._data) {
            // return this._latest[0];
            return createSyncFn(runAsWorker(this.__latest.bind(this)))();
        return null;

[feat] override stdout & stderr in worker_thread for debug worker

According to the research based on the issue at jimmywarting/await-sync#1 (comment)

Worker threads in Node.js send their standard IO to the main thread for processing. When synchronous operations are implemented, the blocking of these operations can cause the logs of these worker threads to be synchronized and output only after the computation results are completed.

Similarly, following the implementation of whatwg-workers, by rewriting the write methods of stdout and stderr streams within worker threads, it is possible to allow the standard input and standard error within the worker threads to be directly written into the streams.

// caused by
// override process write to make stdout and stderr work in worker thread
function overrideProcess4WorkThread() {
  for (const [i, stream] of [process.stdout, process.stderr].entries()) {
    // process.stdout.fd === 1 & process.stderr.fd === 2 . In Worker threads, this field does not exist.
    const fd = i + 1
    const streamOriginWritev = stream._writev?.bind(stream)
    stream._writev = (chunks, cb) => {
      if (chunks.length === 0) {
      const chunk = chunks.pop()!
      // type-coverage:ignore-next-line -- we can't control
      fs.write(fd, chunk.chunk as string, null, chunk.encoding, err => {
        if (err) cb(err)
        else if (chunks.length === 0) cb()
        else streamOriginWritev?.(chunks, cb)

and test demo output

If allowed, I'm glad to raise a pr


Hi, this came up when using eslint with eslint-import-resolver-typescript on multiple Windows systems:

Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ESM_URL_SCHEME]: Only URLs with a scheme in: file, data are supported by the default ESM loader. On Windows, absolute paths must be valid file:// URLs. Received protocol 'c:'
    at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:400:5)
    at throwIfUnsupportedURLScheme (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:1055:11)
    at defaultResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:1135:3)
    at nextResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:163:28)
    at ESMLoader.resolve (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:842:30)
    at ESMLoader.getModuleJob (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:424:18)
    at ESMLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:525:22)
    at initializeLoader (node:internal/process/esm_loader:75:58)
    at loadESM (node:internal/process/esm_loader:90:11)
    at runMainESM (node:internal/modules/run_main:55:21)

Did not matter if using VSCode-bundled Node 16 or Node 18.13.0. In the UI it just makes the save progress hang forever:

Screenshot (3)

Same eslint config is working on Linux. We spent 2 days debugging this on Windows and finally found the issue:

diff --git a/lib/index.cjs b/lib/index.cjs
index 5df1cca065bc0ea42cec7f0ce15c65731f8635b0..e59be1661422dc768648ac166beaadb66e7f4d7b 100644
--- a/lib/index.cjs
+++ b/lib/index.cjs
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ const setupTsRunner = (workerPath, { execArgv, tsRunner }) => {
       execArgv = ["-r", pnpApiPath, ...execArgv];
       const pnpLoaderPath = path__default["default"].resolve(pnpApiPath, "../.pnp.loader.mjs");
       if (isFile(pnpLoaderPath)) {
-        execArgv = ["--experimental-loader", pnpLoaderPath, ...execArgv];
+        execArgv = ["--experimental-loader", node_url.pathToFileURL(pnpLoaderPath), ...execArgv];

This makes it work. I can confirm this on the command line, if I call node with --experimental-loader with an absolute Windows path, the ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ESM_URL_SCHEME error is thrown, while it works when supplying it as a file url.

Is that something that can be fixed in the code or is there any other way to make it work?

syntax errors hang server

Hello, thank you for this wonderful library! I'm currently using this in a Babel plugin and when testing with Jest it will hang and never complete the test if there's any sort of syntax error. Is there a way to surface these errors and kill the process if that happens? For example, you can just comment random code in runAsWorker and it should get stuck:

runAsWorker(async () => {

[bug] hangs forever


$ npm remove ts-node
$ npm exec tsc
$ ls worker.ts worker.js
worker.ts worker.js
$ grep worker runner.ts
const fn = createSyncFn(require.resolve("./worker.js"))


$ node runner.js
(hangs forever)


$ npm i ts-node
$ node runner.js
$ npm remove ts-node
$ mv worker.ts worker.ts.bak
$ node runner.js

seems like

Wrong extension priority, calling ts without tsrunner leads to syntax error.

Having no reply, so hangs forever.

[feat] comlink endpoint adapter


const dohMathSync = api.doMathAsync.bind(api)


import { Worker } from 'worker_threads'
import * as Comlink from 'comlink'
import { Endpoint } from 'synckit'

const worker = new Worker(new URL('./worker.mjs', import.meta.url))
const api = Comlink.wrap(Endpoint(worker))

const dohMathSync = api.doMathAsync.bind(api)


import { parentPort } from 'worker_threads'
import * as Comlink from 'comlink'
import { Endpoint } from 'synckit'

const api = {
  async doMathAsync() {
    return 4

Comlink.expose(api, Endpoint(parentPort))



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Location: package.json
Error type: The renovate configuration file contains some invalid settings
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Can i use transferList in this lib?

When i want to use worker_thread to handle buffer, i would like to use transferList to move the buffer

port.postMessage(value[, transferList])

I can not do this in this lib

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  • fix(deps): update dependency tslib to ^2.6.3
  • chore(deps): update dependency eslint to ^8.57.0
  • chore(deps): update dependency node to v18.20.3
  • chore(deps): update dependency node-gyp to ^10.1.0
  • chore(deps): update dependency simple-git-hooks to ^2.11.1
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  • chore(deps): update yarn to v4.3.1
  • chore(deps): update codecov/codecov-action action to v4
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  • actions/checkout v4
  • pkg-size/action v1
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/setup-node v4
  • @pkgr/core ^0.1.0
  • tslib ^2.6.2
  • @1stg/common-config ^10.0.0
  • @changesets/changelog-github ^0.5.0
  • @changesets/cli ^2.27.1
  • @commitlint/cli ^18.4.3
  • @pkgr/rollup ^5.0.0
  • @swc-node/register ^1.6.8
  • @types/jest ^29.5.11
  • @types/node ^20.10.6
  • clean-pkg-json ^1.2.0
  • concurrently ^8.2.2
  • cross-env ^7.0.3
  • deasync ^0.1.29
  • esbuild-register ^3.5.0
  • esbuild-runner ^2.2.2
  • eslint ^8.56.0
  • execa ^8.0.1
  • jest ^29.7.0
  • lint-staged ^15.2.0
  • make-synchronized ^0.0.3
  • node-gyp ^10.0.1
  • patch-package ^8.0.0
  • prettier ^3.1.1
  • simple-git-hooks ^2.9.0
  • sync-threads ^1.0.1
  • ts-expect ^1.3.0
  • ts-jest ^29.1.1
  • ts-node ^10.9.2
  • tsx ^4.7.0
  • type-coverage ^2.27.1
  • typescript ^5.3.3
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