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rides-ios-sdk's Issues

Setting Product ID for RideRequesting behavior

Hello! I want to know if this is a bug. When I set the product id for let's say a Deep Link Behavior. I get the correct product on the Uber app. But when I switch to UBSDKRideRequestViewRequestingBehavior. The product does not seem to be highlighted. Did I miss something the implementation? Thanks!

UBSDKRideParametersBuilder *builder = [[UBSDKRideParametersBuilder alloc] init];
[builder setProductID:myRideData[@"productID"]];

CLLocation *pickupLocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:[originCoordsLat doubleValue] longitude:[originCoordsLng doubleValue]];
[builder setPickupLocation:pickupLocation nickname:originAddress];

CLLocation *dropoffLocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:[destinationCoordsLat doubleValue] longitude:[destinationCoordsLng doubleValue]];
[builder setDropoffLocation:dropoffLocation nickname:destinationAddress];
// You can chain builder function calls

UBSDKRideParameters *rideParameters = [builder build];

Uber opens Safari when i click on uberButton

I have not installed uber in my iPhone, so uber is opening a URL in Safari. It is okay, Safari says could not load URL. Why ??

Really i don't wanna open Safari if it is not opening a proper page. I don't wanna create a bad user experience.

Would you give a chance for developers to decide choose way to open the URL ? via Uber app or via Safari.

Documentation unclear about Server Token in info.plist

Hello as it documented in the the section

All the button needs to gather this additional information is your server token to be configured in the Info.plist as described in the SDK Configuration section. To display a time estimate, set the product ID and pickup location. To display a price estimate, you need to additionally set a dropoff location

So when I go back to SDK Configuration section i am unable to find the information for which server token key is going to be used in the app info.plist. am i missing something ?
Attaching screenshot please confirm Server token key

screen shot 2016-07-04 at 1 24 56 pm

Add Swift 3 / Xcode 8 support

When I add github "" ~> 0.5 , and do a carthage update, I get the following error:

The following build commands failed:
    Check dependencies
(1 failure)
A shell task (/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -workspace /Users/Carthage/Checkouts/ObjectMapper/ObjectMapper.xcworkspace -scheme ObjectMapper-iOS -configuration Release -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES clean build) failed with exit code 65:

The following build commands failed:
    Check dependencies
(1 failure)

Using Xcode 8 Beta 3 , macOS El Capitan 10.11.6.

Developer accounts unable to request non-whitelisted privileged scopes via SSO

Expected: A developer can request any scopes for their own application, even if it hasn't been approved yet

Actual: A developer requesting a privileged scope, via SSO, that hasn't been enabled will get an invalid_scope error.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Request a privileged scope (request, all_trips, request_receipt) that is disabled on your app's dashboard via SSO.
  2. Tap the "Allow" button on the scope accept screen.
  3. Get redirected to your app with the invalid_scope error

Carthage Compatible!

Please make this Carthage Compatible. It'd be a whole lot easier to integrate with a project. Thanks!

Requests to Estimates Endpoints should prioritize Server Token over Bearer Token

Hey there guys.

Over two weeks ago I was able to implement the logic of the Rides Client fetching up some uber price estimates properly with the UberServerToken.
Today I started testing my app again and suddendly I'm always receiving "unauthorized" in my fetchPriceEstimatesWithPickupLocation block completionHandler...
I triple checked my UberServerToken in my plist, tried adding another one imagining it was this token problem. I even made a call to the Uber API "GET /v1/estimates/price" which does the same thing as the method fetchPriceEstimatesWithPickupLocation with the same Server Token and the REST API is answering me properly, with "200 OK" and my price estimates...

Am I missing something?


hi ,i want know UBSDKRideParametersBuilder *builder = [[UBSDKRideParametersBuilder alloc] init];
[builder setProductID:@"a1111c8c-c720-46c3-8534-2fcdd730040d"];

setProductID:@"a1111c8c-c720-46c3-8534-2fcdd730040d" what this is ,, how get it

Providing Custom Logic for LoginButton

I would like to be able to handle the OAuth on my own if the user does not have the Uber app installed. I have been able to achieve this with using the LoginManager directly with my own button.

Here's is my logic for handling it:

    let loginManager = LoginManager()
    loginManager.login(requestedScopes:[RidesScope.Request, RidesScope.AllTrips, RidesScope.Places], presentingViewController: self, completion: { accessToken, error in
        print("Token: \( accessToken?.tokenString)")
        if error != nil {
            uber.scopes = ["request", "all_trips", "places"]
            uber.authorize { (result) in
                switch result {
                case .Success(let token) :
                    print("Token: \(accessToken)")
                    self.token = accessToken
                    //handle successful login
                case .Failure(let error) :
                    //handle failed login

A couple notes:

  1. I have yet to get the login manager to login successfully. It says that my app is not authorized for the requested scopes but when it falls back on my own OAuth, with the same scopes, it works.
  2. How do I make the SDK aware of the login after I handle it myself?

New Uber Logo

Will there be an update soon to incorporate the new Uber logo?

Could not access property contentHeight

I was wondering why i could not access variable "contentHeight", the variable is public only.

public class RequestButton: UIButton {
    var deeplink: RequestDeeplink?
    var contentWidth: CGFloat = 0
    var contentHeight: CGFloat = 0

See the variable is there, and when i try to access it, it does not even show up in RequestButton instance variable.

let uberButton = RequestButton()
uberButton.contentHeight  // The contentHeight is not showing here.

Add Travis-CI / Fix travis.yml

Tests pass locally but are failing on Travis-CI. Possibly an issue around using the iOS keychain, needs more investigation

ClientLoginError UberSDK

I have followed the exact implementation of Uber iOS SDK in my iOS, and made sure that Callback URI schemes are registered in the uber developer dashboard which i have used in the app. But its throwing UBSDKRidesClientError. Here is my code for the button:

UBSDKRideRequestButton *button = [[UBSDKRideRequestButton alloc] init];
UBSDKRidesClient *ridesClient = [[UBSDKRidesClient alloc] init];

__block UBSDKRideParametersBuilder *builder = [[UBSDKRideParametersBuilder alloc] init];
builder = [builder setPickupLocation: pickupLocation];
builder = [builder setDropoffLocation: dropoffLocation];
[ridesClient fetchCheapestProductWithPickupLocation: pickupLocation completion:^(UBSDKUberProduct* _Nullable product, UBSDKResponse* _Nullable response) {

    if (product) {
        builder = [builder setProductID: product.productID];
        button.rideParameters = [builder build];
        [button loadRideInformation];

Will appreciate any help

pickupLocation is ignored when opening the uber app

When I set the pickup location and click the button, it opens the Uber app ok, and immediately changes the pickup location from the one specified in the button to my current location.

This is all the code I have in the main ViewController (in a minimal app that has only this):

import UIKit
import UberRides

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let button = RequestButton()
            latitude: "-34.912342",
            longitude: "-56.178625",
            address: "Gonzalo Ramirez 1676",
            nickname: "Sinergia Cowork"


    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {


I've tried with and without setting the product ID, with and without the address field, and with and without the nickname field. The result is that it always sets my request to my current location, instead of the desired location.

  • SDK installed from master via Carthage.
  • XCode 7.2 (7C68)
  • iOS 9.2 (13C75)
  • Uber v2.110.0

UBSDKRidesAppDelegate not found

Hello Guys, when i copy and paste this method in my appdelegate , I get an error that UBSDKRidesAppDelegate not found. Please help

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)options {
    BOOL handledURL = [[UBSDKRidesAppDelegate sharedInstance] application:app openURL:url sourceApplication:options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey] annotation:options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsAnnotationKey]];

    if (!handledURL) {
        // Other URL logic

    return true;

How to change the text color on Ride button?

Hi, I need to know how to change the text color on Ride button of our choice other than default styles and also the alignment of the text.
Will appreciate your help.


Nickname required for drop-off?

I couldn't seem to get the drop off location to pre-fill unless I used added a nickname, is this intentional?

[_requestButton setPickupLocationWithLatitude:pickupLat longitude:pickupLong nickname:nil address:nil];

The provided app signature did not match what was expected

Hi there,

When I'm trying to use Uber SSO authorization, I get an error "The provided app signature did not match what was expected" and I don't know why. What means "app signature" in this context? Is it related to the environment I'm running my code (currently working on React Native Rides SDK port)? Where can I find some info about this issue?

UPD: I don't know what has been changed, but after I created a new project and repeated all the steps one more time, I started to get a different error: "User cancelled the login process". Would be nice if you can refer me to resource with information about these error messages.

Thanks in advance! ❤️

Latitude/Longitude parameter type

Would be more appropriate if the setPickupLocationWithLatitude: longitude: nickname: address: method would use CLLocationDegrees as type for longitude and latitude instead of NSString.

UBSDKLoginManager shows error

I tried to login with that code which is give below - with or without using redirect_URI but it always show error orderly
1.The Redirect URI provided did not match what was expected.
2. Invalid Redirect URI provided. or The server was unable to understand your request. most of time its crashes.
even I tried the example code It shows same error. I checked my whole project but there is no any other issue I found. Please help me to solve my issue.

UBSDKLoginManager *loginManager = [[UBSDKLoginManager alloc]init];
NSArray<UBSDKRidesScope *> *requestedScopes = @[ UBSDKRidesScope.RideWidgets, UBSDKRidesScope.Profile, UBSDKRidesScope.Places ];
[loginManager loginWithRequestedScopes:requestedScopes presentingViewController:self completion:^(UBSDKAccessToken * _Nullable accessToken, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (accessToken) {
        //[self _showMessage:UBSDKLOC(@"Saved access token!")];
    } else {
        //[self _showMessage:error.localizedDescription];

Refresh Endpoint Returns Error

The Refresh endpoint is not correctly refreshing tokens when given a valid refresh token. Data is being submitted in the incorrect form

Compiler Error


My app was running successfully until i did a pod update. After pod update I tried clean build, close Xcode and open and build, etc but nothing worked. Its giving me 'Use of undeclared type 'RequestButton' ' and 'Type RidesClient has no member sharedInstance' (In line RidesClient.sharedInstance.configureClientID("")). Please help.


Xcode 6.3


The SDK says it require Xcode 7.0. Why it is that ?
Will it work with Xcode 6.3 ?


Drop-off location not set

Originally we were using uber://?action=setPickup&pickup=my_location&dropoff[latitude]=%f&dropoff[longitude]=%f&dropoff[nickname]=%@ for launching Uber app with drop-off location already set. It works fine with deep-linking, but with the SDK, the nickname or address is pre-filled, but the drop-off pin is missing.

SSO fails for correctly configured China apps

Correctly configured China based apps are unable to login via SSO. The Uber app will returns an invalid_client_id error even when the client ID is correct.

Root cause is an incorrect value being sent for login_type. A fix will be available shortly.

Layout Error

I am making Proof of Concept. In POC, I am using Uber SDK. I am simply following the steps for integration mentioned under the document. I am getting layout Errors for constraints. For the reference, I have attached the screenshot of the console window. I checked "Debug View Hierarchy" option, the UberLogin Button is there but It always remains out of the frame area of View.

I am using IDE : Xcode 7.3.1, Deployment Target : iOS 9.3, Development Language : Swift
layout errors

Loading feedback aside the error handling

Hi, I am using the RideRequestViewController and have realised sometimes, its takes a little bit before the view fully load. Is there other API calls to check for loading progress? I want to be able to show an ActivityIndicator while the view this loading so users don't think the app is frozen. Anyway to do that? Thanks

Error: access token failed to save to keychain


Quick question, the first time I login it gets stuck at login screen printing this error:
Error: access token failed to save to keychain

traced it and here is the part of the code failing:

if !TokenManager.saveToken(accessToken, tokenIdentifier: accessTokenIdentifier, accessGroup: keychainAccessGroup) {
            print("Error: access token failed to save to keychain")

however if I close the app and open again, works great.
Am I missing something?

University of Miami button

I am on the student government at the University of Miami, and would like to learn more about contracting with Uber. We would like to contract a program similar to the University of Southern California's. Please email me at [email protected]

Uber DeepLink Button Trigger

I have integrated an Uber button request with deeplink , when the button is pressed there is a selected state color, is there a way to change the selected state color to clear color , is there a way to get a call back such that the deeplink is triggered

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