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custom-order-numbers-for-woocommerce's Issues

Add FAQ page with below question.

Q: In the third-party plugin, how to use the custom order numbers instead of WooCommerce Order Number?

In this plugin, in the Database, we do not change the original order id created by WooCommerce because that order id is used for many core functions and also by multiple plugins and themes.
So what you will have to do is, you will have to contact to support team of the third-party plugin and ask them to make the necessary changes. They will have to make the changes where Order ID is been fetched and have to use the below code for Custom Order Number instead of the code used for Order ID.
Here is the code they will need.
$custom_order_number = $order->get_order_number(); //where $order is an order object

Add FAQ here -

After updating the plugin, the site is getting crashed.

Describe the bug
After updating your plugin Custom Order Numbers for Woocommerce we had a major database crash. Fortunately our host support managed to place back an older version and our webshop was accesable again after half an hour. We have been using your plugin for some time now and where very happy and satisfied.

. FYI this is the culprit query that took done one of our shops:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id AND wp_postmeta.meta_key = '_alg_wc_custom_order_number' ) LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS mt1 ON (wp_posts.ID = mt1.post_id AND mt1.meta_key = '_alg_wc_custom_order_number_meta_key_updated' ) WHERE 1=1 AND (
wp_postmeta.post_id IS NULL
mt1.post_id IS NULL
) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'shop_order' AND ((wp_posts.post_status <> 'trash' AND wp_posts.post_status <> 'auto-draft')) GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 5000

Additional context

Search for Order Number is not Working

Describe the bug
What are the clients saying:

  1. We are using WooCommerce version 5.1.0 and WordPress version 5.6.2. In the admin when searching by order number the older items do not appear. Items from the first few pages do. Could this be related to your plugin? I can’t turn it off for testing because it’s a high volume shop.

  2. After running the database update, only new orders are searchable.
    Using Version 1.3.1.

  3. We were able to resolve this and regain the search function by downgrading to the Plugin Version 1.2.12 via the advanced view here:

The solution would be:

The issue is coming due to the new meta which is not present in the old orders. To prevent this problem, we will be showing an admin notice to run a script so that the new meta key will be added in those orders where the new meta key is not present.

Additional context

Triggered the error on huge orders of websites

Describe the bug
We are getting the following warning in our server error logs regarding the plugin:

KILLED QUERY (60093 characters long generated in /wp-content/plugins/custom-order-numbers-for-woocommerce/includes/class-alg-wc-custom-order-numbers-core.php:262): SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id IN ([order numbers listed]...
It seems the Query is listing all the original order numbers and due to the volume of orders being placed, it is exceeding the current limit.

We have noticed slow down in the wp-admin area more recently as I’m assuming the more order that are place, the bigger toll it is taking? We also previously reported a conflict with our server’s (WP Engine) Object Caching system which had to be disabled – again, assuming because of the number of orders being placed.

To Reproduce
There’s currently over 20,000 orders on the website as of now.

Additional context

Critical error message comes when we save the settings page

Describe the bug
When we save the CON settings page, a critical error message comes of memory size exhausted.
This error comes because every time when we save the settings it updates the database base even though the prefix/suffix is not changed.

It should not update the database if the prefix/suffix is not been changed.

Note: This issue is not been replicated on our site.

Expected behavior
No error should come on saving the settings page.

Show both fields at a time when we select specific option in 'Select orders to apply new settings to' field

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to CON settings page.
  2. This two fields are display we need to display one based on selected value in 'Select orders to apply new settings to' field

Expected behavior
Only one field should be visible depends on the selected value in 'Select orders to apply new settings to' field.

Database updated successfully notice display twice time on the woo_order page.

Describe the bug
Database updated successfully notice display twice the time on the woo_order page.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Take v1.2.12 copy
  2. Placed a subscription order
  3. Upload latest git copy
  4. Woo-order page, shows two times Database update notice.
    see the screenshot:

Expected behavior
Database update notice should be shown only 1 time on the woo_order page.

Unable to Search by Order Number in Admin After Update to HPOS

Describe the bug
When HPOS enabled, we are facing an issue where we can no longer search for orders using the order number in the admin panel. When searching by order ID, there are no problems, but using the order number returns no results.

If we disable the plugin, we lose the order numbers and are left with order IDs only. This suggests there might be a compatibility issue between the HPOS update and our existing plugins.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Navigate to the WooCommerce > Settings > Advance > Features and enable HPOS:

  2. Attempt to search for orders using the order number.

Expected behavior
We should be able to search for orders using the order number and receive relevant results.



Additional context

New Custom Order Email has WooCommerce Order number if the order is created from backend.

Describe the bug
I am encountering an issue with Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce. When manually adding an order through WooCommerce by navigating to "Add Order" and inputting the necessary details including products and customer information, the custom order number is not updated immediately upon order creation. Instead, the new desired order number is generated after publishing the order.

This poses a problem because the email notification sent to the customer contains the old order number rather than the updated one.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to WooCommerce backend.
  2. Go to Orders and select "Add Order."
  3. Input necessary order details including products and customer information.
  4. Publish the order.
  5. Observe that the new desired custom order number is generated after publishing.
  6. Check the email. Email gets sent to the customer with the WooCommerce number instead of Custom Order Number

Expected behavior
The custom order number should be updated immediately upon manual order creation through WooCommerce backend. This ensures that the correct order number is included in email notifications sent to customers.


  1. Order number after creating the order:

  2. New Custom Order Email has WooCommerce Order Email:

Additional context

While Renumerating the orders, I got following error

Describe the bug


With the above setup, & while Renumerating the orders, I got the following error

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_date_created() on bool in /home/team-sandbox/public_html/chetna/wp-content/plugins/custom-order-numbers-for-woocommerce/includes/class-alg-wc-custom-order-numbers-core.php:1012 Stack trace: #0 /home/team-sandbox/public_html/chetna/wp-content/plugins/custom-order-numbers-for-woocommerce/includes/class-alg-wc-custom-order-numbers-core.php(792): Alg_WC_Custom_Order_Numbers_Core->add_order_number_meta() #1 /home/team-sandbox/public_html/chetna/wp-content/plugins/custom-order-numbers-for-woocommerce/includes/class-alg-wc-custom-order-numbers-core.php(714): Alg_WC_Custom_Order_Numbers_Core->renumerate_orders() #2 /home/team-sandbox/public_html/chetna/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): Alg_WC_Custom_Order_Numbers_Core->create_renumerate_orders_tool() #3 /home/team-sandbox/public_html/chetna/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters() #4 /home/team-sandbox/public_html/chetna/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action() #5 /home/team-sandbox/public_h in /home/team-sandbox/public_html/chetna/wp-content/plugins/custom-order-numbers-for-woocommerce/includes/class-alg-wc-custom-order-numbers-core.php on line 1012
There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.

Notice message is not dismissible with PHP 8.2

Describe the bug
Notice message is not dismissible with PHP 8.2

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install v1.4.0 on PHP 8.2 environment.
  2. Update to 1.4.1
  3. You will see the notice to update DB record, once you will update the plugin the notice didn't remove even you click on "close" button. And DB notice is still there.

Additional context

Error: PHP Warning: Undefined variable $admin_choice in /wp-content/plugins/custom-order-numbers-for-woocommerce/includes/class-alg-wc-custom-order-numbers-core.php on line 471

The site is getting slower when our plugin is activated.

Describe the bug
When the plugin is active the site works multiple times slower. This is what the client is saying: WP Engine called me today to discuss the load spikes we were having on the server until we reverted to the older plugin, so obviously a huge load issue with the plugin itself.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
I can replicate this issue on the client's site only. Follow the steps here -
Enable order tracking by custom number setting is enabled.

Additional context

You can check the query using Query Monitor plugin.

Revise the document to incorporate information on the "Order Numbers Counter" feature.

Describe the bug
Revise the document to incorporate information on the "Order Numbers Counter" feature.

Docs link :

Include information in the document explaining how the Sequential option, Order ID, and Pseudorandom – crc32 Hash (max 10 digits) operate in the Order Numbers Counter field.

Note: Clients are deactivating the CON Lite plugin, The reason is "Order Numbers not being properly generated."
While my investigation using all three available options indicates that everything is functioning as expected

The orders are not tracked with the custom order number when 'Enable order tracking by custom number' setting is enabled.

Describe the bug
The orders are not tracked on the Order tracking form with the custom order number when 'Enable order tracking by custom number' setting is enabled.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Enable 'Enable order tracking by custom number' setting.
Visit the Order Tracking form which can be created using a shortcode [woocommerce_order_tracking]
3.Enter the required details like custom order number and the billing email address
And then See error
Expected behavior
Order should be tracked even with the custom order number when the mentioned setting is enabled.

Screenshots or Video , ,


Critical error message comes when users have a large number orders & the plugin tries to update them.

Describe the bug
Critical error message comes when users have a large number of orders & the plugin tries to update them.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. On woo_apeksha, I have 21000 plus past orders
  2. Take the latest git copy
  3. Go to the plugin setting page, try to change the prefix
  4. When I try to save that setting, the plugin throws me a critical error.

see the screenshot:

Expected behavior
No critical error message should appear.

The order number is missing, the woo_order page shows only prefix after the update.

Describe the bug
The order number is missing, the woo_order page shows only prefix after the update.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. When Order numbers counter set as Order ID.
  2. Placed an order
  3. Go to woo order page and I noticed that only prefix appear not custom order number

Expected behavior
Woo order id should be displayed with the prefix

2 clients have reported the same issue.

Orders are not getting tracked with custom prefix.

Describe the bug
We are using prefix ORG- for our orders here, and a typical order looks like this: ORD-78271

And I can find such order on our admin, but not via order tracking:

On order tracking I find the tracking if I remove the prefix (leaving order ID)

To Reproduce

The issue is getting replicated on client's site only.
See the video:

Additional context

Compatibility with Fflexible Invoice plugin.

Describe the bug
There is an error message coming while downloading or seeing an invoice when our plugin is activated.

To Reproduce

  1. Install this Flexible Invoice plugin -
  2. I'm attaching ajax errors as well as configuration:
  1. Invoice plugin (3 attachments: documents, template and WooCommerce), rest of setting are for pro or contact address etc.

  2. Custom order numbers (files with part1, 2 and 3)

  1. Place a new order.
  2. You will see the error when you will see or download the invoice.

Additional context

Renumerate tool and subscriptions

The client has shared a fix where the renumerate numbers do not renumber the past subscriptions.

The “Renumerate” tool (that is clunky English – it would be better called “Renumber”) does not renumber past Subscriptions.

When a new subscription is taken out, the parent order and the subscription are correctly given sequential numbers by your plugin, just as they would have without it. But the Renumerate tool only renumbers the parent orders, leaving the subscriptions alone. That could cause a future subscription or order to end up with the same number as a past subscription.

The following simple change will fix the problem:

--- a/includes/class-alg-wc-custom-order-numbers-core.php
+++ b/includes/class-alg-wc-custom-order-numbers-core.php
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'Alg_WC_Custom_Order_Numbers_Core' ) ) :
$block_size = 512;
while ( true ) {
$args = array(

  •                                   'post_type'      => 'shop_order',
  •                                   'post_type'      => array('shop_order', 'shop_subscription'),
                                      'post_status'    => 'any',
                                      'posts_per_page' => $block_size,
                                      'orderby'        => 'date',``


Custom Order Numbers are not showing in the email templates sending from SendInBlue plugin.

Describe the bug
when the customer gets a transactional email (template designed in Send In Blue), it’s getting the default WooCommerce order number, not the custom order number which start ONLI-xxxxx.

To Reproduce
I'm also able to replicate this on the staging site.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install plugin
  2. Create a template with {ORDER_ID} shortcode in SendInBlue Dashboard by login to their site -
  3. Select the template in the plugin
  4. Place an order and see the order ID:

Additional context

Compatibility with Kiwiz invoice plugin

Describe the bug
The issue is with the Kiwiz Invoice plugin. The order number shown in the Invoice is different than the orde number shown after placing the order.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install the Kiwiz plugin (
  2. Enable the test mode under WooCommerce >> Settings >> Integration (
  3. Keep the order number counter to Sequential.
  4. Place an order.
  5. Edit the order and click on the "Download Invoice"
  6. You will see the order number different in the invoice and on the order page.

Expected behavior
The order number should be the same on the invoice and on the order page.


  1. Orders page:
  2. Attaching the invoice:

Ticket link:

After updating the database from the admin notice order number for the subscription orders gets changed

Describe the bug
After updating the database, custom order numbers for the subscription orders get changed on the subscription order page.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Place the subscription order for the lower version like v1.2.12 or v1.2.10
  2. Update the plugin to v1.3.1
  3. You will see the admin notice to update the database
  4. Now, after updating the database check the order numbers for subscription orders, they will be changed.

Expected behavior
After updating the database, custom order numbers for the subscription order should not get changed.

Subscription orders page screenshots:
Before updating the database:
After updating the database:

Admin notice does not appear when I try to install v1.3.2

Describe the bug
Admin notice does not appear when I try to install v1.3.2

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create new local
  2. WooCommerce install and activate
  3. Placed 5 to 6 orders
  4. Install and activate v1.3.2, I noticed that admin notice does not appear.

Expected behavior
Admin notice should appear.

Duplicate order numbers for Subscription renewals.

The client has shared a solution for the duplicate order numbers for Subscription renewals.

There’s currently a bug (again) where all renewal orders will receive the order number of their parent subscription. That means there will be a bunch of renewal orders with duplicate numbers. I can see from changelog that this was fixed a while back, but the problem still persists.

I needed this solved ASAP so I fixed it myself. WooCommerce Subscriptions has a function (wcs_copy_order_meta()) that copies metadata from subscription to renewal orders and that’s the cause of this problem. I don’t know if a similar thing caused the problem in the past, but here’s what I did for the fix:

function remove_order_numbering_wcs_order_meta( $meta, $to_order, $from_order )
    $to_order_type = get_post_type( $to_order->ID );
    $from_order_type = get_post_type( $from_order->ID );

    if ( $to_order_type == 'shop_order' && $from_order_type == 'shop_subscription' ) {
        foreach ( $meta as $key => $value ) {
            if ( $value['meta_key'] == '_alg_wc_custom_order_number' ) {
                unset( $meta[$key] );
                return $meta;

    return $meta;

add_filter( 'wcs_renewal_order_meta', 'remove_order_numbering_wcs_order_meta', 10, 3 )


Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce Paid version

I have a issue on the above plugin, and also submit the report to Tyche Software. In my Wordpress dashboard show there is a Plugin to be updated but when when come to the Plugin dashboard shown nothing is to be updated. Which i guess is Phantom Plugin the I run a test and it showed that the Plugin is Custom Order Numbers is yet to update as shown in the attached.

Image 25-11-2020 at 6 40 PM

How do i go about it now? wait for the next update?
Image 25-11-2020 at 6 40 PM

The blank automatic renewal orders are created due to our plugin.

Describe the bug
Basically on renewal orders its creating empty orders. The version we are currently on I believe is the one directly from the Woo Commerce store. If we manually process the renewal it seems to work fine. Its on automated renewals where everything seems to break. I have gone through support with WooCommerce and other plugin companies trying to find the culprit and the last thing I could think is this plugin is causing ID issues on renewals.
I have create 2 subscription types using 2 different plugins. The reason I think its your plugin is how the orders are created. If you look the order numbers are completely out of wack. Both 8173 and 8172 are created using the automated renewal on WooSubscriptions.

To Reproduce
I could replicate the issue on client's site by following the below steps:

  1. Create an order for simple 1 day subscription product

  2. Mark the subscription as "Active" and set Next Payment: to be renewed within 2-3 mins

  3. when our plugin is active, a blank order is created like as below:

When our Deactivated our plugin, it worked fine.

Additional context

The plugin setup:

Order numbers are not updated for the subscription order and for the created renewal order.

The order numbers are not updated accordingly.

The subscription order and the renewal orders have the same custom order number as of the parent order.

Attaching video of the settings:

Attaching a screenshot of an order:

Add FAQ page with below question.

Q: In the third-party plugin, how to use the custom order numbers instead of WooCommerce Order Number?

In the Custom Order Numbers Lite/PRO plugin, we maintain the original order ID created by WooCommerce in the database. This order ID is crucial for various core functions and is utilized by multiple plugins and themes.

To implement custom order numbers, kindly reach out to the support team of the third-party plugin that you are using. Request them to make the required adjustments in their codebase, specifically in the sections where the Order ID is retrieved. They should incorporate the below code for Custom Order Numbers instead of the existing code associated with the Order ID.
Here is the code they will need.
$custom_order_number = $order->get_order_number(); //where $order is an order object

Order number along with the prefix is not getting searched.

The client has an issue where order numbers along with the prefix are not getting searched. And also when the custom order number plugin is active, the order numbers are not getting searched.

Steps to replicate:

  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Search any order on the Orders page along with the prefix and also without the prefix
  3. You will not find any order.

Then, try deactivating the plugin, and search for any order, you will find that particular order which is being searched.

Ticket Link:

After upgrading to PHP 8, the Custom Order Numbers are not triggering.

Describe the bug
After upgrading to PHP 8, the Custom Order Numbers are not triggering.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Do the setup as below:,
  2. Place an order.
  3. The orders should start from #839 but it doesn't,

Expected behavior
It should work fine with PHP 8.0.

Note: The same issue we do have in the CON Pro repository.

The Plugin "Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce" has a security vulnerability.

Describe the bug
The Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.4.0. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on a function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to perform unauthorized actions via a forged request, granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.

Within the Wordfence Scan Wordfence said:
The Plugin "Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce" has a security vulnerability.
Vulnerability Information:

Additional context

PHP Code Sniffer changes

Warnings present in \includes\class-alg-wc-custom-order-numbers-core

  1. Found: !=. Use strict comparisons (=== or !==). (line number 75)
  2. Found: ==. Use strict comparisons (=== or !==). (line number 275)
  3. Found: ==. Use strict comparisons (=== or !==). (line number 378)

These warnings have not yet been removed as extensive testing is needed before changing.

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