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arduinosketchuploader's Introduction


This repository contains a .NET library and a corresponding Windows command line utility that can be used to upload a compiled sketch (.HEX) directly to an Arduino board over USB. It talks to the boards bootloader over the serial (USB) connection, much like avrdude does (when invoked from the Arduino IDE, or from the command line).



The library has been tested with the following configurations:

Arduino Model MCU Bootloader protocol
Leonardo ATMega32U4 AVR109
Mega 1284 ATMega1284 STK500v1
Mega 2560 ATMega2560 STK500v2
Micro ATMega32U4 AVR109
Nano (R2) ATMega168 STK500v1
Nano (R3) ATMega328P STK500v1
Uno (R3) ATMega328P STK500v1

If you have a need for this library to run on another Arduino model, feel free to open an issue on GitHub, it should be relatively straightforward to add support (for most).

Support for Mega 1284 was added by, thanks!

How to use the command line application

Download the latest Windows binaries here (.zip file, version 3.2.0).

When running ArduinoSketchUploader.exe without arguments, the application will document its usage:

Copyright c Christophe Diericx 2016 - 2018

  -f/--file required option is missing.
  -m/--model required option is missing.

  -f, --file     Required. Path to the input file (in intel HEX format) which
                 is to be uploaded to the Arduino.

  -p, --port     Name of the COM port where the Arduino is attached (e.g.
                 'COM1', 'COM2', 'COM3'...).

  -m, --model    Required. Arduino model. Valid parameters are any of the
                 following: [Leonardo, Mega1284, Mega2560, Micro, NanoR2,
                 NanoR3, UnoR3].

  --help         Display this help screen.

A sample command line invocation (for a Mega2560 type Arduino attached to COM4):

ArduinoSketchUploader.exe --file=C:\MyHexFiles\myHexFile.hex --port=COM4 --model=Mega2560

If only a single COM port is in use on the system (used by the attached Arduino), one can omit the port:

ArduinoSketchUploader.exe --file=C:\MyHexFiles\myHexFile.hex --model=UnoR3

How to use the .NET library

NuGet version

Link the following nuget package in your project in order to use the ArduinoUploader:

Alternatively, install the package using the nuget package manager console:

Install-Package ArduinoUploader

The following minimal snippet shows how to upload a .HEX file to an Arduino (UNO) board attached at COM port 3:

var uploader = new ArduinoSketchUploader(
    new ArduinoSketchUploaderOptions()
        FileName = @"C:\MyHexFiles\UnoHexFile.ino.hex",
        PortName = "COM3",
        ArduinoModel = ArduinoModel.UnoR3


As discussed above, one can try to auto-detect the COM port by omitting it.


In earlier versions of the library, it emitted log messages through a dependency on NLog. From an architectural point of view, it is suboptimal to be forcing a dependency on a particular logging framework from library code.

A simple IArduinoUploaderLogger interface is exposed from within the library. Implement this interface, and pass an instance into the ArduinoSketchUploader constructor if you want to consume log messages (in varying levels, from Info to Trace).

Implementing the interface using NLog consists of nothing more than this:

private class NLogArduinoUploaderLogger : IArduinoUploaderLogger
    private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetLogger("ArduinoSketchUploader");

    public void Error(string message, Exception exception)
        Logger.Error(exception, message);

    public void Warn(string message)

    public void Info(string message)

    public void Debug(string message)

    public void Trace(string message)

arduinosketchuploader's People


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arduinosketchuploader's Issues

Pro Micro Leonardo

I have a slight problem trying to upload to a fresh sparkfun "pro Micro" if I set it as Lenoardo. It sees it starts programming and then gets stuck at 88%. And it bricks the pro Micro. I had to reburn the bootloader with a isp programmer. And I burnt a actual Lenoardo bootloader this time. And it uploads just fine. So I think there is a issue with the stock bootloader that's on the pro Micro from sparkfun. Is there a way to fix this?

How to 'postOpenResetBehavior' for Arduino UNO 3?

I am attempting to upload a sketch to a UNO R3 using a USB to TTL Serial Cable ( While this SketchUploader works GREAT with USB, I have to hit the reset button before running 'ArduinoSketchUploader.exe' to get the R3 into programming mode.

From '' I believe I need to toggle the DTR, which I believe the USB cable is doing. How can I do that with 'postOpenResetBehavior'?

Native uploader

Hi Chris,

Your project is the first i found that allows for native uploading of hex files. (Most are only wrappers around avrdude). Congrats for that.

As i play around with arduino a lot i needed a way to version my projects. But also to track what version was in a arduino after i uploaded it.
I created a build server (with gitlab and gitlab-ci that will produce a hex as build files. The first lines printed on the serial port are it's project, and git hash so i can track the loaded project/version.
Second i implemented a python project that will use the API of gitlab to download the HEX files. Now i only need a good way to upload it in one click to my connected board. (i dislike the arvdude wrapper i use now, because i have to close the serial in order to use it).

Could u tell me how hard it was to implement the protocol to upload the hex file?
Or could i better implement the gitlab API in .Net ;)

Thanks for the project. I will play with it for sure.

Support for ATmega4809

I was wondering if the existing release support uploading to ATMega4809, that comes with Arduino Uno Wifi Rev2.
If it not, if there is way that can be added?

Kind Regards,


Mono/Linux support, SerialPortStream DTR handshaking

I was trying to modify ArduinoSketchUploader to work with Mono/Linux but apparently a dependency (SerialPortStream) does not support DTR and DSR handshaking causing it to fail safely under Linux (the DTR not supported error is handled in SerialPortStream, so the application does not crash, it just logs a "DTRhandshaking not supported" message and does nothing), I was going to open an issue over at the SerialPortStream repo but figured I should get some info here first.

How would I go about porting ArduinoSketchUploader back to System.IO.Ports or is it possible to get ArduinoSketchUploader working without DTR?

I looked into SerialPortStream's source and saw that they use a helper native library (over here) in unix to work with the serial port, would it be the correct approach for me to plug another library with DTR support (such as this one) in place of their helper library to get DTR handshaking working?

Bad NuGet packaging for NLog dependency (v2.4.3)


The NuGet NLog dependency is wrong in release 2.4.3, Nlog instead of NLog

Extract of ArduinoUploader.nuspec:
<dependency id="Nlog" version="4.0.0" />

Can you repackaging the NuGet package , please ?

Upload hex file using Visual Basic app

I'm trying to create VB application which will upload hex file using ArduinoSketchUploader NuGet.
Here is my code:

**Public Sub Sketch_Uploader(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        Dim folderPath As String
        folderPath = "C:\Users\Milosz\Desktop\"
        Dim fileName As String
        fileName = "blink.hex"
        Dim fullPath As String
        fullPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.CombinePath(folderPath, fileName)
        Dim uploader As ArduinoSketchUploader = Nothing
        Dim options As ArduinoSketchUploaderOptions = Nothing
        options.ArduinoModel = Hardware.ArduinoModel.UnoR3
        options.FileName = fullPath
        options.PortName = "COM3"
End Sub**

Code is being compliled but nothig happens. Do you have some idea what can be wrong with it or maybe it is not possible to do it using VB and i have to switch to C#.
I would be very grateful for any help.

Changing the device name

Hi, first of all thank you so much for this library. I have been using it in a small .NET program and it works great and I really like the interfaces and logging capabilities.

I was wondering if it's possible to add some configuration to this so the device name can be changed. At the moment I have several devices detected by Windows as "Arduino Micro" and I'd prefer to give them a more descriptive name.

That seems to be possible with the base Arduino libraries by changing your boards.txt as explained in this video

Do you think it would be possible to add this capability?

UWP Support

Do you have plans to make this run under Windows 10 IoT UWP Apps?

Close serial port , stop uploading after x seconds


I am having the issue that sometimes I don't know if I have a new or old bootloader version of the Arduino nano.
When trying to upload a sketch with the wrong bootloader set, it sends 2 bytes and keeps being in that state.
Is there a proper way to stop the upload process if the wrong bootloader has been set, or the device is simply not responding?
In that case I could restart the uploader process with the right bootloader option being set.

When choosing the wrong bootloader version the function ; uploader.UploadSketch() seems to never break, and keeps the serial port alive.

Unable to aquire sync on UnoR3 that is writing to serial

If the loop is writing to the serial port, the upload fails with

Unable to aqcuire sync in SendWithSyncRetry for request of type ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.Protocols.STK500v1.Messages.ReadSignatureRequest!

There is no problem if uploading to a board that has the default (empty) loop, or if uploading using the IDE (avrdude).

The following sketch illustrates the problem.

void setup() {

void loop() {

The attached project can be used to reproduce the issue.

The full logged output is as follows:

INFO - Starting ArduinoSketchUploader...
INFO - Starting upload process for file '[my new firmware file.hex]'.
'Eyedrivomatic.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: Eyedrivomatic.exe):
TRACE - Creating serial port 'COM4'...
INFO - Establishing memory block contents...
INFO - Opening serial port COM4 - baudrate 115200
INFO - Executing Post Open behavior (ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.ResetBehavior.ResetThroughTogglingDtrBehavior)...
TRACE - Opened serial port COM4 with baud rate 115200!
TRACE - Sleeping for 250 ms after open...
INFO - Establishing sync...
TRACE - Sending 2 bytes:
TRACE - 30-20
TRACE - Receiving bytes: 0D
TRACE - Receiving bytes: 0A
TRACE - Receiving bytes: 0D
TRACE - Receiving bytes: 0A
TRACE - Receiving byte: 0A
TRACE - Receiving byte: 0D
TRACE - Receiving byte: 0A
TRACE - Receiving byte: 0D
TRACE - Receiving byte: 00
TRACE - Receiving byte: 14
TRACE - Receiving byte: 10
INFO - Sync established.
INFO - Checking device signature...
DEBUG - Expecting to find '1E-95-0F'...
TRACE - Sending 2 bytes:
TRACE - 75-20
TRACE - Receiving byte: 00
Exception thrown: 'ArduinoUploader.ArduinoUploaderException' in ArduinoUploader.dll
INFO - Resetting...
TRACE - Toggling DTR/RTS...
INFO - Closing serial port...
ERROR - Unable to aqcuire sync in SendWithSyncRetry for request of type ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.Protocols.STK500v1.Messages.ReadSignatureRequest! - [ArduinoUploader.ArduinoUploaderException: Unable to aqcuire sync in SendWithSyncRetry for request of type ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.Protocols.STK500v1.Messages.ReadSignatureRequest!
at ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.Protocols.STK500v1.Stk500V1BootloaderProgrammer.SendWithSyncRetry(IRequest request)
at ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.Protocols.STK500v1.Stk500V1BootloaderProgrammer.CheckDeviceSignature()
at ArduinoUploader.ArduinoSketchUploader.UploadSketch(IEnumerable`1 hexFileContents)].
Exception thrown: 'ArduinoUploader.ArduinoUploaderException' in ArduinoUploader.dll
Exception thrown: 'ArduinoUploader.ArduinoUploaderException' in mscorlib.dll

Add support for Arduino NANO R3 with new bootloader (optiboot)

The Arduino development team has replaced the bootloader for the Arduino NANO R3 boards in early 2018.

NOTE: We have updated the NANO board with a fresh bootloader. Boards sold from us from January 2018 have this new bootloader, while boards manufactured before that date have the old bootloader. First, make sure you have the Arduino AVR Core 1.16.21 or later looking at the Board Manager. Then, to program the NEW Arduino NANO boards you need to chose Processor > "ATmega328P". To program old boards you need to choose Processor > "ATmega328P (Old Bootloader)". If you get an error while uploading or you are not sure which bootloader you have, try each type of processor 328P until your board gets properly programmed.

The previous bootloader ATmegaBOOT was exchanged for Optiboot and thus also doubled the data transfer rate from 57,600 Bd to 115,200 Bd. See comparison:

Arduino Nano w/ ATmega328P
Arduino Nano w/ ATmega328P (old bootloader) (Old Bootloader)

I think the easiest way would be to implement a new variation of the Arduino NANO in ArduinoUploader.xml and add the "new" Arduino model to the list in ArduinoModel.cs as NanoR3New just like in the Arduino IDE:
Image source

Question regarding netcore 6 support

Hello twinearthsoftware, i use your repository for one of my open source projects and honestly it works great under Windows, however we had a requirement to port the project to Mac and Linux and i had to re write some of the StechUploader code to be comparable with .net 6 and System.IO.Ports since the RJC doesn't play nice with anything but Windows.

I still have few things to fix before its fully ready, mainly refactor some of my code and turn on the command line tool, since i just commented it out as i don't use it.

So question is, should i open PR or just keep it on a different fork?

Uploader will send sketch twice

When using the code from a Visual Studio project, the uploader will send it twice, although it is only written once in the native Arduino code. For example, if I write code to light an LED in the usual manner in the Arduino IDE, export the compiled binary, then use it, the LED flashes twice.

Arduino Leonardo bricked

Hi, I've used your .NET library with a Leonardo board.
This is the code I used with no errors:

var uploader = new ArduinoSketchUploader(
    new ArduinoSketchUploaderOptions()
        FileName = @"C:\Users\david\Desktop\Blink.ino.hex",
        PortName = "COM11",
        ArduinoModel = ArduinoModel.Leonardo


Now I get my board undetectable in my Device Manager.
I've tried in another computer, another port, another cable without success.

Do you have any clue?

Best regards

Arduino Nano stops communicating after upload


I'm interfacing an issue after I upload a sketch with ArduinoSketchUploader.
The sketch is upload successfully to the board, however it seems the arduino stops communicating for some reason. It keeps the power lights (green) on and do not light up the others (tx/rx) that lights when it is communicating.

I can only get data from the arduino if I reset manually on the button or if I open monitor serial from arduino idle. I tryed to reset arduino via code but I couldn't find out how. The option "Serial Monitor" from arduino idle somehow reset its communication and perhaps could solve my problem.

Do you have any idea what is happening in order to happen this issue to me? Or any way that I could solve that?

Thank you.

jtag2updi protocol

Is anybody able enough to write the bootloader protocol driver for jtag2updi so to add support for the Every boards 4809 and 4808?

Unable to execute write page, port refuses to close after writes on Atmega32u4s?

I was messing around with the library for a comment I saw on a forum asking for a GUI sample of this library, I've implemented a very simple example of this library in a GUI, but encountered problems uploading to Atmega32u4 boards, I've tried this on an official Leonardo and several Pro Micro clones which all had the sample problem. It is possible that I've overwritten the bootloader on the official Leonardo before so I'd really appreciate if someone else could double check for me.

The exact exception thrown by the library is Unable to execute write page! which I suspect is caused by A109BootloaderProgrammer.cs

How to replicate:

  • clone this repo
  • compile and run the exe in the IDE for best results (so that you get to see the logger outputs in the console)
  • select a *.hex file, press upload, look at the console output

detailed log of the error below:

Click to expand logs
Writing page at offset 29056.
Sending load address request: 29056.
Sending 3 bytes: 
Receiving byte: 0D
Sending 132 bytes: 
Receiving byte: 00
The thread 0x2f6c has exited with code 0 (0x0).
i: Closing COM5...
The thread 0x296c has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x2270 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x1bd8 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x2c70 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
i: Waiting for virtual port COM5 to disappear...
i: T+0 - Port still present...
i: T+100 - Port still present...
i: T+200 - Port still present...
i: T+300 - Port still present...
i: T+400 - Port still present...
i: T+500 - Port still present...
i: T+600 - Port still present...
i: T+700 - Port still present...
i: T+800 - Port still present...
i: T+900 - Port still present...
i: T+1000 - Port still present...
i: T+1100 - Port still present...
i: T+1200 - Port still present...
i: T+1300 - Port still present...
i: T+1400 - Port still present...
i: T+1500 - Port still present...
i: T+1600 - Port still present...
i: T+1700 - Port still present...
i: T+1800 - Port still present...
i: T+1900 - Port still present...
i: T+2000 - Port still present...
i: T+2100 - Port still present...
i: T+2200 - Port still present...
i: T+2300 - Port still present...
i: T+2400 - Port still present...
i: T+2500 - Port still present...
i: T+2600 - Port still present...
i: T+2700 - Port still present...
i: T+2800 - Port still present...
i: T+2900 - Port still present...
i: T+3000 - Port still present...
i: T+3100 - Port still present...
i: T+3200 - Port still present...
i: T+3300 - Port still present...
i: T+3400 - Port still present...
i: T+3500 - Port still present...
i: T+3600 - Port still present...
i: T+3700 - Port still present...
i: T+3800 - Port still present...
i: T+3900 - Port still present...
i: T+4000 - Port still present...
i: T+4100 - Port still present...
i: T+4200 - Port still present...
i: T+4300 - Port still present...
i: T+4400 - Port still present...
i: T+4500 - Port still present...
i: T+4600 - Port still present...
i: T+4700 - Port still present...
i: T+4800 - Port still present...
i: T+4900 - Port still present...
i: T+5000 - Port still present...
i: T+5100 - Port still present...
i: T+5200 - Port still present...
i: T+5300 - Port still present...
i: T+5400 - Port still present...
i: T+5500 - Port still present...
i: T+5600 - Port still present...
i: T+5700 - Port still present...
i: T+5800 - Port still present...
i: T+5900 - Port still present...
i: T+6000 - Port still present...
i: T+6100 - Port still present...
i: T+6200 - Port still present...
i: T+6300 - Port still present...
i: T+6400 - Port still present...
i: T+6500 - Port still present...
i: T+6600 - Port still present...
i: T+6700 - Port still present...
i: T+6800 - Port still present...
i: T+6900 - Port still present...
i: T+7000 - Port still present...
i: T+7100 - Port still present...
i: T+7200 - Port still present...
i: T+7300 - Port still present...
i: T+7400 - Port still present...
i: T+7500 - Port still present...
i: T+7600 - Port still present...
i: T+7700 - Port still present...
i: T+7800 - Port still present...
i: T+7900 - Port still present...
i: T+8000 - Port still present...
i: T+8100 - Port still present...
i: T+8200 - Port still present...
i: T+8300 - Port still present...
i: T+8400 - Port still present...
i: T+8500 - Port still present...
i: T+8600 - Port still present...
i: T+8700 - Port still present...
i: T+8800 - Port still present...
i: T+8900 - Port still present...
i: T+9000 - Port still present...
i: T+9100 - Port still present...
i: T+9200 - Port still present...
i: T+9300 - Port still present...
i: T+9400 - Port still present...
i: T+9500 - Port still present...
i: T+9600 - Port still present...
i: T+9700 - Port still present...
i: T+9800 - Port still present...
i: T+9900 - Port still present...
w: Virtual COM port COM5 was still present after {timeoutVirtualPointDisappearance} ms!
e: Unable to execute write page!
Exception thrown: 'ArduinoUploader.ArduinoUploaderException' in ArduinoUploader.dll
An exception of type 'ArduinoUploader.ArduinoUploaderException' occurred in ArduinoUploader.dll but was not handled in user code
Unable to execute write page!

'WindowsFormsArduinoUploader.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: WindowsFormsArduinoUploader.exe): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Runtime\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Runtime.dll'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
The program '[14404] WindowsFormsArduinoUploader.exe' has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff).

Environment.Exit on error


When i use ArduinoSketchUploader in my C# app , I don't want Environment.Exit on error but just a log or a Exception.
It's possible to add an option for this ?

internal static void LogErrorAndQuit(string errorMessage) 

Device Error for UnoR3 with a CH340G USB/Serial chip

My device Arduino UnoR3 CH340G
UPD: Arduino with the Mega16 controller all works.

r.exe -f \\VBOXSVR\VM_Share\keyFile -p COM3 -m UnoR3
2017-05-17 10:14:37.5776|INFO|ArduinoUploader.ArduinoSketchUploader|Starting Ard
2017-05-17 10:14:37.6057|INFO|ArduinoUploader.ArduinoSketchUploader|Starting upl
oad process for file '\\VBOXSVR\VM_Share\keyFile'.
2017-05-17 10:14:37.6479|INFO|ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.SerialPortBo
otloaderProgrammer|Opening serial port COM3 - baudrate 115200
2017-05-17 10:14:38.2948|INFO|ArduinoUploader.ArduinoSketchUploader|Establishing

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.IOException: Device Error
   at RJCP.IO.Ports.SerialPortStream.WriteCheckDeviceError()
   at RJCP.IO.Ports.SerialPortStream.WriteCheck(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int
32 count)
   at RJCP.IO.Ports.SerialPortStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 co
   at ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.SerialPortBootloaderProgrammer.Send(
IRequest request)
   at ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.OptibootBootloaderProgrammer.Establi
   at ArduinoUploader.ArduinoSketchUploader.UploadSketch(IEnumerable`1 hexFileCo
   at ArduinoUploader.ArduinoSketchUploader.UploadSketch()
   at ArduinoSketchUploader.Program.Main(String[] args)
2017-05-17 10:14:40.1791|INFO|ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.SerialPortBo
otloaderProgrammer|Closing serial port...

Sketch upload different to Arduino IDE


In my sketch i have a serial read command "V" which returns the version number of the current SW-Version. I've compiled it with ardunio IDE and Upload to Ardunio Mega 2560. I typed "V" at Serial Monitor and received the version number. After the upload test using the Ardunio IDE i've tried to upload the same sketch (ino.hex) by using your library. I tested the Arduino-SW again by tipping "V" at serial monitor but only received a line break ("\r\n").
If upload the file with Arduino IDE agian it still works.

I also noticed a diffence at the file size:

Arduino IDE: 6416 bytes
C#: 6432 bytes

Thank you

Exception unhandled on arduino Uno

I am working on arduino Uno (not UnoR3) and developing a VB .Net windows form app.
It seems to upload the hex file but throwing an exception on uploader.UploadSketch()
Exception: Unable to aqcuire sync in SendWithSyncRetry for request of type ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.Protocols.STK500v1.Messages.ReadSignatureRequest!
VB code:

    Dim options As New ArduinoSketchUploaderOptions
    options.ArduinoModel = ArduinoModel.UnoR3
    options.FileName = "C:\Users\nauma\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_335470\LoadCell_MeasurementV1.0.ino.hex"
    options.PortName = "Com3"
    Dim uploader As New ArduinoSketchUploader(options)

Is it because of

  1. Uno vs Uno R3
  2. C# vs VB .Net
  3. something else

and how to solve this?

How to in winform

This is not an issue but i dont know how to use in winform.

this is my code. how to get some progress info text and progress value ??
when i click button1 its uploading without a problem

` public partial class Form1 : Form

    public Form1()

    double deneme = 0;

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var options =  new ArduinoSketchUploaderOptions
                FileName = @"C:\Users\ataka\Desktop\Firmware.hex",
                PortName = "COM6",
                ArduinoModel = ArduinoModel.Mega2560
        var logger = new ArduinoSketchUploaderLogger();

        var progress = new Progress<double>(
            p => logger.Info($"Upload progress: {p * 100:F1}% ..."));

        var uploader = new ArduinoUploader.ArduinoSketchUploader(options, logger, progress);
        catch (ArduinoUploaderException)
        catch (Exception ex)
            logger.Error($"Unexpected exception: {ex.Message}!", ex);
            MessageBox.Show($"Unexpected exception: {ex.Message}!");


    public class ArduinoSketchUploaderLogger : IArduinoUploaderLogger
        private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetLogger("ArduinoSketchUploader");

        public void Error(string message, Exception exception)
            Logger.Error(exception, message);

        public void Warn(string message)

        public void Info(string message)

        public void Debug(string message)

        public void Trace(string message)


    private void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var logger = new ArduinoSketchUploaderLogger();
            var progress = new Progress<double>(
            p => logger.Info($"Upload progress: {p * 100:F1}% ..."));
            label1.Text = progress.ToString();

            /*var logger = new ArduinoSketchUploaderLogger();
            var progress = new Progress<double>(
            p => logger.Info($"Upload progress: {p * 100:F1}% ..."));
            ProgressBar1.Value = Convert.ToInt32(progress);*/

    public void update_label(string value)
        label2.Text = value;


Verification exception when uploading to NANO R3 board

I am getting the exception: Difference encountered during verification! when attempting to upload to a board with NANO R3 (ATmega328P with old bootloader - compare #32).

I tried to upload different programs and also on different boards.
Sometimes upload and verification are successful but only in case of about 1 of 10 tries.

I switched back to library version 3.1.0 and now every upload is successful!
Therefore, the changes made from version 3.1.0 to version 3.2.0 must cause the problem.

If I am right, the only relevant file where changes have been made is STK500v1BootloaderProgrammer.cs.

Verification exception when uploading to Mega2560 board.

I am getting the exception: "Difference encountered during verification, write failed." When attempting to upload to a board with mega 2560. I am using .NET 4.5.2, and ArduinoUploader 3.1.

There are no expections if i upload firmware with avrdude and powerterminal, and then use Arduino Uploader with the same hex file. But if I try to upload the .hex file that is generated by Arduino ide a still get them problem.

Any clues?

VB.Net - Update of upload status with progress bar

How to do a update of the progressbar in % while uploading?

Private Sub UploadHex_ProgressChanged(sender As Object, e As ProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles UploadHex.ProgressChanged
    ProgressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage
End Sub

will not work.

Any help?


unable to set the serial port state

Hi I'm using the Arduino Sketch Uploader to upload some code to my arduino. I have set everything like the com port and fiile, and it gets through that part without any exception. Only, when I connect my arduino through usb and click my upload button, the entire form freezes until I disconnect my arduino. Afterwards it gives me the error "unable to set the serial port state" below you will find my code -

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { button2.Text = "Uploading..."; foreach (string s in checkedListBox1.CheckedItems) { if (s == "Arduino Nano R3 (Recommended )") { model = ArduinoModel.NanoR3; }

            `else if (s == "Arduino Nano R2")
                model = ArduinoModel.NanoR2;

            else if (s == "Arduino Mega")
                model = ArduinoModel.Mega2560;

            else if (s == "Arduino Micro")
                model = ArduinoModel.Micro;

            else if (s == "Arduino Uno")
                model = ArduinoModel.UnoR3;

                model = ArduinoModel.NanoR3;

        foreach (string s in checkedListBox2.CheckedItems)
            port = s;

        var uploader = new ArduinoSketchUploader(
          new ArduinoSketchUploaderOptions()
              FileName = @file,
              PortName = port,
              ArduinoModel = model

        catch (Exception ex)
            errs = ex.Message;

        msg = (string)( "Uploading: " + file + ";" + model + ";" + port);

        if (errs.Length > 0)
            label12.Text = errs;
            label12.BackColor = Color.Red;
            button2.Text = "Failed";
            label12.Text = msg;
            label12.BackColor = Color.YellowGreen;
            button2.Text = "Uploaded";

Progress indicator

Thank you for your ArduinoSketchUploader. It works perfect for my projects with ATmega1284p and ATmega328p. But is there a way to know the flashing progress?

Can only upload to Mega2560 once

I have an issue if I try to upload to a Mega2560 I can do it once but if I stay in the app and try a second time it does nothing. It just waits and I have crash out of my app. If I restart my app I can then upload again. I know its not my app as it doesn't do the same with NanoR3 or UnoR3, they work. I know its not my board as I dont have the same issue with the Arduino IDE.

Arduino 101

it could be possible upload firmware into Arduino 101 board?

Upload second time fails

Following the code example to upload a sketch works perfectly when I first plug in the Arduino Uno into the USB port of my PC.

However if I try to upload the same or a different sketch one more time it fails. It does not even get caught in an exception but the program simply terminates.

Only workaround seems to be to unplug the USB cable and then it works again.

Nullref in ArduinoUploader.dll

When trying to run a simple console app with the given .NET sample code I get a NullReferenceException in ArduinoUploader.dll.

I successfully installed the library and it's dependencies via NuGet and all the references are found. Also tried restoring NuGet packages but it says there's nothing to restore.

at ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.ResetBehavior.ResetThroughTogglingDtrRtsBehavior.Reset(SerialPortStream serialPort, SerialPortConfig config)
at ArduinoUploader.BootloaderProgrammers.ArduinoBootloaderProgrammer.Close()
at ArduinoUploader.ArduinoSketchUploader.UploadSketch(IEnumerable`1 hexFileContents)
at ArduinoUploader.ArduinoSketchUploader.UploadSketch()
at ArduinoUploadTest.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\Jelle Dekkers\source\repos\ArduinoUploadTest\ArduinoUploadTest\Program.cs:line 21

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