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happypanda's Issues

tag parents support?

Tag parents let you automatically add a particular tag every time another tag is added.
This should be retroactively applied IMO.

in short its tags that is more general part of the tag that its a parent of, again like #65 i will use images aswell as a link to get to my point.

Hydrus cover this subject really well here:

this is really nice for when tags are forgotten, like character tags is there but not a tag for the parody of the series and so on.

Cant get CDisplay (external viewer) to work.

Was trying to get CDisplay to work with the gallery manager, as its the program I use most for viewing .cbr and .cbz archives.
For some reason if I run it through your Happypanda, it only opens the first page of comic/manga, and I cant switch to any other pages in the archive. While opening same .cbz file using default viewer through Happypanda lets me scroll through all the pages.

Its a bit strange behavior, and I probably missed something, so any help would be appreciated.
Till that gets figure out I can still use "Show in Folder" option, and manually run the archive.
Cheers, keep up the awesome work!

Make folder monitoring context-sensitive

I think this can be addressed by setting a new watch folder for each artist but it is not a very elegant solution.
This will become a real issue if #36 is implemented: you move a bunch of files to the Cosplay category folder within the watch folder and HP will treat all the Cosplay galleries as chapters of the Cosplay series.
It also messes up the metadata gatherer.

Improve auto metadata fetcher

Improvement will include:

  • Provide other sources for metadata fetching
  • Increase rate of finding galleries by improving methods used to search for a gallery
  • Provide a way to block certain languages
  • Show more info when finding more galleries to scrape metadata from
  • Ability to exclude galleries to be searched for


Gallery type colors and tags colors

for example if an issue has an uncen tag the area around the issue would be colored with a color connecting that.
the same could be done with other tags that the user chooses.

i saw the Gallery Type colors in your Roadmap but i think those are so few that they could have small icons instead and let colors be a tag thing maybe?
how many gallery types is there really that colors would need to be used?

on the comment on tags, if you dont want to use colors that way then it could be setup that important tags (that the user chooses) would be shown as a standard view instead of using the tooltip and so on.

[Request] After finding more galleries through the folder watch, instead of prompting for every single gallery move/show them in a Recently Added filter

I just dropped about 100 items on the folder and after HP was done processing them, I had to click "Yes" in every single prompt and then "Done" in the following metadata.
That's 200 hundreds clicks. Taking 4 seconds to conclude and item's addition, that's 800 seconds. For something that is essentially gonna always happen (confirming whether the gallery added to the watch folder is something you want or not).
The way it is now, I can't let HP go through my whole collection. I just don't have the patience to do 1500 clicks in 100 minutes.
I don't think HP watches for changes in manually added galleries, even if they are on the watch folder.
That's where the Recently Added filter comes in. You can just check later if there is something wrong and fix it separately, instead of wasting (a lot of) time on HP.

Improve gallery searching

Feature will include:

  • Allow namespace & tag excluding


  • Allow namespace & tag excluding

Implemented in v0.26

Adding galleries does not work

Whenever I attempt to add an archive or gallery using any of the methods available, the program shows the "nothing was added" error message. I'm able to navigate to the directory using the file explorer, and changing permissions does not seem to fix the problem.


alternate metadata input procedure

I have a large collection of doujins from a huge siterip. So many that I have no idea where to start! the problem is that the metadata is stored in each folder as a series of separate extensionless files. each of these files is really just a text file with a string and a line.

here is an example of what is in each file

in the Characters file is

Hongou Kazuto

is there any way to add support for this?

the code would basically need to do something like this

for each folder

    get info from each file (simple read in)

    put into correct format info.json file (basically change the input method of the current)

    delete all blank type files.

here is the javascript currently used to create the json file
New Text Document.txt

and here is a snapshot of the basic folder structure, just reading in artist, title, characters, contents, and parody is really all it would need to do, the rest can trash.


If it is possible, can someone make some kind of extension or extra program for this?

[Request] Make galleries able to belong to multiple categories

Make an item be able to belong to multiple categories and be able to move physically move items on a category to a folder within its current place, if the user chooses to.
Example: "Western Cosplay Collection" belongs to the Cosplay and the Western Cosplay categories. Inside the Cosplay category you also selected Western Cosplay Collection along with a bunch of items in the Cosplay category, then show a prompt to select which folder Western Cosplay Collection will be physically moved to, Cosplay or Western Cosplay.

[Issues/Requests] Library moved to another drive and HappyPanda can't build it again.

I'm on Windows 10.
I bought a new HD because space was becoming an issue and moved my collection there.
Opened HappyPanda v0.24 and all thumbnails were blank spaces. Okay, expected. Still weird because I also expected HP to erase them, since their files weren't located. [Becomes another issue]

[Request 1] Can't clear the library in a single move.

[Issue 1] Selected all blank mangas (1130 items) whose files weren't not even there and deleted them from the HP library, still took a stupid amount of time all the while using heaps of processing power, locking HP down whenever its window was open and focused.

Remove the original folder from the monitoring and add-in the new location. Restart HP. Ok.

[Issue 2] HP does its initial scan. Nothing is detected.

[Issue 3] Only way to add new files to the library is by manually adding them. Monitoring folders does nothing at all.

At this point I think my HP got corrupted or something. Get v0.25.

Everything is still the same.

[Issue 4] As a test, download a gallery from Ex to see if it gets automatically added to the library. Nope.

[Request 2] Option to queue gallery downloads so you can paste some links broken by lines. I could handle 8 simultaneous downloads without a single problem, the only annoyance was having to go between HP and Firefox to copy a new gallery link and add them to HP and again and again.

[Issue 5] Twice during while changing windows and adding links to download, HP crashed. The only things I was doing was Alt+Tabbing, CTRL+C/V, Enter and the mouse, in a really quick fashion. Could not reproduce on demand. The partial .part files in "HP/downloads" were fine and able to be resumed/
be overwritten normally.

I think that's it. Oh yeah.

[Request 3] Categories within the manager, make an item be able to belong to multiple categories and be able to move physically move items on a category to a folder within its current place (optional).
Example: "Western Cosplay Collection" belongs to the Cosplay and the Western Cosplay categories, when moving a selection of items who also contain Cosplay Collection, show a prompt to select which folder Western Cosplay Collection with be physically moved to.

Hope I'm not being a dick requesting all that stuff but I genuinely think they're necessary to the program (bias much? :D)

EDIT: [Request 4] Add a check to see if a gallery has already been added to the list or already exists in the /downloads folder and if you want to overwrite it (possibly showing size/date/number of files in the gallery comparisons).

Tag wordcloud based on your server/client?

how about a wordcloud of all the tags in your server?
somewhere you can browse your tags, add a tag or more to a seach and so on.
also favorite different tags would be nice #41

if something like that would be smooth then you could add it as a side menu to easily add and remove tags in the search the user is doing (think booru searches think seaches where you can add and remove tags to the search with a click)

High DPI/4K Support?

If you have the time and it is easy enough could you add the support. I am finding it next to impossible to use happypanda with my computer.


While I await v0.18, here are some quibbles.
Either the not loading fixed itself or you did something.
The stuff in the red boxes are what's wrong.
I don't know if it's something on my end, but it's cut off on the side. Always has been.
There are some other things to say, but seems they are being fixed in 0.18.
I'll do a more thorough check after 0.18 is out.

quibbles 0

quibbles 1
Missing spaces

quibbles 2
missing a space
those that do not already exist
when there is more than one gallery found when searching

quibbles 3
Is your preferred

Improve gallery downloader

Improvement will include:

  • Optional auto download when pasting link
  • Auto download when a link has been copied to the clipboard
  • Show realtime progress on downloads and other info such as download speed. implemented in v0.26
  • Import links from file
  • Check existence before downloading


Advanced duplicate checker

Feature will include:

  • Provide more info about each gallery in the popup
  • Do a similarity check on gallery title and artist SequenceMatcher from difflib
  • Do a similarity check on gallery content (images)
    • Compare image hashes

Series namespaces

Not all works span a single tankobon. For example Shiwasu no Okina's Shining Musume spans 7 volumes/tankobon and several spin-offs/side stories.

It'd be great if we could have a Series Namespace and have a UI option to group and limit the series to a single image/slot. This way we would see less repetition and more variety.

Crash on Arch Linux

gant@leviathan ~/D/h/version # python                                          14:19:53
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 226, in <module>
  File "", line 221, in start
  File "", line 153, in start_main_window
    WINDOW = app.AppWindow()
  File "/home/gant/Downloads/happypanda/version/", line 58, in __init__
  File "/home/gant/Downloads/happypanda/version/", line 299, in initUI
  File "/home/gant/Downloads/happypanda/version/", line 482, in init_spinners
    self.data_fetch_spinner = misc.Spinner(self)
  File "/home/gant/Downloads/happypanda/version/", line 232, in __init__
    self.fade_animation = QPropertyAnimation(self, 'windowOpacity')
TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call:
  QPropertyAnimation(QObject parent=None): too many arguments
  QPropertyAnimation(QObject, QByteArray, QObject parent=None): argument 2 has unexpected type 'str'

osx crash on start

I have all of the dependencies installed and I ran and got this error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/thomas/HappyPanda/happypanda-master/version/", line 226, in
File "/Users/thomas/HappyPanda/happypanda-master/version/", line 221, in start
File "/Users/thomas/HappyPanda/happypanda-master/version/", line 153, in start_main_window
WINDOW = app.AppWindow()
File "/Users/thomas/HappyPanda/happypanda-master/version/", line 53, in init
File "/Users/thomas/HappyPanda/happypanda-master/version/", line 287, in initUI
self.notification_bar = misc.NotificationOverlay(self)
File "/Users/thomas/HappyPanda/happypanda-master/version/", line 439, in init
self.slide_animation = QPropertyAnimation(self, 'minimumHeight')
TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call:
QPropertyAnimation(QObject parent=None): too many arguments
QPropertyAnimation(QObject, QByteArray, QObject parent=None): argument 2 has unexpected type 'str'

If I knew python I would probably be able to fix this but since I don't would you be able to help me?

It doesn't seem like it will ever load.

I've been at the "Hi there! Some big changes are about to occur! Please wait.. This might take a while.
Note: This popup will close itself when everything is ready." for 1 hour, 25 minutes at the time of this posting, then I exited out.

Is this expected behavior or is there a problem on my end, yours, or both?

Windows 7, 64bit
Trying out 32bit version of Happypanda v0.17 Alpha

It may well be a problem on my end, so perhaps wait for others to comment. Hopefully, maybe in the thread. I don't know.

Also, the version v0.16 alpha was contained inside the v0.17 alpha for some reason.

Here's the entirety of the log:
21-07 13:01 INFO version.constants Happypanda Version 0.17
21-07 13:01 INFO version.constants OS: Windows 7

21-07 13:01 INFO Invoking first time level 2
21-07 13:01 INFO version.constants Select defaultstyle: OK
21-07 13:01 INFO requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTPS connection (1):

[Request] Add some kind of visual cue that HP has not froze and is working on the watch folders

Clear your library, set up a watch folder and drop 100 galleries in there.

It will look like HP is doing nothing at all. After checking the log, I discovered that HP was indeed monitoring the files, it was just going to finish ALL of them before giving me input on it. Adding a simple icon/text that HP has detected new files in the folder and is parsing them should mitigate this.

Also noticed that HP creates each files thumbnails after it parses all files. I think you could make it show the thumbs right after it goes through a file, akin to ComicRack. This would completely erase the feeling that HP is doing nothing when, in fact, it is monitoring the folder and working normally.

support for as a metadata downloader?

hey, im unsure how you guys feel about and such but as a metadata downloader it would be pretty great IMO.
its like ex without the strict block with profiles (avid user yet still blocked on ex here (years of usage and even H@H hosting)).
i have seen one program (atleast so far) that supports it and thats freemangadownloader (it would read all tags and such quite fine so it should be an issue for your program either i guess).
the site pretty much has no limits in terms of tags and content (mostly)

Metadata getting removed

For some reason, nearly all of the metadata has been removed from most if not all of the files. The main issue seems to be in the tag area, especially the misc section which has been removed entirely. the artist and parody tags at least remain. this change happened after i had removed some galleries and there files that were returned from a search. hopefully this info helps.

This is a big issue as it can severely affect the search-ability of the database.

Not recognizing rar file

It's kind of weird that it doesn't recognizes .rar file but does .zip which is basically the same

Populating database ceasing function

At random times after designating a group of archives or folders the "Populating database" phase will stop at a low percentage, usually at around 15% or 18% occasionally.
Not sure what is going wrong as I've had this happen multiple times with smaller gallery preparation requests (less than 200) as well as large ones (1000+).

One thing I want to note is that even though the status bar is fully animated and seeming to be doing something, the happy panda window is fully functional and can open other galleries.
Example image

tag siblings support?

Tag siblings let you replace a bad tag with a better tag, or a tag that means the same thing but uses different words (like multible word for the same thing...... since HP is an H program we can do it like this: a Large Tits tag would be Large Breasts tag instead and so on.

Hydrus covers alot of info about this subject here:

all of this can fix typos, aswell as bad tagging, checkout the link i posted for more description.
EDIT: dont forget the sister issue here: #66

Do a similarity check on artist names

i noticed tags are clickable to auto search for the tag you clicked, wish that artists would also work this same way.

at the same note there should be a way to compare artists after the name saved for example if some has typos and so on.

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