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template-web3-app's Issues

Bounty: Ceramic Integration & Session Keys Stream Writes - 400 OP Reward

👨‍💻 User Story

As a user of Web3 social applications I want an elegant user experience. I don't want to regularly sign messages for low-stakes social posts with my root account.

More specifically I want to generate browser based Web3 session keys and write messages to the Ceramic network on behalf of my primary account i.e. kames.eth

📜 Disclaimer

To be eligible for the payout you must first get approval to work on the bounty.

It's recommended to share a link to your personal Github account.

🧱 Project

Integrate the Ceramic network and use session keys for temporary write access to a data streams.

Session Key Integration 👇

A data stream is essentially a linked list using IPFS documents.

Streams are a core concept in Ceramic, they include a primary data structure called an event log, a URI scheme to identify unique streams in a network, a simple consensus model to agree on the same event log across the network, and a supporting lifecycle of creating, updating, querying, and syncing streams.

The core data structure of streams is a self-certifying event log. It combines IPLD for hash linked data and cryptographic proofs to create an authenticated and immutable log. This event log can be used to model mutable databases and other data structures on top.

A data stream can contain any type of data.

A great example of data streams is Orbis and Gitcoin Passport services. It's also recommend to review the Ceramic Scanner and view data streams as they're published.


Required Functionality:

  1. Read and write from the Ceramic network
  2. Delegate authority from a root account to a temporary leaf account.

Developer Tasks:

  • Create Client - ceramic-client.ts
  • Create Component - components/create-session-key-button.tsx
  • Create Component - components/create-post-form.tsx
  • Create View - views/create-post-and-session-key-view.tsx


<CreateSessionKeyButton />
The create-session-key-button.tsx component should use the session-keys integration.

The component should be for responsible creating new browser session keys and delegating authority from a root account i.e. MetaMask wallet. Session keys are Ethereum private keys generated in the browser and managed using the viem package. And are used for temporary write access to Web3 infrastructure and systems that enforce object capabilities.

Session Key Integration 👇

<CreatePostForm />
The create-post-form.tsx component should use the ceramic integration.

The form should include two fields:

  • Title
  • Body

Use react-hook-form to handle form state and actions.

Required Functionality

  • Create new Ceramic stream using a root account.
  • Write to the Ceramic stream using leaf account.


The primary <CreatePostAndSessionKeyView /> view should contain all the components necessary to create a temporary session key, write a basic post (title, body), start a new Ceramic stream using the root account and delegate write authority to the session key.

Potential File Structure


The core Ceramic integration should be added to the integrations/ceramic-sessions folder.

├─ components/
│  ├─ create-session-key-button.tsx
│  ├─ create-post-form.tsx
├─ hooks/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ utils/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ views/
│  ├─ create-post-and-session-key-view.tsx
├─ ceramic-client.ts

The application pages should be added to the app/ceramic/session-keys folder.

├─ session-keys
│  ├─ page.tsx

The app/ceramic/session-keys/page.tsx page should import and export the views/create-post-and-session-key-view.tsx component.

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 400 OP tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The OP tokens earned from the PGF program are the primary funding source for TurboETH bounties.

Bonus: 50 OP will be awarded if is used to help generate the template code in a meaningful way. Exported conversations must be made available to be eligible for the bonus reward.


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


Bounty: Livepeer + Disco (Video Gating using Verifiable Credentials) - 175 OP Reward

👨‍💻 User Story

As a content creator I want the ability to easily stream video to my audience using verifiable credentials as the access controls.

More specifically I want to utilize the Disco API and Livepeer protocol to gate video content.

📜 Disclaimer

To be eligible for the payout you must first get approval to work on the bounty.

It's recommended to share a link to your personal Github account.

🧱 Project

Add the verifiaible credential access controls to the Livepeer integration.

Dependent on issue #49 - Bounty: Livepeer Integration - 250 OP Reward being complete.

The bounty should utilize the Disco API to and verifiable credential validation to gate video services from the Livepeer protocol.

*Disco Access Controls Examples
A template exists that demonstrates how to use Disco for access control gateways.

Disco Documentation

Livepeer Documentation

Developer Tasks:

  • Create Route - /integrations/livepeer/route-gating-stream-via-disco
  • Create Route - /integrations/livepeer/route-gating-vod-via-disco
  • Create API - /app/api/livepeer/gating-stream-via-disco
  • Create API - /app/api/livepeer/gating-vod-via-disco

Gating Routes/API
The gating logic should be containe in the route files and exported in the api file.

An example if this can be found in the Disco integartion.

  • Route - contains the logic
  • API - exposes the logic

Potential File Structure


The API logic should be added to the integrations/livepeer/routes folder.

├─ routes/
│  ├─ route-gating-stream-via-disco.ts
│  ├─ route-gating-vod-via-disco.ts

The API should be added to the app/livepeer folder.

├─ gating-stream-via-disco.ts
├─ gating-vod-via-disco.ts

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 175 OP tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The OP tokens earned from the PGF program are the primary funding source for TurboETH bounties.


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


Add MailChain Module

As a Developer I want to allow my users to easily share encrypted messages with each other.

Add MailChain so "people can communicate using their Web3 identities, such as ENS names, through a private, end-to-end encrypted mail experience."


Proposal: Adding Progressive Web Application Functionality to TurboETH

Project Overview:

The goal of this proposal is to implement Progressive Web Application features within the existing TurboETH website. A PWA will transform TurboETH into a more dynamic and user-friendly platform by allowing users to access the website seamlessly across devices, even when they are offline. This enhancement will not only improve the website's performance but also provide a more engaging experience to its users.

Scope of Work:

1.Service Worker Integration: Implement a service worker to cache essential assets, allowing users to load previously visited pages and data offline.

2.Offline Support: Design the PWA to gracefully handle scenarios where users lose internet connectivity. Users will still be able to perform basic functions without a network connection.

3.Add to Home Screen: Configure the PWA to prompt users to add TurboETH to their home screens for quick access, enhancing user convenience.

4.Push Notifications : If desired, implement push notification functionality to keep users informed of important updates, such as pending transactions or account activity.

Project Timeline:

The estimated timeline for completing this project is 7 days. I will ensure consistent communication and progress updates to keep you informed throughout the development process.


The proposed budget for this project is $500, which covers the development, testing, and integration of PWA functionality into the TurboETH website. I am committed to delivering exceptional value and high-quality results.

About Me:

I am a seasoned web developer with extensive experience in creating innovative and user-centric web solutions. My expertise lies in implementing PWAs, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills to elevate TurboETH's user experience.

I am confident that the addition of Progressive Web Application functionality to TurboETH will provide tangible benefits to its users and enhance its overall value proposition. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this proposal further, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you for considering this proposal. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you to make TurboETH even more remarkable.

Best regards,

Bug: Iron Session Cookie not destroyed on second logout attempt

The SIWE flow uses iron-session to create a session using an encrypted cookie.

Normally we want to create this with httpOnly set too true.

Right now we are manually overriding default setting:


A bug is present causing the cookie not be removed upon the second logout request. I don't know why.

Instead the cookie is accessed from the browser/client and is destroyed manually, if the API /account/logout request fails. This is NOT SECURE and the bug needs to be fixed before a production application can use the boilerplate.


I get the following error:

  throw err;

Error: Cannot find module '/Users/user/Projects/node'
    at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1142:15)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:983:27)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:142:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49 {
  requireStack: []

Node is installed of course (using brew). Also, I don't get the exception when pnpm create other projects. Is node correctly referenced in the install script?

update Registry

I have faced so much issues trying to update the registry to the 2.x versions of Wagmi and Rainbowkit

Add SpruceID SSX

As a Developer I want to use SSX and ReCaps in my Web3 application.

Bounty: ⚡️TurboETH Template - 500 OP Reward


👨‍💻 User Story

As a Developer I want a collection of Web3 App templates for starting new projects and experiments.

More specifically I want new developers to have the ability to quickly setup/deploy new Web3 applications without any previous knowledge or experience. The templates should serve as tools/guides for developers interested in building more complex, next generation Web3 applications.

Have question?

Join the ⚡️TurboETH Discord channel

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 500 OP tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The OP tokens earned from the PGF program are the primary funding source for TurboETH bounties.

Bonus: 50 OP will be awarded if is used to help generate the template code in a meaningful way. Exported conversations must be made available to be eligible for the bonus reward.

🧱 Project

Create a new ⚡️TurboETH Template that integrates a core Web3 technology: blockchain, storage, identity, access controls etc...

The template should be focused in one or more of the following categories:

  • Decentralized Finance
  • Digital Organizations
  • Web3 Identity
  • Digital Collectibles

Integration Ideas

What's Required:

  1. Live demo on Vercel.
  2. Application demonstrating integration features.
  3. If required, deploy smart contract on a test environment like Base Goerli.

🔏 The Small Print

The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


Wallet connect isn't working

I've tested this on rainbow wallet and it's recognizing the QR code but nothing happens. The app QR code closes nothing happens on the test url for this package.
Also since there's a section for connecting wallets on desktop using Wallet connect. How can you enable this?

Is there a working implementation of turboeth to test?

Proposal: Add Base Mainnet

The current TurboETH site only supports the Goerli Base.
With the launch of Base Mainnet, the main site should add base mainnet as default to the chains.

Bounty: Add Disco Programatic Issuance - 650 USDC + 50 OP Reward

👨‍💻 User Story

As a developer I want to easily issue verifiable credentials when users reach a specific goal or action.

More specifically I want to issue a "Proof of Hack" verifiable credential using the Disco credential issuance API.

📜 Disclaimer

To be eligible for the payout you must first get approval to work on the bounty.

It's recommended to share a link to your personal Github account.

🧱 Project

Update the Disco integration to include support for verifiable credential programmatic issuance.

You can reference the public Disco schemas on Github for a full list of potential schemas

For the integration use the ProofOfHackCredential verifiable credential.

Verifiable Credential Schema Snippet
The core credential fields are "eventName", "eventDate" and "projectName", as denoted in the required field, but the form should include support for all of the properties.

credentialSubject: {
  type: "object",
  required: ["id", "eventName", "eventDate", "projectName"],
  properties: {
    id: { title: "Recipient DID", type: "string", format: "uri" },
    eventName: { title: "Event  Name", type: "string" },
    eventDate: { title: "Event Date", type: "string", format: "date" },
    projectName: { title: "Project Name", type: "string" },
    place: { title: "Place", type: "string" },
    teamName: { title: "Team Name", type: "string" },
    sourceCodeUrl: { title: "Source Code Url", type: "string" },
    usageLink: { title: "Usage Link", type: "string" },

Required Functionality:

  1. Disco verifiable credential issuance API integration
  2. Form using shacdn UI <Form /> components.
  3. New app page to issue verifiable credentials.

Developer Tasks:

  • Create Hook - disco/hooks/use-disco-issue-credential.tsx
  • Create API route - disco/routes/route-credential-issue.tsx
  • Create Component - disco/forms/form-credential-issuance-proof-of-hack.tsx
  • Create Page - app/disco/proof-of-hack/page.tsx

The useDiscoIssueCredential hook should use useMutation method exported from the TanStack react-query package.

The routeCredentialIssuance.ts endpoint should limit issuance to admins.

Admins are defined in env variables using the APP_ADMINS key.

The isAdmin key is added to authentication session during account verification.

The route should be re-exported in a pages/api/disco/credential-issue.ts file.

The <FormCredentialIssuanceProofOfHack /> component should use the useDiscoIssueCredential hook to interact with the API.

The form should be generated using the shacdn UI component library.

Follow the install instructions on

The form should look similar to the code below, but using the verifiable credential schema.

"use client"

import Link from "next/link"
import { zodResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/zod"
import * as z from "zod"

import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"
import {
} from "@/components/ui/form"
import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input"

const formSchema = z.object({
  username: z.string().min(2, {
    message: "Username must be at least 2 characters.",

export function ProfileForm() {
. // 1. Define your form.
  const form = useForm<z.infer<typeof formSchema>>({
    resolver: zodResolver(formSchema),
    defaultValues: {
      username: "",
  // 2. Define a submit handler.
  function onSubmit(values: z.infer<typeof formSchema>) {
    // Do something with the form values.
    // ✅ This will be type-safe and validated.

  return (
    <Form {...form}>
      <form onSubmit={form.handleSubmit(onSubmit)} className="space-y-8">
          render={({ field }) => (
                <Input placeholder="shadcn" {...field} />
                This is your public display name.
              <FormMessage />
        <Button type="submit">Submit</Button>

Potential File Structure


The Disco integration is located in integrations/disco folder in the integrations branch on the template-web3-app repo.

├─ routes/
│  ├─ route-credential-issue.tsx
├─ forms/
│  ├─ form-credential-issuance-proof-of-hack.tsx
├─ hooks/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ utils/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ client.ts

The application pages should be added to the app/(general)/integration/disco folder.

├─ proof-of-hack
│  ├─ page.tsx

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 650 USDC and 50 OP tokens.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. OP tokens earned from RPGF are helping fund TurboETH bounties.


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


Potentially Mismatch CHAINS and PROVIDERS

Trying to debug the following error

You may need to add `jsonRpcProvider` to `configureChains` with the chain's RPC URLs.
Read more:
    at configureChains (webpack-internal:///(sc_client)/./node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/@wagmi/core/dist/chunk-55IO54NW.js:124:13)
    at eval (webpack-internal:///(sc_client)/./config/networks.ts:71:86)
    at (sc_client)/./config/networks.ts (/Users/zzn/ws/d3ns-dapp/.next/server/app/(general)/page.js:4398:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/zzn/ws/d3ns-dapp/.next/server/webpack-runtime.js:33:43)
    at eval (webpack-internal:///(sc_client)/./components/providers/rainbow-kit.tsx:18:74)
    at (sc_client)/./components/providers/rainbow-kit.tsx (/Users/zzn/ws/d3ns-dapp/.next/server/app/(general)/page.js:4222:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/zzn/ws/d3ns-dapp/.next/server/webpack-runtime.js:33:43)
    at eval (webpack-internal:///(sc_client)/./components/providers/root-provider.tsx:15:91)
    at (sc_client)/./components/providers/root-provider.tsx (/Users/zzn/ws/d3ns-dapp/.next/server/app/(general)/page.js:4233:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/zzn/ws/d3ns-dapp/.next/server/webpack-runtime.js:33:43)
    at eval (webpack-internal:///(sc_client)/./app/layout.tsx:18:93)
    at (sc_client)/./app/layout.tsx (/Users/zzn/ws/d3ns-dapp/.next/server/app/(general)/page.js:4134:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/zzn/ws/d3ns-dapp/.next/server/webpack-runtime.js:33:43)
    at /Users/zzn/ws/d3ns-dapp/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/react-server-dom-webpack/client.js:918:337

To reproduce

  1. Checkout the commit at c8f962b
  2. Fill in the .env file with required variables, excluding NEXT_PUBLIC_USE_PUBLIC_PROVIDER=true
  3. pnpm install and then pnpm run dev

Error appears as the section above.


As per

export const CHAINS = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? ETH_CHAINS_PROD : ETH_CHAINS_TEST

if (PROVIDERS.length === 0) {

Likely Root Cause

It seems the wagmi require the list of chain (identified in network.ts as CHAINS) to be a subset of the list of supported chains supported by jsonRpcProviders (identified as PROVIDERs).

Propose fix:

Change the way to populate CHAINS to match with how PROVIDERs was added.

Something like

let providers =

if (process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ALCHEMY_API_KEY) PROVIDERS.push(alchemyProvider(...));

if (process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_INFURA_API_KEY) PROVIDERS.push(infuraProvider(...));
if (process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_USE_PUBLIC_PROVIDER) PROVIDERS.push(publicProvider());

PROVIDERS.forEach(() => {
let supportedChains = getSupportedChainsByProvider(provider); # Needs to find out or create a manual map

CHAINS = deduplicate(CHAINS);

// @ts-ignore
export const { chains, provider } = configureChains(CHAINS, [...PROVIDERS])

Bounty: Add SuperFluid Integration - 200 OP Reward

👨‍💻 User Story

As a Web3 developer I want to include "streaming" money features in my Web3 applications.

More specifically I want to use SuperFluid to easily send, delete and unwrap payments using the Super Token standard. The Super Token standard can wrap an existing ERC20 token or as a standalone ERC20 token with the Super Token enhancements.

📜 Disclaimer

To be eligible for the payout you must first get approval to work on the bounty.

It's recommended to share a link to your personal Github account.

🧱 Project

Create a SuperFluid SDK integration for TurboETH. The SuperFluid integration should allow developers to easily start, claim and stop money flows.

Required Functionality:

  1. Create a money flow
  2. Delete a money flow
  3. Unwrap Super Token

Developer Tasks:

The SuperFluid integration requires both adding the core integration files and updating the demo application to showcase the SuperFluid features.


  • Create Hook - superlfuid/hooks/use-superfluid-with-wagmi-provider.ts
  • Create Send Flow Component - superlfuid/components/form-send-flow.tsx
  • Create Delete Flow Component - superlfuid/components/form-delete-flow.tsx
  • Create Unwrap Component - superlfuid/components/form-unwrap-super-token.tsx

The form-send-flow.tsx component should wrap the createFlow method.

The form-delete-flow.tsx component should stop the flow using the deleteFlow method.

The form-unwrap-super-token.tsx component should unwrap the Super Token for the underlying asset.


  • Create Send Page - app/(general)/integrations/superfluid/send/page.tsx
  • Create Delete Page - app/(general)/integrations/superfluid/delete/page.tsx
  • Create Balance Page - app/(general)/integrations/superfluid/balance/page.tsx

Developer Instructions

Form components should use react-hook-form and zod for form submission management and creating the component Typescript interfaces and types.

Reference of what the form should use:

SuperFluid documentation uses Web3Modal and ethers packages in the "Initialization" section.

When integrating SuperFluid in TurboETH use the primary wallet connection manager and utility library: wagmi and viem.

A hook should be created to integrate SuperFluid with wagmi.

The hook should look something like the code snippet below.

// use-superfluid-with-wagmi-provider.tsx
import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { useChainId, useSigner } from "wagmi";
import { Framework } from "@superfluid-finance/sdk-core";

export function useSuperFluidWithWagmiProvider() {
	const { data } = useSigner();
	const chainId = useChainId();
	return useMemo(async () => {
		if (!data?.provider) return;
		const sf = await Framework.create({
			chainId: chainId,
			provider: data?.provider?.provider, // this is the injected provider
	}, []);

Potential File Structure


The SuperFluid integration should be added to the integrations/superfluid folder.

├─ components/
│  ├─ form-send-flow.tsx
│  ├─ form-stop-flow.tsx
│  ├─ form-unwrap-super-token.tsx
├─ hooks/
│  ├─ use-superfluid-with-wagmi-provider.ts
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ utils/
│  ├─ **/*.ts

The application pages should be added to the app/(general)/integrations/superfluid folder.

├─ start-flow
│  ├─ page.tsx
├─ stop-flow
│  ├─ page.tsx
├─ balance
│  ├─ page.tsx

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 225 OP tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. OP tokens earned from RPGF are helping fund TurboETH bounties.

Bonus: 50 OP will be awarded if is used to help generate the template code in a meaningful way. Exported conversations must be made available to be eligible for the bonus reward.


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


Bounty: PoolTogether Integration - 250 OP Reward

👨‍💻 User Story

As a Web3 protocol developer I want to easily integrate decentralized finance primitives into my application.

More specifically I want to utilize PoolTogether the prize savings network. Giving users the ability to easily deposit into a web3 savings network and automatically win prizes.

📜 Disclaimer

To be eligible for the payout you must first get approval to work on the bounty.

It's recommended to share a link to your personal Github account when introducing yourself.

🧱 Project

Integrate the PoolTogether V4 protocol into the TurboETH.

The integration should include the ability to deposit and withdraw from the PoolTogether prize savings network on Ethereum, Optimism and Polygon.

Example of PrizePool and Ticket smart contracts deployed on Optimism:

PoolTogether users interact with the YieldSourcePrizePool smart contract. Mainly calling the depositTo, depositToAndDelegate and withdraw functions.

The Ticket contract is the ERC20 token that "holds" the chance to win prizes. A ptUSDC token is minted 1-to-1 when USDC is deposited into the YieldSourcePrizePool smart contract.

Required Functionality:

  1. WAGMI CLI configuration to auto-generate read,write and event hooks
  2. Deposit into PoolTogether V4
  3. Withdraw from PoolTogether V4

Developer Tasks:

  • Add essential PoolTogether V4 smart contract artifacts
    • yield-source-prize-pool-abi.json and yield-source-prize-pool-bytecode.json
    • ticket-abi.json and ticket-bytecode.json
  • Create wagmi.config.js - Configure to use essential smart contract artifacts
  • Create Component - form-yield-source-prize-pool-deposit.tsx
  • Create Component - form-yield-source-prize-pool-withdraw.tsx
  • Create Contract List - prize-pool-contract-list.ts

The Contract List should include the USDC prizes pool and ticket addresses.

Template - PrizePool Contract Address List

	1: '',
	10: '0x79Bc8bD53244bC8a9C8c27509a2d573650A83373',
	137: '',

Template - Ticket Contract Address List

	1: '',
	10: '0x62BB4fc73094c83B5e952C2180B23fA7054954c4',
	137: '',

The contract lists can be passed into a hook like the one below to easily update the deposit and withdraw components with the right smart contract addresses.

import { useNetwork } from 'wagmi'

interface ContractChainList {
	[key: number]: string

export const useLoadContractFromChainId = (list: ContractChainList) => {
	const { chain } = useNetwork()
	return list[chain?.id || 1] || undefined

# Example of Usage - USDC Tokens
const contractAddress = useLoadContractFromChainId({
	1: '0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48',
	4: '0x4f96fe3b7a6cf9725f59d353f723c1bdb64ca6aa',
	137: '0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174',

Potential File Structure


The PoolTogether integration should be added to the integrations/pooltogether-v4 folder.

├─ abis/
│  ├─ yield-source-prize-pool-abi.json
│  ├─ yield-source-prize-pool-bytecode.json
├─ components/
│  ├─ form-yield-source-prize-pool-deposit.tsx
│  ├─ form-yield-source-prize-pool-withdraw.tsx
├─ hooks/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ utils/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ prize-pool-contract-list.ts
├─ ticket-contract-list.ts
├─ pooltogether-v4-wagmi.ts
├─ wagmi.config.ts

The application pages should be added to the app/pooltogether-v4 folder.

├─ deposit
│  ├─ page.tsx
├─ withdraw
│  ├─ page.tsx

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 250 tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The OP tokens earned from the PGF program are the primary funding source for TurboETH bounties.


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


Bounty: Add ERC721 Integration - 200 OP Reward

👨‍💻 User Story

As a developer I want to quickly add customizable components for popular smart contracts.

More specifically I want ERC721 components for displaying name, symbol, tokenURI, contractURI and other smart contract data directly from the blockchain. The components should be minimal and un-opionated about design -- allowing developers to style components using different approaches like passing in tailwindcss classses or wrapping with styled-components.

Previous work from the erc721-wagmi module can be used to complete the task.


Have question?

Join the ⚡️TurboETH Discord channel

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 150 OP tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The OP tokens earned from the PGF program are the primary funding source for TurboETH bounties.

Bonus: 50 OP will be awarded if is used to help generate the template code in a meaningful way. Exported conversations must be made available to be eligible for the bonus reward.

🧱 Project

Create an erc721 integration that adds support for add ERC721 smart contracts.

The erc721 integration should have a similar file structure to the erc20 integration.

Required Functionality:

  1. wagmi.config.ts to auto-generate read, write and event hooks.

Developer Tasks:

  • Add ERC721 smart contract artifacts
    • Core - erc721-abi and erc721-bytecode
    • Test - erc721-test-abi and erc721-test-bytecode
  • Create wagmi.config.js - Configure to use core and test smart contract artifacts
  • Create Component - erc721-owner-of.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-name.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-symbol.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-total-supply.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-contract-uri-name.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-contract-uri-description.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-contract-uri-description.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-contract-uri-image.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-token-uri-name.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-token-uri-description.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-token-uri-image.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-write-mint.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-write-transfer.tsx
  • Create Component - erc721-write-approve.tsx

As stated above previous work from the erc721-wagmi module can be used to complete the task. A collection of components and hooks, like reading from IPFS and parsing bytes64 encoded tokenURI data, already exists and can be copied.


Potential File Structure

├─ components/
│  ├─ **/.tsx
├─ hooks/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ utils/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ erc721-wagmi.ts
├─ wagmi.config.ts


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


Bounty: Livepeer + Lit Protocol (Video Gating using ERC20/ERC721 Tokens) - 175 OP Reward

👨‍💻 User Story

As a content creator I want the ability to easily stream video to a private audience.

More specifically I want to utilize the Lit Protocol access control conditions and Livepeer to gate video content using ERC20 and ERC721 tokens as the conditions for access controls.

📜 Disclaimer

To be eligible for the payout you must first get approval to work on the bounty.

It's recommended to share a link to your personal Github account.

🧱 Project

Add token gating access controls to the Livepeer integration.

Dependent on issue #49 - Bounty: Livepeer Integration - 250 OP Reward being complete.

Use the Lit Protocol to gate video services from the Livepeer protocol.

Lit Protocol Access Controls Documentation & Examples

Lit Protocol should be used to generate a JWT(JSON web token).

A JWT can be generated via the getSignedToken function of the LitNodeClient.

TurboETH already includes a base Lit Protocol integration. Components are available for generating the ERC20 and ERC721 token gating access controls logic.

Livepeer Documentation

Developer Tasks:

  • Create Route - /integrations/livepeer/route-gating-stream-via-lit
  • Create Route - /integrations/livepeer/route-gating-vod-via-disco
  • Create API - /app/api/livepeer/gating-stream-via-lit
  • Create API - /app/api/livepeer/gating-vod-via-lit

Gating Routes/API
The gating logic should be containe in the route files and exported in the api file.

An example if this can be found in the Disco integration.

  • Route - contains the logic
  • API - exposes the logic

Potential File Structure


The API logic should be added to the integrations/livepeer/routes folder.

├─ routes/
│  ├─ route-gating-stream-via-lit.ts
│  ├─ route-gating-vod-via-lit.ts

The API should be added to the app/livepeer folder.

├─ gating-stream-via-lit.ts
├─ gating-vod-via-lit.ts

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 175 OP tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The OP tokens earned from the PGF program are the primary funding source for TurboETH bounties.


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


PoolTogether integration little bugs

  • The input amount has unexpected results when inputting numbers
  • Up and down arrows on input amount (dont see that in web3)
  • Deposit button missing until mouseover

Bounty: Livepeer Integration - 250 OP Reward

👨‍💻 User Story

As a content creator I want the ability to easily stream video to my audience using Web3 native infrastructure for improved cost savings.

More specifically I want to utilize Livepeer's video streaming service to professionally transcode livestreams for multiple devices and network speeds, while also reducing costs associated with streaming and video on demand by up to 50x*

Livepeer is a protocol for developers who want to add live or on-demand video to their project. It aims to increase the reliability of video streaming while reducing costs associated with it by up to 50x.

📜 Disclaimer

To be eligible for the payout you must first get approval to work on the bounty.

It's recommended to share a link to your personal Github account.

🧱 Project

Integrate the @livepeer/react module into the TurboETH integrations branch.

The integration should include both Video on Demand and Livestreaming support.

A majority of the component code can be copied from Livepeer documentation.

Video on Demand:

Developer Tasks:

  • Create Client - @integration/livepeer-client.ts
  • Create Provider - @integration/livepeer-provider.tsx
  • Create Component - @integration/components/video-livestream.tsx
  • Create Component - @integration/components/video-on-demand.tsx
  • Create Page - @root/app/integrations/liverpeer/livestream/page.tsx
  • Create Page - @root/app/integrations/liverpeer/vod/page.tsx

Potential File Structure


The core Livepeer integration should be added to the integrations/livepeer folder.

├─ components
│  ├─ video-livestream.tsx
│  ├─ video-on-demand.tsx
├─ hooks
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ utils
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ livepeer-client.tsx
├─ livepeer-provider.tsx

The application pages should be added to the app/livepeer folder.

├─ livestream
│  ├─ page.tsx
├─ video-on-demand
│  ├─ page.tsx

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 250 OP tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The OP tokens earned from the PGF program are the primary funding source for TurboETH bounties.

Bonus: 50 OP will be awarded if is used to help generate the template code in a meaningful way. Exported conversations must be made available to be eligible for the bonus reward.


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


Bounty: Add Session Key Integration - 300 OP Reward


👨‍💻 User Story

As a Web3 developer I want to craft beautiful experiences for users of my application

More specifically I want to minimize friction experienced by users in my Web3 application by minimizing signing and managing permissions overhead. Session keys (browser hot wallets) are a great way to minimize friction in Web3 applications.

The user's session keys can be given temporary smart contract permissions via the delegatable framework and/or temporary write/read access to Ceramic network data streams.

Join the Discord channel if you have any questions.

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 300 OP tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The OP tokens earned from the PGF program are the primary funding source for TurboETH bounties.

Bonus: 50 OP will be awarded if is used to help generate the integration code. Exported conversations must be made available to be eligible for the bonus reward.

🧱 Project

Add Web3 browser session keys as a TurboETH integration.

Session keys will be given temporary read/write access controls from a root account using technologies like Sign-In With Ethereum object capabilities and Delegatable delegations.

The hook should be similar to useBurnerWallet found in Scaffold-ETH 2.

Except with 2 major changes:

  • Replace ethers with viem to manage wallet instances
  • Add support for multiple wallet instances i.e. browser session keys

Viem Documentation

Required Functionality:

  1. Browser session wallets via Ethereum private keys.
  2. Use viem to manage wallet instances.
  3. If necessary use jotai for state management.

Developer Tasks:

  • Create Hook - useSessionKey
  • Create Component - <CreateSessionKey />
  • Create Component - <DeleteSessionKey />
  • Create Component - <ListSessionKeys />

The ideal candidate will have experience with React, as well as a strong understanding of browser session management and security best practices. They should be able to create a robust, reliable, and easy-to-use hook that can be easily integrated into existing React applications.

The deliverables for this project include a fully-functional React hook that manages temporary browser session keys, as well as comprehensive documentation and test cases. The project timeline is flexible, but we expect the work to be completed within two weeks of the start date.

Potential File Structure

├─ components/
│  ├─ create-session-key.tsx
│  ├─ delete-session-key.tsx
│  ├─ list-session-keys.tsx
├─ hooks/
│  ├─ use-session-key.ts
│  ├─ use-session-keys.ts
├─ client.ts


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


Bounty: Add Lit Protocol Integration - 300 OP Reward


👨‍💻 User Story

As a Web3 developer I want to use threshold cryptography for distributed access control systems.

More specifically as a developer I want to easily share environment variables and other passwords without worrying about managing access control lists and other authentication infrastructure. I want to use verifiable credentials issued by a network of digital organizations and ENS sub-domains as distributed/decentralized access control lists.

Have question?

Join the ⚡️TurboETH Discord channel

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 300 OP tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The OP tokens earned from the PGF program are the primary funding source for TurboETH bounties.

Bonus: 50 OP will be awarded if is used to help generate the integration code. Exported conversations must be made available to be eligible for the bonus reward.

🧱 Project

Add Lit Protocol encryption and decryption as a TurboETH integration.

Create environment variable sharing application using Lit protocol.

Replicate the functionality found in

Required Functionality:

  1. Encrypt environment variable for user or group of users.
  2. Decrypt environment variable for user or group of users.

How It Could Work:

  1. Encrypt for address or ENS name i.e. kames.eth
  2. Encrypt for sub-domains of an ENS name i.e. alice.web3oftrust.eth
  3. Encrypt for holders of a verifiable credential i.e. Official Disconaut

🤑 If you integrate verifiable credentials an additional 100 OP tokens will be added to bounty reward.

Developer Tasks:

  • Create Client - Singleton Lit Client
  • Create Component - <FormLitEncryptEnvironmentVariable />
  • Create Component - <FormLitDecryptEnvironmentVariable />
  • Create Documentation -

Abstract and create utility functions as neccesary.

For example it might make sense to create a LitClient instance as a jotai atom encapsulated in a useLitClient() hook. The React components can share a single LitClient instance using common patterns.

The documentation should include the necessary steps to add the Lit integration into other TurboETH projects.

Potential File Structure

├─ components/
│  ├─ form-lit-encrypt-environment-variable.tsx
│  ├─ form-lit-decrypt-environment-variable.tsx
├─ hooks/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ utils/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ client.ts


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


Bounty: Delegatable Integration & Subscription Enforcer - 325 OP Reward

👨‍💻 User Story

As a Web3 experience architect I want to create streamlined and user experience optimized transaction flows.

More specifically I want to integrate the Delegatable framework and gas-less subscription services into my Web3 application.

📜 Disclaimer

To be eligible for the payout you must first get approval to work on the bounty.

It's recommended to share a link to your personal Github account.

🧱 Project

Integrate the delegatable smart contract framework into a TurboETH template.

Integrate the DistrictERC20PermitSubscriptionsEnforcer enforcer smart contract.

Delegatable using rather complex EIP712 signatures to embed transaction execution conditionals directly into a transaction signature.

It's recommended to review the DistrictERC20PermitSubscriptionsEnforcer unit tests to see how implement the terms bytecode packing.

You can fork the Gifte Cards template and add the integration in the template.

This will require removing the existing functionality or adding the subscription functionality to the existing user interface.


Create an integration/streaming-delegatable integration in the TurboETH integrations branch and expose the funcionality in the integrations section.

Either way it's recommended to review the Giftee Cards application to see how delegatable is integrated. The EIP712 signatures can be tricky.

Required Functionality:

  • Start gas-less subscription and save transaction in a database.
  • Revoke subscription delegation.
  • Vercel cron job function every 30 minutes to execute valid transactions.

Developer Tasks:

  • Add essential Delegatable V0 smart contract artifacts
    • delegatable-abi.json and delegatable-bytecode.json
    • district-erc20-permit-subscriptions-enforcer-abi.json and district-erc20-permit-subscriptions-enforcer-bytecode.json
  • Create wagmi.config.js - Configure to use essential smart contract artifacts
  • Create Component - form-subscription-start.tsx
  • Create Component - form-subscription-end.tsx

Potential File Structure


The core delegatable-subscription integration should be added to the integrations/delegatable-subscription folder.

├─ components/
│  ├─ form-delegatable-subscription-start.tsx
│  ├─ form-delegatable-subscription-revoke.tsx
├─ hooks/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ utils/
│  ├─ **/*.ts
├─ delegatable-wagmi.ts
├─ delegatable-enforcers-wagmi.ts
├─ wagmi.config.ts

The subscription pages should be added to the app/delegatable folder.

├─ subscription
│  ├─ page.tsx


Delegatable is a complex smart contract solidity framework. It handles transaction formatting and execution differently, compared to a standard transaction or meta-transaction.

Below is an example of delegatable transaction object.

      replayProtection: {
        nonce: '0x01',
        queue: '0x00',
      batch: [
          authority: [],
          transaction: {
            to: verifyingContract.address,
            gasLimit: '210000000000000000',
            data: (
              await verifyingContract.populateTransaction.approveSubscription(
          authority: [_delegation],
          transaction: {
            to: verifyingContract.address,
            gasLimit: '210000000000000000',
            data: (await verifyingContract.populateTransaction.paySubscription()).data,

💰 Bounty Reward

The bounty reward is 325 OP tokens and TurboETH DevPass digital collectible.

TurboETH is the recipient of 18,271.88 OP Tokens from Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding. The OP tokens earned from the PGF program are the primary funding source for TurboETH bounties.


The final integration may not resemble the proposed integration - that's O.K - a natural part of software development.

During development you might discover an original hypothesis doesn't make sense. No problem. Make a comment and clearly explain why a new approach is better than old one. Get rewarded for thinking out of the box.

The final bounty reward can be increased to match new bounty tasks.


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