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swcompression's Issues

XCode 11 support ?

Hi ,

Will there be a release that will support XCode 11? Right now I'm pointing my cartfile to "develop" just to get the latest codebase that was build with swift 5.x


Sporadic crash in

First, thanks for the excellent library!

I am seeing a sporadic but persistent crash (in production) in on the following line:

let entryData = data.subdata(in: dataStartIndex..<dataEndIndex)

It seems that the range supplied to data.subdata() is out-of-range.

I don't know how this is possible, as the tarfiles are under my control and all have been tested to work. Crash stack trace is below.

Would you accept a PR that tested dataStartIndex and dataEndIndex against data.startIndex and data.endIndex and, if out of range, either:

  1. Silently adjusted the range, or
  2. Threw an error?
libswiftFoundation.dylib Foundation.Data._Representation.subscript.getter : (Swift.Range<Swift.Int>) -> Foundation.Data
libswiftFoundation.dylib Foundation.Data.subdata(in: Swift.Range<Swift.Int>) -> Foundation.Data
MyApp function signature specialization <Arg[1] = Dead> of static Foundation.Data) throws -> [SWCompression.TarEntry]
MyApp static Foundation.Data) throws -> [SWCompression.TarEntry]
MyApp MyApp.FileHelper.(_installContent in _0551FF1AC8624441A93DA7C5AC53D8BC)(fromDownloadLocation: Foundation.URL, filename: Swift.String, progress: __C.NSProgress?) -> () ArchiveManager.swift:16
MyApp partial apply forwarder for closure #1 () -> () in MyApp.FileHelper.installContent(fromDownloadLocation: Foundation.URL, filename: Swift.String, progress: __C.NSProgress?) -> () FileHelper.swift:107
MyApp reabstraction thunk helper from @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () to @escaping @callee_unowned @convention(block) () -> () <compiler-generated>:0

Linux Build Broken in Swift 5.3: kCFStringEncodingDOSLatinUS Not Found

SWCompression 4.5.5. Ubuntu 18.04.

I tested this on Swift 5.3 Release:

$ which swift
$ swift --version
Swift version 5.3 (swift-5.3-RELEASE)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

and Swift for Tensorflow 0.10 (based on Swift dev trunk):

$ which swift
$ swift --version
Swift version 5.3-dev (LLVM 55d27a5828, Swift 6a5d84ec08)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu


$ swift build
warning: dependency 'Metaprogramming' is not used by any target
.build/checkouts/SWCompression/Sources/ZIP/ByteReader+Zip.swift:36:86: error: cannot find 'kCFStringEncodingDOSLatinUS' in scope
        static let cp437Encoding: CFStringEncoding = UInt32(truncatingIfNeeded: UInt(kCFStringEncodingDOSLatinUS))
[73/91] Compiling a_bitstr.c

Carthage build fails when using `--use-xcframeworks` flag

As of Carthage 0.37 (January 2021) the recommended way to build frameworks with Carthage and Xcode 12+ is to build a platform-independent XCFramework package (see Carthage

Our team is working on a MacOS project that uses the SWCompression and are currently trying to migrate to this new way of building our Carthage dependencies in order to get our project ready for its next release.

However, when I run carthage bootstrap --use-xcframeworks --platform macOS --no-use-binaries (using Xcode 12.4 and Carthage 0.37) the build job for the SWCompression project fails with an exit code of 65. Looking at the build log it seems that the SWCompression project is unable to locate and include the BitByteData framework that has been built as an XCFramework package:

/Users/[...]/src/Carthage/Checkouts/SWCompression/Sources/ZIP/ZipEndOfCentralDirectory.swift:7:8: error: no such module 'BitByteData'
import BitByteData


The following build commands failed:
	CompileSwift normal x86_64
	CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
	CompileSwiftSources normal arm64
	CompileSwift normal arm64
(4 failures)

Carthage has checked out the BitByteData project and successfully managed to build it, so it is definitely there, it's just not in the path and/or format that SWCompression expects it to be.

According to the Migration Steps in the Carthage migrating the SWCompression project to use this new format should only require a single step:

For a framework target: In the Build Phases tab, in a Link Binary with Libraries phase, drag and drop each XCFramework you use from the Carthage/Build folder on disk.

GzipArchive.unarchive wrongMagic for short data

I was use GzipArchive.archive to compress short text like "123".
Then I use GzipArchive.unarchive decompress the data, would throw error "wrongMagic" since input too short - bitReader.bitsLeft >= 33 * 8 in GzipArchive.swift line 81.

Some zip files can't be extracted

I tested it with the develop branch and the tag 4.8.5

> wget
> ./swcomp zip -e foo -v
d = directory, f = file, l = symbolic link
f: miniz.c
f: miniz.h
f: examples/example1.c
Error: The operation could not be completed. The file doesn’t exist.
> ls foo
miniz.c  miniz.h (There should be a directory examples)
> wget
> ./swcomp zip -e foo
... Successful ....

Brotli Support?

Are there plans for Brotli Support?
This or that may be helpful.

Or are there compatible formats or other ways to use Brotli in Swift?

Thanks. Keep up the great work!

Error using SPM


I'm new to SWCompression, so I'm just trying to get it setup with a Swift Package Manager project and I'm running into an issue when compiling.

Showing All Messages
: terminated(1): /Applications/ -C /Users/js/code/SPMTestProj/SPMTest/DerivedData/SPMTest/SourcePackages/checkouts/SWCompression submodule update --init --recursive output:
    Submodule 'Tests/Test Files' ( registered for path 'Tests/Test Files'
    Cloning into '/Users/js/code/SPMTestProj/SPMTest/DerivedData/SPMTest/SourcePackages/checkouts/SWCompression/Tests/Test Files'...
    git: 'lfs' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
    The most similar command is
    error: external filter 'git lfs smudge %f' failed 1
    error: external filter 'git lfs smudge %f' failed
    fatal: 7z/SWCompressionSourceCode.7z: smudge filter lfs failed
    Unable to checkout '543e5bc90d065c9cac22e501cff97d5c4489ce45' in submodule path 'Tests/Test Files'

A couple of notes:

  • I did try setting up a clean project for testing this and came to the same result
  • I'm using a Swift 5.0.1 toolchain (not sure if this matters)

Thanks for any help you can provide.

[CRASH] LittleEndianByteReader.swift:33:20

I've been using your code in production for my project Saily, and found this issue in Bugsnag backend.

0  libswiftFoundation.dylib Data.subscript.getter
1  chromatic                LittleEndianByteReader.byte() (LittleEndianByteReader.swift:33:20)
2  chromatic                specialized static LZMA2.decompress(data:) (LZMA2.swift:26:54)
3  chromatic                static LZMA2.decompress(data:) (<compiler-generated>)
4  chromatic                RepositoryCenter.downloadUpdatePackage(withBaseUrl:suffix:) (RepositoryCenter+Downloader.swift:131:44)
5  chromatic                closure tsolomko/BitByteData#1 in closure #6 in RepositoryCenter.asyncUpdate(target:onComplete:) (RepositoryCenter+Internal.swift:304:39)
6  chromatic                partial apply for closure tsolomko/BitByteData#1 in closure #6 in RepositoryCenter.asyncUpdate(target:onComplete:) (<compiler-generated>)
7  chromatic                thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () (<compiler-generated>)
8  libdispatch.dylib        __dispatch_call_block_and_release
9 ...
libdispatch etc, etc

Currently I can not provide you the sample data about it, but will back to you if I get anything new.

Here is the full report in casue you need it.


In my project, line 33 seems to be return data[offset].

public func byte() -> UInt8 {
    defer { offset += 1 }
    return data[offset] // <--

And in SWCompression, (LZMA2.swift:26:54)

public static func decompress(data: Data) throws -> Data {
    let byteReader = LittleEndianByteReader(data: data)
//                                                   *
    return try decompress(byteReader, byteReader.byte()) // <--

LZ4 decompress speed

Hi, thanks for providing the lib and especially for the support of LZ4. I'm trying to use this to decompress lz4 files using the following code:

do {
    if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: sourceFilePath, options: .mappedIfSafe) {
        print("data loaded")
        let decompressedData = try LZ4.multiDecompress(data: data)
        let combinedData = decompressedData.reduce(Data()) { (result, data) in
            var mutableResult = result
            return mutableResult
        FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: extractedFilePathName.path, contents: combinedData)
        print("file written... in theory")
    } else {
        print("could not load")
} catch {
    print("ran in error")

It works. But compared to running lz4 via command line, it is really slow. My input has a size of around 30MB, extracted 126MB. Using the terminal it takes a second. Using the code above it takes about a minute. After "data loaded" and before "decompressed", the CPU goes up to 100% and memory goes up by roughly 125MB which is expected.

Is it expected to take so long to decompress?

I have also tried this code on your test archive SWCompressionSourceCode.tar.lz4 which I found in the test files repo. There the code just returns "corrupted". Am I loading the file wrong?

[CRASH] MsbBitReader.bit()

Hardware Model:     iPhone13,3
Process:            chromatic
Identifier:         wiki.qaq.chromatic.release
Version:            1641794667
Role:               Foreground
OS Version:         iOS 14.4
Exception Type:     EXC_BREAKPOINT 
Exception Subtype:  KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS

0  chromatic               MsbBitReader.bit() (chromatic)
1  chromatic               DecodingTree.findNextSymbol() (chromatic)
2  chromatic               specialized static BZip2.decode(_:_:) (chromatic)
3  chromatic               specialized static BZip2.decompress(_:) (chromatic)
4  chromatic               static BZip2.decompress(data:) (chromatic)
5  chromatic               RepositoryCenter.downloadUpdatePackage(withBaseUrl:suffix:) (chromatic)

Have checked my build and should not be crashing on prediction. Having no idea about what cased the crash. Affecting 1 user over 10 times in a short time.

Exposing CommonFunctions as public methods on SWCompression

The main reason why I'm looking into this library is to run untar on iOS.

This is shown here:

let entries = try fileData)
try swcomp.write(entries, outputPath, verbose.value)

However, swcomp is not exposed when importing SWCompression, so the write method which I need is inaccessible.

Could swcomp be exposed, or could the write method be added to the Container class (signature example below)?

public protocol Container {


    /// Write the entries on the filesystem
    static func write(entries: [Entry], to url: URL) throws

Warning during compilation: redundant public modifier

A simple issue with a simple fix. As of a recent Swift release, the compiler now diagnoses when redundant public modifiers exist on a type. This is causing a warning to be raised in SWCompression.

Screenshot 2019-12-12 at 00 52 25

The warning is in file BZip2+BlockSize.swift. The fix would be to remove the public modifier on the extension (line 8). This would make the warning go away. The actual behaviour of the code would be unchanged.

Compiling for watchOS fails

I'm trying to build a library that uses SWCompression for watchOS, but it fails with:

error: The package product 'BitByteData' requires minimum platform version 5.0 for the watchOS platform, but this target supports 4.0 (in target 'SWCompression' from project 'SWCompression')

I noticed BitByteData's released version (2.0.2) Package.swift not defining any .platforms, perhaps cutting a new release for this would fix it.

AR Format Support

We have implemented support for BSD AR file format at:

The reason not opening a pull request is that we have noticed you are submoduling a git repo for test files and your pipeline seems to be a little heavy for configurations. During our development, we simplified these process and we make all our AR file test work locally.

We would like yourself to merge the codes if you are ok with it. Estimated more than one repo are required to update for this merge.

The package structure are a little different from the upstream, follow are the changes we made.

├── ArContainer.swift
├── ArEntry.swift
├── ArEntryInfo.swift
├── ArError.swift
├── ArHeader.swift
├── ArParser.swift
├── ArReader.swift
├── ArWriter.swift
├── Data+Ar.swift
└── LittleEndianByteReader+Ar.swift

Are the sources for AR API interface, supports reading and writing.


Is a extension for ourself.


Is a bug fix for Apple stuff returning mismatch item from their document. If a nil is returned, do not throw an error.

├── ArCreateTests.swift
├── ArReaderTests.swift
├── ArTests.swift
└── ArWriterTests.swift

Tests/SWCompressionTests/Test Files/AR

Are tests we made.

Following files are changed but not required for merge, generally speaking, we move the unicode test string payload to files.


With above changes applied to, we can make another check in README~

|       | Zlib | GZip | XZ  | ZIP | TAR | 7-Zip | AR  |
| ----- | ---- | ---- | --- | --- | --- | ----- | --- |
| Read  | ✅   | ✅    | ✅  | ✅  | ✅   | ✅    | ✅  |
| Write | ✅   | ✅    | TBD | TBD | ✅   | TBD   | ✅ |

Have a nice day~

ZSTD and LZ4 compression support

I’m wondering if it’ll be possible to add the LZ4 and ZStandard compression algorithms to this library in the future. Personally I would find it useful, as both have outstanding decompression times, and Zstd has a great compression ratio.

Please update BitByteData dependency

My project is dependent on SWCompression for zip extraction.
Please update BitByteData dependency in package.swift.
I am getting crashes from LittleEndianByteReader.swift at line 84 from public func uint32() -> UInt32 from BitByteData v.2.0.1
I'll submit an issue on this topic in BitByteData repository.
As I see, BitByteData is updated to 2.0.4 and public func uint32() -> UInt32 is refactored there, which may help with future crashes.


Allow specifying format when creating TAR

Hi @tsolomko,

I would like to know if it is possible to add GNU tar support to SWCompression.

I would like this feature because I am trying to build a deb package that will be installed by apt. apt is able to read the first tar file, but the second tar causes apt to crash with this error:

corrupted filesystem tarfile in package archive: unsupported PAX tar header type 'x'

termux-create-package fixed the "unsupported PAX tar header type" issue by using the GNU tar format.

NFPM also uses the GNU format for building debs.


Support splitting zips into multiple files

I am working on a tool for my team to prep files for upload to cloud services as an archive. One of the steps is to turn bundle file types (.aplibrary, .fcpbundle, etc) into a single file for upload so the bundle flag doesn't get broken. However, some of these bundles are huge and even compressed are too large to upload.

I would like to be able to specify a max file size and that the tool create as many files as needed to archive the original in chunks up to max size.

Currently I am trying to use Process to run the built in /usr/bin/zip which can work, but is annoying and not very swifty. i.e. /usr/bin/zip -r -s 150g "(fileURL.path).zip", fileURL.lastPathComponent

It looks like the built in zip in macOS 13 & 14 is Info-ZIP
The ouput is a set of files like:

The Unarchiver ( knows how to unzip these even though the built in Archive Utility doesn't.

Symlinks in tarballs are created with absolute paths

Extracting a tarball containing symlinks results in symlinks with absolute paths. For example:

lrwxr-xr-x   1 me  staff    44B Oct 20 13:52 -> /Users/me/symlink-test/subdirectory/
drwxr-xr-x   3 me  staff    96B Oct 20 13:52 subdirectory/

This makes the directory non-portable, as relocating symlink-test will break the target path.

The solution for this is to see if the source and destination share a prefix, and if so, rewrite the destination to be relative. This will give a relative link, like so:

lrwxr-xr-x   1 me  staff    21B Oct 20 14:40 -> subdirectory/
drwxr-xr-x   4 me  staff   128B Oct 20 13:55 subdirectory/

This also matches the results when using the Mac's Archive Utility to extract the files.

I have a fix coded up, but need to write some tests before I can open a PR.

Is it possible to TAR a directory?

Hi @tsolomko!

I was wondering if it is possible to create a TAR archive from a directory using SWCompression. The example below shows how this could be done using tar:

$ tar -cf archive.tar archive-folder

Right now I have this code:

// Both lines to add the folder.
let entry = TarContainer.Entry(info: .init(name: "folder-name", type: .directory), data: nil)
let entry = TarContainer.Entry(info: .init(name: "/path/to/folder-name", type: .directory), data: nil)

let data = try TarContainer.create(from: [entry])

Unfortunately, when I unarchive the tar.gz, folder-name, is an invalid directory.


xz decompress very time consuming

The process of decompressing an xz file using the SWCompression package I have found to be extremely time consuming when running in an iOS environment. For example I have a compressed file with a size of 45,7MB that is taking over 15 minutes to decompress, whereas decompressing this file on a MAC using standard decompression tools takes a matter of seconds. Is there a way to speed up the process within my iOS App?

Error when decompressing a certain 7z file

I’m getting an LZMAError.notEnoughToRepeat error when uncompressing the 3rd sample file (sample-3.7z) downloaded from the website:
*The error was thrown after a long wait.

The 7z file can be uncompressed correctly on my Mac using The Unarchiver.

The code I use:

let data = try Data(contentsOf: fileURL)
let entries = try data)

Thank you!

Crash during GzipArchive.unarchive

I'm seeing crashes for my app that uses SWCompression for Gzip and Deflate decompression. Most probably this is invalid data which isn't actually Gzip compressed, but I'm not exactly sure, as I have never seen this same crash in my own testing of the app.

You can find relevant parts of the stack trace attached below. I'm not too familiar with the code base so did not go ahead with a PR, but maybe there should be a guard check for the last item in the array here, instead of forced unwrap?

Edit: Ah now I notice that the length has 0 items here. Maybe this should be caught earlier before arriving to this method so an error can be thrown for invalid compressed data?

Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 12 58 41 Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 12 58 53

LZW support?


Are there any plans to support the LZW algorithm?


Kind regards,

Remco Poelstra

BZip2Error.wrongCRC when decompressing

I’m getting a BZip2Error.wrongCRC error using BZip2 with the following file:
The file needs decompressing first before using:

let uncompressed = try Data(contentsOf: "problem.dat")
let compressed = BZip2.compress(data: uncompressed)
let backAgain = try BZip2.decompress(data: compressed)


LZFSE Support

Discussed in #54

Originally posted by wanderingbug April 10, 2024
Any chance of updating to include LZFSE? Apple hasn't updated their repo in 8 years and I would love a way to decompress on an EC2 instance instead of Apple hardware.

Memory issues when working with larger files

I have a question related to a previously created issue and wanted to follow up. (#25)

Has there been any progress on resolving this issue regarding memory spikes when working with larger files.

For example, I'm currently trying to utilize the library to create a tar file and currently we are forced to pass the entire files data contents at once (load the entire files data into memory at a time) which causes rapid/exponential spikes in memory as Tar Entry objects are created. This could be fixed by reading chunks of a file at a time while creating the tar file.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot!

Deployment target

Is there any reason why the deployment target for iOS has to be 10.1? I can build the library just fine down to at least 8.0

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