Topic: uml-diagrams Goto Github
Some thing interesting about uml-diagrams
Some thing interesting about uml-diagrams
uml-diagrams,Workflow/State Machine Engine written in modern C++. Offers a comprehensive DSL (Domain Specific Language) for UML state machines. Comes with a runtime to run, trace and visualize your state machines.
User: cepsdev
uml-diagrams,Doclet to generate UML diagrams for Javadoc using PlantUML.
User: gboersma
uml-diagrams,Let's learn UML 2.* in simple terms!
User: imalitavakoli
uml-diagrams,UML Class Diagram Builder for InterSystems Data Platforms (2014.1+)
Organization: intersystems-community
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uml-diagrams,This repository contains my personal practices and implementation of software design patterns.
User: maxicorrea
uml-diagrams,Virtual Clinic - An Integrated Care System
User: mishal23
uml-diagrams,PlantUML that runs completely on javascript without needing java/servers
Organization: plantuml
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uml-diagrams,This library provides skinning to create C4 diagrams using PlantUml
User: skleanthous
uml-diagrams,Training materials for our Python basics course:
User: veit
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uml-diagrams,Simple Parser which uses Compiler design concepts. Lexical analysis, symbol table formation, parse the code using symbol table. This code works for any OOP based Code. It can be made for other languages too using the same concepts. Create UML diagrams with class code. Convert your code into UML direclty using this tool. It can convert any OOP based code into UML.
User: vimaltiwari2612
uml-diagrams,Realtime tool for generating sequence diagrams.
Organization: zenuml
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