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This project forked from carolinamattsson/follow-the-money

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This project extracts trajectories (flows of money) from financial transaction data recorded by payment systems. The project also includes ways to analyze trajectory output. Please note that contributing to this project requires signing a Contributor License Agreement. Transaction data is overwhelmingly in private hands; banks don't do open source. To develop this project out in the open we need also the legal backing to work with payment system providers under proprietary licenses. For more information please contact Carolina Mattsson.

License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

Python 100.00%

follow-the-money's Introduction


This code turns a list of transactions from a financial ecosystem into trajectories of money through that system. These "money flows" include several possible weighting schemes and are built using explicit, modifiable, and accounting-consistent tracking heuristics.

1) Explore the data to create the configuration file

A config.json file contains everything the code needs to understand how to read the transaction file. This includes straightforward inputs, like the header that tells the code how to interpret the columns, and more complex inputs like how to define the boundary of the system. Please see the sample configuration files to clarify precise formatting.

The first thing config.json needs is the transaction_header with which to interpret the columns of the file. The actual header in the file will be ignored in favor of this one, which must contain specific columns that the code will know what to do with. The incoming data needs to be ordered, and contain at least these columns:

  • txn_ID (unique ID)
  • timestamp (of some kind)
  • src/tgt_ID (sending/receiving account)
  • amt (transaction amount)

Additional columns that can be used with different variations:

  • type (transaction type)
  • src/tgt_fee (fee/revenue incurred)
  • src/tgt_categ (known account categories)
  • src/tgt_balance (known account balances)

txn_ID, src_ID, and tgt_ID must be hashable unique IDs. They are read as strings. The amt column is converted to a float.

In order to read the timestamp column, the config.json file also needs to contain the timeformat. Note that the file itself is read in the order given (it should already be time-ordered) so the timestamp column is used primarily to calculate time differences. As such, it can be inferred or coarse. Relatedly, the config.json file needs to contain the timewindow_beg and timewindow_end so that the program can account for the finite time window of the data.

If each transaction contains information on the fee or fees that users pay to use the service (ie. the revenue the provider is generating from running the service), the program requires a fee/revenue entry in the config.json. This entry can be set to one of several possible accounting conventions. The sender convention tells the code that amt + src_fee is to be taken from the sender and amt placed in the recipient's account. The recipient convention means instead that amt is taken from the sender and amt - tgt_fee is placed in the recipient's account. Some providers may assess fees in both ways (the split convention) where amt + src_fee is taken from the sender and amt - tgt_fee is placed in the recipient's account. Note that these options all treat fees as tied to the transaction itself -- these funds never reach the account of the recipient and are not "followed" separately. It is, of course, entirely possible for providers to instead represent fees as separate transactions and it is possible to pre-process data into such a form using additional assumptions. This code uses this approach if the fees assessed on a recipient exceed the transaction amount, which should be very rare if it happens at all. In such a case, this code withdraws a separate fee from the recipient's account immediately prior to processing the transaction in question.

If the transaction file contains information on the balance of the accounts at the time of the transaction, you can tell the program to monitor these by putting a balance_type entry in the config.json. This should be set to pre if the balance column contains the balance of the accounts before the transaction is processed, and post if after. Using this option will cause the balances in the src_balance and tgt_balance columns to supersede the program's internal accounting. If and when discrepancies occur, the program will infer the existence of deposits and withdrawals enough to bring the balance back into line with what is given. Note that accounting imperatives of the transaction itself override even a given balance.

Defining the boundary_type of the system is vital for interpreting the output of follow_the_money. Payment systems are rarely fully contained. Most allow users of the system to deposit and withdraw from their individual accounts, letting the total balance of the system fluctuate with use. This means that most payment systems have a user-facing side where the movement of money is user-driven, and a provider-facing side that accommodates users' deposits and withdraws. By defining a system boundary, you can tell the program to follow only user-driven activity.

There are (at present) six options for defining the boundary of the system:

  • none (or left undefined)
  • transactions
  • accounts
  • inferred_accounts
  • accounts+otc
  • inferred_accounts+otc

Not defining a boundary, or setting boundary_type to none, will treat all transactions as user-driven and the system as fully contained.

In many datasets the type of transactions is known. This is enough to define a network boundary if transaction types fall into specific categories: they are used only amongst user-facing accounts (transfer), amongst provider-facing accounts (system), or between user-facing and provider-facing accounts (deposit & withdraw). Defining a transactions boundary requires a type column in the transaction data, and a mapping (transaction_categories) from the transaction type to the transaction category in the config.json file. Transaction types that are not included in the mapping are assumed to be system transactions that you do not want to track. Using this boundary_type with imperfect categories will report appropriate warnings when the boundary appears inconsistent, such as when a deposit follows a transfer.

In other datasets, we are provided with account categories (ex. atm, user, or bank). This is enough to define a network boundary if we can cleanly say which are user-facing and which are not. Defining an accounts boundary requires a src_categ and a tgt_categ column in the transaction data, and a list of account categories (account_following) that will be considered user-facing. Using this boundary_type will track any transaction where one or both participants are user-facing accounts. If a type column exists, however, this will still be used in the output to describe the flows.

Some datasets conform more closely to the accounts logic, but we are only given the transaction type. We may know that there are different account categories, and we see them use the same transaction type for different purposes. It is still possible to define a network boundary so long as there are some transaction types that users are not allowed to make. For example, a user would never show up as the source for a transaction type we know to be a cash deposit or the recipient of a transaction type we know to be a purchase at a point of sale. Defining an inferred_accounts boundary also requires a list of account categories (account_following) that will be considered user-facing accounts. However, these categories will be inferred using the mapping (account_categories). Some accounts may have multiple possible categories, and will be given the first one that appears in the ranked list that must be provided (account_order).

Sometimes, the dataset may contain both account and transaction information. The +otc options allow for an amalgamation of the two boundaries, given that you also provide a transaction mapping (transaction_categories). The results reflect that transactions between two untracked accounts are now tracked as their category, except that their
transaction type is given a prefix of "OTC_" in the output files. This is the acronym for "over-the-counter", which is used to describe when non-users appear to be making user transactions, possibly on a user's behalf. Transaction types that do not appear in the mapping, or are not in one of the tracked categories (deposit,transfer,withdraw), remain untracked.

In all cases, the program will report untracked transactions so you can make sure they are indeed uninteresting. But do note that it may be the case that no boundary definition is perfect. The real world is messy, payment systems included.

2) Run 'follow the money' on transaction file producing a weighted flow file input_file config_file output_directory --lifo --mixed --infer

This reads through the input_file (a .csv), using the interpretation detailed in config_file (a .json), and produces three files:

  • output_directory/flows_lifo.csv
  • output_directory/flows_mixed.csv
  • output_directory/report.csv

The function calls the methods and functions in and to follow money through the user-facing system using two explicit heuristics: --lifo and --mixed. Dropping either flag will avoid running with that heuristic.

If needed, the program first loops through the full data once to infer account_categories and/or each account's starting_balance. Starting balances are the inferred minimum balance that an account would have needed to have had at the beginning of the data to cover the transactions that we see it make without running up a negative balance. You can skip this step using the --no_balance flag, which assumes instead a starting_balance of zero.

If needed, the program makes explicit in the output places where it found changes to an account's balance with no accompanying transaction. This feature introduces an inferred transaction at the beginning of the data that brings the account to it's starting_balance, and one at the end that brings the account back to zero. If you give the program balance information (a balance_type to interpret src/tgt_balance columns), the program will also make explicit cases where it inferred the existence of deposits and withdrawals that it cannot see in order to bring the balance back into line with what is given. You can avoid this feature using the --no_infer flag.

Additional options are available. You can use --help to get descriptions, and can find a series of examples in tests/. These examples show how the output changes under the available options for a simple transaction dataset reported in different ways.

3) Analyze the output flows_lifo.csv output_directory

This script takes the output of follow-the-money, ie. of weighted flows, and reports the distribution of their size, normalized size, and duration. Additional options are available. You can use --help to get descriptions. flows_lifo.csv output_directory --circulate 4

This script takes the output of follow-the-money, ie. of weighted flows, and reports properties over observed transaction-type sequences, ie. motifs. The --circulate flag consolidates motifs at and above the given length, retaining only the first and last transaction type. Additional options are available. You can use --help to get descriptions. flows_lifo.csv output_directory

This script takes the output of follow-the-money, ie. of weighted flows, and reports properties over observed users. These are accounts that have been observed within trajectories at least once. This script reports the total amount processed by these accounts, as well as the mean and median processing time. These measures are also broken down by sub-motifs, meaning the in-out transaction type pattern that funds passing through that account follow. Ex. money that enters an account as a transfer follows a different sub-motif if it leaves as an ATM withdrawal or a payment.
Additional options are available. You can use --help to get descriptions. flows_lifo.csv output_directory

This script takes the output of follow-the-money, ie. of weighted flows, and reports properties over observed agents. These are accounts that have been observed to begin or end trajectories at least once. This script reports the total amount for which an account is a source or a sink, as well as the mean and median processing time. These measures are also broken down by motif.
Additional options are available. You can use --help to get descriptions. flows_lifo.csv output_directory

This script takes the output of follow-the-money, ie. of weighted flows, and creates a summary of the system that can be visualized as a bar-chart. Specifically, this summary conveys how much money leaves the payment system at each step and the transaction type through which it leaves.
Additional options are available. You can use --help to get descriptions. flows_lifo.csv output_directory

This script takes the output of follow-the-money, ie. of weighted flows, and creates a summary of the system that can be visualized as a bar-chart. Specifically, this summary conveys how much money leaves the payment system each day and the transaction type through which it leaves.
Additional options are available. You can use --help to get descriptions.

4) Aggregate the output into entry-exit networks

(head -1 flows_lifo.csv && tail -n +2 flows_lifo.csv | sort -t, -k6 -s) > flows_lifo_byagent.csv

First, sort the output of follow-the-money by the agent who stared the trajectory, which is the entry point to the mobile money network. flows_lifo_byagent.csv output_directory --processes 32

This program aggregates trajectories into a network of entry to exit points (network.csv). The weights for each network link is the sum of the amount, or deposit-normalized amount, that moved from that entry point to that exit point via the payment system. The weight on each link is also broken up into categories based on distance and time.

By distance:

  • 0user Funds passed directly from an entry point to an exit point (ex. over-the-counter bill payments)
  • 1user Funds passed through one user (ex. a deposit followed by a withdrawal, short-term money storage)
  • 2user Funds passed through two users (ex. a deposits, sent as a transfer, then used as a payment)
  • 3+user Funds passed through three or more users

By time:

  • 0days Funds moved instantaneously from entry point to an exit point
  • 1days Funds entered and exited the system on the same day
  • 2days Funds entered the system and then exited on the subsequent day
  • 3+days Funds remained in the system for longer

This script also creates a file of network descriptives for these accounts (network_agents.csv).

This aggregation is computationally intensive, and using multiple processes is suggested.

Additional options are available. You can use --help to get descriptions.  network.csv --split_term 0user --split_term 1user --split_term 2user,3+user

This python script reads the entry-exit network and splits it along the dimensions given, creating separate networks in a condensed format, called pajek files (extension .net). The example provided will create three networks, one with the instantaneous transaction amount from one agent to another, a second with the money that is deposited at the entry point and withdrawn at the exit, and a third with the money that experiences at least one user-user transfer en route from entry to the exit. By default, the edge-weight becomes the amount observed to move from entry to exit point while the --normalized flag tells the code to use the deposit-normalized amount instead. Using the --split_type tag, the script can also split the entry-exit network by the type of edge, meaning the most common enter-exit transaction type combination observed between those entry-exit points. Without any --split flags, the code will create a network using the overall totals. It is also possible to split each resulting network using a list of nodes, passed to the --subgraph flag as a filename. This creates a subgraph network containing only the links among these nodes and a remgraph network containing all remaining edges. Additional options are available. You can use --help to get descriptions.

5) Mapping and visualization

nohup ./Infomap OUTPUT_FOLDER/ -k -d -o -p 0.15 -N 4  --ftree -v >  OUTPUT_FOLDER/network_total_nrm.out

The pajek files (extension .net) can be used directly as the input to the stand-alone C++ implementation of the Infomap algorithm, available here: Running this algorithm with the above options simulates deposit transactions ( or individual dollars ( moving between agents randomly in proportion to the edge weights of the system. With a 15% probability, at each step, we introduce some noise to the system and the random movement begins again at an agent chosen randomly in proportion to the actual deposits (amount deposited) they received. The result is a 'map' of the entry-exit network with agents grouped together if deposits (or dollars) get 'stuck' amongst them. This 'map' is fractal in nature if the data supports it, and the .ftree file it produces can be interactively viewed at: --node_sort core_number --nodes 4000 --edge_sort noise_corrected_pct --edges 0.9

This python script reads a network in pajek format (extension .net). The script returns a .gexf file that can be immediately read by Gephi, free and open source network visualization software, available here:

The --node_sort flag must refer to a sortable property of the nodes in the pajek file; by default this is the core_number, which is calculated within, but out_strength is also available out-of-the-box. The top number of nodes given in --nodes are kept. The --edge_sort flag must refer to a property returned by the algorithm; by default this is noise_corrected_pct, but a few others could be made available (see below). Agents at or above the fraction given in --edges are kept.

This is a lightly modified version of Michele Coscia's network backboning code, available here: The function that is called by is called noise_corrected(), offering the following options:

  • weight The absolute link weight
  • pct
  • score
  • score_pct
  • noise_corrected
  • noise_corrected_pct

It would be fairly simple to modify to filter based off of the other backboning options.

follow-the-money's People


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