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flash2svg's Issues

No image after timeline has finished

Hi, cool library Tom
There might be a simple thing I am missing.
I do not want the svg to loop, so I leave the option unchecked. Doing this causes, once the timeline has played out, the last frame to be blank.
I've tried forcing the timeline frame range too.
It looks fine when it loops.
Using the 3.50 release

A wrong path

Hello, I just installed the latest version of Flash2Svg (3.48.0) but when I try to export a very simple animation I get the following error:
2016-11-12 19_26_05-adobe animate
I'm from Germany and my Animate is German, so the text is saying:
The given output path could not be found. Please update and try again. [D-\SOUwut\frizzy-ohr-wackel_temp]
The last must be D:\SOUwut... but there is _ instead of :
Please help. I like your plugin very much, used an earlier version before.

error while exporting svg animation


i tried to export a 30 frames long svg animation in animate cc 2017.0.1 with the v3.55 installed, and i got the following error:

getShape: (Timeline Scene 1 copy, Layer nyil, Frame 0, EditPath 0)
getShape: (Timeline Scene 1 copy, Layer nyil, Frame 0, EditPath 0:0)
WARNING: Couldn't find item at edit path (Timeline Scene 1 copy, Layer nyil, Frame 0, EditPath 0:0)
Error: selection: Argument number 1 is invalid.

what can be the problem?


TypeError: timeline is undefined

When trying to use this add-on to export an animation I get the error:

TypeError: timeline is undefined

I had the issue when installing from the Adobe Add-on page and thought I needed to update to your latest release. But I get the same results either way. (You might want to update the version that is on the Adobe site to your latest).

Are there any guidelines as far as nesting movie clips or anything that needs to be done to work more efficiently with it? I was able to export one animation but I'm not sure why one worked and not the other. Could be I'm missing something obvious.

Using Mac OSX 10.11.6, Adobe Animate CC 2015.2

I have to make at least 6 animations for an upcoming deadline and really hoping to get this t work. Thanks for any advice. Here's my file if it helps!

Elements misaligned

I'm using Adobe Animate 2019 (ver 19.2) and Flash2SVG version 3.58.0.

I can't successfully export a single FLA. When I launch Adobe Animate I'm offered a bunch of sample files on the Home screen. I've tried "Happy Pants Guy Dance", "Scared Puppy", "Walkcycle" and "Complainer". When I view the animated SVG in the browser, lots of elements (limbs, facial features) are scattered all over the screen.

Exported SVG does not have colours in it

Hey Tom,
I just tried exporting something super simple from Animate 19.1

screenshot 2019-02-08 at 11 05 57

And it doesn't really work. However, there is stuff in the SVG, if I open it in code editor I can see that there are groups there and translation animation and all that, but it's all transparent it would appear.

It's supposed to be a simple red rectangle that just moves across the screen (I'm just testing):

screenshot 2019-02-08 at 11 07 10

But the resulting SVG is wonky.

Here it is, if you wanna take a look:

It has stuff inside it, but it doesn't really function 😄

Any ideas?

Issue Exporting Shapes on Flash CS6 on MacOS 10.10.5

Hi There!
This is the first time i try to use Flash2Svg.
I have sucessfully exported a SVG file with only Text on Stage and Text to Outline disabled.

Exporting any simpel Shape will cause the Export Progress to stall. (No CPU load though).
Here is the Error Message on the Output Panel:

TypeError: svgXml.defs[0] has no properties
SVG Export Failed (when i press cancel)

This Process leaves me with Temp_X Folders in my Flash Library containing Shapes and an empty file_temp Folder on the Filesystem instead of an exported SVG FIle.

Thanks a lot for this little tool, would be great to get this working!

Error: Invalid JavaScript object

Do you know what the cause of this error would be?

Error: Invalid JavaScript object. The original object may have been deleted or the document may have been closed.

It created a temp folder, and a CSV log file, but both are blank.

broken with version 19 of Adobe Animate CC

Since version 19 of Adobe Animate CC the Plugin seems to be broken. Exports which worked before are now completely destroyed.

Is there any chance the Plugin will be updated to be compatible with the current CC Version?

Error: TypeError: timeline.libraryItem is null

When exporting output type SVG images I keep getting the error TypeError: timeline.libraryItem is null
Animated SVG works fine though.

Flash 2015.0 Release Build

Error building from source in Windows 10

I am unable to export animated SVGs using Animate 2019. I observed this commit, and hence am trying to build from source. But I keep facing some errors:


Are there any workarounds?

Can't install on Flash CC 2015

When I try to install the extension I get this error message: "This extension cannot be installed, it requires Flash version 11 or greater"

Im on Windows 7 (64) using Flash CC 2015 (


Any plugin settings influencing the SVG structure?

First of all, thank you for the terrific work on this plugin! It's an enormous help in the workflow.

Question: are there any plugin settings that control the resulting SVG's structure? I have an animated FLA that exports fine - except it doesn't show up in IE Edge. I've got another SVG for reference (exported from a similar FLA), which is working fine. Their respective structures are quite different; I'm trying to reverse-engineer an export procedure which would give me an SVG structure similar to that of the working reference.

A couple of things that could be causing issues:

  • presence of the element
  • multiple elements inside each element

If there's a setting that influences either of the above - I would be thrilled to find out which one. Any pointers on where else I could dig are greatly appreciated!

Approximate structure of the problematic SVG:

<g id="Tween_33" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 613.1 640.9)">
    <animateTransform attributeName="transform" additive="replace" type="translate" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="1.917s" keyTimes="..." calcMode="discrete" />
    <path fill="url(#linearGradient6)" d="..." />
    <path fill="#FCF0D4" d="..." />
    <path fill="#F8DC98" d="..." />
    <path fill="#4C4E50" d="..." />
    <path fill="#FFE83F" d="..." />
    <path fill="#FFC71E" d="..." />

Approximate structure of the working SVG:

<g id="4_RCAEID70187_144A.ai_f46_d70_l1" transform="matrix(1.02 0 0 1.02 -1437.75 -627.65)">
  <use xlink:href="#Whiteboard" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1489.35 687.95)" />
  <g mask="url(#4_RCAEID70187_144A.ai_f46_d70_l1_5_46)">
    <use xlink:href="#Bee" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1588.4 730.35)" />
  <mask id="4_RCAEID70187_144A.ai_f46_d70_l1_5_46">
    <g id="Bee_mask" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1489.35 687.95)">
      <path fill="#FFF" d="..." fill-opacity="1" />

Background raster image not displaying

I'd like to have an animated elements over a photo that is added to the header of the page as a background-image and set to background-size, cover. I tried to set the exported svg in css but there is no raster image in it. only vector elements.
The work around is to trace the photo but it wouldn't be very efficient.

(Btw. I can't believe I've somehow missed this plugin. Great job!)

Error: The function deleteSelection() is currently unavailable.

When trying to save as SVG on Animate CC (2015 or 2017) I am getting the following error:
"Error: The function deleteSelection() is currently unavailable."

I managed to hack my way through it somehow but cannot reproduce the same result on a Mac.

Here are the steps I remember I did:

  1. Tried to install the plugin via ZXPInstaller
  2. The installation was "successful" but there was noting in Window > Extensions >
  3. Tried to put the plugin manually (copy-paste the files in the appData folder)
  4. The plugin showed up
  5. When I tried to save as SVG got the "Error: The function deleteSelection() is currently unavailable."
  6. Downgraded the plugin to v3.36 manually
  7. At this point I could save as SVG but if I deselected the "loop animation" everything scrambled (probably anchor points at top left)
  8. Found the Adobe Extension Manager Utility (
  9. Installed the latest version of Flash2Svg successfully with it
  10. Now I had Window > Extensions > SVG Animation and Window > Extensions > SVG
  11. Save as SVG still got me the "Error: The function deleteSelection() is currently unavailable."
  12. Downloaded v3.40 and manually replaced the files (copy-paste the files in the appData folder)
  13. Now If I choose Window > Extensions > SVG Animation I can successfully save the SVG animation
  14. (BONUS) I tried to reproduce the steps on a Mac but still get the "Error: The function deleteSelection() is currently unavailable."

It's a mess sorry :)


Hi Tom,
I was trying out for the first time the plugin and I receive this error:
doNextTimeline: 0 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/lais.kantor.caserta/Desktop/plus+check.svg
Error: Invalid JavaScript object. The original object may have been deleted or the document may have been closed.

Not sure if there is something that I can do to fix. I attach the file so you can see it.

Thanks a lot!

Adobe Animate 2019


With last version of your extension (58), i have this problem when i try to export:

getShape: (Timeline Scena 1 copy, Layer screen, Frame 0, EditPath 0)
Error: 'moveSelectionBy' requires a selection.
Failed to load SVG for embedding

Thank you!

Getting error on export

I'm getting the following error whenever I try to export as svg:

TypeError: svgXml.defs[0] has no properties

Any idea why? I'm using Flash Professional CS6 version and your plugin v3.47.0

Warmest regards,



Output Format Type: SVG Images | Breaks on gradients?

Animate version: CC. 2017.2 Release Build
SVG Animation version: v3.54

Currently I am testing the usage of your add-on to generate the separate 'SVG Images', so later on with code I can put them together to animate to this way be compatible with IE.

Now when having a flat object being animated works file, and it generates all the images perfect.
Yet, when I have an object with a gradient, it seems to work on frame '0', but from frame '1' and forward all objects
containing a gradient are black objects.

Now I feel I have tried every possible combination or option in the SVG Animation export, but it keeps breaking on gradient objects.
Is this a bug of am I missing a setting?

Thanks for the add-on and help

Motion Tween not implemented

Dear author,

I read your readme information and noticed that the classic motion tween is already supported. However I created a test FLA document and noticed that the motion tween is not working. The keyframe-animations did work.

In the attachment I've put the FLA and SVG files.


MotionTweens don't get exported

Hi, I am using Win7 with CS5 and V 3.2 of flash2svg and tried to export a flash animation with motion tweens. The result was alway only one frame but no animation. Changing the tween to a classic tween did export the animation. Is there a way to get te export working with motion tweens?
Thanks for your help and this nice extension.

Export selected library items gives error


Great library. I am glad I ran into your library, since the SVG options in animate are severely limited.
I would love the export selected library items. But I can't get it to work, and get an error.
First an error that I haven't selected anything. ( Which I think I did, see the 4 items in the screenshot ).
And then a second error.

I run AnimateCC 2017 build on OSX

Thanks in advance.

screen shot 2016-12-13 at 12 11 09
screen shot 2016-12-13 at 12 08 40

Flickering on hover

I tried to animate icons on hover. Changing background images in CSS worked only the first time (unless the animation is looping) so I'm using this JS:


but it is not completely smooth... Any other suggestions?

Primitives and Drawing objects need to be broken apart to export properly

Drawing objects are not being exported correctly. Tested using Animate CC (2015.1 release).

Here's an example FLA with generated SVG:
Example has two Movieclips on stage. Lower one is the original that has been drawn using drawing objects and and oval primitive and the upper one where all shapes have been broken apart (Modify>Break Apart).

Result should have two identical Pacmans, but the lower (original with primitives and Drawing objects inside) gets corrupted. The upper pacman is exported correctly (All shapes inside it have been broken apart).

This is what should be exported:

But this is what gets exported:

Building on Windows 8.1

I'm trying to build the latest version on Windows 8.1.

Running build.bat on a CMD windows with Admin rights I get the following errors:

File not found - metainfo
0 File(s) copied
unable to create temp file in output directory
  ucf -package ( -storetype <type> ( -keystore <store> )? ( -storepass <pass> )? ( -keypass <pass> )? ( -providerName <name> )? ( -tsa <url> )? )? <ucf-file> <fileOrDir>* (( -C <dir> <fileOrDir>+ ) | ( -e <file> <path> ))*
  ucf -help

I created the cert.p12 using the instructions on this video:

Any ideas?

Render issues - lines overlapping or errors thrown left right and centre

Hello there,

I'm having a few issues rendering with the svg exporter in flash cc.

Basically the animation is frame by frame, a few classic tweens thrown in there for good measure. At first I tried exporting the file from within the graphic where all the layers were nested. this did not work and merely broke all the different objects up and the render was not successful.

I then went into the main timeline, broke up all the objects and this kind of works... but the lines overlap as if onion skin is on? It's only at one specific point too; where there's a bit of hand drawn animation.

can anybody help? Will happily send over working files if needed


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