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jsoda's Introduction


Jsoda provides a simple Java object library over the AWS API to simplify the storing of Java objects in Amazon's SimpleDB and DynamoDB. Java classes are used as table model to create the database tables. Ordinary objects (POJO) are stored as records in the tables. Primitive data types are automatically encoded in the database type to ensure correct querying and sorting. DSL-style query methods make querying simple and easy.

A Hello World Sample

Here's a quick example to illustrate the usage of Jsoda.

Annotate the Java class as a model class with the @Model annotation. Annotate the id field as the primary key with @Key.

public class Hello {
    public int      id;
    public String   message;

That's it. The class is ready to be stored in the AWS database.

Create a Jsoda object with your AWS credentials to use the Jsoda API.

Jsoda jsoda = new Jsoda(new BasicAWSCredentials(awsKey, awsSecret));

Create the corresponding table in the AWS database.


To store an object, call the Dao.put() method.

jsoda.dao(Hello.class).put(new Hello(101, "Hello world"));

To load an object, call the Dao.get() method.

Hello obj1 = jsoda.dao(Hello.class).get(101);

To load all the objects, run a query without any condition.

List<Hello> objs = jsoda.query(Hello.class).run();

Build query with conditions using chainable DSL-style methods.

List<Hello> objs = jsoda.query(Hello.class)
                    .eq("id", 101)

List<Hello> objs = jsoda.query(Hello.class)
                    .between("id", 100, 500)
                    .like("message", "Hello%")

To count the possible return objects, call the Query.count() method.

int objCount = jsoda.query(Hello.class)
                    .like("message", "Hello%")

By default @Model stores a class in SimpleDB. To switch a class to store in DynamoDB, change its dbtype:

@Model(dbtype = DbType.DynamoDB)
public class Hello {

That's it. All the other API calls above stay the same. Simple and easy.

(See the sample files in the sample directory or the unit tests for more examples.)

Quick Rundown on Features

  • One unified API and modeling for both SimpleDB and DynamoDB
  • Model table with Java class
  • Store records with plain Java objects
  • Encode primitive data type and JSON-ify complex type on object fields
  • Simple get/put/delete operations. Batch operations.
  • Conditional update
  • Chainable DSL-style methods for query
  • Pagination for iterating query result
  • Consistent read or Eventual Consistent read supported
  • Object versioning for optimistic locking
  • Pluggable object caching service with multi-attribute caching support
  • Automatic field data generation
  • Rich data validation rules
  • Aspect style @PrePersist, @PreValidation, and @PostLoad methods on object loading and saving


Jsoda adds just a thin layer over the AWS API to make it easy to work in objects. It doesn't try to implement the JPA, JDO, or EJB features on top of AWS databases. The AWS database concepts, modeling, operations, and query feature are still there. It's just a convenient object layer over the bare metal in AWS.

Unified API and Modeling

Jsoda aims to provide one unified API and modeling mechanism to both SimpleDB and DynamoDB. Switching between SimpleDB and DynamoDB is a matter of changing the @Model annotation or one model registration API. Storing the same model class in both SimpleDB and DynamoDB are supported as well.

Quick Start


Place the jsoda-version.jar file in your classpath. The jar can be downloaded or found in the dist directory of the file.


Jsoda has a few dependent 3rd party jar libraries, but most of them are needed for the AWS Java SDK. Put them in your classpath as needed.

  • Latest version of AWS Java SDK (aws-java-sdk-1.3.0.jar or higher) that supports DynamoDB
  • Apache Commons BeanUtils (commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar or higher)
  • Apache Commons Lang (commons-lang-2.4.jar or higher)
  • Apache Commons Logging (commons-logging-1.1.1.jar or higher)
  • Apache Http Client (httpclient-4.1.2.jar or higher)
  • Apache Http Core (httpcore-4.1.3.jar or higher)
  • Jackson JSON Processor (jackson-all-1.8.4.jar or higher)
  • Apache Xerces2 (xercesImpl.jar). AWS SDK might or might not need this, depending on usage

The files lib/readme and utest/lib/readme list the dependent libraries for building and running unit tests.

Development Guide

Jsoda API Object Model

There are only a few simple objects in Jsoda to access the API: Jsoda, Dao, and Query.

Jsoda API Object

The main factory is the Jsoda object, which has your AWS credentials defining the scope of the database operations, i.e. the operations initiated from the Jsoda object can access only the databases managed under those AWS credentials. Jsoda is the main entry to access the other Jsoda API objects. It also maintains the registration of model classes. Multiple Jsoda objects can be created in one JVM. Each with its own AWS credentials and registry of model classes.

Jsoda is thread-safe and can be shared globally. One usage pattern is to create one Jsoda object in your app-wide singleton object and use it for the whole app.

Setting Database Endpoint

To switch to a differnt endpoint for the AWS database service, call Jsoda.setDbEndpoint(). E.g.

jsoda.setDbEndpoint(DbType.SimpleDB, "");
jsoda.setDbEndpoint(DbType.DynamoDB, "");

Dao API Object

A Dao object is a model class specific API object for doing get/put/delete operations on individual model objects. Dao only accepts and returns the specific model type objects, reducing the chance of operating on the wrong types of model objects. To get a Dao for a model class, make the following call.

Dao<Sample1> dao1 = jsoda.dao(Sample1.class);

Dao is thread-safe. The usual usage pattern is to get the model specific Dao object from the Jsoda object.

Query API Object

A Query object is a model class specific API object for doing querying operations on sets of model objects. To query a model class, create a model specific Query object from Jsoda.

Query<Sample1> query1 = jsoda.query(Sample1.class);

Query supports DSL-style methods for constructing query. The methods can be chained together for brevity."product", "%Paper%")
     .between("price", 10.50, 30.50)

Query is not thread-safe. It maintains querying state. Multiple threads using the same Query object might cause unintended conflicts. The usage pattern is to create a new Query object from Jsoda every time you need to query the model table.

Modeling Data Classes with Jsoda

Annotate a Model Class

A class can be annotated with @Model to mark it as ready to store in AWS database.

public class Sample1 {

By default @Model marks a class to be stored in the SimpleDB. Change its dbtype to store to a different database type. For example,

@Model(dbtype = DbType.DynamoDB)        // store in DynamoDB
public class Sample1 {

@Model(dbtype = DbType.SimpleDB)        // store in SimpleDB
public class Sample1 {

By default the table name used in the database will be the model class name. The table name can be specified using the table attribute of the annotation.

@Model(table = "MySample1")
public class Sample1 {

@Model.prefix adds a prefix to the table name, either from class name or the table attribute. This can be used to group tables together in a namespace when specified on a set of model classes.

@Model(prefix = "Acct_")                // table name becomes Acct_Sample1
public class Sample1 {

DynamoDB's ProvisionedThroughput on a table can be specified with readThroughput or writeThroughput in @Model. They have no effect on SimpleDB.

Key Field of a Model Class

At the minimum you need to identify one field in the model class as the @Key field. This serves as the primary key to store the object in the database. Jsoda supports int, Integer, long, Long, and String type data as Key field. For example,

public class Hello {
    public int      id;

Since DynamoDB has the concept of composite primary key (hashKey + rangeKey), @Key supports annotating two fields in the model class to form the composite key. For example,

public class Hello2 {
    @Key(hashKey=true)      // Mark this field as the hashKey part of the composite key.
    public int      id;
    @Key(rangeKey=true)     // Mark this field as the rangeKey part of the composite key.
    public String   name;

Composite key works in SimpleDB as well. The value of the composite key fields are combined to form the item name (primary key) of a record in SimpleDB.

Dao and Query accept composite key value pair in their API methods.

Field Data Types

Since SimpleDB and DynamoDB store only String type data, non-String data needs to be encoded to ensure correct comparison and sorting in query. Most of the primitive Java type data are encoded automatically when used in the fields of a model class: byte, char, short, int, long, float, boolean, and java.util.Date. Check the code in DataUtil.encodeValueToAttrStr() for details.

Fields with complex data types, arrays, list, map, or any embedded objects, are supported as well. They are stored as JSON string. However, they cannot be searched or used in query condition.

Note that SimpleDB has a limit of 1024 bytes per attribute. Excessive large complex objects might exceed the limitation after JSON-ified.

Model Class Registration

Model classes need to be registered first before they can be used. There are two ways to register model classes: auto-registration and explicit registration. When a model class has enough annotation information, it can be auto-registered upon its first use. For example,

Dao<Sample1>    dao1 = jsoda.dao(Sample1.class);
Query<Sample1>  query1 = jsoda.query(Sample1.class);

Either one of the above would auto-register the Sample1 model class with the jsoda object.

When a model class doesn't have the @Model annotation or you want to override the dbtype in the annotation (default or specified), you can register it via the Jsoda.registerModel() method.

jsoda.registerModel(Sample1.class, DbType.DynamoDB);

The above would register the Sample1 model to be stored in DynamoDB instead of the default SimpleDB dbtype in @Model.

Note that a model class can only be registered against one dbtype in a Jsoda object. If the same model class needs to be stored in both SimpleDB and DynamoDB, register the model class in a different Jsoda object. E.g.

jsodaSdb.registerModel(Sample1.class, DbType.SimpleDB);
jsodaDyn.registerModel(Sample1.class, DbType.DynamoDB);

Create, List, and Delete Model Tables

The table (domain) of a registered model class can be created via the Jsoda.createModelTable() method. Table creation only needs to be done once.


Listing of the native table names in a database can be done via the Jsoda.listNativeTables() method. It lists all the tables in the database, whether they are created via Jsoda or by other means.

List<String> tables = jsoda.listNativeTables(DbType.SimpleDB);
List<String> tables = jsoda.listNativeTables(DbType.DynamoDB);

Note that this returns the native table names, which might be different from the model name of the model class depending on the @Model.table mapping.

A registered model's table can be deleted via Jsoda.deleteModelTable(). Native tables can be deleted via Jsoda.deleteNativeTable(). This can be helpful when a model's table mapping has changed and you want to get rid of the old native table.

Exercise extreme caution in deleting tables. Data are gone once deleted.

Storing, Getting, and Deleting Objects

Storing, getting, and deleting objects can be done via get/put/delete in Dao.

Storing Objects

Saving objects of a model class is done via the Dao.put() method.

Dao<Hello>  dao = jsoda.dao(Hello.class);
dao.put(new Hello(101, "abc"));
dao.put(new Hello(102, "def"));
dao.put(new Hello(103, "ghi"));

Dao supports batch updates via batchPut.

dao.batchPut( new Hello(50, "aa"), new Hello(51, "bb"), new Hello(52, "cc") );

Storing Steps

When an object is stored, a series of steps takes place. It's good to know them if you want to do validation or intercept the storing call.

  • Pre-Storing Steps
    1. The @PrePersist method in the model class is called if one is annotated, giving you the chance to modify any data field.
    2. The data generators annotated on the fields are called to fill in the field value. E.g. @DefaultGUID or @ModifiedTime.
    3. The composite data generatorson the fields are called to fill in the field value. E.g. @DefaultComposite.
    4. The @PreValidation method in the model class is called if one is annotated, giving you the chance to modify the field after the data generators run and do any custom validation before the built-in ones run.
    5. Built-in validations annotated on the fields are called.
  • The object is saved in the database.
  • Post-Storing Step.
    The cache service updates its cache with the new object if it's cacheable.

Getting Objects

Loading objects of a model class is simply done via the Dao.get() method.


Composite key object needs to pass both the hashKey and rangeKey in.

jsoda.dao(Hello2.class).get(101, "abc");

Deleting Objects

Deleting objects is done via the Dao.delete() method.


Composite key object needs to pass both the hashKey and rangeKey in.

jsoda.dao(Hello2.class).delete(101, "abc");

Batch delete is done via Dao.batchDelete().

jsoda.dao(Hello.class).batchDelete(101, 102, 103);

Conditional Update

Conditional update is done via the Dao.putIf() method. The call would fail if the expected value of a field is not matching. This is the way AWS implements optimistic locking to allow orderly concurrent updates from multiple clients.

If conditional update fails, you should load the latest version of the object, merge in the changes to the original object and save again.

Note that conditional update doesn't work with batchPut().

Object Versioning

Jsoda makes optimistic locking easier by doing all the work in Dao. You simply add a version field (of type int) to the model class and annotate it with @VersionLocking. Versioning works with both SimpleDB and DynamoDB.

public class Hello3 {
    public int      id;
    public String   name;
    public int      myVersion;

Dao<Hello3> dao = jsoda.dao(Hello3.class);
dao.put(new Hello3(101, "abc"));
Hello3  hello3 = dao.get(101); = "xyz";

Both dao.put()'s will increment the version and perform conditional update on it to do optimistic locking. If another client has updated the object with a newer version, your put() will fail.

Note that object versioning doesn't work with batchPut().


Query in Jsoda is done via the Query object. Create a model class specific Query object via the Jsoda object.

Query<Sample1>  query = jsoda.query(Sample1.class);

The querying syntax is the set of DSL methods in Query. Jsoda's query API works on both SimpleDB and DynamoDB. There's no need to learn another query language.

Select All

To query all items with all the attributes for each item, run the query without any condition.

List<Sample1> objs =;

Select Some Fields

To select only some attributes for each item, add the select method to list the fields to return. The following returns objects with only the name field filled in.

List<Sample1> objs ="name").run();

This returns objects with the id and name fields filled in.

List<Sample1> objs ="id", "name").run();

Filtering Condition

Add conditions to query to filter out unwanted objects. The following returns only the objects whose id equals to the 101 value, and age is greater than 20.

List<Sample1> objs = query.eq("id", 101).run();
List<Sample1> objs ="age, 20).run();

The supported comparison methods are: eq, ne, le, lt, ge, gt, like, not_like, contains, not_contains, and begins_with.

The unary condition method for checking null in field: is_null and is_not_null.

List<Sample1> objs = query.is_not_null("name").run();

The between method takes two value arguments to set the bounds of the range.

List<Sample1> objs = query.between("age", 20, 30).run();

The in method checks if the field matches any value in the list of values.

List<Sample1> objs ="name", "Jack", "Jane", "Joe").run();

Note that some conditional operators are not supported in SimpleDB or DynamoDB.

Multiple conditions can be combined. They have the AND effect. The following returns objects whose age is between 20 and 30 and whose name has "ack" in it.

List<Sample1> objs = query
                    .between("age", 20, 30)
                    .like("name", "%ack%")

Order By

The return order of the objects can be ordered via the order_by or order_by_desc method. The following orders the result in ascending order of the age field.

List<Sample1> objs = query.between("age", 20, 30).orde_by("age").run();

The following reverses the return order.

List<Sample1> objs = query.between("age", 20, 30).orde_by_desc("age").run();

Note that since order by requires a sorted index in the underlying database to work, an index is needed to be in use, which means the order by field must be a field used in the condition, for both SimpleDB and DynamoDB.

Chaining Methods

Most of the Query methods returns the Query object itself so that method calls can be chained together for brevity. E.g."name").between("age", 20, 30).like("name", "%ack%").order_by("age").run();

Iterating Result

SimpleDB and DynamoDB return only a fixed number of objects at each request even if there are more items in the result set. follows that limitation. To get the next batch of items in the result set, call again. Each call to will return the next batch of result until there are no more. At that point returns an empty list.

The typical result processing loop is:

List<T> items;
while ((items = != 0) {
    for (T item : items) {

The Query.hasNext() method can also be used for checking additional result. Using Query.hasNext() can produce a cleanup loop:

while (query.hasNext()) {
    for (Model1 item : {

Query vs Scan

DynamoDB has a limited index-based query capability since it has only one or two indexes. Querying DynamoDB table often results in a scan of all the objects. DynamoDB only supports index-based query when the hashKey and rangeKey are involved in the condition. See the DynamoDB documentation for detail.

Data Generators and Cleansers

There are convenient annotations that can automatically generate data to fill in the fields when an object is stored.

@ModifiedTime : Fill a Date field with the current time whenever the object is saved.

@DefaultGUID : Generate GUID for the field at saving time if the field is not filled in.

@DefaultComposite : Concatenate data from several fields and put result in the field if it's not filled in.




Caching is done on a per-object basis. Get/put/batchPut/query will all populate the cache with the updated version of the object(s). The next get() will retrieve it from the cache.

Jsoda has a simple extendable caching system, with a built-in in-memory cache service out of the box.

The cache service functionalities are encapsulated and exposed via the MemCacheable interface. Any cache service implementing the interface can be plugged into Jsoda.

A cache service is plugged into a Jsoda object by passing the MemCacheable object to its construtor. E.g.

Jsoda jsoda = new Jsoda(credentials, new MemCacheableSimple(10000));

By default if no cache service is passed in, a MemCacheableSimple cache is used, which is a simple in-memory LRU cache service.

Pass in null or a MemCacheableNoop object if you don't want caching.

Serializable for Caching

A class must implement to participate in caching.


The @CachePolicy annotation can be applied to a model class to enable or disable caching for the class and controls the object expiration.

By default, all Serializable classes are cached automatically. To turn off caching for a class, set @CachePolicy.cacheable to false.

Caching Scope

The scope of the data objects cached depends on the type of caching service and whether a MemCacheable object is shared among the Jsoda objects.

When an external distributed cache service (like MemCache) is used, the scope is global to all Jsoda objects having it, even among different JVM's. When a local cache service (MemCacheableSimple) is used, the caching scope is limited to the one MemCacheable object. If each Jsoda object has its own MemCacheable object, the cached data objects are not shared. If multiple Jsoda objects share the same MemCacheable object, the cached data objects are shared.

Cache by Field

Object is cached by its key automatically. If you want to cache by other fields, mark the fields with the @CacheByField annotation. The Dao.findBy() method will use the cache.

Misc Annotation




Jsoda is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL). See the license.txt file for detail. Basically you can incorporate Jsoda into your work however you like (open source or proprietary), but when making change to Jsoda itself, you need to release the changes under MPL.

jsoda's People


tlperkins avatar williamw520 avatar





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