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parametron.jl's Issues

"unsupported objective" for empty feasibility problems


julia> using SimpleQP

julia> using OSQP.MathOptInterfaceOSQP

julia> model = Model(OSQPOptimizer())
Model{Float64, OSQP.MathOptInterfaceOSQP.OSQPOptimizer}()

julia> solve!(model)
ERROR: Copy failed with status CopyOtherError. Message: Unsupported objective
 [1] initialize!(::SimpleQP.Model{Float64,OSQP.MathOptInterfaceOSQP.OSQPOptimizer}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simpleqp-mpc/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/model.jl:117
 [2] solve!(::SimpleQP.Model{Float64,OSQP.MathOptInterfaceOSQP.OSQPOptimizer}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simpleqp-mpc/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/model.jl:152

Cannot add latest version of Parametron

I posted my question here, but figured out this could be an issue with Parametron.

I am using Julia version 1.3.1 (2019-12-30) on Mac OS, official binary downloaded from Julia website.

I added Parametron using Julia's Pkg interface. It reported that the version of Parametron installed was 0.8.0. However, on the github repo and in the Julia's registries, the current version is 0.9.1. No matter how I tried (removed the package then reinstalled it), the version is always 0.8.0. I have MathOptInterface v0.9.9.

What could be wrong? And how do I resolve the problem and get the latest version of Parametron?

Support for Non-linear constraints / objective


after skimming the documentation and the source code i could find no reference to generic non-linear optimization, is that on purpose, did i miss something or wasn't it required yet in your applications?

Allocations in powers with literal exponents

It looks like we're not quite handling literal_pow correctly:

julia> using SimpleQP

julia> model = SimpleQP.MockModel()
SimpleQP.MockModel(SimpleQP.Parameter[], Base.RefValue{Int64}(1))

julia> p = Parameter(() -> 1.0, model)
Parameter{Float64, …}()

julia> e = @expression(p^2)
LazyExpression{FunctionWrapper{…}(LazyExpression{Base.#literal_pow, …}(…))}()

julia> e()

julia> SimpleQP.findallocs(e)
LazyExpression{FunctionWrapper{…}(LazyExpression{Base.#literal_pow, …}(…))}(): 48 bytes
  [1]: Base.#^
  [2]: Parameter{Float64, …}(): 0 bytes
  [3]: DataType

dot broken for 0-length vectors on 0.7

julia> using SimpleQP, Compat.LinearAlgebra

julia> dot(Variable[], Variable[])
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching zero(::Type{Variable})
Closest candidates are:
  zero(::Type{LibGit2.GitHash}) at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/LibGit2/src/oid.jl:210
  zero(::Type{OldPkg.Resolve.VersionWeights.VWPreBuildItem}) at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/OldPkg/src/resolve/versionweight.jl:80
  zero(::Type{OldPkg.Resolve.VersionWeights.VWPreBuild}) at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/OldPkg/src/resolve/versionweight.jl:116
 [1] dot(::Array{Variable,1}, ::Array{Variable,1}) at /Users/osx/buildbot/slave/package_osx64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/LinearAlgebra/src/generic.jl:719
 [2] top-level scope at none:0

Too much escaping in `@objective`

@objective escapes its entire result, which assumes that setobjective! and @expression are defined in the caller's scope:

julia> module Foo
       using SimpleQP: @objective, Model, Minimize
       using OSQP.MathOptInterfaceOSQP: OSQPOptimizer
       m = Model(OSQPOptimizer())
       @objective(m, Minimize, 0)
WARNING: replacing module Foo
ERROR: UndefVarError: @expression not defined

Can't reproduce zero-allocation examples

I am trying out Parametron v0.9.0 on Julia 1.1. Just running through the examples in the and in the docs, and I can't seem to get the zero-allocations shown in any of the examples:

using OSQP
optimizer = OSQP.Optimizer()

# create a Parametron.Model, which holds problem information
using Parametron
using Random, LinearAlgebra
model = Model(optimizer)

# create decision variables and parameters
n = 8; m = 2
x = [Variable(model) for _ = 1 : n]
A = Parameter(rand!, zeros(n, n), model)
b = Parameter(rand!, zeros(n), model)
C = Parameter(rand!, zeros(m, n), model)
d = Parameter(zeros(m), model) do d
    # do syntax makes it easy to create custom Parameters
    d .*= 2

# the @expression macro can be used to create 'lazy' expressions,
# which can be used in constraints or the objective function, and
# can be evaluated at a later time, automatically updating the
# Parameters in the process (if needed).
residual = @expression A * x - b

# set the objective function
@objective(model, Minimize, residual ⋅ residual)

# add the constraints. You could have multiple @constraint calls
# as well. ==, <=, and >= are supported.
@constraint(model, C * x == d)

value.(model, x)


using BenchmarkTools
@btime solve!($model)


201.557 μs (12 allocations: 384 bytes)

Is there some change needed to reproduce the zero allocations?

A few more MethodErrors

Trying to constrain a scalar variable causes a few different errors:

optimizer = OSQP.MathOptInterfaceOSQP.OSQPOptimizer()
model = Model(optimizer)
x = Variable(model)
@constraint model x >= 0
MethodError: no method matching length(::SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64})
Closest candidates are:
  length(::SimpleVector) at essentials.jl:256
  length(::Base.MethodList) at reflection.jl:558
  length(::MethodTable) at reflection.jl:634

 [1] add_nonnegative_constraint!(::SimpleQP.Model{Float64,OSQP.MathOptInterfaceOSQP.OSQPOptimizer}, ::SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64},Tuple{}},Tuple{}}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/model.jl:85

Trying to wrap the that scalar as a vector causes a different error:

@constraint model [x] >= 0
MethodError: no method matching vecsubtract!(::Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64},1}, ::Array{SimpleQP.Functions.Variable,1}, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
  vecsubtract!(::AbstractArray{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{T},1}, ::AbstractArray{T,1} where T, ::AbstractArray{T,1} where T) where T at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/functions.jl:419

 [1] macro expansion at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:20 [inlined]
 [2] evalexpr at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:17 [inlined]
 [3] LazyExpression at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:14 [inlined]
 [4] wrap(::SimpleQP.LazyExpression{SimpleQP.Functions.#vecsubtract!,Tuple{Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64},1},SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Array{SimpleQP.Functions.Variable,1},Tuple{}},Tuple{}},Int64}}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:146

and wrapping both x and 0 produces a conversion error:

@constraint model [x] >= [0]
MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64} to an object of type SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Float64}
This may have arisen from a call to the constructor SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Float64}(...),
since type constructors fall back to convert methods.

 [1] copy!(::IndexLinear, ::Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Float64},1}, ::IndexLinear, ::Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64},1}) at ./abstractarray.jl:656
 [2] convert(::Type{Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Float64},1}}, ::Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64},1}) at ./array.jl:368
 [3] macro expansion at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:20 [inlined]
 [4] evalexpr at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:17 [inlined]
 [5] LazyExpression at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:14 [inlined]
 [6] optimize(::SimpleQP.LazyExpression{Base.#convert,Tuple{SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{DataType,Tuple{}},Tuple{}},SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64},1},Tuple{}},Tuple{}}}}, ::Type{T} where T, ::Type{Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64},1}}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:135
 [7] optimize_toplevel(::SimpleQP.LazyExpression{Base.#convert,Tuple{SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{DataType,Tuple{}},Tuple{}},SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64},1},Tuple{}},Tuple{}}}}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:55
 [8] addconstraint!(::SimpleQP.Model{Float64,OSQP.MathOptInterfaceOSQP.OSQPOptimizer}, ::SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64},1},Tuple{}},Tuple{}}, ::MathOptInterface.Nonnegatives) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/model.jl:77
 [9] add_nonnegative_constraint!(::SimpleQP.Model{Float64,OSQP.MathOptInterfaceOSQP.OSQPOptimizer}, ::SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Array{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Int64},1},Tuple{}},Tuple{}}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/model.jl:85

New name

It's time 😉

I think "SimpleQP" is underselling how useful this package is (and not necessarily accurate if we decide to add MIPs in the future).

  • ParametricOptimization.jl
  • ParameterizedOptimization.jl
  • ParameterizedOpt.jl
  • ParOpt.jl
  • LazyModels.jl
  • OptimizationExpressions.jl (or something shorter like OptEx.jl?)
  • some awkward backronym derived from a word similar to "jump"
  • Something else entirely (maybe just a name, like Gadfly, rather than a descriptive title)

`LazyExpression`s and broadcasting

When defining constraints like @constraint(m, v >= 0) for Vector-valued v on Julia 0.7 we get this deprecation warning

┌ Warning: `a::AbstractArray - b::Number` is deprecated, use `a .- b` instead.
│   caller = optimize_toplevel at lazyexpression.jl:59 [inlined]
└ @ Core ~/.julia/packages/SimpleQP/pHx4o/src/lazyexpression.jl:59

This comes from the minus expressions here but naively replacing those with broadcasted equivalents interferes with the current LazyExpression optimizations. I feel like the answer is to either integrate base broadcasting into LazyExpressions (a potentially daunting task) or to make a localized fix (e.g., maybe turn just this line into a broadcasted equivalent?); what do you think?

Consider allowing interpolation into a constraint/expression/etc.

I've noticed that because everything inside an @constraint() call gets LazyExpression-wrapped, there are some weird issues with referential transparency. For example, this fails:

x = Variable(model)
@constraint model [x] <= [0.]

with ArgumentError: Unhandled expression head: vect.. But this works:

x = Variable(model)
lhs = [x]
rhs = [0.]
@constraint model lhs <= rhs

I realize this is a necessary result of the whole expression-wrapping stuff, but it would be nice to be able to work around it for things that don't actually need to be lazy-ified.

We could do that by supporting $ as a way to mark expressions which should just be evaluated rather than being wrapped. That would look like:

@constraint model $([x]) <= $([0.])

Here's a sample implementation of the macro that preserves any $-interpolated expressions rather than wrapping them:

lazy_wrap(x) = esc(x)

function lazy_wrap(x::Expr)
    if x.head == :line
        return esc(x)
    elseif x.head == :$ && length(x.args) == 1
        return esc(x.args[1])
    elseif x.head  [:call, :block]
        x.args .= lazy_wrap.(x.args)
        if x.head == :call
            return :(wrap(SimpleQP.optimize_toplevel(SimpleQP.LazyExpression($(x.args...)))))
            return esc(x)
        buf = IOBuffer()
        dump(buf, x)
        msg =
            Unhandled expression head: $(x.head). expr:
        return :(throw(ArgumentError($msg)))

macro expression(expr)

(I couldn't figure out how to do this with postwalk cleanly, sadly)

Performance of FunctionWrappersQuickFix

I noticed when trying to build a large Parametron model that I was spending an unreasonable amount of time just constructing the initial model. From profiling, it looks like almost all of the time is spent inside the FunctionWrappersQuickFix.FunctionWrapper constructor.

I was curious to see if the quick fix might be slowing things down, and it does appear that what we're doing is dramatically slower than the normal FunctionWrapper. For example:

julia> using FunctionWrappers, Parametron, BenchmarkTools

julia> function f1(x)
         Parametron.FunctionWrappersQuickFix.FunctionWrapper{Int, Tuple{Int}}(y -> y + x)
f1 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function f2(x)
         FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Int, Tuple{Int}}(y -> y + x)
f2 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @btime f1($1)
  188.514 ns (2 allocations: 64 bytes)
Parametron.FunctionWrappersQuickFix.FunctionWrapper{Int64,Tuple{Int64}}(Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f9498be3570, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f9493ed8010, Base.RefValue{getfield(Main, Symbol("##7#8")){Int64}}(getfield(Main, Symbol("##7#8")){Int64}(1)), getfield(Main, Symbol("##7#8")){Int64})

julia> @btime f2($1)
  9.602 ns (2 allocations: 64 bytes)
FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Int64,Tuple{Int64}}(Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f9498beada0, Ptr{Nothing} @0x00007f9493ed8020, Base.RefValue{getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10")){Int64}}(getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10")){Int64}(1)), getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10")){Int64})

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.1.0
Commit 80516ca202 (2019-01-21 21:24 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1535M v6 @ 3.10GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

so FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper is about 20x faster to construct for this example.

I'm not sure what exactly we can do about it, other than to keep making noise over at JuliaLang/julia#28669

Various missing `optimize` methods

I noticed a fair number of operations that don't yet have non-allocating optimizations, so i thought I'd put together a small example that shows the various issues:

function make_model()
    optimizer = defaultoptimizer()
    model = Model(optimizer)
    v = [Variable(model) for _ in 1:2]
    v0 = zeros(2)
    Δt = 0.01
    u = [Variable(model) for _ in 1:2]

    H = Parameter(zeros(2, 2), model) do H
        H[1, 1] = rand()
        H[2, 2] = rand()

    c = Parameter(zeros(2), model) do c
        c[1] = rand()
        c[2] = rand()
    @constraint(model, H * (v - v0) == Δt * (u - c))

model = make_model()

which currently shows 3616 bytes.

I'll see if I can take a shot at fixing these.

MethodError when adding expressions in certain orders

This works:

model = Model(optimizer)
n = 2
x = [Variable(model) for _ = 1:n]

q = Parameter(zeros(n), model) do q
    q[1] = rand()
    q[2] = rand()

@objective(model, Minimize, transpose(x) * eye(2) * x + q' * x)

but reversing the order of operations in the objective like so:

@objective(model, Minimize, q' * x + transpose(x) * eye(2) * x)


MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Float64} to an object of type SimpleQP.Functions.QuadraticFunction{Float64}
This may have arisen from a call to the constructor SimpleQP.Functions.QuadraticFunction{Float64}(...),
since type constructors fall back to convert methods.

 [1] macro expansion at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:20 [inlined]
 [2] evalexpr at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:17 [inlined]
 [3] LazyExpression at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:14 [inlined]
 [4] optimize(::SimpleQP.LazyExpression{Base.#+,Tuple{SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Float64},Tuple{}},Tuple{}},SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{SimpleQP.Functions.QuadraticFunction{Float64},Tuple{}},Tuple{}}}}, ::DataType, ::DataType) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:93
 [5] optimize_toplevel(::SimpleQP.LazyExpression{Base.#+,Tuple{SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{SimpleQP.Functions.AffineFunction{Float64},Tuple{}},Tuple{}},SimpleQP.LazyExpression{FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{SimpleQP.Functions.QuadraticFunction{Float64},Tuple{}},Tuple{}}}}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/lazyexpression.jl:55

Parameters with initial NaN values seem to poison the model

Creating a model with parameters whose initial values are NaN seems to break the model, even if those parameters are changed to non-NaN before any call to solve!. For example:

# Set up the model
m = Model(OSQP.Optimizer())

# Create an externally-controlled value. This is initially NaN, but
# we will set it to non-NaN later
outer_value = Ref(NaN)

# Create a parameter which just reads from our outer value
param = Parameter(m) do

# Constrain that the variable x == param. At this point, outer_value[] == NaN
x = Variable(m)
@constraint m x == param

# Fix our outer_value so that it is non-NaN
outer_value[] = 1.0

# Solve. All the parameters are now non-NaN, but the solver still fails:


gives an objective value of NaN.

Moving the outer_value[] = 1.0 to before the call to @constraint fixes the problem, but shouldn't be necessary as far as I know.

Bad data passed to solver

I'm seeing errors like the following frequently, and before diving in I'm curious to know if others have seen the same:

ERROR: LoadError: Gurobi.GurobiError(10003, "Element 1 of a double array is Nan.")
 [1] add_constrs!(::Gurobi.Model, ::Array{Int32,1}, ::Array{Int32,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Int8,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at /home/tim/.julia/dev/Gurobi/src/grb_constrs.jl:63
 [2] add_constrs!(::Gurobi.Model, ::Array{Int64,1}, ::Array{Int64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Int8,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at /home/tim/.julia/dev/Gurobi/src/grb_constrs.jl:71
 [3] add_linear_constraints! at /home/tim/.julia/dev/Gurobi/src/MOIWrapper.jl:131 [inlined]
 [4] add_linear_constraint(::Gurobi.Optimizer, ::MathOptInterface.VectorAffineFunction{Float64}, ::Int8) at /home/tim/.julia/packages/LinQuadOptInterface/WqyOh/src/constraints/vectoraffine.jl:58
 [5] addconstraint!(::Gurobi.Optimizer, ::MathOptInterface.VectorAffineFunction{Float64}, ::MathOptInterface.Nonnegatives) at /home/tim/.julia/packages/LinQuadOptInterface/WqyOh/src/constraints/vectoraffine.jl:12
 [6] copyconstraints!(::Gurobi.Optimizer, ::Parametron.ParametronMOIModel{Float64}, ::Bool, ::MathOptInterface.Utilities.IndexMap, ::Type{MathOptInterface.VectorAffineFunction{Float64}}, ::Type{MathOptInterface.Nonnegatives}) at /home/tim/.julia/packages/MathOptInterface/QfYLx/src/Utilities/copy.jl:78
 [7] defaultcopy!(::Gurobi.Optimizer, ::Parametron.ParametronMOIModel{Float64}, ::Bool) at /home/tim/.julia/packages/MathOptInterface/QfYLx/src/Utilities/copy.jl:111
 [8] #copy!#71 at /home/tim/.julia/packages/LinQuadOptInterface/WqyOh/src/copy.jl:5 [inlined]
 [9] copy! at /home/tim/.julia/packages/LinQuadOptInterface/WqyOh/src/copy.jl:4 [inlined]
 [10] initialize!(::Parametron.Model{Float64,Gurobi.Optimizer}) at /home/tim/.julia/dev/Parametron/src/model.jl:114
 [11] solve! at /home/tim/.julia/dev/Parametron/src/model.jl:149 [inlined]
 [12] #fit_quadratic_lowerbound!#57(::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Function, ::CoordinateSplittingPTrees.SymmetricArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2}}, ::getfield(CoordinateSplittingPTrees, Symbol("#updater#54")){typeof(value),Int64,Int64,DataStructures.PriorityQueue{Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}},Float64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering},getfield(CoordinateSplittingPTrees, Symbol("#maybe_enqueue#53")){DataStructures.PriorityQueue{Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}},Float64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}},CoordinateSplittingPTrees.SymmetricArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2}},Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1},Array{Bool,1},Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,1}}, ::Parametron.Model{Float64,Gurobi.Optimizer}, ::Array{Parametron.Functions.Variable,1}, ::Array{Parametron.Functions.Variable,1}, ::Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at /home/tim/.julia/dev/CoordinateSplittingPTrees/src/cs2.jl:472
 [13] (::getfield(CoordinateSplittingPTrees, Symbol("#kw##fit_quadratic_lowerbound!")))(::NamedTuple{(:X, :X2, :Δf),Tuple{Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,1}}}, ::typeof(CoordinateSplittingPTrees.fit_quadratic_lowerbound!), ::CoordinateSplittingPTrees.SymmetricArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2}}, ::Function, ::Parametron.Model{Float64,Gurobi.Optimizer}, ::Array{Parametron.Functions.Variable,1}, ::Array{Parametron.Functions.Variable,1}, ::Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at ./none:0 (repeats 2 times)
 [14] (::getfield(OptimizeIVQ, Symbol("#newton#7")){typeof(f),Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}},World{Float64,Float64,Float64},DataStructures.PriorityQueue{Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}},Float64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering},DataStructures.PriorityQueue{Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}},Float64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering},getfield(OptimizeIVQ, Symbol("#addqueues_iv#4")){typeof(f),getfield(OptimizeIVQ, Symbol("#addqueues#3")){DataStructures.PriorityQueue{Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}},Float64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering},DataStructures.PriorityQueue{Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}},Float64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}}},getfield(CoordinateSplittingPTrees, Symbol("#updater#54")){typeof(value),Int64,Int64,DataStructures.PriorityQueue{Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}},Float64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering},getfield(CoordinateSplittingPTrees, Symbol("#maybe_enqueue#53")){DataStructures.PriorityQueue{Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}},Float64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}},CoordinateSplittingPTrees.SymmetricArray{Float64,2,Array{Float64,2}},Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1},Array{Bool,1},Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,1}},Parametron.Model{Float64,Gurobi.Optimizer},Array{Parametron.Functions.Variable,1},Array{Parametron.Functions.Variable,1},Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,2},Array{Float64,1}})(::Float64) at /home/tim/.julia/dev/OptimizeIVQ/src/OptimizeIVQ.jl:78
 [15] #minimize#1(::Int64, ::Float64, ::Int64, ::Function, ::typeof(f), ::Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}}) at /home/tim/.julia/dev/OptimizeIVQ/src/OptimizeIVQ.jl:111
 [16] (::getfield(OptimizeIVQ, Symbol("#kw##minimize")))(::NamedTuple{(:nfit, :showprogress),Tuple{Int64,Int64}}, ::typeof(minimize), ::Function, ::Box{2,Float64,Float64,3,Float64,Interval{Float64}}) at ./none:0
 [17] top-level scope at none:0
 [18] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
 [19] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1041
 [20] include at ./sysimg.jl:29 [inlined]
 [21] includet(::String) at /home/tim/.julia/dev/Revise/src/Revise.jl:532
 [22] top-level scope at none:0
in expression starting at /home/tim/data/interval_registration/ireg2.jl:104

I added some debugging output like this:

tim@diva:~/.julia/dev/Gurobi$ git diff
diff --git a/src/grb_attrs.jl b/src/grb_attrs.jl
index 2a2a591..69712be 100644
--- a/src/grb_attrs.jl
+++ b/src/grb_attrs.jl
@@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ function set_dblattrarray!(model::Model, name::String, start::Integer, len::Inte
     ret = @grb_ccall(setdblattrarray, Cint,
         (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Float64}), model, name, start-1, len, fvec(values))
     if ret != 0
+        @show name values
         throw(GurobiError(model.env, ret))
diff --git a/src/grb_constrs.jl b/src/grb_constrs.jl
index c78febe..0bc79dd 100644
--- a/src/grb_constrs.jl
+++ b/src/grb_constrs.jl
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ function add_constrs!(model::Model, cbegins::IVec, inds::IVec, coeffs::FVec, rel
             rel, rhs, C_NULL)
         if ret != 0
+            @show cbegins inds coeffs rel rhs
             throw(GurobiError(model.env, ret))

(and I'm pretty sure I've seen the same kind of error with GLPK), with the following result:

cbegins = Int32[1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 67, 73, 79, 85]
inds = Int32[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
coeffs = [6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310]
rel = Int8[62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62]
rhs = [2.06668e-320, NaN, 9.88131e-324, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310, 1.4822e-323, 9.88131e-324, 6.91268e-310, 6.91268e-310, -0.0, 6.91268e-310, 6.91266e-310, 6.91266e-310]

Looks like the C code is getting junk passed to it, perhaps just for the Float64 values.

I am using a slightly unconventional parameter-updating strategy (see #67 (comment)), but I've verified via a try/catch block that when this error is thrown, the values in the Julia arrays that "back" the Parameters are perfectly normal-seeming, e.g.,

X = [0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 4.93827 0.0; 0.0 4.93827 -0.148148; -14.8148 4.93827 0.0; 0.0 -14.8148 0.0; 0.0 -14.8148 0.0; -14.8148 4.93827 -0.148148; 0.0 -14.8148 0.444444; 0.0 -14.8148 0.444444; 0.0 -14.8148 0.444444; -14.8148 -14.8148 0.444444; 0.0 0.0 0.444444; 0.0 -29.6296 0.444444; 0.0 4.93827 0.444444; -14.8148 -29.6296 0.444444]
X2 = [0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 12.1933 0.0; 0.0 12.1933 0.0109739; 109.739 12.1933 0.0; 0.0 109.739 0.0; 0.0 109.739 0.0; 109.739 12.1933 0.0109739; 0.0 109.739 0.0987654; 0.0 109.739 0.0987654; 0.0 109.739 0.0987654; 109.739 109.739 0.0987654; 0.0 0.0 0.0987654; 0.0 438.957 0.0987654; 0.0 12.1933 0.0987654; 109.739 438.957 0.0987654]
Δf = [0.0, 0.00402906, 0.0354306, 0.0369546, 0.0384715, 0.0384715, 0.0683561, 0.0830869, 0.0830869, 0.0830869, 0.0350268, 0.0943551, 0.0772324, 0.0983842, 0.0291723]

`:tuple` expressions not handled

It looks like we're not currently handling :tuple expressions:

julia> using Parametron

julia> @expression(reshape(A, (2, 2)))
ERROR: ArgumentError: Unhandled expression head: tuple
Original expression
  head: Symbol call
  args: Array{Any}((3,))
    1: Symbol reshape
    2: Symbol A
    3: Expr
      head: Symbol tuple
      args: Array{Any}((2,))
        1: Int64 2
        2: Int64 2
Preprocessed expression
  head: Symbol call
  args: Array{Any}((3,))
    1: Symbol reshape
    2: Symbol A
    3: Expr
      head: Symbol tuple
      args: Array{Any}((2,))
        1: Int64 2
        2: Int64 2
Current expression:
  head: Symbol tuple
  args: Array{Any}((2,))
    1: Int64 2
    2: Int64 2

We can probably play the same trick we do with vcat, etc. and just preprocess :tuple expressions into a call to Base.tuple(x.args...).

Compatibility with LinQuadOptInterface solvers (like Gurobi and GLPK)

Currently, constrained optimization doesn't work with the upcoming Gurobi MOI interface. For example:

optimizer = Gurobi.GurobiOptimizer()
model = Model(optimizer)
x = Variable(model)
lhs = [x]
rhs = [0.]
@constraint model lhs <= rhs


ArgumentError: ModelLike of type Gurobi.GurobiOptimizer does not support setting the attribute `ConstraintFunction`

 [1] hidden_set!(::Gurobi.GurobiOptimizer, ::MathOptInterface.ConstraintFunction, ::MathOptInterface.ConstraintIndex{MathOptInterface.VectorAffineFunction{Float64},MathOptInterface.Nonpositives}, ::MathOptInterface.VectorAffineFunction{Float64}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/MathOptInterface/src/attributes.jl:588
 [2] update!(::SimpleQP.Constraint{Float64,MathOptInterface.Nonpositives}, ::SimpleQP.Model{Float64,Gurobi.GurobiOptimizer}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/model.jl:125
 [3] update!(::SimpleQP.Model{Float64,Gurobi.GurobiOptimizer}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/model.jl:136
 [4] solve!(::SimpleQP.Model{Float64,Gurobi.GurobiOptimizer}) at /home/rdeits/locomotion/explorations/simple-qp-miqp/packages/v0.6/SimpleQP/src/model.jl:149

(using SimpleQP master, Gurobi.jl with jump-dev/Gurobi.jl#125 , MOI master, and LQOI with JuliaOpt/LinQuadOptInterface.jl#29 ).

It looks like LInQuadOptInterface defines the available canset/canmodify methods, and it only supports things like scalar variable change rather than replacing the constraint function. Gurobi seems to have the relevant low-level APIs to change variable coefficients: so I think this should at least be possible. For example, we could probably implement additional canset/set! methods in Gurobi.jl to supplement the ones implemented in LQOI. Or maybe we could update LQOI to allow setting an affine constraint function by using the available modify! methods.

Missing promotion rules for numbers and variables

I'm trying to integrate the contact model from MomentumBasedControl.jl into my controller, and since I'm explicitly reasoning about the us, i need to extract the torques from my contact wrenches. That means doing something like @expression torque(J, wrench) where J is a Paramter{GeometricJacobian} and wrench is a Wrench{Variable}. However, torque(J(), wrench) is currently type-unstable because promote_type(Float64, Variable) is Any. Here's a non-parameterized example:

body = findbody(mechanism, "foot")
path_to_root = path(state.mechanism, body, root_body(state.mechanism))
J = geometric_jacobian(state, path_to_root)
w = Wrench(root_frame(mechanism), 
    SVector(Variable(1), Variable(2), Variable(3)),
    SVector(Variable(1), Variable(2), Variable(3)))
torque(J, w)

which returns:

2-element Array{Any,1}:
 -0.0 * x1 + -0.0 * x2 + -0.0 * x3 + -0.0 * x1 + -0.0 * x2 + -1.0 * x3 + 0.0
 -0.0 * x1 + -0.0 * x2 + -0.0 * x3 + -0.0 * x1 + -0.0 * x2 + 1.0 * x3 + 0.0 

My parameters are not updated when I re-solve it?

I want to use parametron but when I test it for a simple problem, my parameters are not updated when I resolve it.

using Gurobi
using Parametron
using Random, LinearAlgebra
const model=Model(Gurobi.Optimizer(OutputFlag=0));
n = 8; m = 2
x = [Variable(model) for _ = 1 : n]
A= Parameter(model, val=A_val);
b= Parameter(model, val=b_val);
C= Parameter(model, val=C_val);
d= Parameter(model, val=d_val);
residual = @expression A * x - b
@objective(model, Minimize, residual  b)
@constraint(model, C * x == d)
@time solve!(model) # curren
println("x: ", value.(model, x));
println("Objective Value: ", objvalue, "(",terminationstatus(model),")");
A= Parameter(model, val=A_val);
b= Parameter(model, val=b_val);
C= Parameter(model, val=C_val);
d= Parameter(model, val=d_val);
@time solve!(model)
println("x: ", value.(model, x));
println("Objective Value: ", objvalue, "(",terminationstatus(model),")");

Here is the result

  5.465271 seconds (16.84 M allocations: 836.260 MiB, 8.30% gc time)
x: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Objective Value: 0.0(OPTIMAL)
  0.000167 seconds (77 allocations: 8.906 KiB)
x: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Objective Value: 0.0(OPTIMAL)

Deferring evaluation of mutable objects

(just continuing our conversation from the QPControl bug)

What about a function defer(x) which would do:

function defer(x, model)
  Parameter(() -> x, model)

which would be useful for wrapping mutable objects that should be evaluated "later" rather than eagerly. I realize it's only a one-liner, but it would also remove the need for a let block, so:

let x = x
  Parameter(() -> x, model)


defer(x, model)

Add appveyor?

We're not doing anything platform-specific, but it might be nice to test this on a 32-bit system just in case we accidentally assume Int === Int64 and break some of the optimizations. OSQP.jl has an appveyor build, so it should work OK.

Field access causes allocations

Accessing fields inside an @expression causes allocation, as we end up transforming x.y into getfield(x, :y), which can't be inferred (at least in 0.6). For example:

frame = CartesianFrame3D()
model = SimpleQP.MockModel()
p = Parameter(model) do
    Point3D(frame, 0., 0., 0.)
expr = @expression p.v


LazyExpression{FunctionWrapper{…}(LazyExpression{Core.#getfield, …}(…))}(…): 112 bytes
  [1]: Parameter{RigidBodyDynamics.Spatial.Point3D{StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3}}, …}(…): 48 bytes
  [2]: Symbol

We probably need to special-case Core.getfield.

Support for sparse matrix multiplication

I just noticed that in @expression and in @constraint sparse matrices are not accepted.
For example, A=spzeros(n,m). If I use
A_expr = @expression A or @constraint(model, A * X ==0)
It gives me this error:

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching one(::Type{Any})
Closest candidates are:
  one(::Type{Union{Missing, T}}) where T at missing.jl:87
  one(::Missing) at missing.jl:83
  one(::BitArray{2}) at bitarray.jl:400
 [1] one(::Type{Any}) at ./missing.jl:87
 [2] *(::SparseMatrixCSC{Float32,Int64}, ::Array{Variable,1})at /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.1/SparseArrays/src/linalg.jl:53

Originally posted by @ssadat in #107 (comment)

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