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Fooling around with watercolors

Fooling around with watercolors

I spent the last evenings doing some little watercolor paintings.

Here is a little monster I made, or rather the head of it.

I've been making those little fellows since quite some time now. My little brother calls them "bears with horns" which I think is quite fitting ^^ As you can see in the image above, there are some white spots. During some experimenting I noticed that the watercolor don't stick on white permanent marker so much. So I used this here for some interesting effect.

Also here are some more watercolor "doodles" I did. Just fooling a bit around with colors and style to learn watercolors.
I love the texture you get by using such traditional media. Plus it's a very relaxing process to just sit down and paint - really can forget about time when doing it ^^
Maybe I'll use this technique in the future to create some little illustrations for the blog :)

I made a game with hand-drawn graphics

I made a game with hand-drawn graphics

I made a little, hand-drawn game this weekend - in 48 hours!

In "Welcome to my Room" you explore a little hand-drawn appartment. Each time you leave the door you come back to a different version of the room, representing a different aspect of the person living here.

I drew the graphics using felt-pens and a simple ballpoint-pen, which was a super relaxing experience! You can see a video here of my making the graphics:
So far the game got some really interesting, meaningful comments from the people who played it. Some of them even made my eyes a bit wet :'D I hadn't this effect this strong for any other game I made before, so I'm really happy about this little experiment.

You can give it yourself a try here: Click here to play.
Let me know what you think c:

Winter Morning

Winter Morning

Photo of Physalis alkekengi on a Winter morning
​A winter-cherry (Physalis alkekengi) on a frosty Winter morning.
I collected this fruit back in Summer in my grandmas garden and put it during Autumn in my mossgarden for the little snails to eat the tasty orange outside.
It unveiled the beautiful fine structures I love so much about this fruit.

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Root Dreams - Teaser

Root Dreams - Teaser

Here is a little teaser for a game I'm making!

In "Root Dreams" you explore a tiny, remote island filled with a wonderful forest and crazy characters.

I don't do this project on my own! The character models are by Cestmir, some static models are by Keppu and the dialogue of rabbit and the old lady are by Paul Wendtland ;)
​I create the world, the textures and also some models.

​This has been on ice since I started studying game development and at the same time losing contact to Paul. Recently it came into my focus again. I really love the world, you could say there is a lot of me in there. Right now I'm trying to find someone to help me with the story. If this fails, I guess I'll need to level up my own writing skills ^^ Anyways, expect some pictures and videos of this in the next months!

P.S.: If you want to see how I'm making this, than take a look at this little behind-the-scenes timelapse I created: ​

My favorite Blogposts of 2016

My favorite Blogposts of 2016

2016 to me was a hard, but also a great year! I hope you all had a good start into 2017 :)

Here are some of my favorite articles and photos I created the last year.

Take a cup of tea - or other beverage of choice - and browse trough some posts :)

My Favorite Blogposts

My Favorite Photos

That's it! I wish you much health and joy as a reader. May your days be filled with little wonders.
Best wishes, -Rick

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My Forest Newsletter

My Forest Newsletter

I have a little newsletter so you can keep updated with my forest art.
It's filled with art, adventures and tips :)

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Mushroom Forest

Mushroom Forest

Mushroom Forest
This group of mushrooms was growing on the side of a huge, old tree.
It looks a bit like a mushroom forest on it's own.

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Making Pinocchio as a Chestnut Figure

Making Pinocchio as a Chestnut Figure

At the moment I'm designing my own version of the character of Pinocchio.

Making my own version of Pinocchio
As some of you may know, I'm currently studying Digital Games at the Cologne Game Lab. One of our courses allows us to create a concept for a character or environment, while getting feedback by our peers and professor.
I chose the theme of "Pinocchio", as I'm thinking of maybe going into making books or apps for children later. And I also want to learn more about making my own characters.
The idea I'm currently exploring for "Pinocchio" is making him look like one of the chestnut figures children make.
So one of the first things I did next to collecting inspiration and doing studies was creating some chestnut figures myself.
Chestnut figures next to each other
I think having a chestnut figure as character in a story could give children some interesting connection and it also fits with the original story, which is about a piece of pine coming to life. For my character, it is a pinecone!
Right now I'm looking at ways to make the chestnut figure look more like a 4 year old boy, so the children viewing the final image, can better identify with it. Here is one of my quick sketches I did in the train.
Pinocchio children's book character design
I'm also thinking of giving the character a little piece of red yarn to wear as scarf, to make it more easily recognizable.
So far this project has been really fun, I hope to show my drawings to some children at some point and see what they think of it :)

A green Winter

A green Winter

I spent the afternoon in the forest, creating 3D models for our game. Despite the low temperatures, things are still looking very green, especially with large parts being covered by moss, which is still doing photosynthesis.

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Keep Updated

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The Curved Mushrooms

The Curved Mushrooms

I found those strange mushrooms in a new little forest I discovered. They looked like trees, that were skew from the wind.

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Games About childhood Memories

Games About childhood Memories

I'm hosting a game jam were people create games based on the theme of "Childhood Memories"

So I have this really nice chance of hosting a "game jam" on the biggest site for such stuff: Ludum Dare. Basically it all started with me announcing the theme: "Childhood Memories" and then people could decided if they wanted to participate.
I chose the theme, because I hope it will encourage people to create personal, meaningful entries.

While the contest is still running, there are already some really cool games I want to show you <3
In this game by Sandro Figo you collect wood to build a little crappy treehouse (which is also the name of the game). The author says that he used to build a lot of treehouses together with his friends, which I think is really sweet :3
You can download it here:
Ken Murdock is recreating his childhood home in virtual reality - he hasn't been there for ~30 years! The game is still in development and he seems to do some really funny stuff with it :D
You can follow Kens progress on Twitter:
The last game I want to show you for now is by David 'Cookie'. In his childhood, he used to play a game during car trips where he would catch other cars and put them in his "virtual garage".
While he says that he is "no graphist", I think the game looks pretty good so far!
David can be found on Twitter, too:


I hope you enjoyed this little compilation! I think childhood memories are really interesting to base a game on, there are so much sweet memories to be discovered! :)
I'm curious what memories the other participants will turn into games :)

Swamp Mirror

Swamp Mirror

We have quite some swampy areas in the nearby forest.
I love how their dark waters reflect perfectly the world around them. It feels a bit like a portal to another world.

Beech-nuts: A little snack out of the forest

Beech-nuts: A little snack out of the forest

Beech-nuts are little, delicious snacks you can find in European forests

How-to find and eat beech-nuts - a snack out of the forest
I first learned about this little brown tree seeds, when I went hiking with my family. On Autumn-hikes, my father used to stop with us at beech trees, showing us the little beech-nuts laying around.

Nobody really seems to know that you can eat this little fruit. The seeds are very tasty, taste a bit sweet, a bit nutty, as the English name suggests.
The first thing you want to do when looking for this little fruit is searching for an beech-tree.
They look like this:
Photo of an European beech tree
Beech trees produce their seeds when they are about 40-80 years old, so look for some bigger trees (they don't need to be huge, though).
You'll find the fruits laying around at the bottom of the tree, during Autumn time.
​Here is what they look like:
How-to eat beech-nuts
As you can see in the image, once you found the little seeds, you want to remove their shell, much as with sunflower seeds. You can instantly try some of them in their raw form. They will taste sweet and nutty.
But don't eat too much raw seeds at once, since they contain the toxin "fagin". It will give you stomach aches if you really eat a lot. However, they are rather healthy, since they contain a lot of minerals, iron and zinc.

The toxin goes away once you roast them for a few minutes in the pan. And this also really brings out their flavor! So collect some beech-nuts and take them home with you. Once you roasted them you can use them as snacks or for a nice Autumnal salad.


What other food out of the forest do you know of (berries, mushrooms, nuts, etc.)?
​Leave your answer in the comments :)
Sources for this article:
This Article of German nature conservation organization Nabu as well as what my dad told me.

How a little moss creates swamps

How a little moss creates swamps

This type of moss is called Sphagnum moss - it's what most of the peat part of moors is made of.
Due their special structure they can soak up to 30x their bodyweight in water. Moors are basically big sponges of dead Sphagnum moss that soak up the rain.
As such a moor get's older and more moss dies, it grows higher and higher in the air - new moss grows on top of the old dead plant layers.
​The little moss plants are also the reason why moors are acidic and low in nutrients, as they evolve hydrogen ions in their surroundings. Only a few, specialized species can life in such a moor. Such as the beautiful morning dew.

I'm gonna leave you with a picture of a beautiful moor I visited with my family.
This one is "naturalized" and is still on ground water level.  Moors got pretty rare in Europe, because people used the peat they consist of. At this place only a small part of the former moor did remain. Conservationists​ made an effort to create a reservation that tries to come as close to how the moor was before the impact of humans.


Moors are a mystical place. Do you know any good fairy tales or stories that play in moors?

​Click here to leave a comment
Sources for this article: The book "Farne, Moose & Flechten" by Maibach/Kainz
(can recommend buying it if you're looking for a good German book to identify moss, lichen and fern)
I also once interviewed moss explorer Annette, whose favorite moss is the colorful Sphagnum moss! 
Also, while I love moss, I'm not an expert, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!

Forest Home

Forest Home

I found this awesome little refuge in a nearby forest.
It now has hold up for quite some time and it's always nice and cozy inside.

A home for little animals

A home for little animals

I created some little hideouts for animals at my parents place.

The hideouts are a safe spot for little animals, like snails or woodlouses, who need a wet, shady spot during the dry, warm day. I placed the rocks in a way that there is a little hollow part underneath them. Big enough for snails to get under them, but small enough to protect them from predators.

They are also great observation spots, to see more of the tiny life in the garden.
A snail even laid some little eggs under the rocks.


If you're interested in building your own little animal home, I wrote a step-by-step tutorial some time ago:
How to build a home for tiny animals

Spring is coming

Spring is coming

Today was a really, nice warm day, that made me believe Spring is coming.

I didn't realize I missed all the smells and sounds of nature so much. Birds in the trees, the smell of wet dirt .. it was a very calming day today :)

The perfect weather to explore the little worlds on the forest floor.

I tried out putting some "macro rings" on my camera, so I can get a better magnification with my lens/camera. It's really fascinating to look at things this close, gives you a whole another perspective.

This for example is a species of moss, that is a few centimeters tall. As you can see it looks kind of dark and wrinkled. That's because it was a bit dried out - this species than folds together it leaves, to lose less water. And once it gets wet again, the leaves expand again. Really fascinating!

Here is a tiny bug on top of such a moss plant.
This little fellow decided to sit down on my camera as I was photographing and stayed there a couple of minutes. I wondered what made him do that - maybe the black camera was a nice, warm surface or maybe he just was curious.
When I was done photographing and wanted to leave again, he even got on my backpack, as if he wanted to come with me. Felt like having a little bug buddy ^^
​But I thought the forest was nicer than my garden, so I put him back in the moss. 

As I really enjoyed this warm, first day of Spring, I wanted to make a little terrarium to remind me of this moment.
In the terrarium you can see some of the little moss "trees" the bug climbed on. And I also put in there a little snail shell I had collected earlier.
If you want to make your own terrarium, I made a little video about it some time ago: Tiny World DIY.
It's really easy to make and if the glass jar you put it in, you don't need to add any water. It's like a little ecosystem on it's own, with it's own air and water cycles.

Has Spring come at your place yet too? How did you spend the first warm days in nature?

A Moment Of Joy

A Moment Of Joy

This is the first portrait I've done that I really like! As I was photographing my sister, she noticed an animal in the tree, which led to a very beautiful look of joy on her face.

Little Blackbird

Little Blackbird

This little blackbird was hopping around the garden, eating all the tasty apples. We nicknamed him "Schwarzi", which could be translated to "little black one".

My little notebook

My little notebook

Everywhere I  go, I carry a little book to save my thoughts in

The best of my ideas usually come to me when I walk.

I love to walk trough unknown territory. Not is there only the excitement of adventure, my experiences while walking also add a little something to my thoughts.
A good friend of mine once introduced me to the idea that if you body wanders, so does your mind. So in a way, walking can be great to move your thought processes forward.

A while after my friend introduced me to this idea, I read a comprehensive article on why we walk by Adam Gopnik.
In his text, the author looks at walking from different historical perspectives. I found especially the European culture interesting, where walking is often seen as individual activity to help you clear your head and let your mind wander. Gopnik compares it to the Eastern tradition of meditation.
This plays hand in hand with using walking to escape your daily life and social roles, as
he later mentions in his essay.

Personally, I can find myself mostly using individual walking as a way of meditative
thinking. It becomes especially interesting when I want to come up with creative ideas
and solutions. As I walk I constantly get new sensory input, giving me unexpected,
randomized influences on my thoughts and helping me to look at a problem from
different, fresh perspectives.
I'm also using the New York way of city-walking, to widen my perception of a certain
place. So walking to me, is a way of having new experiences and thoughts, to widen
my perspective, as well as an opportunity to reflect on my daily life.

What is walking to you?

My Tiny Boat

My Tiny Boat

My tiny boat - photo of a little snail in a walnut shell
As the tiny snail crawled into the walnut shell, it looked like it was sailing the seas with a tiny boat.
​I shot this back in Summer in my moss-garden. Now all the snails are dug in, to rest for the Winter.

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Bye bye 2016 is coming

Bye bye 2016 is coming

I prepared a little photo series for the end of the year! :) Starting the day after Christmas.

It's a way for me to show you some more of the stuff I photographed this year ^^
Enjoy your holidays everybody! c:

My email newsletter

My email newsletter

Hello! It's nice you found your way to my site!
I hope you enjoy my nature photography and blog posts.

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Tiny Moss Jungle

Tiny Moss Jungle

​This is a shot of my biggest moss terrarium, inside an old chemist's glass jar.
The moss plants really seem to like the warm temperatures and humid air.
Most doubled their size to when I collected them.

Terrariums are really fascinating! They are like a little ecosystem on their own - like this tiny moss forest c:

Sunset Bike trip

Sunset Bike trip

I got lost with my bike and ended up somewhere beautiful.

My bike trip started out of frustration. Stuck in my daily routine, too scared or comfortable to meet new people, I was slowly losing interest in the things that mattered to me.
I wanted to get away, to experience new things, so I grabbed my bike and got away.

As I was driving I ensured to always take the paths I never had taken before, until I got lost.
It was wonderful. The thrill of the adventure, the beauty on the way. I ended up driving to a little forest that was glowing in the light of the setting sun.

Here I did something scary, challenging myself to try out new tricks with my mountainbike, driving trough little trenches, people once carved in the forest floor.
I fell. It hurt a bit, but it was good. I was full of mud, but happy about it.
I kept driving up until I saw the beautiful sun coming trough the leaves.

Sunsets are beautiful. Everything glows, the people are gone, the animals come out. I love this time of the day and love to take photos then.
So what did I drive away from? I have many things to be happy for: a caring family I'm close to, a beautiful place to stay as I study the course of my dreams. Plenty of free time and money without having to work for it too much.
But I don't know how to interact with people. I get scared, my brain shuts down and I become a numb mess. They say a good article must hurt, you must doubt yourself for wanting to put it into the world. This is something I actually did not even really talk with my family about.
With no one really.
So what should you do now, reading this? Don't pity me.
Let me hear your thoughts, your experiences if you want.
I'm fine, but it sometimes is also good to talk about the things that hurt.

Little Alien World

Little Alien World

Little Alien World
The vegetation in this flood basin looks vastly different then the nature surrounding it - it felt like exploring a little alien world.

Here is a picture of the same place from Spring this year:

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Improvement meme 2012 - Now

Improvement meme 2012 - Now

Here is my deviantART photography improvement meme From 2012 to now. Enjoy! :)


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