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jekyll-picture-tag's Introduction

Jekyll Picture Tag

Easy responsive images for Jekyll.

It's easy to throw an image on a webpage and call it a day. Doing justice to your users by serving it efficiently on all screen sizes is tedious and tricky. Tedious, tricky things should be automated.

Jekyll Picture Tag is a liquid tag that adds responsive images to your Jekyll static site. It automatically creates resized, reformatted source images, is fully configurable, implements sensible defaults, and solves both the art direction and resolution switching problems, with a little YAML configuration and a simple template tag. It can be configured to work with JavaScript libraries such as LazyLoad.

Why use Jekyll Picture Tag?

Performance: The fastest sites are static sites. If we're not using responsive images we're throwing those performance gains away by serving kilobytes of pixels a user will never see.

Design: Your desktop image may not work well on mobile, regardless of its resolution. We often want to do more than just resize images for different screen sizes.

Developer Sanity: Image downloading starts before the browser has parsed your CSS and JavaScript; this gets them on the page fast, but it leads to some ridiculously verbose markup. Ultimately, to serve responsive images correctly, we must:

  • Generate, name, and organize the required images (formats * resolutions, for each source image)
  • Inform the browser about the image itself-- format, size, URI, and the screen sizes where it should be used.
  • Inform the browser how large the space for that image on the page will be (which also probably has associated media queries).

It's a lot. It's tedious and complicated. Jekyll Picture Tag automates it.


  • Automatic generation of resized, converted image files.
  • Automatic generation of complex markup in one of several different formats.
  • No configuration required, extensive configuration available.
  • Auto-select between <picture> or lone <img> as necessary.
  • Support for both width based and pixel ratio based srcsets.
  • Webp conversion.
  • sizes attribute assistance.
  • named media queries so you don't have to remember them.
  • Optional <noscript> tag with a basic fallback image, so you can lazy load without excluding your javascript-impaired users.
  • Optionally, automatically link to the source image. Or manually link to anywhere else, with just a tag parameter!

Required Knowledge

Jekyll Picture tag is basically a programmatic implementation of the MDN Responsive Images guide. If you don't know the difference between resolution switching and art direction, stop now and read it in detail. Ideally, play around with a basic HTML file, a few test images, and a few different browser widths until you understand it.

Table of Contents

Quick start / Demo

All configuration is optional. Here's the simplest possible use case:

Add j-p-t to your gemfile:

group :jekyll_plugins do 
  gem 'jekyll-picture-tag', git: ''

Write this:

{% picture test.jpg %}

Get this:

<!-- Line breaks added for readability, the actual markup will not have them. -->
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test-400by225-195f7d.jpg 400w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test-600by338-195f7d.jpg 600w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test-800by450-195f7d.jpg 800w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test-1000by563-195f7d.jpg 1000w"

Here's a more complete example:

With this configuration:

# _data/picture.yml

  mobile: 'max-width: 600px'

    widths: [600, 900, 1200]
    formats: [webp, original]
      mobile: 80vw
    size: 500px

Write this:

{% picture test.jpg mobile: test2.jpg --alt Alternate Text %}

Get this:

<!-- Formatted for readability -->
    sizes="(max-width: 600px) 80vw, 500px"
    media="(max-width: 600px)"
    srcset="http://localhost:4000/generated/test2-600by338-21bb6f.webp 600w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test2-900by506-21bb6f.webp 900w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test2-1200by675-21bb6f.webp 1200w">

    sizes="(max-width: 600px) 80vw, 500px"
    srcset="http://localhost:4000/generated/test-600by338-195f7d.webp 600w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test-900by506-195f7d.webp 900w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test-1200by675-195f7d.webp 1200w">

    sizes="(max-width: 600px) 80vw, 500px"
    media="(max-width: 600px)"
    srcset="http://localhost:4000/generated/test2-600by338-21bb6f.jpg 600w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test2-900by506-21bb6f.jpg 900w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test2-1200by675-21bb6f.jpg 1200w">

    sizes="(max-width: 600px) 80vw, 500px"
    srcset="http://localhost:4000/generated/test-600by338-195f7d.jpg 600w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test-900by506-195f7d.jpg 900w,
    http://localhost:4000/generated/test-1200by675-195f7d.jpg 1200w">

    alt="Alternate Text">


Add jekyll-picture-tag to your Gemfile in the :jekyll_plugins group. For now I don't have push access to RubyGems, meaning you have to point your gemfile at this git repo. If you don't you'll get an old, incompatible version.

group :jekyll_plugins do 
  gem 'jekyll-picture-tag', git: ''


Jekyll Picture Tag ultimately relies on ImageMagick for image conversions, so it must be installed on your system. There's a very good chance you already have it. If you want to build webp images, you will need to install a webp delegate for it as well.

Verify it's installed by entering the following into a terminal:

$ convert --version

You should see something like this:

chronos@localhost ~ $ convert --version
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-14 Q16 x86_64 2018-10-31
Copyright: © 1999-2018 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI OpenMP 
Delegates (built-in): bzlib fontconfig freetype jng jp2 jpeg lcms lzma pangocairo png tiff webp xml zlib

Note webp under delegates. This is required if you want to generate webp files.

If you get a 'command not found' error, you'll need to install it. Most Linux package managers include it, otherwise it can be downloaded here


The tag takes a mix of user input and pointers to configuration settings:

{% picture [preset] (source image) [alternate images] [attributes] %}

Note the tag parser separates arguments by looking for some whitespace followed by '--'. If you need to set HTML attribute values which begin with '--', either set them first (class="--my-class") or using _data/picture.yml settings. class="some-class --some-other-class" will break things.

  • Preset

    Format: (name of a markup preset described in _data/picture.yml)

    Default: default

    Optionally specify a markup preset to use, or leave blank for the default preset.

  • Source Image (Required)

    Format: (Image filename, relative to source setting in _config.yml)

    The base image that will be resized for your picture sources. Can be a jpeg, png, webp, or gif.

  • Alternate images

    Format: (media query preset): (image filename, relative to source directory)

    Example: tablet: img_cropped.jpg mobile: img_cropped_more.jpg

    Optionally specify any number of alternate base images for given media queries (specified in _data/picture.yml). This is one of of picture's strongest features, often referred to as the art direction use case.

    Give your images in order of ascending specificity (The first image is the most general). They will be provided to the browser in reverse order, and it will select the first one with a media query that evaluates true.

  • Attributes

    Optionally specify any number of HTML attributes. These will be added to any attributes you've set in a preset. They can take a few different formats:


    Format: --link (some url)

    Examples: --link, --link /blog/some_post/

    Wrap the image in an anchor tag, with the href attribute set to whatever value you give it. This will override automatic source image linking, if you have enabled it.

    Note: Don't disable the nomarkdown global setting if you would like do this within markdown files and you are using Kramdown (Jekyll's default markdown parser.)


    Format: --(picture|img|source|a|parent|alt) (Whatever HTML attributes you want)

    Example: --img class="awesome-fade-in" id="coolio" --a data-awesomeness="11"

    Apply attributes to a given HTML element. Your options are:

    • picture
    • img
    • source
    • a (anchor tag)
    • parent
    • alt

    --parent will be applied to the <picture> if present, otherwise the <img>; useful when using the auto output format.

    --alt is a shortcut for --img alt="..." Example: --alt Here is my alt text!

    Old syntax

    The old syntax is to just dump all attributes at the end:

    {% picture example.jpg alt="alt text" class="super-duper" %}

    This will continue to work. For backwards compatibility, behavior of previous versions is maintained: all attributes specified this way are applied to the img tag.

Line breaks

Line breaks and spaces are interchangeable, the following is perfectly acceptable:

  picture my-preset
    mobile: alt.jpg 
    --alt Alt Text
    --picture class="stumpy"

Liquid variables

You can use liquid variables in a picture tag:

html {% picture {{ post.featured_image }} --alt Our Project %}


All configuration is optional. If you are happy with the defaults, you don't have to touch a single yaml file.

Global Configuration

Global settings are stored under the picture: key in /_config.yml.

Example config:

  source: "assets/images/fullsize"
  output: "assets/images/generated"
  • Source Image Directory

    Format: source: (directory)

    Example: source: images/

    Default: Jekyll site root.

    To make writing tags easier you can specify a source directory for your assets. Base images in the tag will be relative to the source directory, which is relative to the Jekyll site root.

    For example, if source is set to assets/images/_fullsize, the tag {% picture enishte/portrait.jpg --alt An unsual picture %} will look for a file at assets/images/_fullsize/enishte/portrait.jpg.

  • Destination Image Directory

    Format: output: (directory)

    Example: output: resized_images/

    Default: generated/

    Jekyll Picture Tag saves resized, reformatted images to the output directory in your compiled site. The organization of your source directory is maintained.

    This setting is relative to your compiled site, which means _site unless you've changed it.

  • Suppress Warnings

    Format: suppress_warnings: (true|false)

    Example: suppress_warnings: true

    Default: false

    Jekyll Picture Tag will warn you in a few different scenarios, such as when your base image is smaller than one of the sizes in your preset. (Note that Jekyll Picture Tag will never resize an image to be larger than its source). Set this value to true, and these warnings will not be shown.

  • Use Relative Urls

    Format: relative_url: (true|false)

    Example: relative_url: false

    Default: true

    Whether to use relative (/generated/test(...).jpg) or absolute ( urls in your src and srcset attributes.

  • Kramdown nomarkdown fix

    Format: nomarkdown: (true|false)

    Example: nomarkdown: false

    Default: true

    Whether or not to surround j-p-t's output with a {::nomarkdown}..{:/nomarkdown} block when called from within a markdown file. This one requires some explanation, but you can probably just leave it enabled.

    Under certain circumstances, Kramdown (Jekyll's default markdown parser) will get confused by HTML and will subsequently butcher it. One instance is when you wrap a block level element (such as a <picture>) within a span level element (such as an anchor tag). This flag fixes that issue.

    You should disable this if one of the following applies:

    • You have changed the markdown parser to something other than kramdown.
    • You will never wrap your images with links within a markdown file, and it's important that your generated markup is pretty.
    • It's causing issues. If you're seeing stray {::nomarkdown} or garbled HTML, try disabling this and in either case please file a bug report!

    Kramdown is finicky about when it will or won't listen to the nomarkdown option, depending on the line breaks before, after, and within the block. The most general solution I've found is to remove all line breaks from j-p-t's output, giving the whole shebang on one line. It makes for ugly markup, but it's pretty much only ever seen by the browser anyway. If you know a better way to accomplish this, I'm all ears!

Preset Configuration

Presets are stored in _data/picture.yml, to avoid cluttering _config.yml. You will have to create this file, and probably the _data/ directory as well.

All settings are optional, moderately sensible defaults have been implemented. A template can be found in the example data file in the examples directory.

Example settings:

# _data/picture.yml

  wide_desktop: 'min-width: 1801px'
  desktop: 'max-width: 1800px'
  wide_tablet: 'max-width: 1200px'
  tablet: 'max-width: 900px'
  mobile: 'max-width: 600px'

    formats: [webp, original]
    widths: [200, 400, 800, 1600]
      mobile: [200, 400, 600] 
      tablet: [400, 600, 800]
    size: 800px
      mobile: 100vw
      desktop: 60vw
      picture: 'class="awesome" data-volume="11"'
      img: 'class="some-other-class"'

    base-width: 20
    pixel_ratios: [1, 1.5, 2]

    markup: data_auto
    formats: [webp, original]
    widths: [200, 400, 600, 800]
    noscript: true
      img: class="lazy"

Media Presets


  (name): (css media query)
  (name): (css media query)
  (name): (css media query)


  desktop: 'min-width: 1200px'

These are named media queries for use in a few different places.

Keys are names by which you can refer to the media queries supplied as their respective values. These are used for specifying alternate source images in your liquid tag, and for building the 'sizes' attribute within your presets. Quotes are required around the media queries, because yml gets confused by free colons.

Markup Presets


    (option): (setting)
    (option): (setting)
    (option): (setting)
  (another name):
    (option): (setting)
    (option): (setting)
    (option): (setting)


    formats: [webp, original]
    widths: [200, 400, 800, 1600]
    link_source: true
    markup: data_auto
    widths: [200, 400, 800, 1600]
    link_source: true
    noscript: true

These are the 'presets' from previous versions, with different structure. Each entry is a pre-defined collection of settings to build a given chunk of HTML and its respective images. You can select one as the first argument given to the tag:

{% picture my-preset image.jpg %}

The default preset will be used if none is specified. A preset name can't contain the ., :, or / characters.

A Note on srcsets, for the bad kids who didn't do the required reading.

There are 2 srcset formats, one based on providing widths, the other based on providing multipliers.

Width based srcsets look like this: srcset="img.jpg 600w, img2.jpg 800w, img3.jpg 1000w". The (number)w tells the browser how wide that image file is. Browsers are smart, they know their device's pixel ratio, so in combination with the sizes attribute (if given, otherwise it assumes the image will be 100vw) they can select the best-fitting image for the space it will fill on the screen.

Multiplier based srcsets look like this: srcset="img.jpg 1x, img2.jpg 1.5x, img3.jpg 3x". The browser is less smart here; it looks at its own device's pixel ratio, compares it to the given multiplier, and picks the closest one. It doesn't consider anything else at all. Multiplier based srcsets are best used when the image will always be the same size, on all screen sizes.

To use a width based srcset in a preset, specify a widths setting (or don't, for the default), and optionally the sizes and size settings.

To use a multiplier based srcset, set pixel_ratios and base_width.

  • Markup format

    Format: markup: (setting)

    Default: auto

    Defines what format the generated HTML will take. Here are your options:

    • picture: <picture> element surrounding a <source> tag for each required srcset, and a fallback <img>.
    • img: output a single <img> tag with a srcset entry.
    • auto: Supply an img tag when you have only one srcset, otherwise supply a picture tag.
    • data_picture, data_img, data_auto: Analogous to their counterparts, but instead of src, srcset, and sizes, you get data-src, data-srcset, and data-sizes. This allows you to use javascript for things like lazy loading
    • direct_url: Generates an image and returns only its url. Uses fallback_ properties (width and format)
  • Image Formats

    Format: format: [format1, format2, (...)]

    Example: format: [webp, original]

    Default: original

    Supported formats are anything which imagemagick supports, including the following:

    • jpg/jpeg
    • png
    • gif
    • webp
    • jxr
    • jp2

    Array (yml sequence) of the image formats you'd like to generate, in decreasing order of preference. Browsers will render the first format they find and understand, so if you put jpg before webp, your webp images will never be used. original does what you'd expect. To supply webp, you must have an imagemagick webp delegate installed, described here.

  • widths

    Format: widths: [integer, integer, (...)]

    Example: widths: [600, 800, 1200]

    Default: [400, 600, 800, 1000]

    Array of image widths to generate, in pixels. For use when you want a size-based srcset (srcset="img.jpg 800w, img2.jpg 1600w").

  • media_widths


      (media preset name): [integer, integer, (...)]


      mobile: [400, 600, 800]

    Default: Widths setting

    If you are using art direction, there is no sense in generating desktop-size files for your mobile image. You can specify sets of widths to associate with given media queries. If not specified, will use widths setting.

  • Fallback Image

    Format: fallback_width: (integer) fallback_format: (format)

    Example: fallback_width: 800 fallback_format: jpg

    Default: 800 and original

    Properties of the fallback image, format and width.

  • Sizes


      (media query): (CSS dimension)
      (media query): (CSS dimension)
      (media query): (CSS dimension)


      mobile: 80vw
      tablet: 60vw
      desktop: 900px

    Conditional sizes, used to construct the sizes= HTML attribute telling the browser how wide your image will be (on the screen) when a given media query is true. CSS dimensions can be given in px, em, or vw. To be used along with a width based srcset.

    You don't have to provide a sizes attribute at all. If you don't, the browser will assume the image is 100% the width of the viewport.

    The same sizes attribute is used for every source tag in a given picture tag. This causes some redundant markup, specifying sizes for situations when an image will never be rendered, but it simplifies configuration greatly.

  • Size

    Format: size: (CSS Dimension)

    Example: size: 80vw

    Unconditional image width to give the browser (by way of the html sizes attribute), to be supplied either alone or after all conditional sizes.

  • Pixel Ratios

    Format: pixel_ratios: [number, number, number (...)]

    Example: pixel_ratios: [1, 1.5, 2]

    Array of images to construct, given in multiples of the base width. If you set this, you must also give a base_width.

    Set this when you want a multiplier based srcset (example: srcset="img.jpg 1x, img2.jpg 2x").

  • Base Width

    Format: base_width: integer

    Example: base_width: 100

    When using pixel ratios, you must supply a base width. This sets how wide the 1x image should be.

  • HTML Attributes


      (element): '(attributes)'
      (element): '(attributes)'
      (element): '(attributes)'


      img: 'class="soopercool" data-awesomeness="11"'
      picture: 'class="even-cooler"'

    HTML attributes you would like to add. The same arguments are available here as in the liquid tag; element names, alt:, url:, and parent:. Unescaped double quotes cause problems with yml, so it's recommended to surround them with single quotes.

  • Noscript

    Format: noscript: (true|false)

    Example: noscript: true

    Default: false

    For use with the data_ output formats. When true, will include a basic img fallback within a <noscript> tag after the standard html. This allows you to use lazy loading or other javascript image tools, without breaking all of your images for non-javascript-enabled users.

  • Source Image Linking

    Format: link_source: (true|false)

    Example: link_source: true

    Default: false

    Surround image with a link to the original source file. Your source image directory must be published as part of the compiled site. The same caveats apply as the --url flag: don't disable nomarkdown if you'll be using this from within a kramdown parsed markdown file.

Miscellaneous Tidbits

Lazy Loading, and other javascript related tomfoolery

Use one of the data_ output formats and something like LazyLoad. The 'lazy' preset in the example config will work.


Picturefill version 3 no longer requires special markup. Standard outputs should be compatible.

Managing Generated Images

Jekyll Picture Tag creates resized versions of your images when you build the site. It uses a smart caching system to speed up site compilation, and re-uses images as much as possible. Filenames take the following format:

(original filename without extension)_(width)by(height)_(source hash).(format)

Source hash is the first 5 characters of an md5 checksum of the source image.

Try to use a base image that is larger than the largest resized image you need. Jekyll Picture Tag will warn you if a base image is too small, and won't upscale images.

By specifying a source directory that is ignored by Jekyll you can prevent huge base images from being copied to the compiled site. For example, source: assets/images/_fullsize and output: generated will result in a compiled site that contains resized images but not the originals. Note that this will break source image linking, if you wish to enable it. (Can't link to images that aren't public!)

The output directory is never deleted by Jekyll. You may want to manually clean it every once in a while to remove unused images.


Report bugs and feature proposals in the Github issue tracker.

Pull requests are encouraged. With a few exceptions, this plugin is written to follow the Rubocop default settings (except the frozen string literal comment).

If you add a new setting, it is helpful to add a default value (look under lib/defaults/) and relevant documentation to the readme. Don't let that stop you from submitting a pull request, though! Just allow modifications and I'll take care of it.

Release History

  • 1.2.0 Feb 9, 2019: Add nomarkdown fix, noscript option, relative url option, anchor tag wrappers
  • 1.1.0 Jan 22, 2019: Add direct_url markup format, auto-orient images before stripping metadata.
  • 1.0.2 Jan 18, 2019: Fix ruby version specification
  • 1.0.1 Jan 13, 2019: Added ruby version checking for more helpful error messages when running old versions of ruby.
  • 1.0.0 Nov 27, 2018: Rewrite from the ground up. See
  • 0.2.2 Aug 2, 2013: Bugfixes.
  • 0.2.1 Jul 17, 2013: Refactor again, add Liquid parsing.
  • 0.2.0 Jul 14, 2013: Rewrite code base, bring in line with Jekyll Image Tag.
  • 0.1.1 Jul 5, 2013: Quick round of code improvements.
  • 0.1.0 Jul 5, 2013: Initial release.



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