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gnssrefl's Introduction


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Homeworks for the October 21 GNSS-IR course

Link to youtube videos on GNSS-IR

Link to the Jupyter Notebooks

Access to GSI RINEX data has been provided Naoya Kadota. An account from GSI is required. In my experience GSI is very response to account requests.

A bug was fixed in the old python translator option for S6/S7 data. Thank you to Andrea Gatti for this information.

We are working on access to broadcast Glonass, Galileo, Beidou constellations. Thank you to Giulio Tagliaferro for suggestions on this improvement.


This setup requires system dependencies: gcc and gfortran.

If you are using LINUX then simply run apt-get install -y gcc and apt-get install -y gfortran in your terminal (or yum install -y gcc-gfortran ).

If you are using a MacOS then you will need to install xcode. First, in your terminal, check if you have xcode by xcode-select -p. If it is installed, it should return a path. If it is not installed then run xcode-select --install. This should install gcc.You can check if you have gcc by gcc --version. Check if you have gfortran by gfortran --version. If you do not have gfortran, then you can use homebrew to install, if you have it brew install gfortran. If you don't have homebrew, then see check here.

Table of Contents

  1. News
  2. Philosophy
  3. Code Description
    1. Understanding the Code
    2. Installation
    3. RINEX File Formats
    4. rinex2snr: translating RINEX files into SNR files
    5. quickLook: assessing a site using SNR files
    6. gnssir: estimating reflector heights from SNR data
  4. Bugs/Future Work
  5. Utilities
  6. Publications
  7. Acknowledgements

1. News

As they are announced, I am trying to update dependencies for various archives, as the GNSS world moves from Z compression to gzip and anonymous ftp to https. I recently fixed ngs, bkg, unavco, and nz archives. Bug fixes have been moved to the Bug section.

I encourage you to read Roesler and Larson, 2018. Although this article was originally written to accompany Matlab scripts, the principles are the same. It explains to you what a reflection zone means and what a Nyquist frequency is for GNSS reflections. My reflection zone webapp will help you pick appropriate elevation and azimuth angles.

If you are interested in measuring sea level, this webapp tells you how high your site is above sea level.

2. Philosophical Statement

In geodesy, you don't really need to know much about what you are doing to calculate a reasonably precise position from GPS data. That's just the way it is. (Note: that is also thanks to the hard work of the geodesists that wrote the computer codes). For GPS/GNSS reflections, you need to know a little bit more - like what are you trying to do? Are you trying to measure water levels? Then you need to know where the water is! (with respect to your antenna, i.e. which azimuths are good and which are bad). Another application of this code is to measure snow accumulation. If you have a bunch of obstructions near your antenna, you are responsible for knowing not to use that region. If your antenna is 10 meters above the reflection area, and the software default only computes answers up to 6 meters, the code will not tell you anything useful. It is up to you to know what is best for the site and modify the inputs accordingly. I encourage you to get to know your site. If it belongs to you, look at photographs. If you can't find photographs, use Google Earth. You can also try using my google maps web app interface.

3. Code Description

gnssrefl is a new version of my GNSS interferometric reflectometry (GNSS-IR) code.

The main difference between this version and previous versions is that I am attempting to use proper python packaging rules! However, this is a big learning curve for me, and I know that I still have a lot to learn. I have separated out the main parts of the code and the command line inputs so that you can use the libraries yourself or do it all from the command line. This should also - hopefully - make it easier for the production of Jupyter notebooks. The latter are to be developed by UNAVCO with NASA GNSS Science Team funding.

If you would like to try out reflectometry without installing the code

I recommend you use this web app. It can show you representative results with minimal constraints. It should provide results in less than 10 seconds.

If you prefer Matlab

I had a working matlab version on github, but I will not be updating it. You will very likely have to make changes to accommodate the recent change in security protocols at CDDIS.


The goal of this python repository is to help you compute (and evaluate) GNSS-based reflectometry parameters using geodetic data. This method is often called GNSS-IR, or GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry. There are three main modules:

  • rinex2snr translates RINEX files into SNR files needed for analysis.

  • gnssir computes reflector heights (RH) from SNR files.

  • quickLook gives you a quick (visual) assessment of a file without dealing with the details associated with gnssir. It is not meant to be used for routine analysis. It also helps you pick an appropriate azimtuh mask and quality control settings.

There are also various utilities you might find to be useful (see the last section). To see the names of these utilities:

  • pip list

If you are unsure about why various restrictions are being applied, it is really useful to read Roesler and Larson (2018) or similar. I am committed in principle to set up some online courses to teach people about GNSS reflections, but funding for these courses is not in hand at the moment.

i. Understanding What the Code is Doing

To summarize, direct (blue) and reflected (red) GNSS signals interfere and create an interference pattern that can be observed in GNSS Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) data as a satellite rises or sets. The frequency of this interference pattern is directly related to the height of the GNSS antenna phase center above the reflecting surface, or reflector height RH (purple). The primary goal of this software is to measure RH. This parameter is directly related to changes in snow height and water levels below a GNSS antenna. This is why GNSS-IR can be used as a snow sensor and tide gauge. GNSS-IR can also be used to measure soil moisture, but the code to estimate soil moisture is not as strongly related to RH as snow and water. We will be posting the code you need to measure soil moisture later in the year.

This code is meant to be used with Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) data. This is a SNR sample for a site in the the northern hemisphere (Colorado) and a single GPS satellite. The SNR data are plotted with respect to time - however, we have also highlighted in red the data where elevation angles are less than 25 degrees. These are the data used in GNSS Interferomertric Reflectometry GNSS-IR. You can also see that there is an overall smooth polynomial signature in the SNR data. This represents the dual effects of the satellite power transmission level and the antenna gain pattern. We aren't interested in that so we will be removing it with a low order polynomial (and we will convert to linear units on y-axis).

After that polynomial is removed, we will concentrate on the rising and setting satellite arcs. That is the red parts on the left and right.
Here you can see those next two steps. On the top is the "straightened" SNR data. Instead of time, it is plotted with respect to sine of the elevation angle. It was shown a long time ago by Penina Axelrad that the frequency extracted from these data is representative of the reflector height. Here a periodogram was used to extract this frequency, and that is shown below, with the x-axis units changed to reflector height. In a nutshell, that is what this code does. It figures out the rising and setting satellite arcs in all the azimuth regions you have said are acceptable. It does a simple analysis (removes the polynomial, changes units) and uses a periodogram to look at the frequency content of the data. You only want to report RH when you think the peak on the periodogram is significant. There are many ways to do this - we only use two quality control metrics:

  • is the peak larger than a user-defined value (amplitude of the dominant peak in your periodogram)

  • is the peak divided by a "noise" metric larger than a user-defined value. The code calls this the peak2noise.

The Colorado SNR example is for a fairly planar field where the RH for the rising and setting arc should be very close to the same name. What does the SNR data look like for a more extreme case? Shown below is the SNR data for Peterson Bay, where the rising arc (at low tide) has a very different frequency than during the setting arc (high tide). This gives you an idea of how the code can be used to measure tides.

A couple common sense issues: one is that since you define the noise region, if you make it really large, that will artificially make the peak2noise ratio larger. I have generally used a region of 6-8 meters for this calculation. So in the figure above the region was for 0-6 meters. The amplitude can be tricky because some receivers report low SNR values, which then leads to lower amplitudes. The default amplitude values are for the most commonly used signals in GNSS-IR (L1, L2C, L5, Glonass, Galileo, Beidou). The L2P data used by geodesists are generally not useable for reasons to be discussed later.

Even though we analyze the data as a function of sine of elevation angle, each satellite arc is associated with a specific time period. The code keeps track of that and reports it in the final answers. It also keeps track of the average azimuth for each rising and setting satellite arc that passes quality control tests.

What do these satellite reflection zones look like? Below are photographs and reflection zone maps for two standard GNSS-IR sites, one in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern hemisphere.

Mitchell, Queensland, Australia Portales, New Mexico, USA

Each one of the yellow/blue/red/green/cyan clusters represents the reflection zone for a single rising or setting GPS satellite arc. The colors represent different elevation angles - so yellow is lowest (5 degrees), blue (10 degrees) and so on. The missing satellite signals in the north (for Portales New Mexico) and south (for Mitchell, Australia) are the result of the GPS satellite inclination angle and the station latitudes. The length of the ellipses depends on the height of the antenna above the surface - so a height of 2 meters gives an ellipse that is smaller than one that is 10 meters. In this case we used 2 meters for both sites - and these are pretty simple GNSS-IR sites. The surfaces below the GPS antennas are fairly smooth soil and that will generate coherent reflections. In general, you can use all azimuths at these sites.

Now let's look at a more complex case, station ross on Lake Superior. Here the goal is to measure water level. The map image (panel A) makes it clear that unlike Mitchell and Portales, we cannot use all azimuths to measure the lake. To understand our reflection zones, we need to know the approximate lake level. That is a bit tricky to know, but the photograph (panel B) suggests it is more than the 2 meters we used at Portales - but not too tall. We will try 4 meters and then check later to make sure that was a good assumption.

Map view of station ROSS
Photograph of station ROSS
Reflection zones for GPS satellites at elevation
angles of 5-25 degrees for a reflector height of
4 meters.
Reflection zones for GPS satellites at elevation
angles of 5-15 degrees for a reflector height of
4 meters.

Again using the reflection zone web app, we can plot up the appropriate reflection zones for various options. Since ross has been around a long time, has its coordinates in a database. You can just plug in ross for the station name and leave latitude/longitude/height blank. You do need to plug in a RH of 4 since mean sea level would not be an appropriate reflector height value for this case. Start out with an azimuth range of 90 to 180 degrees. Using 5-25 degree elevation angles (panel C) looks like it won't quite work - and going all the way to 180 degrees in azimuth also looks it will be problematic. Panel D shows a smaller elevation angle range (5-15) and cuts off azimuths at 160. These choices appear to be better than those from Panel C.
It is also worth noting that the GPS antenna has been attached to a pier - and boats dock at piers. You might very well see outliers at this site when a boat is docked at the pier.

Once you have the code set up, it is important that you check the quality of data. This will also allow you to check on your assumptions, such as the appropriate azimuth and elevation angle mask and reflector height range. This is one of the reasons quickLook was developed.

ii. Installation

Environment Variables

You should define three environment variables:

  • EXE = where various RINEX executables will live.

  • ORBITS = where the GPS/GNSS orbits will be stored. They will be listed under directories by year and sp3 or nav depending on the orbit format.

  • REFL_CODE = where the reflection code inputs (SNR files and instructions) and outputs (RH) will be stored (see below). Both SNR files and results will be saved here in year subdirectories.

If you are running in a bash environment, you should save these environment variables in the .bashrc file that is run whenever you log on.

If you don't define these environment variables, the code should assume your local working directory (where you installed the code) is where you want everything to be. The orbits, SNR files, and periodogram results are stored in directories in year, followed by type, i.e. snr, results, sp3, nav, and then by station name.

Installing the Python

If you are using the version from gitHub:

If you use the PyPi version:

  • make a directory, cd into that directory, set up a virtual environment
  • activate the virtual environment
  • pip install gnssrefl

To use only python codes, you will need to be sure that your RINEX files are not Hatanaka compressed.

Non-Python Code

All executables must be stored in the EXE directory. There are three main codes I recommend that you install:

While I think it is better for people to download these tools to make sure you get the right one, I have written a utility that will download the appropriate files for a macOS or linux (64 bit) installation. It is called installexe.
Type -h for more information.

We no longer encourage people to install these Fortran RINEX translators. The Fortran is now included in the python build.

iii. RINEX File Formats

RINEX files must be version 2.11 or 3.

For RINEX 2.11, filenames should be lowercase and following the community standard:

4 character station name + day of year (3 characters) + '0.' + two character year + 'o'

Example: at010050.12o is station at01 on day 5 and year 2012.

In many cases Hatanaka compressed formats are used by data archives. These have a 'd' instead an 'o' at the end of the filename. If you want to use those files, you must install the CRX2RNX executable described in the previous section. I think my code allows you to gzip the RINEX files if you are providing them.

We are working to make a NMEA reader for this software package.

iv. rinex2snr - Extracting SNR data from RINEX files

The international standard for sharing GNSS data is called the RINEX format. A RINEX file has extraneous information in it (which we will throw out) - and it does not provide some of the information needed for reflectometry (e.g. elevation and azimuth angles). The first task you have in GNSS-IR is to translate from RINEX into what I will call the SNR format. The latter will include azimuth and elevation angles. For the latter you will need an orbit file. rinex2snr will go get an orbit file for you. It will save those orbit files in case you want to use them at some later date. You can override the default orbit choice by selections given below.

There is no reason to save ALL the RINEX data as the reflections are only useful at the lower elevation angles. The default is to save all data with elevation lower than 30 degrees (this is called SNR format 66). Another SNR choice is 99, which saves elevation angle data between 5 and 30.

You can run rinex2snr at the command line. The required inputs are:

  • station name
  • year
  • day of year

A sample call for a station called p041, restricted to GPS satellites, on day of year 132 and year 2020 would be:

rinex2snr p041 2020 132

If the RINEX file for p041 is in your local directory, it will translate it. If not, it will check three archives (unavco, sopac, and sonel) to find it. This uses the hybrid translator.

Examples for different translators:

For a fortran translator, the command would be:

rinex2snr p041 2020 132 -translator fortran

For python:

rinex2snr p041 2020 132 -translator python

Using hybrid (the default):

rinex2snr gls1 2011 271

Allowed GNSS Data Archives:

  • unavco
  • sonel (global sea level observing system)
  • sopac (Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center)
  • cddis
  • ngs (National Geodetic Survey)
  • nrcan (Natural Resources Canada)
  • bkg (German Agency for Cartography and Geodesy)
  • nz (GNS, New Zealand)
  • ga (Geoscience Australia)
  • bev (Austria Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying)

Example setting the archive:

rinex2snr tgho 2020 132 -archive nz

Run the code for all the data for any year?

rinex2snr tgho 2019 1 -archive nz -doy_end 365

Examples using RINEX 3:

If your station name has 9 characters (lower case please), the code assumes you are looking for a RINEX 3 file. However, my code will store the SNR data using the normal 4 character name. You must install the gfzrnx executable that translates RINEX 3 to 2 to use RINEX 3 files in my code. rinex2snr currently only looks for RINEX 3 files at CDDIS (30 sec) and UNAVCO (15 sec). There are more archive options in download_rinex and someday I will merge these. If you do have your own RINEX 3 files, I use the community standard, that is upper case except for the file extension (which is rnx).

rinex2snr onsa00swe 2020 298

rinex2snr at0100usa 2020 55

rinex2snr mkea00usa 2020 290

The snr options are mostly based on the need to remove the "direct" signal. This is not related to a specific site mask and that is why the most frequently used options (99 and 66) have a maximum elevation angle of 30 degrees. The azimuth-specific mask is decided later when you run gnssir. The SNR choices are:

  • 66 is elevation angles less than 30 degrees (this is the default)
  • 99 is elevation angles of 5-30 degrees
  • 88 is elevation angles of 5-90 degrees
  • 50 is elevation angles less than 10 degrees (good for very tall sites, high-rate applications)

More options:

orbit file options for general users:

  • gps : will use GPS broadcast orbits (this is the default)
  • gps+glo : uses rapid GFZ orbits
  • gnss : uses GFZ orbits, which is multi-GNSS (available in 3-4 days?)

orbit file options for experts:

  • nav : GPS broadcast, perfectly adequate for reflectometry.
  • igs : IGS precise, GPS only
  • igr : IGS rapid, GPS only
  • jax : JAXA, GPS + Glonass, reliably within a few days, missing block III GPS satellites
  • gbm : GFZ Potsdam, multi-GNSS, not rapid
  • grg: French group, GPS, Galileo and Glonass, not rapid
  • esa : ESA, multi-GNSS
  • gfr : GFZ rapid, GPS, Galileo and Glonass, since May 17 2021
  • wum : (disabled) Wuhan, multi-GNSS, not rapid

It would be very helpful to add broadcast orbits for Galileo, Glonass, and Beidou. Based on my experience with GPS, I know that this will be much much much faster if we use Fortran code and bind with python using numpy. If you have such code, or know where it lives, please let me know.

What if you are providing the RINEX files and you don't want the code to search for the files online? -nolook True Just put the RINEX files in the same directory where you are running the code, using my naming rules (lower case for RINEX 2.11).

What if you are have high-rate (e.g. 1 second) RINEX files, but you want (e.g.) 5 second data? -dec 5

What if you want to use high-rate data? -rate high

If you invoke this flag, it currently only looks at the UNAVCO, GA, or NRCAN archives. Please beware - it takes a long time to download a highrate GNSS RINEX file (even when it is compressed). And it also takes a long time to compute orbits for it. For high-rate data, you should never use the python translation option.

Output SNR file format

To columns are defined as:

  1. Satellite number (remember 100 is added for Glonass, etc)
  2. Elevation angle, degrees
  3. Azimuth angle, degrees
  4. Seconds of the day, GPS time
  5. elevation angle rate of change, degrees/sec.
  6. S6 SNR on L6
  7. S1 SNR on L1
  8. S2 SNR on L2
  9. S5 SNR on L5
  10. S7 SNR on L7
  11. S8 SNR on L8

The unit for all SNR data is dB-Hz.

Our names for the GNSS frequencies

  • 1,2,20, and 5 are GPS L1, L2, L2C, and L5
  • 101,102 are Glonass L1 and L2
  • 201, 205, 206, 207, 208: Galileo frequencies
  • 302, 306, 307 : Beidou frequencies

v. quickLook

Before using gnssircode, I recommend you use quickLook. This allows you to quickly test various options (elevation angles, frequencies, azimuths, and quality control parameters). The required inputs are station name, year, and doy of year. You must have previously translated a RINEX file using rinex2snr to use quickLook.

quickLook has stored defaults for analyzing the spectral characteristics of the SNR data. In general these defaults are meant to facilitate users where the antenna is less than 5 meters tall. If your site is taller than that, you will need to override the defaults. Similarly, the default elevation angles are 5-25 degrees. If that mask includes a reflection region you don't want to use, you need to override them. For more information, use quickLook -h

As discussed earlier, there are two QC measures used in gnssrefl. One is the peak value of the peak in the periodogram. Secondly it uses a very simple peak to noise ratio (pk2noise) calculation. In this case the average periodogram amplitude value is calculated for a RH region that you define. For quickLook it uses the same RH region for the the "noise" region.

Example from Boulder:

We start with one of our rinex2snr examples, p041

quickLook p041 2020 132

That command will produce this periodogram summary:

By default, these are L1 data only. Note that the x-axis does not go beyond 6 meters. This is because you have used the defaults. Furthermore, note that results on the x-axis begin at 0.5 meters. Since you are not able to resolve very small reflector heights with this method, this region is not allowed. These periodograms give you a sense of whether there is a planar reflector below your antenna. The fact that the peaks in the periodograms bunch up around 2 meters means that at this site the antenna phase center is ~ 2 meters above the ground. The colors change as you try different satellites. If the data are plotted in gray that means you have a failed reflection. The quadrants are Northwest, Northeast and so on.

quickLook also provides a summary of various quality control metrics:

The top plot shows the sucessful RH retrievals in blue and unsuccessful RH retrievals in gray. In the center panel are the peak to noise ratios. The last plot is the amplitude of the spectral peak. The dashed lines show you what QC metrics quickLook was using. You can control/change these on the command line.

If you want to look at L2C data you just change the frequency on the command line. L2C is designated by frequency 20:

quickLook p041 2020 132 -fr 20

L2C results are always superior to L1 results. If you have any influence over a GNSS site, please ask the station operators to track modern GPS signals such as L2C and L5.

Check back for our site on Lake Superior:

Make a SNR file rinex2snr ross 2020 170 and quickLook ross 2020 170 -e1 5 -e2 15

The good RH estimates (in blue in the top panel) are telling us that we were right when we assessed reflection zones using 4 meters. We can also see that the best retrievals are in the southeast quadrant (azimuths 90-180 degrees). This is further emphasized in the next panel, that shows the actual periodograms.

Example for a site on an ice sheet

Example for a tall site

vi. gnssir

gnssir is the main driver for the GNSS-IR code. You need a set of instructions which are made using make_json_input. The required inputs are:

  • station name
  • latitude (degrees)
  • longitude (degrees)
  • ellipsoidal height (meters).

The station location does not have to be cm-level for the reflections code. Within a few hundred meters is sufficient. For example:

make_json_input p101 41.692 -111.236 2016.1

If you happen to have the Cartesian coordinates (in meters), you can set -xyz True and input those instead of lat, long, and height.

If you are using a site that is in the UNR database, as of 2021/10/26 you can set a flag to use it instead of typing in values:

make_json_input p101 0 0 0 -query_unr True

gnssir will use defaults for other parameters if you do not provide them. Those defaults tell the code an azimuth and elevation angle mask (i.e. which directions you want to allow reflections from), and which frequencies you want to use, and various quality control (QC) metrics. Right now the default frequencies are GPS only, e.g. L1, L2C and L5. The json file of instructions will be put in $REFL_CODE/input/p101.json. You should look at it to get an idea of the kinds of inputs the code uses. The default azimuths can be changed, but this needs to be done by hand. Some parameters can be set via the command line, as in:

make_json_input p101 41.692 -111.236 2016.1 -e1 5 -e2 10

This changes elevation angles to 5-10 degrees. The default is to only use GPS frequencies, specifically L1, L2C, and L5. If you want all GNSS frequencies:

make_json_input p101 41.692 -111.236 2016.1 -e1 5 -e2 10 -allfreq True

To only use GPS L1:

make_json_input p101 41.692 -111.236 2016.1 -e1 5 -e2 10 -l1 True

To only use GPS L2C and require a spectral amplitude of 10:

make_json_input p101 41.692 -111.236 2016.1 -e1 5 -e2 10 -l2c True -ampl 10

To use GPS L2C, require a spectral amplitude of 10, and spectral peak to noise ratio of 3:

make_json_input p101 41.692 -111.236 2016.1 -e1 5 -e2 10 -l2c True -ampl 10 -peak2noise 3

Azimuth regions should not be larger than ~100 degrees. If for example you want to use the region from 0 to 270 degrees, you should not set a region from 0 - 270, but instead a region from 0-90, 90-180, and the last from 180-270. This is necessary to make sure you don't mix rising and setting satellite arcs from different times of day. I believe the code currently refuses to let you use a region larger than 100 degrees. The default is to allow four regions, each of 90 degrees.

Other things that are helpful to know for the make_json_input inputs:

  • Some json settings can be set at the command line. run make_json_input -h to see these.
    Otherwise, you will need to edit the json file. Note that there are a few inconstencies between the command line names and the json file (for example, h1 and h2 on the command line become minH and maxH in the json file). I apologize for this.
  • e1 and e2 are the min and max elevation angle, in degrees
  • minH and maxH are the min and max allowed reflector height, in meters
  • desiredP, desired reflector height precision, in meters
  • PkNoise is the periodogram peak divided by the periodogram noise ratio.
  • reqAmp is the required periodogram amplitude value, in volts/volts
  • polyV is the polynomial order used for removing the direct signal
  • freqs are selected frequencies for analysis
  • delTmax is the maximum length of allowed satellite arc, in minutes
  • azval are the azimuth regions for study, in pairs (i.e. 0 90 270 360 means you want to evaluate 0 to 90 and 270 to 360).
  • wantCompression, boolean, compress SNR files using xz
  • screenstats, boolean, whether minimal periodogram results come to screen
  • refraction, boolean, whether simple refraction model is applied.
  • plt_screen: boolean, whether SNR data and periodogram are plotted to the screen
  • NReg [min and max required] : define the RH region (in meters) where the "noise value" for the periodogram is computed. This is used to compute the peak to noise ratio used in QC.
  • (this option has been removed) seekRinex: boolean, whether code looks for RINEX at an archive

Simple examples for my favorite GPS site p041

make_json_input p041 39.949 -105.194 1728.856 (use defaults and write out a json instruction file)

rinex2snr p041 2020 150 (pick up and translate RINEX file for day of year 150 and year 2020 from unavco )

gnssir p041 2020 150 (calculate the reflector heights)

gnssir p041 2020 150 -fr 5 -plt True (override defaults, only look at L5 SNR data, and periodogram plots come to the screen)

Where would the code store the files for this example?

  • json instructions are stored in $REFL_CODE/input/p041.json
  • SNR files are stored in $REFL_CODE/2020/snr/p041
  • Reflector Height (RH) results are stored in $REFL_CODE/2020/results/p041

This is a snippet of what the result file would look like

  • Amp is the amplitude of the most significant peak in the periodogram (i.e. the amplitude for the RH you estimated).
  • DelT is how long a given rising or setting satellite arc was, in minutes.
  • emin0 and emax0 are the min and max observed elevation angles in the arc.
  • rise/set tells you whether the satellite arc was rising (1) or setting (-1)
  • Azim is the average azimuth angle of the satellite arc
  • sat and freq are as defined in this document
  • MJD is modified julian date
  • PkNoise is the peak to noise ratio of the periodogram values
  • last column is currently set to tell you whether the refration correction has been applied

If you want a multi-GNSS solution, you need to make a new json file and use multi-GNSS orbits, and use a RINEX file that has multi-GNSS SNR observations in it. In 2020 p041 had a multi-GNSS receiver operating, so we can look at some of the non-GPS signals. In this case, we will look at Galileo L1.

make_json_input p041 39.949 -105.194 1728.856 -allfreq True

rinex2snr p041 2020 151 -orb gnss -overwrite True

gnssir p041 2020 151 -fr 201 -plt True

Note that a failed satellite arc is shown as gray in the periodogram plots. And once you know what you are doing (have picked the azimuth and elevation angle mask), you won't be looking at plots anymore.

4. Bugs/Features

Bug Diary

** October 26, 2021 Fixed bug in the rinex2snr code for the python translator. It was mixing up S6 and S7 - or something like that. Subdaily now exits when there are data gaps.

fixed query_unr input files and -rate high archive choices.

September 15, 2021 There was a screen output about missing fortran translators that was a bug. The hybrid translator is the default and you should not be getting warnings about missing fortran translators.

August 28, 2021 Fixed NGS archive accessibility. Also, switched UNAVCO, BKG, NZ Geonet to https.

June 14,2021 Fixed bug in nolook option. Fixed rinex2snr conversion for RINEX 3/nav orbits.

June 1, 2021 Added esa orbits

April 17, 2021 New plot added to quickLook. This should provide feedback to the user on which QC metrics to use and which azimuths are valid. New plot also added to daily_avg.

March 30, 2021 Hopefully bug fixed related to the refraction file (gpt_1wA.pickle). If it is missing from your build, it is now downloaded for you. Apologies.

March 29, 2021 The L2C and L5 options now use (appropriate) time-dependent lists of satellites.

March 17, 2021 I have removed CDDIS from the default RINEX 2.11 archive search list. It is still useable if you use -archive cddis.

March 14, 2021 Minor changes - filenames using the hybrid option are allowed to be 132 characters long. This might address issue with people that want to have very very very long path names. I also added the decimation feature so it works for both GPS and GNSS.

February 24, 2021 We now have three translation options for RINEX files: fortran, hybrid, and python. The last of these is ok for 30 sec data but really too slow otherwise. Hybrid binds the python to my (fast) fortran code. This has now been implemented for both GPS and multi-GNSS.

CDDIS is an important GNSS data archive. Because of the way that CDDIS has implemented security restrictions, we have had to change our download access. For this reason we strongly urge that you install wget on your machine and that it live in your path. You will only have very limited analysis abilities without it.

I have added more defaults so you don't have to make so many decisions. The defaults are that
you are using GPS receiver (not GNSS) and have a fairly standard geodetic site (i.e. not super tall, < 5 meters). If you have previously used this package, please note these changes to rinex2snr, quickLook, and gnssir. Optional commandline inputs are still allowed.

I have been using teqc to reduce the number of observables and to decimate. I have removed the former because it unfortunately- by default - removes Beidou observations in Rinex 2.11 files. If you request decimation and fortran is set to True, unfortunately this will still occur. I am working on removing my code's dependence on teqc.

No phase center offsets have been applied to reflector heights. While these values are relatively small for RH < 5 m, we do plan to remove them in subsequent versions of the code.

At least one agency (JAXA) writes out 9999 values for unhealthy satellites. I should remove these satellites at the rinex2snr level, but currently (I believe) the code simply removes the satellites because the elevation angles are all very negative (-51). JAXA also has an incomplete number of GPS satellites in its sp3 files (removing the newer ones). It is unfortunate, but I cannot do anything about this.

5. Utilities

daily_avg is a utility for cryosphere people interested in measuring snow accumulation via daily values. It can also be used for lake levels. It is not to be used for tides! The goal is to make a valid daily average - for this reason, we have two required inputs for quality control. The first is called a median filter value. This input helps remove large outliers. For each day, a median RH is found. Then all values larger than the median filter value from the median RH are thrown out. The second required input to daily_avg sets a limit for how many satellite arcs are considered sufficient to create a trustworth daily average. If you had 5 arcs, for example, you probably would not want to compare that with another day where 100 arcs were available. The number of tracks required varies a lot depending on the azimuth mask and the number of frequencies available. If you are not sure what values to use at your GNSS site, run it once with very minimal constraints. The code provides some feedback plots that will let you pick better values.

Here is an example from one of our use cases where there are a few large outliers.
I have set the median filter value to 2 meters and the required number of tracks to 12:

daily_avg mchn 2 12

You can easily see the outliers.

Next I have rerun the code with a better median filter constraint of 0.25 meters:

daily_avg mchn 0.25 12

A daily average plot is also made and a text file of the outputs is created.

download_rinex can be useful if you want to download RINEX v2.11 or 3 files (using the version flag) without using the reflection-specific codes. Sample calls:

  • download_rinex p041 2020 6 1 downloads the data from June 1, 2020

  • download_rinex p041 2020 150 0 downloads the data from day of year 150 in 2020

  • download_rinex p041 2020 150 0 -archive sopac downloads the data from sopac archive on day of year 150 in 2020

download_orbits downloads orbit files and stores them in $ORBITS. See -h for more information.

ymd translates year,month,day to day of year

ydoy translates year,day of year to month and day

llh2xyz translates latitude (deg), longitude (deg), and ellipsoidal ht (m) to X, Y, Z (m)

xyz2llh translates Cartesian coordinates (meters) to latitude (deg), longitude (deg), ellipsoidal height (m)

gpsweek translates year, month, day into GPS week, day of week (0-6)

download_unr downloads ENV time series for GPS sites from the Nevada Reno website (IGS14), so ITRF 2014.

download_tides downloads up to a month of NOAA tide gauge data given station number (7 characters), and begin/end dates, e.g. 20150601 would be June 1, 2015. The NOAA API works perfectly well for this, but this utility writes out a file with only columns of numbers instead of csv.

query_unr returns latitude, longitude, and ellipsoidal height and Cartesian position for stations that were in the Nevada Reno database ~ a year ago (i.e. when I downloaded it).

check_rinex returns simple information from the file header, such as receiver and antenna type, receiver coordinates, and whether SNR data are in the file. RINEX 2.11 only

6. Publications

There are A LOT of publications about GPS and GNSS interferometric reflectometry. If you want something with a how-to flavor, try this paper, which is open option. Also look to the publications page on my personal website.

7. Help

We need help to maintain and improve this code. How can you help?

    • Archives are constantly changing their file transfer protocols. If you find one in gnssrefl that doesn't work anymore, please fix it and let us know. Please test that it works for older and newer data.

    • If you would like to add an archive, please do so. Use the existing code in as a starting point.

    • We need better models for GNSS-IR far more than we need more journal articles finding that the method works. And we need these models to be in python.

    • I would like to add a significant wave height calculation to this code. If you have such code that works on fitting the spectrum computed with detrended SNR data, please consider contributing it.

    • If you have a better refraction correction than we are using, please provide it to us as a function in python.

    • Write up a new use case.

    • Investigate surface related biases for polar tide gauge calculations (ice vs water).

    • We have contributors for allowing the NMEA format. We currently need to translate to Fortran to improve the speed.

    • I have ported NOCtide.m and will add it here when I get a chance.

8. Acknowledgements

Radon Rosborough helped me with my python questions. Joakim Strandberg provided python RINEX translators, and Johannes Boehm provided source code for the refraction correction.

Kristine M. Larson

This documentation was updated on September 28, 2021.

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