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using MLStyle

@data Shape begin # Define an algebraic data type Shape

# Determine who wins a game of rock paper scissors with pattern matching
play(a::Shape, b::Shape) = @match (a, b) begin
    (Paper,    Rock)      => "Paper Wins!";
    (Rock,     Scissors)  => "Rock Wins!";
    (Scissors, Paper)     => "Scissors Wins!";
    (a, b)                => a == b ? "Tie!" : play(b, a)

P.S: When preferring Base.@enum than MLStyle.@data, you need this to pattern match on Julia Base.@enum.






Data Types


Extracting Struct Definitions




An Example from Match.jl Documentation



Thanks to all individuals referred in Acknowledgements!

mlstyle.jl's People


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mlstyle.jl's Issues

Pattern matching with substrings

First off thanks for the package it works great. I'm not sure if this is and bug or the intended semantics (if so feel free to close) but when pattern matching on a String type the following works fine

x = ["a","b","c"]

@match x begin
    ["a", z, "c"] => :okay
    _ => :nomatch

But the same pattern fails on a SubString

y = split("a b c")

@match y begin
    ["a", z, "c"] => :okay
    _ => :nomatch

Expr template pattern?

In MacroTools there is @capture that accept an expression template and match the template. Here is a simple proposal to support expression pattern matching:

@match expr begin
    name_::Int => "this is a type annotation"
    f_{x_}(vars__) => "this is a function accepts one type parameter"
    # etc...

The template syntax will just follow @capture, _ means a variable, __ means a list.

Or in Match.jl, there is

@match expr begin
       Expr(:(::), [name, typename]) => (name, typename)
       _ => "failed"

This fails in MLStyle

Split non-primitive pattern implementations into a dedicated directory

As the proliferation of forthcoming new patterns, hold them with a single file StandPatterns.jl is becoming lack of maintenance and readability.

Just as a feasible solution, I'm thinking about to split them this way:

  • MLStyle.jl
    • src
      • StandardPatterns
        • ActivePatterns.jl
        • ForPatterns.jl
        • ...
      • Internal
      • Modules

Referential transparency

This is not specific to MLStyle, but if you have time I hope you might be able to help. There's a sort of "design pattern" I see you using that I'd like to better understand.

Macros interpret their arguments as expressions, so @foo x will try to do manipulations on the x as a symbol, ignoring any value x is bound to.

For things like match, you somehow pass an expression, and any non-expression gets looked up in the current local context. This seems to me a much better use of macros (or at least better suited to my use case).

I'd love to see a minimal example of this approach. I've looked at the source code for match, but I'm not sure which parts are essential to making things work this way.

Error with @def

julia> @def ff begin
       x => x+1
       (:reset, x) => x
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching pattern_match(::QuoteNode, ::Nothing, ::Expr, ::Module)
Closest candidates are:
  pattern_match(::Expr, ::Any, ::Any, ::Module) at /home/tj/.julia/packages/MLStyle/1KA9W/src/Match.jl:264
  pattern_match(::Number, ::Any, ::Any, ::Module) at /home/tj/.julia/packages/MLStyle/1KA9W/src/MatchExt.jl:24
  pattern_match(::AbstractString, ::Any, ::Any, ::Module) at /home/tj/.julia/packages/MLStyle/1KA9W/src/MatchExt.jl:31

Error message for non-exhaustive patterns

Below might be a common problem with people new to pattern matching (or rusty with it like me, apparently). It would be really nice to have a clear error message that the problem here is with a non-exhaustive pattern match :)

julia> @match :(sin(x)) quote
           :($f($(args...))) => args
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching length(::Nothing)
Closest candidates are:
  length(::Core.SimpleVector) at essentials.jl:561
  length(::Base.MethodList) at reflection.jl:801
  length(::Core.MethodTable) at reflection.jl:875
 [1] _similar_for(::UnitRange{Int64}, ::Type{Any}, ::Nothing, ::Base.HasLength) at ./array.jl:517
 [2] _collect(::UnitRange{Int64}, ::Nothing, ::Base.HasEltype, ::Base.HasLength) at ./array.jl:550
 [3] collect(::Nothing) at ./array.jl:544
 [4] (::getfield(MLStyle.MatchCore, Symbol("##50#52")){Expr,Symbol,Module})(::LineNumberNode) at /home/chad/.julia/packages/MLStyle/ksIXg/src/MatchCore.jl:249
 [5] (::getfield(MLStyle.Toolz, Symbol("##1#2")){getfield(MLStyle.MatchCore, Symbol("##50#52")){Expr,Symbol,Module}})(::MLStyle.MatchCore.config) at /home/chad/.julia/packages/MLStyle/ksIXg/src/Internal/Toolz.jl:25
 [6] $(::getfield(MLStyle.Toolz, Symbol("##1#2")){getfield(MLStyle.MatchCore, Symbol("##50#52")){Expr,Symbol,Module}}, ::MLStyle.MatchCore.config) at /home/chad/.julia/packages/MLStyle/ksIXg/src/Internal/Toolz.jl:8
 [7] (::getfield(MLStyle.Toolz, Symbol("##1#2")){getfield(MLStyle.MatchCore, Symbol("##48#49")){Expr,Module}})(::MLStyle.MatchCore.config) at /home/chad/.julia/packages/MLStyle/ksIXg/src/Internal/Toolz.jl:25
 [8] $(::getfield(MLStyle.Toolz, Symbol("##1#2")){getfield(MLStyle.MatchCore, Symbol("##48#49")){Expr,Module}}, ::MLStyle.MatchCore.config) at /home/chad/.julia/packages/MLStyle/ksIXg/src/Internal/Toolz.jl:8
 [9] gen_match(::Expr, ::Expr, ::Module) at /home/chad/.julia/packages/MLStyle/ksIXg/src/MatchCore.jl:220
 [10] @match(::LineNumberNode, ::Module, ::Any, ::Any) at /home/chad/.julia/packages/MLStyle/ksIXg/src/MatchCore.jl:238
in expression starting at REPL[62]:1

macro capture

To make use of the fast speed of this package, a capture macro like MacroTools would be preferred. And instead of underscore, we could use current match's expr template style.

Extensions to support both view patterns and capturing via capitalized symbols

module M1
using MLStyle
@use Enum 
@active IsEven(x) begin
    x % 2 === 0
@match 4 begin
    IsEven => :ok
end # :ok  

module M2
using MLStyle
@use CapitalizedCapturing
@match 2 begin
   IsEven => IsEven + 1
end # 3

And these 2 extensions cannot be enabled in the same module:

module M3
using MLStyle
@use CapitalizedCapturing
@use Enum
ERROR: "Cannot use extensions `CapitalizedCapturing` and `Enum` simultaneously."

Error with pattern match guards

julia> using MLStyle
[ Info: Precompiling MLStyle [816b5f4a-9e2c-11e8-0bf8-3d61c8eadc99]

julia>         capture_match(x) = @match x begin
                           x{x > 0} => x + 1
                           x{x < 0} => x - 1
                          _ => 0
capture_match (generic function with 1 method)

julia> capture_match(3)
ERROR: UndefVarError: ret not defined
 [1] macro expansion at /mnt/d/workspace/github/MLStyle.jl/src/Match.jl:113 [inlined]
 [2] macro expansion at ./REPL[5]:2 [inlined]
 [3] macro expansion at /mnt/d/workspace/github/MLStyle.jl/src/Match.jl:179 [inlined]
 [4] capture_match(::Int64) at ./REPL[5]:1
 [5] top-level scope at none:0

Currently several test errors like above are skipped(there are 5 test cases are broken as you can see in the test result). You may change @test_skip into @test in the match.jl file after the error get fixed.

Test Summary: | Pass  Broken  Total
match         |   19       5     24
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
pattern       |    1      1
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
adt           |    3      3
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
@case         |    3      3
   Testing MLStyle tests passed 

@matchast wildcard matching might cause misunderstanding

In @matchast, the wildcard in first layer of quotation is not the true wildcard, it is gonna matching a symbol :_.

@matchast :(1 + 1) begin
    _ => 1
end # raise exception

You can use wildcard in @matchast via $_.

@matchast :(1 + 1) begin
    $_ => 1
end # => 1

Data.* design

In Data.List:

module List
<define abstract type List!>
<define ADT of List>

Just as the implementation of List, when implementing other data structures, use this template:

module <Name of Data>
<define abstract type Name!>
<define ADT of Data>

Array pattern performance issues

function check_generic_array(body)

Current one makes a trade-off for the performance of expr template patterns and normal array patterns.

Following one could be faster when it comes to normal array destructing.

 function check_generic_array(body)
            @format [Array, SubArray, UnitRange, Tuple, Int] quote

                @inline __L__ function NAME(TARGET :: Array{T, 1}) where {T}

              @inline __L__ function NAME(TARGET :: SubArray{T, 1, Array{T, 1}, Tuple{UnitRange{Int}}, true}) where {T}

                @inline __L__ function NAME(_)



Folding over an AST

I'd like to be able to do some simple fold operations over an AST. Here's my attempt:

julia> function fold(ast, leaf, branch) 
           function go(ast)
               @match ast begin
                   :(Expr(:call, $f, $args...)) => branch(f, map(go, args))
                   x                            => leaf(x)
           return go(ast)
fold (generic function with 1 method)

julia> fold(ast, x -> :(f($x)), function(f,args) :($f($args...)) end)
:(f(2 * (4x - 1) + 7))

I would expect the first pattern to match, but it doesn't.

Beyond this, there are some general things I don't understand:

  • when to use @match vs @matchast
  • when do patterns need to be quoted (:(Expr(:call, $f, $args...)) above, though seem to indicate unquoted should work
  • why/how does @match ast ... do anything at all? I would expect it to require $ast

I'd greatly appreciate any help or suggestions! :)

Add Documenter badge

I've just set up the support for Documenter.jl. You'll need to manualy add ssh keys following the instructions here

match dot expression

JuliaLang/julia#6104 (comment)

There is a problem that QuoteNode would be automatically evaluated, so when source ast contains QuoteNode, pattern matching compilation generates the same QuoteNode and inserts it into the generated ast. The QuoteNode generated by pattern compilation would then be auto evaluated and finally we got a a != QuoteNode(a), in another words, matching fails.

To solve this problem we introduce a QuotePattern to avoid auto evaluation of QuoteNode generated by patterns.

Following the knowledge given by the the first referenced issue, this technically works.

`if let` support

Just like that in Rust.

if let (a, b) = data {
    # do something if the case is matched.

perspective syntax proposals:

@when (a, b) = data begin
    # do something if the case is matched.
# or 
@if_let (a, b) = data begin
   # do something if the case is matched.

feel free to make a supplementary.

julia-flavored guards

We've tried refinement-type-like syntax, where suffix, and now it's the turn of if <cond> end syntax.

@match value begin
    <capture> && if <cond using captured> end => ...

I think it much more Julian than the previous alternatives, @Roger-luo any arguments? I'm planning to release the new version with fast expression template matching(the AST patterns).

use = instead of in for the as-pattern?

It might make sense to use = or := for the as-pattern instead of in. I mean, this is essentially assignment inside a pattern, right? Could look like eg:

@match (1, 2) begin
    c := (a, b) => c[1] == a && c[2] == b

Feature Proposal

The @def macro in the Incoming Features is very interesting:

@def f {
   ((a, b), true)   => <body1>
   (nothing, false) => <body2>

   _                => <body3>

I'm wondering if you can also support state sharing between different method implementations? Like bellow:

@def f {
    let x = 1
       ((a, b), true)   => <body1>
       (nothing, false) => <body2>

       _                => <body3>


rm Manifest

just add it to .gitignore this is not necessary , but you can keep it if you want anyway...

about benchmark

I've already made a comparison between MacroTools.jl and MLStyle.jl, and the latter seems to be 3 times faster in dev branch with 1/5 space cost and 5 times faster in pattern-to-inline-function branch with 1/5 space cost(a bit less than dev).

The test snippet(check "benchmark.jl" in the root directory) I used comes from the README document of MacroTools.jl, and the gap could be much larger when the case becomes more complex.

I'm planning to make a thorough benchmark experiment to give a rational evaluation about the performance gain of MLStyle.jl.

else branch of @when

Currently @when can only handle with a single branch with multiple destructuring, but can do nothing to the scenarios an else is needed. It turns out @when is not an equivalent of if-let in Rust.

The enhancement should be performed as soon as possible, but the obstacle is the syntax design.
I don't have an idea about how to make an elegant and concise one as if-let equivalent.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Use `UnitRange` instead of `..`

For ranged pattern

@match num begin
    1..10  in x => "$x in [1, 10]"
    11..20 in x => "$x in [11, 20]"
    21..30 in x => "$x in [21, 30]"

does not looks Julian, use x in 1:10 instead?

Active patterns for conveninently making custom patterns

Although one can define her/his custom patterns without much efforts, some impl details could be exposed from this behavior, which might not be that good. The further optimizations might change some concrete infrastructures so we should export a more stable way to define custom patterns.

An Active pattern in F# is super useful and deserved to be referenced here.

The implementation is trivial, and the key is about becoming more Julian.

I'd present some prospective syntaxes here about active patterns:

@active (Nomral || Singleton) function (x)
    if x > 10

@match 10 begin
    Normal(_)   => true
    Singleton   => false

# regex pattern could be implemented through following one
@active Parametric(v) function(x)
      if x > 0 
         return x / v

@match 15 begin
    Parametric(5)(x) => @assert x === 3
    _ => ...

lambda case in v0.2

map((  C(s) => s), [C(s)])

map(( begin
   1 => 2
   2 => 3
   4 => 1
   3 => 2
   _ => 0
end), [1, 2, 3, 4])

An introduction of For patterns

After considering for extremely a long time, now I think there is a useful case of patterns look like set comprehension.

d = [(i, i + 1) for i = 1:5]
@match d begin
   [(i, i + 1) for i in seq] => seq
end # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Which is to say, (i, i + 1) matches the element of d, thus we can do a reversed comprehension, where for i in seq produces a [i for (i, i+1) in d].

As a result,

d = [(i, i + 1) for i = 1:5]
@match d begin
   [i for i in seq] => seq
end # [(1, 1 + 1), (2, 2+1), (3, 3+1), (4, 4+1), (5, 5+1)]

You might think it a bit useless, however,

x :: Vector{Tuple{String, Term}}
eval_term :: Term => Expr

@active Eval(x) begin

@match x begin
   [(a, Eval(b)) for (a, b) in seq] => seq
end # typed Vector{Tuple{String, Expr}}


Literal functions don't @match as expected


Today I was trying to match a "literal function" (like x -> f(x)), and getting some strange results:

julia> @match :(a -> a+1) begin
           :($a -> $b) => "ok"
           x           => "nope"

Is this a bug? Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong.

Allow destructuring normal structs

While Match.jl provides such functionalities, in order to support users' redefinition of the way to destructure a struct, we disabled the default way to destructure normal structs like:

struct A

@match A(1, 2) begin
    A(1, 2) => ...

I have an idea to solve this: register the structs to somewhere which marks all the structs that can be destructured.

struct A

@default_pattern A
@match A(1, 2) begin
    A(1, 2) => ...

Introduce a syntax extension system

@ext.+ [ext.pattern_matching(case)] begin
    case(value) do
           (a, b) => a + b
           (a, b, c) => a + b + c
           _ => 0

@ext.define my_common_extensions [ext.pattern_matching(case)]
@ext.+ [my_common_extensions] module Mod
     case(value) do
     @ext.- [my_common_extensions] begin
          case(f, a) = f(a)
          case(1) do x
                x => 1
          end # produces `1 => 1`

Directly matching macrocall expressions

Now, as the line number node contained in macrocall expressions

julia> dump(:(@f 1))
  head: Symbol macrocall
  args: Array{Any}((3,))
    1: Symbol @f
    2: LineNumberNode
      line: Int64 1
      file: Symbol REPL[1]
    3: Int64 1

We cannot use

@match :(@f 1) begin
   :(@f 1) => :okay

However, we can instead use

@match :(@f 1) begin
   :(@f $(::LineNumberNode) 1) => :okay

This should be a tip put in docs.

Optional ast match ?

@thautwarm Sorry that's more a basic question than an issue. I'm playing a bit with the package and it looks super interesting. I'm trying to change the ast match example from the doc to include where statements and return type annotation:

ast = quote
    function f(a::Int, b::Float16, d::T)::Int128 where {T}
      let d = a + b + c, e = x -> 2x + d

@match ast begin
        function $funcname($(args...))::$(out) where {$(cov)}
    end =>
         Dict(:funcname => funcname,
              :args     => args,
              :out      => out,
              :cov      => cov,

Is it possible to say that the where {$(cov)} for example is optional ? Or do I need to make patterns for each subcases ?


The symbol nothing is regarded as capturing

@match 1 begin
  nothing => 1
end # => 1

The reason for this is, a symbol named nothing is binded instead of comparing with the literal nothing. I used to think all symbols named nothing should be parsed into nothing literals.
That's an unexpected bug. Should be patched as soon as possible.

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